f5 Oral Sample Script

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A very good morning to my beloved teacher and my fellow friends.

Welcome to our special

forum on how to save the Earth from pollution. I’m xxx the chairman of this forum and with me
here today is our 3 panelist; A, B and C. Now let’s us begin with you A, in your opinion A, how
can be pull Mother Nature back from total destruction?
A: Thank you Mr. Chairman. Now, before I propose a solution let me explain about one of the
causes of pollution which is open burning. Nowadays, we see people burning their rubbish, dried
paddy fields and various other materials which causes air pollution. So, I propose that we should
tighten and reinforce our laws for these offenders to prevent and punish any future
Thank you A, a very stern and yet effective solution. Now, B, what do you think of A’s plan?

B: Well, A certainly have is point but I feel that one of the most effective ways for us to save the
Earth from pollution is to use hybrid cars. These cars uses the conventional petrol and the new
fuel source of ethanol. When combusted, ethanol converts itself to water and minimal amounts of
carbon dioxide, a significant improvement over the traditional gasoline. Of course, these cars do
not come cheap so, our government must take steps to lower the taxes on imported hybrid cars.
A very scientific solution indeed, B. Now, our last panelist, C, what is your opinion on this
heated discussion?
C: The other two panelist had indeed proposed a lot of potentially fruitful solutions but I think
that we should attack this problem right at its base. The community. The community needs to be
educated about the importance of conserving and preserving our environment and thus, a
campaign to promote the reduce, reuse and recycle initiative to reduce the amount of resources
wasted and the amount of trash the community uses every day. By doing this, we are helping
Mother Nature by not exploiting her resources dry and leave her with nothing. We’ll also be
conserving energy because producing less trash, the energy used to incinerate the trash would be
saved and thus creating a pollution free environment.
Wow…thank you our three panelist, ladies and gentlemen, our 3 panelist had suggested various
ways to keep the Earth from pollution. First is to tighten the laws in this country regarding
polluters and reinforces the laws. Next is to switch from gasoline fueled automobile to a
automobile which uses both gasoline and ethanol. Last but not least, is to hold the traditional
campaign to raise awareness about pollution, global warming and the exhausting natural
resources. Before I end out forum today, I sincerely hope that our forum here today will
enlighten you as to how and what we should do to protect our planet Earth. With that, I thank

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