STPM 2009

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4 The first to fourth ionisation enersiesof four elementsare as follows:

Ioni sation energykJ mol 1

First Second Third Fourth
P 577 1820 2740 11600
o 418 3070 4600 5860
n 136 t450 1140 10500
,s 494 4560 6940 9540

Which statementabout P, Q, R urd S is true?

A Q is more electronegative than S.
B Melting point of S is higher than that of R.
C Enthalpy of vapourisation of Q is higher than that of R.
D Oxide Q is more basic than oxide P.

5 A compoundX with a high melting point dissolvesin water and conductselectricity in molten state.
Compound X most probably could be
A potassium carbonate C aluminium chloride
B magnesium oxide D strontium sulphate

6 Polyatomic molecules and ions have varied geometries.Which speciesand geometry correspond
Species Geometry
A NH; Linear
B HrO* Trigonal planar
C SiCl4 Squareplanar
D IC13 T-shaped

7 Basedon the band theory, the conductivity of metal is due to delocalisedelecffonsin the conduction
band. How many elecffons are found in the conduction band of a 10.0 g magnesium metal strip?
fRelative atomic mass of Mg is 24.O;Avogadro constantis 6.02 X 1023mol-1.]
A 2.5r x 1023 C 2.5I X 1024
B 5.02 X 1023 D 3.01 x 1024

8 The rate equation for the reaction betweenX and I is as follows:

Rate= ktxlln,
When 0.20 mol gas Xand 0.10 mol gas I are mixed in a 2.0 dm3 vessel at 300 'C, the initial rate
is 3.2 X 10r mol dm 3 s-1.Which statementis true of the reaction?
A The rate of reaction is eight times lower in a 4.0 dm3vessel.
B The numerical value of t is 0.16 at 300 'C.
C The rate-determining step is bimolecular.
D The unit of k is dm3 mol-r s-1.

9 Hydrogen peroxide and iodide ion react in the presenceof hydrogen ion to produce iodine and
water according to the equation

HrO., + 2I- + 2H. * 2HrO + Ir.

The rate equation for this reaction can be represented by

rate = kfHzO,l,[ ]n[H*]'.

In the kinetic experiment of the reaction above, the following graphs are obtained.

HAPERI Time:I hr 45 min
Section A

Four suggestedanswers labelled A, B, C and D are given for each question in this section. Choose
one correct answer.

1 An element X with the electronic configuration of ls22s22p63s23p64s23dto4p1

exists as isotopes 'X
and aY which have 38 and 40 neutrons respectively.What is the percentageabundanceof *X?
[Relativeatomic massof X is 69.7.]
A 35.0 c 54.5
B 45.5 D 65.0

2 A phasediagramof wateris shownbelow.


273.16 Temperature/K

What can be deducedfrom the phasediagram?

A An increasein pressurewill decreasethe freezing point of water.
B An increasein pressurewill decreasethe boiling point of water.
C Ice sublimes at a pressurehigher than 611 Pa.
D Water exists as liquid at a pressureof 611 Pa and a temperatureof 298 K.

Transition of electrons between energy levels in an atom will cause an absorption or emission
of light. Which energy level diagram shows the transition of electrons that emits light with'the
A B t- TI

h- R a- E F
_n=4 __n=4
- - ^- A

___n=3 --T-- n=4

:_[ n= 2 n=2
o o
6 6 o 6
g q c c
uJ IJJ ul uJ

_ = "n = 1 - n= l

59O Actual 2009 STPM Chemistry ExaminationPaper


--- --\
-----.--.=- r-

5000 7500
I rme/s

What is the order of the reaction with respectto H,O,, I- and H*?
H^O^ r H-
A b- | 2
81 10
cl 12
D 2 t0
10 A mixture of 0.60 mol of carboxylic acid X,0.50 mol of alcohol Y,0.60 mol of esterZ and 0.40
mol of water of total volume V dm3is refluxed in the presenceof hydrochloric acid. At equilibrium,
only 0.40 mol of X remains. What is the numerical value of K" for the reaction
X(aq) + I(aq) Z(aq) + H"O(l)?
A 0.25 - B 4.0 c 6.7 D 40.0
11 An equilibrium system is subjectedto the following changesseparately:
(i) Decreasingpressureat a constanttemperature
(ii) Increasing temperatureat a constantpressure
The equilibrium system whose reaction product will increase in quantity when subjected to the
A' 2SOr(s)+ O,(B)+ 2SO.(S) A11= negative
n N,(e)+ 3H,(s):2NH,(e) A11 = negative
C Hr(s) + I,(B);- 2HI(g) A11- positive
D CaCOr(s);- CaO(s)+ CO'(S) AF1- positive
t2 The equilibrium constantsof two equilibrium systemsare as follows:
(CHr)rNH(aq)+ HrO(l): (CH3)AHr*(ag) + OH-(aq) Ko= 5.4 x 10-4
NHrOH(aq) + HrO(l): NH3OH*(aq)+ OH (aq) Ko=9.1 X 10-e
Which statementabout the speciesin the above reactions is true?
A N{OH* is a strongeracid than (ClI3)rNHr.. C NHrOH is a stronger acid than HrO.
B NHrOH is a stronger base than (CH3)rNH. D (CH3)rNH is a strongerbase than OH .

13 Which pair of solutions will yield a buffer solution with a pH value of about 11 when the solutions
of equal volume and concentrationare mixed toeether?
B CH3COOH and NaOH D C2H'NH2 and CrHrNHr*Cl

14 Lead(II) chromate,PbCrO4,is a yellow pigment. The solubility product of PbCrOoat 25 "C is 2.8 X
10-13mo12dm{. What will happenif a few drops of an aqueoussolution of lead(Il) nitrate is added
to a saturatedsolution of PbCrOo?

592 Actual2009 STPM ChemistryExaminationPaper

A The yellow solid of PbCrO4dissolves.
B The concentration of CrO,2l ions is less than 5'29 x 10r mol dmr'
C The concentration of Pb2*ions equals that of CrOo2-ions'
D The solubility product of PbCrO* exceeds2.8 x 10-13molz dm{'
mixture formed
l5 When an organic compound S goes through steam distillation at 101.0 kPa, the
distillate obtained contains
boils at 9g "C. The vapour pressureof water at 98 'C is 93.9 kPa. The
mass of compound s?
20vo ofcompound s by mass. what is the relative molecular
848 C6O D 84

16 The cell diagram for an electrochemical cell is shown below'

P(s) | Fe'z.(aq),Fe3*(aq) ll Ag.(aq) | lgtO
Which statement
The e.m.f. of the cell is 0.03 V under standard conditions and is 0 V at equilibrium.
about the cell is not true?
A The massof the cathodeincreasesat equilibrium'
B There is no net ffansfer of electrons at equilibrium'
C The equilibrium constant at 25 "C is 3'22 dm3 mol-''
D The e.m.f. of,the cell increaseswhen NaCl is added to Ag*(aq)/Ag(s) half-ce1l.
an aqueous
17 A mass of 2.0 gof silver is deposited when a quantity of electric current passesthrough
of an aluminium
solution of silver nitrate. If the same quantlty of electricity is used in the anodisation
object, what is the maximum increasein the mass of the object?
Ag is 108'0'l
lRllative atomic mass of O is 16.0, Al is 27.0 and
A 0.049g B 0.12g C 0.15g D 0.47g

reduction potentials of
18 One of the alloys used in a dental filling is AgrSn. The standard
respectively. which
Al3.(aq)/Al(s) and snr*(aq)/Ag,Sn(s) half-cells are -t.66 V and -o'05 v
statement is true when u pit"" of comes into contact with the dental
A The -f""u value of the electrochemicalcell createdis +1'61 V'
B The eleitrons flow from the dental filling to aluminium'
C The aluminium metal acts as the cathode'
D The Sn2*ion is Produced.

19 Which compound has the highest lattice energy?

A NarO B NaCl C MgO D MgCl,

of the
20 Which statement best explains why the thermal stability of the carbonates of Group 2 metals
Periodic Table increases going down the group?
A The polarisation power of the metal ion towards the COr2-ion decreases'
B The strength of ionic bond in the metal carbonate increases'
C The radius of the metal ion increases.
D The electronegativity of the metal decreases'
2l Most ores contain zeolite which is a type of aluminosilicate with an empirical
NaAlSi2O6'HrO.Which statementabout the use of zeolite is not true?
A As a catalyst in petroleum refining
B As a superconductor in a microelectronic chip
C As an ion exchangeresin in the softening of water
D As a dehydration agent in the petrochemical industry

)t which tetrachloride can bleach the colour of litmus paper at room temperature?
B GeClo C SnCl, D PbCl4
A SiCl4
kept away from
23 A prism is made of lead glass which contains PbO and SiO2. It should be
A an acidic substancebecausePbO is a base. C heat because PbO is thermally unstable.
B an alkaline substancebecauseSiO, is acidic. D water because PbO and SiO, are soluble'

!{ Ammonia which is used as a fertiliser can be prepared in the laboratory. A 2.00 g of ammomum
chloride reacts with 2.00 g of calcium hydroxide. What is the volume of ammonia gas formed at
room temperature?
[Relative molecular mass of NH"CI is 53.5 and Ca(OH), is 74.0; molar volume of gas at room
temperature is 24 400 cm3.l
L 329 crfi B 456 cm3 C 678 cm3 D 912 crfi

25 X is an element in Group 17 of the Periodic Table. The percentage dissociation of hydrogen halide
HX at 2000 oC is shown in the table below.


Percentage di ssociation 6 X l O_ 5 o.4 4 30

Which statement explains the thermal stability of IIX on descending the group?
A The relative molecular mass increases. C The ionic characterof H-X bond decreases.
B The length of the H-X bond increases. D The intermolecular force increases.

26 Which reagent when added in excess to an aqueous solution containing copper(tr) ions will produce
a dark blue solution as the final product?
A Aqueous ammonia C Aqueous sodium hydroxide
B Aqueous potassium iodide D Aqueous potassiumhexacyanoferrate(Il)

27 Which reaction equation and catalyst conespond correctly?

Reaction equation CatalYst
A 2CO + Or- 2CO, CUO
B C6H6* Cl, CuHrCl + HCI Pt
C nCHr-{H = CH2 - CH2+, Ni
- +CH(CH3)
D CH3-(CHr),-CH = CHz + H, * CH, - (CHr)*1 CH3 TiCl4

28 Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which has the structural formula as follows:

- ll
CH, 9H,
Which functional group is not found in the aspartamemolecule?
A Ester C Carboxyl group
B Amino acid D Carbonylgroup

29 A bromine molecule does not have a dipole moment such as in a hydrogen bromide molecule but
shows the same type of reaction when reacted with ethene. This is so because
A the bromine molecule has a lone pair of electrons.
B the bromine molecule has a higher electron density.
C an induced dipole is formed when the bromine molecule approaches an ethene molecule.
D the Br-Br bond in bromine molecule is weaker than H-Br bond in hydrogen bromide molecule.

30 CH3CHTBTreacts with an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide forming CH3CH2OJI, whereas

= C(CU,), as the
1CH,;,Cnr reactswith an ethanolic solution of potassiumhydroxide forming C4
major product. Which statementis true of the two reactions?
A The reactions occur at room temperature.
B The reactions occur through the formation of carbocation.
C The reactions are nucleophilic substitution and elimination respectively.
D The rate ofeach reaction is independentofthe concentrationofOH- ions.

594 ectual Z0O9STPM ChemistryExaminationPaper

used in the perfume industry'
31 Jasmone exffacted from jasmine flowers and 2-methylundecanal are
The structural formulae of the compounds are shown below'
cH 2c*=cHc H2cHg cH3(cH2)8cH(cH3)CH
\/ 2-Methylundecanal

Which reagent can be used to differentiate the two compounds?

A Acidified potassium manganate(Vll) solution C Alkaline iodine solution
B Ammoniacal silver nitrate solution D 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazinesolution

product which has two chirality

32 Air alkene reacts with bromine in tetrachloromethane to form a
centres. The alkene could be
A 2-methylproPene C 2-methyl-2-butene
B 1-butene D 2-pentene

product does not use phenol in its

33 phenol is an important commercial chemical. Which commercial
A Food flavouring C Nylon
B Antiseptic D Dye

34 The reaction scheme of compound Z with some reagents is shown below.

KMnOo/H. Fehling'ssolution
- No precipitate
White precipitate <'-_-:-- Compound Z ----_-_---+
| 2,4-DinitroPhenylhYdrazine

Compound Z conldbe
acid to produce a compound
35 An active component in tear gas reacts with hot diluted hydrochloric
with a structural formula as follows:


What is the Possiblestructural formula for the comPonent?

A r^\
.CH, " @."="{il
u D ,,n ,CH,OH

@"'="(:i \9ftt=t..",on

36 Which reaction does not occur?




Actual 20O9SIPM ChemistryExaminationPapet -595

37 A solution containing 7.3 x I02 g of an unknown amino acid reacts with excessnitrous acid to
produce 24.0 cm3of nitrogen gas at20'C. What is the unknown amino acid?
[Relative atomic mass of C is 12.0,H is 1.0, Na is 14.0,and O is 16.0; 1 mol of gas occupiesa
volume of 24.0 dm3at 20 'C.l
o o

38 An organic compound has the following properties:

(i) It liberates white fumes with phosphoruspentachloride.
(ii) It dissolvesin water to give a solution with a pH of more than 7
(iii) It can act as a buffer solution.
The structural formula of the compound could be
(cHr)rNH, (cH2)4NH'
cH2oH cH2cH3

39 Teflon, +CFr-CFr+, is a polymer which is used to coat cooking utensils. Which statementabout
Teflon is true?
A It is brittle. C It is thermally unstable.
B It is chemically inert. D Its softening temperatureis low.

40 Parr of the structural formula of a polymer is shown below.

ooo o
- NH-(CHr)5-C-NH-(CHr)5-C-NH-(CH2)5-C-NH-(CH,)5-{ -

Which statementis true of the polymer?

A Its monomer is optically active. C Its monomer is NH'(CH2)5CONH2.
B Its monomer dissolvesin water. D Its monomer has a low melting point.

Section B

For each question in this section, one or more of the three numberedstatementsI to 3 may be
correct. The responsesA lo D should be selectedas follows:

I and2 only are 2 and 3 only 1,2 and3 are i

correct. correct.
A=!1' ---r
41 Which statement(s)about element X with an electronic configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63ff4s2
1 X is situated in Group 2 of the Periodic Table.
2 X forms X2* andX3* ions.
3 X forms a complex ion.

596 Actual ZO09STPM ChemistryExaminationPaper

hydrides' Which statement(s)about
42 Methane, ammonia and water are three examples of covalent
the bonding in the three molecules is/are true?
1 The hybridisation of C, N and O atoms is spr'
2 Thebond length in descendingorder is C-H, N-H' O-H'
atoms in an ascendingorder is C' N' O'
3 The number of lone pair elections at the centre of their
following equation:
43 A reversible reaction at a certain temperaturecan be representedby the
A(g) + B(g): C(g) AIf = negative

1 The increasesin the value of ft r is more than that of k,'
2 The value ofK" decreases.
3 The values of K and K" are the same'

:2NO(g) varies with temperature

44 The equilibrium constantK" for the reaction Nr(e) + Or(g)
f as shown in the graPhbelbw.


Which statement(s)is/are fiue of the above reaction?

1 The forward reaction is endothermic'
2 T\epercentage of the product NO decreaseswhen the temperature
3 Theper c ent age o fth e p ro d u c tN o i n c re a s e s whenthepressurei ncreases.
are shown below'
45 The standardreduction potentials for severalhalf-cell reactions

Half-cell reaction E"lV

Fe2*(aq)+ 2e r"-----.Fe(s) 4.44
Fe3'(aq)+ 3g ,------.Fe(s) -o.04
Fe3*(aq)+ e- . '-. Fe2*(aq) +0.17
Cu2*(aq)a/s- 3 Qt](5) +0.34
a solution mixture containing Cu2*'Fez',
which reaction(s)will occur when iron powder is addedto
and Fe3*ions each having a concenffationof 1'0 mol dm-3?
1 Fe(s)+2Fe3*(aq) , - 3Fe'z*(aq)
2 Fe(s) + Cu2*(aq) Fe2*(aq)+ Cu(s)
: Cu2+(aq)+ 2Fe2*(aq)
3 Cu(s) + 2Fe3*(aq)
with water to form nitric acid'
46 In the last step of the Ostwald process, nitrogen dioxide reacts
Which statement(s)is/are true of this step?
1 Platinum is used as a catalYst.
2 Disproportionation reaction occurs'
3 Nitrogen monoxide gas formed is recycled'

4'.1Which complex ion(s) is/are of octahedralshape?

2 [Ni(H2O)6]" 3 [CuClrl2-
1 [Fe(H,Oj6]h

Actual 2009 STPM ChemistryExaminationPaper 597

48 Two organic compounds P and Q have the hydroxyl group in their molecules. Compound P forms
a salt when it dissolves in aqueoussodium hydroxide, while Q does not. What could compound P
and Qbe?
I (]FoH cH3oH

2 Hs{O!
ot (cH3)rcHoH
s cH3cH2oH
49 Benzete undergoes a nitration reaction according to the following equation:

rAl . !3!?" -t + H,o

v "*o" 55'c (n)
Which statement(s)is/are true of the reaction?
I The sulphuric acid acts as a catalyst.
2 The NOr* ion acts as a Lewis acid.
3 The mechanisminvolved is an elecffophilic substitution reaction.

50 What is/are the intermediate species formed when 2-propanol reacts with hydrogen chloride gas to
produce 2-chloropropane?


o 9H,
{i i.lli{fritER
t- ;i Time:2hr 30 m in
SectionA[40 marks]

Answer all questionsin this section.

1 A real gasX behavesalmost like an ideal gas. For n mol of gasX at pressurep, the graph of volume
V versus temperature Z is shown below.

Volume V/cm360

598' Actual 2009 STPM ChemistryExaminationPaper

(a) (D What is the most probable identity of gas X? Explain your answer. 13marksl
Gas X'.

(ii) On the graph above, sketch and label a graph of the variation in volume with temperature
at a lower pressurep' while other conditions remain constant. fl markl
(iii) At pressurep and temperature0 oC, a gas I shows a negative deviation from an ideal gas.
Mark the expectedvolume of gas I on the above graph. Explain your answer. [3 marksl

(b) 18 elementsin the Period 4 of the Periodic Table can be classified into the s, p and d-blocks
(i) Why are the elementsGa to Kr classified as p-block elements? fl mark]

(ii) Why is the third ionisation energy of manganesehigher than that of iron? 12 marksl

2 (a) The boiling point-composition curves for the mixture of ethanol and water at constantpressure
is shown in the graph below.



60 80 100
o/oEthanol composition

(i) State the type of deviation from Raoult's law exhibited by the mixture of ethanol and water.
[7 mark]

(ii) What is meant by azeotrope? f2 marksl

(iii) From the above graph, determine the vapour composition of the azeotropeat its boiling point
and the vapour composition of the distillate when 45.0Voethanol solution is fractionally
distilled twice. [2 marks]
The vapour composition of the azeotrope:

The vapour composition of the distillate:

(iv) State a physical method to obtain absoluteethanol from an azeotropicmixture of ethanol
and water. [l mark]

(b) A diaphragm cell used in the commercial electrolytic production of chlorine and sodium
hydroxide is shown below


NaCl(aq)+ ;+ Naot(aq)+


(i) The ionic equation for the reaction at the anode is

2Cl- Clr+ 2e-.
Write an ionic equation for the reaction at the cathode. II mark]

(ii) V/hy is the porous asbestosdiaphragm used in this cell? lI markl

(iii) Name a chemica.l substanceQ formed when chlorine and sodium hydroxide react, and
write a balancedequation for the reaction. f2 marksl

Name of Q:

Balanced equation:

Ammonia is a colourless gas with an unpleasantpungent smell.

(a) Write a balancedequation for the formation of ammonia from calcium hydroxide. fI markl

(b) (i) Draw the Lewis structure of the product formed from the reaction between ammonia and
aluminium chloride. ll markl

(ii) State the changein the orbital hybridisation of aluminium in the reaction. lI markl

(c) The ammonia molecule NH, and the phosphinemolecule PH, have rigonal pyramidal shapes.
Explain the difference in their bond angles. 13 marksf

__","""" r.fuit-tel2009STPM Chemistry ExaminationPaper

(d) In a salt analysis, an aqueoussolution of ammoma rs used to distinguish between AgBr and
PbBr, precipitates.
(i) What is the colour of PbBr, precipitates? ll markl

(ii) When an aqueoussolution of ammonia is added into a test tube containing AgBr precipitate
and into another test tube containing PbBr, precipitate, only AgBr precipitate dissolves.
State the condition of the aqueoussolution of ammonia used, and write a balanced equation
for the reaction. [2 marksl

Condition of the aqueoussolution of ammonia'.

Balanced equation'.
(iii) Explain why AgBr dissolvesin the aqueoussolution of ammonia. [l mark]

Compound X, with the molecular formula CoH,oO,is a tertiary alcohol'

(a) Draw the structural formula and give the IUPAC name of X. [2 marks]
Structural formula:

IUPAC name:
(b) Compound X is formed when a haloalkane reacts with an aqueous solution of sodium
(i) Write the rate equation for the reaction. ll markl

(ii) State the mechanismfor the reaction. lI markl

(c) Compound I is an optically active isomer of X.

(i) Draw the structural formula of I, and stateto which class Ybelongs. f2 marksl
Structural formula'.

Class of Y:
(ii) Compound lreacts with a hot acidified solution of potassiummanganate(Vll). Write the
equation for the reaction. ll markl

Paper 6Ol
(d) The structuralformula of D{+)-glucose is shownbelow.
H--t- oH
Ho-f H
(i) Draw the structural formula of the compound formed when D-(+)-glucose is reduced by
LiAlH4 followed by HrO*. Il markl

(ii) Name a reagent used to show the reducing property of D-(+)-glucose. l markl

(iii) Write an equation for the reaction between \+fglucose and the suggestedreagent in (ii).
l markl

Section B 16Omarksl

Answer any four questionsin this section.

5 (a) Potassium and copper have one electron each in their 4s orbital.
(i) Define thefirst ionisation energy of an element. f2 marks)
(ii) Explain why the first ionisation energy of potassium is much lower than that of copper.
(b) (i) Construct a labelled Born-Haber cycle for potassium bromide in the form of an energy
level diagram. t6 marksl
(ii) Predict the stability of potassium bromide under standard conditions. [2 marks]
6 Water gas, a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide gases,is an important industrial fuel formed
according to the following chemical equilibrium:
C(s) + HrO(g) i- CO(g) + Hr(e)
At 800 oC, the value of K for the equilibrium is 0.160 mol dmr and the value of AIlis +131.3 kJ.
(a) A 1.00dm3flask containing 1.00 mol of carbon and 1.00 mol of steamis left to react at 800 "C.
Calculate the concenffations of the components in the equilibrium mixture at this temperature.
[7 merks]
(b) Explain the effect of an increase in temperature on
(i) the concentrationof each component in the equilibrium, [4 marksl
(ii) the rate of attainment of the equilibrium. [4 marlcsl
7 (a) The standardenthalpy changeof reactions for carbon and lead are as follows:
C(g)+COr(S)-2CO(g) LIf = +172W moF
Pb(s)+ PbO,(s) 2PbO(s) LIf = -159 kJ molt
Using the respective values of A,If for the above reactions, explain the relative stability of the
oxidation states of the elements in Group 14 of the Periodic Table. [4 marks)

602 g0O9SIPM ChemistryExaminationPaper

(b) (i) With the aid of a diagram, describe the structures of diamond and graphite. [4 marks]
(ii) What is the relationship between diamond and graphite in terms of structure? Explain
your answer. 12marksl
(c) The boiling point of hydrogen halides are given in the following table:
Hydrogen halide T{F HCI IIBr HI
Boiling pointK 293 188 206 238

(i) Sketch a graph to show the boiling points of the hydrogen halides. 12 marksl
(ii) Using the graph you sketched in (i), explain the variation in boiling points of the hydrogen
halides. 13 marksl

8 (a) The standardreduction potentials of copper(I) and copper(tr) ions are as follows:
Cu*(aq)+e ;- Cu(s) E = +{52Y
+ e. i-
Cu'z*(aq) Cu*(aq) tr=+0.15V
An aqueous solution containing copper(I) ions is not stable. Based on the standard reduction
potentials, state and explain what would be observed when copper(I) ions are added to water.
[8 marlrl
(b) Tetrachlorocuprate(Il) ions are formed when an excess of concentrated hydrochloric acid is
added to an aqueous solution containing copper(tr) ions. Explain the reaction which occurs.
[3 marlcs]
(c) Ethylenediamine forms a stable complex ion with copper(Il) ion. Explain the formation of this
complex ion. f4 marksl

9 (a) (D What is meant by electrophile? [l mark]

(ii) Give an example of addition reaction involving bromine, and describe the mechanism
involved. 14marksl
(b) Cracking is very important in the petroleum industry There are two main cracking processes.
When 3,4-dimethylheptane undergoes a catalytic cracking reaction, a possible reaction is as
l'l' catalyst'
cH3cH2- cH- cH- cHrcH2cH3 X + CHTCHTCH,
CompoundX showsgeometrical isomerism.On vigorousoxidation,X formscompoundsland
Z with the molecularformulaeCrHrO and C,I{O, respectively.
(i) State the catalyst used for this reaction, ll markl
(ii) Write the structural formulae of compounds X, I and Z. Give a suitable reagent which can
be used for the oxidation of X. 14 marksl
(iii) 3,4-Dimethylheptaneis used as a fuel. Write the structural formula of its isomer with a
higher octane number. Explain your answers. f2 marksl
(iv) State two important uses of cracking reaction in the petroleum industry. [2 marks]
(v) Name another main cracking process. ll markl
10 (a) Parkinson's diseaseis linked to the abnormalities of dopamine level in the body. The structural
formula of dopamine is shown below.

.'. )l
(i) Write a reaction scheme to show how dopamine could be prepared from
1,2-dihydroxybenzene. [6 marksl
(ii) Describe chemical tests which could be performed on dopamine to confirm the presence
of phenolic and amino goups in it. Write equations for the reactions involved. 16 marlcsl

Actuat2fi)9 STPMGhemistryExaminato*r##.ii
(b) Poly(mtthyl o-cyanoacrylate) is an example of a thermoplastic used to make "super glue"
Part of its structural formula is shown below.
T io'""'i
c_ c_
(i) Draw the structural formula of the monomer of poly(methyl a-cyanoacrylate). Il markl
(ii) Name the type of polymerisation involved. tl markl
(iii) Why is poly(methyl a-cyanoacrylate)a thermoplastic? [l mark]

PAPER 1 When V= 4.0 dm3,

Section A r ate=1.28"t#X#f
1. D Number of electrons = 31
Number of protons = 31 =; "I3 . .2,x.t O 4
Nucleon number of isotope^X = 3l + 38 = 69
The rate-determining step depends on I
Nucleon number of isotope* = 3l + 4O = 7l
molecule of X and 2 molecules of Y.
LetVo abtndanceof ^X=a
9. B For a concentration{ime graph, a straight
Vo abtndance of,X = (100 - a)
line for H* indicates zero order.
ax69 _t1 00 -a)x 7l
= 69.7 First half-life for H"O" = 1250 s, second
100 100 half-life = 1250 s, tirui it is first order.
+ a= 65 First half-life for I- = 2500 s, second half-
2. A An increasein pressurewill increasethe life = 2500 s, thus it is first order.
boiling point of water. r0. B
Ice will only sublime at a pressure lower
than 6l I Pa. .Y :' Z: h,o
At 611 Pa and 298 K, water exists in the Initial(mol) 0.60 0.50 0.60 0.40
3. C Shortestwavelength + highest frequency + Equilibrium 0.40 0.50- 0.20 0.60+ 0,20 0.40+ 0.20
highest energy
(mol) = 0.30 = 0.80 = 0.60
4. D P is in Group 13, Q and S in Group 1 and R Equilibrium 0.qN 0.30tv 0.80/v 0.ffitv
in Group 2. conc€ntmtlon
R has two valence electrons while S has one
+ Metallic bond in R is stronger Moles of X reacted = 0.20
+ Melting point of R is higher 7g = (0.80 x 0.60y(0.,rc x 0.30) = 4.0
Q, with one valence electron, has a weaker 11. D When P is decreased,the equilibrium
metallic bond than R, with two valenceelechons position will shift in the direction where r
+ Enthalpy of vapourisation of Q is lower. increases.
The first IE of S > Q 12. A Kb for the first system is larger than that of
=> S is above Q in Group I the second system. This means that (CHr)rNH
=> S is more electronegative than Q. is a stronger base than NH2OH. Therefore,
5. A Potassiumcarbonateis a soluble ionic (CH3)2NH2*is a weaker acid than NH3OH..
compound. 13. D A buffer with pH 11 is an alkaline buffer of
6. D NH; is V-shaped. a weak base and its salt.
HrO* is trigonal pyramid. 14. B PbCrOo(s):Pb,*(aq) + CrOo,-(ag)
SiClois tetrahedral.
Addition of Pb(NOr)r(a9) gives a conmon
7. B Magnesium has 2 valence or delocalised
ion effect of Pb2' ions which will causethe
ionic product tPb'z.ltcro4'z-l > K.o. Thus,
Number of valence electrons
PbCrO4 will be precipitated.
=10 .01 24 x2 x6 .02x 1023
= 5.02 X l02l lcro"'liont</2.8x Io*
O'?rO < 5.29x 10r moldmr
x l0 " = Ot
8. A At 300'C.3.2 ,tO')OY m P^M^
1 5. C "-
k = 1.28 dm6 mol-2 s-l m. o.M.

OOI ii#ffipq,$TPM Chemistry

20_( 1O r . O - 9 3 .9 )x M CH3CH2OH.The rate of reaction dependson
80 93.9x 18 the concentration of OH-.
M = 59.5 (CHr)rCBr reacts with ethanolic KOH in an
1 6 . D F e2*+ A g+ 3F e 3 * + A g elimination reaction to form CH, = CtCHr)r.
At the anode,silveris deposited. 31. B Ammoniacal silver nitrate (To[e;s,reagent)
At equilibrium, Eun= O,thereis no transfer forms a silver mirror with 2-methylundecanal
of electrons. with an aldehyde group.
E n tt= Eu, 32. D Theproducr is CHrCHrdH4""",
n -"o
[Fe*][Agt tl
_ 3F", o
0=0.03 33. A phenol is toxic.
Br Br

34. C Benzaldehyde reactswith2,4-

K.= 3 .22
dinitrophenylhydrazine to form a reddish
When NaCl is added to the Ag./Ag half- yellow precipitate, it does not form a precipitate
' cell, Ag* will be precipitated as AgCl. with Fehling's solution and when oxidised, a
Concentration of Ag* decreases,the white precipitate of benzoic acid is formed.
equilibrium shifts to the left which will 35. C Hydrolysis of -{N group with dilute HCI
cause the cell e.m.f. to decrease. forms {OOH.
17. C For 1 mol Ag deposited,% mol of O, is 36. B Phenol does not form ester with carboxylic
released. acids.
Thus, mol of O, released= t/q X 21108 37. C Compounds with -NH2 group will release
Mass of oxygen that forms Al.O, with HNO'.
=% x2 11 08 x3 2=0. 15g Mol N, = 24.0124000= 0.001
18. A The E' for Al is more negative. Al acts as One mole -NH2 group will produce one mole
the anode and it dissolves to form Al3*.
E""r= -O'05 - (-1'66) = +1.61 V RMMA= 89
19. C Lattice energy is directly proportiondto charge R M M B =9 1
and inversely proportional to ionii size. RMM C = 146
Ionic size: Mgr* < Nar, 02- < CI RMM D = 132
20. B Polarising power ofcation decreasesdown A and B have one _NH2 group
the group, ionic character increases down the M,=7.3 x 10 2/0.001= 73
group. C and D have two -NH, groups
21. B Zeolites are not used as superconductors. M-= 2 X 7.3 x 10'rl}.0}l = 146
22. D PbCI4is unstable.It decomposesto release 38. C Liberates white fumes with pCl.
chlorine gas which will bleach litmus paper. + has -OH group
23. B PbO is amphoteric. Alkaline + amine
SiO, is acidic. Act as buffer + has {OOH and -NH, group
24. D 2NH4CI + Ca(OH), * 2NH, + CaCl, + 2H"O A and D do not act as buffers.
2 mol NH.CI reacts wirh 1 mol Ca(OH), B is neutral.
+ 107 g NI{CI reacrs with 74.0 g Ca(dH)". C forms an alkaline solution as it has 2 basic
.'. 2.00 g NH*CI reacts with -NH, groups and one acidic -COOH group.
(74.01107)X 2;00 = 1.38 g Ca(OH)" 39. B The C-F bonds are strons.
Ca(OH)zis in excess. 40. B lts monomer is H,N{CHrICOOH. Ir can
Mol NH, = mol NH+CI = 2.00153.5 form zwitterions, has high melting point, and
Volume of NFI, = 2.N153.5 x 24/,/J|_=912 crfi soluble in water,
25. B As atomic size of halogen increasesdown 41. C X is a transition element with valence
the group, the I{-X bond becomes longer, electronic configuration of 3ff 4s2.
and thus weaker. Xcan lose 2 and 3 elecfons to form)P* ardX?
26. A The dark blue solution is [Cu(NH"),]2*. ions respectively and can form complex ions.
27. A Benzenereacts with chlorine using AlCl, 42. D The central atoms are sp3 hybridised.
catalyst. Atomic size decreasesacrossa period.
Polymerisation of propene usesTiClo and c>N>o.
(crH5)3A1. CI{ has no lone pairs, NH. has I lone pair
Hydrogenation of alkene uses Ni. and HrO has 2 lone pairs.
28. D Carbonyl group is found in aldehydesand 43. B When Z increases,the endothermic reaction
ketones. is favoured. ft-, increasesfaster than k,.
29. C As bromine molecule approaches the double Equilibrium position shifts to the left.
bond, an induced dipole is produced. For an exothermic reaction, K decreases
30. C Both reactionshave to be heated. when 7 increases.
CHTCHTBTreacts with aqueousKOH in a Ko = K" if number of moles of reactants
nucleophilic substitution reaction to form = number of moles of products

ExaminationRihi*'995_ _
44. A When l/Zincreases + Zdecreases,K- o) (i) Because these elements have their
decreases.This indicates that the forwird valence elecffons in thep subshell.
reaction is endothermic. (ii) Electronic configuration:
When Z increases. the endothermic reaction Mn (3d 4s2);Fe (3tr 4s'z)
is favoured + the reaction moves forward The third electron of Mn is removed
+ amountof NO increases. from a stable half-filled d subshell
The number of moles of reactants = products (3ds\.
.+ P does not affect the system 2. (a) (i) Positive deviation
45. B Fe+2Fe3*-3Fe2*; (ii) Amixture with a constant boiling point.
E *o= +O'77- (4'44) = +l'21 V Both the liquid and the vapour
Fe+Cu2 * * Fe 2* +Cu; mixtures have the samecomlnsitions at
E".u= +{34 - (4'44) = +{'78 V the boiling point.
Cu is not a given reactant. (iii) Vapour composition of azeotrope:
46. C 3Nq(g) +ItO(l) 2HNo,(ag) +NOG) 95.5Vo ethanol 4.5Vow ater
NQ is oxidised to HNO, and reduced to NO. Vapour composition of distillate:
47. B Octahedral complexes have a coordination 83.07oethanol, l7 .UVowater
number of 6. (iv) Add a dehydrating agent calcium oxide,
48. B Only phenols will react with NaOH(aq) to CaO.
form a salt. (b) (i) 2HrO(l) + 2e- Hr(g) + 2OH(aq)
49. C [Sq reacts with HNO, to produce the NOr* (ii) To prevent Cl, formed at the anode
electrophile that attacks the benzene ring. from reacting with NaOH formed at
504 the cathode.
""' - cH,cHCH. +H lc l- CH. CHCH,
"t "/ "l + Cl (iii) Q: Sodium chlorate(I)
|'/ Cl,(g) + 2NaOH(aq)
o!__/ 9H,
NaCl(aq) + NaOCI(aq) + Hp(l)
3. (a) 2NH4C1+ Ca(OH), +
CH3CHCH3 CHriHCtt, + HrO 2NH, + CaClr+ 2HrO
/l (b) (i)
H Cl:
'9t' \ ,/..
H-N *Ali-Cl3
CH3CHCH3+Cl +CH3CHCH3 ,/ \.'.'
H 9l:
CI (ii) sp2 to sp3
(c) Bond angle: NH3 > PH3
N is more electronegative than P.
A more electronegative central atom pulls
Section A bonding electron pairs closer causing
1. (a) (i) Gas Xis hydrogen or helium gas. greater repulsion between bonding pairs.
The molecular size of H, (or atomic (d) (i) White
size for He) is small hence only weak (ii) Concentrated NH,
intermolecular van der Waals forces AgBr + 2NH3 + [Ag(NHr)r]* + Br
acting on the molecules and can be (iii) Forms soluble complex ion [Agffi)rJ*
ignored. CH"
Also, the molecular volume can be tI -
ignored. 4. (a) H 3C -C -C H 3
Volume V/cm366
50 (b) (i) Rare = k[(cH.)rccl]
oe.] (ii) (Unirnolecular) nucleophilic
ro"l H

ro.l (c)

(i) HrC - C* - CH2 - CH3

0+- OH
-300 -200 -100 0 100 200
I/'C secondary alcohol
(ii) CH3C[CH(oH)CH, + 2[O]
(iii) Negative deviation means sfronger
intermolecular attractive forces, o
therefore the volume occupied by the MnO.-/H* ll
gas is smaller than ideal.
---tr--- crl-cq-c-Crl +rlo

606 STPMGhemistry
(d) (i) cHroH (xXx)
= U.-160
(1 -.r)
x = 0.328 mol dmr
H-J-oH HrOl = 1.00 - 0.328 = 0.672 mol dmr
H---]-oH [Hr] = [CO1 = 0.328 mol dmr
(b) (i) Increase in temperature favours the
cH2oH forward reaction which is endothermic.
(ii) Fehling's solution or Tollens'reagent Equilibrium position shifts to the right.
(iii) Fehling's solution: FIrl and [CO] increase.[HrO] decreases.
CH,OH(CHOH),CHO + 2Cu2*+ 5OH- (ii) Increasein temperatureincreasesthe rate
CHrOH(CHOH)4COO- + CurO + 3HrO of both forward and reverse reactions.
Or Hence, the rate of attaiirment of
equilibrium is higher. Equilibrium is
Tollens' reagent: achieved faster.
CHrOH(CHOH).CHO + 2[Ag(NH.)rJ- +2OH ' 7. (a) C(g) + CO,(e) 2CO(g)
CHrOH(CHOH)4COO-+2Ag+ NHo* + 3NH, + HrO LIf - +172 kJ molr
Positive AIf indicates that the +2 state of
Section B C is less stable compared to +4 state.
(i) The minimum energy required to Pb(s) + ebOr(s) 2PbO(s)
5. (a) -
6P" =-159 kJ mol1
remove one electron from each atom
in 1 mol of gaseousatoms in the Negative AFf indicates that the +2 state of
ground state Producing 1 mol of Pb is more stable compared to its +4 state.
DescendingGroup 14, the stability of +2
M(g * M(g) + e- oxidation state increases while the stability
(ii) K: [Ar] 3sl of +4 oxidation state decreases.The
increaseof the stability of +2 oxidation
Cu: [Ar] 3dto 4sl
Nuclear charge of K is lower than state is due to the inert oair effect.
(b) (i) Structure:
Cu. K has a larger atomic size than
Cu. Hence effective nuclear charge of
K is lower.
(b)' (i)
" energy K*( g ) + B( g ) + e - tftl
diamond graphite

K-(s)+ B-(s) Both diamond and graphite have giant

3-dimensional covalent structures.
In diamond, eachC atom undergoes
sp3 hybridisation and is covalently
K(s)+ JBrr(g)
bonded to four other C atoms in a
tetrahedral manner.
In graphite, each C atom undergoessp2
hybridisation and is covalently bonded to
AII,: Enthalpy change of formation
tfuee other C atoms in a trigonal planar
Mr* i Enthalpy change of shape.This forms hexagonal rings in
atomisation a layered structure. The layers are held
/.-8. : Ionisation energYof K together by weak van der Waals forces.
E.A. : Electron affinitY of Br (iD Diamond and graphite are allofropes
L.E. : Lattice energy of carbon. The difference in properties
(ii) KBr is stable under standard
is due to the different arrangement of
conditions. KBr is an ionic compound the atoms.
with strong ionic bonds. (c) (i) b.p./K
6. (a) This is a heterogeneous equilibrium.
Amount of solid carbon does not a.ffect
C(s) + H,O(g) * Hr(e) + CO(g)
Initial 1.00 0 0
End 1.00- x +x +x HF HCI HBr Hl HX
lcollH,l _ (iD The boiling point of HF is exceptionally
Kc= 0.160
lHrol high due to the existence of

Actual2OO9 ExaminationPdt#:607
intermolecular hydrogen bonds, (b) (i) Catalystis silic4 SiQ and alumin4 Al,O.
which are stronger than van der 9H, 9H.
Waals forces. Descending the group,
(i i ) x cH r-cH 2-c-c-H
from HCl, HBr to HI, there is a
general increasein the boiling points o
of HX. This is due to the increase in
the molecular sizes of IIX because
of the increase in the atomic size of
the halogen atoms which results in z cH3-c-oH
stronger intermolecular van der Waals Oxidation agent: Hot acidified
attractive forces. potassium manganate(Vfl) solution
8. (a) When copper(I) ions are added to wateq the (iii) Higtrly branched hydrocarbon has
solution changes from colourless to blue high octane number.
and brown solid is formed. An isomer of 3,4-dimethylheptane
2Cu*(aq) * Cu(s) + Cu2*(aq) with high octane number is
coloudess brown solid blue
E".r' = +o'52 - (+0.15) = +o'37 V 9H, 9H,
Positive E value indicates that the CHr-9-C-CHr-CH3
reaction is ",,€
Cu(I) is unstable and disproportion reaction cH3 cH3
occur. Cu(I) is reduced to Cu(O) and oxidised (iv) Uses: A source of alkenes (used in
to Cu(tr) simultaneously. polymer industry) and to produce
(b) [Cu(HrO)u]'z-+ 4Cl- + [CuClol'z-+ 6HrO highly branched & smaller alkanes
The solution changes from blue to yellow. that make useful fuels.
Complex ion [CuCl,]] is formed. (v) Thermal cracking
Ligand substitution reaction occurs. 10. (a) (i)
Cl ligand displacesHrO ligand. PH
(c) The complex ion is formed when three
?H C 2H .C |,A l C l 3
- rA rOH + HCI
bidentate ligands of ethylenediamine
--_........--- t(


H2N - CH2 - CH, - NH, form coordinate CrHu

bonds with the central copper(Il) ion. l C l " i n uv
' - t cH, OH
- concentratedNH. f^f OH
H,N / Ato* i n closedcontainer
grg-HrNt...^ I atiln,
{,, Y - ttj l
7/ t-u-
H 2 i_ nrvzn
C - H2 N:
*r\r, (ii) Testfor phenolic group
*'u Add bromine water. Brown bromine
\,,)r, is decolourised and white precipitate
The complex ion formed is
gH oH
tris(ethylenediamine)copper(II) oH + 3Br2(aQ) B'lAr oH * sHBr
(blue colour complex ion). It is a fif -
\z B/Y Br
chelated complex ion, thus it is very cH2cH2NH2 cH2cH2NH2
9. (a) (r) Electrophile is a specieswith low Testfor amino group
electron density, an electron-seeking Add nitrous acid, effervescence of N,
gas observed.
reagent that attacks a negative centre.
(ii) Electrophilic addition of ethene(alkene)
with brornine in tetrachloromethane. rA-ot .------
+ HNo, rArot + H,o+ N,
. High electron density of C = C causes \ZY
cH2cH2NH2 " CH2CH2OH
induced dipole of Br, molecule
. Electrophile Br* attack on C = C to H COCH^
form carbonium ion (slow step)
. Nucleophile Br attack to form (b)
(i) Monomer:9: C
saturated compound dibromoethane tt
(fast step)
(ii) Additionpolymerisation
\ , / ll (iii) Thermoplastic becausethe polymer can
::i srow,
H-i-i-H *:i;?rast,H-c-c-H be moulded and remoulded repeatedly
//\ l@ " | | with changes in temperature.
H I H :FI! Br Br
\d'6 - ..
The polymer has weak intermolecular
\ 4. .
\!BraBr! force between the chains.

6O8 i.Agf*alem9 STPMChemistry ExaminationPaper

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