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WEEK 3 :

1.Mohd Azam bin Abd. Aziz,
2.Mohd Saifuddin bin Ahmad Khalil,
3.Asyraff Nazreen Haikal bin Zulkifli.
4.Wan Muhammad Shukri bin Wan Ahmad,
Important facts that you must
Level 1 Level 11
1-3 4-6
Structured to 2 Structured to 5
a.Learning about living a.Investigating Living things,
things, b.Investigating force and
b.Learning about the energy,
world around us. c.Investigating materials,
d.Investigating the earth and
the universe,
e.Investigating technology.
Special Terms…
1. Science Process Skill (SPS):
Promote thinking critically, creative, analytically, and in
systematically manner. This will ensure pupil’s ability to
think effectively. There are 12 skills…
II. Manipulative Skills:
“PSYCHOMOTOR” skills used in investigations
◦ Use and handle scientific equipment and substances,
◦ Store and clean scientific equipment proper with safely,
◦ Handle specimen carefully,
◦ Observe, record and measure accurately.
Learning outcomes:
Objective: •Integrate the gain of
•Stimulate curiosity, love
and care for the •Mastering thinking Stress:
environment, •Scientific skill, to
skill,scientific skills,
•Develop interest and
scientific attitudes and noble investigate and
creativity about world
values understand nature,
around them,
•Provide with basic science finding answers to
knowledge and concept, problem and make
and decision.
•Provide opportunities to • SPS, and
develop SPS and thinking • Manipulative
skills, skill
•Provide learning
opportunities to apply
knowledge and skills for Content organization:
problem solving and •Themes
decision, Consists of various learning area
•Encourage appreciation •Learning Areas
of science contribution. Has one or more L.O based on
theme and learning area.
Thinking skills
Critical Creative
Attributing Genarating ideas
Comparing and contrasting Relating
Grouping and classifying Making inferences
Sequenzing Predicting
Priotizing Hypothesis
Analysing Visualizing
Making conclusions Making analogies
Science Process Skills (SPS)
Basic Integrated
Observing Interpreting data

Classifying Defining operationally

Measuring and using numbers Controlling variables

Inferring Hypothesizing

Predicting Experimenting


Using space/ time relationship

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