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Art I Parent/Student Information

Student Name: _____________________________________________ Pd ______

STUDENT, Tell me about yourself:
My favorite ___________________________ is ________________________________

__________________________________makes me laugh

__________________________________makes me cry

I am afraid of __________________________________

I am in this class because:


Parent Guardian Name: ______________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________

City: ______________________________________________Zip_____________

Home Phone______________________________________________

Work Phone______________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________

Parent Guardian Name: ______________________________________________

Work Phone______________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________

I have read and understand the attached expectations and requirements of this course. I
understand that excessive absences, lateness, poor participation, and missed assignments
will have an adverse effect on my grade and may prevent me from getting credit in this

The information above is accurate. It will be used to contact you in the event that your
student fails to meet these expectations.

_____________________________ ______________________________
Student signature Parent/Guardian signature

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