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Why should we reach out to others?



CHARACTERIZATION: is what the character says, thinks and does and what others characters
think and say about him/her.

SETTING: is the time (when) and place( where) of a story·s action

FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: is giving a nonhuman subject human characteristics.


EXTERNAL: on the outside.

INTERACT : talk to other people and work together with them.

PERSPECTIVE: a way of thinking about something.

PROJECT : a carefully planned piece of work.

VISUALIZE: form a picture of someone or something in your mind.


HEROINE: someone who does something brave or good.

CORRUGATED : in rows that look like waves.

FIBERGLASS : a light material made from small glass threads pressed together

AWNING: a sheet of material that protects a house from sun or rain.

BARNACLED: encrusted.

PLYWOOD: thin sheets of wood stuck together to form a hard board.

COCKEYED: not straight or level.

VENETIAN BLINDS: a window shade made of long flat bars.

PROSTHESES: artificial devices used to replace limbs or body parts.

RECESS: a space in a wall.

CRENELLATED: having spaces to shoot guns and arrows through.

RUSSET: reddish-brown

CORONET: a small crown

KNOTTED: lumpy

MURKY: dark and difficult to see through.

STILL LIFE: painting of motionless objects.

VANILLA SANDWICH CRÈME: cookies with filling between.

Grammar and Writing

{rammar Focus:
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Writing Focus: d    
You are going to learned how to make a paragraph to describe a place.

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