Sam Arora: Standing Up To Special Interests

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(early voting begins Friday, September 3)

Democratic Primary: Tuesday, September 14

P.O. Box 1089
Olney, MD 20832
About Sam Arora
Sam Arora is a community advocate who grew up in Derwood and
now lives in Silver Spring. He works in his family’s Gaithersburg
business, providing health care services to military families. He’ll
put his experience creating jobs to work for us.
Professional Experience
Vice President, The Arora Group
Law Clerk to Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler
Aide, Senator Hillary Clinton
Law Clerk, U.S. Attorney’s Office
Member, Policy Making Committee, American Bar Association
The Barrie School
Columbia University
Georgetown Law
“Our community is represented by three great State Delegates. Since
Delegate Ben Kramer is the only one running for reelection, we will be
selecting two new candidates in the Democratic primary. I hope you
will consider me as you pick the candidates you want to support.”
—Sam Arora
Democrat for Delegate
Endorsed by Progressive Maryland
By Authority: Friends of Sam Arora; Greg Fuller, Treasurer. MG-10-MD19-C
“Too often, good ideas and
innovative legislation are killed
in Annapolis because special
interests and lobbyists oppose
them. I’m running a different
kind of campaign, free from
special interest influence.”

—Sam Arora
Democrat for Delegate

✓✓ I will not accept contributions

from special interest PACs.

✓✓ I will not accept contributions

from Maryland lobbyists.

✓✓ I go beyond campaign reporting

requirements by revealing the
identity of every one of my
campaign contributors.

End Corporate Tax Loopholes

Arora will fight to close the tax loophole that allows

multi-state corporations doing business in Maryland to
avoid paying our business taxes—a move that will bring
Maryland over $100 million annually.

Stand Up to the Liquor Lobby

The powerful liquor lobby has passed out political

contributions and blocked efforts to raise Maryland’s
liquor tax that has been the same since 1955. Arora will
help balance the budget by finally raising the liquor tax.

Require Full Disclosure of Political Fundraising

Arora will introduce legislation to require all Maryland

state candidates to publicly report the name of every
political contributor and the amount of their donation.


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