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Finding names parsed in a URL

Regular Expression symbols -->

^ - Matches the beginning of a line.
$ - Matches the end of a line.
. - Matches any single character.
* - Matches zero or more occurences of the character immediately preceding it.
+ - Matches one or more occurences of the character or regular expression preced
ing it.
? - Matches 0 or 1 occurence of the character or regular expression immediately
preceing it.
\ - Escapes a special character like: \$ literally means $.
[] - Matches any character inside the brackes.
[c1 - c2] - A range, like [0-9] or [A - Za-z] for digits and numbers
[^c2 - c2] - Marches any character not in this range, like: [^,] which matches a
ny character that is not a comma.
| - An Or condition, like (him|her).
Finding the domain.
$field_name = "^&[a-zA-Z0-9_-]=$";
$field_name = "^&[a-zA-Z0-9\.]=$";

Finding the names in a URL

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