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To analyse, if there is any correlation exists with the satisfication and the stress/pressure in

the job of the respondents.

Respondent’s opinion Always Often/ Sometimes/ Never/
/Strongly Agree Disagree Srongly
agree Disagree
Finding the employees 10 20 60 10
work is streesful/more
pressure (x)
Satisifaction level about 75 20 5 -
employees job (y)

Let x denotes Finding the employees work is streesful/more pressure

Let y denotes employees job
Satisifaction level about employees job

X Y X2 Y2 XY
10 75 100 5625 750
20 20 400 400 400
60 5 3600 25 300
10 - 100 - -
X=100 Y=100 X2=4200 Y2=6050 XY=1450

N= 4
Correlation co-efficient (r) = NΣ XY-Σ XΣ Y/√NΣ X2-(Σ X)2 √NΣ Y2-(Σ Y)2
= 4x1450-100x100/ √4x4200-(100)2 √4x6050-(100)2
= 5800-10000/ √15800 x √23200
= 4800/ 125.698x152.315
= 4800/19145.691
r = + (0.2507)

The correlation co-efficient (r) is highly positive, so it can be interpretated
that the satisfication and the stress/pressure in the job is are highly correlated.

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