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SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

General Information Page No.

1.1 Vision 2
1.2 Mission 2
1.3 Autonomy and Autonomous institutions 2
1.4 Administrative Team 3
1.5 Admission 4
1.6 Details of the degrees offered 4
1.7 Course registration 4
1.8 Drop/Withdraw/Audit option 4
1.9 Attendance requirements 5

Evaluation & Assessment

2.1 Continuous Assessment (CA) 5
2.2 End Semester Examination (ESE) 6
2.3 Question paper pattern 6
2.4 Valuation Methodology 6
2.5 Grading scheme 6
2.6 Letter grades & grade point 7
2.7 Earned Credits 7
2.8 Semester Grade Point Average 7
2.9 Cumulative Grade Point Average 7
2.10 Mandatory Learning Course 7
2.11 Promotion Criterion 8
2.12 Ranking/Distinction 8
2.13 Summer Term Course 8
2.14 Important information’s 8

Transfer of students
3.1 Non-autonomous institution to SDMCET 9
3.2 Branch change & Lateral entry 9

Academic Calendar
Odd Semester – 2010 – 11 10

Academic Honesty & Integrity 11

Suggested Plan of Study 12

Detailed Syllabus 13

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1.1 Vision:
To move forward in Technical Education by setting up a flexible, vigilant and
vibrant system of education and training in order to
a) ensure competitive and contextually relevant educational standards &
b) contribute on a larger scale technical manpower of high caliber to serve our
Nation and Globe.
c) sensitize qualified youth force to societal needs and demands through
enrichment of skills and human values.

1.2 Mission:
a) To establish and ensure robust, adaptive and sensitive Curricula and Syllabi.
b) To promote caring and interactive Teaching Practices in a rejoicing Learning
Ambience with richly supported by all Modern Educational Tools and
c) To enhance and revitalize RESEARCH CULTURE to establish synergy
between Teaching and Research and make it an ENABLER for progress
and reach out
d) To explore and achieve the participation of Industrial expertise for
connecting classroom content to real life situation.
e) To encourage and promote RESOURCE GENERATION among faculty to
achieve self- reliance for research
f) To strive and manage Industry and Corporate world as players and enablers
for high quality technical education.
g) To pursue intensification of soft skills and personality development through
interplay of achievers of all segments of our Society.

1.3 Autonomy and Autonomous Institutions: Autonomy to an academic

institution is like what independence to a nation: it is a hard earned privilege.
The privilege comes with set of responsibilities.
SDMCET was selected by the Government of Karnataka to be a member of the
elite group of World Bank funded TEQIP institutions in 2005. SDMCET gained
academic autonomous status in the year 2007 - 08. In order to “govern” the
institution in this new status and to go beyond, SDMCET has been working
wholeheartedly and has been successful in most of the areas since last two
years. Various processes have been put in place and practices have been
established. One of the prominent areas is the design, development,
implementation of curriculum under autonomy. We have designed frameworks
and established institutional processes to overview the transition to new
systems. Various committees constituted for this purpose have discussed
debated and deliberated areas of their concern and have come out with detailed
policies and procedures. The institution has the responsibility also to implement
the curriculum and to assess the students. This handbook provides a brief but
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

all the important information about the autonomy policies, norms and
procedures of this institution to all our students and other stake holders.

1.4 Administrative Team:

Prof. Dr. M. N. Sudheendra Rao Dr. Basavraj S Benni
Principal / Director Head, Department of Management
Prof. B. S. Sree Shailan Prof. D. S. Bhat
Dean (Academic Program) Controller of Examinations (COE)
Prof. S. B. Karajgi Prof. Prasanna Bammigatti
Dean (Administration) Deputy Controller of Examinations
Prof. Dr. A. V. Shivapur Dr. Vinayak Bankapur
Dean (Infrastructure, Planning and Sr. Librarian, Central Library
Prof. N S Nadgir Prof. J. V. Vadavi
Dean (Student Welfare) In-charge, Central Computing Facility
Prof. Dr. C. D. Lakkannavar Prof. S. K. Dhulked
Chairman, Under Graduate Admissions & Prof. In-charge, Centre for Industry
First Year Academic Program (UGA-FAP) Institute Interface (C-III)
Prof. S. S. Inamdar Prof. Udayshankar D. Hakari
Head, Chemical Engineering Department Faculty Coordinator, Entrepreneurship
Development Cell (EDC)
Prof. Dr. S. B. Vanakudre Prof. G. M. Shivanagouda
Head, Civil Engineering Department Training & Placement Cell
Prof. S. M. Joshi Prof. Dr. Jagadeesh Pujari
Head, Computer Science & Engineering Prof. In-charge, Software Utilization &
Department Development Cell (SUDC)
Prof. B. Dinesh Ballullaya Prof. Ravindra Dastikop
Head, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Faculty Coordinator, Intellectual Property
Department Right Cell (IPR-C)
Dr. (Ms.) Vijaya C Prof. (Mrs) Pushpalata Nikkam
I/c Head, Electronics & Communication Advisor, Co-curricular Activities
Engineering Department
Prof. V. K. Parvati Prof. A. G. Raikar
Head, Information Science & Engineering Advisor, Cultural Activities
Prof. V. K. Heblikar Prof. S. V. Viraktamath
Head, Mechanical Engineering Department Advisor, Sports
Prof. Dr. Kumar Maddani Dr. A. G. Bujurke
Head, Physics Department Director of Physical Education
Prof. Dr. (Mrs) A. A. Kittur Prof. K. Gopinath
Head (In-charge), Chemistry Department Public Relation Officer (PRO)
Prof. Dr. D. P. Basti Shri. P. V. Gangadhar Rao
Head, Mathematics Department Deputy Registrar

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1.5 Admission: Admission will be made in accordance with the instructions

received from Ministry of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka and VTU
from time to time. Seats are reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled
Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Physically challenged candidates, children of
defense personnel and other categories as per the guidelines issued by the
Government of Karnataka.

1.6 Details of the Degree offered: Degree offered is Bachelor of Engineering

(B.E) – Credit System in Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical &
Electronics, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication and Information Science
SDMCET is permanently affiliated to Visveswaraya Technological University
(VTU), Belgaum and the degree is awarded by VTU. The minimum credit
requirement for the B.E degree is 200 and the time allowed is 8 semesters
(minimum) to 16 semesters (maximum). All academic activities are to be
approved by the Academic Council, Governing Council and are as per the
guidelines issued from time to time by VTU.
The academic activity in an academic year is as follows:
a) Odd semester: 19 weeks
b) Inter semester recess: 02 weeks
c) Even semester: 19 weeks
d) Inter semester recess: 02 weeks
e) Summer Term Course (STC): 08 weeks
f) Inter semester recess: 02 weeks
Total: 52 weeks

1.7 Course registration:

a) Subjects are taught as different courses at basic and advanced level as
core, elective theory subject and as laboratory and workshop based courses.
b) Each course is given a certain number of credits, varying from 1 to 4 per
course. Eight to ten courses amounting to approximately 30 credits are
offered in each semester.
c) Every student after consulting his mentor is required to register for the
approved courses at the commencement of each Semester on the days
fixed for such registration and notified in the academic calendar.
d) Every student is required to register for a minimum of 20 credits but to a
Maximum of 30 credits.

1.8 Drop/Withdraw/Audit option:

a) As a procedure, course registration should get over on a prescribed date,
before the commencement of the semester. However, students are given the
opportunity to register for additional courses if they so wish after the
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

commencement of the semester but within a stipulated date under late

registration mode.
b) Likewise a student has the option to drop/withdraw some of the courses
registered before the scheduled dates mentioned in the academic calendar.
c) Students can Audit a course meaning he / she can attend the classes but
need not register or write the test and examinations of the course. However,
formal permission of the concerned Instructor / department is necessary for
auditing a course.

1.9 Attendance requirements:

a) A minimum of 85% attendance in each course is a MUST to appear for End
Semester Examination (ESE).
b) Students with shortage of attendance will not be allowed to write the final
examination and this would amount to fail in that subject concerned.
c) Such students have to Reregister and go through the entire course once

2) Evaluation & Assessment

2.1 Continuous Assessment (CA):
1) Purpose:
• To ensure good academic standards well maintained in SDMCET.
• To impart steady and regular study habits so that there will be less/no
pressure of any kind near the semester end.
• To ascertain SDMCET students excel in their academic career and life.

2) Theory Courses: Max. Marks: 50 per course

a) Tests Marks: 40
Test – 1 Test – 2
Test (optional)
Max. Marks 20 20 20
th th th
Timing 7 Week 13 Week 15 Week
Syllabus First 40% Second 40% Second 50%
Duration 1 Hour 1 Hour 1 Hour

• Tests are conducted on three days schedule with proper seating

arrangements announced by the Controller of Examinations.

Test – 1 Test – 2 Makeup/Improvement Test By the end of semester
50% 60% 70% 85%

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

b) Teacher Impression Marks (TIM): 10

• Class room interaction – weightage 2 Marks
• Announced and unannounced Quiz – weightage 4 Marks
• Assignment(s) for I & II Year
OR – weightage 4 Marks
Case study/Term paper for III & IV year

c) Minimum of 20 marks in CA is a must for attending to ESE.

3) Practical Courses: Max. Marks: 100 per course

• Interaction, preparation, journal writing, viva etc., in each lab session
amounting to a maximum of 50 marks.
• Final Lab exam at the end of the semester as per the schedule announced
by the COE for a maximum of 50 marks.

2.2 End Semester Examination (ESE) will be conducted for theory courses only at
the end of the semester after completion of course works. The duration of
examination is 3 hours and maximum marks are 100. Attendance to the ESE
exam is mandatory.

2.3 Question paper pattern:

The question paper pattern for CA and ESE are as follows:
a) PART–A: [Max. Marks: 5 in CA & 20 in ESE]
Questions could be of multiple choices, fill in the blanks, match the
following, True / False and make corrections.
b) PART–B: [Max. Marks: 5 in CA & 20 in ESE]
Analytical and problem oriented questions demanding thorough knowledge
and appreciation of the concepts learnt.
c) PART–C: [Max. Marks: 10 in CA & 60 in ESE]
Standard questions are to be framed on the entire syllabus that can be
evaluated objectively. There could one or two built-in choice questions.

2.4 Valuation methodology: Each answer script of ESE is valued by two faculty
members independently and the better score is considered. If the difference in
the score is greater than 10%, one more valuation of the script will be carried
out by a new examiner and this score is considered as final. Revaluation is not
allowed in view of this fair and careful procedure adopted.

2.5 Grading scheme:

a) Relative grading scheme is adopted in SDMCET as practiced in many
leading autonomous institutions around the world.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

b) Raw scores obtained by a student will be converted to letter grades using

statistical approach using mean and standard deviation.
c) Arithmetic mean is fixed as D grade and the remaining grades are fixed in
multiples of standard deviation added to the mean.
d) Grade Finalization Committee of the institution studies the grades carefully
and its decision is final.

2.6 Letter grades and grade points:

Letter grades Grade points Remarks
S 10 Outstanding
A 09 Excellent
B 08 Very Good
C 07 Good
D 05 Average
E 04 Poor
F 00 Fail

2.7 Earned Credits: A student passing a course in any of the grade ‘S’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’,
‘D’ & ‘E’ earns the credits prescribed for that course.

2.8 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) indicates performance level (caliber)
of the student at the end of each semester. It is calculated as follows:
Σ (Course Credit × Grade po int)
Σ Course Credit
[This takes into account all the registered courses and grades including F
obtained by a student in that semester]

2.9 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is an indicator of changes in the

performance level of a student with their progress of study [1st to 2nd semester;
2nd to 3rd Semester and so on…]. It is calculated as follows:
Σ (Course Credit × Grade po int)
Σ Course Credit
[Course(s) with F grade are not included in the calculation]

2.10 Mandatory Learning Courses (MLC): VTU stipulates the following as

Mandatory Learning Course:
1) Functional English
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

2) Kannada Kali
3) Constitution of India & Professional Ethics (CIPE)
4) Environmental Studies (ES)
Even though, these courses carry no credits, passing them is COMPULSARY.
An attendance criterion is applicable. Examinations are conducted and getting
grade ‘PP’ (Meaning Pass) is a must to get the degree.

2.11 Promotion Criterion:

The prescribed standards for promotion shall be as follows:
1) Maximum number of ‘F’ grades that can be carried at any point of time is
FOUR only.
2) Minimum CGPA shall be 5.00.

2.12 Ranking/Distinction is decided by CGPA. Best student has the highest CGPA.

2.13 Summer Term Course (STC): This arrangement is primarily to assist weak
and / or failed students to clear their backlogs. STC is offered during summer
vacation. In this format, duration of the course is reduced to 8 weeks but the
number of contact hours per week is doubled. Examination pattern remains the
same. A minimum of TEN registered candidates is necessary to offer the
course. A student can register for a maximum of 12 credits only.

2.14 Important information’s:

1) There will be no re-examination for any course. However, student can
register once again either in a main or summer term course.
2) If a student fails (obtaining grade F) in any course THREE TIMES, he / she
becomes ineligible to continue and will be asked to leave the program.
However, such a student may seek admission to the program at the college
afresh going through the process of selection, all over again.
3) A minimum CGPA of 5.00 is very important to smoothly continue with the
studies at the college. Warning will be given to students performing below this
level. However, a student failing to secure a minimum CGPA of 5.00 on three
consecutive occasions would be asked to discontinue the program and leave
the college.
4) Absenting from classes for long is a serious deterrent. A student who remains
absent from the classes for more than six weeks at a time in a semester
without leave of absence being granted by the competent authorities would be
asked to discontinue the program and leave the college.
5) Students shall conduct themselves within and outside the premises of the
college, in a manner befitting to the students of an institution of national
importance and character. Any deviation to this by students will be dealt
seriously and the decision of the principal of the college is final.
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

6) Students are expected to maintain a good academic record of CGPA greater

than 7.00 so as to be eligible for on-campus placement. A Training &
Placement office at the college has been providing an excellent service since
five years.

3) Transfer of students
3.1 The following procedures are adopted for fixing the grade and grade points of
each course that are completed successfully by the student in the non-
autonomous programs:
a) Courses (in non-autonomous program) equivalent to autonomous courses
shall be identified semester wise.
b) Credits are assigned to the above identified theory and practical courses
successfully completed by the student in the VTU (non-autonomous)
examinations shall be same as in the autonomous courses.
c) Grades shall be awarded for the above identified equivalent courses as per
the following table:
Level Outstanding Excellent Good Average Poor Fail
Grade S A B C D E F
Grade points 10 09 08 07 05 04 00
% Marks
obtained in
VTU (non- >= 90 75 to 89 60 to 74 50 to 59 45 to 49 40 to 44 < 40

d) CGPA is calculated in the same way as done for autonomous courses.

e) Promotion criterion will now be same as in autonomous courses.

3.2 Branch Change and Lateral Entry: At the end of the first year, some students
can change their branch provided i) they are top performers with highest CGPA
and ii) a clear vacancy in the change of branch sought exists. Dean (Academic
Program) will notify the details regarding this at the appropriate time. Diploma
passed candidates is allowed to join the degree program at the third semester.
Rules and Regulations for this are as per VTU.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

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SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

5) Academic Honesty & Integrity

I) Introduction: SDMCET is committed to upholding honesty, integrity and
fairness in both academic and co-curricular activities. A student of SDMCET
shall accept and abide by the academic stipulations of the institution. It is the
student’s responsibility to be aware of policies pertaining to academic
II) Academic dishonesty: Academic values and standards are the shared
responsibility of students, faculty and supporting staff. Academic dishonesty is
any action or practice that provides the potential for an unfair advantage to an
individual or a group of students.
• Help to someone for an act of academic dishonest is as serious as
receiving the help itself.
• A student who cheats, gain an unfair advantage over honest
• Knowingly not reporting the dishonest act to the authorities is a crime and
will hurt the institution.
• Some Examples:
1) Copying with or without the other person’s knowledge during an exam.
2) Giving or receiving answers by use of signals during an exam.
3) Doing class assignments for someone else.
4) Obtaining an unauthorized copy of a question paper in advance.
5) Using unauthorized notes during an exam.
6) Collaborating with other students on assignments when it is not
7) Stealing class assignments from other students and submitting them as
one’s own.
8) Destroying work of other students.
9) Giving proxy attendance to someone else.
10) Making proxy phone calls on behalf of parents.
11) Producing forged letters as though written by the parents.
12) Producing false certificates for an academic advantage.

III) Sanctions for academic dishonesty:

1) Awarding zero marks for the test under consideration and denying
him/her the permission to take remaining tests.
2) Publicizing the details of the student on the notice board for the act
committed with photograph.
3) Punitive grading like giving a lower or failing grade for the course.
4) Punishment like suspension or expulsion for periods up to one year.
5) Dismissal from the college.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

6) Suggested plan of study

III Semester B. E (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Course L-T-P Course
Course Title
Code (Hrs/Week) Credits
MA200 Engineering Mathematics – III 4–0–0 4
EE200 Network Analysis 4–0–0 4
EE201 Analog Electronics 4–0–0 4
EE202 Electrical & Electronic Measurements 4–0–0 4
EE203 Digital Electronics 4–0–0 4
EE204 Digital Electronics Lab 0–0–3 1.5
EE205 Analog Electronics Lab 0–0–3 1.5
EE206 Electrical Measurements Lab 0–0–2 1
Total 28 24

IV Semester B. E (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

Course L-T-P Course
Course Title
Code (Hrs/Week) Credits
MA250 Engineering Mathematics – IV 4–0–0 4
EE250 Signals & Systems 4–0–0 4
Electrical Power Generation &
EE251 4–0–0 4
EE252 Field Theory 4–0–0 4
EE253 Microcontrollers 4–0–0 4
Electrical Machines – 1 (DC Machines &
EE254 4–0–0 4
EE255 Microcontrollers Lab 0–0–3 1.5
EE256 Electrical Machines – 1 Lab 0–0–3 1.5
Total 30 27

Total Credits offered for the Second year: 51

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

7) Detailed Syllabus

III Semester
MA200 Engineering Mathematics - III (4 - 0 - 0) 4

1) Fourier Series: Fourier series, evaluation of Fourier coefficients, waveform

symmetries as related to Fourier co-efficient, convergence in truncated series,
exponential form of the Fourier series, half range Fourier series, practical
harmonic analysis. 8 Hrs.
2) Fourier Transform: Exponential representation of non-periodic signals,
existence of Fourier transforms properties of Fourier Transform: symmetry,
scaling, shifting, convolution theorem and Parseval’s identity. 8 Hrs.
3) Partial Differential Equations: Introduction to partial differential equations,
classification, formation of partial differential equations, solution of equation of
the type Pp + Qq = R, solution of partial differential equation by method of
separation of variables. 8 Hrs.
4) Applications of Partial Differential Equations: Modeling – vibration of string-
wave equation, heat equation, solution of wave, heat equation and solution of
Laplace equation by the method of separation of variables, D’Alemberts solution
of wave equation. Applications (electrostatic field problems). 8 Hrs.
5) Difference equations and Z – Transform: Difference equations –basic
definitions of z-transform, transform of standard forms-linearity property-
damping rule-shift rule, initial and final value theorems, Inverse z-transforms
(Partial Fraction method), convolution theorem, applications of z-transforms to
solve difference equations. 8 Hrs.
6) Matrices and System of Linear Equations: Introduction to system of Linear
equations, consistency of system of linear equation, Gauss elimination method,
Guass - Seidal method, characteristic values and characteristic vectors of
matrices, Largest Eigenvalue and corresponding Eigenvector by power method,
examples related to electrical circuits (Determine the currents and voltages at
various locations in resister circuits). 10 Hrs.

1) Kreyszig E. - Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & sons,
2) Potter M C, Jack Goldberg and Aboufadel E F - Advanced Engineering
Mathematics, 3rd edition, Oxford Indian Edition, 2005.
3) Van Valkenburg - Network analysis, 3rd edition, PHI New Delhi, 2000.
4) Lathi B. P - Modern Digital and Analog Communication System, 2nd edition, pp.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EE200 Network Analysis (4 - 0 - 0) 4

1) Basic Concepts: Energy sources, source transformation techniques. Mesh

analysis and nodal analysis for D.C and A.C. circuits. Star-Delta transformations.
8 Hrs.
2) Network theorems: Thevenin’s theorem, Superposition theorem, Norton’s
theorem, Maximum Power transfer theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Millman’s
theorem for D.C.and A.C circuits. 8 Hrs.
3) Network topology: Concepts of graph, tree, Incidence matrix, tie-set and cut-
set matrices. Equilibrium equations. 4 Hrs.
4) Series resonance: variation of impedance and current with frequency. Resonant
and half power frequencies. Quality factor, Selectivity, band width.
Parallel resonance: Variation of admittance with frequency, Parallel resonant
circuits, expression for half power & resonant frequency. 6 Hrs.
5) D.C Transients: R-L and R.C. Circuits, Growth of current, Charging and
discharging of capacitor, Transient response of RLC circuits. 3 Hrs.
6) Fourier series: Determination of Fourier coefficients, wave symmetry.
Exponential form of Fourier series, Power calculations for asymmetric
waveforms. 4 Hrs.
7) Laplace Transforms: Laplace transform of unit step, ramp, impulse, Gate,
exponential and sinusoidal functions, Laplace transform of a derivative and an
integral function, Initial value and final value theorems. Inverse Laplace
transforms. Application of Laplace Transforms in solution of RL and RC circuits
excited by step, impulse and pulse inputs, Step response of RLC circuits. 8 Hrs.
8) Coupled circuits: Magnetic coupling, coefficient of coupling, Dot convention,
inductive coupling in series and parallel circuits. 3 Hrs.
9) Two Port Network: Z, Y, ABCD and h- parameters. Relationship between
parameter sets. interconnection of two port networks. symmetry, input and output
impedances, image impedance. 8 Hrs.

1) M.V. Vanvalkenburg - Network Analysis, 3rd edition, PHI/Pearson Education,
2) Hayt, Kemmerley & Durbin - Engineering Circuit Analysis, 6th edition, TMH, 2002.
3) Roy Choudhary - Networks and Systems, 2nd edtion, New Age International,
4) Bruce Carlson - Circuits, Thomson Learning, 2002.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EE201 Analog Electronics (4 - 0 - 0) 4

1) Diode circuit: Diode as circuit element, piece-wise linear model, clipping circuit,
clamping circuit, full wave rectifier circuit and capacitor filters. 7 Hrs.
2) Transistor biasing and stabilization: Operating point, need for bias and
stability, types of bias circuit, stabilization against variations in Ico, VBE, and , Bias
compensation. 6 Hrs.
3) Transistor Circuits: Graphical analysis of the CE configuration, hybrid model,
analysis of transistor amplifier circuits, emitter follower, Miller’s theorem and its
dual, Frequency response of amplifier, RC coupled amplifier, Hybrid – model.
10 Hrs.
4) Field Effect Transistor: JFET, & its characteristics, FET small signal model,
Amplifier frequency response. , MOSFET and its characteristics. 5 Hrs.
5) Feed Back Amplifiers: Concepts, Characteristics of Feed Back amplifiers,
method of analysis, types, Oscillator principle, Phase shift Oscillators, Resonant
circuits. 5 Hrs.
6) Power amplifiers: Large signal Amplifiers, Second harmonic distortion, Power
amplifiers, Push-Pull, Class A, Class B, class AB operation. 7 Hrs.
7) Op-amps: Emitter coupled amplifier, offset voltages & currents, Ideal op-
amplifiers. Integrator, Differentiator, precision rectifiers, summer, subtractor,
Comparator, Schmitt trigger. 9 Hrs.
8) Timers: 555 timer block diagram, astable, monostable, multi vibrator, ramp
generator. 3 Hrs.

1) Millman & Halkias - Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill, 2005.
2) Sudhakar Samuel - Electronics circuits, Sanguine Technical Publishers, 2005.
3) Ramakant Gayakwad - Op-amp & LICs, 4th edition, Eastern economy edition,
4) Millman & Taub, - Pulse, Digital & Switching Circuit, MacGraw Hill Publications,

EE202 Electrical & Electronic Measurements (4 - 0 - 0) 4

1) Units and dimensions: Review of fundamental and derived units, SI Units,

dimensional equations, problems. 4 Hrs.
2) Measurement of resistance, inductance and capacitance: Wheatstone
bridge, sensitivity analysis, limitations; Kelvin double bridge; earth resistance
measurement using Megger; Anderson bridge, Wien bridge ; Schering bridge;
sources and detectors, shielding of bridges, Problems. 10 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) Extension of instrument range: Shunts and multipliers, construction and theory

of instrument transformers, ratio and phase angle errors of CT and PT, turns
compensation; problems. 6 Hrs.
4) Measurement of power and related parameters: Dynamometer type
wattmeter; LPF wattmeter; measurement of 3 phase reactive power. Induction
type energy meter: construction, theory, errors, adjustments and calibration;
principle of electronic energy meter; construction and operation of
electrodynamometer single-phase PF meter, Weston frequency meter and phase
sequence Indicator; problems. 10 Hrs.
5) Electronic Instruments: Introduction, True RMS voltmeter, Electronic multi-
meters, Digital voltmeters, Q meter, Stroboscope, digital tachometer. 6 Hrs.
6) Transducers: Classification, selection, strain gauges, LVDT, Selsyn,
Photovoltaic cells, interfacing resistive transducers to electronic circuits. Thermo-
couple. 6 Hrs.
7) Signal conditioning & Data Acquisition: Introduction, block diagram of
electronic aided measurement, dc signal conditioning system, ac signal
conditioning system, generalized data acquisition system, single & multi channel
DAS, multiplexing. 6 Hrs.
8) Signal generators and display devices: AF oscillators, Basic standard signal
generator (Sine wave), Strip chart recorder, X-Y recorders, Nixie tube, LCD
display. 4 Hrs.

1) A K Sawhney - Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation, 10th
edition, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2002.
2) Cooper D & A D Heifrick - Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measuring
Techniques, PHI, 1998.
3) H. S. Kalsi - Electronic Instrumentation, 2nd edition, TMH, 2004.
4) Golding and Widdies - Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments,
Wheelers Edition, 1999.

EE203 Digital Electronics (4 - 0 - 0) 4

1) Boolean Algebra and logic gates: Basic definitions, postulates, theorems and
properties of Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions, DNF, CNF, canonical and
standard forms, Additional Boolean operations and gates, Incompletely specified
Boolean functions. NOR and NAND realization, Principle of minimization.
Karnaugh map: one, two, three, four & five variable maps, POS and SOP
simplification, Minimal sums and minimal products, Quine McCluskey method,
Prime implicant chart, Petrick’s method of determining redundant expressions,

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

table reduction for multiple minimal solutions. Variable entered Karnaugh maps.
12 Hrs.
2) Combinational logic design with MSI components: Combinational circuits,
analysis & synthesis procedures, binary adders, carry look ahead adder,
subtractor and study of IC 7483, decimal adders, comparators, code converters,
decoders, logic design using decoders and demultiplexers, encoders, priority
encoders, multiplexers, logic design using MUX, Study of ICs 74151, 74153 &
74139. Study of decoder/driver IC 7446/7447. 8 Hrs.
3) Flip-Flops and applications: Basic bi-stable element, latches, SR latch, switch
debouncer, Gated SR and D latch, Timing considerations, JK flip-flop, Master
slave JK flip-flop, Race around condition, Edge triggered flip-flops, Direct inputs,
characteristic equations, Flip-Flop conversions. 7 Hrs.
4) Registers and counters: Study of IC 7495/IC 74194, Bidirectional shift registers,
Counters, Binary ripple counters, synchronous counters, register based counters,
ring Counter, switch tail counter with decoding logic, Design of modulo-N
counters using JK, T, D & SR flip-flop. Self correcting counters, Study of 7493
asynchronous counter, IC 7490 mod-10 counter. 8 Hrs.
5) Programmable Logic Devices: Introduction, PROM, PLA, PAL and logic design
using PLDs. 4 Hrs
6) Logic families: Logic level, Integration scale, output switching time, propagation
delay, fan-in and fan-out, TTL logic, wired logic, TTL with totem pole output,
Tristate TTL, Schottky TTL, MOS families, Inverters, NOR and NAND gates,
CMOS inverters, NOR and NAND gates, Performance comparison of logic
families. 6 Hrs.
7) Introduction to synchronous sequential networks: Structure and analysis of
clocked synchronous sequential circuits, Mealy Model and Moore Model,
Introduction to hazards in digital circuits. 6 Hrs.

1) Donald D. Givone - Digital Principles and design, TMH, 2004.
2) Morris Mano - Digital Circuits & Logic Design, Pearson Education.
3) Malvino Leech - Digital Circuits & Applications, TMH.
4) Yarbrough - Digital Logic Applications and Design, Thomas publishing company,

EE204 Digital Electronics Lab (0 - 0 - 3) 1.5

1) Simplification of Boolean expressions and realization using basic gates.

2) Truth table verification of universal gates and special gates (XOR, EX-NOR and
majority gates).

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) Adders and subtractors using basic/universal gates. Study of 4-bit binary parallel
adder IC 7483.
4) Code converters. Binary to excess-3 using IC 7483. Excess-3 to Binary, Binary to
Gray and Gray to Binary.
5) Realization of 2 to 4 line decoder, 4 to 2 encoder, priority encoder.
6) BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver using IC 7446/7447.
7) Logic design using multiplexers and de-multiplexers using IC 74153 and IC
74139 respectively. Study of 74151, 8x1 MUX, 74155, 3x8 decoder, 74157
Quadruple 2x1 MUX.
8) Study of flip-flops and implementation using gates and study of IC 7446, IC 7474
9) Study and realization of 3-bit asynchronous up/down counter using IC 7476.
Study of IC 7493 4-bit asynchronous counter.
10) Design and implementation of mod-n (mod-6) counter using IC 7476 or IC
11) Study and realization of shift registers using IC 7474 SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO.
Bidirectional shift register using ICs 7495/ 74194. Shift register based counters
i.e. ring counter and twisted ring counter with decoding logic.
12) Study and design of astable multi-vibrator and ramp generation using timer 555.
13) Study and implementation of one shot circuit using timer 555.
14) Design of the bit magnitude comparator and study of IC 7485 4-bit magnitude

EE205 Analog Electronics Lab (0 - 0 - 3) 1.5

1) BJT Emitter follower (Darlington) Calculation of I/p Imp, O/p imp, voltage gain
2) Clipping circuits using diodes
3) Clamping circuits using diodes.
4) Design of Rectifier (full wave) with filter.
5) Operational Amplifier circuits: Summer circuit, Design & frequency response of
non-inverting amplifier.
6) Integrator design.
7) Differentiator design.
8) Schmitt Trigger; Zero crossing detector.
9) Class B Power Amplifier.
10) R C Coupled Amp. Freq. response input & output impedance.
11) Colpitts’ oscillator.
12) RC- phase shift oscillator.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EE206 Electrical Measurements Lab (0 - 0 - 2) 1

1) Measurement of medium resistance using Wheatstone Bridge.

2) Measurement of low resistance using Kelvin Double Bridge.
3) Measurement of inductance using Anderson Bridge or Maxwell Bridge.
4) Measurement of capacitance by Schering or DeSauty Bridge.
5) Measurement of frequency using Wien Bridge
6) Extension of instrument range using shunts & multipliers.
7) Measurement of three phase power using two-wattmeter method.
8) Measurement of mechanical load using strain gauges and bridge arrangement
9) Measurement of displacement using LVDT.
10) Characteristics of photo voltaic cell.
11) Study of Selsyn.
12) Adjustment and calibration of single phase energy meter.

IV Semester

MA250 Engineering Mathematics - IV (4 – 0 – 0) 4

1) Numerical Methods: Approximations and error, significant figures, Accuracy and

precision, Round off and Truncation Errors, Roots of equations using Bisection
Method, Regula- Falsi Method and Newton- Raphson Method, Finite differences,
Forward, Backward and central differences Operators. Newton Gregory forward
and backward interpolation formulae. Striling’s and Bessel’s interpolation
formulae. Lagrange’s. Inverse interpolation. Newton’s general interpolation
formula for divided differences. Applications (design of electrical circuits)
Numerical integration - Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, and Weddle’s
rule Numerical solution of first order ODE -Taylor’s series method. Modified
Euler’s method. Runge – Kutta fourth order method. Applications (RMS current
by numerical integration) 15 Hrs.
2) Statistics and probability: Curve fitting by the method of least squares: y = a +
bx, y = abx, y= aebx, y= axb, y = a + bx + c x2, correlation and regression.
Probability – addition rule, conditional probability, multiplication rule, Baye’s rule.
Discrete and continuous random variables-PDF-CDF-Binomial, Poisson,
exponential and Normal distributions. 12 Hrs.
3) Series Solution of Bessel’s Differential Equation: Introduction to series
solution, Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation, Recurrence formulae,
generating functions, orthogonal property, Bessel’s integral formula. 8 Hrs.
4) Markov Chains: Joint probability distribution of two random variables
Introduction: Markov chains – introduction, probability vectors, Stochastic
Matrices, Fixed points and Regular stochastic matrices, Markov chains, higher
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

transition probabilities, stationary distribution of regular Markov chains and

absorbing states. 10 Hrs.
5) Linear Programming: Linear programming, mathematical formulation of linear
programming problem (LPP), graphical method and simplex method. 5 Hrs.

1) Kreyszig E. - Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8th edition, John Wiley & sons,
2) Gupta S C and Kapoor V K - Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 9th edition,
Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2002
3) Chapra S C and Canale R P - Numerical methods for Engineers, 5th edition,
TATA McGraw-Hill, 2007.
4) Lipschutz S. and Lipson M. - “Probability” 2nd edition, Schaum’s Outline series,

EE250 Signals and Systems (4 – 0 – 0) 4

1) Introduction: Definition of a signal and a system, classification of signals, basic

operations on signals, elementary signals and systems viewed as
interconnections of operations, properties of systems. 10 Hrs.
2) Time-domain representation for LTI systems: Convolution, impulse response
representation, properties of impulse response representation, differential and
difference equation representations. Block diagram representations. 10 Hrs.
3) Fourier representation of signals: Introduction, Fourier representations of four
signal classes, orthogonal of complex sinusoidal signals, DTFS representations,
continuous-time-Fourier-series representations, DTFT & FT representations,
properties of Fourier representations MAT LAB programs. 12 Hrs.
4) Application of Fourier representation: Frequency response of LTI systems,
solution of differential and difference equations using system function, Fourier
transform representations for periodic signals, sampling of continuous time
signals and signals reconstruction. 10 Hrs.
5) Z Transforms: Introduction, Z-transforms, properties of ROC, properties of Z-
transforms, inversion of Z-transforms, transforms analysis of LTI systems,
transfer function, stability and causality, unilateral Z-transform and its application
to solve difference equations MAT LAB programs. 10 Hrs.

1) Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen - Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, John
Wiley & sons, 2005.
2) Michel J Roberts - Signals and systems: Analysis of signals through linear
systems, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and S. Hamid Nawab - Signals and

Systems, 2nd edition, Pearson Education Asia, 1997.
4) Ganeshrao & Tunga – Signals & Systems, 2004.

EE251 Electrical Power Generation & Transmission (4 – 0 – 0) 4

1) Hydro Power generation: Selection of site, classification of hydro electric plants,

general arrangement and operation, hydro electric plant, power station structure
& control. 5 Hrs.
2) Thermal: Introduction, main portions, working, plant layout. 5 Hrs.
3) Nuclear Power station: Introduction, adverse effects of fossil fuels, pros and
cons of nuclear power generation, selection of site, cost, components,
component of reactors, description of fuel sources, safety of nuclear power
reactor. 5 Hrs.
4) Other Sources of electrical power generation: Wind, Solar, fuel cells, tidal,
geo-thermal, Diesel, gas, nuclear co-generation, combined heat and power
distributed generation. 5 Hrs.
5) Economic aspects: Introduction, diversity factor, load factor, plant capacity
factor, plant use factor, plant utilization factor, loss factor, energy load curve, load
duration curve, problems. 4 Hrs.
6) Typical transmission scheme: Standard voltages for transmission, Advantages
of high voltage transmission. 1 Hrs.
7) Overhead transmission lines: Sag calculation in conductors, a) Suspended on
level supports (b) supports at different levels, Effect of wind and ice tension and
sag at erection. Stringing chart. 7 Hrs.
8) Line parameters: Calculation of inductance of single phase, three phase lines
with equilateral and unsymmetrical spacing. Inductance of composite conductor
lines. Capacitance – Calculation for two wires and three phase lines, capacitance
calculation for two wires 3 phase lines with equilateral and unsymmetrical
spacing. 10 Hrs.
9) Characteristics and performance of power transmission lines: Short
transmission lines, medium transmission lines, Nominal T and representation
of long lines, equivalent T and network representation of long transmission
lines. ABCD constants. Power flow through a transmission line, P-V and Q-V
coupling. 10 Hrs.

1) Soni Gupta & Bhatnagar - A Course of Electrical Power, Dhanpatrai and Sons,
2) C. L. Wadhwa - Electrical Power Systems, Wiley Eastern, 1991.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) W. D. Stevenson - Elements of Power System Analysis, 4th edition, Mc Graw Hill,

4) S. M. Singh - Electric Power Generation Transmission and Distribution, Prentice
Hall of India Ltd.

EE252 Field Theory (4 – 0 – 0) 4

1) Vector analysis: Scalars and vectors, vector algebra, Dot & cross products,
Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate system. 4 Hrs.
2) Coulomb’s law and Electric field Intensity: Field due to a continuous volume
Charge distribution, Field of a line charge and of a sheet charge. 4 Hrs.
3) Electric flux density: Gauss’s law and Divergence Electric flux density, Gauss’s
law, some symmetrical charge distributions for differential volume Element,
Divergence, Maxwell’s first equation of electrostatics, ∇ - operator, Divergence
theorem. 6 Hrs.
4) Energy and Potential: Energy expended in a moving point charge in an Electric
field. Concept of potential and potential differences. Potential due to point charge
and system of charges. Potential gradient, energy density in electric field. 6 Hrs.
5) Conductor, dielectrics and capacitance: Current and current density,
continuity of current, metallic conductors, conductor property and boundary
conditions, nature of dielectric materials, Boundary conditions for perfect
dielectric materials, capacitance calculations for different configurations. 6 Hrs.
6) Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations: Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations,
Uniqueness theorem, examples of the solution of Laplace & Poissson equations.
4 Hrs.
7) The steady magnetic field: Biot-Savart Law, Ampere Circuital Law, Curl,
Stokes Theorem, Magnetic Flux and flux density, the scalar and vector
magnetic potentials. 6 Hrs.
8) Magnetic forces: Force on a moving charge, force on a differential current
element, Force between differential current elements, magnetic boundary
conditions. 3 Hrs.
9) Time Varying Fields & Maxwell’s Equations: Faraday’s Law, Displacement
current, Maxwell’s equations in point form and integral form. 3 Hrs.
10) The Uniform Plane wave: Wave propagation in free space, wave propagation
in dielectrics, Poynting Vector and power considerations, propagation in good
conductors, skin effect. Poynting theorem in complex form. Applications of
Poynting theorem. 6 Hrs.
11) Reflection of uniform plane waves: Reflection of uniform plane waves at the
surface of a perfect conductor at normal incidence. Reflection of uniform plane
waves at the surface of a dielectrics at normal incidence, standing wave ratio.
4 Hrs.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

1) William H. Hayt Jr., John A. Buck - Engineering Electro Magnetics, TMH.
2) S. P Seth - Elements of Electro Magnetic Fields, Dhanapath Rai & Co.
3) John Krauss & Daniel A Fleisch - Electromagnetics with Applications, McGraw
4) David K. Cheng - Field & Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd edition, Pearson Education
Asia, 1989.

EE253 Microcontrollers (4 – 0 – 0) 4

1) Microprocessors and microcontrollers: Microcontrollers and Embedded

Processors. RISC & CISC Architectures, Harvard & Von-Neumann CPU
architecture. 3 Hrs.
2) The 8051 Architecture: Addressing modes and instruction set and assembly
language programming. . 14 Hrs.
3) 8051 programming in C: Data types and time delays in 8051C, I/O
programming, logic operation, data conversion programs, accessing code ROM
space, data serialization. 7 Hrs.
4) Timer / Counter Programming in 8051: Programming 8051 Timers, Counter
Programming, programming timers 0 & 1 in 8051C. 5 Hrs.
5) 8051C Serial Communication: Basics of Serial Communication, 8051
connections to RS 232, DB 9 Pin connector. 8051 Serial Communication
Programming. 6 Hrs.
6) Interrupts: Response of 8051 to interrupts Interrupt types and priority. 4 Hrs.
7) 8051 Interfacing and Applications: Memory interfacing, 8255 interfacing,
interfacing 8051 to LCD, Keyboard, ADC, DAC. LM34/35 interfacing. 9 Hrs.
8) Motor Control: basic operation of a relay, opto isolator and their interfacing with
8051. stepper motor interfacing, DC motor interfacing and PWM. 4 Hrs.

1) Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillespie Mazidi and Rolling D. Mekinlay - The
8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems-using assembly and C, Pearson,
2) Kenneth J. Ayala - The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming &
Applicactions, 2nd edition, Thomson Learning, 2005.
3) Predko - Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, TMH, 2004.
4) Raj Kamal - Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System
Design, Pearson, 2005.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

EE254 Electrical Machines – 1 (4 – 0 – 0) 4

(DC Machines & Transformers)

1) D. C. Generators: Constructional features and armature windings of D.C

Machines, Emf equation, Armature reaction, calculations demagnetizing and
cross magnetizing AT/pole, Compensating winding. Commutation, Inter pole,
Classification of D.C Generators, Characteristics and application of DC
generators. 8 Hrs.
2) D.C Motors: Principle of operation , types , characteristics and applications of
D.C Motors, Starter for D.C shunt and series motors ,Speed control of D. C
Motor, Electric braking of D.C Motors. 10 Hrs.
3) Testing of D.C Machines: Losses in D.C Machine, Efficiency. Swinbune’s test,
Hopkinson’s test, retardation test, Field’s test on D.C series motors. 7 Hrs.
4) Single phase Transformers: Construction, types, operation of ideal and
practical transformers on no-load and load, Phasor diagram, Equivalent circuit,
O.C, S.C Sumpner’s tests, Voltage regulation and efficiency, condition for
maximum efficiency, Separation of iron losses, All day efficiency, Auto
Transformer- Principle, construction, saving in copper. Phasor diagram and
equivalent circuit, Parallel Operation of transformers, Load sharing between
transformers. 15 Hrs.
5) Three Phase Transformers: Construction, 3- phase to 3- phase conversion,
Scott connection, Open delta connections, three phase auto-transformer, Parallel
operation, 3 winding transformers, Magnetization characteristics and harmonics.
6 Hrs.
6) Special Machines: Variable frequency, Pulse, welding transformer, DC
Servomotors, Stepper motors, Universal motors. 6 Hrs.

1) D. P. Kothari & I.J. Nagrath - Electric Machines, 2nd edition, TMH, 1996.
2) Clayton & Hancock - Performance & Design of D.C Machines, Oxford, 1987.
3) M.G. Say - Performance & Design of A.C Machines, 3rd edition, CBS
Publications, 2002.
4) Ashfaq Hussain - Electric Machines, 2nd edition, Dhanapat Rai &Co., 2005

EE255 Microcontrollers Lab (0 – 0 – 3) 1.5

1) Data Transfer - Block move, Exchange, Sorting, Finding largest element in an
2) Arithmetic Instructions - Addition/subtraction, multiplication and division, square,
Cube – (16 bits Arithmetic operations – bit addressable).
SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook

3) Counters.
4) Boolean & Logical Instructions (Bit manipulations)
5) Code conversion: BCD – ASCII; ASCII – Decimal; Decimal - ASCII; HEX -
Decimal and Decimal - HEX
6) Programs using serial port and on-chip timer /counter.
C programs to interface 8051 chip to Interfacing modules to develop single chip
1) Alphanumeric LCD panel and Hex keypad input interface.
2) External ADC and Temperature control interface.
3) Generate different waveforms Sine, Square, Triangular, Ramp etc. using DAC
interface; change the frequency and amplitude.
4) Stepper and DC motor control interface.

EE256 Electrical Machines – 1 Lab (0 – 0 – 3) 1.5

1) OCC and external characteristics of DC shunt generator.

2) Speed control of DC shunt motor by a) Rheostat control b) Flux control.
3) Load test on DC shunt motor.
4) Field test on DC series machines.
5) Swinburne test.
6) Hopkinson test.
7) Retardation test.
8) OC and SC tests on 1 transformers.
9) Sumpner test.
10) Scott connection.
11) Parallel operation of 1 transformers.
12) Load test on 3-phase transformers.

SDMCET: Academic Program Handbook


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Lunch Break
Tea Break






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Lunch Break
Tea Break





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