Acquaintance Party Draft

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UERMMMCI Christian Organization

AGAPE Nursing

Plan for Acquaintance Party (Draft only)

Event title:
When: June 26, 2010 (Saturday)
5:00-7:00 pm
Where: Room _____ (TBA)

All freshmen and new members who signed up

1. To make them feel that they are truly welcomed and appreciated.
2. To make known to them the vision-mission of Agape nursing.
3. To start building a healthy relationship with everyone.
4. To make this party a God-centered event for Him and through Him.

What do we need??

1. Announcement/Promotion
-Poster (bulletin board)
-Text pass to all year level
-Social networks (facebook, multiply, tumblr, etc)
-Room to room/ class to class announcement
*check schedule of all year level
-Personal invitation

2. Room reservation (asap)

-Request letter signed by Sir Maq
*big room near the stairs probably with available LCD

3. Materials needed:
- 250 pcs freshmen kit/gift pack (consists of bible, etc…) [provided by glenys doria]
-registration table
-registration sheets
-laptop and LCD
-mic, speakers, extension cord
-camera for documentation (memories:) )

4. Simple video clip (max 3 mins)

Director: ??
-we need camera (digicam is okay)
-PEOPLE (yung artistahin haha. kidding)

5. Food
-chips, biscuits, juice, etc….
Program Flow

Registration starts at 5:00 pm (distribution of freshmen kit)

5:30 Praise and Worship (at least 2 songs) and opening prayer
6:00 Video clip; Opening remarks; Introduction of Agape officers
6:15 FUN GAMES with prizes (getting to know each other); picture taking :)
6:45 Closing remarks (short message) and closing prayer

*Better if we can start earlier.


YOU??? YES! YOU!! :) :) :)

1. Announcement and materials- Wendy, Lora
*poster- April

2. Room reservation- MJ

3. Video - ??? (We need director and people. Yung mag-eedit okay na, meron na)

4. Food- ??? (MJ )

5. Praise and Worship team- ??? (Serve God thru your talent )

6. Opening Remarks/prayer

8. Event facilitator/emcee- (yung bibo kid )

9. Games- ??? (for the prizes, I still have the bookmarks and stickers. We can use
*very fun and SNS-stimulating games ah. Para di boring. 

10. Closing remarks/prayer- Sir Maq

11. Welcoming team

1. Tech com
2. Praise and Worship team
3. Logistics com
4. Facilitating com

President: April Cabato
Vice President/Agape Med Coordinator: Marijune Tiamzon
Secretary: Lora Bergonio
PIO: Wendy Edrada
Campus Ministry Coordinator: Glenys Doria
OFFICIAL NUMBER OF AGAPE: 0916-243-2827 (save it!!)


(Given January 29, 2010)

“I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never
before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how
awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you. Obey what I command you
Exodus 34: 10-11 (emphasis

(Given March 10, 2010)

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back.
Lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right
and to the left.”
Isaiah 54: 2-3 (emphasis mine)

Do you believe God can fulfill these promises?

If you do, believe that He can also use you. Not because of
who you are or what you can do, but because of who God is
and what He can do through you.
Instead of thinking that this ministry is a hard thing to do, think that it is a GREAT
thing we can do for God’s glory. 

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