Day 02.10

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Geography Agenda

Day 2
0:00-0:01 Attendance
0:01-0:15 Finish survey (if necessary) & respond to questions
0:15-0:17 hand out and explain activity
0:17-0:22 delineate your world
0:22-0:25 talk about your world
0:25-1:15 Diagnostic test
Hand out Textbooks
Write name in book with ink
1:15-1:20 Record book numbers
1:20-1:30 Read and note Section 1 of Chapter one pp. 33-38.
Define vocabulary (all red words) including:
 5 Themes
 Physical/Natural Characteristics
 Human/Cultural Characteristics
 Physical/Natural Region
 Human/Cultural Region
Add to list of vocabulary:
 Meridians; parallels
 Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer
 Great Circle (to be defined in class)
Assignment: Section 1 of Chapter 1, pp.33-38. Define
vocabulary and take notes

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