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This particular experiment is aimed at to determine the amount of acid in an unknown

solution. Its procedure was divided into two; standardization of NaOH solution and
analysis of unknown acidic solution. The phenolphthalein in this experiment played the
role as indicator, changed from colorless to pink. Firstly, distilled water was poured in the
flask with few drops of phenolphthalein. Then, the alkaline added led the solution to
turned pink. The solution changed colorless again after an acid poured in. Simply put,
this experiment was quite interesting as it got us to ponder the reason for the changing in
color. The amount of acid in the unknown acidic sample that we manage to get is


The aim for this experiment is to determine the amount of acid in acidic unknown


10 M NaOH, potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP, primary standard), phenolphthalein
solution, unknown acidic sample.

50-mL burettes, 600-mL beaker, 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks, 500-mL volumetric flask,
weighting bottle, ring stand and ring, analytic balance, Bunsen burner, rubber hose, wash
bottle, hot plate.
Part A: Standardization of NaOH solution

i. 1 L of CO2 free water was prepared by boiling tap water

ii. Three samples of pure KHP were weighted with weighting paper of 0.4 g, 0.5 g
and 0.6 g.
iii. Each of the KHP samples were placed in 3 separated 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks.
iv. Their masses were recorded and flasks were labeled.
v. Boiled water was added to each Erlenmeyer flasks of 15-mL, 35-mL and 50-mL.
vi. The contents in each flask was then been swirled.
vii. Four drops of phenolphthalein solution were added to each flask.
viii. Some of NaOH solution was allowed to flow through a burette and it then been
collected in a small beaker.
ix. The stopcock turned to closed position.
x. The burette was completely filled to the 0-mL mark with NaOH solution
xi. It initial reading was recorded.
xii. The NaOH solution was added to one of the flask containing KHP solution while
it was gently been swirled. The adding of NaOH continuously added until the
solution turned completely pink.
xiii. The burette reading was recorded.
xiv. The previous steps were repeated for the other Erlenmeyer flasks.

Part B: Analysis of unknown acidic solution

i. An arbitrary amount of HCl was placed into an Erlenmeyer flask from a second,
cleaned burette.
ii. A twice amount of HCl to the first was placed into another flask and for the last
other flask trice amount of HCl to the first was placed into it.
iii. Few drops of phenolphthalein solution were added to the flask.
iv. For better visibility, some distilled water was added to each flask.
v. Some NaOH solution was poured into the burette and allowed to flow through it
and it was then been collected in the small beaker.
vi. The stopcock was set in the closed position.
vii. The burette was filled completely to the 0-mL mark with NaOH solution.
viii. The initial burette reading was recorded.
ix. The NaOH solution was slowly added to the Erlenmeyer flask containing HCl.
x. The content was gently swirled through the titration.
xi. NaOH solution was added until the HCl had completely turned pink.
xii. The burette reading was recorded.
xiii. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for the two other Erlenmeyer flask.

Part A: Standardization of NaOH solution

# Measurement 1 2 3
1 Mass of bottle + KHP 101.740 g 109.047 g 105.913 g
2 Mass of bottle 101.338 g 108.545 g 105.311 g
3 Mass of bottle 0.4015 g 0.502 g 0.602 g
4 Final burette reading 47.0 44.0 45.0
5 Initial burette reading 50.0 50.0 50.0
6 mL of NaOH used 0.3 0.6 0.5
7 Molarity of NaOH 6.57 8.2 9.8

Part B: Analysis of unknown acidic solution

# Measurements 1 2 3
1 Mass of bottle + unknown 129.39 g 170.72 g 198.91 g
2 Mass of bottle 108.70 g 106.10 g 110.07 g
3 Mass of unknown 20.69 g 64.62 g 89.84 g
4 Final burette reading 45.4 41.3 37.1
5 Initial burette reading 50.0 50.0 50.0
6 mL of NaOH used 4.6 8.70 12.9
7 Mass of KHP in unknown 9.3932 g 17.7654 g 26.3416 g
8 Percent of KHP in unknown 45.40% 27.49% 29.32%

a. Calculating the Molarity of NaOH.
Solution 1
Mass of KHP = 0.4015 g
Number of mole of KHP = number of mole of NaOH
= 0.4015 g ÷ 204.2 g/mol
= 1.97 × 10-3mol
Molarity of NaOH = 1.97 × 10-3 mol ÷ (3 ÷ 10-4 L)
= 6.57 M

Solution 2
Mass of KHP = 0.502 g
Number of mole of KHP = number of mole of NaOH
= 0.502 g ÷ 204.2 g/mol
= 2.46 × 10-3mol
Molarity of NaOH = 2.46 × 10-3 mol ÷ (3 ÷ 10-4 L)
= 8.2 M

Solution 3
Mass of KHP = 0.6017 g
Number of mole of KHP = number of mole of NaOH
= 0.6017 g ÷ 204.2 g/mol
= 2.95 × 10-3mol
Molarity of NaOH = 2.95 × 10-3 mol ÷ (3 ÷ 10-4 L)
= 9.8 M

b. Calculating the percentage of KHP in samples

Solution 1
Moles of NaOH = Moles of KHP (at end point)
= 10 M × 4.6 ×10 -3 L
= 0.046 mol
Mass of KHP = 0.046 mol × 204.2 g/mol
= 9.3932 g
Percentage = (9.3932 ÷ 20.69) × 100 % = 45.40 %

Solution 2
Moles of NaOH = Moles of KHP (at end point)
= 10 M × 8.70 ×10 -3 L
= 0.087 mol
Mass of KHP = 0.087 mol × 204.2 g/mol
= 17.7654 g
Percentage = (17.7654 ÷ 64.62) × 100 % = 27.49 %

Solution 3
Moles of NaOH = Moles of KHP (at end point)
= 10 M × 12.9 ×10 -3 L
= 0.129 mol
Mass of KHP = 0.129 mol × 204.2 g/mol
= 26.3418 g
Percentage = (26.3418 ÷ 89.84) × 100 % = 29.32 %

c. Finding the standard deviation

Standard deviation, SD = √ { Σ| Xi−μ |2 ÷(m−1)}
 Xi = molarity of NaOH

 µ = average molarity of NaOH

 m = total reading taken

μ = (6.57 + 8.2 +9.8) ÷ 3 = 8.19

SD = √ { Σ| Xi−μ |2 ÷(m−1)}
= √ [ ( 6.57−8.19 ) ¿ ¿ 2+ ( 8.2−8.19 )2+ ( 9.8−8.19 )2 ]÷(3−1) ¿
= 1.615

Average deviation = {∑ | Xi - µ| / (m)}

= [ ( 6.57−8.19 )¿ ¿1+ ( 8.2−8.19 )1 + ( 9.8−8.19 )1 ]¿÷ 3

The reaction of acid and base is one of the most familiar experiments that have playing a
great role in the world of chemistry. There were two analysis that been made in this
experiment which standardization of NaOH and analyzing the unknown acidic solution.
Standardization is a process of determining the concentration of solution. Whereas
titration is a technique of accurately measure the volume of solution that required to
reacts with another solution. An indicator solution here plays the role of determine
exactly when an acid has neutralized a base or vice versa. It changed color when an
equivalent amount of acid and base are present. The color changing termed as the end
point of titration. Here, in this experiment, we used phenolphthalein, changes from
colorless to pink. In slightly more acidic solution it is colorless, and when more alkaline
solution it is colorless.
The results that we obtained from this experiment were a great success. This
isbecause the average standard deviation that we manage to get is 0. Meaning that the
error that present in this experiment was negligible and we had practiced the right way of
As all the other experiments, there are also some safety regulations that must be
followed in this particular experiment. In case of the bases or acids spilled on the skin or
even splashed to the eyes, immediately wash off with copious amount of water.

There were a bunch of errors present in this experiment that we had done. Some
of it was the apparatus’ faulty. The retort stand that we used was not in its top condition.
It was unstable. Plus, the stopcock was not that really good, it was leaking at all. In
addition, there might be some air bubbles present in the burette and this brought us to
having low volumetric reading as the meniscus would have been pushed upwards.
Here are some recommendations that shall be taken to account in order to get the
accurate results. Find the apparatus that is in a tip top condition. Be very precious in
choosing the apparatus to be used as this might influence the result significantly.
Furthermore, while measuring the volume of the solution using burette, assure that there
is no air bubble in it. This is also essential as it might cause incorrect measurement.


i. Calculate the percentage of KHP in the samples.

Sample 1: 45.49%
Sample 2: 27.49%
Sample 3: 29.32%

ii. Compute the standard deviation of the results.

The standard deviation for the result is 1.615.
iii. Compute the average deviation from the mean to test the result. Explain the test
The average standard experiment is 0. This shows that it was accurate at the high
degree. The right titration techniques were practiced. Plus, all the error might be
small and shall be negligible. The volume of NaOH required to complete reaction
was very close to the actual volume needed.

iv. What are the effects of NaOH molarity to percentage of KHP in unknown
Number of mole of NaOH at end point is equal to the number of mole KHP.
Meaning that molarity of corresponds to the number of mole of KHP. As the
number of mole of KHP increases, the molarity of NaOH will also increases.
Then, the mass percentage of KHP will increase too. And vice versa.

v. What are the effects of wrong titration techniques to the experiments results?
Wrong titration techniques will lead to the inaccurate results. Quite a number of
errors will be present. Thus, the different in result will significant from the actual


This particular experiment of reaction of Acids and Bases was completed with a number
of uncertainties in the data. Despite of that, I am able to determine the molarity of
standard NaOH solution and the amount of acid in an unknown acidic solution. All in all,
the objective of the experiment is accomplished.


i. Yaksic, A. & Pond C.. (n.d). Titration of Acids and Bases. Retrieved August 14,
2010, from
ii. Carbony, G.. (2004). Experiment with Acids and Bases. Retrieved August 14,
2010, from
iii. Chang, R. (2008). Chemitry: 10th Ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill.
iv. Burns, R. A. (1999). Fundamentals of Chemistry. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.

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