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I, myself, think that the wheel was the most successful and important
mechanical invention and part of Mesopotamian history. Mesopotamia
discovered the wheel first from the potter’s wheel, which is what people
used to, and even now, shape and make pottery with. One day in 8000 BC,
a Mesopotamian citizen from Sumer stood the wheel up. This man
probably didn’t realize the amount of popularity and usefulness that was
behind this one circular object. It’s hard to imagine many mechanical
systems that were built without the using wheel or any circular rotation
within it. The idea of rotation came from the wheel. A bike is an excellent
example of a system that uses this phenomenal invention. First of all, It
uses the actual wheel to move around and the peddles and the chain rotate
in a circular action. People first tested the wheel by placing two logs on the
ground and putting planks of wood on top of them. Pretty soon, these logs
evolved in to the wheel and the wheels were soon used on chariots and
other transportation vehicles.

One reason for why I agree that the wheel is the most important
innovation of Mesopotamian history is that the wheel is still used now. I
think the reason of this is that it is used in so many other inventions even
now. Like I said before, a bike is an invention that uses three rotating
mechanisms. There are many others such as the car (useful for
transportation), the clock (tells people the correct time of day), the
doorknob (allows people to move from room-to-room) and the water
wheel (powers a mill by converting energy from water to machines that
are used for pounding grain and flour). In ancient Mesopotamia, the wheel
was used to transport water, food and other goods to different civilisations
to trade. They also used it to carry weapons to war.

Another reason is that, without the wheel, we wouldn’t be able to move

from place to place quickly, especially if you wanted to be across the
country from where you are now. The inventions needed to do this, which
use a rotating system are trains, cars, aeroplanes (the engines need to spin
to make the plane fly) and a boat since the propeller is circular and needs
to spin.

I think that most people haven’t noticed, but the wheel makes a huge effect
on our lives. Our lives would be much harder and less enjoyable without it.
My choice for the most important reason is that it’s used for many
inventions now because, like I said before, our lives would be much harder
without these inventions. So overall, my point of view is that the wheel is
the most important innovation of ancient Mesopotamia. I do continue to
wonder who was the genius who invented the wheel?

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