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Monday – January 4, 2010: Today started my fitness program supervised (for lack of a

better word)by David and Angie. David because he put together a work out plan and Angie because
she herself has set out to loose weight before our cruise on the 19 th of June.

Starting Weight = 174 lbs

Goal Weight = 135 lbs

Today I was proud of how I stuck with my diet. Although I did eat a few Dove chocolates after dinner, I
made better choices through out the day and drank a good amount of water.

The workout did not go well. I decided to get my Yoga abs out and was only able to hang in there for
about 15 minutes. It felt like I didn’t get a whole lot accomplished but I’ll try to get better each time.

Tuesday – January 5, 2010:

I did OK with my diet today. I still have a problem with the late afternoon (from school pick-up time to
supper time) hunger. I ate a couple of chewy now & laters and a handfull of M&Ms before supper.

Did not work out today

Positive: Molly offered to bring me hot chocolate today and I passed!

Wednesday – January 6, 2010:

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