Flash Report 26 August20

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Flash Report

FRANKLIN COUNTY EOC: Current Level 3; No New Update.

?c All county beaches and water activities have no restrictions.

?c Oompleting Beach survey and verification clean up has been completed by responsible party to the satisfaction of
Franklin Oounty. Beach survey is scheduled for completion on August 20, 2010.
?c All boom has been removed from Franklin Oounty waters. Anchor removal continues in order to close operations
at Branch 4 as soon as possible.
?c îo wildlife impacts reported.
?c mar Ball reports continue for all of îorthwest Florida. All products recovered have been sampled for testing and
verification if they are a result of Deepwater Horizon Incident.
?c mar balls were discovered on St George Island and sampled no reports available yet.
?c Boom cleaning continues at Branch 4 for future storage and redeployment if needed. All boom will be
warehoused in mallahassee, Florida.

àTATE of FLORIDA EOC: Current Level 2.

?c Governor¶s Executive Orders remain in effect for Deepwater Horizon.

?c SEOO continues conference call schedule for all affected counties.
?c All information and reporting phone lines are still up and operational.
?c · Florida îational Guard personnel are supporting operations.
?c As of today 30,351 volunteer hours have been logged.
?c mhere are 9 primary decontamination sites and 2 secondary sites for response vessels and 2 are being operated for
commercial vessels. 18 additional recreational vessel sites are being negotiated by BP.

pritish Petroleum Information:

?c motal claim funds approved: $·9,304,·21. 8

àmall pusiness Administration Loan Applications:

?c motal funds approved and disbursed: $5,5·9,400.00

Current weather issues:

?c Disorganized mhere are two tropical waves under observation:

„c system over Yucatan Peninsula. 10 percent of mropical Oyclone formation.
„c System west of the African Ooast, 40 percent chance of formation into a mropical Oyclone
during next 48 hours.

c c c 
cccc c 

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