CMCC LinuxCourse

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School of Mobile Computing & Communication, Jadavpur University announces

courses on Linux

SL. No. Name Duration Timings Fees*** Eligibility

1 Linux Basics 3 weeks 2:30 pm Rs. 3000/- 1. Graduate/Under Graduate
3Days/Week to (Three thousand (Sc. Background preferred.)
3 Hrs./Day 5:30 pm only) 2. Basic Knowledge of
2 Linux 6 weeks 2:30 pm Rs. 6000/- 1. Graduate/Under Graduate
Administration 3Days/Week to (Six thousand (Sc. Background preferred.)
3 Hrs./Day 5:30 pm only) 2. Knowledge of Linux
Basics Course

Starting on: Course 01. 01/02/2010

Course 02. 01/02/2010

Venue: School of Mobile Computing & Communication, Mobile Computing Building,

Jadavpur University, Salt Lake Campus, Block LB, Plot 8, Sec. III, Kolkata
700098, Tel -Fax 033-23356122

No. of Seats: Ten (10)/ Batch – Admission on First come First Served basis.

Certificate: Certificate will be given to successful candidates by School of Mobile

Computing & Communication, Jadavpur University.

Payment should be made by Bank Draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of
“The Registrar, Jadavpur University”, payable at Kolkata.

*** A discount of 30% will be allowed to J.U Full-Time regular students.

Date of submission:
Duly filled in application (form enclosed) along with the following documents should be
submitted at the following address.

1. Attested photo copies of Mark sheets & Certificates of qualifying examination.
(Originals to be shown at the time of submission of the application.)

Address for submission:

School of Mobile Computing & Communication
Mobile Computing Building, Jadavpur University, Salt Lake Campus
Block LB, Plot 8, Sec. III, Kolkata 700098, Tel - 033-23356122

Linux Basics
1. Linux Ideas and History
An Introduction to Linux and Open Source: what are the central ideas behind the Linux
phenomenon and where do they come from?
2. Linux Usage Basics
Logging into the system, changing users and editing text files.
3. Running Commands and Getting Help
How to use built-in and online documentation to enhance your experience.
4. Browsing the File system
Understanding the locations of important directories on a Linux system and navigating them
from the command line and using the graphical browser.
5. Users, Group and Permissions
Reading and setting permissions on files and directories.
6. Using the bash Shell
Basic tips and tricks to make a default shell work for you. Topics include tab completion,
history and an introduction to shell scripting.
7. Standard I/O Pipes
The ins-and-outs of redirecting output between programs and files.
8. Text Processing Tools
An introduction to some of the most useful text-processing utilities in Linux, including grep, cut,
sed, sort, diff and patch.
9. vim: An Advance Text Editor
How to get the most out of the powerful and flexible vim text editor.
10. Configuring the Bash Shell
A discussion of using shell variables and scripts to customize the command-line environment.
11. Investigating and Managing Processes
Listing, terminating and scheduling program executions on a Linux system.
12. Finding and Processing Files
In-depth coverage of using the find command and related utilities to locate and act upon files
based on arbitrary criteria .
13. Basic System Configuration Tools
Using graphical and text-based configuration tools to manage networking, printing and
date/time settings.
14. Network Clients
An overview of network tools available in Linux, from web browsers to email clients and
diagnostic utilities.
15. Advance Topics in Users, Groups and Permissions
A deeper discussion of how user and group identities are stored on a Linux system, as well as
the introduction of advanced filesystem permissions like SetUID and SetGID.
16. The Linux file system in depth
The nuts-and-bolts of how Linux deals with filesystems. Topics include partitions, inodes,
linking and archiving tools.
17. Essential System Administration Tools
An introduction to fundamental system administration topics such as installing a desktop version
& a Server version Linux, managing software packages, and enhancing security with SELinux
and the netfilter firewall.
Linux Administration
1 System Initialization
Objectives, Boot Sequence Overview, Boot Loader Components, GRUB and grub.conf, Starting the
Boot Process: System run levels, Controlling Services

2 Package Management
RPM Package Manager, Installing and Removing Software, Updating a Kernel RPM, rpm Queries
rpm Verification, About yum, Using yum, Searching packages/files, Configuring Additional
Repositories, Creating a private repository.

3 Kernel Services
Objectives, The Linux Kernel, Kernel Images and Variants, Kernel Modules, Managing the initrd
Image, Accessing Drivers Through /dev,

4 System Services
Network Time Protocol, System Logging, syslog Configuration, XOrg: The X11 Server,
SSH: Secure Shell, VNC: Virtual Network Computing, cron, Controlling Access to cron

5 User Administration
Adding a New User Account, User Private Groups, Modifying / Deleting User Accounts
Group Administration, Password Aging Policies, Switching Accounts, sudo, Network Users
Authentication Configuration

6 Filesystem Management
Objectives, Overview: Adding New Filesystems to the Filesystem Tree, Device Recognition
Disk Partitioning, Managing Partitions, Making Filesystems, Filesystem Labels, tune2fs
Mount Points and /etc/fstab, Handling Swap Files and Partitions, Mounting NFS Filesystems

7 Advanced Filesystem Management

Configuring the Quota System, Setting Quotas for Users, Reporting Quota Status
What is Software RAID?, Software RAID Configuration, Software RAID Testing and Recovery
What is Logical Volume Manager (LVM)?, Creating Logical Volumes,Logical Volume Manager
Snapshots, Archiving tools: tar, dump/restore, rsync.

8 Network Configuration
Objectives, Network Inferfaces, Driver Selection, Speed and Duplex Settings, IPv4 Addresses
Dynamic IPv4 Configuration, Static IPv4 Configuration, Device Aliases, Routing Table
Configuring Routes, Verify IP Connectivity, Remote Resolvers, Verify DNS Connectivity, Network
Configuration Utilities, Implementing IPv6

9 Installation
First Stage: Starting the Installation, Boot Media, Accessing the Installer, Installation Method
Network Installation Server, Second Stage: Installation Overview, Configuring File Systems
Advanced Partitioning, Package Selection, First Boot: Post-Install Configuration, Kickstart
Starting a Kickstart Installation, Anatomy of a Kickstart File, Kickstart: Commands Section
Kickstart: Commands section, Kickstart: Packages Section, Kickstart: %pre, %post

10 Virtualization with Xen

Virtualization with Xen, Hardware Considerations, Preparing Domain-0, Virtual Resources
Domain-U Configuration, Installing a new Domain-U, Domain Management with xm
Activating Domains on boot
School of Mobile Computing & Communication
Jadavpur University
CMCC Building, Salt Lake Campus, Block-LB, Plot-8
Sector-3, Kolkata 700098, INDIA
Tele-fax: 033-2335-6122

Application Form

Course applied for 01. Linux Basics 02. Linux Administration

(in BLOCK letters) Affix self attested
Father's Name recent passport-size
colour photo.

Date Of Birth____________ Sex___

Phone Mobile E-mail

Educational Qualification
Examination Board / Universities Year of Passing % Scored

Payment Details
Draft No. Dated Drawee Bank Branch Amount (Rs.)

Date: Signature of the Applicant

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