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Security testing on for

BlackBerry solution
New Delhi, 19 August

ecurity agencies are test-

S ing ways to access emails

on BlackBerry devices
through a solution provided by
its makers, Research in Mo-
tion (RIM).
The company was given a
deadline of August 31 for giv-
ing an interception solution for
its email and messenger serv-
ices or face a ban.
According to agencies, the
government is now checking fering the Enterprise email serv- designed to secure those emails.
whether they have the tech- ices on the BlackBerry plat- The company had earlier
nology to monitor emails when form. said the emails could be in-
they get briefly stored in an en- The government has ex- tercepted when it is temporarily
terprise server. “There have pressed security concerns over stored in an Enterprise server
been a number of suggestions the highly encrypted data that in a decrypted form while trav-
offered and this is one of them. flows through BlackBerry. elling between two BlackBer-
A technical team will check RIM is working in associa- ry devices and it does not have
those suggestions over the next tion with the department of a master key. The officials of
few days," said a senior gov- telecommunications and se- RIM, which has a subscriber
ernment source, who did not curity agencies to resolve the base of nearly one million in
want to be identified. issue. RIM uses powerful codes India, have informed the gov-
Earlier, DoT in a letter to to encrypt email messages as ernment that they would be
home ministry said if the so- they travel between a Black- coming again next week with
lution is not acceptable to the Berry device and a computer a more precise solution which
government, service providers known as a BlackBerry En- will help the Indian security
would be instructed to stop of- terprise Server (BES) that is agencies monitor the services.

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