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P.O Box 179, Mae Sod, Tak, 63110, Thailand. Phone: +66 85-733 4303.

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August 08– August 14, 2010


-Ko Aung Khaing Oo, a member of the Intelligence Team of Union Solidarity and Development Party
(USDP) who fled to the Thai-Burma border in July, stated that Intelligence Team of USDP, which had
transformed from Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA), has been watching activists in
Burma closely to oppress political activism. (DVB 080810)

-According to military sources in Naypyitaw, during the time of 2010 elections, tourism in Burma will be
restricted by not allowing arrival visas and temporarily not allowing tourists from Western countries to
enter Burma. (Irrawaddy 090810)

-A fishing industry businessperson from Labutta, Irrawaddy Division, stated that USDP has been granting
permission to businessmen in Labutta District, including unlawful businesses, in order to get early votes
for USDP. (Irrawaddy 090810)

-A Mandalay resident stated that USDP has been recruiting anyone over 18 years age from Mandalay
suburbs as new USDP members by making them sign already filled party membership forms. (DVB

-According to residents from Yenangyaung, Magwe Division, USDP has been recruiting new members
from Yenangyaung and Natmauk townships in Magwe Division by loaning money to anyone who joins
USDP. (RFA 090810)

-A Namhkam resident stated that in order to meet the population requirement to participate in Regional
and State Parliament, as minority representatives, Pansae Kyaw Myint, a member of USDP, a drug-lord
and owner of Kholone Lisu Jewelry Company Ltd., consulted with Namhkam Immigration Chief, and has
been registering Chinese people in Namhkam, northern Shan State as Lisu nationals and issuing national
IDs for them. (S.H.A.N 090810)

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-According to residents, USDP has been providing loans; 20,000 kyat per acre for farmers in
Taungdwingyi, Yenangyaung and Magwe townships in Magwe Division to recruit those farmers as new
party members. (Irrawaddy 100810)

-Residents of Paletwa stated that Infantry Battalion 233 based in Paletwa Township, Chin State has been
distributing salt free of charge to residents in the township, as part of a campaign to get the USDP votes.
(Khonumthung 100810)

-Myawaddy residents criticized the donation of U Tun Tun Win, the Chairperson of Myawaddy District
Peace and Development Council, at a monastery in Myawaddy, Karen State donating food for residents
starting from the beginning of August for seven days as campaigning for the 2010 elections. (KIC

-According to sources from Ye Mon Military City in Hlegu Township, Rangoon Division, soldiers from Ye
Mon were dissatisfied with the reply from superiors that the problems relating to the withdrawal of
their savings would only be solved after the 2010 elections. (NEJ 100810)

-An official from Tele-Communication Department stated that the department would permit 100,000
more CDMA 888MHz phones. Even though one CDMA 800 MHz phone worth is 500,000 kyat, the
department would distribute CDMA phones to USDP members at 200,000 kyat each. (Irrawaddy

-MRTV and Myawaddy TV stations, run by the military regime, announced at 8pm news on 11 August
that State and Divisional constituencies would be announced, starting from 12 August. (Mizzima

-U Aung Kyaw Zaw, the military and political analyst at the Sino-Burma border, stated on 12 August that
U Thein Sein, leader of USDP, and the Prime Minister, have been in Lashio, Shan State and would visit
Muse and Namhkam soon.

-Loikaw residents stated that local authorities have been seriously watching, checking and investigating
local people in Loikaw because of the elections so residents in Loikaw, Karenni State are annoyed. (KT

-Union Election Commission, through government run media, announced on 12 August that there would
be 330 civilian representatives, according to 2008 constitution, for Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House) and
the commission set 1 constituency for 1 township, so 330 representatives for 330 townships in Burma.
(NEJ 120810)

-Taungup residents stated that USDP, in order to get votes from Taungup residents in the elections,
persuaded retired doctor San Hline, and a rich man U Kyauk Taung, the most influential people in
Taungup, Arakan State. (NEJ 120810)

-Dr. Aye Maung, the Chairperson of RNDP, stated that the chairperson and the secretary of Arakan State
Election Commission required the presence of RNDP officials at the commission office and accused

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RNDP of violating Election Law 2/2010. The violation was due to a statement released by the RNDP
regarding the arrest of Arakanese Reverend Monk Ashin Pyinnyasara and for making interviews with
foreign media. (Narinjara 120810)

-Dr. Aye Maung, the Chairperson of Rakhine Nationals Development Party (RNDP), stated that Arakan
State Election Commission warned RNDP, on 11 August, that “If RNDP continue to misinform, the party
will be punished by being disbanded.” (Mizzima 120810)

-A Taungup resident youth political activist stated that the military regime has been offering more
opportunities to persuade citizens in Taungup than any other city in Arakan State because Taungup has
been at the forefront of resistance against the military regime. (Narinjara 120810)

-Union Election Commission announced on 13 August that elections would be held on 7 November 2010
(Sunday) and the commission would accept submissions of the names of representatives to contest in
the elections and party registration fees from 16 to the end of August. (NEJ 130810)

-Resident farmers from Kunchangon Township, Rangoon Division stated that USDP has been providing
loans to farmers in Kunchangon Township at a rate of 50,000 kyat per acre, as part of their election
campaign. (Mizzima 130810)

-Local USDP members stated that Maj. Gen. Aung Than Htut, Commander of Northeastern Command, at
the beginning of August, chose U Kyaw Myint, Pansae village group militia unit commander, as the USDP
representative to contest in the elections in Namhkam constituency, northern Shan State. (S.H.A.N

-Lawyer U Aye Myint, leader of Guiding Star Organization based in Pegu Division, stated that Ko Zaw Min
Oo, a farmer from Wayonson village, Hlegu Township, Rangoon Division was arrested by authorities for
he criticized the USDP campaign of loaning money to get votes for upcoming elections. (RFA 140810)



-Ma Soe Soe Win, member of NLD Women’s Wing, stated that NLD youth and Women’s Wing members
held Study Sessions in Rangoon, Mandalay, Moulmein and some other cities to commemorate the 22nd
Anniversary of 8888 Pro-Democracy Uprising on 8 August, in order to share the 8888 spirit with the new
generation activists. (RFA 080810)

-U Win Tin, a member of NLD Central Executive Committee, stated that on 8 August, a 22nd Anniversary
of 8888 uprising was held at the residence of a veteran politician in North Okkalapa, and many
politicians, former political prisoners and 88 generation students urged the boycott of the 2010
elections, which will strengthen military rule in Burma. (RFA 080810)

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-Some leaders from political organizations in Burma stated that the comment by Ban Ki Moon, UN
Secretary General that the UN was not satisfied with the political process in Burma including the
upcoming 2010 elections was truly reflective of the the real situation in Burma. (VOA 100810)

-U Tin Oo, the Vice-Chairperson of NLD, stated that NLD delegation led by him and U Win Tin, member
of NLD Central Executive Committee, on 10 August, visited over 10 families of political prisoners
including Ko Htin Kyaw, who was imprisoned for demonstrating to reduce the commodity prices. (DVB

-Lawyer U Nyan Win, during his visit on 11 August to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi regarding her case, stated
that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said that the rule of law in Burma was not strong enough, and without the
rule of law, no system could improve the situation in Burma. (VOA 110810)

-Lawyer U Nyan Win, a member of NLD Central Executive Committee, stated that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
would complete the sentence under which she was detained on 13 November 2010, so she must be
released then. If not that would clearly show that there was no rule of law. (BBC 110810)

-Lawyer U Nyan Win, during his visit on 11 August to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi regarding her case, stated
that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said that the military regime’s pressure on NLD was not in accordance with
the existing laws and damaged the rule of law, and not announcing the date of the elections was
indicative of the regime facing difficulties. (VOA 110810)

-U Win Tin, a member of NLD Central Executive Committee, criticized that the military regime’s
announcement of the elections to be held on 7 November 2010, as the regime purposefully chose the
date to exclude democratic opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from the process. (NEJ 130710)

-Ko Pyaesone Win, the spokesperson of Generation Wave (GW), an organization established by new
generation youth activists, stated that GW has been launching poster campaigns in 6 suburbs of
Rangoon to boycott the 2010 elections. The posters say that people have the right not to vote if they
choose and that the elections were designed to ratify the unfair and undemocratic 2008 constitution.
(Mizzima 130810)

-An NLD delegation led by U Tin Oo, the Vice-Chairperson of NLD, and U Win Tin, member of NLD
Central Executive Committee, visited 14 families of political prisoners on 14 August to support them.
(DVB 140810)

-After the announcement of the military regime to hold elections on 7 November 2010, U Win Tin,
member of NLD Central Executive Committee, stated that the international community including UN
should take more effective action, instead of just lip service. (RFA 130810)

-Ko Soe Tun, a member of 88 Generation Student Group, stated that 88 Generation Group, on 14
August, urged political parties to boycott the 2010 elections, as they are totally controlled by the
military regime. (RFA 140810)

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-Khu Oo Reh, the Secretary 1 of Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), stated on 9 August that
“KNPP will not recognize any results from the military regime’s 2010 elections.” At the 22nd Anniversary
of Karenni Resistance Day, he stated that KNPP did not recognize 2008 constitution for it does not
represent democracy and freedom for all nationalities and the elections would definitely not be free,
fair and democratic. (NEJ 120810)


-U Min Naing, chief of Foreign Affairs Committee of All Burma Federation of Student Unions (ABFSU-
FAC) stated that at the 22nd Anniversary of 8888 Pro-Democracy Uprising on 8 August, 2010, ABFSU
urged people to boycott the military regime’s 2010 elections. (DVB 080810)

-U Aung Htoo, the General Secretary of Burma Lawers’ Council (BLC), stated that UN Security Council
could abolish the principles of Burmese military regime’s 2008 constitution for those principles were not
in accordance with international laws and could create issues of regional security. (BBC 100810)



-SPDC authorities set dates for two Karen ceasefire groups to transform into border guard forces.
Haungtharaw Special Region Group known as Karen Peace Force (KPF) was to hold a ceremony for the
transformation to a border guard force, on 18 August, and Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA) on
20 August. (NEJ 100810)

-Capt. Buphaw, the commander of the battalion 2010 under Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the
military wing of Karen National Union (KNU), stated that on 6 August, about 20 soldiers under the
command of Lt. Panue from the headquarters of the brigade 999 of DKBA, agreed to transform to a
border guard force, joined the DKBA troop led by Col. Saw La Pwe (aka) Lt. Moustache, who had refused
to accept the border guard force plan. (Irrawaddy 100810)

-Col. Sin Wah, the Joint Secretary of Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), stated that KIO leaders
would discuss, on 14 August the future of KIO after the announcement of the election date. (Mizzima

-A DKBA officer from brigade 999 based in Myawaddy stated that because DKBA was to transform to a
border guard force, DKBA controlled border check-points, a main source of DKBA income, would be
handed over to the control of SPDC troops. (Mizzima 130810)


-Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Lahu national Kengton resident stated that even though the
military regime promised to take responsibility for families of ceasefire soldiers after transforming into

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border guard force, in reality the promise was only on paper, so many soldiers from Lahu Border Guard
Force deserted. (S.H.A.N 110810)


-A member of Unity and Development Party of Kachin State (UDPKS), stated that UDPKS held a Party
Headquarters Opening Ceremony at Myitkyina, Kachin State on 7 August, after the Union Election
Commission granted UDPKS permission to contest in the elections. (KNG 090810)

-22nd Anniversary of 8888 Pro-Democracy Uprising was held at Shin Ardissavuntha Monastery in
Mingalataungnyunt, Rangoon on 8 August, and at the ceremony U Thein Htay, the new Chairperson of
Union Democratic Party (UDP), stated that UDP was not sure about contesting in the elections and the
party would face troubles to continue as a political party. (Mizzima 090810)

-U Thu Wai, the Chairperson of Democratic Party (Myanmar) stated that the party, on 9 August,
requested the Union Election Commission “to reduce the investigation of local intelligence personnel on
members of political parties which had already submitted the required party member lists.” (DVB

-Dr. Aye Maung, the Chairperson of Rakhine Nationals Development Party (RNDP), stated that RNDP
released a statement urging the military regime to provide legal rights to RNDP to defend U Pyinnyasara,
the Abbot of Mahamuni Buddhavihara Monastery in Sitwe, Arakan State, who was arrested, disrobed
and has been under interrogation. Also for the return of the historical Arakanese antiques seized from
the monastery. (DVB 100810)

-Mahn Thein Win Shwe, the Secretary of Union Kayin League (UKL), stated that UKL had made no
decision regarding the news published in 7Day News Journal, Vol. 9 No. 21, stating U Saw Maung Chaw,
the Chairperson of UKL, was dismissed from the party. (Mizzima 110810)

-U Thein Tin Aung, the General Secretary of UDP, stated that even though the Chairperson of the party U
Phyo Min Thein resigned from the party, the party would continue under the same policies. (DVB

-U Aye Lwin, leader of Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics (UMFNP) stated that UMFNP
has the right, in accordance with the election laws, to criticize, express and point out if a political party
campaigned and organized in a way not in accordance with the political parties registration laws.
(Eleven Media Group 110810)

-An official from Democratic Party (Myanmar) stated that due to lack of party funds, political parties
contesting elections have been looking for possible representatives for parliament who can afford the
500,000 kyat registration fee from their own funds. (NEJ 120810)

-A member of Shan Nationalities Democratic Party (SNDP) known as ‘White Tiger Party,’ stated that
SNDP has difficulties campaigning and establishing township committees rivaling USDP in eastern Shan
State. (S.H.A.N 120810)

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-U Thu Wai, the Chairperson of Democratic Party (Myanmar), stated that “even though the
constituencies were announced, we still have worries regarding 2010 elections because the time to
campaign is shorter than 1990 elections and there are very few political rights for political parties
contesting in the elections.” (VOA 120810)

-Ko Nyo Tun, the Patron of UDP and a director known as Sho Nyo Tun Thein, stated that he decided to
resign from his post to focus on directing movies, as less and less producers approached him due to his
involvement in politics,. (DVB 120810)

-Dr. Aye Maung, the Chairperson of RNDP, stated that RNDP urged the military regime to release all
political prisoners including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi before the elections and to begin a tripartite dialogue
with ethnic nationalities and democratic forces. (DVB 130810)

-Most of the political parties to contest in the elections criticized the announcement of Union Election
Commission, regarding the date of the elections, constituencies and submissions of the names of
representatives for parliaments, as unacceptable. (DVB 130810)

-Dr. Aye Maung, the Chairperson of RNDP, welcomed the announcement of Union Election Commission
regarding the date of the electioins and stated that he believed RNDP would be ready to contest within
two months.


-A member of Lushine Township Establishment Committee stated that Lushine (Mezo) people, sub
ethnic group of Chin dwell in Kalay and Tamu townships in Saging Division, western Burma, have been
undertaking a census of community members for a National Parliament seat in the upcoming 2010
elections. (Khonumthung 110810)

-11 August 2010: The Lushai tribe, also known as Mizo, in Kalemyo Sagaing division, western Burma is
keen on contesting the forthcoming 2010 general elections for a seat in Parliament. They are now busy
undertaking a census of community members. (Khonumthung 110810)


-A Kyaukpyu resident stated that there is a campaign in Kyaukpyu, Arakan State urging residents to
boycott political parties to contest in the elections and the military regime’s elections. (Narinjara

-Sao Sae Houn, son of Mongpon Sao Hpas (Mongpon Chief) who was assassinated with Gen. Aung San,
stated that the military regime’s 2010 elections would not bring genuine democracy to Burma, for the
2008 constitution granted the military seats in parliament, automatically. (S.H.A.N 130810)



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-U Tate Naing, the Secretary of Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) known as AAPP-B,
stated that UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on Burma, Mr. Thomas Ojea Quintana met
human rights organizations and Burmese democratic forces including AAPP on 7 August and he inquired
about the human rights violations perpetrated by the military regime of Burma. (VOA 080810)

-Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of UN, stated on 9 August that he was disappointed in the
military regime for not responding to the UN actions for national reconciliation in Burma and was not
satisfied with the military regime’s forthcoming elections. (VOA 090810)

-U Tin Oo, the Vice-Chairperson of NLD, stated that Lee Yong-joon, the South Korean Deputy Foreign
Minister, would visit Burma on 19 August and also meet NLD leaders on 21 August. (RFA 120810)

-Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of UN, Phillip Crowley, the Spokesperson of US Department of
State, and Jeremy Browne, junior Minister of Southeast Asian Affairs of British Foreign Ministry, critized
the announcement of the military regime to hold elections on 7 November, as an attempt to avoid
inclusive elections and to strengthen the military dictatorship. (RFA 130810)

-UN, United States, United Kingdom and EU urged the military regime of Burma to release all political
prisoners and to create free, fair and democratic elections. (VOA 140810)


-Alberto Romulo, the Foreign Minister of the Philippines, stated on 9 August that if the military regime
of Burma does not allow opposition political forces to participate in the elections, the elections would
definitely be fake elections. (RFA 090810)


-Phil Robertson, the Spokesperson of Human Rights Watch (HRW) based in New York, stated that HRW
urged EU, on 11 August, to support, at the UN General Assembly next month, the establishment of the
commission of inquiry to investigate crimes against humanity in Burma perpetrated by the military
regime of Burma. (RFA 110810)

-Matthrew Frumin, the Senior Adviser of National Democratic Institute based in Washington D.C, stated
that there would be no political developments if the military regime’s elections in Burma are not free
and fair, and even though the Election Commission announced constituencies, the elections and election
laws are far from international stardards. (VOA 120810)

End of report/ Saturday, August 14, 2010

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