Some Regular Verb

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Verb- meaning-.

past- past participle

To stand soportar stood stood
To come up surgir came up come up
To wake despertar woke woke
To be ser / estar was been
To stand aguantar stood stood
To beat golpear beat beaten
To become llegar a ser became become
To happen ocurrir happened happened
To procreate procrear procreated procreated
To begin empezar began begun
To notice observar noticed noticed
To bend doblar bent bent
To grieve estar afligido grieved grieved
To keep asking preguntar con
kept asking kept asking
To bet apostar betted / bet betted / bet
To bid ordenar bade bidden
To bid pujar bid bid
To bind atar bound bound
To bite morder bit bitten
To bleed sangrar bled bled
To blow soplar blew blown
To break romper broke broken
To breed engendrar bred bred
To bring traer brought brought
To broadcast retransmitir broadcast broadcast
To build construir built built
To burn quemar burned / burnt burned / burnt
To burst explotar burst burst
To buy comprar bought bought

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