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The Language of Functions and Graphs

Masters for Photocopying


Examination Questions
The journey 4 (12)
Camping 5 (20)
Going to school 6 (28)
The vending machine 8 (38)
The hurdles race 9 (42)
The cassette tape 10 (46)
Filling a swimming pool 12 (52)

Classroom Materials
Unit A t Al Interpreting points 14 (64)
A2 Are graphs just pictures? 16 (74)
A3 Sketching graphs from words 18 (82)
A4 Sketching graphs from pictures 20 (88)
A5 Looking at gradients 22 (94)
Supplementary booklets:
Interpreting points 24 (100)
Sketching graphs from words 26 (102)
Sketching graphs from pictures 28 (104)

Unit B t Bi Sketchinggraphs from tables 32 (110)

B2 Finding functions in situations 35 (116)
B3 Looking at exponential functions 37 (120)
84 A Function with several variables 39 (126)
Supplementary booklets:
Finding functions in situations 41 (131)
Finding functions in tables of data 43 (138)

A Problem Collection
Designingawatertank 45 (146)

A Problem Collection (cont’d)
The point of no return 47 (15(J)
‘Warmsnug~ double glazing 49 (154)
Producingamagazine 51 (158)
The Ffestiniog railway 53 (16-1)
Carbon dating 58 (170)
Designinga.can 60 (174)
Manufacturingacomptuer 62 (178)
The missing planet 64 (182)
Graphs and other data for interpretation:
Feelings 69 (191)
The traffic survey 70 (192)
The motorway journey 71 (193)
Growth curves 72 (194)
Road accident statistics 73 (195)
Theharbourtide 74 (196)
Alcohol 76 (198)

Support Material
A suggested programme of meetings 81
6 unmarked scripts for
The hurdles race’ 83 (237)
Marking record form 86 (236)

“Traffic”—An Approach to Distance-Time Graphs

t TI Taking photographs from a helicopter 88
T2 From photographs to cine film 90
T3, T4 More traffic problems 92
T5, T6, T7 Acceleration and deceleration 96
“Snapshot blanks” master 102
Distance-time grid master 103

* The numbers in brackets refer to the corresponding pages in the Module books.
t The masters for materials prefixed with an A, B or T should be used to form four
paged booklets, by photocopying back to back and folding in half.

tSheIl Centre for Mathematical Education, University of Nottingham. 1985.

Note: We welcome the duplication of the materials in this package thr use
exclusively within the purchasing school or other institution.

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