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# Giving a Suggestion

1. May I suggest you to study English in library ?

Good idea.
2. Have you considered maintain a rabbit in your house ?
Yes, I think it can to make me fun.
3. How about living in my village next week ?
Why not ? that’s right.
4. I propose that you move your shop to Pacinan street .
You are right.

# Giving a Request

1. Would you please cooking a cake ?

I’m sorry. I can’t
2. Would you mind searching money in that office again ?
Yes, please.
3. Please feed my fish, will you ?
I’d love to, but I can’t. I must go now.
4. If you don’t mind, may I swim in your home tomorrow ?

# Complaining about sevice

1. This table is fall apart. Can you tidy this ?

# Complaining about the quality food

1. Waiter, there is lizard in my bowl. Can I have another bowl, please ?

2. I’m sorry, but I don’t remember ordering noodles.

# Practice saying of apologies

1. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Let me check your order with the kitchen, Ms.
2. Of course, ma’am nd please accept our apologies for this carelessness.

Hana Fadhilah Utami


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