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s/v Emma.

D ATE : 21.08.10
T IME : 16:08:27
L OCATION : 37 420 4000 N

24◦ 30 4700 W
W EATHER : Sunny
W IND S PEED : 24.0 knots

In Greece

It’s so hot! I now appreciate that summer in Cowes isn’t the hottest
place on earth. Just spent 2 hours checking the yacht out, test
running the engines, meeting the crew and generally getting ready.
Current wind speed is in the high 6s with more tommorrow. Bugger,
seems a nice boat, but less equipment than the ones I am used to.

The French crew buggered off as soon as the work started- now I need
to find them. I think a few are nervous of the current weather
conditions. Looks like a nice sailing area, and a nice set if parties
(although tonight’s doesn’t start until 12 and the boats are due out
at 9 am).

So why am I here?

I’ve sailed quite a bit now, both casual cruising and racing, I’ve
done shore-based theory (navigation, safety, VHF radio etc.) and on-
water practical training. I think I’m ok. But I’ve done little in the
way of actual skippering. I’ve practiced it quite a few times, but
always with a much more knowledgable skipper on board (not counting a
trip around Lac Lemain).

I know I’m ok at sailing - I realised that crossing a shipping lane at

3am off Cherbourg in a force 6 when I was the only one not being sick.
But can I organise a crew to have an enjoyable, safe trip? I want to
be a Yachtmaster, and this is a cheap way of getting the required
experience (the crew pay yacht hire, insurance, mooring, fuel, food
and drink). I’d love to organise a trip with friends, you’re all


Prior to flying I got a cheap room at an EasyHotel (or Stalag Luft

III). Aside from the luminous orange decor, it’s hideous. The room is
tiny. I’m not tall, but I’m taller than the double bed. They’re using
the exact same toilet, shower and sink unit as at Montefiore (those
who visited Monte know what I mean, those that didn’t, shame). And
worst of all, they have no food facilities so order in a curry.
Luckilly I had my impulse purchased spork, but still managed to stain
the duvet that strange yellow colour you get in curries. And the
windowsill. And my hands.

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