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* Log opened: 2010-08-24T18:41:18Z
* About this log file - MSNMsgr.txt
* Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1235
* This log file is created on your computer when the Connection Logging
* setting is selected in the Options dialog box. You can turn off this
* setting at any time. To turn of1C%3d%22VKKpPyS4Hq7bHFodNZzmFveWAbQ%3d%22%2f%3e
[20:51:33.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:51:33.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[20:51:33.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:51:34.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:51:52.96] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:51:54.49] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:51:54.49] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:51:54.49] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:52:12.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:52:13.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:52:13.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:52:13.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:52:14.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:52:14.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:52:14.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:52:15.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:52:15.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:52:15.19] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:52:15.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000001
[20:52:15.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMP
[20:52:15.19] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e0a
[20:52:15.19] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:52:15.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =false
[20:52:15.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =false
[20:52:15.20] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:52:15.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =false
[20:52:15.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@026BF988: (sid = 3394697926) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@084
2D298: buddy went from online to offline
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0842D
298:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 114159994
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: removing from dialog map & call id session 114159994, callid={376A731B-858
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@084D5940
: >> msg 3, state 0
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
084D5940: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 1
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:no
bridge found
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 0's queue
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342742 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 1's sessio
n queue over
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 64. moving bridge 1's sessi
on queue over
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0842
D298: (1 (SBBridge) -> 0 (None))
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@03710
5B0: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 1
[20:52:15.21] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037105B0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[20:52:15.21] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.21] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.22] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.23] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.23] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:15.25] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:16.00] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:16.00] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:16.00] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:16.00] Zone_Offline CConvModel::CanSendMessageViaSB> Detected
a HDN user (non-empty roster): Utilizing existing SB
[20:52:16.24] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e0ad0
[20:52:17.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:52:17.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >BYE<
[20:52:17.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0842D298: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:52:17.33] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@036562C0: bridge id
[20:52:17.33] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@036562C
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:52:17.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:52:17.33] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 0's queue
[20:52:17.33] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342742 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[20:52:32.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:52:53.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:52:54.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:52:54.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:52:54.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:52:57.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:52:57.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:52:57.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:52:57.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:52:57.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 51<
[20:52:57.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:53:07.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C42B
030: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[20:53:07.13] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C42B5D8: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 260's queue
[20:53:07.13] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C42B5D8: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342753 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[20:53:13.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:53:14.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:14.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:53:14.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:53:14.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000001
[20:53:16.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:16.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 ...LuthieN...%20I...feed%20your%20head...I
[20:53:16.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:53:16.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[20:53:16.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:53:16.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:53:17.35] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C3028: called for tim
er id 3
[20:53:17.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2736
[20:53:17.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
[20:53:17.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2736, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:53:17.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (03685B90
) (2) closing socket 2736
[20:53:17.59] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:53:17.59] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:53:17.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C3028:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:53:17.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C3028:
We disconnected purposely
[20:53:33.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:53:38.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:38.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 Gamze 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3
[20:53:38.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 34
[20:53:38.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000022
[20:53:38.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[20:53:38.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[20:53:38.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@026BF988: (sid = 3394697926) state changed to 34 (wire
state is 34)
[20:53:38.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@084
2D298: buddy went from offline to online
[20:53:38.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:38.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:38.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >UBX 1 592
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;OqTScHRz9rm1IqdCfqpAtKSpXQw=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
785&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RwBhAG0AegBlAAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</U
nd></SignatureSound><Scene></Scene><ColorScheme></ColorScheme><EndpointData <
[20:53:38.14] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:53:38.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={FF
[20:53:38.26] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e00
[20:53:38.26] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:53:38.26] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy akarsu_gamze@hotmail.c
[20:53:38.27] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:53:38.27] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e00d0
[20:53:42.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:42.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: Not connected
or there are still pending messages, queueing this message
[20:53:42.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C2C3028:
Can't invite while not connected
[20:53:42.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C2C3028: Failed to i
nvite user
[20:53:42.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 34
and hr = 0x8100030c
[20:53:42.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
12 bytes on socket 2892
[20:53:42.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
>XFR 141 SB<
[20:53:42.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:42.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >XFR 141 SB CKI 592201883.1373320.742226 U messenger.msn.c
om 1<
[20:53:42.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@026BF
988: Matched pending request: uTID 141
[20:53:42.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@08463638: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:53:42.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (03685B90) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:53:42.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:53:42.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:53:42.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C3028:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:53:42.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685B90)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:53:42.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685B90)
(2) >> success 0x03685b90, socket=5296, LastError=10035, WM(1055)
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Ignoring state change
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03685C80. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Ignoring state change
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Ignoring state change
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03685D70. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Ignoring state change
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@036662B0: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Ignoring state change
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:53:43.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C3028:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
52 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:43.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>USR 35 592201883.1373320.742226<
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:53:43.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:43.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:53:43.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Ignoring state change
[20:53:43.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:43.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >USR 35 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[20:53:43.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:43.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>CAL 36<
[20:53:43.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:43.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >CAL 36 RINGING 592201883<
[20:53:43.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:43.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >JOI Gamze 2789003580<
[20:53:43.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3394697926, muserproperty =17 (FriendlyName)
[20:53:43.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 33946979
26, property = FriendlyName
[20:53:43.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0842D298: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@03656370: bridge id
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@03656370:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0842D298
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:be
st bridge found = 1
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298:migrating to dwBridgeId = 1
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 1's queue
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342742 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 1 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 0's sessio
n queue over
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 1 has no queue for session 64. moving bridge 0's sessi
on queue over
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0842
D298: (0 (None) -> 1 (SBBridge))
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@03710
5B0: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 1, current type 0
[20:53:43.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037105B0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 1
[20:53:43.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:43.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 34 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:53:47.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:47.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:47.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:47.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 37 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:53:47.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 37
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:47.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:50.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:50.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:50.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 736
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:50.34] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 606
[20:53:50.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
842D298: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={671A0215-CB04-4084-BCDD-065F98B6E296}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 217
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 4

[20:53:50.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

842D298: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
[20:53:50.36] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::InviteHandler returns 0x0
[20:53:50.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0842D298:eAcceptance = 3, dwSlaveId = 78657359, call id = {DFB93966-FF34-4E
[20:53:50.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123766. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:53:50.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342754 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[20:53:50.52] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:53:50.52] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x3683a28 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:50.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:50.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:50.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:50.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 38 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:50.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 38
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:50.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:50.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:50.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 38<
[20:53:50.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342754, ACK to blob 74123766
[20:53:50.75] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342754)
[20:53:52.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:52.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:52.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:52.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 39 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:53:52.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 39
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:52.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:54.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0842D29
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={671A0215-CB04-4084-BCDD-065F98B6E296}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 65
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:53:54.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu

eued blob 21342755 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 378):
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
842D298: DialogState = 08571E80, session id = 78657359
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0842D298
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 78657359, pEventSink = 08462B
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@08462B18
: >> msg 0, state 1
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
08462B18: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0842D298: >> transport type 2 requested by session 78657359, master
trans type =1, pSessionState = 08571E80
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0842D298: >> transport type 2 requested by session 78657359
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0842D298: true
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
842D298:transport_mutex created for sess id 78657359
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 289564501
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:384a:1a89:aa98:bdee'
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@08
42D298:pDialogState = 08571E80, session id = 78657359
[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0842D29
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={41F57CB3-50A0-4B9A-AFF7-871FF16AAED4}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 320
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 289564501
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:384a:1a89:aa98:bdee
Hashed-Nonce: {56E630CC-5D91-B745-4CA9-F1683B69F4DB}
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:53:54.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu

eued blob 21342756 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 665):
[20:53:54.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:53:54.51] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:53:54.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:53:54.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:53:54.86] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:53:54.86] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc338800 of size 426 (excluding appid)
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:54.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
541 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 40 D 527
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 40
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:54.86] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:53:54.86] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc338c60 of size 713 (excluding appid)
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:54.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
828 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 41 D 814
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 41
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:54.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:54.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:55.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 40<
[20:53:55.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1106: >> a
dding blob 21342755 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:53:55.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 41<
[20:53:55.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1106: >> a
dding blob 21342756 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:53:55.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@08462B18: Session(
78657359) sending 18 bytes of data
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342757 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 18
[20:53:55.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 48
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >>
Received blob 74123769 is ACK to sent blob 21342756. Freeing sent blob and aler
ting slave. (SRTT = 3425)
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0842D298:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 21342756
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0842D298: >> blob 21342756 for session 0 is unacked
[20:53:55.43] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342756)
[20:53:55.45] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:55.45] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x8440268 of size 66 (excluding appid)
[20:53:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:55.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
181 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 42 D 167
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 42
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:55.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:55.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 48
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >>
Received blob 74123768 is ACK to sent blob 21342755. Freeing sent blob and aler
ting slave. (SRTT = 3084)
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0842D298:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 21342755
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0842D298: >> blob 21342755 for session 0 is unacked
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342755)
[20:53:55.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 893
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 763
[20:53:55.57] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
842D298: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={315B73C3-6E06-41CA-80F9-62A31D0D0425}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 376
NetID: -1659603892
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {7D18DC4B-8BB0-4A03-EF9C-8AB388B05C7E}
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0

[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

842D298: dwSlaveId = 78657359, call id = {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsMyTransactionLoser@0
842D298:got overlapping transaction from other side, but my ID is greater, dropp
ing his request.
[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessMsgOnLosingMyTr
ansaction@0842D298:my transaction wins, so I just drop this request dwMySlaveId
= 78657359
[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123767. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342758 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:53:55.58] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x8440348 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:55.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:55.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:55.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:55.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 43 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:55.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 43
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:55.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:55.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:55.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 42<
[20:53:55.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1106: >> a
dding blob 21342757 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:53:55.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:55.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 43<
[20:53:55.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342758, ACK to blob 74123767
[20:53:55.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342758)
[20:53:57.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 196
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
O7°ú k<
[20:53:57.54] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 66
[20:53:57.54] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0842
D810: >> no such session 78657359
[20:53:57.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123770. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[20:53:57.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342759 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 0)
[20:53:57.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@08462B18: Session(
78657359) sending 18 bytes of data
[20:53:57.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342760 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 18
[20:53:57.56] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:57.56] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x36b0818 of size 66 (excluding appid)
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:57.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
181 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 44 D 167
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 44
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:57.56] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:57.56] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x36b07f8 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:57.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 45 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 45
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:57.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:57.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:57.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 196
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
O7°ü k<
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 66
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123772. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342761 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 0)
[20:53:57.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
O7°û k<
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 48
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >>
Received blob 74123771 is ACK to sent blob 21342757. Freeing sent blob and aler
ting slave. (SRTT = 2168)
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0842D298: >> blob 21342757 for session 78657359 is unacked
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342757)
[20:53:57.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C2C3028: ge
tting a new buffer of size 2048
[20:53:57.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1051
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 921
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
842D298: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={41F57CB3-50A0-4B9A-AFF7-871FF16AAED4}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 560
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 751.02.611.67
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 58335
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 201.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 58335
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62
IPv6-Port: 53389
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {1E1214D6-DB8D-2405-E04B-7F559F1ED87A}
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
842D298: dwSlaveId = 78657359, call id = {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0842D298
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 786573
59, schannel initiating id =0
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62, strPort = 53389
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62, strPortToken = 5338
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62, endpoint.strPor
t = 53389
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 53385
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 53385
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 53385
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 53385
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 53385
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 53385
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:57.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:384a:1a89:aa98:bdee'
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@0C36CD48:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@08553F68:
connecting to echo server
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@08463328: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0842D29
8:dwBridgeId 261 is connecting
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123773. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342762 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:53:57.63] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x3683a88 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:57.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:57.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:57.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 46 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 46
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:57.64] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:57.64] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc308d90 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:57.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 47 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 47
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:57.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:57.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:57.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:57.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:57.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:57.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:57.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 48 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:53:57.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 48
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:57.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:57.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 44<
[20:53:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1106: >> a
dding blob 21342760 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:53:57.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 45<
[20:53:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342759, ACK to blob 74123770
[20:53:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342759)
[20:53:57.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 46<
[20:53:57.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342762, ACK to blob 74123773
[20:53:57.85] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342762)
[20:53:57.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 47<
[20:53:57.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342761, ACK to blob 74123772
[20:53:57.86] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342761)
[20:53:57.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:57.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
O7°þ k<
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 48
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >>
Received blob 74123774 is ACK to sent blob 21342760. Freeing sent blob and aler
ting slave. (SRTT = 1941)
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0842D298: >> blob 21342760 for session 78657359 is unacked
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342760)
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@08553F68:
bound to addr
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:57.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@08553F68:
doing port mapping
[20:53:58.17] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
553F68: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=6
[20:53:58.17] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
553F68: >> response matches request 6.
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C36C
D48: >> (internal_port = 55611, external_addr =, external_port = 55
612, result = 1, elapsed time = 530(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C36C
D48: >> total port mapping elapsed time 530(ms)
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C36CD48:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48:connecting to host = 2001:0:4137:9e74:c8f:de7:b38b:eb62, port = 533
89, fExternal = 1
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: >> using socket 1328 to connect
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: >> IPv6 socket 1328 to connect
[20:53:58.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48:TCB sock 1328, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C36CD48: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 1328 (addr = ::, port = 55613)
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C36CD48:added to list socket 1328 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:384a:1a89:aa98:bdee,
port = 55613)
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C36CD48: found matching sock 1328
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48:connecting to host =, port = 53385, fExternal = 0
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: >> using socket 4412 to connect
[20:53:58.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48:TCB sock 4412, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C36CD48: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4412 (addr =, port = 5561
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C36CD48:added to list socket 4412 (addr =, port = 55614)
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C36CD48: found matching sock 4412
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48:connecting to host =, port = 53385, fExternal = 1
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48: >> using socket 5340 to connect
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C36CD48:attempting bind to port 55611
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnSimOpenSock@0C3
6CD48: >> using socket 5364 as sim open sock
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C36CD48:att
empting bind to port 55611 for sock 5364
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C36CD48: >>
::bind failed error 10013
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnSimOpenSock@0C3
6CD48:2446:BindToPort hr = 0x8007271d
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C36CD4
8: closing socket 5364
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C36CD48:2334:ListenOnSimOpenSock hr = 0x8007271d
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C36CD48:2219:ConnectingSockBindToMappedPort hr = 0x8007271d
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C36CD4
8: closing socket 5340
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToAllListeningEn
dPoints@0C36CD48:971:ConnectToListeningEndPoint hr = 0x8007271d
[20:53:58.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@0C3
6CD48:1115:ConnectToAllListeningEndPoints hr = 0x8007271d
[20:53:58.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:58.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:58.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:58.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1380
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
O7°ÿ k<
[20:53:58.33] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 1250
[20:53:58.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:58.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:58.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 598
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
O7°ÿ k²<
[20:53:58.45] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 468
[20:53:58.45] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123775. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[20:53:58.45] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342763 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 0)
[20:53:58.55] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:58.55] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc308d90 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:58.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:58.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:58.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:58.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 49 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:58.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 49
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:58.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:58.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:58.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:58.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 49<
[20:53:58.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342763, ACK to blob 74123775
[20:53:58.76] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342763)
[20:53:59.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@08462B18: Session(
78657359) sending 1564 bytes of data
[20:53:59.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342764 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 15
[20:53:59.12] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:59.12] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc308d90 of size 1250 (excluding appid)
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:59.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
1366 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 50 D 1351
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 50
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:59.12] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:59.12] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc308e70 of size 410 (excluding appid)
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:59.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
525 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 51 D 511
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 51
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:59.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:59.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:59.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:59.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 50<
[20:53:59.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:59.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 51<
[20:53:59.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1106: >> a
dding blob 21342764 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:53:59.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:59.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 226
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:59.49] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 96
[20:53:59.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123777. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[20:53:59.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342765 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 78657359 on bridge 1 (size 0)
[20:53:59.49] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 78657359
[20:53:59.49] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc30bcb8 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:53:59.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:53:59.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:53:59.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:53:59.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 52 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:59.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 52
and hr = 0x0
[20:53:59.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:53:59.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:53:59.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:59.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:53:59.62] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 48
[20:53:59.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >>
Received blob 74123776 is ACK to sent blob 21342764. Freeing sent blob and aler
ting slave. (SRTT = 1760)
[20:53:59.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0842D298: >> blob 21342764 for session 78657359 is unacked
[20:53:59.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342764)
[20:53:59.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:59.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 52<
[20:53:59.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342765, ACK to blob 74123777
[20:53:59.74] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=78657359, blob=21342765)
[20:54:02.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:54:02.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:54:02.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5296
[20:54:02.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 53 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:54:02.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 53
and hr = 0x0
[20:54:02.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:54:04.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PMasterSession::OnTimer@0842D298: >> d
irect transport did not setup in 10000 ms, requesting indirect
[20:54:09.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:09.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 (R)Beren(R) 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creato
[20:54:09.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 34
[20:54:09.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3643366642, new mstate = 00000022
[20:54:09.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<
msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="ZGlJwqT+/pv6SO0POOA29GsKZ
yM=" Size="12391" Location="0" Friendly="SQBNAEcAXwAwADQAOQAyAAAA"/>
[20:54:13.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:13.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:14.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:54:18.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:18.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:19.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@0C36CD
48: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 1328
[20:54:19.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@0C36CD
48:sock 1328, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:54:19.23] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C36CD48: fCloseSocket 1 socket 1328
[20:54:19.23] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C36CD4
8: closing socket 1328
[20:54:19.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@0C36CD
48: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 4412
[20:54:19.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@0C36CD
48:sock 4412, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:54:19.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C36CD48: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4412
[20:54:19.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C36CD4
8: closing socket 4412
[20:54:19.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@0C36CD
48: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we failed to co
[20:54:23.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:23.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 121
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:54:24.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:24.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:27.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:27.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 127
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
bu cocuk.<
[20:54:28.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:28.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:28.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:28.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:28.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 763
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:54:28.83] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 633
[20:54:28.83] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
842D298: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={865B0C74-CFAE-4384-85D1-0E7A2703F5FC}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 247
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 67995#26be:b83b:7ed:f8c:47e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 57995:751.02.611.67
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 57995:201.1.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-UDP-Switch
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0

[20:54:28.83] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

842D298: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:54:28.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@08553BE8:
bound to addr
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@08553BE8:
doing port mapping
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@08553B
E8:set timer cookie 4, time in ms = 1000
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@08463328: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0842D29
8:dwBridgeId 261 is connecting
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123778. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:54:28.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342766 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[20:54:28.85] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:54:28.85] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc30bc18 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[20:54:28.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:54:28.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:54:28.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 5296
[20:54:28.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 54 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:54:28.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 54
and hr = 0x0
[20:54:28.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:54:28.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@08553BE8: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4080, error = 0, event = 1
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
553BE8: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=4
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
553BE8: >> response matches request 4.
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
553BE8:kill timer cookie 4
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0851F
D10: >> (internal_port = 59749, external_addr =, external_port = 59
749, result = 1, elapsed time = 265(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0851F
D10: >> total port mapping elapsed time 265(ms)
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0851FD10:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10:connecting to host =, port = 59975, fExternal = 1
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10: >> using socket 4080 to connect
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:54:29.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0851FD10:attempting bind to port 59749
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0851FD10:att
empting bind to port 59749 for sock 4080
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0851FD10: bo
und to internal
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10:TCB sock 4080, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 1
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0851
FD10: sock 4080, TCB-ID =6
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0851F
D10: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0851FD10: found matching sock 4080
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10:connecting to host =, port = 59975, fExternal = 0
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10: >> using socket 4412 to connect
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0851FD10:TCB sock 4412, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
851FD10: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4412 (addr =, port =
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
851FD10:added to list socket 4412 (addr =, port = 59750)
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0851
FD10: sock 4412, TCB-ID =7
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0851F
D10: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0851FD10: found matching sock 4412
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0842D29
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0842D29
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0842D29
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={ECA7A1F6-EA21-4E52-B38A-05748A932309}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 158
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 94795:71.66.301.58
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 05795:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:54:29.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu

eued blob 21342767 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 507):
[20:54:29.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:29.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 54<
[20:54:29.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342766, ACK to blob 74123778
[20:54:29.12] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342766)
[20:54:29.13] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[20:54:29.13] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@03656370: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0xc30bc18 of size 555 (excluding appid)
[20:54:29.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: enter
[20:54:29.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:54:29.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
670 bytes on socket 5296
[20:54:29.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
>MSG 55 D 656
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:54:29.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C2C3028: has id of 55
and hr = 0x0
[20:54:29.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C2C3028: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:54:29.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:54:29.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:29.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >ACK 55<
[20:54:29.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1106: >> a
dding blob 21342767 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:54:29.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:29.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[20:54:29.48] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@03656370: rc
vd message size 48
[20:54:29.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >>
Received blob 74123779 is ACK to sent blob 21342767. Freeing sent blob and aler
ting slave. (SRTT = 2741)
[20:54:29.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0842D298:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 21342767
[20:54:29.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0842D298: >> blob 21342767 for session 0 is unacked
[20:54:29.48] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=21342767)
[20:54:30.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 7
[20:54:30.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
51FD10:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:54:30.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0851F
D10: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:54:30.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:30.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
51FD10:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:54:30.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0851F
D10: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0851FD10: >> SYN_SENT -- got ACK on socket 4080
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0851FD10: >> SYN_SENT -- ACK is SYN_ACK on socket 4080
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0851FD10: fCloseSocket 0 socket 4080
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketConne
ct@0851FD10: (connector side) >> using socket 4080 as m_sock (for data)
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0851FD10: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4412
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0851FD1
0: closing socket 4412
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0842D298
: >> bridge 261 is now connected
[20:54:30.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342768 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 261 (size 0):
[20:54:30.36] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 0
[20:54:30.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0842D2
98: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:be
st bridge found = 261
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298:migrating to dwBridgeId = 261
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342768 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 261 has a queue for session 0. appending bridge 1's se
ssion queues
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 261 has no queue for session 78657359. moving bridge 1
's session queue over
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 261 has no queue for session 64. moving bridge 1's ses
sion queue over
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0842
D298: (1 (SBBridge) -> 2 (TRUDPv1))
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0842
D298: sqm transport time to direct 36146(ms)
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 1
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_fListener = 0
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 0
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_bridgeType = 2
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 0
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_listenerNATType = 5
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_connectorNATType = 5
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 36146
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_msPortMappingTime = 795
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 3229
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0842D9E8: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0842D298: firing transport change type 2 direct for session 786573
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@08462
B18: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 1
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
08462B18: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0842D298:enter dwExpiredSessionId 78657359
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0842D298:transport_mutex freed for sess id 78657359
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
842D298: DialogState = 08571E80, session id = 78657359
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@08462
B18: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 2
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
08462B18: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@03710
5B0: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 1
[20:54:30.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037105B0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[20:54:31.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:31.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
51FD10:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:54:31.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1124: >> f
reeing blob 21342768, Non-ACK control packet
[20:54:31.54] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=261, session=0, blob=21342768)
[20:54:33.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:33.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:34.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:54:37.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:37.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 146
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kapatmadim sevgilim suratina<
[20:54:38.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:38.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:42.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:42.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
bilgisayari attim<
[20:54:44.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:44.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:49.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:49.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:49.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:49.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 143
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
o kapandi sevgilim bu bir<
[20:54:50.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:50.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:51.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:51.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:51.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:54:52.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:52.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:54:54.53] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:54:54.53] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:54:54.53] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:54:54.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:54:55.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:55.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 137
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
mal mal geyik yapio<
[20:54:56.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:56.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:00.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:55:00.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:55:00.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:55:01.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:01.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 47<
[20:55:01.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:55:01.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:01.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:01.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:01.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 ...LuthieN...%20I...feed%20your%20head...I
[20:55:01.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:55:01.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[20:55:01.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:55:02.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:55:02.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:02.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 139
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
istemiyorum yapmasini<
[20:55:03.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:03.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:04.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:04.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 120
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:55:11.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:55:14.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:55:22.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:22.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:27.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:27.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:28.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:28.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 145
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
sonra ben sennle konusurken<
[20:55:28.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:28.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:31.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:31.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 132
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
suratima bakio<
[20:55:31.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:55:34.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:55:38.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:38.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:39.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:39.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 123
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:55:39.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:39.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:40.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:40.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 123
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:55:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:42.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:44.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:44.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
ayi gibi<
[20:55:45.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:45.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:46.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:46.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 123
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:55:46.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:46.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:48.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:55:48.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:55:48.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:55:49.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:49.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:55:49.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:55:51.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:55:51.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:51.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:55:52.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:52.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 152
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
ne demistim ben sana gibi bi bakis<
[20:55:54.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:55:54.54] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:55:54.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:55:54.95] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:55:59.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:59.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:00.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:00.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 120
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:56:01.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:01.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:06.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:06.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 136
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
cok konusuosun dio<
[20:56:06.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:06.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:11.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:11.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:11.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:56:14.96] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:56:15.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:15.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 158
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kendi sevgilisiyle bu kadar konusmuo die<
[20:56:15.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:15.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:20.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:20.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:56:21.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:21.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 136
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
bok atio saga sola<
[20:56:21.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:21.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:23.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:23.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 120
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:56:24.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:24.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:29.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:29.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:31.62] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:56:34.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:56:34.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:56:34.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:56:34.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:34.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:56:34.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:56:34.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:56:45.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:45.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 ...LuthieN...%20I...feed%20your%20head...I
[20:56:45.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:56:45.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[20:56:45.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:56:45.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:56:49.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:49.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:51.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:51.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 132
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:56:51.62] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:56:54.55] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:56:54.55] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:56:54.55] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:56:54.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:57:05.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:05.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN PHN 1 ...LuthieN...%20I...feed%20your%20head...I
[20:57:05.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 50
[20:57:05.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000032
[20:57:05.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:57:05.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged

@026BF988: (sid = 2400871113) state changed to 50 (wire stat
e is 50)
[20:57:05.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:57:05.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:05.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:10.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:10.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:11.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:57:13.21] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:13.21] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 148
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
bebegim git diyorum gitmiyo ki<
[20:57:14.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:14.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:14.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:57:16.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:16.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 130
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
gece uyurken<
[20:57:17.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:17.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:22.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:22.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:57:25.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:25.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kulakligimi almis<
[20:57:29.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:29.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:31.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:57:34.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:34.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:35.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:57:38.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:38.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 154
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
ben sutyenimi falan cikarip yatiorum<
[20:57:38.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:38.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:41.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:41.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 ...LuthieN...%20I...feed%20your%20head...I
[20:57:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:57:41.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[20:57:41.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:57:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged

@026BF988: (sid = 2400871113) state changed to 2 (wire state
is 2)
[20:57:41.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:57:43.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:43.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:48.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:48.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:49.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:49.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 160
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kendi erkek odalarini 65 kere kilitliyolar<
[20:57:50.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:50.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:57:53.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:53.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 129
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
bizim odaya<
[20:57:53.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:53.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:57:54.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:57:54.57] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:57:54.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:57:55.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:57:59.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:59.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:58:02.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:02.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 154
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
genel ev gibi giren cikan belli diil<
[20:58:11.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:58:15.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:58:21.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:21.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:58:23.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:23.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:58:23.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:23.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:58:25.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:58:25.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:58:25.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:58:25.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:25.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:58:25.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:58:27.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:27.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 131
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
yaz gercekten<
[20:58:27.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:27.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:58:31.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:58:32.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:32.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:58:35.05] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:58:37.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:37.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:58:38.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:38.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C3028:
Recv >MSG Gamze 157
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
rahat hissetmiorum kendimi onun yaninda<
[20:58:51.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:58:54.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:58:54.58] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:58:54.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:58:55.05] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:59:06.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:59:06.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[20:59:06.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[20:59:06.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:59:06.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:59:06.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:59:11.71] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:59:15.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:59:26.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:59:26.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 ...LuthieN...%20I...feed%20your%20head...I
[20:59:26.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:59:26.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[20:59:26.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri

[20:59:27.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2344" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
[20:59:31.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:59:35.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:59:38.56] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C3028: called for tim
er id 3
[20:59:38.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685B90) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5296
[20:59:38.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C3028: Sent
[20:59:38.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685B90) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5296, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:59:38.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (03685B90
) (2) closing socket 5296
[20:59:38.78] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:59:38.78] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463638: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:59:38.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C3028:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:59:38.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C3028:
We disconnected purposely
[20:59:38.79] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0365637
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:59:38.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:59:38.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[20:59:38.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342768 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[20:59:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:59:54.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:59:54.60] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[20:59:54.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:59:55.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[20:59:58.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:59:58.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:59:58.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:59:58.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000001
[20:59:58.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPTY
[20:59:58.91] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e03
[20:59:58.91] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:59:58.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline, valu
e =false
[20:59:58.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, v
alue =false
[20:59:58.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[20:59:58.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =f
[20:59:58.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@026BF988: (sid = 2400871113) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[20:59:58.92] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:59:58.92] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e03d0
[21:00:11.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:00:15.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:00:31.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:00:35.12] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:00:38.57] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C3028: called for tim
er id 3
[21:00:39.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:00:39.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:00:39.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:00:40.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:00:40.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 46<
[21:00:40.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:00:51.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:00:54.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:00:54.61] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:00:54.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:00:55.13] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:01:11.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:01:15.14] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:01:17.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:01:17.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 1074003969 0<
[21:01:17.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[21:01:17.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >UBX 1 286
pointData id="{e8017369-c115-4fa6-b79c-9e1ccdf5bf67}"><Capabilities>1074003969:2
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, no mstate change
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = FriendlyName, value =casu_ca
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = Name, Me = NO
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =EMP
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 2400871113, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 24008711
13, property = UserTileFilePath
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline, valu
e =true
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, v
alue =true
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[21:01:17.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =t
[21:01:17.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@026BF988: (sid = 2400871113) state changed to 2 (wire state
is 2)
[21:01:17.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =EMPTY
[21:01:17.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={e801736
[21:01:17.13] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e01
[21:01:17.13] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:01:17.13] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[21:01:17.13] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:01:17.13] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e01d0
[21:01:31.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:01:35.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:01:45.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:01:45.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >RNG 936082764 CKI 1091777.1799387 akarsu_gamze@hotmail.c
om Gamze U 1<
[21:01:45.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C2C33E8: created new im
[21:01:45.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@08463398: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:01:45.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (03685DE8) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:01:45.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:01:45.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:01:45.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C33E8:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:01:45.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685DE8)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:01:45.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685DE8)
(2) >> success 0x03685de8, socket=4732, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685DE8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4732, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Ignoring state change
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03685FC8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Ignoring state change
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Ignoring state change
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03686040. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Ignoring state change
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@03666380: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Ignoring state change
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:01:45.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C33E8:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:01:45.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685DE8) >> sent
53 bytes on socket 4732
[21:01:45.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C33E8: Sent
>ANS 56 1091777.1799387 936082764<
[21:01:45.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685DE8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4732, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:01:45.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685DE8) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 4732
[21:01:45.92] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:01:45.92] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Ignoring state change
[21:01:46.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685DE8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4732, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:01:46.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C2C33E8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:01:46.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C33E8:
Recv >IRO 56 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:01:46.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:01:46.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C33E8:
Recv >ANS 56 OK<
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0842D298: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@03656370: bridge id
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@03656370:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0842D298
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:be
st bridge found = 261
[21:01:46.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 261
[21:01:46.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685DE8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4732, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:01:46.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C33E8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:01:46.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685DE8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4732, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:01:46.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C33E8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 123
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[21:01:46.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C2C3028: destroying im
[21:01:51.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:01:54.62] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:01:54.62] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:01:54.62] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:01:55.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:02:11.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:02:15.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:02:31.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:02:31.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:02:31.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:02:31.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:02:31.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 40<
[21:02:31.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:02:31.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:02:35.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:02:46.65] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C33E8: called for tim
er id 3
[21:02:46.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685DE8) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 4732
[21:02:46.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C33E8: Sent
[21:02:46.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685DE8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4732, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:02:46.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (03685DE8
) (2) closing socket 4732
[21:02:46.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:02:46.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463398: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:02:46.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C33E8:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:02:46.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C33E8:
We disconnected purposely
[21:02:46.89] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0365637
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:02:46.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:02:46.89] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[21:02:46.89] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342768 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[21:02:51.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:02:54.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:02:54.64] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:02:54.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:02:55.20] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:03:02.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:03:02.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 1074003969 0<
[21:03:02.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:03:02.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[21:03:11.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:03:15.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:03:31.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:03:35.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:03:42.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:03:42.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:03:42.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:03:42.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:03:42.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:03:42.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:03:46.68] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C33E8: called for tim
er id 3
[21:03:51.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:03:54.65] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:03:54.65] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:03:54.65] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:03:55.24] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:04:06.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:06.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:04:06.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 1579256811, new mstate = 00000001
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPT
[21:04:06.23] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e07
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, va
lue =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, va
lue =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected
, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunki
ng, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirect
IM, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChann
el, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInv
ite, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTur
n, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVi
aUUN, value =false
[21:04:06.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@026BF988: (sid = 1579256811) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[21:04:06.24] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:04:06.25] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e07d0
[21:04:11.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:04:15.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:04:26.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:26.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >RNG 125741526 CKI 5822159.135281
m Gamze U 1<
[21:04:26.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C2C2C68: created new im
[21:04:26.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@084634E8: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:04:26.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (03685C80) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:04:26.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:04:26.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:04:26.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2C68:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:04:26.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685C80)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:04:26.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685C80)
(2) >> success 0x03685c80, socket=5152, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Ignoring state change
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03685B90. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Ignoring state change
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Ignoring state change
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03685D70. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Ignoring state change
[21:04:26.94] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@03666318: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:04:26.95] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:04:26.95] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Ignoring state change
[21:04:26.95] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:04:26.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2C68:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:04:26.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685C80) >> sent
52 bytes on socket 5152
[21:04:26.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C2C68: Sent
>ANS 57 5822159.135281 125741526<
[21:04:26.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:04:26.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685C80) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5152
[21:04:26.96] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:04:26.96] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Ignoring state change
[21:04:27.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:27.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C2C2C68: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:04:27.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2C68:
Recv >IRO 57 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:04:27.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:04:27.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2C68:
Recv >ANS 57 OK<
[21:04:27.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0842D298: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:04:27.20] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@03656370: bridge id
[21:04:27.20] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@03656370:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:04:27.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0842D298
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:04:27.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:04:27.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:be
st bridge found = 261
[21:04:27.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 261
[21:04:27.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:27.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2C68:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:04:31.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:31.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2C68:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:04:31.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:04:35.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:04:36.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2C68:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:04:37.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:37.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2C68:
Recv >MSG Gamze 128
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[21:04:37.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C2C33E8: destroying im
[21:04:46.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:46.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 1074003969 0<
[21:04:46.14] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:04:46.14] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[21:04:52.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:04:54.66] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:04:54.66] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:04:54.66] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:04:55.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:05:12.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:05:15.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:05:32.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:05:34.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:05:34.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:05:34.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:05:34.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:34.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 44<
[21:05:34.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:05:35.30] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:05:37.19] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C2C68: called for tim
er id 3
[21:05:37.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685C80) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5152
[21:05:37.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C2C68: Sent
[21:05:37.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685C80) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5152, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:05:37.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (03685C80
) (2) closing socket 5152
[21:05:37.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:05:37.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@084634E8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:05:37.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2C68:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:05:37.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2C68:
We disconnected purposely
[21:05:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0365637
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:05:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:05:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[21:05:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342768 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[21:05:42.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:42.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:05:42.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:05:42.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:05:52.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:05:54.68] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:05:54.68] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:05:54.68] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:05:55.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:05:56.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:56.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:05:56.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:05:56.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:06:09.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:06:09.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:06:09.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:06:09.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:06:12.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:06:15.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:06:31.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:06:31.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 1074003969 0<
[21:06:31.14] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:06:31.14] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[21:06:32.10] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:06:32.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:06:32.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:06:32.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:06:32.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 00000001
[21:06:35.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:06:37.25] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C2C68: called for tim
er id 3
[21:06:52.12] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:06:54.69] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:06:54.69] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:06:54.69] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:06:55.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:07:12.12] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:07:15.36] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:07:16.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:07:16.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:07:16.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:07:17.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:07:17.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:07:17.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[21:07:32.14] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:07:35.37] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:07:52.14] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:07:54.71] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:07:54.71] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:07:54.71] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:07:55.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:08:05.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:08:05.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:08:05.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:08:05.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:05.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:08:05.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:08:12.16] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:08:12.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:12.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 1074003969 0<
[21:08:12.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:08:12.40] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[21:08:15.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:08:32.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:08:35.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:08:52.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:08:54.72] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:08:54.72] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:08:54.72] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:08:55.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:09:00.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:09:00.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:09:00.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:09:00.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:00.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 49<
[21:09:00.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:09:03.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:03.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >RNG 94711790 CKI 11568186.14081223 akarsu_gamze@hotmail.c
om Gamze U 1<
[21:09:03.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C2C2D58: created new im
[21:09:03.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@08463088: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:09:03.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (03685FC8) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:09:03.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:09:03.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:09:03.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2D58:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:09:03.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685FC8)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:09:03.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (03685FC8)
(2) >> success 0x03685fc8, socket=2184, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Ignoring state change
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03685DE8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Ignoring state change
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Ignoring state change
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:03686040. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Ignoring state change
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@03666380: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Ignoring state change
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:09:03.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2D58:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685FC8) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 2184
[21:09:03.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C2D58: Sent
>ANS 58 11568186.14081223 94711790<
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:09:03.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685FC8) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2184
[21:09:03.42] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:09:03.42] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Ignoring state change
[21:09:03.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:03.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C2C2D58: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:09:03.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >IRO 58 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:09:03.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:09:03.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:03.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >ANS 58 OK<
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0842D298: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@03656370: bridge id
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@03656370:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0842D298
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:be
st bridge found = 261
[21:09:03.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 261
[21:09:03.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:03.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:09:05.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:05.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 130
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
ekmek istedi<
[21:09:05.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C2C2C68: destroying im
[21:09:08.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:08.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:09:12.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:09:13.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:13.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:09:15.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:09:28.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:28.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:09:32.20] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:09:33.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:33.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:09:35.45] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:09:37.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:37.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 153
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
benim yarim santimlik ekmegim vardi<
[21:09:37.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:37.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:09:42.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:42.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:09:45.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:45.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C2C2D58:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
simdi o bitcek =)<
[21:09:52.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:09:52.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:09:52.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:09:52.22] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:09:52.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:52.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:09:52.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[21:09:54.73] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:09:54.73] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:09:54.73] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:09:55.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:55.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 1074003969 0<
[21:09:55.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:09:55.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000002
[21:09:55.48] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:10:05.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:10:05.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:10:05.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:10:05.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 127444477, new mstate = 00000001
[21:10:12.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:10:15.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:10:31.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:10:31.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:10:31.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
26BF988: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:10:31.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84092A0 buddy, sid = 2111110717, new mstate = 00000001
[21:10:32.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:10:35.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:10:45.03] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C2C2D58: called for tim
er id 3
[21:10:45.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685FC8) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2184
[21:10:45.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C2C2D58: Sent
[21:10:45.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685FC8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2184, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:10:45.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (03685FC8
) (2) closing socket 2184
[21:10:45.25] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:10:45.25] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@08463088: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:10:45.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2D58:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:10:45.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C2C2D58:
We disconnected purposely
[21:10:45.25] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0365637
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:10:45.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:10:45.26] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[21:10:45.26] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342768 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 5, dwCtxt 0
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnIdleTimeout
Timer@085205A8: calling onsocketclose
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@085205A8: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 5720
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@085205A8:sock 5720, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@085205A8: >> closing m_sock 5720
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C42B
030: >> bridge 260 is now DISconnected
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C42B030: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C42B030:no
bridge found
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C42B030:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C42B5D8: >> moving blobs from bridge 260's queue to bridge 0's queue
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C42B5D8: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342753 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C42B5D8: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C42B5D8: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 260's sess
ion queue over
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C42
B030: (2 (TRUDPv1) -> 0 (None))
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@03710
3F8: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 2
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037103F8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[21:10:51.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@085205A
8: closing socket 5720
[21:10:52.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:10:54.75] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:10:54.75] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:10:54.75] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:10:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08520
5A8:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 4
[21:11:12.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0851F
D10:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
842D298: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={79949B6F-AA1E-4C94-A88A-E3CB4A926176}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 61
SessionID: 78657359
SChannelState: 0
Context: dAMAgQ==

[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

842D298: dwSlaveId = 78657359, call id = {DFB93966-FF34-4E5A-9250-594247C6A925}
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0842D
298:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 78657359
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: removing from dialog map & call id session 78657359, callid={DFB93966-FF34
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@08462B18
: >> msg 3, state 0
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
08462B18: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 2
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0842D298: >> re
ceived entire blob 74123781. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:11:17.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0842D298: >> Qu
eued blob 21342769 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 261 (size 0):
[21:11:18.49] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C362AD0: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 0
[21:11:18.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0842D298@1120: >> f
reeing blob 21342769, ACK to blob 74123781
[21:11:18.67] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0842D840:
(bridge=261, session=0, blob=21342769)
[21:11:19.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@03684860: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:11:19.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2892
[21:11:19.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
[21:11:19.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:11:19.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@03684860:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:11:19.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@03684860
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[21:11:21.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C2C2D58: destroying im
[21:11:25.94] Zone_ConfigInfo SlideShowWithAd::OnUnHosted - UNHOOK_ALL_
EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[21:11:26.13] Zone_ConfigInfo CStatusMenu::~CStatusMenu - UNHOOK_ALL_EV
ENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[21:11:31.40] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[21:11:31.40] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[21:11:31.40] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CUIManager::UICommonLogoffIdentity@0364B0
80(), fUpdateDisplay = 0
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x03665C98
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::LogoffIdentity(0x03665C9
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::CancelPendingRequests(0x
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::CancelPendingRequests@03665C98
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::CancelPendingRequests() = 0x0
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::CancelPendingRequests()
= 0x0
[21:11:32.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@03665C98(0)
[21:11:32.17] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[21:11:32.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::LogoffIdentity() = 0x0
[21:11:32.17] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
26BF988: 34 --> 1024, uTID = 0
[21:11:32.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 400
[21:11:32.17] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@026BF988:(S_OK, 0x0400)
[21:11:32.18] Zone_ConfigInfo CProductProviderMgr::_Free - UNHOOK_ALL_E
VENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[21:11:32.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (03685848) >> sent
6 bytes on socket 2892
[21:11:32.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@03684860: Sent
>OUT <
[21:11:32.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[21:11:32.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = StatusState
[21:11:32.19] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = StatusState, Me = YES
[21:11:32.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (03685848) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2892, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:11:32.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (03685848
) (2) closing socket 2892
[21:11:32.44] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@03684D50: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:11:32.44] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@03684D50: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:11:32.44] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@03684D50: Clearing last known good index (s_iLKGIndex=2)
[21:11:32.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::SetStoreAdapter
[21:11:32.44] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e07
[21:11:32.44] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.45] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:32.45] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e03
[21:11:32.45] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.46] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e01
[21:11:32.46] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e09
[21:11:32.46] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e0b
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@084
2D298: buddy went from online to offline
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0842D
298: >> bridge 261 is now DISconnected
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0842D298:no
bridge found
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0842D298:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> moving blobs from bridge 261's queue to bridge 0's queue
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 21342769 as las
t blob sent on old bridge
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 261's sess
ion queue over
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0842D840: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 64. moving bridge 261's ses
sion queue over
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0842
D298: (2 (TRUDPv1) -> 0 (None))
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@03710
5B0: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 2
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037105B0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[21:11:32.46] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:32.46] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.46] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84dfc
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C4
2B030: buddy went from online to offline
[21:11:32.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C42
B030: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:32.47] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:32.47] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.47] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:32.47] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.47] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x84e0d
[21:11:32.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSDisconnected@026BF9
88: Abandoning pending request, pBuddy=0x00000000, dwOp=0x00007000, uTID=126
[21:11:32.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSDisconnected@026BF9
88: Abandoning pending request, pBuddy=0x00000000, dwOp=0x00007000, uTID=130
[21:11:32.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@026BF988:(S_OK, 0x0001)
[21:11:32.48] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:32.48] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.48] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::Uninitialize
[21:11:32.48] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::SetStoreAdapter
[21:11:32.49] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:32.49] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:11:32.49] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:33.18] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0840
A388: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:33.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0840A
388:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 0
[21:11:33.19] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSDisconnected@026BF9
88: Firing OnLogoff() - prev state 0x0400
[21:11:33.19] Zone_ConfigInfo CRtcActivityProvider::Cleanup - UNHOOK_AL
L_EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[21:11:33.19] Zone_Voice CRtcProfileManager::CleanupProfiles > Cle
aning up profiles (mode=0).
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnServiceLogoff hr=0x0, pSe
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnSDriveShutdown
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive ShuxSDrive::DoShutdown
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive ShuxMsgr::DoLogoff
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::OnLogoff
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::StartOrStopSDrive is shut
ting down SDrive
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Shutdown
[21:11:33.19] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::UnregisterHandler@0
3655BE0: removing {534142D5-1F2A-431F-A60C-B0CF723FDF7D}
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_STOP
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Stop
[21:11:33.19] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:33.19] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C42
B030: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:33.19] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[21:11:33.19] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[21:11:33.19] Zone_Voice CLegacySessionManagerProxy::Invoke > Unkn
own event (id=12288).
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e07d0
[21:11:33.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0851F
D10: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e03d0
[21:11:33.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0851FD10: >> got RST on socket 4080 in CLOSE_WAIT state - sending ACK
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e01d0
[21:11:33.19] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e09d0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e0bd0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0842D
298:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 64
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0842
D298: removing from dialog map & call id session 64, callid={49389679-53DB-46A2-
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@037105B0
: >> msg 3, state 0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037105B0: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0842D
298:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84dfcd0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C42
B030: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C42B
030:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 64
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C42
B030: removing from dialog map & call id session 64, callid={49389679-53DB-46A2-
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@037103F8
: >> msg 3, state 0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
037103F8: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C42B
030:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 0
[21:11:33.20] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x84e0dd0
[21:11:33.22] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Shutdown:Shutting down echo
[21:11:33.22] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 0
[21:11:33.22] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 0
[21:11:33.22] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 0
[21:11:33.22] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrConfigLogOff
[21:11:33.80] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::Unadvise ln 470: Someone (570
78412) is un-subscribing to Session Manager events directly.
[21:11:33.80] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::~CSessionManagerInstance ln 6
43 Destroying Session Manager.
[21:11:33.81] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:11:33.81] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::ReleaseMapping@03685D38:272: c
alled with invalid port 0
* Log closed (normally) at 2010-08-23T18:11:33Z
* Log opened: 2010-08-24T15:41:39Z
[18:41:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@046FB
990: registering TCPv1
[18:41:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@046FB
990: registering TRUDPv1
[18:41:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@046FB
990: registering TURNv1
[18:41:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PBridgeRegistrar::RegisterBridge@046FB
990: registering SBBridge
[18:41:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RegisterBridges: >> got di
sallowed bridges ''
[18:41:40.11] Zone_Voice CRtcWrap::InitializeRtcIfNecessary > Init
ializing RTC.
[18:42:11.91] Zone_Voice CRtcWrap::InitializeRtcIfNecessary > Init
ialization succeeded.
[18:42:11.91] Zone_Voice CRtcProfileManager::Initialize > Initiali
zation succeeded.
[18:42:11.91] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::Initialize()
[18:42:11.91] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::Initialize: environment
= Production
[18:42:19.30] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::Initialize() = 0x0
[18:42:19.30] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::Init ln 666 Creating Session
Manager object: locked=1
[18:42:19.30] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::Advise ln 453: Someone (0) is
subscribing to Session Manager events directly.
[18:42:19.30] Zone_Voice CLegacyRtcActivityProvider::Initialize >
Registering as consumer (consumerCookie=0x4717350).
[18:42:19.30] Zone_Voice CLegacyRtcActivityProvider::Initialize >
Setting as default consumer.
[18:42:19.30] Zone_Voice CRtcProfileManager::Initialize > Initiali
zation succeeded.
[18:42:19.38] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::Init ln 666 Creating Session
Manager object: locked=1
[18:42:19.38] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::Advise ln 453: Someone (0) is
subscribing to Session Manager events directly.
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {6A13AF9C-5308-4F35-923A-67E8DDA40C2F}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP4EUF::Register returns 0x0
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {5D3E02AB-6190-11D3-BBBB-00C04F795683}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {49389679-53DB-46A2-85D5-E3DAE9A0BCD5}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {1C9AA97E-9C05-4583-A3BD-908A196F1E92}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::Register returns 0x0
[18:42:19.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {5E288469-7693-4B64-A8DC-C56648E4397D}
[18:42:19.38] Zone_ConfigInfo CProductProviderMgr::_QueryForData - HOOK
_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:19.38] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:42:19.38] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - not online.
[18:42:19.39] Zone_ConfigInfo CUIManager::Init - HOOK_EVENT for CConfig
[18:42:19.39] Zone_ConfigInfo CUIManager::Init - HOOK_EVENT for CConfig
[18:42:19.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultIdentity(0x000
[18:42:19.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:42:19.83] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:42:19.83] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:42:19.83] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:19.83] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultIdentity() = 0
[18:42:19.83] Zone_ConfigInfo CStatusMenu::CStatusMenu - HOOK_EVENT for
CConfigServerClientEvents and calling GetConfigInfo
[18:42:19.83] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:42:19.83] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - not online.
[18:42:22.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:42:22.81] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:42:22.81] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::CreateIdentity(limp65@hotmail.
com, 0x00000000)
[18:42:23.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::CreateIdentity() = 0x0
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetRoamingUserTileUrl@04715EC0
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL UserTileUrl =
iHWTo UserTileTimestamp = 2010-08-09T19:28:14.000000-00:00
[18:42:24.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetRoamingUserTileUrl() = 0x0
[18:42:25.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:25.77] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:25.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:31.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:31.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:31.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:33.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:33.96] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:33.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:37.72] Zone_Net IPRouteMonitor >> Thread finished
[18:42:37.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:37.74] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:37.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:37.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CUIManager::UICommonLogoffIdentity@046FB2
A8(), fUpdateDisplay = 1
[18:42:37.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:37.77] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:37.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetActiveIdentity(0x0471
[18:42:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:38.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CUIManager::LogonService@046FB2A8: record
ed login start time as 107079
[18:42:38.68] Zone_HotmailService In CHotmailService::Logon(limp65@hotmail.
com, (null))
[18:42:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:39.08] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::SetUser@0472D890: SetUse
r finished for real, with hr=0x0
[18:42:39.08] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::SetUser@0472E3D8: SetUse
r finished for real, with hr=0x0
[18:42:39.08] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:39.08] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:39.08] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:39.18] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@0472FB40: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:42:39.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=0 | hr=8100031d)
[18:42:39.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=1 | hr=8100031d)
[18:42:39.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730A40) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:42:39.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 3
[18:42:39.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:39.19] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 1 --> 256, uTID = 0
[18:42:39.19] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0100)
[18:42:39.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:39.19] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:39.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:39.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ResolveHost (04730A40)
>> resolving
[18:42:39.51] Zone_HotmailService Authing with passport using cached policy
[18:42:39.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:39.51] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:39.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(m, MBI_KEY_OLD, 0x00000000)
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04718FE8 {messengerclea, MBI_KEY_OLD}
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(m, ?id=507, 0x00000000)
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719018 {messenger.msn
.com, ?id=507}
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:42:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(c, MBI, 0x00000000)
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719048 {contacts.msn.
com, MBI}
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(m, MBI_SSL, 0x00000000)
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719078 {messengersecu, MBI_SSL}
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:42:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(s, MBI, 0x00000000)
[18:42:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x047190A8 {
om, MBI}
[18:42:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:42:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:42:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(s, MBI, 0x00000000)
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x047190D8 {storage.msn.c
om, MBI}
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendIdentityRequest(0x04
72B878, 0x0472FB24)
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfo->m_dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfo->eRequestType = 4
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendIdentityRequest@0472
0EF0:576: *pdwRequestID = 1, pdwRequestID = 0472FB24
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest(0x0472
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest() = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendBatchedTicketsReques
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = MBI_KEY_OLD
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache Failed to get the ticket from cache hr = 0x80048862
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendBatchedTicketsReques
t(0x0472B878): Requesting all tickets from the passport server
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[0].cbSize = 20
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[0].wzServiceTarget = messen
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[0].wzServicePolicy = MBI_KE
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[0].dwTokenFlags = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[0].dwTokenParam = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[1].cbSize = 20
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[1].wzServiceTarget = messen
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[1].wzServicePolicy = ?id=50
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[1].dwTokenFlags = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[1].dwTokenParam = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[2].cbSize = 20
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[2].wzServiceTarget = contac
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[2].wzServicePolicy = MBI
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[2].dwTokenFlags = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[2].dwTokenParam = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[3].cbSize = 20
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[3].wzServiceTarget = messen
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[3].wzServicePolicy = MBI_SS
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[3].dwTokenFlags = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[3].dwTokenParam = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[4].cbSize = 20
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[4].wzServiceTarget = spaces
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[4].wzServicePolicy = MBI
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[4].dwTokenFlags = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[4].dwTokenParam = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[5].cbSize = 20
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[5].wzServiceTarget = storag
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[5].wzServicePolicy = MBI
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[5].dwTokenFlags = 0
[18:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spRSTParams[5].dwTokenParam = 0
[18:42:39.81] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0472E3D8: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 8 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:39.86] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0472E3D8: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 4 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:40.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendBatchedTicketsReques
t() = 0x48847
[18:42:40.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendIdentityRequest() =
[18:42:40.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:42:40.16] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:42:40.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:42:40.17] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:42:40.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:42:40.49] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0x4732a40) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 1061ms
[18:42:40.49] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 3 to 5
[18:42:40.49] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:40.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 256 --> 512, uTID = 0
[18:42:40.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0200)
[18:42:40.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:42:40.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> success 0x04730a40, socket=2440, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2440, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047304B8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047307A8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04715F90: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:41.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 2440
[18:42:41.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:42:41.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
74 bytes on socket 2440
[18:42:41.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 6.1 i386 MSG80BETA 8.5.1235 msmsgs<
[18:42:41.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
32 bytes on socket 2440
[18:42:41.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:42:41.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2440, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:42:41.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2440
[18:42:41.42] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.42] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::_EnumMembersStorage@0472
E3D8: EnumMemberStorage finishing for real, with hr=0x1
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0472E3D8: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 9 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2440, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:41.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0472FA50: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[18:42:41.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >VER 1 MSNP15<
[18:42:41.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CVR 2 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 http
[18:42:41.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 3 NS U D<
[18:42:41.67] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::CancelLogon@0472FA50: (false, 0,
(null), 0)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@0472FB40:
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730A40. m_
sock == 2440
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 0
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730A40
) (2) closing socket 2440
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Clearing last known good index (s_iLKGIndex=2)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047304B8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047307A8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04715F90: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:41.67] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::Transfer@0472FA50: Reconnecting
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@0472FB40: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=0 | hr=8100031d)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=1 | hr=8100031d)
[18:42:41.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730A40) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:42:41.68] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[18:42:41.68] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:41.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 512 --> 512, uTID = 0
[18:42:41.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0200)
[18:42:41.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> success 0x04730a40, socket=2648, LastError=10035, WM(1055)
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2440, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) >>
socket message is not for us, ignoring...
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::AreAllLayersDisconnec
ted@0472FB40: All (2) layers are disconnected
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::AreAllLayersDisconnec
ted@0472FB40: All (1) layers are NOT disconnected
[18:42:41.73] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047304B8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047307A8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04715F90: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:42:42.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:42.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:42:42.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
74 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:42.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CVR 5 0x0409 winnt 6.1 i386 MSG80BETA 8.5.1235 msmsgs<
[18:42:42.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
32 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:42.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:42:42.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:42:42.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:42.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:42:42.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:42:42.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >VER 4 MSNP15<
[18:42:42.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CVR 5 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 http
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0472FA50: ge
tting a new buffer of size 2048
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0472FA50: ge
tting a new buffer of size 4096
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0472FA50: ge
tting a new buffer of size 8192
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:42.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >GCF 0 5483
<Policies><Policy type="SHIELDS" checksum="13F9EF952572DFA2513FE09DEF12E329"><co
nfig> <shield> <cli maj="7" min="0" minbld="0" maxbld="9999" deny="" /> </s
hield> <block> <hashes> </hashes> <regexp> <imtext value="cGhvdG8
yMzRcLnppcA==" /> <imtext value="aW1nMDIxXC56aXA=" /> <imtext value="d
GFueWFiYWJlXC56aXA=" /> <imtext value="c3R1ZmZcLnppcA==" /> <imtext va
lue="Zm90b3NcLnppcA==" /> <imtext value="dHVmb3Rv" /> <imtext value="Z
[18:42:42.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >USR 6 SSO S MBI_KEY_OLD lmoYoZNl9KUEBmqHFwv0/4Kto3bToZ5iAv0K43CsLjBo4XZh0
[18:42:42.66] Zone_HotmailService Nonce received: lmoYoZNl9KUEBmqHFwv0/4Kto
[18:42:42.66] Zone_HotmailService IDCRL policy on CS: MBI_KEY_OLD, fPolicyC
hanged 0
[18:42:43.21] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0472D890: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 5 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnIdentityResponse(0x038
91370, 0x04720EF0, 0)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnIdentityResponse() = 0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnCurrentRequestComplete
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetAuthState@04715EC0(, 0x000C
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.hrAuthState = 0x48803
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.hrAuthRequired = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.hrRequestStatus = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.strWebFlowUrl =
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetAuthState() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0472B878, 0)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04718FE8
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047191
38, 0x04720EF0))
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 1, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0472B878, 1)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719018
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047191
68, 0x04720EF0))
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 1, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0472B878, 2)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719048
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047191
68, 0x04720EF0))
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 1, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0472B878, 3)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719078
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047191
68, 0x04720EF0))
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 1, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0472B878, 4)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x047190A8
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047191
68, 0x04720EF0))
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 1, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0472B878, 5)
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 1
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x047190D8
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047191
68, 0x04720EF0))
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 1, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest(0x0000
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest() = 0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetNextPendingRequest(0x
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfoOut = 0x00000000
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetNextPendingRequest()
= 0x80004005
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnCurrentRequestComplete
d() = 0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:48.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
1016 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:48.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>USR 7 SSO S t=EwBoAswbAQAUs1/VcBU2sH7mwYy3BysWZ71CRDGAAA2wYI7rQ1JYFrZk5jw8w9Ob
[18:42:48.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:48.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >USR 7 OK 1 0<
[18:42:48.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 512 --> 768, uTID = 0
[18:42:48.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0300)
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0472D890: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 3 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net Logon Performance report - Time line
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net Contacts Loaded: 9.9183
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net Logon Performance report - Elapsed Time
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net Contact Load: 9.1588
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net WAB Collection: 4.2189
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net WAB Contact Creation: 0.5868
sec (242 contacts)
[18:42:48.59] Zone_Net LMCDATA Contact Create: 2.90
63 sec (242 contacts)
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::Initialize
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::SetStoreAdapter
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetReady
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:42:48.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:42:48.74] Zone_HotmailService CUIManager::OnServerConnected@046FB2A8: C
ontacts::ReadyPresence returned 00000000
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID@04715EC0()
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL strBrandIdOut = MSFT
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID() = 0x0
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(cont
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(stor
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:48.74] Zone_HotmailService CUIManager::OnServerConnected@046FB2A8: C
ontacts::SetAuthByActiveIdentity returned 00000000
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 147
[18:42:48.74] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 147
[18:42:48.74] Zone_Voice CLegacySessionManagerProxy::Invoke > Unkn
own event (id=147).
[18:42:48.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >SBS 0 null<
[18:42:48.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2174534940
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2174534940, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084B0F28
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478B290, serviceType = Messenger name = rubinakalayc listType = 1
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0478B290
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -214226111829475156
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04769318, serviceType = Messenger name = lyndiadiewol listType = 3
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04769318
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7666888154516592174
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477A5D8, serviceType = Messenger name = talat_oksen@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477A5D8
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6652093685260582871
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04756C50, serviceType = Messenger name = lyndiadiewol listType = 2
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04756C50
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7666888154516592174
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04790338, serviceType = Messenger name = RudyOrtiz259 listType = 3
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04790338
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8095327490775235781
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476C318, serviceType = Messenger name = metin-bozkur listType = 3
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0476C318
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5378022783720108349
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473D580, serviceType = Messenger name = dj_merty92@h listType = 1
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0473D580
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4348299516471341778
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1025356350
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1025356350, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084A8430
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477C5D8, serviceType = Messenger name = fakafakipofp listType = 3
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0477C5D8
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9158405046573610233
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04759C50, serviceType = Messenger name = RudyOrtiz259 listType = 2
[18:42:48.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04759C50
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8095327490775235781
[18:42:48.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3491336134
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3491336134, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047C9860
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name z-dersane sid 2524575671
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476F318, serviceType = Messenger name = listType = 1
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476F318
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1924815766154569700
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474A588, serviceType = Messenger name = karolecrispi listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0474A588
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7007608683796419053
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1622775628
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1622775628, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 084B8088
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name ???? sid 931606730
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477E530, serviceType = Messenger name = bugrasariyil listType = 1
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0477E530
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475CC50, serviceType = Messenger name = elmaoglu104@ listType = 2
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0475CC50
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2878223583869722042
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04795338, serviceType = Messenger name = natalasapupp listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04795338
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4425801676764594986
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474C588, serviceType = Messenger name = aysun_0808@h listType = 2
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0474C588
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8688342239962667162
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1954344013
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1954344013, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084AAB80
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3604633056
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3604633056, strContactId =
, contactType = 1, store object = 084A5678
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04783C70, serviceType = Messenger name = leyda_ley80@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04783C70
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6939481435637591091
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475FC50, serviceType = Messenger name = malikakkafa@ listType = 1
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0475FC50
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5281160938613643522
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797290, serviceType = Messenger name = neelyryder46 listType = 2
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04797290
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4882424330861471363
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04770B10, serviceType = Messenger name = faruk.uraf@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04770B10
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7459461108392464462
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474E588, serviceType = Messenger name = a154720856@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0474E588
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 812104732702617527
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2439922762
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2439922762, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 084BF088
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04763C50, serviceType = Messenger name = MichaelaSouz listType = 2
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 04763C50
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6883529126702643034
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479C338, serviceType = Messenger name = beetsy_e@hot listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0479C338
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8596672599896473211
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04774B10, serviceType = Messenger name = airkortan@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04774B10
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6717331465177913012
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04750588, serviceType = Messenger name = yazkoyuncu@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04750588
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1078091941211308510
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04789C70, serviceType = Messenger name = MadieSansouc listType = 2
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04789C70
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7769863565209146517
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04766450, serviceType = Messenger name = nirvacalisir listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04766450
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3570048769914847205
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2416653972
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2416653972, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047CC358
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479E290, serviceType = Messenger name = m_lokita@hot listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0479E290
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6418447783830419233
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04776B10, serviceType = Messenger name = miracianciol listType = 2
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04776B10
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1380426021955413248
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04753988, serviceType = Messenger name = aaltinman@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04753988
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2317632778665571661
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1428893584
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1428893584, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047BA4B8
[18:42:48.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 8121919
[18:42:48.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 8121919, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 084C38C0
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1231988194
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1231988194, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047BDB40
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478BBC8, serviceType = Messenger name = bburcuceylan listType = 1
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478BBC8
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1368597630119902711
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04769C50, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekcagaliko listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04769C50
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5636662316037105617
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473E698, serviceType = Messenger name = justinezutad listType = 2
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0473E698
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5398528011365576071
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 127444477
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 127444477, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047CDC08
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477AF10, serviceType = Messenger name = cessykandiyo listType = 1
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0477AF10
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6787158063850132227
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04757588, serviceType = Messenger name = jiji1044@hot listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04757588
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8593303663088074718
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2238983699
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2238983699, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084BBF28
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2503859700
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2503859700, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 047C9110
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04790C70, serviceType = Messenger name = erman-_-s@ho listType = 2
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04790C70
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3730482104256238808
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1254182963
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1254182963, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084B6F28
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477CF10, serviceType = Messenger name = aimee-brown6 listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0477CF10
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5034146427854066738
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475A588, serviceType = Messenger name = orgeakca@hot listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0475A588
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3127818978574201071
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 654158042
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 654158042, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047B2420
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04792BC8, serviceType = Messenger name = semi_e@hotma listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 04792BC8
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2771846334942383861
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476FC50, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryan_lo listType = 1
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0476FC50
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474AF68, serviceType = Messenger name = saricag@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0474AF68
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6196399302695909794
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1484741747
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1484741747, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084A8088
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477EE68, serviceType = Messenger name = elmaoglu104@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477EE68
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2878223583869722042
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475D588, serviceType = Messenger name = muratbulad@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0475D588
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8909331989129792704
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1181746958
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1181746958, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084C0678
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04795C70, serviceType = Messenger name = vilandra244@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04795C70
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474CF68, serviceType = Messenger name = extravaganzz listType = 3
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474CF68
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4630968694056832540
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1410003135
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1410003135, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084D0B08
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047845A8, serviceType = Messenger name = servetFB08@h listType = 2
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047845A8
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -9216327405395982952
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04760588, serviceType = Messenger name = airkortan@ho listType = 1
[18:42:48.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04760588
[18:42:48.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6717331465177913012
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2226582232
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2226582232, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084B52D0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797BC8, serviceType = Messenger name = smleeee_89@h listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04797BC8
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8732625369561302539
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047734F0, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel1989@ho listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047734F0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2242667875814910125
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474EF68, serviceType = Messenger name = PriscillaKnu listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 0474EF68
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4786238801671972362
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 282972906
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 282972906, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084A5A20
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04764588, serviceType = Messenger name = wolfnights6@ listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04764588
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8174996208885385109
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3398765483
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3398765483, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084A4430
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479CC70, serviceType = Messenger name = raymondetemp listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0479CC70
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8377571555351410953
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047754F0, serviceType = Messenger name = robbiezefyg@ listType = 2
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047754F0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 651396665656696616
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04752368, serviceType = Messenger name = sphynx_1098@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04752368
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6281142834747858663
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3760781436
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3760781436, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047B2F18
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478A5A8, serviceType = Messenger name = wolfnights6@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478A5A8
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8174996208885385109
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3570778243
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3570778243, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047B5CD0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047798F0, serviceType = Messenger name = goermango@ho listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047798F0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8327309240869253749
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04755F68, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekoreen@ho listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04755F68
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1061373188161484637
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3484302988
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3484302988, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084A9678
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478C500, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0478C500
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04736438, serviceType = Messenger name = life-is-danc listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04736438
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3131643164618763081
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477B8F0, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel444@hot listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477B8F0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7575336207604003789
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04758F68, serviceType = Messenger name = limp65@hotma listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 04758F68
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4013780796249205739
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1242682933
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1242682933, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047B2078
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 330524283
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 330524283, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047CD4B8
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047915A8, serviceType = Messenger name = selenadlim@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047915A8
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5223731280612375633
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476D588, serviceType = Messenger name = solita-x100p listType = 3
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0476D588
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5415162262911313654
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047498A0, serviceType = Messenger name = ensozluk1236 listType = 1
[18:42:48.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047498A0
[18:42:48.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2505290092515342449
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477D848, serviceType = Messenger name = antonyomusab listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0477D848
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4327145402992240879
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04793500, serviceType = Messenger name = greenstorm98 listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04793500
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8303837707406750127
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04770588, serviceType = Messenger name = yamach24@hot listType = 2
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04770588
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2894022580112803313
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474B8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = gs.ece@mynet
.com listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, stor
e object = 0474B8A0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475EF68, serviceType = Messenger name = moistflirty8 listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0475EF68
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2226594861473240049
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047965A8, serviceType = Messenger name = berk_0804@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047965A8
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2930124352025575383
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474D8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = huseyinkara_ listType = 2
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0474D8A0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5091473027502061741
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04784EE0, serviceType = Messenger name = listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04784EE0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1924815766154569700
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04762F68, serviceType = Messenger name = selenaziz@ho listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04762F68
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5932595270975288565
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 644957719
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 644957719, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084BB088
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2876433447
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2876433447, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084AE7D8
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2655943098
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2655943098, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047BFFB0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04798500, serviceType = Messenger name = fakafakipofp listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04798500
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9158405046573610233
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04773E28, serviceType = Messenger name = Stock_Tips47 listType = 2
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04773E28
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4132286996850812751
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474F8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = cemreyasoz@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0474F8A0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3538711563
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3538711563, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084C3518
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 133464828
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 133464828, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084AA7D8
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04788F88, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessa_ener listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04788F88
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2682626322923769349
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04765768, serviceType = Messenger name = antonyomusab listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04765768
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4327145402992240879
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1756889228
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1756889228, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 084CF170
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04775E28, serviceType = Messenger name = saricag@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04775E28
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6196399302695909794
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04752CA0, serviceType = Messenger name = allynpetrijs listType = 2
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04752CA0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5333995183502882111
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04768F68, serviceType = Messenger name = utku42@hotma listType = 1
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 04768F68
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8605937474480947309
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4148640884
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4148640884, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047C6AA8
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477A228, serviceType = Messenger name = akyolerdi@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477A228
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3393935343996083159
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047568A0, serviceType = Messenger name = neelyryder46 listType = 3
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047568A0
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4882424330861471363
[18:42:48.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 485125191
[18:42:48.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 485125191, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084B0088
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478FF88, serviceType = Messenger name = nurhavvapeks listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0478FF88
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5128914400157763708
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476BF68, serviceType = Messenger name = basak.yangir listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476BF68
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473D1E0, serviceType = Messenger name = KennethPlask listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0473D1E0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3457027344330618945
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047598A0, serviceType = Messenger name = ensozluk@bey listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, sto
re object = 047598A0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3511523671136608723
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1042333120
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1042333120, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047BAC08
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2787561263
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2787561263, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084B6430
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3349698734
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3349698734, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084B1678
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04791EE0, serviceType = Messenger name = sarper1989@h listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04791EE0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476EF68, serviceType = Messenger name = busraozgulte listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0476EF68
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6108697580768522462
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477E180, serviceType = Messenger name = gs.ece@mynet
.com listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, stor
e object = 0477E180
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475C8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0475C8A0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1765762178
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1765762178, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047CE700
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 37837334
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 37837334, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047C8AA8
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04794F88, serviceType = Messenger name = bernartasci3 listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04794F88
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8880620468440524928
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047838C0, serviceType = Messenger name = melisazorlu@ listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 047838C0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6014816271932754979
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475F8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = romish_89@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0475F8A0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5383693400631968902
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04796EE0, serviceType = Messenger name = nettiepewyd@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04796EE0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7065106841346870362
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04770760, serviceType = Messenger name = earlenezakog listType = 2
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04770760
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1542557145022068263
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474E1D8, serviceType = Messenger name = hande.tonuk@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0474E1D8
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -372300531484048310
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2086897391
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2086897391, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084D0010
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 18004782
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 18004782, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084BFF28
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04785818, serviceType = Messenger name = ds-altinman@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04785818
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5293326389205133086
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047638A0, serviceType = Messenger name = anidelgi@hot listType = 1
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047638A0
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2315925211350499343
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479BF88, serviceType = Messenger name = shenitareela listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0479BF88
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2922363392595390607
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04774760, serviceType = Messenger name = casu_ca@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04774760
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5164798887179861827
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047501D8, serviceType = Messenger name = lara-el_maog listType = 2
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047501D8
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 25038597
00, property = IsBlocked
[18:42:48.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3661902670
[18:42:48.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3661902670, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047B4E30
[18:42:48.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047898C0, serviceType = Messenger name = elritmodelan listType = 1
[18:42:48.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047898C0
[18:42:48.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047660A0, serviceType = Messenger name = zozomerty@ms listType = 3
[18:42:48.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, sto
re object = 047660A0
[18:42:48.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7403716164386586152
[18:42:48.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 812927810
[18:42:48.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 812927810, strContactId =
m, contactType = 1, store object = 047B51D8
[18:42:48.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2791098754
[18:42:48.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2791098754, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047C5FB0
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4098691285
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4098691285, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 047BDED8
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479DEE0, serviceType = Messenger name = chinese_ninj listType = 1
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0479DEE0
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6562775934652718238
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04776760, serviceType = Messenger name = KinkyLaffyTa listType = 2
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 04776760
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8386231175705106962
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047535D8, serviceType = Messenger name = dani_kohen@h listType = 3
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047535D8
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7064833453753116272
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 562613209
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 562613209, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047B27C8
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478B818, serviceType = Messenger name = chris_boyaci listType = 1
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0478B818
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7387726234706552527
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047698A0, serviceType = Messenger name = metin-bozkur listType = 1
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047698A0
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5378022783720108349
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 660538959
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 660538959, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084C2DC8
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1442414613
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1442414613, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084A2088
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477AB60, serviceType = Messenger name = gokaygokhan@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477AB60
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8063093753477908984
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047571D8, serviceType = Messenger name = epsuld@hotma listType = 3
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 047571D8
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6961901356272978681
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 823715182
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 823715182, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084AD678
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047908C0, serviceType = Messenger name = solita-x100p listType = 2
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047908C0
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5415162262911313654
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476C8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = imeyladresi@ listType = 3
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476C8A0
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7399762299922750088
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473DAF0, serviceType = Messenger name = metehan_cmn8 listType = 1
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0473DAF0
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6474688563504822701
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3034753059
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3034753059, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047B3668
[18:42:48.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1043590829
[18:42:48.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1043590829, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 047B1CD0
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475A1D8, serviceType = Messenger name = sergundemird listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0475A1D8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04792818, serviceType = Messenger name = beetsy_e@hot listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04792818
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476F8A0, serviceType = Messenger name = leyda_ley80@ listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476F8A0
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6939481435637591091
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474AB10, serviceType = Messenger name = aren_p89@hot listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474AB10
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2193086576459890489
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475D1D8, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryann_l listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0475D1D8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3818942152470384732
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3072994040
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3072994040, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084A87D8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047958C0, serviceType = Messenger name = revivo_4@hot listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047958C0
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2588777446528849407
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474CB10, serviceType = Messenger name = ArgeliaMaud5 listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0474CB10
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8972172597843357357
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3855875905
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3855875905, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047B11D8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047841F8, serviceType = Messenger name = kathieteroly listType = 2
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047841F8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8808554571694441751
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047601D8, serviceType = Messenger name = gokaygokhan@ listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047601D8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8063093753477908984
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4249472165
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4249472165, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047AFF90
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797818, serviceType = Messenger name = kasimcan_tur listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04797818
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -228579263843074779
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04773140, serviceType = Messenger name = beren_sen@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04773140
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8469134690587661093
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474EB10, serviceType = Messenger name = busraozgulte listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0474EB10
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6108697580768522462
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04786150, serviceType = Messenger name = espectro_mun listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04786150
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047641D8, serviceType = Messenger name = yazkoyuncu@h listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047641D8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 301050710
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 301050710, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047A1DC8
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479C8C0, serviceType = Messenger name = bernartasci3 listType = 1
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0479C8C0
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04775140, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04775140
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04750B10, serviceType = Messenger name = erman-_-s@ho listType = 3
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04750B10
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3730482104256238808
[18:42:48.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 948281139
[18:42:48.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 948281139, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084B5A20
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478A1F8, serviceType = Messenger name = laraelmaoglu listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478A1F8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3499330679882487373
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479E818, serviceType = Messenger name = nolinnolan@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0479E818
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8912774095496629174
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04779540, serviceType = Messenger name = tlh8332@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04779540
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04753F10, serviceType = Messenger name = rubydenore@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04753F10
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 274742490366514460
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 860677559
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 860677559, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047BBAA8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2829684609
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2829684609, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047A2988
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476A1D8, serviceType = Messenger name = ya_micha@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476A1D8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04748D80, serviceType = Messenger name = shoskal@msn.
com listType = 1
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, store
object = 04748D80
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7463655189641362619
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477B540, serviceType = Messenger name = leannatidim@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477B540
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9092691475512810344
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04757B10, serviceType = Messenger name = alen_ani@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04757B10
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 176418079
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 176418079, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047C0700
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047911F8, serviceType = Messenger name = revivo_4@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047911F8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476D1D8, serviceType = Messenger name = ecekanarya@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0476D1D8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5817237603451844358
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047494F0, serviceType = Messenger name = LupeLeytonzg listType = 2
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047494F0
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2344619256997026782
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477D498, serviceType = Messenger name = idilatabey@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0477D498
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1477427731479700941
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475AB10, serviceType = Messenger name = AdrienWether listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0475AB10
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2294348195421111191
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04793150, serviceType = Messenger name = fastrunner4e listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04793150
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1754824404531298107
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047701D8, serviceType = Messenger name = yineyineyeni listType = 2
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047701D8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5809976831868828144
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474B4F0, serviceType = Messenger name = malina_yasem listType = 1
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474B4F0
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4668665682021782555
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475DB10, serviceType = Messenger name = progressive- listType = 1
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0475DB10
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3066275990
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3066275990, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084B07D8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047961F8, serviceType = Messenger name = ync_gise@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047961F8
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474D4F0, serviceType = Messenger name = ggergerli@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474D4F0
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1255938823175788314
[18:42:49.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1041736957
[18:42:49.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1041736957, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084BF7D8
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04784B30, serviceType = Messenger name = kristiecuwyd listType = 2
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04784B30
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7382527347555570120
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04760B10, serviceType = Messenger name = bahadirimreh listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04760B10
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3406490695421978493
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04798150, serviceType = Messenger name = s_grayf@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04798150
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04773A78, serviceType = Messenger name = sila_336@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04773A78
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9209032621838101836
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474F4F0, serviceType = Messenger name = olyga.helime listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0474F4F0
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2383232408
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2383232408, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047C6700
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04788BD8, serviceType = Messenger name = ant10yo@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04788BD8
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 452607220775083001
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04764B10, serviceType = Messenger name = servet_b.kus listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04764B10
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479D1F8, serviceType = Messenger name = KinkyLaffyTa listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0479D1F8
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8386231175705106962
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04775A78, serviceType = Messenger name = frt-racing@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04775A78
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1492873300770783334
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047528F0, serviceType = Messenger name = m_lokita@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047528F0
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name others sid 2312741866
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478AB30, serviceType = Messenger name = supernova_gs listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478AB30
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8424989980905297024
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04767310, serviceType = Messenger name = annabel_g@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04767310
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4070202713
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4070202713, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 047C7FB0
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04779E78, serviceType = Messenger name = garanio@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04779E78
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047564F0, serviceType = Messenger name = izi_18@hotma listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 047564F0
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3065763692650584077
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478FBD8, serviceType = Messenger name = kobe.rn.8@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0478FBD8
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1065363977560553597
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476AB10, serviceType = Messenger name = sila_336@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476AB10
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9209032621838101836
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3701489008
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3701489008, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047BCCB8
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477BE78, serviceType = Messenger name = lis
tType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId = aktifmsn.com__istediginiz_bay_yada_baya, contactType = 1, store object
= 0477BE78
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7543427386679022017
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047594F0, serviceType = Messenger name = bahadirimreh listType = 1
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047594F0
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3406490695421978493
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name Fenerbahçeliler sid 3740168163
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04791B30, serviceType = Messenger name = ada.halukisi listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04791B30
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1222734301966753841
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476DB10, serviceType = Messenger name = termik-elekt listType = 3
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0476DB10
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4159371039
[18:42:49.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4159371039, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084B4B80
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475C4F0, serviceType = Messenger name = malikakkafa@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0475C4F0
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5281160938613643522
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04794BD8, serviceType = Messenger name = ali_vito@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04794BD8
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475F4F0, serviceType = Messenger name = cemre_yasoz@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0475F4F0
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7032845048405373736
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04796B30, serviceType = Messenger name = sesilll@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04796B30
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474DE28, serviceType = Messenger name = nirvacalisir listType = 1
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0474DE28
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2537669264
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2537669264, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047B2B70
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04785468, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@y listType = 1
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04785468
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4880097163763157294
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4150538148
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4150538148, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084B6088
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479BBD8, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel@gnrtur listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0479BBD8
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047743B0, serviceType = Messenger name = hande.tonuk@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047743B0
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -372300531484048310
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474FE28, serviceType = Messenger name = ClaribelLies listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0474FE28
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5331083323593137328
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2758803694
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2758803694, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084A4B80
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04789510, serviceType = Messenger name = alengunter@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04789510
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3966646439453829682
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04765CF0, serviceType = Messenger name = elritmodelan listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 04765CF0
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1851006381
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1851006381, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084C2A20
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1958372484
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1958372484, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047CA358
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479DB30, serviceType = Messenger name = yamach24@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0479DB30
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2894022580112803313
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047763B0, serviceType = Messenger name = MichaelaSouz listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047763B0
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6883529126702643034
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04753228, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 3
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04753228
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1284840479
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1284840479, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 084BFB80
[18:42:49.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4170020990
[18:42:49.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4170020990, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084B8F28
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478B468, serviceType = Messenger name = ritaguler@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0478B468
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7143923836570549799
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047694F0, serviceType = Messenger name = sarentasciya listType = 2
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047694F0
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8470229353055630806
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477A7B0, serviceType = Messenger name = karolecrispi listType = 2
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0477A7B0
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7007608683796419053
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04756E28, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel@gnrtur listType = 1
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04756E28
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4041957760
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4041957760, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084BC678
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04790510, serviceType = Messenger name = deloisesbran listType = 3
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04790510
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4134517800798996829
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476C4F0, serviceType = Messenger name = perigurturk@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476C4F0
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2245247867803564318
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473D750, serviceType = Messenger name = eryorulmaz@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0473D750
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1482774227872521645
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2400871113
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2400871113, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084CEDC8
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 268593587
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 268593587, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084CEA20
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1227094428
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1227094428, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047BA110
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477C7B0, serviceType = Messenger name = akarsu_gamze listType = 1
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477C7B0
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 58692538639319758
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04759E28, serviceType = Messenger name = ClaribelLies listType = 2
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 04759E28
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5331083323593137328
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04792468, serviceType = Messenger name = PriscillaKnu listType = 2
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 04792468
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4786238801671972362
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2357356891
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2357356891, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 047B83D0
[18:42:49.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2359950402
[18:42:49.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2359950402, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084C1B80
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3394697926
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3394697926, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084AC430
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477E708, serviceType = Messenger name = hazelsarar@g listType = 1
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477E708
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9182166039940487535
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475CE28, serviceType = Messenger name = Bilgitv@tekn listType = 1
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0475CE28
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7590722533313010543
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3462842694
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3462842694, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047B1928
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4176923244
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4176923244, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047B1580
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04795510, serviceType = Messenger name = AdrienWether listType = 2
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 04795510
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2294348195421111191
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04783E48, serviceType = Messenger name = KennethPlask listType = 2
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 04783E48
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3457027344330618945
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797468, serviceType = Messenger name = cealtinman@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04797468
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04770CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = sdc_erkin@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04770CE8
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474E760, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel1989@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474E760
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2242667875814910125
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2277121865
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2277121865, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084A47D8
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04785DA0, serviceType = Messenger name = imeyladresi@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04785DA0
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7399762299922750088
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04763E28, serviceType = Messenger name = AshliSands46 listType = 3
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04763E28
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4562494155349689900
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1997256212
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1997256212, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084CE678
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 709900422
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 709900422, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084ADA20
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479C510, serviceType = Messenger name = haydabreasaf listType = 3
[18:42:49.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0479C510
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7006717109894848165
[18:42:49.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04774CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = italianaprin listType = 3
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 04774CE8
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6531619277894854625
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04750760, serviceType = Messenger name = darknesscnr@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04750760
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7119361074706133278
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3953480779
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3953480779, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 084B9A20
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3111221570
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3111221570, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084A32D0
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04789E48, serviceType = Messenger name = rafy_papo@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04789E48
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04766628, serviceType = Messenger name = belenos914@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04766628
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3540480199
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3540480199, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 047CBFB0
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1861909532
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1861909532, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 047BD5C8
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479E468, serviceType = Messenger name = cealtinman@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0479E468
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04776CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = ecedamcioglu listType = 3
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04776CE8
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04753B60, serviceType = Messenger name = bashuner@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04753B60
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478BDA0, serviceType = Messenger name = metin_ts@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0478BDA0
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04769E28, serviceType = Messenger name = rubydenore@h listType = 2
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04769E28
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 274742490366514460
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04737E98, serviceType = Messenger name = smleeee_89@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04737E98
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477B0E8, serviceType = Messenger name = irenne_a@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477B0E8
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1613923215933175576
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04757760, serviceType = Messenger name = KylerSeinci@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04757760
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5846808604738361724
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1470463961
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1470463961, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084C4B08
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04790E48, serviceType = Messenger name = perigurturk@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04790E48
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2245247867803564318
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476CE28, serviceType = Messenger name = bgorece@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0476CE28
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5008790830267633642
[18:42:49.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04749140, serviceType = Messenger name = koraltintas@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04749140
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7236270465486571516
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1579256811
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1579256811, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084AC088
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2992724059
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2992724059, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047CB4B8
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477D0E8, serviceType = Messenger name = sarentasciya listType = 3
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0477D0E8
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8470229353055630806
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475A760, serviceType = Messenger name = goniafrika@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0475A760
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2147222485824656169
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3476813581
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3476813581, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 047BB700
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04792DA0, serviceType = Messenger name = selcuktezcan listType = 1
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04792DA0
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476FE28, serviceType = Messenger name = laraelmaoglu listType = 1
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476FE28
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474B140, serviceType = Messenger name = belenos914@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0474B140
[18:42:49.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477F040, serviceType = Messenger name = bburcuceylan listType = 3
[18:42:49.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477F040
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475D760, serviceType = Messenger name = supernova_gs listType = 3
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0475D760
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8424989980905297024
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04795E48, serviceType = Messenger name = ecee_mk@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04795E48
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4925645056578917798
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474D140, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@y listType = 3
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474D140
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4880097163763157294
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 584662777
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 584662777, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084B8B80
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04784780, serviceType = Messenger name = sevan2000@ya listType = 3
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04784780
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6869292308161621240
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04760760, serviceType = Messenger name = kasimcan_tur listType = 3
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04760760
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -228579263843074779
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797DA0, serviceType = Messenger name = HallieCoheew listType = 2
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04797DA0
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6774075096427310373
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047736C8, serviceType = Messenger name = lerna87lerna listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047736C8
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474F140, serviceType = Messenger name = aaltinman@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474F140
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047866D8, serviceType = Messenger name = FB_89burcu@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047866D8
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5758642746661747267
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04764760, serviceType = Messenger name = dani_kohen@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04764760
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4050467882
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4050467882, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084C3170
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047756C8, serviceType = Messenger name = selenadlim@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047756C8
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04752540, serviceType = Messenger name = goniafrika@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04752540
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2147222485824656169
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2805431023
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2805431023, strContactId =
m, contactType = 1, store object = 084AFA20
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478A780, serviceType = Messenger name = nettiepewyd@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478A780
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7065106841346870362
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04766F60, serviceType = Messenger name = muratbulad@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04766F60
[18:42:49.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2894190776
[18:42:49.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2894190776, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 047B99C0
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04779AC8, serviceType = Messenger name = alen_ani@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04779AC8
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04756140, serviceType = Messenger name = ecekanarya@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04756140
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5817237603451844358
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478C6D8, serviceType = Messenger name = lerna87lerna listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478C6D8
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476A760, serviceType = Messenger name = ync_gise@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476A760
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04736E08, serviceType = Messenger name = direnish2006 listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04736E08
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3643366642
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3643366642, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084CDF28
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477BAC8, serviceType = Messenger name = MildredHelfr listType = 2
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0477BAC8
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 700771066729249255
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04759140, serviceType = Messenger name = jiji1044@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04759140
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04791780, serviceType = Messenger name = bgorece@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04791780
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5008790830267633642
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476D760, serviceType = Messenger name = rubinakalayc listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0476D760
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -214226111829475156
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04749A78, serviceType = Messenger name = bariscakir2@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04749A78
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3898991027
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3898991027, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047B5580
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 840145860
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 840145860, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 084C22D0
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477DA20, serviceType = Messenger name = alinzilman@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0477DA20
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475C140, serviceType = Messenger name = casu_ca@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0475C140
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3228169317
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3228169317, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084B67D8
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047936D8, serviceType = Messenger name = teknik@toshi listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047936D8
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8517988520968516208
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474BA78, serviceType = Messenger name = melisazorlu@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0474BA78
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6014816271932754979
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04783160, serviceType = Messenger name = enc_48@hotma listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 04783160
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5966193804453547477
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475F140, serviceType = Messenger name = baranay34@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0475F140
[18:42:49.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1519947914
[18:42:49.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1519947914, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047B8EC8
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047850B8, serviceType = Messenger name = nurhavvapeks listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047850B8
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047986D8, serviceType = Messenger name = fastrunner4e listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047986D8
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1754824404531298107
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04774000, serviceType = Messenger name = ali_vito@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04774000
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474FA78, serviceType = Messenger name = utku42@hotma listType = 3
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0474FA78
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8605937474480947309
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04789160, serviceType = Messenger name = ecee_mk@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04789160
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4925645056578917798
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04765940, serviceType = Messenger name = elenawebow@h listType = 2
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04765940
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1736049427390941340
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 267105022
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 267105022, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047B0A88
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4022269232
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4022269232, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047C7860
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479D780, serviceType = Messenger name = leannatidim@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0479D780
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9092691475512810344
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04776000, serviceType = Messenger name = FB_89burcu@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04776000
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5758642746661747267
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478B0B8, serviceType = Messenger name = zozomerty@ms listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, sto
re object = 0478B0B8
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7403716164386586152
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04769140, serviceType = Messenger name = talat_oksen@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04769140
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6652093685260582871
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2337557424
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2337557424, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084AEF28
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477A400, serviceType = Messenger name = basak.yangir listType = 3
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477A400
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04756A78, serviceType = Messenger name = life-is-danc listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04756A78
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04790160, serviceType = Messenger name = mirtha_altiv listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04790160
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3807450712279034300
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473D3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = ada.halukisi listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0473D3B0
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1222734301966753841
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477C400, serviceType = Messenger name = yaz_koyuncu@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477C400
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04759A78, serviceType = Messenger name = eceu1907@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04759A78
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047920B8, serviceType = Messenger name = miracianciol listType = 3
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047920B8
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1380426021955413248
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474A3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = taisaqua@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474A3B0
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477E358, serviceType = Messenger name = direnish2006 listType = 3
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477E358
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475CA78, serviceType = Messenger name = termik-elekt listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0475CA78
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3776471478
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3776471478, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084B4430
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Space)
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474C3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = ggergerli@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474C3B0
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1255938823175788314
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04783A98, serviceType = Messenger name = borakurukahv listType = 2
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 04783A98
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 65415804
2, property = IsBlocked
[18:42:49.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475FA78, serviceType = Messenger name = lis
tType = 2
[18:42:49.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId = aktifmsn.com__istediginiz_bay_yada_baya, contactType = 1, store object
= 0475FA78
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7543427386679022017
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1400911588
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1400911588, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084BC2D0
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2060166790
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2060166790, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084BB7D8
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3977782386
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3977782386, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047CB110
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047970B8, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel444@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047970B8
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04770938, serviceType = Messenger name = haydabreasaf listType = 1
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04770938
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7006717109894848165
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474E3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = bashuner@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0474E3B0
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047859F0, serviceType = Messenger name = s_grayf@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 047859F0
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04763A78, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan1@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04763A78
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2450908680
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2450908680, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047B9D68
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3518280167
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3518280167, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047C8700
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479C160, serviceType = Messenger name = akyolerdi@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0479C160
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3393935343996083159
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047503B0, serviceType = Messenger name = natalasapupp listType = 2
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047503B0
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4425801676764594986
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 479881030
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 479881030, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084B6B80
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04766278, serviceType = Messenger name = couquet-lara listType = 3
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04766278
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2952286842249399120
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3027929690
[18:42:49.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3027929690, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 084C1088
[18:42:49.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04776938, serviceType = Messenger name = kupelihagop@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04776938
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047537B0, serviceType = Messenger name = selcuktezcan listType = 3
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047537B0
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04769A78, serviceType = Messenger name = limp65@hotma listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 04769A78
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4013780796249205739
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477AD38, serviceType = Messenger name = extravaganzz listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0477AD38
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047573B0, serviceType = Messenger name = asaf.cem@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047573B0
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04790A98, serviceType = Messenger name = scream_aga@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04790A98
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476CA78, serviceType = Messenger name = taisaqua@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476CA78
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473DCC0, serviceType = Messenger name = allynpetrijs listType = 3
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0473DCC0
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5333995183502882111
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3593823164
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3593823164, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084CD430
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 877141262
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 877141262, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084A4F28
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477CD38, serviceType = Messenger name = bora_gs6@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477CD38
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5919055174882593926
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475A3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = italianaprin listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 0475A3B0
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6531619277894854625
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047929F0, serviceType = Messenger name = igot_bighoot listType = 2
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047929F0
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2365101270918307679
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476FA78, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_kara@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476FA78
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2799036432160264379
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474ACE8, serviceType = Messenger name = chris_boyaci listType = 3
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0474ACE8
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1587625824
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1587625824, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084AD2D0
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477EC90, serviceType = Messenger name = eryorulmaz@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0477EC90
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1482774227872521645
[18:42:49.18] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475D3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = AshliSands46 listType = 2
[18:42:49.18] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0475D3B0
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4562494155349689900
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04795A98, serviceType = Messenger name = idilatabey@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04795A98
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1477427731479700941
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474CCE8, serviceType = Messenger name = chinese_ninj listType = 3
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0474CCE8
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6562775934652718238
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4044353906
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4044353906, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084B92D0
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047603B0, serviceType = Messenger name = sunney_da_bu listType = 3
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047603B0
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6948437507519486064
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3629527672
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3629527672, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047C8358
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2147872956
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2147872956, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 047A2160
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04773318, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryann_l listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04773318
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474ECE8, serviceType = Messenger name = shenitareela listType = 2
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474ECE8
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2922363392595390607
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2337975881
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2337975881, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 047BC3A8
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04786328, serviceType = Messenger name = inezludapa@h listType = 2
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04786328
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1508666802412844251
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047643B0, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047643B0
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2177280898
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2177280898, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084D03B8
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2204457175
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2204457175, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 047CCAA8
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479CA98, serviceType = Messenger name = sergundemird listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0479CA98
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04775318, serviceType = Messenger name = ayca_89_7@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04775318
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 291485200684220970
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04750CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = ya_micha@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04750CE8
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478A3D0, serviceType = Messenger name = encarta@conv listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478A3D0
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8279748752548651074
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04766BB0, serviceType = Messenger name = encarta@botm listType = 1
[18:42:49.20] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04766BB0
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6341723410607647320
[18:42:49.20] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 527896206
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 527896206, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047BD230
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479E9F0, serviceType = Messenger name = deloisesbran listType = 2
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0479E9F0
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4134517800798996829
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04779718, serviceType = Messenger name = adrenalin@ad listType = 1
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04779718
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047540E8, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan1@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047540E8
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2820799526
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2820799526, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047B8B20
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4066656028
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4066656028, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084BBB80
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478C328, serviceType = Messenger name = greenstorm98 listType = 1
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0478C328
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8303837707406750127
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04736268, serviceType = Messenger name = sunney_da_bu listType = 2
[18:42:49.21] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04736268
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6948437507519486064
[18:42:49.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477B718, serviceType = Messenger name = anidelgi@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477B718
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2315925211350499343
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04757CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = meuterei_6@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04757CE8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4846441591402021088
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047913D0, serviceType = Messenger name = kobe.rn.8@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047913D0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1065363977560553597
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476D3B0, serviceType = Messenger name = ds-altinman@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476D3B0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477D670, serviceType = Messenger name = igot_bighoot listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0477D670
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2365101270918307679
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475ACE8, serviceType = Messenger name = orgeakca@hot listType = 2
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0475ACE8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3127818978574201071
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2370671848
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2370671848, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047B0338
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047703B0, serviceType = Messenger name = ecedamcioglu listType = 1
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047703B0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474B6C8, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan_asl listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474B6C8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04782DB0, serviceType = Messenger name = aren_p89@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04782DB0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2193086576459890489
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475DCE8, serviceType = Messenger name = epsuld@hotma listType = 2
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0475DCE8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 39534807
79, property = IsBlocked
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047963D0, serviceType = Messenger name = izi_18@hotma listType = 2
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 047963D0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3065763692650584077
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04784D08, serviceType = Messenger name = raymondetemp listType = 2
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 04784D08
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8377571555351410953
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04760CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = muratumul@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04760CE8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5625523870463696377
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04798328, serviceType = Messenger name = gulsah_nebah listType = 2
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04798328
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3668550605892900269
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04773C50, serviceType = Messenger name = arno90_13@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04773C50
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3759655140520307408
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474F6C8, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryan_lo listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0474F6C8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1776460063
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1776460063, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084B4088
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04788DB0, serviceType = Messenger name = pansy_4@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04788DB0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04764CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = serenelmaogl listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04764CE8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2476653648
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2476653648, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084AB678
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479D3D0, serviceType = Messenger name = cubuklu_fati listType = 1
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0479D3D0
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04775C50, serviceType = Messenger name = malina_yasem listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04775C50
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4668665682021782555
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04752AC8, serviceType = Messenger name = mehmetmeteha listType = 2
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04752AC8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1512703849092523951
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478AD08, serviceType = Messenger name = ipenix13@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0478AD08
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047674E8, serviceType = Messenger name = isik.mert@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047674E8
[18:42:49.23] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2257289912
[18:42:49.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2257289912, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084C3C68
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 148417384
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 148417384, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047CDFB0
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477A050, serviceType = Messenger name = semi_e@hotma listType = 1
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0477A050
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2771846334942383861
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047566C8, serviceType = Messenger name = thereselyguz listType = 2
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047566C8
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -823765275547077719
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2313685395
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2313685395, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047B32C0
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3020220367
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3020220367, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047C5860
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478FDB0, serviceType = Messenger name = beren_sen@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0478FDB0
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476ACE8, serviceType = Messenger name = alinzilman@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0476ACE8
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04737778, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_kara@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04737778
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477C050, serviceType = Messenger name = artunsaruhan listType = 1
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477C050
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047596C8, serviceType = Messenger name = amy.ness666@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047596C8
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476DCE8, serviceType = Messenger name = baranay34@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476DCE8
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474A000, serviceType = Messenger name = timothyreine listType = 2
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474A000
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 384439680607699611
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1478723804
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1478723804, strContactId = chinese_ninja_warrior@hotmail.
com, contactType = 1, store object = 047BC920
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477DFA8, serviceType = Messenger name = romish_89@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0477DFA8
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2655926287
[18:42:49.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2655926287, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047B8028
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04794DB0, serviceType = Messenger name = ipenix13@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04794DB0
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474C000, serviceType = Messenger name = sarper1989@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0474C000
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 17874935
[18:42:49.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 17874935, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047C0358
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475F6C8, serviceType = Messenger name = aimee-brown6 listType = 2
[18:42:49.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0475F6C8
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5034146427854066738
[18:42:49.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1867974035
[18:42:49.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1867974035, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084B7678
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04796D08, serviceType = Messenger name = eceu1907@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04796D08
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474E000, serviceType = Messenger name = MildredHelfr listType = 3
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0474E000
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 700771066729249255
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1950085347
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1950085347, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 084C4760
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04785640, serviceType = Messenger name = berk_0804@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04785640
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2930124352025575383
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047636C8, serviceType = Messenger name = muratumul@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047636C8
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479BDB0, serviceType = Messenger name = meuterei_6@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0479BDB0
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4846441591402021088
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04774588, serviceType = Messenger name = fawnmaryetta listType = 2
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 04774588
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 933523456102217165
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047896E8, serviceType = Messenger name = katrinagugup listType = 1
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047896E8
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8697253727707169706
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04765EC8, serviceType = Messenger name = a154720856@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04765EC8
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 812104732702617527
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3996310304
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3996310304, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047BE450
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479DD08, serviceType = Messenger name = sherrie-fowl listType = 2
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0479DD08
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2174546165951031269
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04776588, serviceType = Messenger name = goermango@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04776588
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04753400, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_ozkiy listType = 3
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04753400
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7196500276634124488
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2479917453
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2479917453, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084AF2D0
[18:42:49.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4146438474
[18:42:49.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4146438474, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 084ABA20
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478B640, serviceType = Messenger name = arno90_13@ho listType = 2
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0478B640
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3759655140520307408
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047696C8, serviceType = Messenger name = denytommy@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 047696C8
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2421830530843790226
[18:42:49.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
10 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>BLP 8 BL<
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 0
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = HomePhone, value = NotAStr
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 1
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WorkPhone, value = NotAStr
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 2
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MobilePhone, value = NotAS
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 3
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsMobileEnabled, value = N
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 4
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsMBEA, value = N
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 5
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMobileOnline, va
lue = NotAString
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 6
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMSN8User, value
= NotAString
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 7
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityRendersGif, valu
e = NotAString
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 8
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityRendersIsf, valu
e = NotAString
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 9
[18:42:49.29] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
= NotAString
[18:42:49.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 10
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = UserTileLocation, value =
<msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk
=" Size="908" Location="0" Friendly="VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA="/>
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 11
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WallPaperLocation, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 12
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SpotState, value = NotAStr
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 13
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityWebCamDetected,
value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 14
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsWebCamStatePrivate, valu
e = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 15
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsChunking
, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 16
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = ServerId, value = c5bd42a3
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 17
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = FriendlyName, value = >>>>һặЯ≈ỉỉỉ<<<<
KAR---the clouds are gathering, the sky is darkening, the rain is about to fall.
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 18
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WallPaperColor, value = No
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 19
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityWebIMClient, val
ue = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 20
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = FirstName, value = Hari
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 22
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = HasSpace, value = NotAStri
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 24
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, val
ue = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 27
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMCEUser, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 28
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM
, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 29
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabiltiyConnectedViaTGW,
value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 30
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, v
alue = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 31
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WVID, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 32
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsMobileBuddy, value = Not
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 33
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsWVIDBuddy, value = NotAS
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 34
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = StatusMessage, value = got
t weiss ich will kein engel sein...
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 35
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CurrentMedia, value = NotA
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 38
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSe
arch, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 39
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MobileMigratePrompts, valu
e = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 40
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM,
value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 41
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVideoCount, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 42
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVoiceCount, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 43
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestUpsellCount, value
= NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 45
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel
, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 46
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MachineGuid, value = NotAS
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 47
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = VVCache, value = NotAStrin
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 48
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CID, value = -401378079624
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 49
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvit
e, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 50
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSDrive,
value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 51
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVideoTimer, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 52
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVoiceTimer, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 53
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestUpsellTimer, value
= NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 54
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityIsBot, value = N
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 55
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = Messenger4, value = NotASt
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 56
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = NooIconUrl, value = NotASt
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 59
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SendInviteMailText, value
= NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 60
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SendInviteMail, value = No
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 61
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = UserTileFilePath, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 62
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = RoamLiveProperties, value
= NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 63
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = DynamicUserTileDataFilePat
hProperty, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 64
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = StaticUserTileUrl, value =
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 66
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityHasOnecare, valu
e = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 67
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = DDPLocation, value = NotAS
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 68
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = UserTileFriendlyName, valu
e = Webcam
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 69
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MessengerInitializedProper
ty, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 70
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn,
value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 71
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaU
UN, value = NotAString
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 73
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter property = OtherEmail, value = NotASt
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3587365571
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3587365571, strContactId = italianaprincipessa_ira@hotmai, contactType = 1, store object = 047BAFB0
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2132747790
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2132747790, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 047C7C08
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476C6C8, serviceType = Messenger name = amy.ness666@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0476C6C8
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473D920, serviceType = Messenger name = sezin09@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0473D920
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1208761826552263065
[18:42:49.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3051304113
[18:42:49.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3051304113, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047BF4B8
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477C988, serviceType = Messenger name = vilandra244@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0477C988
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04792640, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan_asl listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04792640
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476F6C8, serviceType = Messenger name = listType = 2
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476F6C8
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5822662461536641593
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474A938, serviceType = Messenger name = sezin09@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0474A938
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1208761826552263065
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3465849712
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3465849712, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084C1F28
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4255294528
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4255294528, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047CB860
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475D000, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0475D000
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047956E8, serviceType = Messenger name = tubi2721@gma listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 047956E8
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04784020, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekcagaliko listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04784020
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04760000, serviceType = Messenger name = metin_ts@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04760000
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797640, serviceType = Messenger name = ritaguler@ho listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04797640
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04772F68, serviceType = Messenger name = tlh8332@hotm listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04772F68
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474E938, serviceType = Messenger name = koraltintas@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0474E938
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04785F78, serviceType = Messenger name = KylerSeinci@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04785F78
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5846808604738361724
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04764000, serviceType = Messenger name = alishavanys@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04764000
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 626920222375324260
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2654309987
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2654309987, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047B4A88
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1538702765
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1538702765, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047BF110
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479C6E8, serviceType = Messenger name = rafy_papo@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0479C6E8
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04774F68, serviceType = Messenger name = serena-8687@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04774F68
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04750938, serviceType = Messenger name = selenaziz@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04750938
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478A020, serviceType = Messenger name = cemre_yasoz@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0478A020
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7032845048405373736
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04766800, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessa_ener listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04766800
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2682626322923769349
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3543762208
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3543762208, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084B47D8
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2759573430
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2759573430, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084A2430
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479E640, serviceType = Messenger name = sphynx_1098@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0479E640
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476A000, serviceType = Messenger name = sdc_erkin@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476A000
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04736098, serviceType = Messenger name = servet_b.kus listType = 3
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04736098
[18:42:49.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3175177572
[18:42:49.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3175177572, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 047C0AA8
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1033424829
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1033424829, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 04781458
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477B368, serviceType = Messenger name = martinamehro listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0477B368
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5595731247747270304
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04757938, serviceType = Messenger name = emir-gunes@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04757938
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04791020, serviceType = Messenger name = martinamehro listType = 2
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04791020
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5595731247747270304
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3660977513
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3660977513, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047BC010
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477D2C0, serviceType = Messenger name = alengunter@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0477D2C0
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475A938, serviceType = Messenger name = asaf.cem@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0475A938
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3622339248
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3622339248, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 047CD860
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04792F78, serviceType = Messenger name = vilandra24@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04792F78
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04770000, serviceType = Messenger name = sdcerkin@hot listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04770000
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474B318, serviceType = Messenger name = ArgeliaMaud5 listType = 2
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0474B318
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8972172597843357357
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 139451915
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 139451915, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 047C94B8
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04782A00, serviceType = Messenger name = annabel_g@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04782A00
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475D938, serviceType = Messenger name = borakurukahv listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0475D938
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2017238411
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2017238411, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047B9618
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2966448062
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2966448062, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084C1430
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04796020, serviceType = Messenger name = cubuklu_fati listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04796020
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474D318, serviceType = Messenger name = espectro_mun listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474D318
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04784958, serviceType = Messenger name = timothyreine listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04784958
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 384439680607699611
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04760938, serviceType = Messenger name = armagansapma listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04760938
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04797F78, serviceType = Messenger name = HallieCoheew listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04797F78
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6774075096427310373
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474F318, serviceType = Messenger name = Stock_Tips47 listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474F318
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4132286996850812751
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04764938, serviceType = Messenger name = marinaada74@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04764938
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479D020, serviceType = Messenger name = olyga.helime listType = 3
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0479D020
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047758A0, serviceType = Messenger name = charlottelyn listType = 2
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 047758A0
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2869921529419887113
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04752718, serviceType = Messenger name = merve@botego
.com listType = 1
[18:42:49.34] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, stor
e object = 04752718
[18:42:49.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4069669182
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4069669182, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 047C9FB0
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478A958, serviceType = Messenger name = armagansapma listType = 1
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0478A958
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04767138, serviceType = Messenger name = yaz_koyuncu@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04767138
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04756318, serviceType = Messenger name = de.encarta@b listType = 1
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04756318
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2135125500183028421
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0478FA00, serviceType = Messenger name = lara-el_maog listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0478FA00
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04736FD8, serviceType = Messenger name = kupelihagop@ listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04736FD8
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477BCA0, serviceType = Messenger name = MadieSansouc listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0477BCA0
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7769863565209146517
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04759318, serviceType = Messenger name = jeaniezopip@ listType = 2
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04759318
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5509330327439566590
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2049169830
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2049169830, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 084A9A20
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04791958, serviceType = Messenger name = dj_merty92@h listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04791958
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0476D938, serviceType = Messenger name = sdcerkin@hot listType = 1
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0476D938
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04749C50, serviceType = Messenger name = serenelmaogl listType = 1
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04749C50
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0477DBF8, serviceType = Messenger name = orumcek000@h listType = 2
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0477DBF8
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7124688595169136322
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475C318, serviceType = Messenger name = bora_gs6@hot listType = 2
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0475C318
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5919055174882593926
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1294787001
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1294787001, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 047B9270
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4194818063
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4194818063, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 084AC7D8
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04794A00, serviceType = Messenger name = mehmetmeteha listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04794A00
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1512703849092523951
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474BC50, serviceType = Messenger name = cemreyasoz@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0474BC50
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04783338, serviceType = Messenger name = sevan2000@ya listType = 1
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 04783338
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0475F318, serviceType = Messenger name = sesilll@hotm listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0475F318
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3888729524
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3888729524, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084AE430
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04796958, serviceType = Messenger name = isik.mert@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04796958
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474DC50, serviceType = Messenger name = akarsu_gamze listType = 3
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0474DC50
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2269677769
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2269677769, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047B3A10
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2789647325
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2789647325, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084C02D0
[18:42:49.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2043518846
[18:42:49.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2043518846, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084AEB80
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04763318, serviceType = Messenger name = couquet-lara listType = 1
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04763318
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3539004312
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3539004312, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084AB2D0
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 115475312
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 115475312, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084AAF28
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479BA00, serviceType = Messenger name = faruk.uraf@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0479BA00
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047741D8, serviceType = Messenger name = canerakkafa@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 047741D8
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0474FC50, serviceType = Messenger name = metehan_cmn8 listType = 3
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0474FC50
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1874794186
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1874794186, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084ACB80
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2111110717
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2111110717, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 047CBC08
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04789338, serviceType = Messenger name = moistflirty8 listType = 2
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 04789338
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2226594861473240049
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04765B18, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekoreen@ho listType = 3
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04765B18
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0479D958, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_ozkiy listType = 1
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0479D958
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 047761D8, serviceType = Messenger name = ekizceyhan@h listType = 1
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 047761D8
[18:42:49.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04753050, serviceType = Messenger name = bariscakir2@ listType = 1
[18:42:49.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04753050
[18:42:49.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
7952 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>ADL 9 7940
<ml><d n=""><c n="aksel" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="ens
ozluk1236" l="2" t="1"/><c n="ensozluk" l="2" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="zo
zomerty" l="3" t="1"/><c n="melisazorlu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="shoskal" l="2" t="1"
/></d><d n=""><c n="tubi2721" l="3" t="1"/><c n="hazelsarar" l="3" t="1
"/></d><d n=""><c n="merve" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="
ali_vito" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sarper1989" l="3" t="1"/><c n="bugrasariyildiz89" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="simsaryan_lorin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="pansy_4" l="3" t="1"/><c n
="elritmodelanoche13" l="3" t="1"/><c n="armagansapmaz" l="3" t="1"/><c n="progr
essive-house" l="3" t="1"/><c n="servet_b.kusoglu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="vilandra24
4" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sdc_erkin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="jiji1044" l="3" t="1"/><c n=
"lara-el_maoglu" l="5" t="1"/><c n="vanessaenerjik" l="3" t="1"/><c n="borakuruk
ahveciler" l="5" t="1"/><c n="espectro_mundo" l="3" t="1"/><c n="vilandra24" l="
3" t="1"/><c n="nirvacalisir" l="3" t="1"/><c n="alinzilman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
selcuktezcan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sesilll" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ya_micha" l="3" t="
1"/><c n="basak.yangir" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aksel444" l="3" t="1"/><c n="alen_ani
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cemreyasoz" l="3" t="1"/><c n="vanessaenerjik_92" l="3" t="
1"/><c n="bburcuceylan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="eceu1907" l="3" t="1"/><c n="belenos9
14" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ync_gise" l="3" t="1"/><c n="life-is-dance" l="3" t="1"/>
<c n="ipenix13" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ecedamcioglu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="s_grayf" l="
3" t="1"/><c n="bashuner" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cealtinman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cess
ykandiyoti" l="3" t="1"/><c n="asaf.cem" l="3" t="1"/><c n="olyga.helimergunwct9
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="isik.mert" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cubuklu_fatih06" l="3" t="1"/
><c n="tlh8332" l="3" t="1"/><c n="beetsy_e" l="3" t="1"/><c n="m_lokita" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="serenelmaoglu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sergundemirdover" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="bernartasci3" l="3" t="1"/><c n="selenaziz" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yazkoyuncu" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="garanio" l="3" t="1"/><c n="revivo_4" l="3" t="1"/><c n="lerna
87lerna" l="3" t="1"/><c n="scream_aga" l="3" t="1"/><c n="" l="3" t="1
"/><c n="bariscakir2" l="3" t="1"/><c n="rafy_papo" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yaz_koyun
cu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="gokaygokhan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="termik-elektrik" l="3" t=
"1"/><c n="sdcerkin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="dani_kohen" l="3" t="1"/><c n="kupelihag
op" l="3" t="1"/><c n="emir-gunes" l="3" t="1"/><c n="selenadlim" l="3" t="1"/><
c n="smleeee_89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="fakafakipofpufcux" l="3" t="1"/><c n="faruk.
uraf" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sila_336" l="3" t="1"/><c n="casu_ca" l="3" t="1"/><c n
="hande.tonuk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="metehan_cmn89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="laraelmaoglu
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="muratbulad" l="3" t="1"/><c n="akarsu_gamze" l="3" t="1"/><
c n="romish_89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aaltinman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="taisaqua" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="ritaguler" l="3" t="1"/><c n="malikakkafa" l="3" t="1"/><c n="epsu
ld" l="5" t="1"/><c n="ant10yo" l="3" t="1"/><c n="nurhavvapeksen" l="3" t="1"/>
<c n="antonyomusabini" l="3" t="1"/><c n="serena-8687" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
ss666" l="3" t="1"/><c n="baranay34" l="3" t="1"/><c n="direnish2006" l="3" t="1
"/><c n="perigurturk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="bahadirimrehan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="chri
s_boyacioglu_87" l="3" t="1"/><c n="supernova_gs" l="3" t="1"/><c n="beren_sen"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="rubinakalayci" l="3" t="1"/><c n="batuhanozk" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="marinaada74" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yigitcan1" l="3" t="1"/><c n="saricag" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="extravaganzzax" l="3" t="1"/><c n="goniafrika" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
alengunter" l="3" t="1"/><c n="bgorece" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ggergerli" l="3" t="1
"/><c n="busraozgultekin2" l="3" t="1"/><c n="haydabreasaf" l="3" t="1"/><c n="s
imsaryann_lorinn" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ekizceyhan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="airkortan" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="ds-altinman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="eryorulmaz" l="3" t="1"/><c n=
"idilatabey" l="3" t="1"/><c n="fastrunner4ever" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sercan_kara"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="dj_merty92" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yigitcan_asli" l="3" t="1"/><
c n="akyolerdi" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sphynx_1098" l="3" t="1"/><c n="artunsaruhan"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="frt-racing" l="3" t="1"/><c n="fb_89burcu" l="3" t="1"/><c n
="goermango" l="3" t="1"/><c n="kobe.rn.8" l="3" t="1"/><c n="chinese_ninja_warr
ior" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aren_p89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aksel1989" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="muratumul" l="3" t="1"/><c n="koraltintas" l="3" t="1"/><c n="katrinagugupal"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="kasimcan_turk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="italianaprincipessa_ira" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="ecee_mk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ipekcagalikoc" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
limp65" l="3" t="1"/><c n="utku42" l="3" t="1"/><c n="berk_0804" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="leyda_ley80" l="3" t="1"/><c n="meuterei_6" l="3" t="1"/><c n="semi_e" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="canerakkafa" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ada.halukisik" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
vanessa_enerjik" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sercan_ozkiyici" l="3" t="1"/><c n="anidelgi
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="imeyladresi" l="3" t="1"/><c n="couquet-lara" l="3" t="1"/>
<c n="mirtha_altiva" l="3" t="1"/><c n="greenstorm989" l="3" t="1"/><c n="enc_48
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="malina_yasemin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="talat_oksen" l="3" t="1"
/><c n="wolfnights6" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sezin09" l="3" t="1"/><c n="a154720856"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="ipekoreen" l="3" t="1"/><c n="nolinnolan" l="2" t="1"/><c n="
ecekanarya" l="2" t="1"/><c n="irenne_a" l="2" t="1"/><c n="ayca_89_7" l="2" t="
1"/><c n="denytommy" l="2" t="1"/><c n="lyndiadiewold14" l="4" t="1"/><c n="rudy
ortiz25978" l="4" t="1"/><c n="elmaoglu104" l="4" t="1"/><c n="aysun_0808" l="4"
t="1"/><c n="neelyryder46" l="4" t="1"/><c n="michaelasouzacibuy" l="4" t="1"/>
<c n="madiesansouci7361" l="4" t="1"/><c n="miracianciola07" l="4" t="1"/><c n="
justinezutade" l="4" t="1"/><c n="erman-_-s" l="4" t="1"/><c n="servetfb08" l="4
" t="1"/><c n="robbiezefyg" l="4" t="1"/><c n="yamach24" l="4" t="1"/><c n="huse
yinkara_1907" l="4" t="1"/><c n="stock_tips4706" l="4" t="1"/><c n="allynpetrijs
t" l="4" t="1"/><c n="earlenezakog" l="4" t="1"/><c n="kinkylaffytaffyjxhocp" l=
"4" t="1"/><c n="solita-x100pre" l="4" t="1"/><c n="kathieteroly" l="4" t="1"/><
c n="lupeleytonzguyl" l="4" t="1"/><c n="yineyineyeniden" l="4" t="1"/><c n="kri
stiecuwyd" l="4" t="1"/><c n="cemre_yasoz" l="4" t="1"/><c n="sarentasciyan" l="
4" t="1"/><c n="karolecrispino23" l="4" t="1"/><c n="claribelliesman4376" l="4"
t="1"/><c n="priscillaknueppelnauke" l="4" t="1"/><c n="adrienwetherby4169" l="4
" t="1"/><c n="kennethplaskettufipo" l="4" t="1"/><c n="rubydenore" l="4" t="1"/
><c n="kylerseinci" l="4" t="1"/><c n="halliecoheewkwew" l="4" t="1"/><c n="nett
iepewyd" l="4" t="1"/><c n="mildredhelfrich1855" l="4" t="1"/><c n="elenawebow"
l="4" t="1"/><c n="leannatidim" l="4" t="1"/><c n="natalasapuppo56" l="4" t="1"/
><c n="igot_bighooters2391" l="4" t="1"/><c n="ashlisands4602" l="4" t="1"/><c n
="shenitareelayr" l="4" t="1"/><c n="inezludapa" l="4" t="1"/><c n="deloisesbran
dt54" l="4" t="1"/><c n="sunney_da_bunney" l="4" t="1"/><c n="orgeakca" l="4" t=
"1"/><c n="izi_18" l="4" t="1"/><c n="raymondetempletv08" l="4" t="1"/><c n="gul
sah_nebahat" l="4" t="1"/><c n="mehmetmetehanmete" l="4" t="1"/><c n="thereselyg
uzy" l="4" t="1"/><c n="timothyreine95" l="4" t="1"/><c n="aimee-brown680z" l="4
" t="1"/><c n="fawnmaryetta24748596" l="4" t="1"/><c n="sherrie-fowler56y" l="4"
t="1"/><c n="arno90_13" l="4" t="1"/><c n="" l="4" t="1"/><c n="alisha
vanys" l="4" t="1"/><c n="martinamehrotra93" l="4" t="1"/><c n="argeliamaud5437"
l="4" t="1"/><c n="charlottelyniv" l="4" t="1"/><c n="jeaniezopip" l="4" t="1"/
><c n="orumcek000" l="4" t="1"/><c n="bora_gs6" l="4" t="1"/><c n="moistflirty82
09" l="4" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="batuhanozk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sevan
2000" l="3" t="1"/><c n="darknesscnr" l="4" t="1"/></d><d n="">
<c n="teknik" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="bilgitv" l=
"2" t="1"/></d></ml><
[18:42:49.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
559 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>ADL 10 547
<ml l="1"><d n=""><c n="annabel_g" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n="
"><c n="gs.ece" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="adrenalin" l="3"
t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="aktifmsn.com__ist
ediginiz_bay_yada_bayanin_6_msn_" l="4" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="
metin-bozkurt" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="metin_ts" l="3" t="1"/><
/d><d n=""><c n="encarta" l="2" t="1"/><c n="de.encarta" l="2" t="1"
/></d><d n=""><c n="encarta" l="2" t="1"/></d></ml><
[18:42:49.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
153 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>PRP 11 MFN >>>>Ò áº—Ð‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20are%20gathering,%20the%20
[18:42:49.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::PublishFriendlyNameChang
es@002AFBA8: pending with uTID=11
[18:42:49.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 12 HDN 2253180972
[18:42:49.40] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:49.40] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = MachineGuid
[18:42:49.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
130 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUX 13 118
<Data><PSM>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</PSM><CurrentMedia></CurrentMe
[18:42:49.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:49.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>BLP 14 BL<
[18:42:49.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListSyncEnded@002
AFBA8: No Passport Nickname found, clear previously set value from addres book.
[18:42:49.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetPassportNickname Passpo
rtNickName =
[18:42:49.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 3, prope
rty = PassportNickname
[18:42:49.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:49.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 1244
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8
LoginTime: 1282664571
EmailEnabled: 1
MemberIdHigh: 425982
MemberIdLow: -2080484993
lang_preference: 1033
country: TR
Kid: 0
Flags: 1610613827
sid: 72652
MSPAuth: EwBoAswbAQAUs1/VcBU2sH7mwYy3BysWZ71CRDGAAA2wYI7rQ1JYFrZk5jw8w9ObklTK4CB
[18:42:49.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:42:49.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = MachineGuid
[18:42:49.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = MachineGuid, value = {0DBA6C2A-8ACD-4251-89F9
[18:42:49.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 46
[18:42:49.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:49.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >BLP 8 BL<
[18:42:49.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 8
[18:42:49.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:49.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >PRP 11 MFN >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20are%20gathering,%20t
[18:42:49.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 11
[18:42:49.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalFriendlyNameCha
ngeResult@002AFBA8: hr: 0x0, previous friendly name:
W *
[18:42:49.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:50.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ADL 9 OK<
[18:42:50.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:50.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >BLP 14 BL<
[18:42:50.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 14
[18:42:50.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ADL 10 OK<
[18:42:50.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 12 HDN 2253180972
[18:42:50.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 768 --> 6, uTID = 12
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2174534940, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1025356350, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3491336134, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1622775628, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1954344013, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3604633056, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2439922762, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2416653972, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1428893584, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 8121919, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1231988194, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 127444477, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2238983699, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2503859700, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1254182963, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 654158042, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1484741747, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1181746958, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1410003135, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2226582232, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 282972906, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3398765483, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3760781436, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3570778243, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3484302988, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1242682933, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 330524283, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 644957719, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2876433447, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2655943098, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3538711563, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 133464828, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1756889228, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4148640884, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 485125191, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1042333120, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2787561263, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3349698734, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1765762178, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 37837334, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2086897391, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 18004782, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3661902670, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 812927810, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2791098754, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4098691285, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 660538959, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1442414613, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 823715182, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3034753059, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1043590829, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3072994040, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3855875905, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4249472165, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 301050710, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 948281139, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 860677559, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2829684609, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 176418079, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3066275990, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1041736957, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2383232408, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4070202713, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3701489008, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4159371039, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2537669264, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4150538148, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2758803694, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1851006381, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1958372484, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1284840479, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4170020990, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4041957760, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1227094428, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2357356891, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3462842694, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4176923244, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2277121865, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1997256212, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 709900422, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3953480779, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3111221570, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3540480199, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1861909532, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1470463961, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1579256811, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2992724059, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3476813581, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 584662777, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4050467882, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2805431023, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2894190776, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3643366642, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3898991027, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 840145860, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3228169317, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1519947914, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 267105022, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4022269232, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2337557424, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3776471478, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1400911588, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2060166790, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3977782386, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2450908680, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3518280167, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 479881030, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3027929690, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3593823164, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 877141262, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1587625824, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4044353906, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3629527672, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2147872956, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2337975881, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2177280898, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2204457175, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 527896206, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4066656028, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2370671848, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2476653648, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2257289912, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 148417384, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2313685395, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3020220367, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2655926287, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 17874935, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1867974035, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3996310304, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2479917453, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4146438474, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3587365571, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2132747790, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3051304113, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3465849712, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4255294528, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2654309987, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1538702765, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3543762208, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2759573430, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3175177572, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1033424829, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3660977513, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 139451915, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2017238411, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2966448062, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4069669182, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2049169830, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1294787001, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4194818063, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3888729524, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2269677769, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2789647325, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3539004312, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 115475312, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 1874794186, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2111110717, new mstate = 00000001
[18:42:50.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Login successful. Firing OnLogonResult
[18:42:50.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLogonResult@002AFBA8
: hr = 0
[18:42:50.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:42:50.05] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:42:50.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:42:50.15] Zone_ConfigInfo CRtcActivityProvider::OnLogonResult - HOO
K_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[18:42:50.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:42:50.15] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s > Config data not available. Setting ice capability bit to default value
[18:42:50.15] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
[18:42:50.15] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s - setting local property for ICE to ENABLED
[18:42:50.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite
[18:42:50.15] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnLogonResult hr=0x0, pServ
[18:42:50.15] Zone_SDrive ShuxMsgr::DoLogin
[18:42:50.23] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::OnLogon
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID@04715EC0()
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL strBrandIdOut = MSFT
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID() = 0x0
[18:42:50.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:42:50.32] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:42:50.35] Zone_Roaming CMyUserTile::SetUserTile ln 2400: Setting
User Tile: <msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="m41s3Fu45ZLl4Fq
FSQJx9N9zPLk=" Size="908" Location="0" Friendly="VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA="/>
[18:42:50.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.37] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileLocation
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFilePath
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DDPLocation
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DynamicUserTileDataFilePathProperty
[18:42:50.44] Zone_Roaming CMyUserTile::StoreToMeContact ln 2218: St
ore usertile friendly name to MeContact for Roaming: Webcam
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFriendlyName
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:50.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = MessengerInitializedProperty
[18:42:50.44] Zone_Roaming Synchronize - Trigger Seeding operation (
will nop if not necessary)
[18:42:50.47] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[18:42:50.47] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[18:42:50.47] Zone_Voice CLegacySessionManagerProxy::Invoke > Unkn
own event (id=12288).
[18:42:50.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 6
[18:42:50.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0006)
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo CMyPSManager::CMyPSManager
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo Calling HOOK_EVENT for PostSignInConfigIn
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo: URL being requested
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo ClientVersion=8.5.1235
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - first run
[18:42:50.49] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo: UserAgent = Mozilla/
4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2
.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C;
Windows Live Messenger BETA 8.5.1235)
[18:42:50.55] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo:CSAdd returned hr = 0
[18:42:50.83] Zone_ConfigInfo CAdBrowser::OnHosted - HOOK_EVENT for OnB
[18:42:52.38] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::CreateMainContent - HOOK_EVENT
for CCoBranding
[18:42:52.38] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:42:52.38] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - Config server info
is being downloaded.
[18:42:52.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUX 13 0<
[18:42:52.57] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::SetUser@0860CFF0: SetUse
r finished for shadow, with hr=0x0
[18:42:52.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:52.57] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:52.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:52.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:52.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 294
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification; charset=UTF-8
Mail-Data: <MD><E><I>195</I><IU>12</IU><O>89</O><OU>18</OU></E><Q><QTM>409600</Q
Inbox-URL: /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL
Folders-URL: /cgi-bin/folders
[18:42:52.58] Zone_Offline CHotmailService::OnMdataNotification> Mai
lData is: <MD><E><I>195</I><IU>12</IU><O>89</O><OU>18</OU></E><Q><QTM>409600</QT
[18:42:52.64] Zone_Offline CHotmailService::OnMdataNotification> No
offline messages found
[18:42:52.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 Nurtorosh%20+%20%20Yokum 2789003580
[18:42:52.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:42:52.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3540480199, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:42:52.67] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:42:52.67] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:42:52.67] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2174534940) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1025356350) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3491336134) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1622775628) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1954344013) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3604633056) state changed to 1
(wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2439922762) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2416653972) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1428893584) state changed to 1 (w
ire state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 8121919) state changed to 1 (wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1231988194) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 127444477) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2238983699) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2503859700) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1254182963) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 654158042) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1484741747) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1181746958) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1410003135) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2226582232) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 282972906) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3398765483) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3760781436) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3570778243) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3484302988) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1242682933) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 330524283) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 644957719) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2876433447) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2655943098) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3538711563) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 133464828) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1756889228) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4148640884) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 485125191) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1042333120) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2787561263) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3349698734) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1765762178) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 37837334) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2086897391) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 18004782) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3661902670) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 812927810) state changed to 1
(wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2791098754) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4098691285) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 562613209) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 660538959) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1442414613) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 823715182) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3034753059) state changed to 1 (w
ire state is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1043590829) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3072994040) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3855875905) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4249472165) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 301050710) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 948281139) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 860677559) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2829684609) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 176418079) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3066275990) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1041736957) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2383232408) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4070202713) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3701489008) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4159371039) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2537669264) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4150538148) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2758803694) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1851006381) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1958372484) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1284840479) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4170020990) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4041957760) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2400871113) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 268593587) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1227094428) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2357356891) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2359950402) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3394697926) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3462842694) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4176923244) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2277121865) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1997256212) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 709900422) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3953480779) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3111221570) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3540480199) state changed to 1 (wir
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1861909532) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1470463961) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1579256811) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2992724059) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3476813581) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 584662777) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4050467882) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2805431023) state changed to 1
(wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2894190776) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3643366642) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3898991027) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 840145860) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3228169317) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1519947914) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 267105022) state changed to 1 (wire state is
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4022269232) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2337557424) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3776471478) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1400911588) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2060166790) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3977782386) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2450908680) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3518280167) state changed to 1 (w
ire state is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 479881030) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3027929690) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3593823164) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 877141262) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1587625824) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4044353906) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3629527672) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2147872956) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2337975881) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2177280898) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2204457175) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 527896206) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2820799526) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4066656028) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2370671848) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2476653648) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2257289912) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 148417384) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2313685395) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3020220367) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1478723804) state changed to
1 (wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2655926287) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 17874935) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1867974035) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1950085347) state changed to 1 (wire state i
s 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3996310304) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2479917453) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4146438474) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3587365571) state changed
to 1 (wire state is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2132747790) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3051304113) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3465849712) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4255294528) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2654309987) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1538702765) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3543762208) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2759573430) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3175177572) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1033424829) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3660977513) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3622339248) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 139451915) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2017238411) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2966448062) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4069669182) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2049169830) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1294787001) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4194818063) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3888729524) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2269677769) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2789647325) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3539004312) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 115475312) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1874794186) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:42:52.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2111110717) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite, value = NotAStri
[18:42:52.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 49
[18:42:52.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:52.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 15 HDN 2254229548
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = MessengerInitializedProperty
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = MessengerInitializedProperty, value = NotAStr
[18:42:52.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 69
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = StatusState
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = StatusState, Me = YES
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFilePath
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DDPLocation
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DynamicUserTileDataFilePathProperty
[18:42:52.97] Zone_Roaming CMyUserTile::StoreToMeContact ln 2218: St
ore usertile friendly name to MeContact for Roaming: Webcam
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:52.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFriendlyName
[18:42:52.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:52.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 1041
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;3iokurpjQCgDGtrP+ikJSDibHiI=&#x22; Size=&#x22
;2683&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;TgB1AHIAdABvAHIAbwBzAGgAIAArAC
AAIABZAG8AawB1AG0AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>Nurtorosh +
Yokum</FriendlyName><RUM>Bazen kılpayı yakalanırsın bir felakete,bazen de ucundan yaka
alihi...</RUM><PSM>Bazen kılpayı yakalanırsın bir<
[18:42:53.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3540480199, no mstate change
[18:42:53.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 ece... 2789003564 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22gs.
[18:42:53.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:42:53.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 8121919, new mstate = 00000022
[18:42:53.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 766
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type=&
#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;DKZT+H4egJyGvIlpOBXWojxLw1I=&#x22; Size=&#x22;25577&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;YwBuAHMAYgBuAAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTile
Location><FriendlyName>ece...</FriendlyName><RUM>8-) burn notice &#x3A;D</RUM><P
SM>8-) burn notice &#x3A;D</PSM><MachineGuid>&#x7B;7DF2E3FD-6809-4164-A640-28E78
[18:42:53.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 8121919, no mstate change
[18:42:53.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 BSY 1 Army 2789003564 %3cmsnobj%20Creator
[18:42:53.03] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 324.948798
[18:42:53.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:42:53.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2439922762, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:42:53.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 959
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
2; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;KfU6j+MaZ8Mmx6qlCMYrILf+/6k=&#x22; Size=&#x22;
2875&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;YgBvAGUAZABlAG4AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3
</DDP><SignatureSound></SignatureSound><Scene>&#x3C;msnobj Creator&#x3D;"ar<
[18:42:53.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2439922762, no mstate change
[18:42:53.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 BSY 1 hande¨ 268697601 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%
[18:42:53.03] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 324.952271
[18:42:53.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:42:53.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:42:53.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:53.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 604
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Size=&#x22;2865&#x22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; Location=&#x22;TFR1D.dat&#x22; Friendl
y=&#x22;aABhAG4AZABlAKgA&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=&#x22; SH
rTileLocation><FriendlyName>hande¨</FriendlyName><RUM>ay ay ay </RUM><PSM>ay ay ay
[18:42:53.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 268593587, no mstate change
[18:42:53.80] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0860CFF0: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 4 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:53.84] Zone_ConfigInfo CUIManager::OnPreProcessConfigInfo - UNHO
OK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:53.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:42:53.95] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:42:53.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:42:53.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID@04715EC0()
[18:42:53.95] Zone_IdentityCRL strBrandIdOut = MSFT
[18:42:53.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID() = 0x0
[18:42:54.06] Zone_ConfigInfo UNHOOK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvent
[18:42:54.06] Zone_ConfigInfo CAdBrowser::OnPostSignInBrandInfoReceived
- UNHOOK_ALL_EVENTS for OnPostSignInBrandInfoReceived
[18:42:54.09] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::OnPostSignInConfigInfoRec
[18:42:54.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CRtcActivityProvider::OnConfigInfoReady -
UNHOOK_ALL_EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:54.09] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s > Config data not available. Setting ice capability bit to default value
[18:42:54.09] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
[18:42:54.09] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s - setting local property for ICE to ENABLED
[18:42:54.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:54.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite
[18:42:54.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:42:54.16] Zone_ConfigInfo CStatusMenu::_OnConfigDataReceived - UNHO
OK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:54.16] Zone_ConfigInfo CProductProviderMgr::_OnConfigInfoReceive
d UNHOOK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:54.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:42:54.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearch
[18:42:54.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 BSY 1 BuÄ ra(wolfnight)%20%20%20live%20with%204
F 2789003580
[18:42:54.39] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 326.312120
[18:42:54.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:42:54.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:42:54.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 837
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;MV7fKjbDpo2cszRlDgIXRaxfk5U=&#x22; Size=&#x22;18
94&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;ZABlAHMAZQByAHQAXwB3AGEAcwB0AGUAb
#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>BuÄ ra(wolfnight) live with 4F</Frien
[18:42:54.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2043518846, no mstate change
[18:42:54.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 AWY 1 Gamze 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator
[18:42:54.39] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 326.318328
[18:42:54.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:42:54.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000022
[18:42:54.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 592
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;OqTScHRz9rm1IqdCfqpAtKSpXQw=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
785&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RwBhAG0AegBlAAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</U
nd></SignatureSound><Scene></Scene><ColorScheme></ColorScheme><EndpointData <
[18:42:54.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[18:42:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 NLN 1 MeliSsa..:):)buyukada..(L) 268697601 %3cm
[18:42:54.41] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 326.322010
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[18:42:54.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2789647325, new mstate = 00000002
[18:42:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 855
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Siz
e=&#x22;2405&#x22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; Location=&#x22;TFR1D.dat&#x22; Friendly=&#
2; SHA1D=&#x22;hMGUVoQZF2W+MxlwjlIj8hhqkRg=&#x22; SHA1C=&#x22;9t0Zjl70clk5PKAtvZ
MeliSsa..:):)buyukada..(L)</FriendlyName><RUM>if it be not now, yet it will come
[18:42:54.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2789647325, no mstate change
[18:42:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 fırat 2788999468 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22f
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:42:54.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2476653648, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:42:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 1005
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;YLPpC3hnUAvdO9dqeR5U0g5A6Jo=&#x22; Size=&#x22;189
7&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;ZgAxAXIAYQB0AAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</Use
L6nI%3d&#x26;p=1</SUL><RUM> 0212 216 43 70</RUM><PSM>www<
[18:42:54.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 2476653648, no mstate change
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 15 HDN 2254229548
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 6 --> 6, uTID = 15
[18:42:54.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 6
[18:42:54.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0006)
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Logon Performance report - Elapsed Time -
In seconds
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Total: 13.8995
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Normalized Logon start
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Normalized Messenger Service Logon St
art Time 0.4422
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Normalized Connecting to CS Start Tim
e 2.9970
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Time Elapsed between Connecting to CS
and the USR request recieved 6.8550
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Normalized Passport IDCRL Logon Start
Time: 0.8387
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Normalized Sending ADL Start Time:
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Normalized OnLogonResult Start Time:
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Passport IDCRL Logon Elapsed Time:
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Messenger Service Logon Elapsed Time:
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net OnLogonResult Elapsed Time:
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Recieved First ILN Start time: 14.
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Recieved Last ILN Start time: 15.7
[18:42:54.42] Zone_Net Time elapsed between first and last I
LN: 1.3732
[18:42:54.58] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::StartOrStopSDrive is star
ting SDrive
[18:42:54.58] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Start
[18:42:55.00] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_START
[18:42:55.00] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Run
[18:42:55.14] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::_EnumMembersStorage@0860
CFF0: EnumMemberStorage finishing for shadow, with hr=0x1
[18:42:55.14] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0860CFF0: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 9 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:55.87] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0860CFF0: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 5 finished with hr=0x0
[18:42:56.04] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:42:56.04] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - Config server info
is ready, let us notify all the listeners.
[18:42:56.04] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:42:56.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
168 bytes on socket 2648
[18:42:56.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUX 16 156
<Data><PSM>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</PSM><CurrentMedia></CurrentMe
[18:42:56.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:42:56.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUX 16 0<
[18:42:56.73] Zone_ConfigInfo CErrorResponder::Initialize - UNHOOK_ALL_
EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:56.73] Zone_ConfigInfo CErrorResponder::Initialize - HOOK_EVENT
for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:56.73] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:42:56.73] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - Config server info
is ready, let us notify all the listeners.
[18:42:56.73] Zone_ConfigInfo CErrorResponder::OnPostSignInConfigInfoRe
ceived - UNHOOK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:42:56.75] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:42:59.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {534142D5-1F2A-431F-A60C-B0CF723FDF7D}
[18:42:59.73] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:42:59.98] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0860CFF0: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 3 finished with hr=0x0
[18:43:00.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:43:00.19] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:43:00.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:43:00.21] Zone_Roaming CAbchServiceAdapter::EnsureSetup@04724750
: Synchronize - Trigger seeding operation (will nop if not necessary)
[18:43:00.21] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:43:00.21] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:43:00.21] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:43:00.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:43:00.44] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:43:00.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:43:00.46] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::CreateSoapRequest@085CA
690: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership
[18:43:01.16] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnSDriveStarted hr=0x0
[18:43:01.21] Zone_SDrive ShuxSDrive::DoStartup
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetec
ted, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChu
nking, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDir
ectIM, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWin
ks, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoi
ceIM, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCh
annel, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSip
Invite, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion
, value =0
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, v
alue =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupports
Turn, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstra
pViaUUN, value =true
[18:43:01.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3540480199) state changed to 10 (wi
re state is 10)
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value
=Bazen kılpayı yakalanırsın bir felakete,bazen de ucundan yakalarsın talihi...
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={
[18:43:01.43] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x860fa
[18:43:01.43] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.43] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy nurhavvapeksen@hotmail
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<msnob
j Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="DKZT+H4egJyGvIlpOBXWojxLw1I=" Size=
"25577" Location="0" Friendly="YwBuAHMAYgBuAAAA"/>
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =tr
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =tr
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, val
ue =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, val
ue =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, value
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, valu
e =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, val
ue =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite, va
lue =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value =0
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, valu
e =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN, v
alue =true
[18:43:01.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 8121919) state changed to 34 (wire state is 3
[18:43:01.44] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =8-) burn
notice :D
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP\0Music
\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={7DF2E3FD-6
[18:43:01.47] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x85585
[18:43:01.47] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.47] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChun
king, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDire
ctIM, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWink
s, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoic
eIM, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCha
nnel, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipI
nvite, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, va
lue =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsT
urn, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrap
ViaUUN, value =true
[18:43:01.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2439922762) state changed to 10 (wir
e state is 10)
[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =W
MP\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={0
[18:43:01.49] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x85862
[18:43:01.49] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.49] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy armagansapmaz@hotmail.
[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai

[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline,
value =true
[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =true
[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[18:43:01.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =true
[18:43:01.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 268593587) state changed to 10 (wire s
tate is 10)
[18:43:01.49] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =ay
ay ay
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={938
[18:43:01.52] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x8585f
[18:43:01.52] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.52] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearch
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearch, value = NotAS
[18:43:01.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 38
[18:43:01.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 2648
[18:43:01.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 17 HDN 2254295084
[18:43:01.52] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, va
lue =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, va
lue =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected
, value =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunki
ng, value =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirect
IM, value =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =true
[18:43:01.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChann
el, value =true
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInv
ite, value =true
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =true
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTur
n, value =true
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVi
aUUN, value =true
[18:43:01.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 10 (wire
state is 10)
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP
\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={E02
[18:43:01.54] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x85543
[18:43:01.54] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.54] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[18:43:01.54] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[18:43:01.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3394697926) state changed to 34 (wire
state is 34)
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={FF
[18:43:01.55] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x4724c
[18:43:01.55] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.55] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy akarsu_gamze@hotmail.c
[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2405" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
SHA1D="hMGUVoQZF2W+MxlwjlIj8hhqkRg=" SHA1C="9t0Zjl70clk5PKAtvZmQjmX458Y="/>

[18:43:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline, valu
e =true
[18:43:01.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, v
alue =true
[18:43:01.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[18:43:01.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =t
[18:43:01.57] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2789647325) state changed to 2 (wire state
is 2)
[18:43:01.57] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={5101217
[18:43:01.58] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0x85492
[18:43:01.58] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.58] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, val
ue =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, val
ue =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunkin
g, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectI
M, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM
, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChanne
l, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvi
te, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, va
lue =0
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn
, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVia
UUN, value =true
[18:43:01.58] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2476653648) state changed to 10 (wire s
tate is 10)
[18:43:01.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={249C
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc421d
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x860fad0
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x85585f0
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x8586248
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x8585f90
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x85543e8
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x4724ce0
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0x8549298
[18:43:01.60] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:43:01.61] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc421d10
[18:43:01.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:43:01.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilityHasOnecare
[18:43:01.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:01.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 17 HDN 2254295084
[18:43:01.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 6 --> 6, uTID = 17
[18:43:01.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 6
[18:43:01.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0006)
[18:43:01.91] Zone_SDrive SDrive::Pause
[18:43:02.30] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 0
[18:43:02.30] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 0
[18:43:02.30] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 0
[18:43:02.32] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize: Initializing ech
o client.
[18:43:02.32] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize: Setting echo cli
ent poll interval (750ms).
[18:43:02.33] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize: Created window h
andle (0x402ca).
[18:43:02.33] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize (086008C0) >> res
[18:43:02.38] Zone_P2PTransport CAsyncICFDetector::Vista_IsBehindICF: >>
[18:43:02.39] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnEchoICFDetector@086008C0:f
IsBehindICF = false
[18:43:02.41] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0xc422730) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 78ms
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: echo s
erver address
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: dump s
ending echo packet.
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x4 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 0 client addr
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 0 test port: 0 test addr:
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved:True lo
cal internet facing address is
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: Found
correct local address at index 0.
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: Set lo
cal address to
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: created new
socket (2992).
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest@086008C0: bo
und to internal addr
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:43:02.41] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::StartNATProbe@086008C0: Sent
first echo request from
[18:43:02.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =ay
ay ay
[18:43:02.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai
[18:43:02.60] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::OnComplete@085CA690:
[18:43:02.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2405" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
SHA1D="hMGUVoQZF2W+MxlwjlIj8hhqkRg=" SHA1C="9t0Zjl70clk5PKAtvZmQjmX458Y="/>
[18:43:02.61] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:02.61] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:02.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:43:02.61] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:43:02.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ReceiveEchoResponse: > Timeo
ut 1 waiting 200ms for first response. Retrying initial send.
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::StartNATProbe@086008C0: Sent
first echo request from
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=2992, error=0, event=1).
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x2 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 59416 client addr
[18:43:02.63] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 9 test port: 7001 test addr:
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse: Bound to discard port 9.
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse@086008C0: discard port 9 bound to internal addr
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse: Address seen by echo server is
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 3
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 3
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse:Detected a NAT.
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::DoUPnPNatDetection@086008C0:
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: IP rest
ricted NAT detection disabled
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:43:02.64] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:43:02.64] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::CreateSoapRequest@08582
ED0: command = Contacts\Pull
[18:43:02.66] Zone_Net CNATMgr::Init@0949FE9C:32:
[18:43:02.66] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::Init@0949FEDC:84: Failed to Co
Create with hr = 0x80040154
[18:43:02.66] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::Init@0949FEDC:170: returns wit
h hr = 0x80040154
[18:43:02.66] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@0949FEB8:67:
[18:43:02.81] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@0949FEB8:76: UPnPNAT obje
ct created
[18:43:02.85] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:02.85] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:02.85] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveSecondaryEcho
Response: Received initial echo response during secondary phase. Ignoring.
[18:43:02.85] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=2992, error=0, event=1).
[18:43:02.85] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:02.85] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:02.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ReceiveEchoResponse: > Timeo
ut 1 waiting 200ms for first response. Retrying initial send.
[18:43:02.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:43:02.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:43:03.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 2648
[18:43:03.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 18 BSY 2254295084
[18:43:03.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SetLocalState@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=18
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x2 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 59416 client addr
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 9 test port: 7001 test addr:
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveSecondaryEcho
Response: Secondary addresses and ports match. Port Restricted NAT.
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 5
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 5
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 2992.
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: UDP NAT
detection done, now try TCP NAT detection.
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 0
[18:43:03.27] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=2992, error=0, event=1).
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnTCPSocketConnect@086008C0:
bound to addr
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnTCPSocketConnect@086008C0:
>> send echo server failed: 10057
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072749, Phase = 13
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: failed
TCP connection in first TCP request
[18:43:03.28] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Aborting
NAT detection hr = 0x80072749.
[18:43:03.28] Zone_ConfigInfo CErrorResponder::Initialize - UNHOOK_ALL_
EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:43:03.28] Zone_ConfigInfo CErrorResponder::Initialize - HOOK_EVENT
for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:43:03.28] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:43:03.28] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - Config server info
is ready, let us notify all the listeners.
[18:43:03.28] Zone_ConfigInfo CErrorResponder::OnPostSignInConfigInfoRe
ceived - UNHOOK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:43:03.28] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:43:03.30] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: NAT detection com
[18:43:03.30] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 2992.
[18:43:03.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:03.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 18 BSY 2254295084
[18:43:03.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 6 --> 10, uTID = 18
[18:43:03.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 18
[18:43:03.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = a
[18:43:03.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x000a)
[18:43:03.58] Zone_SDrive SDrive::Resume
[18:43:03.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:43:03.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = StatusState
[18:43:03.58] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = StatusState, Me = YES
[18:43:03.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:03.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
20is%20darkening,%20the%20rain%20is%20about%20to%20fall... 2254295084 %3cmsnobj%
[18:43:03.58] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4255294528, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:43:03.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:03.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 555
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type
=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=&#x22; Size=&#x22;908&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</User
TileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» &#x3C;&#x3C;&#x3C;&#x
gathering, the sky is darkening, the rain is about to fall...</FriendlyName><PSM
>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</PSM<
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 4255294528, no mstate change
[18:43:03.59] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=2992, error=10038, event=16).
[18:43:03.59] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, v
alue =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, v
alue =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, valu
e =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearc
h, value =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, va
lue =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, v
alue =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite,
value =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSDrive, val
ue =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =tr
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, va
lue =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN,
value =true
[18:43:03.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4255294528) state changed to 10 (wire state
is 10)
[18:43:03.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={0DBA6C2A
[18:43:03.98] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::OnComplete@08582ED0:
[18:43:03.98] Zone_Roaming CAbPullHandler::OnApplyAnchor@085A60D0: U
pdating ABCHInitialized flag for contact: 2
[18:43:04.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:43:04.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:43:04.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:43:04.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:43:04.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = ABCHInitializedProperty
[18:43:04.12] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = ABCHInitializedProperty, Me = YE
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::InitSeed@0C423270:
Creating Storage state machine for seed operation
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact static tile path: [C:\Users\Harry\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Messenger\l\ObjectStore\UserTile\m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=.dt2]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact static tile location: [<msnobj Creator="" Type="3"
SHA1D="m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=" Size="908" Location="0" Friendly="VwBlAGIAY
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact dynamic tile path: [(null)]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact dynamic tile location: [(null)]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact user tile friendly name: [Webcam]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact static user tile url: [
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact static user tile public url: [
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact dynamic user tile url: [(null)]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact friendly name: [>>>>һặЯ≈ỉỉỉ<<<< DAKAR---the clouds are gathering, the sky is dar
ing, the rain is about to fall...]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Me Contact PSM: [gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...]
[18:43:04.22] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C423270:
Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seeded, or we haven't fully initi
alized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.23] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:43:04.25] Zone_HotmailService CUIManager::ShowPendingInvites@046FB2A8:
[18:43:08.21] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@0949FEB8:100: pSPMs == NU
LL, but hr = 0x0. There is no UPnP NAT!
[18:43:08.21] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::ReleaseMapping@0949FEDC:272: c
alled with invalid port 0
[18:43:08.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:08.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHL 0 7847327341254063695270207292<
[18:43:08.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
60 bytes on socket 2648
[18:43:08.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>QRY 19 PROD0118R6%2WYOS 32
[18:43:08.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendResponse@002AFBA8: p
endig with uTID=19
[18:43:08.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:08.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QRY 19<
[18:43:08.51] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 19
[18:43:13.33] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3394697926, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[18:43:13.33] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 33946979
26, property = UserTileFilePath
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C465508: >> st
arting up scheduler
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C465BD0
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C465508: max t
urn failures = 2
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C465508:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C465508:
for EUF {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}, pEventSink = 00000000
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C465508:
>> not yet connected underneath -- queuing this slave request until we are spReq
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C465508:
creating new TURN bridge
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ConnectBridge (047ACC38) >>
Start to connect Turn bridge
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
1D978) we have a proxy or need to detect proxy, use last known good connection t
ype 0
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirect (0C41D978)
>> resolving
[18:43:15.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46550
8:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[18:43:15.90] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::StartSession returns 0x0
[18:43:15.98] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0xc4228b0) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 78ms
[18:43:16.00] Zone_Net CIEProxyFromWinHttp::Run (04716470) > Fai
led to detect HTTPS proxy from WinHttp, using Wininet
[18:43:16.53] Zone_Net CIEProxyFromWinHttp::Run (04716470) > No
proxy is specified.
[18:43:19.92] Zone_ConfigInfo CAdBrowser::OnHosted - HOOK_EVENT for OnB
[18:43:19.92] Zone_ConfigInfo CAdBrowser::OnPostSignInBrandInfoReceived
- UNHOOK_ALL_EVENTS for OnPostSignInBrandInfoReceived
[18:43:20.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::OnGetAddrInfo@0C41D978 >>
Name resolved for, spAddrInfo=141013216
[18:43:20.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C41
D978) >> connect using socket 4372
[18:43:20.15] Zone_Net CIEProxyFromWinHttp::OnMessage (04716470)
[18:43:20.51] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTlsAuthenticate (047ACC
38) >> Starting TLS negotiation
[18:43:21.10] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTlsAuthenticate (047
ACC38) >> TLS negotiation finished successfully
[18:43:21.10] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTurnAuthenticate (047AC
C38) >> Sending the first invalid shared secret request
[18:43:21.19] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CE850@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[18:43:21.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:43:21.19] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:43:21.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:43:21.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[18:43:21.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:43:21.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate (04
7ACC38) >> Sending the first shared secret request, size=777
[18:43:21.29] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[18:43:21.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
047ACC38) >> Acquired username and password. Size=36 and 16
[18:43:21.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
047ACC38) >> Acquired VR server address: 3573F55E
[18:43:21.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
047ACC38) >> Sending the second shared secret request, size=777
[18:43:21.42] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[18:43:21.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::FinishTurnAuthenticate (047A
CC38) >> Acquired session username and password. Size=36 and 16
[18:43:21.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
1DAB8) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[18:43:21.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C41
DAB8) >> connect using socket 4404
[18:43:21.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (04
7ACC38) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[18:43:21.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(047ACC38) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[18:43:21.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::IssueAllocateRequest (047ACC
38) >> Sending Allocate request, size=132
[18:43:21.79] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B0@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=0103 Attr=8055
[18:43:21.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessAllocateResponse (047
ACC38) >> Received allocate response. msgType=259, allocated port=443
[18:43:21.79] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:43:21.79] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={A57246D6-5AF3-4101-82A7-841C2B5290E6}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 143
SessionUsername: oRtUTVEIZKRshcxVak6lev0gNn+othPS7m50d8U435pYfR7E
SessionPassword: TLgAMBhIQgzijXwHHJPHGQ==

[18:43:21.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

521 bytes on socket 2648
[18:43:21.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 20 10 481
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={A57246D6-5AF3-4101-82A7-841C2B5290E6}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 143
SessionUsername: oRtUTVEIZKRshcxVak6lev0gNn+othPS7m50d8U435pYfR7E
SessionPassword: TLgAMBhIQgzijXwHHJPHGQ==
[18:43:21.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=20
[18:43:22.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:43:22.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 20 OK<
[18:43:22.17] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 20
[18:43:22.17] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 20
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessHello_1@047ACC38 >> R
eceived HELLO_1, recv size = 32
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@047ACC38: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 2
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
465508:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
465508:pDialogState = 08582F18, session id = 144380
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 144380, pEventSink = 0C42E9B0
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={C0561E54-245C-4D8C-AC9D-2023AB8B4687}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {BE215E75-D646-4784-A4BB-98BF8AD9B216}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 238
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 144380
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 4

[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150963 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 585):
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
9B0: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42E9B0: >> msg 4, state 0, transport type 1
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C465508: eAcceptance = 0
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C42ECA8
[18:43:22.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C465508: false
[18:43:22.49] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:43:22.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150963 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:43:24.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236060 is ACK to sent blob 150963. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1872)
[18:43:24.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150963
[18:43:24.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150963 for session 0 is unacked
[18:43:24.37] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150963)
[18:44:01.34] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:44:01.34] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:44:01.34] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:44:07.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:44:07.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:44:07.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:44:07.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:44:07.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[18:44:07.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[18:44:08.64] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C46
5A80: >> no such session 0
[18:44:08.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 603 Decline
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={C0561E54-245C-4D8C-AC9D-2023AB8B4687}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {BE215E75-D646-4784-A4BB-98BF8AD9B216}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 59
SessionID: 144380
SChannelState: 0
Context: BQHHig==

[18:44:08.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144380, call id = {BE215E75-D646-4784-A4BB-98BF8AD9B216}
[18:44:08.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C465508
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 144380
, schannel initiating id =0
[18:44:08.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C42E9B0
: >> msg 1, state 0
[18:44:08.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42E9B0: >> msg 1, state 0, transport type 1
[18:44:08.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C465508:
dwSessionId = 144380
[18:44:09.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C465
508:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 144380
[18:44:09.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: removing from dialog map & call id session 144380, callid={BE215E75-D646-4
[18:44:09.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C42E9B0
: >> msg 3, state 0
[18:44:09.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236061. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:44:09.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150964 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:44:09.62] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:44:09.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150964, ACK to blob 157236061
[18:44:09.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150964)
[18:44:09.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={6DBDCADD-2442-4290-B7E8-C2095257D8A9}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {BE215E75-D646-4784-A4BB-98BF8AD9B216}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 82
SessionID: 144380
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Context: dAMAgQ==

[18:44:09.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150965 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 427):
[18:44:09.75] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:44:09.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150965 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:44:10.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236063 is ACK to sent blob 150965. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1688)
[18:44:10.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150965
[18:44:10.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150965 for session 0 is unacked
[18:44:10.16] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150965)
[18:44:10.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={6DBDCADD-2442-4290-B7E8-C2095257D8A9}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {BE215E75-D646-4784-A4BB-98BF8AD9B216}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 35
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
[18:44:10.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {BE215E75-D646-4784-A4BB-98BF8AD9B216}
[18:44:10.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMsgNoSDS@0C465508
: >> Received response for unknown call, dropping
[18:44:10.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236062. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:44:10.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150966 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:44:10.49] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:44:10.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150966, ACK to blob 157236062
[18:44:10.49] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150966)
[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C465508:
for EUF {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}, pEventSink = 00000000
[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
465508:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
465508:pDialogState = 08583080, session id = 144382
[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 144382, pEventSink = 0851CC20
[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={FA7C6D2F-A12D-42F1-B1FE-396D94BF2B2A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {4346C95D-A5CD-4ADB-BE37-2E6E7A667878}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 238
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 144382
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 4

[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150967 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 585):
[18:44:30.47] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::StartSession returns 0x0
[18:44:31.61] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:44:31.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150967 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:44:32.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236064 is ACK to sent blob 150967. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1533)
[18:44:32.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150967
[18:44:32.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150967 for session 0 is unacked
[18:44:32.06] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150967)
[18:44:46.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:44:46.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 1236676189 CKI 5835106.176109141 akarsu_gamze@hotma Gamze U 1<
[18:44:46.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432828: created new im
[18:44:46.88] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A97B8: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:44:46.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730EF0) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:44:46.88] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[18:44:46.88] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:44:46.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[18:44:46.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730EF0)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:44:46.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730EF0)
(2) >> success 0x04730ef0, socket=4556, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:44:47.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
55 bytes on socket 4556
[18:44:47.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>ANS 1 5835106.176109141 1236676189<
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:44:47.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 4556
[18:44:47.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:44:47.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:44:47.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:44:47.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432828: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[18:44:47.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >IRO 1 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[18:44:47.48] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
84DDE58 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[18:44:47.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ANS 1 OK<
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706438: bridge id
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706438:f
iring bridge connected event
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 2
[18:44:47.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 2
[18:44:47.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:44:47.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 127
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
o bebegim<
[18:44:47.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:44:47.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:44:50.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:44:50.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
bi sanie sevgilim<
[18:45:01.35] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:45:01.35] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:45:01.35] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:45:17.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 603 Decline
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={FA7C6D2F-A12D-42F1-B1FE-396D94BF2B2A}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {4346C95D-A5CD-4ADB-BE37-2E6E7A667878}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 59
SessionID: 144382
SChannelState: 0
Context: BQHHig==

[18:45:17.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144382, call id = {4346C95D-A5CD-4ADB-BE37-2E6E7A667878}
[18:45:17.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C465508
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 144382
, schannel initiating id =0
[18:45:17.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0851CC20
: >> msg 1, state 0
[18:45:17.20] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851CC20: >> msg 1, state 0, transport type 1
[18:45:17.22] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C465508:
dwSessionId = 144382
[18:45:18.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C465
508:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 144382
[18:45:18.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: removing from dialog map & call id session 144382, callid={4346C95D-A5CD-4
[18:45:18.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0851CC20
: >> msg 3, state 0
[18:45:18.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236065. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:45:18.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150968 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:45:18.28] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:45:18.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150968, ACK to blob 157236065
[18:45:18.28] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150968)
[18:45:18.28] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={464C73E1-39A7-421F-B308-7B49886E52B7}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {4346C95D-A5CD-4ADB-BE37-2E6E7A667878}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 82
SessionID: 144382
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Context: dAMAgQ==

[18:45:18.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150969 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 427):
[18:45:18.30] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:45:18.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150969 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:45:18.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236067 is ACK to sent blob 150969. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1403)
[18:45:18.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150969
[18:45:18.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150969 for session 0 is unacked
[18:45:18.80] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150969)
[18:45:19.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={464C73E1-39A7-421F-B308-7B49886E52B7}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {4346C95D-A5CD-4ADB-BE37-2E6E7A667878}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 35
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[18:45:19.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {4346C95D-A5CD-4ADB-BE37-2E6E7A667878}
[18:45:19.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMsgNoSDS@0C465508
: >> Received response for unknown call, dropping
[18:45:19.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236066. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:45:19.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150970 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:45:19.09] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:45:19.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150970, ACK to blob 157236066
[18:45:19.09] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150970)
[18:45:27.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:45:27.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:45:27.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
103 bytes on socket 4556
[18:45:27.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 2 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:45:27.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 2 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:45:27.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:45:28.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:45:28.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:45:28.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:45:29.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:45:29.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[18:45:29.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[18:45:29.63] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[18:45:29.63] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=t | TextCount=7 | Msg
Content=0 | FromAPI=0
[18:45:29.63] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[18:45:29.63] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[18:45:29.63] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[18:45:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:45:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:45:29.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
144 bytes on socket 4556
[18:45:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 3 N 131
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
[18:45:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 3 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:45:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:46:01.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:46:01.36] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:46:01.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:46:14.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:46:14.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:46:14.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:46:14.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:46:14.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[18:46:14.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[18:46:14.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:46:14.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:46:14.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
103 bytes on socket 4556
[18:46:14.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 4 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:46:14.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 4 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:46:14.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:46:19.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:46:19.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:46:19.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
103 bytes on socket 4556
[18:46:19.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 5 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:46:19.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 5 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:46:19.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:46:24.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:46:24.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:46:24.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
103 bytes on socket 4556
[18:46:24.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 6 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:46:24.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 6 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:46:24.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:46:29.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:46:29.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:46:29.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
103 bytes on socket 4556
[18:46:29.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 7 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:46:29.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 7 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:46:29.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:46:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:46:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:46:34.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
103 bytes on socket 4556
[18:46:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 8 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:46:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 8 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:46:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:46:37.10] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[18:46:37.10] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=s | TextCount=54 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[18:46:37.10] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[18:46:37.10] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[18:46:37.10] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[18:46:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:46:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:46:37.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
202 bytes on socket 4556
[18:46:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 9 N 189
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
süleniyo mu benim kÃ¼Ã§Ã¼Ä Ã¼m hı=) süslü müsün sen bebeÄ im<
[18:46:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 9 a
nd hr = 0x0
[18:46:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:47:01.38] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:47:01.38] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:47:01.38] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:47:02.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:47:02.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:47:02.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:47:02.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:02.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[18:47:02.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[18:47:08.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:08.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:13.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:13.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:15.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:15.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 138
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
sulenmiyorum yoaa =)<
[18:47:16.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:16.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:21.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:47:21.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:47:21.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:47:21.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 10 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:47:21.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 10
and hr = 0x0
[18:47:21.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:47:21.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:21.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:26.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:47:26.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:47:26.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:47:26.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 11 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:47:26.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 11
and hr = 0x0
[18:47:26.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:47:26.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:26.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:47:27.94] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[18:47:27.94] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=s | TextCount=15 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[18:47:27.94] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[18:47:27.94] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[18:47:27.94] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[18:47:27.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:47:27.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:47:27.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
153 bytes on socket 4556
[18:47:27.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 12 N 139
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
süslonoyoson yo<
[18:47:27.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 12
and hr = 0x0
[18:47:27.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:47:31.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:31.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:33.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:33.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 168
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
sulenmek ermenice mi sevgilim ne demek sulenmek =D<
[18:47:34.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:34.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 1
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508:migrating to dwBridgeId = 1
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 1's queue
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 150970 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> creating newqueue for bridge 1
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 1 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 2's sessio
n queue over
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: (1 (TURNv1) -> 1 (SBBridge))
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
CA8: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 1, current type 1
[18:47:35.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42ECA8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 1
[18:47:38.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:38.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 132
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
sulenmiorum ya<
[18:47:38.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:38.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:43.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:43.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:48.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:48.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[18:47:51.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:51.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 158
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
zaten gorunce sulenmediimi anlicaksin =)<
[18:47:52.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:47:52.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:47:52.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:47:52.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:47:52.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[18:47:52.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[18:47:58.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:47:58.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:47:58.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:47:58.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 13 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:47:58.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 13
and hr = 0x0
[18:47:58.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:01.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:48:01.39] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:48:01.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:48:03.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:03.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:03.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:03.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 14 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:48:03.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 14
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:03.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:08.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:08.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:08.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:08.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 15 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:48:08.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 15
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:08.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:13.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:13.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:13.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:13.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 16 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:48:13.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 16
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:13.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:14.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[18:48:14.86] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=s | TextCount=50 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[18:48:14.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[18:48:14.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[18:48:14.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[18:48:14.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:14.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:14.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
194 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:14.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 17 N 180
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
sulenmek harinin sımsıkı sarılması demek hıhı evet<
[18:48:14.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 17
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:14.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:33.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:48:33.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:48:33.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:48:34.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:48:34.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[18:48:34.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[18:48:47.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:47.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:47.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:47.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 18 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:48:47.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 18
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:47.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:52.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:52.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:52.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:52.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 19 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:48:52.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 19
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:52.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:48:57.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:48:57.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:48:57.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:48:57.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 20 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:48:57.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 20
and hr = 0x0
[18:48:57.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:01.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:49:01.41] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:49:01.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:49:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:02.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 21 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:49:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 21
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:07.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:07.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:07.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:07.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 22 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:49:07.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 22
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:07.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:12.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 23 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:49:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 23
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:14.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:49:14.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:49:14.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:49:14.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:14.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[18:49:14.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[18:49:17.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:17.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:17.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:17.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 24 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:49:17.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 24
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:17.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:22.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:22.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:22.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:22.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 25 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[18:49:22.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 25
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:22.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:23.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:23.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:23.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 734
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:23.40] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 604
[18:49:23.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={11AD57B2-F4AB-4D64-B49B-8C90C533BAD0}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 215
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 4

[18:49:23.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
[18:49:23.42] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::InviteHandler returns 0x0
[18:49:23.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C465508:eAcceptance = 3, dwSlaveId = 144383, call id = {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD
[18:49:23.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236068. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:23.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150971 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:49:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cde30 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:23.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:23.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:23.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:23.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 26 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:23.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 26
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:23.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:23.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:23.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 26<
[18:49:23.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150971, ACK to blob 157236068
[18:49:23.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150971)
[18:49:25.68] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[18:49:25.68] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=t | TextCount=123 | M
sgContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[18:49:25.68] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[18:49:25.68] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[18:49:25.68] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[18:49:25.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:25.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:25.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
270 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:25.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 27 N 256
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
tabiki süsleniyosun sevgilim yani hem pc baŠındasın hem de kamera açmıyosun neden ya
da giyiniyosun çünkü=)<
[18:49:25.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 27
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:25.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={11AD57B2-F4AB-4D64-B49B-8C90C533BAD0}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 63
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150972 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 376):
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C465508: DialogState = 085830C8, session id = 144383
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 144383, pEventSink = 0C42EC30
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C42EC30
: >> msg 0, state 1
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42EC30: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C465508: >> transport type 2 requested by session 144383, master tr
ans type =1, pSessionState = 085830C8
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C465508: >> transport type 2 requested by session 144383
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C465508: true
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C465508:transport_mutex created for sess id 144383
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
465508:pDialogState = 085830C8, session id = 144383
[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D2CF3AF4-56A8-4479-A517-BA1EF8FE6A54}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 319
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {B641EE93-6BBA-9E96-81B8-EBFDBDEDADC5}
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:49:31.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150973 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 664):
[18:49:31.76] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:49:31.76] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cde70 of size 424 (excluding appid)
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:31.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
539 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 28 D 525
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 28
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:31.76] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:49:31.76] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cde50 of size 712 (excluding appid)
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:31.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
827 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 29 D 813
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 29
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:31.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:32.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:32.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 28<
[18:49:32.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150972 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:32.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 29<
[18:49:32.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150973 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:32.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:32.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:32.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 48
[18:49:32.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236071 is ACK to sent blob 150973. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1301)
[18:49:32.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150973
[18:49:32.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150973 for session 0 is unacked
[18:49:32.37] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150973)
[18:49:32.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 48
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236070 is ACK to sent blob 150972. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1230)
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150972
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150972 for session 0 is unacked
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150972)
[18:49:32.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:32.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 893
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 763
[18:49:32.49] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={B259AC06-B0C2-4A9C-9AE3-0A654B0DBBF7}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 376
NetID: -1659603892
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {29B6F5BE-F42B-FF48-3AAE-A1769379890C}
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0

[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144383, call id = {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsMyTransactionLoser@0
C465508:got overlapping transaction from other side, but my ID is greater, dropp
ing his request.
[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessMsgOnLosingMyTr
ansaction@0C465508:my transaction wins, so I just drop this request dwMySlaveId
= 144383
[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236069. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150974 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:49:32.50] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cde50 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:32.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:32.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:32.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:32.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 30 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:32.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 30
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:32.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:32.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:32.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:32.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 30<
[18:49:32.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150974, ACK to blob 157236069
[18:49:32.73] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150974)
[18:49:33.38] Zone_Net CNATMgr::Init@04730D10:32:
[18:49:33.38] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::Init@04730D50:84: Failed to Co
Create with hr = 0x80040154
[18:49:33.38] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::Init@04730D50:170: returns wit
h hr = 0x80040154
[18:49:33.38] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@04730D2C:67:
[18:49:33.38] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@04730D2C:76: UPnPNAT obje
ct created
[18:49:33.39] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@04730D2C:100: pSPMs == NU
LL, but hr = 0x0. There is no UPnP NAT!
[18:49:33.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42EC30: Session(
144383) sending 18 bytes of data
[18:49:33.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150975 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 18):
[18:49:33.48] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:33.48] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdcb0 of size 66 (excluding appid)
[18:49:33.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:33.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:33.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
181 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:33.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 31 D 167
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 31
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:33.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:33.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:33.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 196
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.66] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 66
[18:49:33.66] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C46
5A80: >> no such session 144383
[18:49:33.66] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236072. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:49:33.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150976 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:33.67] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42EC30: Session(
144383) sending 18 bytes of data
[18:49:33.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150977 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 18):
[18:49:33.69] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:33.69] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdcf0 of size 66 (excluding appid)
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:33.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
181 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 32 D 167
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 32
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:33.69] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:33.69] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdc90 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:33.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 33 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 33
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:33.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:33.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 31<
[18:49:33.71] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150975 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:33.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432828: ge
tting a new buffer of size 2048
[18:49:33.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1053
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.76] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 923
[18:49:33.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D2CF3AF4-56A8-4479-A517-BA1EF8FE6A54}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 562
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 751.02.611.67
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 52365
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 201.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 52365
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62
IPv6-Port: 56329
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {A22214C4-743F-193F-D394-D449B9211594}
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0

[18:49:33.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144383, call id = {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
[18:49:33.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C465508
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 144383
, schannel initiating id =0
[18:49:33.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:49:33.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: remote caps 1
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62, strPort = 56329
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62, strPortToken = 56
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62, endpoint.strP
ort = 56329
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 56325
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 56325
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 56325
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 56325
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 56325
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 56325
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@0C43E470:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9BA8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46550
8:dwBridgeId 256 is connecting
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236073. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:33.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150978 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:33.80] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:49:33.80] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdcb0 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:33.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:33.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:33.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:33.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 34 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 34
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:33.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:33.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:33.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 196
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 66
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236075. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150979 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:33.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 48
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236074 is ACK to sent blob 150975. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 390)
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150975 for session 144383 is unacked
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150975)
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cda10 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:33.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 35 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 35
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:33.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:33.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:33.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 32<
[18:49:33.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150977 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:33.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:33.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 33<
[18:49:33.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150976, ACK to blob 157236072
[18:49:33.92] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150976)
[18:49:34.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[18:49:34.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:34.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[18:49:34.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 34<
[18:49:34.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150978, ACK to blob 157236073
[18:49:34.04] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150978)
[18:49:34.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 35<
[18:49:34.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150979, ACK to blob 157236075
[18:49:34.10] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150979)
[18:49:34.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:34.14] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 48
[18:49:34.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236076 is ACK to sent blob 150977. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 397)
[18:49:34.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150977 for session 144383 is unacked
[18:49:34.14] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150977)
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=1
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 1.
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C43E
470: >> (internal_port = 49308, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9309, result = 1, elapsed time = 499(ms), context = 00000001)
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C43E
470: >> total port mapping elapsed time 499(ms)
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C43E470:adding to connecting endpoints list
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470:connecting to host = 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62, port = 5
6329, fExternal = 1
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: >> using socket 4692 to connect
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: >> IPv6 socket 4692 to connect
[18:49:34.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470:TCB sock 4692, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C43E470: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4692 (addr = ::, port = 49310)
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C43E470:added to list socket 4692 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49310)
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C43E470: found matching sock 4692
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470:connecting to host =, port = 56325, fExternal = 0
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: >> using socket 4708 to connect
[18:49:34.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470:TCB sock 4708, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C43E470: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4708 (addr =, port = 4931
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C43E470:added to list socket 4708 (addr =, port = 49311)
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C43E470: found matching sock 4708
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470:connecting to host =, port = 56325, fExternal = 1
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470: >> using socket 4716 to connect
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C43E470:attempting bind to port 49308
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnSimOpenSock@0C4
3E470: >> using socket 4720 as sim open sock
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C43E470:att
empting bind to port 49308 for sock 4720
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C43E470: >>
::bind failed error 10013
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnSimOpenSock@0C4
3E470:2446:BindToPort hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C43E47
0: closing socket 4720
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C43E470:2334:ListenOnSimOpenSock hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C43E470:2219:ConnectingSockBindToMappedPort hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C43E47
0: closing socket 4716
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToAllListeningEn
dPoints@0C43E470:971:ConnectToListeningEndPoint hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:34.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@0C4
3E470:1115:ConnectToAllListeningEndPoints hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:34.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1380
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:34.78] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 1250
[18:49:34.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:34.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 596
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:34.88] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 466
[18:49:34.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236077. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:49:34.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150980 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:34.91] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:34.91] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cd710 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:34.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 36 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 36
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:34.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:35.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:35.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 36<
[18:49:35.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150980, ACK to blob 157236077
[18:49:35.14] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150980)
[18:49:35.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42EC30: Session(
144383) sending 1568 bytes of data
[18:49:35.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150981 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 1568):
[18:49:35.61] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:35.61] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdc90 of size 1250 (excluding appid)
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:35.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
1366 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 37 D 1351
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 37
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:35.61] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:35.61] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdcf0 of size 414 (excluding appid)
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:35.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
529 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 38 D 515
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 38
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:35.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:35.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:35.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:35.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 37<
[18:49:35.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 38<
[18:49:35.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150981 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:35.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:35.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:35.98] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 48
[18:49:35.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236078 is ACK to sent blob 150981. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 394)
[18:49:35.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150981 for session 144383 is unacked
[18:49:35.99] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150981)
[18:49:36.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:36.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 226
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:36.09] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 96
[18:49:36.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236079. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:49:36.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150982 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144383 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:49:36.32] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 144383
[18:49:36.32] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdcf0 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:49:36.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:49:36.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:49:36.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:49:36.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 39 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:49:36.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 39
and hr = 0x0
[18:49:36.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:49:36.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[18:49:36.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:36.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 39<
[18:49:36.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150982, ACK to blob 157236079
[18:49:36.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=144383, blob=150982)
[18:49:39.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:39.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 10 471
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D87EE06D-4666-4E3F-97C6-0E8E42746A1A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: BeVVS3AOdG/FgdJV+/SCby/R8VhvUxDBWp3/H0NlkdHBX83Y
SessionPassword: hSMNnvpDTTLQFPIV8TuIJw==
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C5A0A18: >> st
arting up scheduler
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C5A0A18
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C5A10E0
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C5A0A18: max t
urn failures = 2
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C5A0A18:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C5A0A18: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D87EE06D-4666-4E3F-97C6-0E8E42746A1A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: BeVVS3AOdG/FgdJV+/SCby/R8VhvUxDBWp3/H0NlkdHBX83Y
SessionPassword: hSMNnvpDTTLQFPIV8TuIJw==

[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C5A0A18: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C5A0A18:
creating new TURN bridge
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessUUNInvite@0C439
738 >> Received valid UUN invite, our state=0, session user/pass size=36 and 16
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessUUNInvite@0C439
738: Callee connecting to host =, port = 443
[18:49:39.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C5A0A1
8:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[18:49:39.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
1DAB8) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[18:49:39.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C41
DAB8) >> connect using socket 4888
[18:49:39.13] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (0C
439738) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[18:49:39.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(0C439738) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[18:49:39.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeIssueJoinRequest@0C439
738 >> Sending JOIN request, size=84
[18:49:39.39] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B4@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=8101 Attr=8055
[18:49:39.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessJoinResponse@0C
439738 >> Received JOIN response. msgType=33025
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessHello_2@0C43973
8 >> Received HELLO_2, recv size=32
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@0C439738: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C5A0A18
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C5A0A18: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C5A0A18:be
st bridge found = 2
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C5A0A18:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C5A
0A18: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendPendingInvites@0C5
A0A18: >> buddy does not support p2p
[18:49:39.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAllAutoStartEUFS
essions@0C5A0A18: >> buddy does not support p2p
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C5A
0F90: >> no such session 0
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C5A0A18: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={64A4E37B-1379-42DE-92E0-4E0C0EE64C1F}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 302
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJsaW1wNjVAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFNIQTFEPSJ

[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C5A0A18: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C5A0A18:eAcceptance = 1, dwSlaveId = 10429417, call id = {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C5A0A1
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={64A4E37B-1379-42DE-92E0-4E0C0EE64C1F}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 65
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu

eued blob 150983 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 373):
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C5A0A18: DialogState = 085832C0, session id = 10429417
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C5A0A18
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 10429417, pEventSink = 0851C8
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0851C838
: >> msg 0, state 1
[18:49:39.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851C838: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0851C838: Session(
10429417) sending 4 bytes of data
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu
eued blob 150984 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 10429417 on bridge 2 (size 4):
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0851C838: Session(
10429417) sending 908 bytes of data
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu
eued blob 150985 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 10429417 on bridge 2 (size 908)
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C5A0A18: >> transport type 2 requested by session 10429417, master
trans type =1, pSessionState = 085832C0
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C5A0A18: >> transport type 2 requested by session 10429417
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C5A0A18: true
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C5A0A18:transport_mutex created for sess id 10429417
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:49:39.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
5A0A18:pDialogState = 085832C0, session id = 10429417
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C5A0A1
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={83CD0FF7-BC0B-4ABA-B11E-765607CE1FC6}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 321
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {D53AA4EC-CDCF-5B65-23D0-5DC988B08ABF}
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu

eued blob 150986 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 656):
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >> re
ceived entire blob 10432021. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu
eued blob 150987 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C5A0A18: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150987, ACK to blob 10432021
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150987)
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1106: >> a
dding blob 150983 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1106: >> a
dding blob 150986 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 10429417
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1106: >> a
dding blob 150984 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 10429417
[18:49:39.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1106: >> a
dding blob 150985 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:39.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C5A0A18: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:49:39.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >>
Received blob 10432025 is ACK to sent blob 150986. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 156)
[18:49:39.98] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C5A0A18:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150986
[18:49:39.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C5A0A18: >> blob 150986 for session 0 is unacked
[18:49:39.98] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150986)
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >>
Received blob 10432023 is ACK to sent blob 150983. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 158)
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C5A0A18:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150983
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C5A0A18: >> blob 150983 for session 0 is unacked
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150983)
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C5A0A18: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={78D4BFE6-6896-4925-BCFC-8DA889D50DDE}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 370
NetID: -1964358568
Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:1c35:1b27:a7bb:1575
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {79DBEECD-B588-EC0A-4F92-C1CDD9160786}
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0

[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C5A0A18: dwSlaveId = 10429417, call id = {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsMyTransactionLoser@0
C5A0A18:got overlapping transaction from other side, but my ID is greater, dropp
ing his request.
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessMsgOnLosingMyTr
ansaction@0C5A0A18:my transaction wins, so I just drop this request dwMySlaveId
= 10429417
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >> re
ceived entire blob 10432022. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu
eued blob 150988 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150988, ACK to blob 10432022
[18:49:40.00] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150988)
[18:49:40.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C5A0A18: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C5A0A18: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={83CD0FF7-BC0B-4ABA-B11E-765607CE1FC6}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 332
Listening: false
Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
IPv6-global: 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:1c35:1b27:a7bb:1575
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {923B3630-DEA9-6310-128D-39ADCCB3FC96}
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0

[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C5A0A18: dwSlaveId = 10429417, call id = {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C5A0A18
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 104294
17, schannel initiating id =0
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Symmetric-NAT (6)
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Symmetric-NAT (6)
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: remote caps 1
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:49:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@0C41EBB8:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C5A0A18:enter dwExpiredSessionId 10429417
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C5A0A18:transport_mutex freed for sess id 10429417
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C5A0A18: DialogState = 085832C0, session id = 10429417
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C5A0A18:transport_mutex created for sess id 10429417
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
5A0A18:pDialogState = 085832C0, session id = 10429417
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:40.12] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9978: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C5A0A1
8:dwBridgeId 257 is connecting
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >> re
ceived entire blob 10432024. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu
eued blob 150989 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >>
Received blob 10432027 is ACK to sent blob 150985. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 312)
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C5A0A18: >> blob 150985 for session 10429417 is unacked
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=10429417, blob=150985)
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >>
Received blob 10432026 is ACK to sent blob 150984. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 312)
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C5A0A18: >> blob 150984 for session 10429417 is unacked
[18:49:40.13] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=10429417, blob=150984)
[18:49:40.15] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:40.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150989, ACK to blob 10432024
[18:49:40.15] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150989)
[18:49:40.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C5A0A18: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:49:40.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[18:49:40.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:49:40.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=2
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 2.
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C41E
BB8: >> (internal_port = 49318, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9319, result = 1, elapsed time = 484(ms), context = 00000001)
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C41E
BB8: >> total port mapping elapsed time 484(ms)
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C41EBB8:adding to listening endpoints list
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: binding to
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: binding to
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C41EBB
8: closing socket 4904
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnAllAddrs@0C41EB
B8:712:ListenForAddrFamilyOnAllIpAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@0C4
1EBB8:1108:ListenOnAllAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: binding to
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C41EBB8: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4904 (addr =, port = 4932
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C41EBB8:added to list socket 4904 (addr =, port = 49320)
[18:49:40.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C41EBB8: binding to
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C41EBB8: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4912 (addr = ::, port = 49321)
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C41EBB8:added to list socket 4912 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49321)
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C5A0A1
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C5A0A1
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C5A0A1
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C5A0A1
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C5A0A1
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C5A0A1
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={86D01210-72F7-412B-9614-3179DCF22EEF}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 403
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {D53AA4EC-CDCF-5B65-23D0-5DC988B08ABF}
IPv4External-Port: 49319
IPv4Internal-Port: 49320
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49321
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu

eued blob 150990 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 739):
[18:49:40.62] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:40.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1106: >> a
dding blob 150990 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:49:40.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C5A0A18: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:49:40.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >>
Received blob 10432028 is ACK to sent blob 150990. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 155)
[18:49:40.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C5A0A18:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150990
[18:49:40.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C5A0A18: >> blob 150990 for session 0 is unacked
[18:49:40.77] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150990)
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C5A0A18: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0250AEC9-3B39-4BDB-9091-87EA41E03AA3}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 42
SessionID: 10429417
SChannelState: 0

[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C5A0A18: dwSlaveId = 10429417, call id = {FFA12A36-FEC3-4D67-A784-876084FD5452}
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C5A0A18: session 10429417 direct connect failed
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C5A0A18: c
reating new SB bridge
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706598: bridge id
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession: looking
for an IM session for
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:145: chec
king session 0C432890
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindIMSession:289:cRoster 1, cI
nvitees 0
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:173: find
IM window now to get IM Session
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:208: hr =
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:215: OK c
reate a new IM session from scratch
[18:49:41.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:226: call
ing CreateIMSession
[18:49:41.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432738: created new im
[18:49:41.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C432738:
Can't invite while not connected
[18:49:41.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C432738: Failed to i
nvite user
[18:49:41.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 2648
[18:49:41.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>XFR 21 SB<
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::GetSBImSession@04706598:416: 0
C4327A0 IM session
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::ConnectBridge@04706598:firing
bridge connecting event
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C5A0A1
8:dwBridgeId 1 is connecting
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C5A0A18: firing transport change type 1 direct for session 1042941
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0851C
838: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 1
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851C838: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 1
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C5A0A18:enter dwExpiredSessionId 10429417
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C5A0A18:transport_mutex freed for sess id 10429417
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C5A0A18: DialogState = 085832C0, session id = 10429417
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C5A0
A18:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 10429417
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C5A
0A18: removing from dialog map & call id session 10429417, callid={FFA12A36-FEC3
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0851C838
: >> msg 3, state 0
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851C838: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 1
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C5A0A18: >> re
ceived entire blob 10432029. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C5A0A18: >> Qu
eued blob 150991 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C41EBB8: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4912
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C41EBB
8: closing socket 4912
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C41EBB8: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4904
[18:49:41.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C41EBB
8: closing socket 4904
[18:49:41.12] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426A78: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:49:41.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C5A0A18@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150991, ACK to blob 10432029
[18:49:41.12] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C5A0FC0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150991)
[18:49:41.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C5A0A18: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:49:41.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:41.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 21 SB CKI 474443566.13151231.1842247 U messenger.msn.
com 1<
[18:49:41.28] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 21
[18:49:41.28] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9748: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:49:41.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731058) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:49:41.28] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[18:49:41.28] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:49:41.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432738:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[18:49:41.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731058)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:49:41.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731058)
(2) >> success 0x04731058, socket=4904, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[18:49:41.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PMasterSession::OnTimer@0C465508: >> d
irect transport did not setup in 10000 ms, requesting indirect
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731058) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4904, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Ignoring state change
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730F68. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Ignoring state change
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Ignoring state change
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730FE0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Ignoring state change
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Ignoring state change
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:49:41.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432738:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731058) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 4904
[18:49:41.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432738: Sent
>USR 40 474443566.13151231.1842247<
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731058) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4904, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:49:41.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731058) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 4904
[18:49:41.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:49:41.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Ignoring state change
[18:49:41.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731058) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:41.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432738: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[18:49:41.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432738:
Recv >USR 40 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[18:49:41.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731058) >> sent
28 bytes on socket 4904
[18:49:41.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432738: Sent
>CAL 41<
[18:49:42.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731058) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:49:42.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432738:
Recv >217 41<
[18:49:42.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnServerError217 For the invitee
: State = 1
[18:49:42.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnServerError217 For the invitee
: Wire State = 1
[18:49:42.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InformFailedCAL@0C432738: CAL fa
iled (hr=80004005)
[18:49:55.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@0C43E4
70: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 4692
[18:49:55.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@0C43E4
70:sock 4692, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[18:49:55.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C43E470: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4692
[18:49:55.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C43E47
0: closing socket 4692
[18:49:55.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@0C43E4
70: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 4708
[18:49:55.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@0C43E4
70:sock 4708, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[18:49:55.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C43E470: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4708
[18:49:55.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C43E47
0: closing socket 4708
[18:49:55.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@0C43E4
70: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we failed to co
[18:50:01.42] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:50:01.42] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:50:01.42] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:50:05.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:50:05.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:50:05.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 763
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:50:05.01] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 633
[18:50:05.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={3CF0591A-AA53-48B2-BBC0-19054715FB0E}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 247
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 45746#26be:b83b:ec42:79c3:47e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 35746:751.02.611.67
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 35746:201.1.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-UDP-Switch
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0

[18:50:05.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[18:50:05.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@0869F1D0:
bound to addr
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@0869F1D0:
doing port mapping
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@0869F1
D0:set timer cookie 1, time in ms = 1000
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9BA8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46550
8:dwBridgeId 256 is connecting
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236080. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:50:05.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150992 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 0):
[18:50:05.03] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:50:05.03] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdeb0 of size 48 (excluding appid)
[18:50:05.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:50:05.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:50:05.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
163 bytes on socket 4556
[18:50:05.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 42 D 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:50:05.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 42
and hr = 0x0
[18:50:05.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:50:05.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@0869F1D0: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4568, error = 0, event = 1
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=1
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> response matches request 1.
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0:kill timer cookie 1
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C464
740: >> (internal_port = 63182, external_addr =, external_port = 6
3182, result = 1, elapsed time = 234(ms), context = 00000001)
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C464
740: >> total port mapping elapsed time 234(ms)
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C464740:adding to connecting endpoints list
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740:connecting to host =, port = 64753, fExternal = 1
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740: >> using socket 4568 to connect
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C464740:attempting bind to port 63182
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C464740:att
empting bind to port 63182 for sock 4568
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C464740: bo
und to internal
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740:TCB sock 4568, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 1
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C46
4740: sock 4568, TCB-ID =0
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C464740: found matching sock 4568
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740:connecting to host =, port = 64753, fExternal = 0
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740: >> using socket 3644 to connect
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C464740:TCB sock 3644, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C464740: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 3644 (addr =, port =
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C464740:added to list socket 3644 (addr =, port = 63183)
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C46
4740: sock 3644, TCB-ID =1
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C464740: found matching sock 3644
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={CD077CAB-C0FE-473F-93D3-1FBDC023ED3C}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 157
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 28136:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 38136:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:50:05.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 150993 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 1 (size 506):
[18:50:05.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:50:05.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 42<
[18:50:05.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150992, ACK to blob 157236080
[18:50:05.26] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150992)
[18:50:05.26] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 1, sessionId 0
[18:50:05.26] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::SendInUIThread@04706438: >> ab
out to send datachunk 0x85cdeb0 of size 554 (excluding appid)
[18:50:05.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[18:50:05.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[18:50:05.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
669 bytes on socket 4556
[18:50:05.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 43 D 655
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:50:05.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 43
and hr = 0x0
[18:50:05.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[18:50:05.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:50:05.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:50:05.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ACK 43<
[18:50:05.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 150993 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:50:05.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:50:05.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 178
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgrp2p
[18:50:05.64] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::FireReceivedEvent@04706438: rc
vd message size 48
[18:50:05.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236081 is ACK to sent blob 150993. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1123)
[18:50:05.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150993
[18:50:05.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 150993 for session 0 is unacked
[18:50:05.64] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=1, session=0, blob=150993)
[18:50:06.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 1
[18:50:06.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:50:06.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[18:50:06.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:50:06.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:50:06.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[18:50:06.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C464740: >> SYN_SENT -- got ACK on socket 4568
[18:50:06.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C464740: >> SYN_SENT -- ACK is SYN_ACK on socket 4568
[18:50:06.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C464740: fCloseSocket 0 socket 4568
[18:50:06.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketConne
ct@0C464740: (connector side) >> using socket 4568 as m_sock (for data)
[18:50:06.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C464740: fCloseSocket 1 socket 3644
[18:50:06.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C46474
0: closing socket 3644
[18:50:06.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 256 is now connected
[18:50:06.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 150994 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 256 (size 0):
[18:50:06.45] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 256, sessionId 0
[18:50:06.45] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 256
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508:migrating to dwBridgeId = 256
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 256's queue
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 150994 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 256 has a queue for session 0. appending bridge 1's se
ssion queues
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 256 has no queue for session 144383. moving bridge 1's
session queue over
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: (1 (SBBridge) -> 2 (TRUDPv1))
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: sqm transport time to direct 35193(ms)
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 1
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_fListener = 0
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 0
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_bridgeType = 2
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 0
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_listenerNATType = 5
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_connectorNATType = 5
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 35193
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_msPortMappingTime = 733
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 2340
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C465508: firing transport change type 2 direct for session 144383
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
C30: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 1
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42EC30: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C465508:enter dwExpiredSessionId 144383
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C465508:transport_mutex freed for sess id 144383
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C465508: DialogState = 085830C8, session id = 144383
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
C30: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 2
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42EC30: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
CA8: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 1
[18:50:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42ECA8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[18:50:07.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:50:07.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:50:07.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1124: >> f
reeing blob 150994, Non-ACK control packet
[18:50:07.64] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=256, session=0, blob=150994)
[18:50:24.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:50:24.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:50:24.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:50:24.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:50:24.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[18:50:24.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[18:50:27.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:50:41.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@
0C5A0A18: (failedType = 1, currentType = 1 (master transport type = 1, schannle
state = 0)
[18:50:41.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnectionFailed@0
C5A0A18: >> SB Bridge failed to connect
[18:50:42.23] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432738: called for tim
er id 3
[18:50:42.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731058) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 4904
[18:50:42.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432738: Sent
[18:50:42.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731058) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4904, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[18:50:42.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731058
) (2) closing socket 4904
[18:50:42.46] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[18:50:42.46] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9748: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:50:42.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432738:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[18:50:42.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432738:
We disconnected purposely
[18:50:42.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432738: destroying im
[18:50:47.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:51:01.43] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:51:01.43] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:51:01.43] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:51:04.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:51:04.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:51:04.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:51:04.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:51:04.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[18:51:04.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[18:51:05.64] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[18:51:05.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 4556
[18:51:05.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
[18:51:05.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4556, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[18:51:05.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730EF0
) (2) closing socket 4556
[18:51:05.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[18:51:05.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:51:05.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[18:51:05.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
We disconnected purposely
[18:51:05.89] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470643
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[18:51:05.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[18:51:05.89] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 256's queue
[18:51:05.89] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 150994 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:51:07.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:51:17.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:51:17.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 10 472
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={29F7F552-ED9E-4F81-A1B4-C8D07235CA00}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 141
SessionUsername: Ch4CGasiiwfm36UDOjG3XoYO6Ggbf9gC5mAZvoALJc1KitlR
SessionPassword: UkGT+6tQg8nsr9UbLtP+5w==
[18:51:17.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C46BE90: >> st
arting up scheduler
[18:51:17.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C46BE90
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C46C558
[18:51:17.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C46BE90: max t
urn failures = 2
[18:51:17.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C46BE90:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C46BE90: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={29F7F552-ED9E-4F81-A1B4-C8D07235CA00}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 141
SessionUsername: Ch4CGasiiwfm36UDOjG3XoYO6Ggbf9gC5mAZvoALJc1KitlR
SessionPassword: UkGT+6tQg8nsr9UbLtP+5w==
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C46BE90: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C46BE90:
creating new TURN bridge
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessUUNInvite@0C439
8D0 >> Received valid UUN invite, our state=0, session user/pass size=36 and 16
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessUUNInvite@0C439
8D0: Callee connecting to host =, port = 443
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46BE9
0:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
1D978) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[18:51:17.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C41
D978) >> connect using socket 4480
[18:51:17.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (0C
4398D0) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[18:51:17.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(0C4398D0) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[18:51:17.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeIssueJoinRequest@0C439
8D0 >> Sending JOIN request, size=84
[18:51:18.02] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B4@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=8101 Attr=8055
[18:51:18.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessJoinResponse@0C
4398D0 >> Received JOIN response. msgType=33025
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessHello_2@0C4398D
0 >> Received HELLO_2, recv size=32
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@0C4398D0: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C46BE90
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C46BE90: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C46BE90:be
st bridge found = 2
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C46BE90:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[18:51:18.41] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[18:51:18.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
BE90: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[18:51:18.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendPendingInvites@0C4
6BE90: >> buddy does not support p2p
[18:51:18.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAllAutoStartEUFS
essions@0C46BE90: >> buddy does not support p2p
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C46
C408: >> no such session 0
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C46BE90: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={BDA4F1E0-3999-437E-91AD-0F4AC67D5D1E}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 302
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJsaW1wNjVAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFNIQTFEPSJ

[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C46BE90: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C46BE90:eAcceptance = 1, dwSlaveId = 18302476, call id = {B60A3321-589F-48
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46BE9
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={BDA4F1E0-3999-437E-91AD-0F4AC67D5D1E}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 65
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu

eued blob 150995 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 377):
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C46BE90: DialogState = 08583350, session id = 18302476
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C46BE90
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 18302476, pEventSink = 0851C5
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0851C568
: >> msg 0, state 1
[18:51:18.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851C568: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0851C568: Session(
18302476) sending 4 bytes of data
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu
eued blob 150996 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 18302476 on bridge 2 (size 4):
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0851C568: Session(
18302476) sending 908 bytes of data
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu
eued blob 150997 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 18302476 on bridge 2 (size 908)
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C46BE90: >> transport type 2 requested by session 18302476, master
trans type =1, pSessionState = 08583350
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C46BE90: >> transport type 2 requested by session 18302476
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C46BE90: true
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C46BE90:transport_mutex created for sess id 18302476
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
46BE90:pDialogState = 08583350, session id = 18302476
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46BE9
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0D204A48-3372-4780-8058-8E8210C0DB08}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 321
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {7E5B36AD-BA68-FFAC-5C02-5345F6AFB8A6}
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu

eued blob 150998 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 664):
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >> re
ceived entire blob 18305532. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:51:18.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu
eued blob 150999 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C46BE90: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1120: >> f
reeing blob 150999, ACK to blob 18305532
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150999)
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1106: >> a
dding blob 150995 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1106: >> a
dding blob 150998 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 18302476
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1106: >> a
dding blob 150996 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 18302476
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1106: >> a
dding blob 150997 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:51:18.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C46BE90: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:51:19.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >>
Received blob 18305535 is ACK to sent blob 150998. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 452)
[18:51:19.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C46BE90:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150998
[18:51:19.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C46BE90: >> blob 150998 for session 0 is unacked
[18:51:19.34] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150998)
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >>
Received blob 18305534 is ACK to sent blob 150995. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 500)
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C46BE90:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 150995
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C46BE90: >> blob 150995 for session 0 is unacked
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=150995)
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C46BE90: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={AC067399-D2A2-4776-8527-C3281F901733}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 371
NetID: 453765720
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
UPnPNat: true
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:2854:3128:3f57:fdfc
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {2ED05F3B-C67B-2767-0232-317DA89814E8}
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0

[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C46BE90: dwSlaveId = 18302476, call id = {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsMyTransactionLoser@0
C46BE90:got overlapping transaction from other side, but his ID is greater, hono
ring his request.
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessMsgOnLosingMyTr
ansaction@0C46BE90:my transaction lost, so I reprocess this request dwMySlaveId
= 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnMyTransactionLoser@0
C46BE90:dwSessionId = 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C46BE90:enter dwExpiredSessionId 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C46BE90:transport_mutex freed for sess id 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C46BE90: DialogState = 08583350, session id = 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::QueuePendingTransportS
etupRequest@0C46BE90:7672:queued transport setup request dwSessionId 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C46BE90: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={AC067399-D2A2-4776-8527-C3281F901733}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 371
NetID: 453765720
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
UPnPNat: true
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:2854:3128:3f57:fdfc
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {2ED05F3B-C67B-2767-0232-317DA89814E8}
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0

[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C46BE90: dwSlaveId = 18302476, call id = {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C46BE90:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 18302476
, schannel initiating id =0
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C46BE90:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 1
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C46BE90: >> got reINVITE
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got net ID: 453765720
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Symmetric-NAT (6)
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got upnp Enabled nat type: 1
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got ICF Enabled: 0
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> Support Hashed-Nonce: {2ED05F3B-C67B-2767-0232-317DA89814E8}
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: remote caps 1
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C46BE90: true
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RemovePendingTransport
SetupRequest@0C46BE90:7630: removing a queued transport setup request dwSessionI
d 18302476
[18:51:19.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C46BE90:transport_mutex created for sess id 18302476
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', BaseCoolness 20
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 1, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 1, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', BaseCoolness 75
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 6, fUPnPNatConnecter = 1, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 6, fUPnPNatListener = 1, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -10
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'SBBridge', which we do not support
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'TURNv1', which we do not support
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: selected bridge 'TCPv1'
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46BE9
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={AC067399-D2A2-4776-8527-C3281F901733}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 216
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: false
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {51DE902D-DC4C-0368-5C97-FA733C660459}
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu

eued blob 151000 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 528):
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >> re
ceived entire blob 18305533. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu
eued blob 151001 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >>
Received blob 18305537 is ACK to sent blob 150997. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 843)
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C46BE90: >> blob 150997 for session 18302476 is unacked
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=18302476, blob=150997)
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >>
Received blob 18305536 is ACK to sent blob 150996. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 844)
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C46BE90: >> blob 150996 for session 18302476 is unacked
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=18302476, blob=150996)
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151001, ACK to blob 18305533
[18:51:19.75] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151001)
[18:51:19.76] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:51:19.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1106: >> a
dding blob 151000 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:51:19.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C46BE90: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C46BE90: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F11620DC-6BDC-4F85-860B-A2BC24E797C8}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 42
SessionID: 18302476
SChannelState: 0

[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C46BE90: dwSlaveId = 18302476, call id = {B60A3321-589F-48F2-9CB5-871D64AB0723}
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C46BE90: session 18302476 direct connect failed
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C46BE90: c
reating new SB bridge
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706598: bridge id
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession: looking
for an IM session for
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:173: find
IM window now to get IM Session
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:208: hr =
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:215: OK c
reate a new IM session from scratch
[18:51:20.37] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:226: call
ing CreateIMSession
[18:51:20.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433278: created new im
[18:51:20.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C433278:
Can't invite while not connected
[18:51:20.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C433278: Failed to i
nvite user
[18:51:20.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 2648
[18:51:20.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>XFR 22 SB<
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::GetSBImSession@04706598:416: 0
C4332E0 IM session
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::ConnectBridge@04706598:firing
bridge connecting event
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46BE9
0:dwBridgeId 1 is connecting
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C46BE90: firing transport change type 1 direct for session 1830247
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0851C
568: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 1
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851C568: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 1
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C46BE90:enter dwExpiredSessionId 18302476
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C46BE90:transport_mutex freed for sess id 18302476
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C46B
E90:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 18302476
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
BE90: removing from dialog map & call id session 18302476, callid={B60A3321-589F
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0851C568
: >> msg 3, state 0
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0851C568: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 1
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >> re
ceived entire blob 18305538. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:51:20.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C46BE90: >> Qu
eued blob 151002 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:51:20.39] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C426AA8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:51:20.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C46BE90@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151002, ACK to blob 18305538
[18:51:20.39] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151002)
[18:51:20.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C46BE90: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:51:20.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:51:20.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 22 SB CKI 1977421640.1921075.24452155 U messenger.m 1<
[18:51:20.62] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 22
[18:51:20.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9908: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:51:20.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730F68) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:51:20.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[18:51:20.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:51:20.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433278:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[18:51:20.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730F68)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:51:20.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730F68)
(2) >> success 0x04730f68, socket=4340, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[18:51:20.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C46BE90: >>
Received blob 18305539 is ACK to sent blob 151000. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 554)
[18:51:20.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C46BE90:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151000
[18:51:20.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C46BE90: >> blob 151000 for session 0 is unacked
[18:51:20.69] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C46C438:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151000)
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4340, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Ignoring state change
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731058. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Ignoring state change
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Ignoring state change
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730FE0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Ignoring state change
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Ignoring state change
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:51:20.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433278:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
55 bytes on socket 4340
[18:51:20.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433278: Sent
>USR 44 1977421640.1921075.24452155<
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4340, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:51:20.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 4340
[18:51:20.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:51:20.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Ignoring state change
[18:51:21.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4340, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:51:21.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433278: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[18:51:21.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433278:
Recv >USR 44 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[18:51:21.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
32 bytes on socket 4340
[18:51:21.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433278: Sent
>CAL 45<
[18:51:21.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4340, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:51:21.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433278:
Recv >217 45<
[18:51:21.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnServerError217 For the invitee
: State = 1
[18:51:21.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnServerError217 For the invitee
: Wire State = 1
[18:51:21.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InformFailedCAL@0C433278: CAL fa
iled (hr=80004005)
[18:51:27.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:51:47.72] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C5A0
A18: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C5A0A18: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C5A0A18:no
bridge found
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C5A0A18:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 0's queue
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 150991 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C5A0FC0: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 2's sessio
n queue over
[18:52:00.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C5A
0A18: (1 (TURNv1) -> 0 (None))
[18:52:01.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:52:01.44] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:52:01.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:52:05.67] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[18:52:06.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:52:06.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:52:06.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:52:06.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:52:06.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[18:52:06.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[18:52:07.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:52:20.41] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@
0C46BE90: (failedType = 1, currentType = 1 (master transport type = 1, schannle
state = 0)
[18:52:20.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnectionFailed@0
C46BE90: >> SB Bridge failed to connect
[18:52:21.44] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433278: called for tim
er id 3
[18:52:21.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 4340
[18:52:21.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433278: Sent
[18:52:21.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4340, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[18:52:21.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730F68
) (2) closing socket 4340
[18:52:21.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[18:52:21.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9908: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:52:21.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433278:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[18:52:21.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433278:
We disconnected purposely
[18:52:21.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C433278: destroying im
[18:52:27.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:52:47.78] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:52:50.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:52:50.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:52:50.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:52:51.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:52:51.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[18:52:51.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[18:53:01.46] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:53:01.46] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:53:01.46] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:53:07.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:53:27.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:53:35.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:53:35.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:53:35.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:53:35.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:53:35.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[18:53:35.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C46B
E90: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C46BE90: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C46BE90:no
bridge found
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C46BE90:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 0's queue
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151002 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C46C438: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 2's sessio
n queue over
[18:53:38.98] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
BE90: (1 (TURNv1) -> 0 (None))
[18:53:47.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:54:01.47] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:54:01.47] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:54:01.47] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:54:07.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:54:22.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:54:22.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2648
[18:54:22.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:54:22.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:54:22.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[18:54:22.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[18:54:27.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:54:47.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:01.49] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:01.49] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:01.49] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:07.17] Zone_ConfigInfo SlideShowWithAd::OnUnHosted - UNHOOK_ALL_
EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:07.37] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:55:07.41] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:55:07.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:55:07.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 10 --> 1024, uTID = 0
[18:55:07.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 400
[18:55:07.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0400)
[18:55:07.51] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C465508:
dwSessionId = 144383
[18:55:08.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:08.12] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.13] Zone_ConfigInfo CProductProviderMgr::_Free - UNHOOK_ALL_E
VENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:08.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
6 bytes on socket 2648
[18:55:08.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>OUT <
[18:55:08.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:08.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = StatusState
[18:55:08.28] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = StatusState, Me = YES
[18:55:08.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2648, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[18:55:08.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730A40
) (2) closing socket 2648
[18:55:08.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[18:55:08.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:08.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Clearing last known good index (s_iLKGIndex=2)
[18:55:08.45] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::SetStoreAdapter
[18:55:08.45] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437a
[18:55:08.45] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.45] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.45] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437d
[18:55:08.45] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.46] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.48] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4380
[18:55:08.48] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.48] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437f
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C4
65508: buddy went from online to offline
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C465
508:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 144383
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: removing from dialog map & call id session 144383, callid={0CE35CF8-33DF-4
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C42EC30
: >> msg 3, state 0
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 256 is now DISconnected
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:no
bridge found
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 256's queue to bridge 0's queue
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 150994 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 256's sess
ion queue over
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: (2 (TRUDPv1) -> 0 (None))
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
CA8: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 2
[18:55:08.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42ECA8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[18:55:08.48] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4417
[18:55:08.48] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.48] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.49] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.49] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.49] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4418
[18:55:08.49] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.49] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.50] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4419
[18:55:08.50] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc441a
[18:55:08.50] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.50] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSDisconnected@002AFB
A8: Abandoning pending request, pBuddy=0x00000000, dwOp=0x00007000, uTID=13
[18:55:08.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSDisconnected@002AFB
A8: Abandoning pending request, pBuddy=0x00000000, dwOp=0x00007000, uTID=16
[18:55:08.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0001)
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:55:08.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetRoamingUserTileUrl@04715EC0
[18:55:08.51] Zone_IdentityCRL UserTileUrl =
iHWTo UserTileTimestamp = 2010-08-09T19:28:14.000000-00:00
[18:55:08.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetRoamingUserTileUrl() = 0x0
[18:55:08.51] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.51] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[18:55:08.52] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:08.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 0
[18:55:08.67] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:08.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::Uninitialize
[18:55:08.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::SetStoreAdapter
[18:55:10.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 0
[18:55:10.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 0
[18:55:10.60] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:10.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
BE90: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[18:55:10.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C46B
E90:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 0
[18:55:10.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C5A
0A18: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[18:55:10.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C5A0
A18:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 0
[18:55:10.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSDisconnected@002AFB
A8: Firing OnLogoff() - prev state 0x0400
[18:55:10.76] Zone_ConfigInfo CRtcActivityProvider::Cleanup - UNHOOK_AL
L_EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:10.76] Zone_Voice CRtcProfileManager::CleanupProfiles > Cle
aning up profiles (mode=0).
[18:55:10.76] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnServiceLogoff hr=0x0, pSe
[18:55:10.76] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnSDriveShutdown
[18:55:10.76] Zone_SDrive ShuxSDrive::DoShutdown
[18:55:10.80] Zone_SDrive ShuxMsgr::DoLogoff
[18:55:10.80] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::OnLogoff
[18:55:10.80] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::StartOrStopSDrive is shut
ting down SDrive
[18:55:10.80] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Shutdown
[18:55:10.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::UnregisterHandler@0
4705E08: removing {534142D5-1F2A-431F-A60C-B0CF723FDF7D}
[18:55:10.80] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_STOP
[18:55:10.80] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Stop
[18:55:10.80] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[18:55:10.80] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[18:55:10.80] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[18:55:10.80] Zone_Voice CLegacySessionManagerProxy::Invoke > Unkn
own event (id=12288).
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437a38
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437d38
[18:55:10.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438038
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437f38
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc441738
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc441838
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc441938
[18:55:10.81] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc441a38
[18:55:10.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C464740: >> got RST on socket 4568 in CLOSE_WAIT state - sending ACK
[18:55:14.60] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Shutdown:Shutting down echo
[18:55:14.60] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 0
[18:55:14.60] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 0
[18:55:14.60] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 0
[18:55:14.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:14.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 0
[18:55:14.62] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:14.62] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrConfigLogOff
[18:55:14.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:14.64] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:14.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:15.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:15.70] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:15.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:16.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={7E03DA9F-9B01-40A0-974E-B2B32A8F168E}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 82
SessionID: 144383
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Context: dAMAgQ==

[18:55:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 151003 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 0 (size 427):
[18:55:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:55:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[18:55:16.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:16.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:16.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C465508: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[18:55:16.54] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:16.54] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:55:16.54] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[18:55:16.86] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnSDriveShutdown
[18:55:16.86] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:17.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:17.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:55:17.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[18:55:17.85] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:17.85] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:17.85] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:19.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:19.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:55:19.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[18:55:21.14] Zone_Net IPRouteMonitor >> Thread finished
[18:55:21.14] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:21.14] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:21.14] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:21.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CUIManager::UICommonLogoffIdentity@046FB2
A8(), fUpdateDisplay = 1
[18:55:21.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:21.15] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:21.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:21.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::LogoffIdentity(0x04715EC
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::CancelPendingRequests(0x
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::CancelPendingRequests@04715EC0
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::CancelPendingRequests() = 0x0
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::CancelPendingRequests()
= 0x0
[18:55:21.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:55:21.17] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:55:21.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::LogoffIdentity() = 0x0
[18:55:23.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:23.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
464740:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[18:55:23.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C464
740: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[18:55:27.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:55:27.76] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:55:27.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:55:27.78] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:55:27.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:55:27.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetActiveIdentity(0x0471
[18:55:27.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:27.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CUIManager::LogonService@046FB2A8: record
ed login start time as 876273
[18:55:27.84] Zone_HotmailService In CHotmailService::Logon(limp65@hotmail.
com, (null))
[18:55:27.90] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:27.90] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:27.90] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:27.93] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:27.93] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:27.93] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:27.93] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::SetUser@04731C30: SetUse
r finished for real, with hr=0x0
[18:55:27.93] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::SetUser@0C423A58: SetUse
r finished for real, with hr=0x0
[18:55:27.93] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:27.93] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:27.93] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:27.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@0472FB40: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:55:27.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=0 | hr=8100031d)
[18:55:27.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=1 | hr=8100031d)
[18:55:27.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730A40) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:55:27.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 3
[18:55:27.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:27.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 1 --> 256, uTID = 0
[18:55:27.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0100)
[18:55:27.99] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:27.99] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:27.99] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:28.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.01] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ResolveHost (04730A40)
>> resolving
[18:55:28.02] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0C423A58: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 8 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:28.04] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0C423A58: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 4 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:28.05] Zone_HotmailService Authing with passport using cached policy
[18:55:28.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:28.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(m, MBI_KEY_OLD, 0x00000000)
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719198 {messengerclea, MBI_KEY_OLD}
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(m, ?id=507, 0x00000000)
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04718FE8 {messenger.msn
.com, ?id=507}
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(c, MBI, 0x00000000)
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719018 {contacts.msn.
com, MBI}
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(m, MBI_SSL, 0x00000000)
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719048 {messengersecu, MBI_SSL}
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:55:28.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(s, MBI, 0x00000000)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x04719078 {
om, MBI}
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService(s, MBI, 0x00000000)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spServiceOut = 0x047190A8 {storage.msn.c
om, MBI}
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityService::CreateIdentityService()
= 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService@04715EC0(0x04
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::SetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendIdentityRequest(0x08
69F310, 0x0472FB24)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfo->m_dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfo->eRequestType = 4
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendIdentityRequest@0472
0EF0:576: *pdwRequestID = 2, pdwRequestID = 0472FB24
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest(0x0869
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest() = 0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendBatchedTicketsReques
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = MBI_KEY_OLD
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = ?id=507
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = MBI
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = MBI_SSL
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = MBI
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServiceTarget =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::RequestBatchedTicketsFro
mCache ServicePolicy = MBI
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnCurrentRequestComplete
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest()
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetCurrentRequest() = 0x
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetAuthState@04715EC0(, 0x000C
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.hrAuthState = 0x48803
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.hrAuthRequired = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.hrRequestStatus = 0x800488e
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL authStateOut.strWebFlowUrl =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetAuthState() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0869F310, 0)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719198
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047190
D8, 0x04720EF0))
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 2, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService Not yet in authenticating state -- waitin
g until USR to deal with passport response
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0869F310, 1)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04718FE8
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047192
28, 0x04720EF0))
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 2, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0869F310, 2)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719018
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047192
28, 0x04720EF0))
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 2, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0869F310, 3)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719048
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047192
28, 0x04720EF0))
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 2, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0869F310, 4)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x04719078
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047192
28, 0x04720EF0))
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 2, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e(0x0869F310, 5)
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->hrResponse = 0x48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spIdentity = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->dwRequestID = 2
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spEventInfo->spService = 0x047190A8
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL RAISE_EVENT_(OnLogonToService, (0x047192
28, 0x04720EF0))
[18:55:28.07] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::OnLogonToService Request = 2, Se
rvice =, hrResponse = 48861
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnLogonToServicesRespons
e() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest(0x0000
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SetCurrentRequest() = 0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetNextPendingRequest(0x
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spRequestInfoOut = 0x00000000
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetNextPendingRequest()
= 0x80004005
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::OnCurrentRequestComplete
d() = 0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendBatchedTicketsReques
t() = 0x0
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::SendIdentityRequest() =
[18:55:28.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:55:28.08] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:55:28.08] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName()
[18:55:28.08] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut =
[18:55:28.08] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetDefaultMemberName() =
[18:55:28.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.14] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0x85c9fd0) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 110ms
[18:55:28.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 3 to 5
[18:55:28.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.14] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 256 --> 512, uTID = 0
[18:55:28.14] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0200)
[18:55:28.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:55:28.21] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> success 0x04730a40, socket=2668, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[18:55:28.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2668, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047304B8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047307A8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04715F90: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
34 bytes on socket 2668
[18:55:28.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:55:28.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
75 bytes on socket 2668
[18:55:28.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CVR 24 0x0409 winnt 6.1 i386 MSG80BETA 8.5.1235 msmsgs<
[18:55:28.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 2668
[18:55:28.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>USR 25 SSO I<
[18:55:28.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2668, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:55:28.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2668
[18:55:28.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2668, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:28.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >VER 23 MSNP15<
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2668, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:28.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CVR 24 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 htt
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2668, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:28.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 25 NS U D<
[18:55:28.75] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::CancelLogon@0472FA50: (false, 0,
(null), 0)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@0472FB40:
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730A40. m_
sock == 2668
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 0
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730A40
) (2) closing socket 2668
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Clearing last known good index (s_iLKGIndex=2)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047304B8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047307A8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04715F90: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.75] Zone_HotmailService CMNSNet::Transfer@0472FA50: Reconnecting
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@0472FB40: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=0 | hr=8100031d)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::ConnectSingleLayer@04
72FB40: Failed to connect to layer (id=1 | hr=8100031d)
[18:55:28.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730A40) (2)
>> connecting to
[18:55:28.76] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[18:55:28.76] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 512 --> 512, uTID = 0
[18:55:28.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0200)
[18:55:28.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:28.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> connecting to
[18:55:28.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730A40)
(2) >> success 0x04730a40, socket=3600, LastError=10035, WM(1055)
[18:55:28.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::AreAllLayersDisconnec
ted@0472FB40: All (2) layers are disconnected
[18:55:28.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::AreAllLayersDisconnec
ted@0472FB40: All (1) layers are NOT disconnected
[18:55:28.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:28.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:28.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.04] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::_EnumMembersStorage@0C42
3A58: EnumMemberStorage finishing for real, with hr=0x1
[18:55:29.04] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@0C423A58: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 9 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047304B8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047307A8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04715F90: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:29.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
34 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:29.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:55:29.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
75 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:29.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CVR 27 0x0409 winnt 6.1 i386 MSG80BETA 8.5.1235 msmsgs<
[18:55:29.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:29.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>USR 28 SSO I<
[18:55:29.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[18:55:29.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:29.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:29.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@0472FB40: Ignoring state change
[18:55:29.18] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@04731C30: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 5 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:29.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >VER 26 MSNP15<
[18:55:29.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CVR 27 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 1.0.0000 htt
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >GCF 0 5483
<Policies><Policy type="SHIELDS" checksum="13F9EF952572DFA2513FE09DEF12E329"><co
nfig> <shield> <cli maj="7" min="0" minbld="0" maxbld="9999" deny="" /> </s
hield> <block> <hashes> </hashes> <regexp> <imtext value="cGhvdG8
yMzRcLnppcA==" /> <imtext value="aW1nMDIxXC56aXA=" /> <imtext value="d
GFueWFiYWJlXC56aXA=" /> <imtext value="c3R1ZmZcLnppcA==" /> <imtext va
lue="Zm90b3NcLnppcA==" /> <imtext value="dHVmb3Rv" /> <imtext value="Z
[18:55:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
[18:55:29.63] Zone_HotmailService Nonce received: sD4QVq9DrQf6xKgOyAUvzM+Zy
[18:55:29.63] Zone_HotmailService IDCRL policy on CS: MBI_KEY_OLD, fPolicyC
hanged 0
[18:55:29.63] Zone_HotmailService Continue authentication and posting messa
[18:55:29.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:29.63] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:29.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:29.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
1017 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>USR 29 SSO S t=EwBoAswbAQAUs1/VcBU2sH7mwYy3BysWZ71CRDGAAA2wYI7rQ1JYFrZk5jw8w9O
[18:55:30.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:30.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >USR 29 OK 1 0<
[18:55:30.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 512 --> 768, uTID = 0
[18:55:30.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0300)
[18:55:30.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::LeaveSession@0C432828: Tried to
leave a session we weren't connected to (SWB_STATE is 1) -- disconnect
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Disconnect@047A97B8:
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 1
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[18:55:30.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:30.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::Initialize
[18:55:30.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::SetStoreAdapter
[18:55:30.17] Zone_HotmailService CUIManager::OnServerConnected@046FB2A8: C
ontacts::ReadyPresence returned 00000000
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID@04715EC0()
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL strBrandIdOut = MSFT
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID() = 0x0
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(cont
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(stor
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:30.17] Zone_HotmailService CUIManager::OnServerConnected@046FB2A8: C
ontacts::SetAuthByActiveIdentity returned 00000000
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 147
[18:55:30.17] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 147
[18:55:30.17] Zone_Voice CLegacySessionManagerProxy::Invoke > Unkn
own event (id=147).
[18:55:30.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:30.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >SBS 0 null<
[18:55:30.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[18:55:30.20] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[18:55:30.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:30.21] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:30.21] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 1244
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8
LoginTime: 1282665332
EmailEnabled: 1
MemberIdHigh: 425982
MemberIdLow: -2080484993
lang_preference: 1033
country: TR
Kid: 0
Flags: 1610613827
sid: 72652
MSPAuth: EwBoAswbAQAUs1/VcBU2sH7mwYy3BysWZ71CRDGAAA2wYI7rQ1JYFrZk5jw8w9ObklTK4CB
[18:55:30.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C464
740:idTimer 4, dwCtxt 0
[18:55:30.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@0C464740: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 4568
[18:55:30.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C464740:sock 4568, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[18:55:30.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C464740: >> closing m_sock 4568
[18:55:30.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C46474
0: closing socket 4568
[18:55:30.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C464740: >> all sockets shut down -- calling FinalShutdown()
[18:55:31.61] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@04731C30: Bin
dToPool for real, sot: 3 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:31.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:55:31.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetReady
[18:55:31.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:55:31.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:55:31.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::BindToPool
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net Logon Performance report - Time line
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net Contacts Loaded: 3.7652
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net Logon Performance report - Elapsed Time
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net Contact Load: 3.6484
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net WAB Collection: 0.8032
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net WAB Contact Creation: 0.5725
sec (242 contacts)
[18:55:31.62] Zone_Net LMCDATA Contact Create: 1.69
16 sec (242 contacts)
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2174534940
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2174534940, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0852A600
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C52E8, serviceType = Messenger name = rubinakalayc listType = 1
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C52E8
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -214226111829475156
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853CF88, serviceType = Messenger name = lyndiadiewol listType = 3
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0853CF88
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7666888154516592174
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D9BA0, serviceType = Messenger name = talat_oksen@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084D9BA0
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6652093685260582871
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C405018, serviceType = Messenger name = lyndiadiewol listType = 2
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0C405018
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7666888154516592174
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C7240, serviceType = Messenger name = RudyOrtiz259 listType = 3
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C7240
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8095327490775235781
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08611890, serviceType = Messenger name = metin-bozkur listType = 3
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 08611890
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5378022783720108349
[18:55:31.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08632178, serviceType = Messenger name = dj_merty92@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08632178
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4348299516471341778
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1025356350
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1025356350, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08606E70
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DBAF8, serviceType = Messenger name = fakafakipofp listType = 3
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084DBAF8
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9158405046573610233
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4071F0, serviceType = Messenger name = RudyOrtiz259 listType = 2
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C4071F0
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8095327490775235781
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3491336134
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3491336134, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 085F3120
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name z-dersane sid 2524575671
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086953E8, serviceType = Messenger name = listType = 1
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 086953E8
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1924815766154569700
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086333E8, serviceType = Messenger name = karolecrispi listType = 3
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 086333E8
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7007608683796419053
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1622775628
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1622775628, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 0851FCF0
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name ???? sid 931606730
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867C418, serviceType = Messenger name = bugrasariyil listType = 1
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0867C418
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4083C8, serviceType = Messenger name = elmaoglu104@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C4083C8
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2878223583869722042
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858EA40, serviceType = Messenger name = natalasapupp listType = 3
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0858EA40
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4425801676764594986
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08635340, serviceType = Messenger name = aysun_0808@h listType = 2
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08635340
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8688342239962667162
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1954344013
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1954344013, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08608720
[18:55:31.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3604633056
[18:55:31.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3604633056, strContactId =
, contactType = 1, store object = 08606378
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867E370, serviceType = Messenger name = leyda_ley80@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867E370
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6939481435637591091
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C441EC0, serviceType = Messenger name = malikakkafa@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C441EC0
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5281160938613643522
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085220A0, serviceType = Messenger name = neelyryder46 listType = 2
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 085220A0
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4882424330861471363
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0850A198, serviceType = Messenger name = faruk.uraf@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0850A198
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7459461108392464462
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08637298, serviceType = Messenger name = a154720856@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08637298
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 812104732702617527
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2439922762
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2439922762, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 084CF8C0
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857F518, serviceType = Messenger name = MichaelaSouz listType = 2
[18:55:31.65] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0857F518
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6883529126702643034
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523FF8, serviceType = Messenger name = beetsy_e@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08523FF8
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8596672599896473211
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473B340, serviceType = Messenger name = airkortan@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0473B340
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6717331465177913012
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08601B48, serviceType = Messenger name = yazkoyuncu@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08601B48
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1078091941211308510
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863EB18, serviceType = Messenger name = MadieSansouc listType = 2
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0863EB18
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7769863565209146517
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853B968, serviceType = Messenger name = nirvacalisir listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0853B968
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3570048769914847205
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2416653972
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2416653972, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 085F60A8
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0859DD98, serviceType = Messenger name = m_lokita@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0859DD98
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6418447783830419233
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860C650, serviceType = Messenger name = miracianciol listType = 2
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0860C650
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1380426021955413248
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C439098, serviceType = Messenger name = aaltinman@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C439098
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2317632778665571661
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1428893584
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1428893584, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 085DEEA0
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 8121919
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 8121919, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 04741E88
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1231988194
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1231988194, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085F8190
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C5C20, serviceType = Messenger name = bburcuceylan listType = 1
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 085C5C20
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1368597630119902711
[18:55:31.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08610270, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekcagaliko listType = 3
[18:55:31.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08610270
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5636662316037105617
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08631668, serviceType = Messenger name = justinezutad listType = 2
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08631668
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5398528011365576071
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 127444477
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 127444477, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 085F72F0
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DA4D8, serviceType = Messenger name = cessykandiyo listType = 1
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 084DA4D8
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6787158063850132227
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C405950, serviceType = Messenger name = jiji1044@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C405950
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8593303663088074718
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2238983699
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2238983699, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084CDB80
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2503859700
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2503859700, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 085F2628
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C7B78, serviceType = Messenger name = erman-_-s@ho listType = 2
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C7B78
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3730482104256238808
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1254182963
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1254182963, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 0851DFB0
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DC430, serviceType = Messenger name = aimee-brown6 listType = 3
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 084DC430
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5034146427854066738
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C407B28, serviceType = Messenger name = orgeakca@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C407B28
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3127818978574201071
[18:55:31.67] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 654158042
[18:55:31.67] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 654158042, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 0C469E10
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858D420, serviceType = Messenger name = semi_e@hotma listType = 3
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0858D420
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2771846334942383861
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085092D8, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryan_lo listType = 1
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085092D8
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633D20, serviceType = Messenger name = saricag@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08633D20
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6196399302695909794
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1484741747
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1484741747, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 08606AC8
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867CD50, serviceType = Messenger name = elmaoglu104@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867CD50
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2878223583869722042
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41EBE0, serviceType = Messenger name = muratbulad@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0C41EBE0
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8909331989129792704
[18:55:31.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1181746958
[18:55:31.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1181746958, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0C514638
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858F378, serviceType = Messenger name = vilandra244@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0858F378
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08635C78, serviceType = Messenger name = extravaganzz listType = 3
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08635C78
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4630968694056832540
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1410003135
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1410003135, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085EA280
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867ECA8, serviceType = Messenger name = servetFB08@h listType = 2
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0867ECA8
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -9216327405395982952
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4427F8, serviceType = Messenger name = airkortan@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C4427F8
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6717331465177913012
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2226582232
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2226582232, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084E20B8
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085229D8, serviceType = Messenger name = smleeee_89@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 085229D8
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8732625369561302539
[18:55:31.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04739D20, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel1989@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 04739D20
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2242667875814910125
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086035D8, serviceType = Messenger name = PriscillaKnu listType = 3
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 086035D8
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4786238801671972362
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 282972906
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 282972906, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 08606720
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857FE50, serviceType = Messenger name = wolfnights6@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0857FE50
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8174996208885385109
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3398765483
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3398765483, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084C8678
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08524930, serviceType = Messenger name = raymondetemp listType = 3
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 08524930
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8377571555351410953
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860B030, serviceType = Messenger name = robbiezefyg@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0860B030
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 651396665656696616
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43B938, serviceType = Messenger name = sphynx_1098@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C43B938
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6281142834747858663
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3760781436
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3760781436, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 086283E8
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863F450, serviceType = Messenger name = wolfnights6@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863F450
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8174996208885385109
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3570778243
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3570778243, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 08625D80
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D8EB8, serviceType = Messenger name = goermango@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084D8EB8
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8327309240869253749
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852EFD8, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekoreen@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0852EFD8
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1061373188161484637
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3484302988
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3484302988, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 08553DC8
[18:55:31.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6558, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 1
[18:55:31.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C6558
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086310E0, serviceType = Messenger name = life-is-danc listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 086310E0
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3131643164618763081
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DAE10, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel444@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084DAE10
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7575336207604003789
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085458F8, serviceType = Messenger name = limp65@hotma listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 085458F8
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4013780796249205739
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1242682933
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1242682933, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0C4696C0
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 330524283
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 330524283, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085F7A40
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C84B0, serviceType = Messenger name = selenadlim@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 085C84B0
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5223731280612375633
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08694700, serviceType = Messenger name = solita-x100p listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08694700
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5415162262911313654
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08631FA0, serviceType = Messenger name = ensozluk1236 listType = 1
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08631FA0
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2505290092515342449
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867B730, serviceType = Messenger name = antonyomusab listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0867B730
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4327145402992240879
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858DD58, serviceType = Messenger name = greenstorm98 listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0858DD58
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8303837707406750127
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509C10, serviceType = Messenger name = yamach24@hot listType = 2
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08509C10
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2894022580112803313
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08634658, serviceType = Messenger name = gs.ece@mynet
.com listType = 1
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, stor
e object = 08634658
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41F518, serviceType = Messenger name = moistflirty8 listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0C41F518
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2226594861473240049
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858FCB0, serviceType = Messenger name = berk_0804@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0858FCB0
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2930124352025575383
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086365B0, serviceType = Messenger name = huseyinkara_ listType = 2
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 086365B0
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5091473027502061741
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863BED8, serviceType = Messenger name = listType = 3
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0863BED8
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1924815766154569700
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C443130, serviceType = Messenger name = selenaziz@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C443130
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5932595270975288565
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 644957719
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 644957719, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0869A928
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2876433447
[18:55:31.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2876433447, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08588C58
[18:55:31.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2655943098
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2655943098, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 085EE0B0
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523310, serviceType = Messenger name = fakafakipofp listType = 1
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 08523310
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9158405046573610233
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473A658, serviceType = Messenger name = Stock_Tips47 listType = 2
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0473A658
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4132286996850812751
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08603F10, serviceType = Messenger name = cemreyasoz@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08603F10
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3538711563
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3538711563, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 04741738
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 133464828
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 133464828, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08608378
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863DE30, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessa_ener listType = 1
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0863DE30
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2682626322923769349
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08580788, serviceType = Messenger name = antonyomusab listType = 1
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08580788
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4327145402992240879
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1756889228
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1756889228, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085E6F50
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860B968, serviceType = Messenger name = saricag@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0860B968
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6196399302695909794
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43C270, serviceType = Messenger name = allynpetrijs listType = 2
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C43C270
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5333995183502882111
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853CBD8, serviceType = Messenger name = utku42@hotma listType = 1
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0853CBD8
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8605937474480947309
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4148640884
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4148640884, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085F0C90
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D97F0, serviceType = Messenger name = akyolerdi@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084D97F0
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3393935343996083159
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852F910, serviceType = Messenger name = neelyryder46 listType = 3
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0852F910
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4882424330861471363
[18:55:31.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 485125191
[18:55:31.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 485125191, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08528600
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6E90, serviceType = Messenger name = nurhavvapeks listType = 3
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C6E90
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5128914400157763708
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086114E0, serviceType = Messenger name = basak.yangir listType = 1
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 086114E0
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08631490, serviceType = Messenger name = KennethPlask listType = 3
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 08631490
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3457027344330618945
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C406E40, serviceType = Messenger name = ensozluk@bey listType = 1
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, sto
re object = 0C406E40
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3511523671136608723
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1042333120
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1042333120, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 085DFD40
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2787561263
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2787561263, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084E3A50
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3349698734
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3349698734, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0854B628
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858C738, serviceType = Messenger name = sarper1989@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0858C738
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08695038, serviceType = Messenger name = busraozgulte listType = 1
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08695038
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6108697580768522462
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867C068, serviceType = Messenger name = gs.ece@mynet
.com listType = 3
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, stor
e object = 0867C068
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C408018, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 1
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0C408018
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1765762178
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1765762178, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085F8538
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 37837334
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 37837334, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085F29D0
[18:55:31.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858E690, serviceType = Messenger name = bernartasci3 listType = 3
[18:55:31.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0858E690
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8880620468440524928
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867DFC0, serviceType = Messenger name = melisazorlu@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0867DFC0
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6014816271932754979
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C441B10, serviceType = Messenger name = romish_89@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C441B10
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5383693400631968902
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08521CF0, serviceType = Messenger name = nettiepewyd@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08521CF0
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7065106841346870362
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509DE8, serviceType = Messenger name = earlenezakog listType = 2
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08509DE8
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1542557145022068263
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08636EE8, serviceType = Messenger name = hande.tonuk@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08636EE8
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -372300531484048310
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2086897391
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2086897391, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085E8C90
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 18004782
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 18004782, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0C513798
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863C810, serviceType = Messenger name = ds-altinman@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863C810
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5293326389205133086
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857F168, serviceType = Messenger name = anidelgi@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0857F168
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2315925211350499343
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523C48, serviceType = Messenger name = shenitareela listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08523C48
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2922363392595390607
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473AF90, serviceType = Messenger name = casu_ca@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0473AF90
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5164798887179861827
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08601798, serviceType = Messenger name = lara-el_maog listType = 2
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08601798
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 25038597
00, property = IsBlocked
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3661902670
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3661902670, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 08624040
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863E768, serviceType = Messenger name = elritmodelan listType = 1
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0863E768
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853B5B8, serviceType = Messenger name = zozomerty@ms listType = 3
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, sto
re object = 0853B5B8
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7403716164386586152
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 812927810
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 812927810, strContactId =
m, contactType = 1, store object = 08624790
[18:55:31.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2791098754
[18:55:31.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2791098754, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085EFDF0
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4098691285
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4098691285, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 085EC718
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0859D9E8, serviceType = Messenger name = chinese_ninj listType = 1
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0859D9E8
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6562775934652718238
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860C2A0, serviceType = Messenger name = KinkyLaffyTa listType = 2
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0860C2A0
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8386231175705106962
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C438CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = dani_kohen@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0C438CE8
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7064833453753116272
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 562613209
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 562613209, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0C46A560
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C5870, serviceType = Messenger name = chris_boyaci listType = 1
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085C5870
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7387726234706552527
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860FEC0, serviceType = Messenger name = metin-bozkur listType = 1
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0860FEC0
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5378022783720108349
[18:55:31.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 660538959
[18:55:31.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 660538959, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 04740898
[18:55:31.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1442414613
[18:55:31.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1442414613, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 085F9030
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DA128, serviceType = Messenger name = gokaygokhan@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084DA128
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8063093753477908984
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4055A0, serviceType = Messenger name = epsuld@hotma listType = 3
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0C4055A0
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6961901356272978681
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 823715182
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 823715182, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 084C57D8
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C77C8, serviceType = Messenger name = solita-x100p listType = 2
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C77C8
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5415162262911313654
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08693A18, serviceType = Messenger name = imeyladresi@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08693A18
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7399762299922750088
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08630F08, serviceType = Messenger name = metehan_cmn8 listType = 1
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08630F08
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6474688563504822701
[18:55:31.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3034753059
[18:55:31.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3034753059, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 08629288
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1043590829
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1043590829, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0C468F70
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C407778, serviceType = Messenger name = sergundemird listType = 3
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0C407778
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858D070, serviceType = Messenger name = beetsy_e@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0858D070
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08508F28, serviceType = Messenger name = leyda_ley80@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08508F28
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6939481435637591091
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633970, serviceType = Messenger name = aren_p89@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08633970
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2193086576459890489
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C408950, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryann_l listType = 3
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0C408950
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3818942152470384732
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3072994040
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3072994040, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 08607218
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858EFC8, serviceType = Messenger name = revivo_4@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0858EFC8
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2588777446528849407
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086358C8, serviceType = Messenger name = ArgeliaMaud5 listType = 3
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 086358C8
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8972172597843357357
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3855875905
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3855875905, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0C467980
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867E8F8, serviceType = Messenger name = kathieteroly listType = 2
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867E8F8
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8808554571694441751
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C442448, serviceType = Messenger name = gokaygokhan@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C442448
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8063093753477908984
[18:55:31.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4249472165
[18:55:31.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4249472165, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0C5154D8
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08522628, serviceType = Messenger name = kasimcan_tur listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08522628
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -228579263843074779
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0850A720, serviceType = Messenger name = beren_sen@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0850A720
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8469134690587661093
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08637820, serviceType = Messenger name = busraozgulte listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08637820
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6108697580768522462
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863D148, serviceType = Messenger name = espectro_mun listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0863D148
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857FAA0, serviceType = Messenger name = yazkoyuncu@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0857FAA0
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 301050710
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 301050710, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085FA620
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08524580, serviceType = Messenger name = bernartasci3 listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08524580
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473B8C8, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0473B8C8
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086020D0, serviceType = Messenger name = erman-_-s@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 086020D0
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3730482104256238808
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 948281139
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 948281139, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084E2BB0
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863F0A0, serviceType = Messenger name = laraelmaoglu listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863F0A0
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3499330679882487373
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0859E320, serviceType = Messenger name = nolinnolan@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0859E320
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8912774095496629174
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860CBD8, serviceType = Messenger name = tlh8332@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0860CBD8
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852EC28, serviceType = Messenger name = rubydenore@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0852EC28
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 274742490366514460
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 860677559
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 860677559, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085E1A80
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2829684609
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2829684609, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085FA9C8
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086107F8, serviceType = Messenger name = ya_micha@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 086107F8
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086303F8, serviceType = Messenger name = shoskal@msn.
com listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, store
object = 086303F8
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7463655189641362619
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DAA60, serviceType = Messenger name = leannatidim@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084DAA60
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9092691475512810344
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08545548, serviceType = Messenger name = alen_ani@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.79] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08545548
[18:55:31.79] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 176418079
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 176418079, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085EEBA8
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C8100, serviceType = Messenger name = revivo_4@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C8100
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08694350, serviceType = Messenger name = ecekanarya@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08694350
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5817237603451844358
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086312B8, serviceType = Messenger name = LupeLeytonzg listType = 2
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 086312B8
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2344619256997026782
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DC9B8, serviceType = Messenger name = idilatabey@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 084DC9B8
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1477427731479700941
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C40A1F0, serviceType = Messenger name = AdrienWether listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0C40A1F0
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2294348195421111191
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858D9A8, serviceType = Messenger name = fastrunner4e listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0858D9A8
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1754824404531298107
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509860, serviceType = Messenger name = yineyineyeni listType = 2
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08509860
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5809976831868828144
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086342A8, serviceType = Messenger name = malina_yasem listType = 1
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 086342A8
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4668665682021782555
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41F168, serviceType = Messenger name = progressive- listType = 1
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0C41F168
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3066275990
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3066275990, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 08529760
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858F900, serviceType = Messenger name = ync_gise@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0858F900
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08636200, serviceType = Messenger name = ggergerli@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08636200
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1255938823175788314
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1041736957
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1041736957, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084D0760
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867F230, serviceType = Messenger name = kristiecuwyd listType = 2
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867F230
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7382527347555570120
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C442D80, serviceType = Messenger name = bahadirimreh listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C442D80
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3406490695421978493
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08522F60, serviceType = Messenger name = s_grayf@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08522F60
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473A2A8, serviceType = Messenger name = sila_336@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0473A2A8
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9209032621838101836
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08603B60, serviceType = Messenger name = olyga.helime listType = 1
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 08603B60
[18:55:31.80] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2383232408
[18:55:31.80] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2383232408, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085F0198
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863DA80, serviceType = Messenger name = ant10yo@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0863DA80
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 452607220775083001
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085803D8, serviceType = Messenger name = servet_b.kus listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085803D8
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08524EB8, serviceType = Messenger name = KinkyLaffyTa listType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 08524EB8
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8386231175705106962
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860B5B8, serviceType = Messenger name = frt-racing@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0860B5B8
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1492873300770783334
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43BEC0, serviceType = Messenger name = m_lokita@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C43BEC0
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name others sid 2312741866
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863F9D8, serviceType = Messenger name = supernova_gs listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863F9D8
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8424989980905297024
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853C828, serviceType = Messenger name = annabel_g@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0853C828
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4070202713
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4070202713, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 085F1B30
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D9440, serviceType = Messenger name = garanio@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 084D9440
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852F560, serviceType = Messenger name = izi_18@hotma listType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0852F560
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3065763692650584077
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6AE0, serviceType = Messenger name = kobe.rn.8@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C6AE0
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1065363977560553597
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08611130, serviceType = Messenger name = sila_336@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08611130
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9209032621838101836
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3701489008
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3701489008, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 085EDD08
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DB398, serviceType = Messenger name = lis
tType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId = aktifmsn.com__istediginiz_bay_yada_baya, contactType = 1, store object
= 084DB398
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7543427386679022017
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08545E80, serviceType = Messenger name = bahadirimreh listType = 1
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08545E80
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3406490695421978493
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertGrou
p name Fenerbahçeliler sid 3740168163
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C8A38, serviceType = Messenger name = ada.halukisi listType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C8A38
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1222734301966753841
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08694C88, serviceType = Messenger name = termik-elekt listType = 3
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08694C88
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4159371039
[18:55:31.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4159371039, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084E1218
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C40AB28, serviceType = Messenger name = malikakkafa@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C40AB28
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5281160938613643522
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858E2E0, serviceType = Messenger name = ali_vito@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0858E2E0
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C441760, serviceType = Messenger name = cemre_yasoz@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C441760
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7032845048405373736
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08590238, serviceType = Messenger name = sesilll@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08590238
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08636B38, serviceType = Messenger name = nirvacalisir listType = 1
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08636B38
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2537669264
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2537669264, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08627C98
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863C460, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@y listType = 1
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0863C460
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4880097163763157294
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4150538148
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4150538148, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084E36A8
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523898, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel@gnrtur listType = 3
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08523898
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473ABE0, serviceType = Messenger name = hande.tonuk@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0473ABE0
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -372300531484048310
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086013E8, serviceType = Messenger name = ClaribelLies listType = 3
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 086013E8
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5331083323593137328
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2758803694
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2758803694, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08605880
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863E3B8, serviceType = Messenger name = alengunter@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0863E3B8
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3966646439453829682
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853B208, serviceType = Messenger name = elritmodelan listType = 3
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0853B208
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1851006381
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1851006381, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 04740148
[18:55:31.82] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1958372484
[18:55:31.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1958372484, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085F3FC0
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085257F0, serviceType = Messenger name = yamach24@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085257F0
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2894022580112803313
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860BEF0, serviceType = Messenger name = MichaelaSouz listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0860BEF0
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6883529126702643034
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C438938, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessaenerj listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C438938
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1284840479
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1284840479, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 0C513048
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4170020990
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4170020990, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08698BE8
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C54C0, serviceType = Messenger name = ritaguler@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C54C0
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7143923836570549799
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860FB10, serviceType = Messenger name = sarentasciya listType = 2
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0860FB10
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8470229353055630806
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D9D78, serviceType = Messenger name = karolecrispi listType = 2
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084D9D78
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7007608683796419053
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4051F0, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel@gnrtur listType = 1
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0C4051F0
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4041957760
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4041957760, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084CEA20
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C7418, serviceType = Messenger name = deloisesbran listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085C7418
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4134517800798996829
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08693668, serviceType = Messenger name = perigurturk@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08693668
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2245247867803564318
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08630220, serviceType = Messenger name = eryorulmaz@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08630220
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1482774227872521645
[18:55:31.83] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2400871113
[18:55:31.83] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2400871113, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085E6800
[18:55:31.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 268593587
[18:55:31.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 268593587, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085E60B0
[18:55:31.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1227094428
[18:55:31.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1227094428, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 085DE750
[18:55:31.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DBCD0, serviceType = Messenger name = akarsu_gamze listType = 1
[18:55:31.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084DBCD0
[18:55:31.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 58692538639319758
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4073C8, serviceType = Messenger name = ClaribelLies listType = 2
[18:55:31.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0C4073C8
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5331083323593137328
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858CCC0, serviceType = Messenger name = PriscillaKnu listType = 2
[18:55:31.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 0858CCC0
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4786238801671972362
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2357356891
[18:55:31.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2357356891, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 04745390
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2359950402
[18:55:31.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2359950402, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0862B718
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3394697926
[18:55:31.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3394697926, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 08586C58
[18:55:31.85] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867C5F0, serviceType = Messenger name = hazelsarar@g listType = 1
[18:55:31.85] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0867C5F0
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9182166039940487535
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4085A0, serviceType = Messenger name = Bilgitv@tekn listType = 1
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0C4085A0
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7590722533313010543
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3462842694
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3462842694, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0C468820
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4176923244
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4176923244, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0C4680D0
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858EC18, serviceType = Messenger name = AdrienWether listType = 2
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0858EC18
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2294348195421111191
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867E548, serviceType = Messenger name = KennethPlask listType = 2
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0867E548
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3457027344330618945
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08522278, serviceType = Messenger name = cealtinman@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08522278
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0850A370, serviceType = Messenger name = sdc_erkin@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0850A370
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08637470, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel1989@ho listType = 3
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08637470
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2242667875814910125
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2277121865
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2277121865, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084C8A20
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863CD98, serviceType = Messenger name = imeyladresi@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863CD98
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7399762299922750088
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857F6F0, serviceType = Messenger name = AshliSands46 listType = 3
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0857F6F0
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4562494155349689900
[18:55:31.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1997256212
[18:55:31.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1997256212, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085E5960
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 709900422
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 709900422, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084C5F28
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085241D0, serviceType = Messenger name = haydabreasaf listType = 3
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 085241D0
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7006717109894848165
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473B518, serviceType = Messenger name = italianaprin listType = 3
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 0473B518
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6531619277894854625
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08601D20, serviceType = Messenger name = darknesscnr@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08601D20
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7119361074706133278
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3953480779
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3953480779, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0869A1D8
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3111221570
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3111221570, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 084C77D8
[18:55:31.87] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863ECF0, serviceType = Messenger name = rafy_papo@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.87] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0863ECF0
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853BB40, serviceType = Messenger name = belenos914@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0853BB40
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3540480199
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3540480199, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 085F5D00
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1861909532
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1861909532, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 085F4710
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0859DF70, serviceType = Messenger name = cealtinman@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0859DF70
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860C828, serviceType = Messenger name = ecedamcioglu listType = 3
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0860C828
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C439270, serviceType = Messenger name = bashuner@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C439270
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C5DF8, serviceType = Messenger name = metin_ts@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 085C5DF8
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08610448, serviceType = Messenger name = rubydenore@h listType = 2
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08610448
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 274742490366514460
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08630D30, serviceType = Messenger name = smleeee_89@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08630D30
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DA6B0, serviceType = Messenger name = irenne_a@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084DA6B0
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1613923215933175576
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C405B28, serviceType = Messenger name = KylerSeinci@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C405B28
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5846808604738361724
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1470463961
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1470463961, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 047444F0
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C7D50, serviceType = Messenger name = perigurturk@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 085C7D50
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2245247867803564318
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08693FA0, serviceType = Messenger name = bgorece@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08693FA0
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5008790830267633642
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08631BF0, serviceType = Messenger name = koraltintas@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08631BF0
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7236270465486571516
[18:55:31.88] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1579256811
[18:55:31.88] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1579256811, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085868B0
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2992724059
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2992724059, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085F5208
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DC608, serviceType = Messenger name = sarentasciya listType = 3
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 084DC608
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8470229353055630806
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C409E40, serviceType = Messenger name = goniafrika@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0C409E40
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2147222485824656169
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3476813581
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3476813581, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 085E1330
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858D5F8, serviceType = Messenger name = selcuktezcan listType = 1
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0858D5F8
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085094B0, serviceType = Messenger name = laraelmaoglu listType = 1
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 085094B0
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633EF8, serviceType = Messenger name = belenos914@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08633EF8
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867CF28, serviceType = Messenger name = bburcuceylan listType = 3
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867CF28
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41EDB8, serviceType = Messenger name = supernova_gs listType = 3
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C41EDB8
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8424989980905297024
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858F550, serviceType = Messenger name = ecee_mk@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0858F550
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4925645056578917798
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08635E50, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@y listType = 3
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08635E50
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4880097163763157294
[18:55:31.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 584662777
[18:55:31.89] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 584662777, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08698498
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867EE80, serviceType = Messenger name = sevan2000@ya listType = 3
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0867EE80
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6869292308161621240
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4429D0, serviceType = Messenger name = kasimcan_tur listType = 3
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C4429D0
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -228579263843074779
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08522BB0, serviceType = Messenger name = HallieCoheew listType = 2
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08522BB0
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6774075096427310373
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 04739EF8, serviceType = Messenger name = lerna87lerna listType = 1
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 04739EF8
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086037B0, serviceType = Messenger name = aaltinman@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 086037B0
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863D6D0, serviceType = Messenger name = FB_89burcu@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0863D6D0
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5758642746661747267
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08580028, serviceType = Messenger name = dani_kohen@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08580028
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4050467882
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4050467882, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 04740FE8
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860B208, serviceType = Messenger name = selenadlim@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0860B208
[18:55:31.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43BB10, serviceType = Messenger name = goniafrika@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0C43BB10
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2147222485824656169
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2805431023
[18:55:31.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2805431023, strContactId =
m, contactType = 1, store object = 08527EB0
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863F628, serviceType = Messenger name = nettiepewyd@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863F628
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7065106841346870362
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853C478, serviceType = Messenger name = muratbulad@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0853C478
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2894190776
[18:55:31.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2894190776, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 085DD8B0
[18:55:31.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D9090, serviceType = Messenger name = alen_ani@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084D9090
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852F1B0, serviceType = Messenger name = ecekanarya@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0852F1B0
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5817237603451844358
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6730, serviceType = Messenger name = lerna87lerna listType = 3
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 085C6730
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08610D80, serviceType = Messenger name = ync_gise@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08610D80
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08632700, serviceType = Messenger name = direnish2006 listType = 1
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08632700
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3643366642
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3643366642, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085E4AC0
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DAFE8, serviceType = Messenger name = MildredHelfr listType = 2
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084DAFE8
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 700771066729249255
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08545AD0, serviceType = Messenger name = jiji1044@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08545AD0
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C8688, serviceType = Messenger name = bgorece@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 085C8688
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5008790830267633642
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086948D8, serviceType = Messenger name = rubinakalayc listType = 3
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 086948D8
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -214226111829475156
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08630048, serviceType = Messenger name = bariscakir2@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08630048
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3898991027
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3898991027, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 08624EE0
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 840145860
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 840145860, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 0473F2A8
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867B908, serviceType = Messenger name = alinzilman@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0867B908
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C40A778, serviceType = Messenger name = casu_ca@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0C40A778
[18:55:31.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3228169317
[18:55:31.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3228169317, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0851D110
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858DF30, serviceType = Messenger name = teknik@toshi listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0858DF30
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8517988520968516208
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08634830, serviceType = Messenger name = melisazorlu@ listType = 3
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08634830
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6014816271932754979
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867D860, serviceType = Messenger name = enc_48@hotma listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0867D860
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5966193804453547477
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41F6F0, serviceType = Messenger name = baranay34@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C41F6F0
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1519947914
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1519947914, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085DC2C0
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863C0B0, serviceType = Messenger name = nurhavvapeks listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0863C0B0
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085234E8, serviceType = Messenger name = fastrunner4e listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085234E8
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1754824404531298107
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473A830, serviceType = Messenger name = ali_vito@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0473A830
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086040E8, serviceType = Messenger name = utku42@hotma listType = 3
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 086040E8
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8605937474480947309
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863E008, serviceType = Messenger name = ecee_mk@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0863E008
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4925645056578917798
[18:55:31.93] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08580960, serviceType = Messenger name = elenawebow@h listType = 2
[18:55:31.93] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08580960
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1736049427390941340
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 267105022
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 267105022, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C516AC8
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4022269232
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4022269232, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085F13E0
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08525440, serviceType = Messenger name = leannatidim@ listType = 2
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08525440
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 9092691475512810344
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860BB40, serviceType = Messenger name = FB_89burcu@h listType = 3
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0860BB40
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5758642746661747267
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C5110, serviceType = Messenger name = zozomerty@ms listType = 1
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, sto
re object = 085C5110
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7403716164386586152
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853CDB0, serviceType = Messenger name = talat_oksen@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0853CDB0
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6652093685260582871
[18:55:31.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2337557424
[18:55:31.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2337557424, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08589AF8
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D99C8, serviceType = Messenger name = basak.yangir listType = 3
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084D99C8
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C404E40, serviceType = Messenger name = life-is-danc listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C404E40
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C7068, serviceType = Messenger name = mirtha_altiv listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C7068
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3807450712279034300
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08630B58, serviceType = Messenger name = ada.halukisi listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08630B58
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1222734301966753841
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DB920, serviceType = Messenger name = yaz_koyuncu@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084DB920
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C407018, serviceType = Messenger name = eceu1907@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C407018
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858C910, serviceType = Messenger name = miracianciol listType = 3
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0858C910
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1380426021955413248
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633210, serviceType = Messenger name = taisaqua@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08633210
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867C240, serviceType = Messenger name = direnish2006 listType = 3
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867C240
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4081F0, serviceType = Messenger name = termik-elekt listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0C4081F0
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3776471478
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3776471478, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 084E0378
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Space)
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08635168, serviceType = Messenger name = ggergerli@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08635168
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1255938823175788314
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867E198, serviceType = Messenger name = borakurukahv listType = 2
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0867E198
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 65415804
2, property = IsBlocked
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C441CE8, serviceType = Messenger name = lis
tType = 2
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId = aktifmsn.com__istediginiz_bay_yada_baya, contactType = 1, store object
= 0C441CE8
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7543427386679022017
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1400911588
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1400911588, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084CE2D0
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2060166790
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2060166790, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0869B7C8
[18:55:31.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3977782386
[18:55:31.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3977782386, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085F4E60
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08521EC8, serviceType = Messenger name = aksel444@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08521EC8
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509FC0, serviceType = Messenger name = haydabreasaf listType = 1
[18:55:31.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08509FC0
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7006717109894848165
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086370C0, serviceType = Messenger name = bashuner@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 086370C0
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863C9E8, serviceType = Messenger name = s_grayf@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:31.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0863C9E8
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857F340, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan1@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0857F340
[18:55:31.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2450908680
[18:55:31.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2450908680, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085DE000
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3518280167
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3518280167, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 085F2280
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523E20, serviceType = Messenger name = akyolerdi@ho listType = 1
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08523E20
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3393935343996083159
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08601970, serviceType = Messenger name = natalasapupp listType = 2
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08601970
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4425801676764594986
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 479881030
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 479881030, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0851D860
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853B790, serviceType = Messenger name = couquet-lara listType = 3
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0853B790
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2952286842249399120
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3027929690
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3027929690, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 0862A128
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860C478, serviceType = Messenger name = kupelihagop@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0860C478
[18:55:31.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C438EC0, serviceType = Messenger name = selcuktezcan listType = 3
[18:55:31.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C438EC0
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08610098, serviceType = Messenger name = limp65@hotma listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 08610098
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4013780796249205739
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DA300, serviceType = Messenger name = extravaganzz listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 084DA300
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C405778, serviceType = Messenger name = asaf.cem@hot listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C405778
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C79A0, serviceType = Messenger name = scream_aga@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 085C79A0
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08693BF0, serviceType = Messenger name = taisaqua@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08693BF0
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08632528, serviceType = Messenger name = allynpetrijs listType = 3
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08632528
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5333995183502882111
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3593823164
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3593823164, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085E2920
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 877141262
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 877141262, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08605C28
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DC258, serviceType = Messenger name = bora_gs6@hot listType = 3
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084DC258
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5919055174882593926
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C407950, serviceType = Messenger name = italianaprin listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 0C407950
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6531619277894854625
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858D248, serviceType = Messenger name = igot_bighoot listType = 2
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 0858D248
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2365101270918307679
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509100, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_kara@ listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08509100
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2799036432160264379
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633B48, serviceType = Messenger name = chris_boyaci listType = 3
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08633B48
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1587625824
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1587625824, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084C5088
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867CB78, serviceType = Messenger name = eryorulmaz@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0867CB78
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1482774227872521645
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C408B28, serviceType = Messenger name = AshliSands46 listType = 2
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C408B28
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4562494155349689900
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858F1A0, serviceType = Messenger name = idilatabey@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0858F1A0
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1477427731479700941
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08635AA0, serviceType = Messenger name = chinese_ninj listType = 3
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 08635AA0
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6562775934652718238
[18:55:31.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4044353906
[18:55:31.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4044353906, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 08699338
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C442620, serviceType = Messenger name = sunney_da_bu listType = 3
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0C442620
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6948437507519486064
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3629527672
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3629527672, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085F1ED8
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2147872956
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2147872956, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085FBC10
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0850A8F8, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryann_l listType = 1
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0850A8F8
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086379F8, serviceType = Messenger name = shenitareela listType = 2
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 086379F8
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2922363392595390607
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2337975881
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2337975881, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 085FB118
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863D320, serviceType = Messenger name = inezludapa@h listType = 2
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0863D320
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -1508666802412844251
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857FC78, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@h listType = 1
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0857FC78
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2177280898
[18:55:31.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2177280898, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085E93E0
[18:55:31.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2204457175
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2204457175, strContactId =,
contactType = 1, store object = 085F67F8
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08524758, serviceType = Messenger name = sergundemird listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08524758
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473BAA0, serviceType = Messenger name = ayca_89_7@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0473BAA0
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 291485200684220970
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43B760, serviceType = Messenger name = ya_micha@hot listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C43B760
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863F278, serviceType = Messenger name = encarta@conv listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863F278
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8279748752548651074
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853C0C8, serviceType = Messenger name = encarta@botm listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0853C0C8
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 6341723410607647320
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 527896206
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 527896206, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085F9ED0
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0859E4F8, serviceType = Messenger name = deloisesbran listType = 2
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0859E4F8
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4134517800798996829
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860CDB0, serviceType = Messenger name = adrenalin@ad listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0860CDB0
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852EE00, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan1@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0852EE00
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2820799526
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2820799526, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 04746230
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4066656028
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4066656028, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 084CD430
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6380, serviceType = Messenger name = greenstorm98 listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C6380
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8303837707406750127
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08631A18, serviceType = Messenger name = sunney_da_bu listType = 2
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08631A18
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6948437507519486064
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DAC38, serviceType = Messenger name = anidelgi@hot listType = 3
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 084DAC38
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2315925211350499343
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08545720, serviceType = Messenger name = meuterei_6@h listType = 3
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08545720
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4846441591402021088
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C82D8, serviceType = Messenger name = kobe.rn.8@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C82D8
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1065363977560553597
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08694528, serviceType = Messenger name = ds-altinman@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08694528
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DCB90, serviceType = Messenger name = igot_bighoot listType = 3
[18:55:32.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 084DCB90
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2365101270918307679
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C40A3C8, serviceType = Messenger name = orgeakca@hot listType = 2
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C40A3C8
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3127818978574201071
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2370671848
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2370671848, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0C515C28
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509A38, serviceType = Messenger name = ecedamcioglu listType = 1
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08509A38
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08634480, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan_asl listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08634480
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867D4B0, serviceType = Messenger name = aren_p89@hot listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0867D4B0
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2193086576459890489
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41F340, serviceType = Messenger name = epsuld@hotma listType = 2
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0C41F340
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 39534807
79, property = IsBlocked
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858FAD8, serviceType = Messenger name = izi_18@hotma listType = 2
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0858FAD8
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3065763692650584077
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867F408, serviceType = Messenger name = raymondetemp listType = 2
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0867F408
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8377571555351410953
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C442F58, serviceType = Messenger name = muratumul@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C442F58
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5625523870463696377
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523138, serviceType = Messenger name = gulsah_nebah listType = 2
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08523138
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -3668550605892900269
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473A480, serviceType = Messenger name = arno90_13@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0473A480
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3759655140520307408
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08603D38, serviceType = Messenger name = simsaryan_lo listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08603D38
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1776460063
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1776460063, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 0854C4C8
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863DC58, serviceType = Messenger name = pansy_4@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0863DC58
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085805B0, serviceType = Messenger name = serenelmaogl listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085805B0
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2476653648
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2476653648, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08609218
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08525090, serviceType = Messenger name = cubuklu_fati listType = 1
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08525090
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860B790, serviceType = Messenger name = malina_yasem listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0860B790
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4668665682021782555
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43C098, serviceType = Messenger name = mehmetmeteha listType = 2
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0C43C098
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1512703849092523951
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863FBB0, serviceType = Messenger name = ipenix13@hot listType = 3
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0863FBB0
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853CA00, serviceType = Messenger name = isik.mert@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0853CA00
[18:55:32.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2257289912
[18:55:32.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2257289912, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 047427B0
[18:55:32.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 148417384
[18:55:32.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 148417384, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085F7DE8
[18:55:32.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084D9618, serviceType = Messenger name = semi_e@hotma listType = 1
[18:55:32.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 084D9618
[18:55:32.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2771846334942383861
[18:55:32.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852F738, serviceType = Messenger name = thereselyguz listType = 2
[18:55:32.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0852F738
[18:55:32.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -823765275547077719
[18:55:32.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2313685395
[18:55:32.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2313685395, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 08628B38
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3020220367
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3020220367, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085EF6A0
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6CB8, serviceType = Messenger name = beren_sen@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C6CB8
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08611308, serviceType = Messenger name = alinzilman@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08611308
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0862FE70, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_kara@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0862FE70
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DB570, serviceType = Messenger name = artunsaruhan listType = 1
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084DB570
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08546058, serviceType = Messenger name = amy.ness666@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08546058
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08694E60, serviceType = Messenger name = baranay34@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08694E60
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08632C88, serviceType = Messenger name = timothyreine listType = 2
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08632C88
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 384439680607699611
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1478723804
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1478723804, strContactId = chinese_ninja_warrior@hotmail.
com, contactType = 1, store object = 085FBFB8
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867BE90, serviceType = Messenger name = romish_89@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0867BE90
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2655926287
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2655926287, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 04744C40
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858E4B8, serviceType = Messenger name = ipenix13@hot listType = 1
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0858E4B8
[18:55:32.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08634DB8, serviceType = Messenger name = sarper1989@h listType = 3
[18:55:32.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08634DB8
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 17874935
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 17874935, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085EE458
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C441938, serviceType = Messenger name = aimee-brown6 listType = 2
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0C441938
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5034146427854066738
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1867974035
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1867974035, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0851EE50
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08590410, serviceType = Messenger name = eceu1907@hot listType = 1
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08590410
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08636D10, serviceType = Messenger name = MildredHelfr listType = 3
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 08636D10
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 700771066729249255
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1950085347
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1950085347, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 04743DA0
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863C638, serviceType = Messenger name = berk_0804@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0863C638
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2930124352025575383
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857EF90, serviceType = Messenger name = muratumul@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0857EF90
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08523A70, serviceType = Messenger name = meuterei_6@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08523A70
[18:55:32.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -4846441591402021088
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473ADB8, serviceType = Messenger name = fawnmaryetta listType = 2
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0473ADB8
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 933523456102217165
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863E590, serviceType = Messenger name = katrinagugup listType = 1
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0863E590
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 8697253727707169706
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853B3E0, serviceType = Messenger name = a154720856@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0853B3E0
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 812104732702617527
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3996310304
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3996310304, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085F2D78
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085259C8, serviceType = Messenger name = sherrie-fowl listType = 2
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 085259C8
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2174546165951031269
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860C0C8, serviceType = Messenger name = goermango@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0860C0C8
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C438B10, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_ozkiy listType = 3
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0C438B10
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7196500276634124488
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2479917453
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2479917453, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 08527010
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4146438474
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4146438474, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 08586508
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C5698, serviceType = Messenger name = arno90_13@ho listType = 2
[18:55:32.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085C5698
[18:55:32.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 3759655140520307408
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860FCE8, serviceType = Messenger name = denytommy@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0860FCE8
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2421830530843790226
[18:55:32.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>BLP 30 BL<
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 0
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = HomePhone, value = NotAStr
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 1
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WorkPhone, value = NotAStr
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 2
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MobilePhone, value = NotAS
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 3
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsMobileEnabled, value = N
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 4
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsMBEA, value = N
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 5
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMobileOnline, va
lue = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 6
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMSN8User, value
= NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 7
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityRendersGif, valu
e = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 8
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityRendersIsf, valu
e = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 9
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
= NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 10
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = UserTileLocation, value =
<msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk
=" Size="908" Location="0" Friendly="VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA="/>
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 11
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WallPaperLocation, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 12
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SpotState, value = NotAStr
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 13
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityWebCamDetected,
value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 14
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsWebCamStatePrivate, valu
e = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 15
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsChunking
, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 16
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = ServerId, value = c5bd42a3
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 17
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = FriendlyName, value = >>>>һặЯ≈ỉỉỉ<<<<
KAR---the clouds are gathering, the sky is darkening, the rain is about to fall.
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 18
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WallPaperColor, value = No
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 19
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityWebIMClient, val
ue = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 20
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = FirstName, value = Hari
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 22
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = HasSpace, value = NotAStri
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 24
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, val
ue = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 27
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityMCEUser, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 28
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM
, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 29
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabiltiyConnectedViaTGW,
value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 30
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, v
alue = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 31
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = WVID, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 32
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsMobileBuddy, value = Not
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 33
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = IsWVIDBuddy, value = NotAS
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 34
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = StatusMessage, value = got
t weiss ich will kein engel sein...
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 35
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CurrentMedia, value = NotA
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 38
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSe
arch, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 39
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MobileMigratePrompts, valu
e = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 40
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM,
value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 41
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVideoCount, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 42
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVoiceCount, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 43
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestUpsellCount, value
= NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 45
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel
, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 46
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MachineGuid, value = NotAS
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 47
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = VVCache, value = NotAStrin
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 48
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CID, value = -401378079624
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 49
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvit
e, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 50
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilitySupportsSDrive,
value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 51
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVideoTimer, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 52
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestVoiceTimer, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 53
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SuggestUpsellTimer, value
= NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 54
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityIsBot, value = N
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 55
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = Messenger4, value = NotASt
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 56
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = NooIconUrl, value = NotASt
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 59
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SendInviteMailText, value
= NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 60
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = SendInviteMail, value = No
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 61
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = UserTileFilePath, value =
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 62
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = RoamLiveProperties, value
= NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 63
[18:55:32.06] Zone_StoreAdapter property = DynamicUserTileDataFilePat
hProperty, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.06] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 64
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = StaticUserTileUrl, value =
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 66
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityHasOnecare, valu
e = NotAString
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 67
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = DDPLocation, value = NotAS
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 68
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = UserTileFriendlyName, valu
e = Webcam
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 69
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = MessengerInitializedProper
ty, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 70
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn,
value = NotAString
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 71
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaU
UN, value = NotAString
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 73
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter property = OtherEmail, value = NotASt
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3587365571
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3587365571, strContactId = italianaprincipessa_ira@hotmai, contactType = 1, store object = 085E0490
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2132747790
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2132747790, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 085F1038
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08693840, serviceType = Messenger name = amy.ness666@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08693840
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08631840, serviceType = Messenger name = sezin09@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08631840
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1208761826552263065
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3051304113
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3051304113, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 085ED210
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DBEA8, serviceType = Messenger name = vilandra244@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 084DBEA8
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858CE98, serviceType = Messenger name = yigitcan_asl listType = 1
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0858CE98
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08508D50, serviceType = Messenger name = listType = 2
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08508D50
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5822662461536641593
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633798, serviceType = Messenger name = sezin09@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 08633798
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1208761826552263065
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3465849712
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3465849712, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0473EB58
[18:55:32.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4255294528
[18:55:32.07] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4255294528, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085F55B0
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C408778, serviceType = Messenger name = batuhanozk@h listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0C408778
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858EDF0, serviceType = Messenger name = tubi2721@gma listType = 1
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, st
ore object = 0858EDF0
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867E720, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekcagaliko listType = 1
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0867E720
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C442270, serviceType = Messenger name = metin_ts@hot listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0C442270
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08522450, serviceType = Messenger name = ritaguler@ho listType = 1
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08522450
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0850A548, serviceType = Messenger name = tlh8332@hotm listType = 1
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0850A548
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08637648, serviceType = Messenger name = koraltintas@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08637648
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863CF70, serviceType = Messenger name = KylerSeinci@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863CF70
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5846808604738361724
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0857F8C8, serviceType = Messenger name = alishavanys@ listType = 2
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0857F8C8
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 626920222375324260
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2654309987
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2654309987, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085EBFC0
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1538702765
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1538702765, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085ECE68
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085243A8, serviceType = Messenger name = rafy_papo@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 085243A8
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473B6F0, serviceType = Messenger name = serena-8687@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0473B6F0
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08601EF8, serviceType = Messenger name = selenaziz@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08601EF8
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863EEC8, serviceType = Messenger name = cemre_yasoz@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0863EEC8
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -7032845048405373736
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853BD18, serviceType = Messenger name = vanessa_ener listType = 3
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0853BD18
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -2682626322923769349
[18:55:32.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3543762208
[18:55:32.08] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3543762208, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 084E0AC8
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2759573430
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2759573430, strContactId =, contac
tType = 1, store object = 085F93D8
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0859E148, serviceType = Messenger name = sphynx_1098@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0859E148
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08610620, serviceType = Messenger name = sdc_erkin@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08610620
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08632350, serviceType = Messenger name = servet_b.kus listType = 3
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08632350
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3175177572
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3175177572, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 085EE800
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1033424829
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1033424829, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085FB4C0
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DA888, serviceType = Messenger name = martinamehro listType = 3
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084DA888
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5595731247747270304
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08545370, serviceType = Messenger name = emir-gunes@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08545370
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C7F28, serviceType = Messenger name = martinamehro listType = 2
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 085C7F28
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5595731247747270304
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3660977513
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3660977513, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 085FB868
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DC7E0, serviceType = Messenger name = alengunter@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 084DC7E0
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C40A018, serviceType = Messenger name = asaf.cem@hot listType = 3
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C40A018
[18:55:32.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3622339248
[18:55:32.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3622339248, strContactId =, c
ontactType = 1, store object = 085F7698
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858D7D0, serviceType = Messenger name = vilandra24@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0858D7D0
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08509688, serviceType = Messenger name = sdcerkin@hot listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08509688
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086340D0, serviceType = Messenger name = ArgeliaMaud5 listType = 2
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 086340D0
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -8972172597843357357
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 139451915
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 139451915, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 085F34C8
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867D100, serviceType = Messenger name = annabel_g@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0867D100
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41EF90, serviceType = Messenger name = borakurukahv listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 0C41EF90
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2017238411
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2017238411, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 085DD160
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2966448062
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2966448062, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 0862A878
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858F728, serviceType = Messenger name = cubuklu_fati listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0858F728
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08636028, serviceType = Messenger name = espectro_mun listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08636028
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867F058, serviceType = Messenger name = timothyreine listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0867F058
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 384439680607699611
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C442BA8, serviceType = Messenger name = armagansapma listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0C442BA8
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08522D88, serviceType = Messenger name = HallieCoheew listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08522D88
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -6774075096427310373
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08603988, serviceType = Messenger name = Stock_Tips47 listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08603988
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 4132286996850812751
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08580200, serviceType = Messenger name = marinaada74@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08580200
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08524CE0, serviceType = Messenger name = olyga.helime listType = 3
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 08524CE0
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860B3E0, serviceType = Messenger name = charlottelyn listType = 2
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0860B3E0
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2869921529419887113
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C43BCE8, serviceType = Messenger name = merve@botego
.com listType = 1
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, stor
e object = 0C43BCE8
[18:55:32.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4069669182
[18:55:32.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4069669182, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 085F3870
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863F800, serviceType = Messenger name = armagansapma listType = 1
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 0863F800
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0853C650, serviceType = Messenger name = yaz_koyuncu@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0853C650
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0852F388, serviceType = Messenger name = de.encarta@b listType = 1
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0852F388
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2135125500183028421
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C6908, serviceType = Messenger name = lara-el_maog listType = 3
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 085C6908
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (SocialNetwork)
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086307A8, serviceType = Messenger name = kupelihagop@ listType = 3
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 086307A8
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 084DB1C0, serviceType = Messenger name = MadieSansouc listType = 3
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 084DB1C0
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7769863565209146517
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08545CA8, serviceType = Messenger name = jeaniezopip@ listType = 2
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08545CA8
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = -5509330327439566590
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2049169830
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2049169830, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 08607880
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085C8860, serviceType = Messenger name = dj_merty92@h listType = 3
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 085C8860
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08694AB0, serviceType = Messenger name = sdcerkin@hot listType = 1
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08694AB0
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08633038, serviceType = Messenger name = serenelmaogl listType = 1
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 08633038
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867BAE0, serviceType = Messenger name = orumcek000@h listType = 2
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0867BAE0
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 7124688595169136322
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C40A950, serviceType = Messenger name = bora_gs6@hot listType = 2
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 0C40A950
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 5919055174882593926
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1294787001
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1294787001, strContactId =, con
tactType = 1, store object = 085DCA10
[18:55:32.11] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 4194818063
[18:55:32.11] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 4194818063, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08587000
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0858E108, serviceType = Messenger name = mehmetmeteha listType = 3
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactT
ype = 1, store object = 0858E108
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 1512703849092523951
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08634A08, serviceType = Messenger name = cemreyasoz@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 08634A08
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0867DA38, serviceType = Messenger name = sevan2000@ya listType = 1
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0867DA38
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C41F8C8, serviceType = Messenger name = sesilll@hotm listType = 3
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1, s
tore object = 0C41F8C8
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3888729524
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3888729524, strContactId =, co
ntactType = 1, store object = 08588508
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08590060, serviceType = Messenger name = isik.mert@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08590060
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08636960, serviceType = Messenger name = akarsu_gamze listType = 3
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 08636960
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2269677769
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2269677769, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 086299D8
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2789647325
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2789647325, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 0C513EE8
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2043518846
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2043518846, strContactId =, conta
ctType = 1, store object = 085893A8
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC baliing out early -- wrong service type (Profile)
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C4434E0, serviceType = Messenger name = couquet-lara listType = 1
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C4434E0
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 3539004312
[18:55:32.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 3539004312, strContactId =, contactTy
pe = 1, store object = 08608E70
[18:55:32.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 115475312
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 115475312, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 08608AC8
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 085236C0, serviceType = Messenger name = faruk.uraf@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 085236C0
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0473AA08, serviceType = Messenger name = canerakkafa@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0473AA08
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 086042C0, serviceType = Messenger name = metehan_cmn8 listType = 3
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType
= 1, store object = 086042C0
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 1874794186
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 1874794186, strContactId =, cont
actType = 1, store object = 085873A8
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertCont
act name = sid = 2111110717
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 0, contactId = 2111110717, strContactId =, contact
Type = 1, store object = 085F5958
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0863E1E0, serviceType = Messenger name = moistflirty8 listType = 2
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 2, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 0863E1E0
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::GetBuddyPropertie
sFromStoreMember@002AFBEC property = CID, value = 2226594861473240049
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08580B38, serviceType = Messenger name = ipekoreen@ho listType = 3
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 3, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1,
store object = 08580B38
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 08525618, serviceType = Messenger name = sercan_ozkiy listType = 1
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactTyp
e = 1, store object = 08525618
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0860BD18, serviceType = Messenger name = ekizceyhan@h listType = 1
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType = 1
, store object = 0860BD18
[18:55:32.13] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreInsertMemb
er@002AFBEC, storeobject = 0C438760, serviceType = Messenger name = bariscakir2@ listType = 1
[18:55:32.13] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListAdd@002AFBA8:
list = 1, contactId = 0, strContactId =, contactType =
1, store object = 0C438760
[18:55:32.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
7953 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>ADL 31 7940
<ml><d n=""><c n="aksel" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="ens
ozluk1236" l="2" t="1"/><c n="ensozluk" l="2" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="zo
zomerty" l="3" t="1"/><c n="melisazorlu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="shoskal" l="2" t="1"
/></d><d n=""><c n="tubi2721" l="3" t="1"/><c n="hazelsarar" l="3" t="1
"/></d><d n=""><c n="merve" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="
ali_vito" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sarper1989" l="3" t="1"/><c n="bugrasariyildiz89" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="simsaryan_lorin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="pansy_4" l="3" t="1"/><c n
="elritmodelanoche13" l="3" t="1"/><c n="armagansapmaz" l="3" t="1"/><c n="progr
essive-house" l="3" t="1"/><c n="servet_b.kusoglu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="vilandra24
4" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sdc_erkin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="jiji1044" l="3" t="1"/><c n=
"lara-el_maoglu" l="5" t="1"/><c n="vanessaenerjik" l="3" t="1"/><c n="borakuruk
ahveciler" l="5" t="1"/><c n="espectro_mundo" l="3" t="1"/><c n="vilandra24" l="
3" t="1"/><c n="nirvacalisir" l="3" t="1"/><c n="alinzilman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
selcuktezcan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sesilll" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ya_micha" l="3" t="
1"/><c n="basak.yangir" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aksel444" l="3" t="1"/><c n="alen_ani
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cemreyasoz" l="3" t="1"/><c n="vanessaenerjik_92" l="3" t="
1"/><c n="bburcuceylan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="eceu1907" l="3" t="1"/><c n="belenos9
14" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ync_gise" l="3" t="1"/><c n="life-is-dance" l="3" t="1"/>
<c n="ipenix13" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ecedamcioglu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="s_grayf" l="
3" t="1"/><c n="bashuner" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cealtinman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cess
ykandiyoti" l="3" t="1"/><c n="asaf.cem" l="3" t="1"/><c n="olyga.helimergunwct9
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="isik.mert" l="3" t="1"/><c n="cubuklu_fatih06" l="3" t="1"/
><c n="tlh8332" l="3" t="1"/><c n="beetsy_e" l="3" t="1"/><c n="m_lokita" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="serenelmaoglu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sergundemirdover" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="bernartasci3" l="3" t="1"/><c n="selenaziz" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yazkoyuncu" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="garanio" l="3" t="1"/><c n="revivo_4" l="3" t="1"/><c n="lerna
87lerna" l="3" t="1"/><c n="scream_aga" l="3" t="1"/><c n="" l="3" t="1
"/><c n="bariscakir2" l="3" t="1"/><c n="rafy_papo" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yaz_koyun
cu" l="3" t="1"/><c n="gokaygokhan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="termik-elektrik" l="3" t=
"1"/><c n="sdcerkin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="dani_kohen" l="3" t="1"/><c n="kupelihag
op" l="3" t="1"/><c n="emir-gunes" l="3" t="1"/><c n="selenadlim" l="3" t="1"/><
c n="smleeee_89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="fakafakipofpufcux" l="3" t="1"/><c n="faruk.
uraf" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sila_336" l="3" t="1"/><c n="casu_ca" l="3" t="1"/><c n
="hande.tonuk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="metehan_cmn89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="laraelmaoglu
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="muratbulad" l="3" t="1"/><c n="akarsu_gamze" l="3" t="1"/><
c n="romish_89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aaltinman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="taisaqua" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="ritaguler" l="3" t="1"/><c n="malikakkafa" l="3" t="1"/><c n="epsu
ld" l="5" t="1"/><c n="ant10yo" l="3" t="1"/><c n="nurhavvapeksen" l="3" t="1"/>
<c n="antonyomusabini" l="3" t="1"/><c n="serena-8687" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
ss666" l="3" t="1"/><c n="baranay34" l="3" t="1"/><c n="direnish2006" l="3" t="1
"/><c n="perigurturk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="bahadirimrehan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="chri
s_boyacioglu_87" l="3" t="1"/><c n="supernova_gs" l="3" t="1"/><c n="beren_sen"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="rubinakalayci" l="3" t="1"/><c n="batuhanozk" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="marinaada74" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yigitcan1" l="3" t="1"/><c n="saricag" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="extravaganzzax" l="3" t="1"/><c n="goniafrika" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
alengunter" l="3" t="1"/><c n="bgorece" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ggergerli" l="3" t="1
"/><c n="busraozgultekin2" l="3" t="1"/><c n="haydabreasaf" l="3" t="1"/><c n="s
imsaryann_lorinn" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ekizceyhan" l="3" t="1"/><c n="airkortan" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="ds-altinman" l="3" t="1"/><c n="eryorulmaz" l="3" t="1"/><c n=
"idilatabey" l="3" t="1"/><c n="fastrunner4ever" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sercan_kara"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="dj_merty92" l="3" t="1"/><c n="yigitcan_asli" l="3" t="1"/><
c n="akyolerdi" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sphynx_1098" l="3" t="1"/><c n="artunsaruhan"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="frt-racing" l="3" t="1"/><c n="fb_89burcu" l="3" t="1"/><c n
="goermango" l="3" t="1"/><c n="kobe.rn.8" l="3" t="1"/><c n="chinese_ninja_warr
ior" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aren_p89" l="3" t="1"/><c n="aksel1989" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="muratumul" l="3" t="1"/><c n="koraltintas" l="3" t="1"/><c n="katrinagugupal"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="kasimcan_turk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="italianaprincipessa_ira" l
="3" t="1"/><c n="ecee_mk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ipekcagalikoc" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
limp65" l="3" t="1"/><c n="utku42" l="3" t="1"/><c n="berk_0804" l="3" t="1"/><c
n="leyda_ley80" l="3" t="1"/><c n="meuterei_6" l="3" t="1"/><c n="semi_e" l="3"
t="1"/><c n="canerakkafa" l="3" t="1"/><c n="ada.halukisik" l="3" t="1"/><c n="
vanessa_enerjik" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sercan_ozkiyici" l="3" t="1"/><c n="anidelgi
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="imeyladresi" l="3" t="1"/><c n="couquet-lara" l="3" t="1"/>
<c n="mirtha_altiva" l="3" t="1"/><c n="greenstorm989" l="3" t="1"/><c n="enc_48
" l="3" t="1"/><c n="malina_yasemin" l="3" t="1"/><c n="talat_oksen" l="3" t="1"
/><c n="wolfnights6" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sezin09" l="3" t="1"/><c n="a154720856"
l="3" t="1"/><c n="ipekoreen" l="3" t="1"/><c n="nolinnolan" l="2" t="1"/><c n="
ecekanarya" l="2" t="1"/><c n="irenne_a" l="2" t="1"/><c n="ayca_89_7" l="2" t="
1"/><c n="denytommy" l="2" t="1"/><c n="lyndiadiewold14" l="4" t="1"/><c n="rudy
ortiz25978" l="4" t="1"/><c n="elmaoglu104" l="4" t="1"/><c n="aysun_0808" l="4"
t="1"/><c n="neelyryder46" l="4" t="1"/><c n="michaelasouzacibuy" l="4" t="1"/>
<c n="madiesansouci7361" l="4" t="1"/><c n="miracianciola07" l="4" t="1"/><c n="
justinezutade" l="4" t="1"/><c n="erman-_-s" l="4" t="1"/><c n="servetfb08" l="4
" t="1"/><c n="robbiezefyg" l="4" t="1"/><c n="yamach24" l="4" t="1"/><c n="huse
yinkara_1907" l="4" t="1"/><c n="stock_tips4706" l="4" t="1"/><c n="allynpetrijs
t" l="4" t="1"/><c n="earlenezakog" l="4" t="1"/><c n="kinkylaffytaffyjxhocp" l=
"4" t="1"/><c n="solita-x100pre" l="4" t="1"/><c n="kathieteroly" l="4" t="1"/><
c n="lupeleytonzguyl" l="4" t="1"/><c n="yineyineyeniden" l="4" t="1"/><c n="kri
stiecuwyd" l="4" t="1"/><c n="cemre_yasoz" l="4" t="1"/><c n="sarentasciyan" l="
4" t="1"/><c n="karolecrispino23" l="4" t="1"/><c n="claribelliesman4376" l="4"
t="1"/><c n="priscillaknueppelnauke" l="4" t="1"/><c n="adrienwetherby4169" l="4
" t="1"/><c n="kennethplaskettufipo" l="4" t="1"/><c n="rubydenore" l="4" t="1"/
><c n="kylerseinci" l="4" t="1"/><c n="halliecoheewkwew" l="4" t="1"/><c n="nett
iepewyd" l="4" t="1"/><c n="mildredhelfrich1855" l="4" t="1"/><c n="elenawebow"
l="4" t="1"/><c n="leannatidim" l="4" t="1"/><c n="natalasapuppo56" l="4" t="1"/
><c n="igot_bighooters2391" l="4" t="1"/><c n="ashlisands4602" l="4" t="1"/><c n
="shenitareelayr" l="4" t="1"/><c n="inezludapa" l="4" t="1"/><c n="deloisesbran
dt54" l="4" t="1"/><c n="sunney_da_bunney" l="4" t="1"/><c n="orgeakca" l="4" t=
"1"/><c n="izi_18" l="4" t="1"/><c n="raymondetempletv08" l="4" t="1"/><c n="gul
sah_nebahat" l="4" t="1"/><c n="mehmetmetehanmete" l="4" t="1"/><c n="thereselyg
uzy" l="4" t="1"/><c n="timothyreine95" l="4" t="1"/><c n="aimee-brown680z" l="4
" t="1"/><c n="fawnmaryetta24748596" l="4" t="1"/><c n="sherrie-fowler56y" l="4"
t="1"/><c n="arno90_13" l="4" t="1"/><c n="" l="4" t="1"/><c n="alisha
vanys" l="4" t="1"/><c n="martinamehrotra93" l="4" t="1"/><c n="argeliamaud5437"
l="4" t="1"/><c n="charlottelyniv" l="4" t="1"/><c n="jeaniezopip" l="4" t="1"/
><c n="orumcek000" l="4" t="1"/><c n="bora_gs6" l="4" t="1"/><c n="moistflirty82
09" l="4" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="batuhanozk" l="3" t="1"/><c n="sevan
2000" l="3" t="1"/><c n="darknesscnr" l="4" t="1"/></d><d n="">
<c n="teknik" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="bilgitv" l=
"2" t="1"/></d></ml><
[18:55:32.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
559 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>ADL 32 547
<ml l="1"><d n=""><c n="annabel_g" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n="
"><c n="gs.ece" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="adrenalin" l="3"
t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="aktifmsn.com__ist
ediginiz_bay_yada_bayanin_6_msn_" l="4" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="
metin-bozkurt" l="3" t="1"/></d><d n=""><c n="metin_ts" l="3" t="1"/><
/d><d n=""><c n="encarta" l="2" t="1"/><c n="de.encarta" l="2" t="1"
/></d><d n=""><c n="encarta" l="2" t="1"/></d></ml><
[18:55:32.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
153 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>PRP 33 MFN >>>>Ò áº—Ð‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20are%20gathering,%20the%20
[18:55:32.26] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::PublishFriendlyNameChang
es@002AFBA8: pending with uTID=33
[18:55:32.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 34 AWY 2253180972
[18:55:32.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:32.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = MachineGuid
[18:55:32.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
130 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUX 35 118
<Data><PSM>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</PSM><CurrentMedia></CurrentMe
[18:55:32.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:32.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>BLP 36 BL<
[18:55:32.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreListSyncEnded@002
AFBA8: No Passport Nickname found, clear previously set value from addres book.
[18:55:32.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetPassportNickname Passpo
rtNickName =
[18:55:32.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 3, prope
rty = PassportNickname
[18:55:32.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:32.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >BLP 30 BL<
[18:55:32.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 30
[18:55:32.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:32.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = MachineGuid
[18:55:32.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = MachineGuid, value = {0DBA6C2A-8ACD-4251-89F9
[18:55:32.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 46
[18:55:32.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:32.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >PRP 33 MFN >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20are%20gathering,%20t
[18:55:32.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 33
[18:55:32.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalFriendlyNameCha
ngeResult@002AFBA8: hr: 0x0, previous friendly name:
W *
[18:55:32.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ADL 31 OK<
[18:55:32.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ADL 32 OK<
[18:55:32.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 294
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsinitialmdatanotification; charset=UTF-8
Mail-Data: <MD><E><I>195</I><IU>12</IU><O>89</O><OU>18</OU></E><Q><QTM>409600</Q
Inbox-URL: /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL
Folders-URL: /cgi-bin/folders
[18:55:32.91] Zone_Offline CHotmailService::OnMdataNotification> Mai
lData is: <MD><E><I>195</I><IU>12</IU><O>89</O><OU>18</OU></E><Q><QTM>409600</QT
[18:55:32.97] Zone_Offline CHotmailService::OnMdataNotification> No
offline messages found
[18:55:32.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:32.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 34 AWY 2253180972
[18:55:32.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 768 --> 34, uTID = 34
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2174534940, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1025356350, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3491336134, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1622775628, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1954344013, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3604633056, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2439922762, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2416653972, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1428893584, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 8121919, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1231988194, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 127444477, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2238983699, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2503859700, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1254182963, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 654158042, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1484741747, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1181746958, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1410003135, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2226582232, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 282972906, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3398765483, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3760781436, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3570778243, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3484302988, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1242682933, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 330524283, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 644957719, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2876433447, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2655943098, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3538711563, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 133464828, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1756889228, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4148640884, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 485125191, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1042333120, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2787561263, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3349698734, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1765762178, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 37837334, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2086897391, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 18004782, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3661902670, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 812927810, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2791098754, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4098691285, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 660538959, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1442414613, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 823715182, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3034753059, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1043590829, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3072994040, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3855875905, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4249472165, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 301050710, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 948281139, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 860677559, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2829684609, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 176418079, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3066275990, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1041736957, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2383232408, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4070202713, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3701489008, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4159371039, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2537669264, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4150538148, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2758803694, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1851006381, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1958372484, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1284840479, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4170020990, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4041957760, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2400871113, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1227094428, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2357356891, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3462842694, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4176923244, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2277121865, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1997256212, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 709900422, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3953480779, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3111221570, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3540480199, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1861909532, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1470463961, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1579256811, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2992724059, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3476813581, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 584662777, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4050467882, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2805431023, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2894190776, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3643366642, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3898991027, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 840145860, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3228169317, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1519947914, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 267105022, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4022269232, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2337557424, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3776471478, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1400911588, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2060166790, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3977782386, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2450908680, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3518280167, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 479881030, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3027929690, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3593823164, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 877141262, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1587625824, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4044353906, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3629527672, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2147872956, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2337975881, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2177280898, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2204457175, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 527896206, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4066656028, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2370671848, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2476653648, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2257289912, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 148417384, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2313685395, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3020220367, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2655926287, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 17874935, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1867974035, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3996310304, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2479917453, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4146438474, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3587365571, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2132747790, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3051304113, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3465849712, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2654309987, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1538702765, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3543762208, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2759573430, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3175177572, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1033424829, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3660977513, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 139451915, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2017238411, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2966448062, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4069669182, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:32.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2049169830, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1294787001, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4194818063, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3888729524, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2269677769, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2789647325, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3539004312, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 115475312, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1874794186, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2111110717, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:33.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Login successful. Firing OnLogonResult
[18:55:33.00] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLogonResult@002AFBA8
: hr = 0
[18:55:33.00] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:55:33.00] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:55:33.00] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:55:33.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CRtcActivityProvider::OnLogonResult - HOO
K_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[18:55:33.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:33.09] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s > Config data not available. Setting ice capability bit to default value
[18:55:33.10] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
[18:55:33.10] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s - setting local property for ICE to ENABLED
[18:55:33.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite
[18:55:33.10] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnLogonResult hr=0x0, pServ
[18:55:33.10] Zone_SDrive ShuxMsgr::DoLogin
[18:55:33.11] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::OnLogon
[18:55:33.28] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:33.28] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:33.28] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:33.28] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID@04715EC0()
[18:55:33.28] Zone_IdentityCRL strBrandIdOut = MSFT
[18:55:33.28] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID() = 0x0
[18:55:33.29] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetPersisted@04715EC0(0)
[18:55:33.29] Zone_IdentityCRL eCredType = 2
[18:55:33.29] Zone_Roaming CMyUserTile::SetUserTile ln 2400: Setting
User Tile: <msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="m41s3Fu45ZLl4Fq
FSQJx9N9zPLk=" Size="908" Location="0" Friendly="VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA="/>
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFilePath
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DDPLocation
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DynamicUserTileDataFilePathProperty
[18:55:33.30] Zone_Roaming CMyUserTile::StoreToMeContact ln 2218: St
ore usertile friendly name to MeContact for Roaming: Webcam
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFriendlyName
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileLocation
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFilePath
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DDPLocation
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = DynamicUserTileDataFilePathProperty
[18:55:33.31] Zone_Roaming CMyUserTile::StoreToMeContact ln 2218: St
ore usertile friendly name to MeContact for Roaming: Webcam
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = UserTileFriendlyName
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:33.31] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = MessengerInitializedProperty
[18:55:33.31] Zone_Roaming Synchronize - Trigger Seeding operation (
will nop if not necessary)
[18:55:33.32] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[18:55:33.32] Zone_IM_Messages CSessionManagerInstance<class CWinSession
ManagerDisp<struct IMsgrSessionManager>,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionMana
gerEvents,class CSessionInstance<class CWinSessionInstanceDisp,struct IMsgrSessi
on,struct IMsgrLock,struct DMsgrSessionEvents>,0>::FireEvent ln 482 Firing Sessi
on Manager event directly: 12288
[18:55:33.32] Zone_Voice CLegacySessionManagerProxy::Invoke > Unkn
own event (id=12288).
[18:55:33.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 22
[18:55:33.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0022)
[18:55:33.39] Zone_ConfigInfo CAdBrowser::OnHosted - HOOK_EVENT for OnB
[18:55:34.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::CreateMainContent - HOOK_EVENT
for CCoBranding
[18:55:34.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:55:34.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo: URL being requested
[18:55:34.09] Zone_ConfigInfo ClientVersion=8.5.1235
[18:55:34.09] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo: UserAgent = Mozilla/
4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2
.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C;
Windows Live Messenger BETA 8.5.1235)
[18:55:34.11] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:34.11] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:34.11] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:34.11] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID@04715EC0()
[18:55:34.11] Zone_IdentityCRL strBrandIdOut = MSFT
[18:55:34.11] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetBrandID() = 0x0
[18:55:34.16] Zone_ConfigInfo UNHOOK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvent
[18:55:34.16] Zone_ConfigInfo CAdBrowser::OnPostSignInBrandInfoReceived
- UNHOOK_ALL_EVENTS for OnPostSignInBrandInfoReceived
[18:55:34.16] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::OnPostSignInConfigInfoRec
[18:55:34.16] Zone_ConfigInfo CRtcActivityProvider::OnConfigInfoReady -
UNHOOK_ALL_EVENTS for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:34.17] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s > Config data not available. Setting ice capability bit to default value
[18:55:34.17] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
[18:55:34.17] Zone_Voice CRtcActivityProvider::UpdateCapabilityBit
s - setting local property for ICE to ENABLED
[18:55:34.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:34.17] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite
[18:55:34.17] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:55:34.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:34.19] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearch
[18:55:34.21] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo:CSAdd returned hr = 0
[18:55:34.30] Zone_ConfigInfo CProductProviderMgr::_QueryForData - HOOK
_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:34.30] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:55:34.30] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - Config server info
is ready, let us notify all the listeners.
[18:55:34.30] Zone_ConfigInfo CProductProviderMgr::_OnConfigInfoReceive
d UNHOOK_EVENT for CConfigServerClientEvents
[18:55:34.30] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:55:34.31] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::SetUser@047B0230: SetUse
r finished for shadow, with hr=0x0
[18:55:34.31] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:34.31] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:34.31] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:34.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 BSY 1 BuÄ ra(wolfnight)%20%20%20live%20with%204
F 2789003580
[18:55:34.32] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 1222.894993
[18:55:34.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:55:34.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:55:34.34] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
[18:55:34.34] Zone_IdentityCRL strMemberNameOut = 0x05145F88
[18:55:34.34] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentityMemberN
ame() = 0x0
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2174534940) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1025356350) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3491336134) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1622775628) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1954344013) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3604633056) state changed to 1
(wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2439922762) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@047B0230: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 4 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2416653972) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1428893584) state changed to 1 (w
ire state is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 8121919) state changed to 1 (wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1231988194) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 127444477) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2238983699) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2503859700) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1254182963) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 654158042) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1484741747) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1181746958) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1410003135) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2226582232) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 282972906) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3398765483) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3760781436) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3570778243) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3484302988) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1242682933) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 330524283) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 644957719) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2876433447) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2655943098) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3538711563) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 133464828) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1756889228) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4148640884) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 485125191) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1042333120) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2787561263) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3349698734) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1765762178) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.40] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 37837334) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2086897391) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 18004782) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3661902670) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 812927810) state changed to 1
(wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2791098754) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4098691285) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 562613209) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 660538959) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1442414613) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 823715182) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3034753059) state changed to 1 (w
ire state is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1043590829) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3072994040) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3855875905) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4249472165) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 301050710) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 948281139) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 860677559) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2829684609) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 176418079) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3066275990) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1041736957) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2383232408) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4070202713) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3701489008) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4159371039) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2537669264) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4150538148) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2758803694) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1851006381) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1958372484) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1284840479) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4170020990) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4041957760) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2400871113) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.45] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 268593587) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.45] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1227094428) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.45] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2357356891) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.45] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2359950402) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.45] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3394697926) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3462842694) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4176923244) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2277121865) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1997256212) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 709900422) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3953480779) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3111221570) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3540480199) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1861909532) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1470463961) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1579256811) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2992724059) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3476813581) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 584662777) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4050467882) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2805431023) state changed to 1
(wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2894190776) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3643366642) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3898991027) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 840145860) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3228169317) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1519947914) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 267105022) state changed to 1 (wire state is
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4022269232) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2337557424) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3776471478) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1400911588) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2060166790) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3977782386) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2450908680) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3518280167) state changed to 1 (w
ire state is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 479881030) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3027929690) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3593823164) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 877141262) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1587625824) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4044353906) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3629527672) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2147872956) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2337975881) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2177280898) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2204457175) state changed to 1 (
wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 527896206) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2820799526) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4066656028) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2370671848) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2476653648) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2257289912) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 148417384) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2313685395) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3020220367) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1478723804) state changed to
1 (wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2655926287) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 17874935) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1867974035) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1950085347) state changed to 1 (wire state i
s 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3996310304) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2479917453) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4146438474) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3587365571) state changed
to 1 (wire state is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2132747790) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3051304113) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3465849712) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4255294528) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2654309987) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1538702765) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3543762208) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2759573430) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3175177572) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1033424829) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3660977513) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3622339248) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 139451915) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2017238411) state changed to 1 (wire stat
e is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2966448062) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4069669182) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.54] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2049169830) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1294787001) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4194818063) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3888729524) state changed to 1 (wir
e state is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2269677769) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2789647325) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 1 (wire s
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3539004312) state changed to 1 (wire state
is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 115475312) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1874794186) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[18:55:34.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2111110717) state changed to 1 (wire sta
te is 1)
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite, value = NotAStri
[18:55:34.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 49
[18:55:34.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:34.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 37 AWY 2254295084
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = MessengerInitializedProperty
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = MessengerInitializedProperty, value = NotAStr
[18:55:34.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 69
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = StatusState
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = StatusState, Me = YES
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearch
[18:55:34.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy = ME, property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearch, value = NotAS
[18:55:34.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreLocalPropertyChan
ged@002AFBA8: ePropType: 38
[18:55:34.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
224 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:34.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>CHG 38 AWY 2254295084
[18:55:34.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 837
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;MV7fKjbDpo2cszRlDgIXRaxfk5U=&#x22; Size=&#x22;18
94&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;ZABlAHMAZQByAHQAXwB3AGEAcwB0AGUAb
#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>BuÄ ra(wolfnight) live with 4F</Frien
[18:55:34.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, no mstate change
[18:55:34.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 BSY 1 Army 2789003564 %3cmsnobj%20Creator
[18:55:34.58] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 1223.158309
[18:55:34.58] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:55:34.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2439922762, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:55:34.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 959
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
2; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;KfU6j+MaZ8Mmx6qlCMYrILf+/6k=&#x22; Size=&#x22;
2875&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;YgBvAGUAZABlAG4AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3
</DDP><SignatureSound></SignatureSound><Scene>&#x3C;msnobj Creator&#x3D;"ar<
[18:55:34.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2439922762, no mstate change
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 AWY 1 Gamze 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator
[18:55:34.59] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 1223.161651
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:55:34.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, new mstate = 00000022
[18:55:34.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 592
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;OqTScHRz9rm1IqdCfqpAtKSpXQw=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
785&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RwBhAG0AegBlAAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</U
nd></SignatureSound><Scene></Scene><ColorScheme></ColorScheme><EndpointData <
[18:55:34.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 ece... 2789003564 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22gs.
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:55:34.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 8121919, new mstate = 00000022
[18:55:34.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 fırat 2788999468 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22f
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:55:34.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2476653648, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:55:34.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 1005
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;YLPpC3hnUAvdO9dqeR5U0g5A6Jo=&#x22; Size=&#x22;189
7&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;ZgAxAXIAYQB0AAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</Use
L6nI%3d&#x26;p=1</SUL><RUM> 0212 216 43 70</RUM><PSM>www<
[18:55:34.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2476653648, no mstate change
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 NLN 1 MeliSsa..:):)buyukada..(L) 268697601 %3cm
[18:55:34.60] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 1223.171942
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[18:55:34.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2789647325, new mstate = 00000002
[18:55:34.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 855
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Siz
e=&#x22;2405&#x22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; Location=&#x22;TFR1D.dat&#x22; Friendly=&#
2; SHA1D=&#x22;hMGUVoQZF2W+MxlwjlIj8hhqkRg=&#x22; SHA1C=&#x22;9t0Zjl70clk5PKAtvZ
MeliSsa..:):)buyukada..(L)</FriendlyName><RUM>if it be not now, yet it will come
[18:55:34.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2789647325, no mstate change
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >BLP 36 BL<
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 36
[18:55:34.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 AWY 1 >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20
y%20is%20darkening,%20the%20rain%20is%20about%20to%20fall... 2253180972 %3cmsnob
[18:55:34.60] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 1223.177530
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:55:34.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, new mstate = 00000022
[18:55:34.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 441
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type
=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=&#x22; Size=&#x22;908&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</User
TileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» &#x3C;&#x3C;&#x3C;&#x
gathering, the sky is darkening, the rain is about to fall...</FriendlyName></Da
[18:55:34.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, no mstate change
[18:55:34.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 Nurtorosh%20+%20%20Yokum 2789003580
[18:55:34.61] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:55:34.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3540480199, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 1041
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;3iokurpjQCgDGtrP+ikJSDibHiI=&#x22; Size=&#x22
;2683&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;TgB1AHIAdABvAHIAbwBzAGgAIAArAC
AAIABZAG8AawB1AG0AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>Nurtorosh +
Yokum</FriendlyName><RUM>Bazen kılpayı yakalanırsın bir felakete,bazen de ucundan yaka
alihi...</RUM><PSM>Bazen kılpayı yakalanırsın bir<
[18:55:34.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3540480199, no mstate change
[18:55:34.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >ILN 0 BSY 1 hande¨ 268697601 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net Recieved ILN Start: 1223.185976
[18:55:34.61] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSInitialBuddyState@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:55:34.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 604
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Size=&#x22;2865&#x22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; Location=&#x22;TFR1D.dat&#x22; Friendl
y=&#x22;aABhAG4AZABlAKgA&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=&#x22; SH
rTileLocation><FriendlyName>hande¨</FriendlyName><RUM>ay ay ay </RUM><PSM>ay ay ay
[18:55:34.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, no mstate change
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 766
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type=&
#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;DKZT+H4egJyGvIlpOBXWojxLw1I=&#x22; Size=&#x22;25577&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;YwBuAHMAYgBuAAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTile
Location><FriendlyName>ece...</FriendlyName><RUM>8-) burn notice &#x3A;D</RUM><P
SM>8-) burn notice &#x3A;D</PSM><MachineGuid>&#x7B;7DF2E3FD-6809-4164-A640-28E78
[18:55:34.62] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 8121919, no mstate change
[18:55:34.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUX 35 0<
[18:55:34.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 566
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type
=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=&#x22; Size=&#x22;908&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</User
TileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» &#x3C;&#x3C;&#x3C;&#x
gathering, the sky is darkening, the rain is about to fall...</FriendlyName><RUM
>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</RUM<
[18:55:34.62] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, no mstate change
[18:55:34.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:34.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 37 AWY 2254295084
[18:55:34.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 34 --> 34, uTID = 37
[18:55:34.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 22
[18:55:34.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0022)
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Logon Performance report - Elapsed Time -
In seconds
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Total: 6.4716
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Normalized Logon start
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Normalized Messenger Service Logon St
art Time 0.0998
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Normalized Connecting to CS Start Tim
e 0.9131
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Time Elapsed between Connecting to CS
and the USR request recieved 1.2790
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Normalized Passport IDCRL Logon Start
Time: 0.2129
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Normalized Sending ADL Start Time:
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Normalized OnLogonResult Start Time:
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Passport IDCRL Logon Elapsed Time:
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Messenger Service Logon Elapsed Time:
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net OnLogonResult Elapsed Time:
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Recieved First ILN Start time: 6.
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Recieved Last ILN Start time: 6.7
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net Time elapsed between first and last I
LN: 0.2910
[18:55:35.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:35.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
20is%20darkening,%20the%20rain%20is%20about%20to%20fall... 2254295084 %3cmsnobj%
[18:55:35.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:55:35.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, new mstate = 00000022
[18:55:35.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHG 38 AWY 2254295084
[18:55:35.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSLocalStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: 34 --> 34, uTID = 38
[18:55:35.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetLocalState mstate = 22
[18:55:35.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FireLocalStateChangeResu
lt@002AFBA8:(S_OK, 0x0022)
[18:55:35.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:35.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
20is%20darkening,%20the%20rain%20is%20about%20to%20fall... 2254295084 %3cmsnobj%
[18:55:35.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[18:55:35.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, new mstate = 00000022
[18:55:35.35] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::_EnumMembersStorage@047B
0230: EnumMemberStorage finishing for shadow, with hr=0x1
[18:55:35.35] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@047B0230: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 9 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:35.35] Zone_SDrive SDriveLifetime::StartOrStopSDrive is star
ting SDrive
[18:55:35.35] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Start
[18:55:35.38] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_START
[18:55:35.38] Zone_SDrive Call SDrive::Run
[18:55:35.44] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - with with fRefresh=
[18:55:35.44] Zone_ConfigInfo CSMsgrGetConfigInfo - Config server info
is ready, let us notify all the listeners.
[18:55:35.44] Zone_ConfigInfo CMainWnd::OnBrandComplete
[18:55:35.46] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@047B0230: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 5 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:35.62] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendLocalPropertyChange MU
[18:55:35.62] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 2, prope
rty = CapabilityHasOnecare
[18:55:35.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize: Initializing ech
o client.
[18:55:35.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize: Setting echo cli
ent poll interval (750ms).
[18:55:35.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize: Created window h
andle (0x420342).
[18:55:35.71] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::Initialize (086008C0) >> res
[18:55:35.78] Zone_P2PTransport CAsyncICFDetector::Vista_IsBehindICF: >>
[18:55:35.78] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnEchoICFDetector@086008C0:f
IsBehindICF = false
[18:55:36.01] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0x85d0630) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 281ms
[18:55:36.09] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSessionRegistrar::RegisterHandler@047
05E08: registering {534142D5-1F2A-431F-A60C-B0CF723FDF7D}
[18:55:36.09] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: echo s
erver address
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: dump s
ending echo packet.
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x4 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 0 client addr
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 0 test port: 0 test addr:
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved:True lo
cal internet facing address is
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: Found
correct local address at index 0.
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnServerNameResolved: Set lo
cal address to
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: created new
socket (4020).
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest@086008C0: bo
und to internal addr
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:55:36.25] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::StartNATProbe@086008C0: Sent
first echo request from
[18:55:36.25] Zone_SDrive ShuxLifetime::OnSDriveStarted hr=0x0
[18:55:36.27] Zone_SDrive ShuxSDrive::DoStartup
[18:55:36.45] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:36.45] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.45] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ReceiveEchoResponse: > Timeo
ut 1 waiting 200ms for first response. Retrying initial send.
[18:55:36.45] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:55:36.45] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:55:36.45] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::StartNATProbe@086008C0: Sent
first echo request from
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=4020, error=0, event=1).
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x2 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 65094 client addr
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 9 test port: 7001 test addr:
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse: Bound to discard port 9.
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse@086008C0: discard port 9 bound to internal addr
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse: Address seen by echo server is
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 3
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 3
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveNATProbeRespo
nse:Detected a NAT.
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::DoUPnPNatDetection@086008C0:
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: IP rest
ricted NAT detection disabled
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:55:36.48] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:55:36.49] Zone_Net CNATMgr::Init@0A5FFE9C:32:
[18:55:36.49] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::Init@0A5FFEDC:84: Failed to Co
Create with hr = 0x80040154
[18:55:36.49] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::Init@0A5FFEDC:170: returns wit
h hr = 0x80040154
[18:55:36.49] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@0A5FFEB8:67:
[18:55:36.49] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@0A5FFEB8:76: UPnPNAT obje
ct created
[18:55:36.56] Zone_Net COBNatMpr::Init@0A5FFEB8:100: pSPMs == NU
LL, but hr = 0x0. There is no UPnP NAT!
[18:55:36.56] Zone_Net CDPNatMpr::ReleaseMapping@0A5FFEDC:272: c
alled with invalid port 0
[18:55:36.68] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=4020, error=0, event=1).
[18:55:36.68] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:36.68] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.69] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveSecondaryEcho
Response: Received initial echo response during secondary phase. Ignoring.
[18:55:36.69] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:36.69] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.69] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ReceiveEchoResponse: > Timeo
ut 1 waiting 200ms for first response. Retrying initial send.
[18:55:36.69] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t from to echo server
[18:55:36.69] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SendEchoRequest: Sent reques
t to echo server(
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=4020, error=0, event=1).
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x2 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 65094 client addr
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 9 test port: 7001 test addr:
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ContinueReceiveSecondaryEcho
Response: Secondary addresses and ports match. Port Restricted NAT.
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetTCPNatType:nat type = 5
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::SetUDPNatType:nat type = 5
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 4020.
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: UDP NAT
detection done, now try TCP NAT detection.
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 0
[18:55:36.70] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:55:36.97] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=4020, error=0, event=16).
[18:55:36.97] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:36.97] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:36.97] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnTCPSocketConnect@086008C0:
bound to addr
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=4020, error=0, event=1).
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket: version:
0x2 service code: 0x2 transaction ID: 0x0
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket client p
ort: 49356 client addr
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OutputEchoPacket discard
port: 9 test port: 7001 test addr:
[18:55:37.20] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 4020.
[18:55:37.21] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: Wait a
few seconds before making the second TCP connection
[18:55:37.40] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:37.40] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:37.40] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 49355
[18:55:37.40] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: >> Error binding for mapping: 10048
[18:55:37.40] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072740, Phase = 15
[18:55:37.40] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: Attempt
ing to retry second TCP connection, retry attempt 1.
[18:55:37.81] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:37.81] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:37.81] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 49355
[18:55:37.81] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:55:37.89] Zone_Contact_Storage CContactStorage::BindToPool@047B0230: Bin
dToPool for shadow, sot: 3 finished with hr=0x0
[18:55:37.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, va
lue =true
[18:55:37.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, va
lue =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected
, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunki
ng, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirect
IM, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChann
el, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInv
ite, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTur
n, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVi
aUUN, value =true
[18:55:37.90] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 10 (wire
state is 10)
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP
\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[18:55:37.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={E02
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4381
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChun
king, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDire
ctIM, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWink
s, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoic
eIM, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCha
nnel, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipI
nvite, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, va
lue =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsT
urn, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrap
ViaUUN, value =true
[18:55:37.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2439922762) state changed to 10 (wir
e state is 10)
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =W
MP\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={0
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.91] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy armagansapmaz@hotmail.
[18:55:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[18:55:37.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3394697926) state changed to 34 (wire
state is 34)
[18:55:37.92] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C4
65508: buddy went from offline to online
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={FF
[18:55:37.94] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[18:55:37.94] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.94] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy akarsu_gamze@hotmail.c
[18:55:37.94] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =tr
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =tr
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, value
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, valu
e =true
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite, va
lue =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value =0
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, valu
e =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 8121919) state changed to 34 (wire state is 3
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunkin
g, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectI
M, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM
, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChanne
l, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvi
te, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, va
lue =0
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn
, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVia
UUN, value =true
[18:55:37.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2476653648) state changed to 10 (wire s
tate is 10)
[18:55:37.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={249C
[18:55:37.96] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4384
[18:55:37.96] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.96] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:55:37.96] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2405" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
SHA1D="hMGUVoQZF2W+MxlwjlIj8hhqkRg=" SHA1C="9t0Zjl70clk5PKAtvZmQjmX458Y="/>

[18:55:37.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline, valu
e =true
[18:55:37.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[18:55:37.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =t
[18:55:37.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2789647325) state changed to 2 (wire state
is 2)
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={5101217
[18:55:37.97] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4385
[18:55:37.97] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.97] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:55:37.97] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, valu
e =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, va
lue =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSDrive, val
ue =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =tr
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, va
lue =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN,
value =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 4255294528) state changed to 34 (wire state
is 34)
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =EMPTY
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetec
ted, value =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChu
nking, value =true
[18:55:37.97] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDir
ectIM, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWin
ks, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoi
ceIM, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCh
annel, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSip
Invite, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion
, value =0
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, v
alue =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupports
Turn, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstra
pViaUUN, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3540480199) state changed to 10 (wi
re state is 10)
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={
[18:55:37.98] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437e
[18:55:37.98] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.98] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy nurhavvapeksen@hotmail
[18:55:37.98] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai

[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline,
value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[18:55:37.98] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =true
[18:55:37.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 268593587) state changed to 10 (wire s
tate is 10)
[18:55:37.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =ay
ay ay
[18:55:37.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={938
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437b
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438138
[18:55:37.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP\0Music
\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[18:55:37.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={7DF2E3FD-6
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4379
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:37.99] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:38.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =gott we
iss ich will kein engel sein...
[18:55:38.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSharedSearc
h, value =true
[18:55:38.00] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite,
value =true
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438438
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438538
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437e38
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437b38
[18:55:38.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437938
[18:55:38.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:38.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:38.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:38.06] Zone_Roaming CAbchServiceAdapter::EnsureSetup@0C425350
: Synchronize - Trigger seeding operation (will nop if not necessary)
[18:55:38.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:38.06] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:38.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:38.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:38.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:38.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:38.08] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::CreateSoapRequest@0C422
C70: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership
[18:55:38.13] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=4588, error=10048, event=16).
[18:55:38.13] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:38.13] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:38.13] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072740, Phase = 16
[18:55:38.13] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 4588.
[18:55:38.13] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: Attempt
ing to retry second TCP connection, retry attempt 2.
[18:55:38.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
168 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:38.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUX 39 156
<Data><PSM>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</PSM><CurrentMedia></CurrentMe
[18:55:38.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<ms
nobj Creator="" Size="2405" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.dat" Fri
SHA1D="hMGUVoQZF2W+MxlwjlIj8hhqkRg=" SHA1C="9t0Zjl70clk5PKAtvZmQjmX458Y="/>
[18:55:38.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:38.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUX 39 0<
[18:55:39.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:39.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =ay
ay ay
[18:55:39.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai
[18:55:39.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:39.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 555
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type
=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=&#x22; Size=&#x22;908&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;VwBlAGIAYwBhAG0AAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</User
TileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;&#x3E;һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» &#x3C;&#x3C;&#x3C;&#x
gathering, the sky is darkening, the rain is about to fall...</FriendlyName><PSM
>gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...</PSM<
[18:55:39.08] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4255294528, no mstate change
[18:55:39.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C465508:
for EUF {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}, pEventSink = 00000000
[18:55:39.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C465508:
>> not yet connected underneath -- queuing this slave request until we are spReq
[18:55:39.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C465508:
creating new TURN bridge
[18:55:39.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ConnectBridge (0868BEA0) >>
Start to connect Turn bridge
[18:55:39.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91260) we have a proxy or need to detect proxy, use last known good connection t
ype 0
[18:55:39.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirect (0C491260)
>> resolving
[18:55:39.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46550
8:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[18:55:39.09] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::StartSession returns 0x0
[18:55:39.16] Zone_Net CIEProxyFromWinHttp::Run (04716470) > Fai
led to detect HTTPS proxy from WinHttp, using Wininet
[18:55:39.17] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0xc422d30) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 78ms
[18:55:39.32] Zone_Net CIEProxyFromWinHttp::Run (04716470) > No
proxy is specified.
[18:55:39.58] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::OnComplete@0C422C70:
[18:55:39.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:39.58] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:39.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:39.59] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::CreateSoapRequest@08564
2B0: command = Contacts\Pull
[18:55:40.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={0DBA6C2A
[18:55:40.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::OnGetAddrInfo@0C491260 >>
Name resolved for, spAddrInfo=206050616
[18:55:40.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1260) >> connect using socket 3532
[18:55:40.51] Zone_Net CIEProxyFromWinHttp::OnMessage (04716470)
[18:55:40.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTlsAuthenticate (0868BE
A0) >> Starting TLS negotiation
[18:55:40.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:40.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:40.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 49355
[18:55:40.86] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:55:41.00] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::OnComplete@085642B0:
[18:55:41.00] Zone_Roaming CAbPullHandler::OnApplyAnchor@047C0480: U
pdating ABCHInitialized flag for contact: 2
[18:55:41.00] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:41.00] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:41.00] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:41.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property change count = 1
[18:55:41.01] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeMeCo
ntact Me property = ABCHInitializedProperty
[18:55:41.01] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = ABCHInitializedProperty, Me = YE
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::InitSeed@0C43CC18:
Creating Storage state machine for seed operation
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact static tile path: [C:\Users\Harry\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Messenger\l\ObjectStore\UserTile\m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=.dt2]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact static tile location: [<msnobj Creator="" Type="3"
SHA1D="m41s3Fu45ZLl4FqFSQJx9N9zPLk=" Size="908" Location="0" Friendly="VwBlAGIAY
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact dynamic tile path: [(null)]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact dynamic tile location: [(null)]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact user tile friendly name: [Webcam]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact static user tile url: [
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact static user tile public url: [
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact dynamic user tile url: [(null)]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact friendly name: [>>>>һặЯ≈ỉỉỉ<<<< DAKAR---the clouds are gathering, the sky is dar
ing, the rain is about to fall...]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Me Contact PSM: [gott weiss ich will kein engel sein...]
[18:55:41.01] Zone_Roaming CStorageProfileAction::OnBegin@0C43CC18:
Aborting seeding operation. Either we already seeded, or we haven't fully initi
alized yet. (flags = 0x3 | annotation = 1)
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.02] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Re
moving buddy from list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RemoveBuddy@002AFBA8> Bu
ddy not found in list 4
[18:55:41.03] Zone_HotmailService CUIManager::ShowPendingInvites@046FB2A8:
[18:55:41.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTlsAuthenticate (086
8BEA0) >> TLS negotiation finished successfully
[18:55:41.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTurnAuthenticate (0868B
EA0) >> Sending the first invalid shared secret request
[18:55:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=5068, error=10048, event=16).
[18:55:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072740, Phase = 16
[18:55:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 5068.
[18:55:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: Attempt
ing to retry second TCP connection, retry attempt 3.
[18:55:41.17] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CE850@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[18:55:41.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:41.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:41.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:41.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[18:55:41.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[18:55:41.17] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate (08
68BEA0) >> Sending the first shared secret request, size=777
[18:55:41.27] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[18:55:41.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
0868BEA0) >> Acquired username and password. Size=36 and 16
[18:55:41.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
0868BEA0) >> Acquired VR server address: 7A73F55E
[18:55:41.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
0868BEA0) >> Sending the second shared secret request, size=777
[18:55:41.49] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[18:55:41.49] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::FinishTurnAuthenticate (0868
BEA0) >> Acquired session username and password. Size=36 and 16
[18:55:41.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91300) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[18:55:41.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1300) >> connect using socket 3532
[18:55:41.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
14 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:41.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:55:41.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::RequestRawURLPostResult@
002AFBA8: pending with uTID=40
[18:55:41.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (08
68BEA0) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[18:55:41.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:41.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >URL 40 /cgi-bin/HoTMaiL
33 2<
[18:55:41.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 40
[18:55:41.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(0868BEA0) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[18:55:41.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::IssueAllocateRequest (0868BE
A0) >> Sending Allocate request, size=132
[18:55:41.93] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B0@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=0103 Attr=8055
[18:55:41.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessAllocateResponse (086
8BEA0) >> Received allocate response. msgType=259, allocated port=443
[18:55:41.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:55:41.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={980C4329-BAAB-4925-96DA-F03AA2473D33}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: HiTAHOTdsOEzMHRVak6lev0gNn989BfS3dJ++iqgb1x4cAf3
SessionPassword: XfGtRAU84q56jUj+T9kYDQ==

[18:55:41.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

522 bytes on socket 3600
[18:55:41.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 41 10 482
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={980C4329-BAAB-4925-96DA-F03AA2473D33}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: HiTAHOTdsOEzMHRVak6lev0gNn989BfS3dJ++iqgb1x4cAf3
SessionPassword: XfGtRAU84q56jUj+T9kYDQ==
[18:55:41.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=41
[18:55:42.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:42.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 41 OK<
[18:55:42.19] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 41
[18:55:42.19] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 41
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessHello_1@0868BEA0 >> R
eceived HELLO_1, recv size = 32
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@0868BEA0: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 2
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151003 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 2 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 0's sessio
n queue over
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: (0 (None) -> 1 (TURNv1))
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
465508:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
465508:pDialogState = 08563B18, session id = 144384
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 144384, pEventSink = 047B3ED8
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F283DFB2-30F1-4051-A89F-745773DD815A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 238
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 144384
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 4
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151004 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 585):
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@047B3
ED8: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047B3ED8: >> msg 4, state 0, transport type 1
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
CA8: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[18:55:42.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42ECA8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 1
[18:55:42.59] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:55:42.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151003 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:55:42.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::IsBlobNotReadyToBe
Sent@0C465AB0:because of recent bridge move, can't guarantee ordering of blob 15
1004 for session 0 (it was sent after 151003)
[18:55:42.75] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:42.75] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:42.75] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 49355
[18:55:42.75] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:55:43.01] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=5088, error=10048, event=16).
[18:55:43.01] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:43.01] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:43.01] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072740, Phase = 16
[18:55:43.01] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 5088.
[18:55:43.01] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: Attempt
ing to retry second TCP connection, retry attempt 4.
[18:55:43.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236084 is ACK to sent blob 151003. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1052)
[18:55:43.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151003
[18:55:43.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151003 for session 0 is unacked
[18:55:43.16] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151003)
[18:55:43.18] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:55:43.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151004 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:55:43.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={7E03DA9F-9B01-40A0-974E-B2B32A8F168E}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 35
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[18:55:43.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {0CE35CF8-33DF-41DD-824A-EFC6751FB8DE}
[18:55:43.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMsgNoSDS@0C465508
: >> Received response for unknown call, dropping
[18:55:43.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236083. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:55:43.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151005 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:55:43.41] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:55:43.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151005, ACK to blob 157236083
[18:55:43.41] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151005)
[18:55:43.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236085 is ACK to sent blob 151004. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 977)
[18:55:43.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151004
[18:55:43.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151004 for session 0 is unacked
[18:55:43.64] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151004)
[18:55:44.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:44.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[18:55:44.48] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[18:55:44.48] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2654309987, new mstate = 00000001
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetWebAuthUrl@04715EC0(id=2&rr
u=%2Fcgi-bin%2FHoTMaiL&svc=mail&js=yes,, , )
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL strWebAuthUrlOut =
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL strPostDataOut = token=ct%3D1282665351%2
[18:55:45.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetWebAuthUrl() = 0x0
[18:55:46.21] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:46.21] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:46.21] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 49355
[18:55:46.21] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:55:46.52] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=5116, error=10048, event=16).
[18:55:46.52] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:46.52] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:46.52] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072740, Phase = 16
[18:55:46.52] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 5116.
[18:55:46.52] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection: Attempt
ing to retry second TCP connection, retry attempt 5.
[18:55:52.95] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:52.95] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:52.95] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: binding to port : 49355
[18:55:52.95] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ConnectToTCPEchoServer@08600
8C0: connecting to echo server
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage:Received NAT detec
tion select message (socket=5076, error=10048, event=16).
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: WM_TIMER message
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection > Phase
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Failure
in NAT detection, hr=0x80072740, Phase = 16
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::ProcessNATDetection:Aborting
NAT detection hr = 0x80072740.
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::OnMessage: NAT detection com
[18:55:53.24] Zone_P2PTransport CEchoClient::CloseSendSocket:closing sock
et 5076.
[18:55:53.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:53.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 —#....Ï Ñ ÐºÏ .... 2789003564 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%2
[18:55:53.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2654309987, new mstate = 0000000A
[18:55:53.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:53.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:55:53.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 841
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type
=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;52G20D+FMou3yqybRvAWEPFfKWE=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2251&#x
22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;twAjAC4ALgAuAC4AxQNCBDoExQMuAC4ALgAuAA
AA&#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>—#....Ï Ñ ÐºÏ ....</FriendlyName><PSM></PS
SignatureSound></SignatureSound><Scene>&#x3C;msnobj Creator&#x<
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2654309987, no mstate change
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, v
alue =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, v
alue =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, valu
e =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, va
lue =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, v
alue =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite,
value =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =tr
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, va
lue =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN,
value =true
[18:55:53.41] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2654309987) state changed to 10 (wire state
is 10)
[18:55:53.48] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 2654309987, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[18:55:53.48] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 26543099
87, property = UserTileFilePath
[18:55:53.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={1BEA8B90
[18:55:53.51] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4384
[18:55:53.51] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[18:55:53.51] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[18:55:53.51] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[18:55:53.51] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438438
[18:56:04.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:56:04.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 146
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsactivemailnotification; charset=UTF-8
Src-Folder: ACTIVE
Dest-Folder: ACTIVE
Message-Delta: 1
[18:56:06.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F283DFB2-30F1-4051-A89F-745773DD815A}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 40
SessionID: 144384
SChannelState: 0

[18:56:06.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144384, call id = {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
[18:56:06.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C465508
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 144384
, schannel initiating id =0
[18:56:06.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@047B3ED8
: >> msg 0, state 1
[18:56:06.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047B3ED8: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[18:56:06.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C465508: DialogState = 08563B18, session id = 144384
[18:56:06.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C465508: false
[18:56:06.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236086. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:56:06.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151006 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={FC9CD629-9E26-4E49-8555-DFCE6F4B5413}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 376
NetID: -1659603892
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {681FC4E6-CADF-C827-B2E3-3FE7EE03E487}
SessionID: 144384
SChannelState: 0

[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144384, call id = {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C465508:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 144384,
schannel initiating id =0
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C465508:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 1
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C465508: >> got reINVITE
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got net ID: -1659603892
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got upnp Enabled nat type: 0
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got ICF Enabled: 0
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> Support Hashed-Nonce: {681FC4E6-CADF-C827-B2E3-3FE7EE03E487}
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C465508: false
[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 603 Decline
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={FC9CD629-9E26-4E49-8555-DFCE6F4B5413}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 63
SessionID: 144384
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:56:06.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 151007 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 391):
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C465508: session 144384 direct connect failed
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C465508:enter dwExpiredSessionId 144384
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236087. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151008 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C46
5A80: >> no such session 144384
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236088. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:56:06.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151009 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:06.71] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151008, ACK to blob 157236087
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151008)
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151006, ACK to blob 157236086
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151006)
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151007 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151009, ACK to blob 157236088
[18:56:06.72] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151009)
[18:56:07.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:56:07.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >CHL 0 20937097851745132355<
[18:56:07.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
60 bytes on socket 3600
[18:56:07.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>QRY 42 PROD0118R6%2WYOS 32
[18:56:07.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendResponse@002AFBA8: p
endig with uTID=42
[18:56:07.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:56:07.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QRY 42<
[18:56:07.32] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 42
[18:56:07.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236089 is ACK to sent blob 151007. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 930)
[18:56:07.32] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151007
[18:56:07.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151007 for session 0 is unacked
[18:56:07.32] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151007)
[18:56:07.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B3ED8: Session(
144384) sending 18 bytes of data
[18:56:07.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151010 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 18):
[18:56:07.63] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B3ED8: Session(
144384) sending 18 bytes of data
[18:56:07.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151011 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 18):
[18:56:07.67] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:07.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151010 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:56:07.68] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:07.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151011 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:56:07.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236091. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:56:07.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151012 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:07.93] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:07.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151012, ACK to blob 157236091
[18:56:07.93] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151012)
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236090 is ACK to sent blob 151010. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 406)
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151010 for session 144384 is unacked
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151010)
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={593C87A4-9118-4597-BC38-D08DE892B692}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 371
NetID: -1659603892
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e74:3c97:24ce:b38b:eb62
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {9FE67951-FC57-260D-DDCF-14FD601B25F1}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C465508:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, schan
nel initiating id =0
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C465508:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 1
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C465508: >> got reINVITE
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got net ID: -1659603892
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got upnp Enabled nat type: 0
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got ICF Enabled: 0
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> Support Hashed-Nonce: {9FE67951-FC57-260D-DDCF-14FD601B25F1}
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C465508: true
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C465508:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', BaseCoolness 20
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', BaseCoolness 75
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'SBBridge', which we do not support
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'TURNv1', which we do not support
[18:56:08.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: selected bridge 'TCPv1'
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@086661B0:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:56:08.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[18:56:08.23] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047B37F8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[18:56:08.23] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46550
8:dwBridgeId 258 is connecting
[18:56:08.23] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236092. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:56:08.23] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151013 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:08.24] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:56:08.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151013, ACK to blob 157236092
[18:56:08.24] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151013)
[18:56:08.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236093 is ACK to sent blob 151011. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 439)
[18:56:08.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151011 for session 144384 is unacked
[18:56:08.35] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151011)
[18:56:08.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:56:09.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[18:56:09.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[18:56:09.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=3
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 3.
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
1B0: >> (internal_port = 49394, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9395, result = 1, elapsed time = 1123(ms), context = 00000001)
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
1B0: >> total port mapping elapsed time 1123(ms)
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@086661B0:adding to listening endpoints list
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: binding to
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: binding to
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086661B
0: closing socket 5180
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnAllAddrs@086661
B0:712:ListenForAddrFamilyOnAllIpAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@086
661B0:1108:ListenOnAllAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[18:56:09.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:56:09.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: binding to
[18:56:09.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86661B0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5180 (addr =, port = 4939
[18:56:09.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86661B0:added to list socket 5180 (addr =, port = 49396)
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086661B0: binding to
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86661B0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5136 (addr = ::, port = 49397)
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[18:56:09.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86661B0:added to list socket 5136 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49397)
[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46550
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={593C87A4-9118-4597-BC38-D08DE892B692}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {DB24F17D-C574-EE10-FAE0-2A82F2693D4E}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 59394
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 69394
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49397
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[18:56:09.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 151014 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 710):
[18:56:09.42] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B3ED8: Session(
144384) sending 1614 bytes of data
[18:56:09.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151015 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 1614):
[18:56:09.43] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:56:09.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151014 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:56:09.43] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:09.44] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:09.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151015 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:56:09.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:56:09.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236094 is ACK to sent blob 151014. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 868)
[18:56:09.87] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151014
[18:56:09.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151014 for session 0 is unacked
[18:56:09.87] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151014)
[18:56:10.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236095 is ACK to sent blob 151015. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 466)
[18:56:10.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151015 for session 144384 is unacked
[18:56:10.08] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151015)
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236096. sending ACK. dwAppId = 4
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151016 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={EF2B2B3C-3C1F-40D9-ADEB-9DADD06121B2}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 255
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 53465#26be:b83b:ec42:79c3:47e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 82465:751.02.611.67
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 43465:201.1.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Updated-Connecting-Port
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
1B0:fexternal 1 addr
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
1B0:fexternal 0 addr
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@086661B0:sock 5136, fIPv6Socket 1
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@086661B0:sock 5180, fIPv6Socket 0
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@086661B0:connecting endpoint, fIPv6 0, fE
xternal 1
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@086661B0:usBeginPortRange = 56428, usEndPortRange = 0
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetListeningPortFromSoc
k@086661B0: bound to address
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
661B0:trying to puncture hole to
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
661B0:connecting to host =, port = 56428
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
661B0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
661B0: >> using socket 5188 to connect
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@086661B0:att
empting bind to port 49396 for sock 5188
[18:56:10.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@086661B0: bo
und to internal
[18:56:10.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@086661B0: found matching sock 5180
[18:56:10.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236097. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151017 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151017, ACK to blob 157236097
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151017)
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151016, ACK to blob 157236096
[18:56:10.13] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151016)
[18:56:10.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:56:10.41] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B3ED8: Session(
144384) sending 48 bytes of data
[18:56:10.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151018 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144384 on bridge 2 (size 48):
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketAccept@08666
1B0: >> newly accepted socket is 5300 (accepted from listening socket 5136)
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086661B0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5136
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086661B0: socket 5136 is IPv6
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086661B
0: closing socket 5136
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketRead@086661B
0: >> Got WSAEWOULDBLOCK after reading 4294967295 bytes
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 144384
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151018 to our list of unacked blobs
[18:56:10.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C4655
08: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[18:56:10.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236099 is ACK to sent blob 151018. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 441)
[18:56:10.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151018 for session 144384 is unacked
[18:56:10.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=2, session=144384, blob=151018)
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086661B0: fCloseSocket 0 socket 5300
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086661B0: socket 5300 is IPv6
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086661B0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5180
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086661B
0: closing socket 5188
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086661B
0: closing socket 5180
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTransportEventSinkBridge
StateChange@0C465508:1501: IPv6 connection
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 258 is now connected
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151019 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SetIdleTimer@086661B
0: setting idle timer for 14400000 ms
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508:migrating to dwBridgeId = 258
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 258's queue
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151019 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 258 has a queue for session 0. appending bridge 2's se
ssion queues
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> bridge 258 has no queue for session 144384. moving bridge 2's
session queue over
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: (1 (TURNv1) -> 2 (TCPv1))
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
5508: sqm transport time to direct 2886(ms)
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_fListener = 1
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 1
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_bridgeType = 3
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 2
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_listenerNATType = 5
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_connectorNATType = 5
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 2886
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_msPortMappingTime = 1123
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C465C58: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C465508: ignoring type 2 for session 0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C465508:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C465508:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@047B3
ED8: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 4, current type 1
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047B3ED8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C42E
CA8: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 4, current type 1
[18:56:10.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C42ECA8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[18:56:10.99] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[18:56:10.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1124: >> f
reeing blob 151019, Non-ACK control packet
[18:56:10.99] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151019)
[18:56:31.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086661
B0: >> socket error 80072736 on socket 5188
[18:56:31.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086661
B0:sock 5188, err 80072736, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[18:56:31.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086661B0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5188
[18:56:38.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:56:38.36] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:56:38.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:56:54.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:56:54.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[18:56:54.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:56:54.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:56:54.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[18:56:54.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[18:57:38.38] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:57:38.38] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:57:38.38] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:57:38.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:57:38.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[18:57:38.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:57:38.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:57:38.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[18:57:38.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[18:57:45.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:57:45.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[18:57:45.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[18:57:45.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3543762208, new mstate = 00000001
[18:58:19.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:58:19.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 146
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsactivemailnotification; charset=UTF-8
Src-Folder: ACTIVE
Dest-Folder: ACTIVE
Message-Delta: 1
[18:58:27.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[18:58:27.00] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 258's queue
[18:58:27.00] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151019 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[18:58:38.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:58:38.39] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:58:38.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:58:59.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:58:59.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[18:58:59.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:59:00.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:59:00.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[18:59:00.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[18:59:38.40] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[18:59:38.40] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[18:59:38.40] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[18:59:45.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[18:59:45.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[18:59:45.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[18:59:45.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[18:59:45.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[18:59:45.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:00:34.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:00:34.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:00:34.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:00:34.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:00:34.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:00:34.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[19:00:38.42] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:00:38.42] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:00:38.42] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:01:18.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:01:18.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:01:18.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:01:18.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:01:18.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:01:18.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:01:38.43] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:01:38.43] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:01:38.43] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:02:01.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:02:01.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:02:01.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:02:02.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:02.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:02:02.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[19:02:07.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:07.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 920766874 CKI 181159126.16239178 akarsu_gamze@hotmail
.com Gamze U 1<
[19:02:07.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433458: created new im
[19:02:07.07] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047B3868: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:02:07.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731148) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:02:07.07] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:02:07.07] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:02:07.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:02:07.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731148)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:02:07.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731148)
(2) >> success 0x04731148, socket=2948, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731058. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047310D0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716540: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:02:07.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 2948
[19:02:07.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
>ANS 46 181159126.16239178 920766874<
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:02:07.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2948
[19:02:07.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:02:07.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:02:07.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:07.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433458: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[19:02:07.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >IRO 46 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[19:02:07.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[19:02:07.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:07.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >ANS 46 OK<
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@047064E8: bridge id
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@047064E8:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[19:02:07.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[19:02:07.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:07.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:02:13.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:13.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:02:21.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:21.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:02:28.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:28.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:02:37.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:37.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:02:38.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:02:38.44] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:02:38.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:02:50.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:50.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:02:54.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:02:54.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:02:54.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:02:54.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:54.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:02:54.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:02:55.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:02:55.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:03:01.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:03:01.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: Not connected
or there are still pending messages, queueing this message
[19:03:01.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C432828:
Can't invite while not connected
[19:03:01.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C432828: Failed to i
nvite user
[19:03:01.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 47
and hr = 0x8100030c
[19:03:01.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 3600
[19:03:01.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>XFR 43 SB<
[19:03:02.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:02.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 43 SB CKI 2135756281.125253189.19817483 U messenger. 1<
[19:03:02.05] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 43
[19:03:02.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A97B8: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:03:02.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730EF0) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:03:02.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:03:02.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:03:02.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:03:02.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730EF0)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:03:02.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730EF0)
(2) >> success 0x04730ef0, socket=5368, LastError=10035, WM(1055)
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:03:02.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
57 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:02.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>USR 48 2135756281.125253189.19817483<
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:03:02.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:02.32] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:03:02.32] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:03:02.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:02.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >USR 48 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[19:03:02.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:02.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>CAL 49<
[19:03:02.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:02.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >CAL 49 RINGING 2135756281<
[19:03:03.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:03.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >JOI Gamze 2789003580<
[19:03:03.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3394697926, muserproperty =17 (FriendlyName)
[19:03:03.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 33946979
26, property = FriendlyName
[19:03:03.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeStateChange@047064E8
:got connected event from a different IM session
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::IsIMSessionConnected@364: cRost
er = 1, cInvitees = 0
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::IsIMSessionConnected:371: conne
cted IM session
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeStateChange@047064E8
: however, we are already connected, ignore
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@047064E8:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[19:03:03.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[19:03:03.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:03.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 47 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:03:06.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:03:06.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:03:06.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:06.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 50 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:03:06.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 50
and hr = 0x0
[19:03:06.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:03:08.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:08.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:03:08.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:03:08.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:03:08.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:08.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 51 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:03:08.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 51
and hr = 0x0
[19:03:08.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:03:14.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:03:14.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:03:14.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:14.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 52 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:03:14.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 52
and hr = 0x0
[19:03:14.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:03:16.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:16.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:03:21.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:03:21.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:03:21.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:03:21.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 53 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:03:21.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 53
and hr = 0x0
[19:03:21.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:03:24.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:24.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:03:26.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:26.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:26.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:26.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1322
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
Message-ID: {AE9B4194-F18F-46D0-9678-3B620C8EDB4B}
Chunks: 2
[19:03:26.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:26.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 109
Message-ID: {AE9B4194-F18F-46D0-9678-3B620C8EDB4B}
Chunk: 1
[19:03:27.09] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[19:03:27.09] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=b | TextCount=832 | M
sgContent=3 | FromAPI=0
[19:03:27.09] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[19:03:27.09] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[19:03:27.09] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message directly
[19:03:27.09] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42ECA8: Session(
64) sending 940 bytes of data
[19:03:27.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151020 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 64 on bridge 258 (size 940):
[19:03:27.09] Zone_P2PSession CImInkEuf::Send >> Sending IM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink

[19:03:27.26] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[19:03:27.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151020 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:03:28.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236100 is ACK to sent blob 151020. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1358)
[19:03:28.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151020 for session 64 is unacked
[19:03:28.63] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=64, blob=151020)
[19:03:38.46] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:03:38.46] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:03:38.46] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:03:52.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:03:52.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:03:52.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:03:52.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:03:52.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[19:03:52.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:03:55.59] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433458: called for tim
er id 3
[19:03:55.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2948
[19:03:55.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
[19:03:55.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2948, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[19:03:55.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731148
) (2) closing socket 2948
[19:03:55.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[19:03:55.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:03:55.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[19:03:55.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
We disconnected purposely
[19:03:55.81] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@047064E
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[19:03:55.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[19:03:55.81] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[19:03:55.81] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151020 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:03:55.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C433458: destroying im
[19:04:11.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:11.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:04:19.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:19.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:04:26.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:26.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:04:32.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:04:32.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:04:32.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:04:32.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:32.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[19:04:32.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:04:33.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:33.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:04:38.47] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:04:38.47] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:04:38.47] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:04:39.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:39.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:04:56.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:04:56.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:05:02.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:02.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:05:08.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:08.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:08.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:08.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1180
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:05:12.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:05:12.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:05:12.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:05:12.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:12.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[19:05:12.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:05:18.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:18.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:05:25.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:25.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:05:30.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:30.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:05:33.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:05:33.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:05:33.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:05:33.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 54 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:05:33.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 54
and hr = 0x0
[19:05:33.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:05:38.48] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:05:38.48] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:05:38.48] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:05:39.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:05:39.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:05:39.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:05:39.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 55 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:05:39.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 55
and hr = 0x0
[19:05:39.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:05:49.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:05:49.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:05:49.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:05:49.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 56 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:05:49.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 56
and hr = 0x0
[19:05:49.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:05:52.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:05:52.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:05:52.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:05:53.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:53.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[19:05:53.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:05:54.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:05:54.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:05:56.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:05:56.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:05:56.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:05:56.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 57 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:05:56.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 57
and hr = 0x0
[19:05:56.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:06:01.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:01.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:06:07.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:06:07.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:06:07.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:06:07.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 58 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:06:07.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 58
and hr = 0x0
[19:06:07.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:06:09.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[19:06:09.86] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=b | TextCount=1640 |
MsgContent=3 | FromAPI=0
[19:06:09.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[19:06:09.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[19:06:09.86] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message directly
[19:06:09.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42ECA8: Session(
64) sending 1748 bytes of data
[19:06:09.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151021 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 64 on bridge 258 (size 1748):
[19:06:09.86] Zone_P2PSession CImInkEuf::Send >> Sending IM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink

[19:06:10.04] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[19:06:10.04] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[19:06:10.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151021 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:06:11.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236101 is ACK to sent blob 151021. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1428)
[19:06:11.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151021 for session 64 is unacked
[19:06:11.95] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=64, blob=151021)
[19:06:13.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:13.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:06:25.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:25.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:06:30.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:30.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:06:38.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:06:38.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:06:38.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:06:38.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:38.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:06:38.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:06:38.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:06:38.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:06:38.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:06:39.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:39.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:06:46.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:46.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:06:53.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:06:53.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:07:00.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:00.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:07:07.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:07.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:07:12.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:12.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:07:18.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:18.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:07:25.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:25.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:25.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:25.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1322
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
Message-ID: {2EDCDCC8-4BD6-48E0-A1B6-74D4C41924AF}
Chunks: 2
[19:07:25.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:25.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:25.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 749
Message-ID: {2EDCDCC8-4BD6-48E0-A1B6-74D4C41924AF}
Chunk: 1
[19:07:27.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:07:27.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:07:27.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:07:27.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:27.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:07:27.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 266
[19:07:38.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:07:38.51] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:07:38.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:07:49.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:49.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:07:55.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:07:55.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:08:00.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:08:00.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:08:09.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:08:09.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:08:17.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:08:17.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:08:17.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:08:17.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:08:17.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[19:08:17.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:08:19.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:08:19.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:08:30.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:08:30.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:08:38.53] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:08:38.53] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:08:38.53] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:08:48.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:08:48.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 412
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:09:02.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:09:02.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:09:02.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:09:02.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 59 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:09:02.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 59
and hr = 0x0
[19:09:02.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:09:02.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:09:02.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:09:02.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:09:03.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:09:03.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[19:09:03.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:09:07.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:09:07.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:09:07.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5368
[19:09:07.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 60 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:09:07.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 60
and hr = 0x0
[19:09:07.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:09:08.98] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[19:09:08.98] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=b | TextCount=520 | M
sgContent=3 | FromAPI=0
[19:09:08.98] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[19:09:08.98] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[19:09:08.98] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message directly
[19:09:08.98] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42ECA8: Session(
64) sending 628 bytes of data
[19:09:08.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151022 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 64 on bridge 258 (size 628):
[19:09:08.98] Zone_P2PSession CImInkEuf::Send >> Sending IM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink

[19:09:09.15] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[19:09:09.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151022 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:09:10.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236102 is ACK to sent blob 151022. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1467)
[19:09:10.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151022 for session 64 is unacked
[19:09:10.91] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=64, blob=151022)
[19:09:29.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:09:29.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:09:29.61] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:09:29.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 330524283, new mstate = 00000001
[19:09:38.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:09:38.54] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:09:38.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:09:44.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:09:44.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:09:44.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:09:44.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 330524283, new mstate = 00000001
[19:10:07.17] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:10:07.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5368
[19:10:07.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
[19:10:07.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5368, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[19:10:07.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730EF0
) (2) closing socket 5368
[19:10:07.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[19:10:07.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:10:07.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[19:10:07.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
We disconnected purposely
[19:10:07.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:10:07.40] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@047064E8: bridge id
[19:10:07.40] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@047064E
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[19:10:07.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[19:10:07.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[19:10:07.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151022 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:10:25.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:10:25.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:10:25.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:10:25.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:10:25.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[19:10:25.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[19:10:38.55] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:10:38.55] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:10:38.55] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:11:07.18] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:11:13.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:11:13.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:11:13.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:11:14.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:11:14.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:11:14.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:11:38.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:11:38.57] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:11:38.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:11:58.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:11:58.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:11:58.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:11:58.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:11:58.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:11:58.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:12:25.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:12:25.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:12:25.42] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:12:25.42] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3072994040, new mstate = 00000001
[19:12:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:12:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:12:38.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:13:08.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:13:08.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:13:08.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:13:08.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:13:08.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[19:13:08.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:13:38.59] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:13:38.59] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:13:38.59] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:13:48.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:13:48.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:13:48.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:13:48.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:13:48.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[19:13:48.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:14:36.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:14:36.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:14:36.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:14:37.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:14:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[19:14:37.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:14:38.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:14:38.61] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:14:38.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:15:23.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:15:23.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:15:23.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:15:23.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:15:23.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:15:23.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:15:38.62] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:15:38.62] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:15:38.62] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:16:12.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:16:12.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:16:12.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:16:12.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:16:12.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[19:16:12.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:16:38.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:16:38.63] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:16:38.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:16:54.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:16:54.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:16:54.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:16:54.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:16:54.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:16:54.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:17:38.65] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:17:38.65] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:17:38.65] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:17:41.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:17:41.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:17:41.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:17:42.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:17:42.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:17:42.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:18:31.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:18:31.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:18:31.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:18:31.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:18:31.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:18:31.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:18:38.66] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:18:38.66] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:18:38.66] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:19:15.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:19:15.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:19:15.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:19:15.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:19:15.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:19:15.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:19:38.68] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:19:38.68] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:19:38.68] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:20:02.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:20:02.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:20:02.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:20:02.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:20:02.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:20:02.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:20:17.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:20:17.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >MSG Hotmail Hotmail 411
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsemailnotification; charset=UTF-8
From: Facebook
Message-URL: /cgi-bin/getmsg?msg=7A514DF6-AF9B-11DF-B122-00237DE4A684&amp;start=
Subject: Gamze Akarsu sent you a message on Facebook...
Dest-Folder: ACTIVE
id: 2
[19:20:38.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:20:38.70] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:20:38.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:21:00.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:21:00.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:21:00.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:21:01.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:21:01.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:21:01.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 515
[19:21:38.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:21:38.70] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:21:38.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:21:51.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:21:51.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:21:51.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:21:51.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:21:51.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[19:21:51.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:22:31.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:22:31.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:22:31.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:22:31.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:22:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[19:22:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:22:38.72] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:22:38.72] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:22:38.72] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:23:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:23:12.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:23:12.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:23:13.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:23:13.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:23:13.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:23:38.73] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:23:38.73] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:23:38.73] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:24:02.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:24:02.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:24:02.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:24:02.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:24:02.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[19:24:02.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:24:05.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:24:05.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:24:05.15] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:24:05.15] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[19:24:38.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:24:38.74] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:24:38.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:24:53.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:24:53.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:24:53.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:24:53.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:24:53.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[19:24:53.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 422
[19:25:38.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:25:38.76] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:25:38.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:25:39.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:25:39.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:25:39.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:25:39.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:25:39.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[19:25:39.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:26:02.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:26:02.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:26:02.96] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:26:02.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[19:26:38.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:26:38.77] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:26:38.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:26:50.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:26:50.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:26:50.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:26:51.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:26:51.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[19:26:51.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:27:32.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:27:32.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:27:32.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:27:32.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:27:32.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:27:32.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:27:38.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:27:38.78] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:27:38.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:28:21.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:28:21.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:28:21.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:28:21.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:28:21.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:28:21.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[19:28:38.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:28:38.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:28:38.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:29:10.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:29:10.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:29:10.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:29:10.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:29:10.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:29:10.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:29:38.81] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:29:38.81] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:29:38.81] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:29:57.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:29:57.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:29:57.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:29:58.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:29:58.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[19:29:58.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:30:38.82] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:30:38.82] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:30:38.82] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:30:44.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:30:44.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:30:44.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:30:44.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:30:44.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[19:30:44.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:31:25.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:31:25.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:31:25.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:31:25.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:31:25.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:31:25.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[19:31:38.84] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:31:38.84] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:31:38.84] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:32:15.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:32:15.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:32:15.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:32:15.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:32:15.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:32:15.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:32:38.85] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:32:38.85] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:32:38.85] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:33:05.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:33:05.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:33:05.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:33:06.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:33:06.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:33:06.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:33:38.87] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:33:38.87] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:33:38.87] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:33:49.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:33:49.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:33:49.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:33:49.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:33:49.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[19:33:49.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:34:24.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:34:24.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:34:24.24] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:34:24.24] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[19:34:38.88] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:34:38.88] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:34:38.88] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:35:10.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:35:10.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:35:10.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:35:10.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:35:10.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[19:35:10.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:35:38.89] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:35:38.89] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:35:38.89] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:35:56.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:35:56.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:35:56.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:35:56.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:35:56.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[19:35:56.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:36:38.91] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:36:38.91] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:36:38.91] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:36:41.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:36:41.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:36:41.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:36:41.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:36:41.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[19:36:41.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:37:29.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:37:29.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:37:29.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:37:30.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:37:30.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:37:30.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:37:38.92] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:37:38.92] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:37:38.92] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:38:19.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:38:19.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:38:19.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:38:19.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:38:19.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:38:19.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[19:38:38.93] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:38:38.93] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:38:38.93] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:38:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:38:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: Not connected
or there are still pending messages, queueing this message
[19:38:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C432828:
Can't invite while not connected
[19:38:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C432828: Failed to i
nvite user
[19:38:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 61
and hr = 0x8100030c
[19:38:53.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 3600
[19:38:53.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>XFR 44 SB<
[19:38:54.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:38:54.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 44 SB CKI 2067953056.18624889.23535118 U 1<
[19:38:54.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 44
[19:38:54.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A97B8: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:38:54.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730EF0) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:38:54.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:38:54.16] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:38:54.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:38:54.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730EF0)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:38:54.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730EF0)
(2) >> success 0x04730ef0, socket=2752, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2752, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E00. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:38:54.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:38:54.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:38:54.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 2752
[19:38:54.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>USR 62 2067953056.18624889.23535118<
[19:38:54.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2752, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:38:54.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2752
[19:38:54.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:38:54.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:38:54.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2752, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:38:54.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >USR 62 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[19:38:54.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 2752
[19:38:54.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>CAL 63<
[19:38:54.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2752, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:38:54.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >CAL 63 RINGING 2067953056<
[19:38:55.21] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2752, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:38:55.21] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >JOI Gamze 2789003580<
[19:38:55.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3394697926, muserproperty =17 (FriendlyName)
[19:38:55.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 33946979
26, property = FriendlyName
[19:38:55.21] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@047064E8: bridge id
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@047064E8:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[19:38:55.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[19:38:55.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2752
[19:38:55.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 61 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:39:02.74] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[19:39:02.74] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=h | TextCount=42 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[19:39:02.74] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[19:39:02.74] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[19:39:02.74] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[19:39:02.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:39:02.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:39:02.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
179 bytes on socket 2752
[19:39:02.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 64 N 165
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0<
[19:39:02.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 64
and hr = 0x0
[19:39:02.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:39:38.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:39:38.95] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:39:38.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:39:44.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:39:44.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:39:44.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:39:44.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:39:44.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[19:39:44.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:40:02.74] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:40:02.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730EF0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2752
[19:40:02.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
[19:40:02.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730EF0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2752, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[19:40:02.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730EF0
) (2) closing socket 2752
[19:40:02.96] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[19:40:02.96] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:40:02.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[19:40:02.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
We disconnected purposely
[19:40:02.96] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@047064E
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[19:40:02.96] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[19:40:02.96] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[19:40:02.96] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151022 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:40:25.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:40:25.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:40:25.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:40:25.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:40:25.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:40:25.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:40:38.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:40:38.96] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:40:38.96] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:40:58.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:40:58.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:40:58.60] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:40:58.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4041957760, new mstate = 00000001
[19:41:02.75] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:41:38.98] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:41:38.98] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:41:38.98] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:41:45.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:41:45.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:41:45.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:41:45.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:41:45.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:41:45.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:41:54.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:41:54.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 915962671 CKI 15124217.6718814 akarsu_gamze@hotmail.
com Gamze U 1<
[19:41:54.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432BE8: created new im
[19:41:54.66] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047B3868: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:41:54.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730F68) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:41:54.66] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:41:54.66] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:41:54.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:41:54.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730F68)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:41:54.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730F68)
(2) >> success 0x04730f68, socket=4356, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047310D0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731058. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:41:55.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 4356
[19:41:55.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
>ANS 65 15124217.6718814 915962671<
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:41:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 4356
[19:41:55.06] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:41:55.06] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Ignoring state change
[19:41:55.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:41:55.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432BE8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[19:41:55.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >IRO 65 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[19:41:55.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[19:41:55.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >ANS 65 OK<
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@047064E8: bridge id
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@047064E8:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[19:41:55.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[19:41:55.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:41:55.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:42:00.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:00.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:42:01.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:01.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:01.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 732
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:42:01.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432828: destroying im
[19:42:06.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:06.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:42:13.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:13.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:42:20.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:20.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:42:23.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:23.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:23.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 572
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:42:38.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:42:38.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:42:38.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:42:38.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:42:38.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:42:38.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:42:38.99] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:42:38.99] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:42:38.99] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:43:21.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:43:21.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:43:21.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:43:22.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:43:22.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:43:22.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:43:23.36] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432BE8: called for tim
er id 3
[19:43:23.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730F68) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 4356
[19:43:23.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
[19:43:23.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730F68) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[19:43:23.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730F68
) (2) closing socket 4356
[19:43:23.58] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[19:43:23.58] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047B3868: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:43:23.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[19:43:23.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
We disconnected purposely
[19:43:23.59] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@047064E
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[19:43:23.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[19:43:23.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[19:43:23.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151022 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:43:39.00] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:43:39.00] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:43:39.00] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:44:06.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:44:06.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:44:06.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:44:06.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:44:06.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:44:06.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:44:23.37] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432BE8: called for tim
er id 3
[19:44:39.01] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:44:39.01] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:44:39.01] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:44:55.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:44:55.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:44:55.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:44:55.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:44:55.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[19:44:55.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:45:39.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:45:39.03] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:45:39.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:45:45.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:45:45.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:45:45.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:45:45.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:45:45.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:45:45.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:46:12.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:46:12.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:46:12.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 00000001
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =EMP
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPT
[19:46:12.99] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4381
[19:46:12.99] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, va
lue =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, va
lue =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected
, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunki
ng, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirect
IM, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChann
el, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInv
ite, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTur
n, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVi
aUUN, value =false
[19:46:12.99] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[19:46:12.99] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[19:46:13.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438138
[19:46:39.04] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:46:39.04] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:46:39.04] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:46:42.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:46:42.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:46:42.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 688
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F10EC26E-8CB7-406E-96D2-3F04CE9D3725}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 354
NetID: -1722467652
Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
TCP-Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
<IPv6-global: 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C466578: >> st
arting up scheduler
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C466578
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C466C40
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C466578: max t
urn failures = 2
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C466578:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F10EC26E-8CB7-406E-96D2-3F04CE9D3725}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 354
NetID: -1722467652
Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
TCP-Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {69F801B0-DBF8-A0D0-38A8-CBD84439BAE7}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C466578: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C466578:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, schan
nel initiating id =0
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C466578:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 0
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C466578: >> got reINVITE
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got net ID: -1722467652
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Direct-Connect (1)
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Direct-Connect (1)
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got upnp Enabled nat type: 0
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got ICF Enabled: 0
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> Support Hashed-Nonce: {69F801B0-DBF8-A0D0-38A8-CBD84439BAE7}
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: remote caps 1
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C466578: true
[19:46:42.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C466578:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', BaseCoolness 20
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 1, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod 0
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 1, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -20
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', BaseCoolness 75
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 1, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 1, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod 0
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'SBBridge', which we do not support
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'TURNv1', which we do not support
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: selected bridge 'TCPv1'
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46657
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46657
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F10EC26E-8CB7-406E-96D2-3F04CE9D3725}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 209
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: false
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {AF2D125C-757E-BE91-8A86-CA69C77338CD}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[19:46:42.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu

eued blob 151023 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 0 (size 518):
[19:46:42.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:46:54.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:46:54.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 10 468
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8F6602A3-6542-4C6E-B8A3-274447BFEA5E}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 140
SessionUsername: V43qvHBzFMe4Q1YEMzO1ZDLygE0J1dvV4kPEKklV4L+o7Q7H
SessionPassword: n2zUzDxb2nw3pazAahmMxw==
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8F6602A3-6542-4C6E-B8A3-274447BFEA5E}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 140
SessionUsername: V43qvHBzFMe4Q1YEMzO1ZDLygE0J1dvV4kPEKklV4L+o7Q7H
SessionPassword: n2zUzDxb2nw3pazAahmMxw==

[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C466578: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C466578:
creating new TURN bridge
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessUUNInvite@0868C
1D0 >> Received valid UUN invite, our state=0, session user/pass size=36 and 16
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessUUNInvite@0868C
1D0: Callee connecting to host =, port = 443
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46657
8:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91300) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[19:46:54.34] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1300) >> connect using socket 4356
[19:46:54.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (08
68C1D0) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[19:46:54.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(0868C1D0) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[19:46:54.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeIssueJoinRequest@0868C
1D0 >> Sending JOIN request, size=84
[19:46:55.04] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B4@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=8101 Attr=8055
[19:46:55.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessJoinResponse@08
68C1D0 >> Received JOIN response. msgType=33025
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::CalleeProcessHello_2@0868C1D
0 >> Received HELLO_2, recv size=32
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@0868C1D0: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C466578
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C466578: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C466578:be
st bridge found = 2
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C466578:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151023 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> creating newqueue for bridge 2
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> bridge 2 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 0's sessio
n queue over
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
6578: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendPendingInvites@0C4
66578: >> buddy does not support p2p
[19:46:55.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAllAutoStartEUFS
essions@0C466578: >> buddy does not support p2p
[19:46:55.54] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:46:55.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1106: >> a
dding blob 151023 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C46
6AF0: >> no such session 0
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={C5EDECEA-14B5-4A40-BEE6-87FD30EAEF6F}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {AEDA5866-3181-4A21-8E4C-B8E2EB7C99A7}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 300
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 537409
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJsaW1wNjVAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFNIQTFEPSJ

[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C466578: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {AEDA5866-3181-4A21-8E4C-B8E2EB7C99A7}
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C466578:eAcceptance = 1, dwSlaveId = 537409, call id = {AEDA5866-3181-4A21
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46657
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={C5EDECEA-14B5-4A40-BEE6-87FD30EAEF6F}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {AEDA5866-3181-4A21-8E4C-B8E2EB7C99A7}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 63
SessionID: 537409
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu

eued blob 151024 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 372):
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C466578: DialogState = 0C43B398, session id = 537409
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C466578
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 537409, pEventSink = 047BFC50
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@047BFC50
: >> msg 0, state 1
[19:46:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047BFC50: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047BFC50: Session(
537409) sending 4 bytes of data
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu
eued blob 151025 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 537409 on bridge 2 (size 4):
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047BFC50: Session(
537409) sending 908 bytes of data
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu
eued blob 151026 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 537409 on bridge 2 (size 908):
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C466578: >> transport type 2 requested by session 537409, master tr
ans type =1, pSessionState = 0C43B398
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C466578:queueing transport request, PendingTransportMutex id = 0, t
his sess id = 537409
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::QueuePendingTransportS
etupRequest@0C466578:7672:queued transport setup request dwSessionId 537409
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >> re
ceived entire blob 551074. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu
eued blob 151027 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151027, ACK to blob 551074
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151027)
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::IsBlobNotReadyToBe
Sent@0C466B20:because of recent bridge move, can't guarantee ordering of blob 15
1024 for session 0 (it was sent after 151023)
[19:46:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::IsBlobNotReadyToBe
Sent@0C466B20:because of recent bridge move, can't guarantee ordering of blob 15
1025 of size 4 for session 537409 whose very first blob-id = 151025 is greater t
han master-session-first-blob-to-send = 151024, dwMasterSessionHeadOfListBlobId
= 151023
[19:46:56.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >>
Received blob 551076 is ACK to sent blob 151023. Freeing sent blob and alerting
slave. (SRTT = 889)
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C466578:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151023
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C466578: >> blob 151023 for session 0 is unacked
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151023)
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={C1CA2EC9-6B51-4EB1-A157-F99D6D7F268C}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 504
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: false
Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
TCP-Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
IPv6-global: 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 351.58.85.881
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 06394
IPv6-Addrs: 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599 2001:0:4137:9e74:1cfc:a53:43c5:aa66
IPv6-Port: 49361
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {69F801B0-DBF8-A0D0-38A8-CBD84439BAE7}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C466578: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C466578:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, schan
nel initiating id =0
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C466578:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 1
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C466578: >> got reINVITE
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C466578: true
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Direct-Connect (1)
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Direct-Connect (1)
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599 2001:0:4137:9e74:1cfc:a53:43c5:aa
66, strPort = 49361
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599, strPortToken = 49361
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599, endpoint.strPort = 49361
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2001:0:4137:9e74:1cfc:a53:43c5:aa66, endpoint.strPo
rt = 49361
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 49360
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 49360
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 49360
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@086664A0:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A97B8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46657
8:dwBridgeId 259 is connecting
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >> re
ceived entire blob 551075. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu
eued blob 151028 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151028, ACK to blob 551075
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151028)
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::IsBlobNotReadyToBe
Sent@0C466B20:because of recent bridge move, can't guarantee ordering of blob 15
1025 of size 4 for session 537409 whose very first blob-id = 151025 is greater t
han master-session-first-blob-to-send = 151024, dwMasterSessionHeadOfListBlobId
= 151024
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1106: >> a
dding blob 151024 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 537409
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1106: >> a
dding blob 151025 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 537409
[19:46:56.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1106: >> a
dding blob 151026 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:46:56.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:46:56.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[19:46:56.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=4
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 4.
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
4A0: >> (internal_port = 49795, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9796, result = 1, elapsed time = 468(ms), context = 00000001)
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
4A0: >> total port mapping elapsed time 468(ms)
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@086664A0:adding to connecting endpoints list
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0:connecting to host = 2002:bc3a:5599::bc3a:5599, port = 49361, fExte
rnal = 1
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: >> using socket 2544 to connect
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: >> IPv6 socket 2544 to connect
[19:46:56.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0:TCB sock 2544, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 2544 (addr = ::, port = 49797)
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0:added to list socket 2544 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49797)
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@086664A0: found matching sock 2544
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0:connecting to host = 2001:0:4137:9e74:1cfc:a53:43c5:aa66, port = 49
361, fExternal = 1
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: >> using socket 4660 to connect
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: >> IPv6 socket 4660 to connect
[19:46:56.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0:TCB sock 4660, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 4660 (addr = ::, port = 49798)
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0:added to list socket 4660 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49798)
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@086664A0: found matching sock 4660
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0:connecting to host =, port = 49360, fExternal = 0
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0: >> using socket 5540 to connect
[19:46:56.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@086664A0:TCB sock 5540, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5540 (addr =, port = 4980
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0:added to list socket 5540 (addr =, port = 49800)
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@086664A0: found matching sock 5540
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46657
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46657
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46657
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={918113F3-9EC9-4F44-888C-789B4EA46672}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu

eued blob 151029 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 493):
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:46:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1106: >> a
dding blob 151029 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:46:56.96] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:46:56.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >>
Received blob 551077 is ACK to sent blob 151024. Freeing sent blob and alerting
slave. (SRTT = 844)
[19:46:56.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C466578:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151024
[19:46:56.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C466578: >> blob 151024 for session 0 is unacked
[19:46:56.97] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151024)
[19:46:57.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >>
Received blob 551079 is ACK to sent blob 151026. Freeing sent blob and alerting
slave. (SRTT = 951)
[19:46:57.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C466578: >> blob 151026 for session 537409 is unacked
[19:46:57.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=537409, blob=151026)
[19:46:57.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >>
Received blob 551078 is ACK to sent blob 151025. Freeing sent blob and alerting
slave. (SRTT = 951)
[19:46:57.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C466578: >> blob 151025 for session 537409 is unacked
[19:46:57.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=537409, blob=151025)
[19:46:57.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >>
Received blob 551080 is ACK to sent blob 151029. Freeing sent blob and alerting
slave. (SRTT = 865)
[19:46:57.97] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C466578:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151029
[19:46:57.97] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C466578: >> blob 151029 for session 0 is unacked
[19:46:57.97] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151029)
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0A916282-50D5-40F0-B995-ED98C776E86F}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {AEDA5866-3181-4A21-8E4C-B8E2EB7C99A7}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 40
SessionID: 537409
SChannelState: 0

[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C466578: dwSlaveId = 537409, call id = {AEDA5866-3181-4A21-8E4C-B8E2EB7C99A7}
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RemovePendingTransport
SetupRequest@0C466578:7630: removing a queued transport setup request dwSessionI
d 537409
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C466
578:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 537409
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
6578: removing from dialog map & call id session 537409, callid={AEDA5866-3181-4
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@047BFC50
: >> msg 3, state 0
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047BFC50: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 1
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >> re
ceived entire blob 551081. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[19:46:58.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu
eued blob 151030 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[19:46:58.39] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:46:58.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151030, ACK to blob 551081
[19:46:58.39] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151030)
[19:46:58.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:47:17.96] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086664
A0: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 2544
[19:47:17.96] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086664
A0:sock 2544, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[19:47:17.96] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 2544
[19:47:17.96] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 2544
[19:47:17.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086664
A0: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 4660
[19:47:17.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086664
A0:sock 4660, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[19:47:17.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 4660
[19:47:17.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 4660
[19:47:17.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086664
A0: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5540
[19:47:17.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086664
A0:sock 5540, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[19:47:17.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5540
[19:47:17.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 5540
[19:47:17.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086664
A0: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we failed to co
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={07D2CBBE-E27C-4328-9FEF-3176C13BF624}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 225
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 11706#66aa:5c34:35a:cfc1:47e9:7314:0:1002 11706#9955:a3cb::99
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 01706:351.58.85.881
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-UDP-Switch
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C466578: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@0869F1D0:
bound to addr
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@0869F1D0:
doing port mapping
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@0869F1
D0:set timer cookie 2, time in ms = 1000
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A97B8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46657
8:dwBridgeId 259 is connecting
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >> re
ceived entire blob 551082. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[19:47:26.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu
eued blob 151031 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[19:47:26.08] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:47:26.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151031, ACK to blob 551082
[19:47:26.08] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151031)
[19:47:26.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@0869F1D0: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error = 0, event = 1
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=2
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> response matches request 2.
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0:kill timer cookie 2
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08604
A18: >> (internal_port = 54779, external_addr =, external_port = 5
4779, result = 1, elapsed time = 219(ms), context = 00000001)
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08604
A18: >> total port mapping elapsed time 219(ms)
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@08604A18:adding to connecting endpoints list
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08604A18:connecting to host =, port = 60710, fExternal = 0
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08604A18: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08604A18: >> using socket 2188 to connect
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08604A18:TCB sock 2188, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8604A18: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 2188 (addr =, port =
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8604A18:added to list socket 2188 (addr =, port = 54780)
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0860
4A18: sock 2188, TCB-ID =2
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08604A18: found matching sock 2188
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46657
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C46657
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46657
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2E24F9EE-B706-4EFC-A7E6-6DD2128039E6}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[19:47:26.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C466578: >> Qu

eued blob 151032 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 493):
[19:47:26.32] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@04730408: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[19:47:26.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C466578@1106: >> a
dding blob 151032 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:47:26.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTimer@0C466578: >> unabl
e to create transport because buddy is offline
[19:47:27.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C466578: >>
Received blob 551083 is ACK to sent blob 151032. Freeing sent blob and alerting
slave. (SRTT = 848)
[19:47:27.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C466578:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151032
[19:47:27.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C466578: >> blob 151032 for session 0 is unacked
[19:47:27.05] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C466B20:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151032)
[19:47:27.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:27.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:27.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:28.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:28.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:28.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:29.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:29.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:29.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:30.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:30.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:30.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:31.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:31.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:31.35] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:32.36] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:32.36] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:32.36] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:33.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:33.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:33.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:34.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:34.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:34.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:35.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:35.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:35.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:36.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:36.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:36.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:37.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:38.45] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:38.45] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:38.45] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:47:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:47:39.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:47:39.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:39.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:39.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:40.48] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:40.48] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:40.48] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:41.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:41.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:41.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:42.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:42.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:42.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:43.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:47:43.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:47:43.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:47:43.53] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:43.53] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:43.53] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:43.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:47:43.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:47:43.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:47:44.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:44.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:44.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:45.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:45.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:45.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:46.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:46.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:46.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:47.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:47.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:47.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:48.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:48.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:48.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:49.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:49.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:49.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:50.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:50.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:50.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:51.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:51.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:51.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:52.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:52.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:52.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:53.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:53.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:53.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:54.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:54.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:54.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:55.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:55.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:55.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:56.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:56.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:56.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:57.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:57.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:57.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:58.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:58.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:58.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:47:59.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:47:59.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:47:59.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:00.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:00.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:00.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:01.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:01.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:01.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:02.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:02.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:02.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:03.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:03.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:03.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:04.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:04.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:04.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:05.86] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:05.86] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:05.86] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:06.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:06.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:06.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:07.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:07.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:07.89] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:08.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:08.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:08.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:09.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:09.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:09.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:10.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:10.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:10.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:11.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:11.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:11.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:12.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:12.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:12.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:14.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:14.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:14.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:15.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:15.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:15.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@08
604A18:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[19:48:16.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@08604
A18: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08604
A18:idTimer 1, dwCtxt 2
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@08604A18: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 2188
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@08604A18:sock 2188, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 1
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@08604A18: >> closing socket 2188
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08604A18: fCloseSocket 1 socket 2188
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@08604A1
8: closing socket 2188
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RetryWithNewApproxListe
ningPort@08604A18:3109: hr = 0x80004005
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@08604A18: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we faile
d to connect
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@
0C466578: (failedType = 2, currentType = 1 (master transport type = 1, schannle
state = 0)
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_fListener = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 1
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_bridgeType = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 2
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_listenerNATType = 1
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_connectorNATType = 5
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_hrFailure = 0x82000020
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_msPortMappingTime = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C466CC8: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C466578: session 0 direct connect failed
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C466578: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:48:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706490: bridge id
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession: looking
for an IM session for
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:173: find
IM window now to get IM Session
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:208: hr =
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:215: OK c
reate a new IM session from scratch
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSPUtils::FindOrCreateIMSession:226: call
ing CreateIMSession
[19:48:16.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432828: created new im
[19:48:16.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C432828:
Can't invite while not connected
[19:48:16.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C432828: Failed to i
nvite user
[19:48:16.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 3600
[19:48:16.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>XFR 45 SB<
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::GetSBImSession@04706490:416: 0
C432890 IM session
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::ConnectBridge@04706490:firing
bridge connecting event
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C46657
8:dwBridgeId 1 is connecting
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C466578:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[19:48:16.30] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C466578:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[19:48:16.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:48:16.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 45 SB CKI 743466525.2451255.20523131 U messenger.msn
.com 1<
[19:48:16.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 45
[19:48:16.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:48:16.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04730E00) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:48:16.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:48:16.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:48:16.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:48:16.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730E00)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:48:16.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04730E00)
(2) >> success 0x04730e00, socket=2188, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730E00) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:48:16.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730E00) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 2188
[19:48:16.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>USR 66 743466525.2451255.20523131<
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730E00) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:48:16.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730E00) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2188
[19:48:16.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:48:16.80] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:48:17.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730E00) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:48:17.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432828: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[19:48:17.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >USR 66 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[19:48:17.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730E00) >> sent
29 bytes on socket 2188
[19:48:17.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>CAL 67<
[19:48:17.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730E00) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:48:17.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >CAL 67 RINGING 743466525<
[19:48:17.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730E00) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:48:17.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >JOI "...İrénNnee..(L)Kamer 2789003580<
[19:48:17.84] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706490:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:48:17.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C466578
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:48:17.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C466578: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:48:17.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C466578:be
st bridge found = 2
[19:48:17.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C466578: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 2
[19:48:39.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:48:39.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:48:39.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:49:05.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:49:05.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:49:05.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:49:05.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:49:05.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:49:05.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:49:17.86] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:49:17.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730E00) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2188
[19:49:17.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
[19:49:18.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730E00) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[19:49:18.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04730E00
) (2) closing socket 2188
[19:49:18.11] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[19:49:18.11] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:49:18.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[19:49:18.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
We disconnected purposely
[19:49:18.11] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470649
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[19:49:18.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C466
578: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[19:49:18.11] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 2's queue
[19:49:18.11] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151032 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:49:18.11] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> bridge 1 has no queue -- finished
[19:49:18.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432828: destroying im
[19:49:39.08] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:49:39.08] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:49:39.08] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C466
578: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C466578: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C466578:no
bridge found
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C466578:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 0's queue
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151032 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C466B20: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 2's sessio
n queue over
[19:49:44.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C46
6578: (1 (TURNv1) -> 0 (None))
[19:49:49.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:49:49.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:49:49.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:49:49.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:49:49.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:49:49.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:50:38.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:50:38.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:50:38.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:50:39.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:50:39.10] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:50:39.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:50:39.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:50:39.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[19:50:39.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[19:50:49.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:50:49.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 390829090 CKI 1022463.195172229 akarsu_gamze@hotmail
.com Gamze U 1<
[19:50:49.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432828: created new im
[19:50:49.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:50:49.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731148) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:50:49.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:50:49.61] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:50:49.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:50:49.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731148)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:50:49.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731148)
(2) >> success 0x04731148, socket=4356, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730E78. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:50:49.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
55 bytes on socket 4356
[19:50:49.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>ANS 68 1022463.195172229 390829090<
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:50:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 4356
[19:50:49.88] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:50:49.88] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[19:50:50.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:50:50.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432828: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[19:50:50.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >IRO 68 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[19:50:50.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[19:50:50.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ANS 68 OK<
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04705FC0: bridge id
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04705FC0:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[19:50:50.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[19:50:50.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:50:50.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:50:56.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:50:56.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:51:02.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:02.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:51:06.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:06.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 BuÄ ra(wolfnight)%20%20%20live%20with%204F
[19:51:06.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 0000000A
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, va
lue =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, va
lue =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected
, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunki
ng, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirect
IM, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChann
el, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInv
ite, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTur
n, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVi
aUUN, value =true
[19:51:06.64] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 10 (wire
state is 10)
[19:51:06.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 2043518846, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[19:51:06.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 20435188
46, property = UserTileFilePath
[19:51:06.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:07.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:07.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 837
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;MV7fKjbDpo2cszRlDgIXRaxfk5U=&#x22; Size=&#x22;18
94&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;ZABlAHMAZQByAHQAXwB3AGEAcwB0AGUAb
#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>BuÄ ra(wolfnight) live with 4F</Frien
[19:51:07.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, no mstate change
[19:51:07.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP
\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[19:51:07.07] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={E02
[19:51:07.07] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4381
[19:51:07.07] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[19:51:07.07] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[19:51:07.07] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[19:51:07.07] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438138
[19:51:08.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:08.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:08.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 912
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:51:08.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432BE8: destroying im
[19:51:22.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:51:22.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:51:22.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4356
[19:51:22.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 69 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:51:22.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 69
and hr = 0x0
[19:51:22.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:51:33.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: enter
[19:51:33.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[19:51:33.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 4356
[19:51:33.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>MSG 70 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[19:51:33.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432828: has id of 70
and hr = 0x0
[19:51:33.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432828: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[19:51:38.49] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[19:51:38.49] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=b | TextCount=744 | M
sgContent=3 | FromAPI=0
[19:51:38.49] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[19:51:38.49] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[19:51:38.49] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message directly
[19:51:38.49] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42ECA8: Session(
64) sending 852 bytes of data
[19:51:38.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151033 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 64 on bridge 258 (size 852):
[19:51:38.49] Zone_P2PSession CImInkEuf::Send >> Sending IM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink

[19:51:38.66] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[19:51:38.66] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151033 to our list of unacked blobs
[19:51:39.11] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:51:39.11] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:51:39.11] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:51:39.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236103 is ACK to sent blob 151033. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1429)
[19:51:39.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151033 for session 64 is unacked
[19:51:39.83] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=64, blob=151033)
[19:51:51.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:51.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:51:55.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:51:55.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:51:55.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:51:55.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:51:55.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[19:51:55.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:52:02.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:02.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:52:04.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:04.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:04.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 592
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:52:29.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:29.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:52:35.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:52:35.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:52:35.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:52:35.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:35.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:52:35.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:52:39.12] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:52:39.12] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:52:39.12] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:52:42.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:42.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:52:46.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:46.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:52:46.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 548
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:53:09.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:09.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:53:17.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:17.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:53:24.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:53:24.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:53:24.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:53:24.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:24.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[19:53:24.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:53:25.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:25.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:53:34.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:34.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:53:39.14] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:53:39.14] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:53:39.14] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:53:41.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:41.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:53:56.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:53:56.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:54:03.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:54:03.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:54:04.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:54:04.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:54:04.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 872
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[19:54:13.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:54:13.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:54:13.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:54:13.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:54:13.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:54:13.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:54:23.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:54:23.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:54:39.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:54:39.15] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:54:39.15] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:54:49.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:54:49.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:54:49.25] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:54:49.25] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000001
[19:55:01.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:55:01.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 '%20%20%20Vanessa 2788999484 %3cmsn
[19:55:01.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000002
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, va
lue =<msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="NkCTkvTlZrTaK
45wPd9fe5mBrRU=" Size="30283" Location="0" Friendly="RABTAEMAMAA0ADIANwA3AAAA"/>
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif
, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf
, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDete
cted, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsCh
unking, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDi
rectIM, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWi
nks, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVo
iceIM, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSC
hannel, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSi
pInvite, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersio
n, value =0
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware,
value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupport
sTurn, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstr
apViaUUN, value =true
[19:55:01.43] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3622339248) state changed to 2 (wi
re state is 2)
[19:55:01.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3622339248, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[19:55:01.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 36223392
48, property = UserTileFilePath
[19:55:01.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:55:01.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:55:01.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 738
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
x22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;NkCTkvTlZrTaK45wPd9fe5mBrRU=&#x22; Size=&#x2
2;30283&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RABTAEMAMAA0ADIANwA3AAAA&#x2
2;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x27; Vanessa</FriendlyName><PSM></
[19:55:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, no mstate change
[19:55:01.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileFilePath, va
lue =C:\Users\Harry\AppData\Local\Temp\MessengerCache\NkCTkvTlZrTaK45wPd9fe5mBrR
[19:55:01.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value
[19:55:01.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value
=WMP\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[19:55:01.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =
[19:55:01.56] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[19:55:01.56] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[19:55:01.56] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy vanessa_enerjik@hotmai
[19:55:01.56] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[19:55:01.57] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[19:55:23.59] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:55:23.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731148) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 4356
[19:55:23.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
[19:55:23.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731148) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 4356, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[19:55:23.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731148
) (2) closing socket 4356
[19:55:23.83] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[19:55:23.83] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:55:23.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[19:55:23.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
We disconnected purposely
[19:55:23.83] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@04705FC
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[19:55:23.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[19:55:23.83] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[19:55:23.83] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151033 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[19:55:39.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:55:39.16] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:55:39.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:55:44.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:55:44.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:55:44.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:55:44.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:55:44.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:55:44.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:56:01.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:56:01.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[19:56:01.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[19:56:01.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[19:56:23.61] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[19:56:39.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:56:39.18] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:56:39.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:56:48.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:56:48.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:56:48.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:56:48.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:56:48.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:56:48.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:57:32.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:57:32.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:57:32.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:57:32.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:57:32.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[19:57:32.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[19:57:39.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:57:39.19] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:57:39.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:58:19.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:58:19.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:58:19.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:58:20.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:58:20.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[19:58:20.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:58:39.21] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:58:39.21] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:58:39.21] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:59:01.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:59:01.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:59:01.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:59:01.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:59:01.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[19:59:01.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[19:59:39.22] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[19:59:39.22] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[19:59:39.22] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[19:59:45.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[19:59:45.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[19:59:45.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[19:59:45.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:59:45.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[19:59:45.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[19:59:46.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:59:46.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 1279403164 CKI 1704050.197246128 akarsu_gamze@hotmai Gamze U 1<
[19:59:46.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432BE8: created new im
[19:59:46.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A97B8: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[19:59:46.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731238) (2)
>> connecting to
[19:59:46.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[19:59:46.43] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:59:46.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[19:59:46.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731238)
(2) >> connecting to
[19:59:46.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731238)
(2) >> success 0x04731238, socket=5532, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047310D0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047311C0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716540: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[19:59:46.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731238) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 5532
[19:59:46.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
>ANS 71 1704050.197246128 1279403164<
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[19:59:46.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731238) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5532
[19:59:46.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[19:59:46.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[19:59:46.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:59:46.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432BE8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[19:59:46.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >IRO 71 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[19:59:46.92] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[19:59:46.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >ANS 71 OK<
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04705FC0: bridge id
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04705FC0:f
iring bridge connected event
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[19:59:46.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[19:59:47.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:59:47.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[19:59:59.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[19:59:59.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:00:09.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:00:09.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:00:16.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:00:16.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:00:16.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:00:16.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[20:00:16.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:00:16.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:00:16.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432BE8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 2048
[20:00:16.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:00:16.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1140
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[20:00:16.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432828: destroying im
[20:00:39.23] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:00:39.23] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:00:39.23] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:00:43.13] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[20:00:43.13] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=( | TextCount=3 | Msg
Content=0 | FromAPI=0
[20:00:43.13] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[20:00:43.13] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[20:00:43.13] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[20:00:43.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432BE8: enter
[20:00:43.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432BE8: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:00:43.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731238) >> sent
140 bytes on socket 5532
[20:00:43.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
>MSG 72 N 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
[20:00:43.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432BE8: has id of 72
and hr = 0x0
[20:00:43.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432BE8: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:00:59.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:00:59.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:00:59.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:00:59.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:00:59.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:00:59.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:01:13.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:01:13.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:01:14.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:01:14.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 464
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[20:01:39.25] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:01:39.25] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:01:39.25] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:01:43.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:01:43.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:01:43.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:01:44.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:01:44.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[20:01:44.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:02:14.30] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432BE8: called for tim
er id 3
[20:02:14.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731238) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5532
[20:02:14.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
[20:02:14.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731238) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5532, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:02:14.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731238
) (2) closing socket 5532
[20:02:14.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:02:14.52] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:02:14.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:02:14.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
We disconnected purposely
[20:02:14.52] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@04705FC
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:02:14.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:02:14.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[20:02:14.52] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151033 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:02:27.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:02:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:02:27.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:02:27.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:02:27.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[20:02:27.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:02:39.26] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:02:39.26] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:02:39.26] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:02:47.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:02:47.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:02:47.58] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:02:47.58] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3072994040, new mstate = 00000001
[20:03:14.31] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432BE8: called for tim
er id 3
[20:03:19.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:03:19.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:03:19.81] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:03:19.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000001
[20:03:39.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:03:39.27] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:03:39.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:03:43.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:03:43.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 .!? 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22zozom
[20:03:43.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000002
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =t
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =t
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected, valu
e =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, va
lue =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, va
lue =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, value
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, val
ue =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, va
lue =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite, v
alue =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value =
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =tru
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, val
ue =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN,
value =true
[20:03:43.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1950085347) state changed to 2 (wire state i
s 2)
[20:03:43.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:03:43.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:03:43.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 656
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type=
&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;/6pyCLbgPLkVwOWyK2c5GTf05ig=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2721&#x2
2; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;UgBvAG0AZQBvACsAAAA=&#x22;/&#x3E;</User
TileLocation><FriendlyName>.!?</FriendlyName><RUM>Don't Worry, Be Happy &#x3D;)<
/RUM><PSM>Don't Worry, Be Happy &#x3D;)</PSM><MachineGuid>&#x7B;3E457364-0828-49
[20:03:43.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, no mstate change
[20:03:43.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =Don't Wo
rry, Be Happy =)
[20:03:43.96] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={3E457364-
[20:03:43.96] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437a
[20:03:43.96] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:03:43.96] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[20:03:43.97] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:03:44.00] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437a38
[20:04:29.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:04:29.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:04:29.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:04:30.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:04:30.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:04:30.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:04:39.29] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:04:39.29] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:04:39.29] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:05:15.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:05:15.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:05:15.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:05:15.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:05:15.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[20:05:15.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:05:39.30] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:05:39.30] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:05:39.30] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:06:03.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:06:03.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:06:03.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:06:03.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:06:03.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[20:06:03.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:06:39.32] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:06:39.32] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:06:39.32] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:06:50.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:06:50.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:06:50.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:06:50.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:06:50.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:06:50.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:06:51.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:06:51.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:06:51.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000001
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =
[20:06:51.52] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif
, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf
, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDete
cted, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsCh
unking, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDi
rectIM, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWi
nks, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVo
iceIM, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSC
hannel, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSi
pInvite, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersio
n, value =0
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware,
value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupport
sTurn, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:06:51.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstr
apViaUUN, value =false
[20:06:51.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3622339248) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[20:06:51.52] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:06:51.53] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[20:07:36.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:07:36.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:07:36.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:07:36.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:07:36.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:07:36.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:07:39.33] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:07:39.33] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:07:39.33] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:07:51.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C63E400: >> st
arting up scheduler
[20:07:51.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C63E400
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C63EAC8
[20:07:51.67] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C63E400: max t
urn failures = 2
[20:07:51.67] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C63E400:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C63E400:
for EUF {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}, pEventSink = 0C4154C4
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C63E400:
dwFlags has P2P_SESSFLAG_TRYDIRECT session id 5220169
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C63E400:
>> not yet connected underneath -- queuing this slave request until we are spReq
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: setup direct, current failures = 0
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C63E400: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0, master trans t
ype =0, pSessionState = 0C43B398
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C63E400: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C63E400: true
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C63E400:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
63E400:pDialogState = 0C43B398, session id = 0
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D9286802-714F-414F-88B0-E91E58E2C1CF}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {F063C5D0-2E15-31AF-4E2E-AAE2C9B3E31A}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:07:51.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

676 bytes on socket 3600
[20:07:51.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 46 3 644
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D9286802-714F-414F-88B0-E91E58E2C1CF}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {F063C5D0-2E15-31AF-4E2E-AAE2C9B3E31A}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:07:51.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=46
[20:07:51.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: just initiated direct setup, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:07:51.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:07:51.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 46 OK<
[20:07:51.98] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 46
[20:07:51.98] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 46
[20:07:51.98] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 46
[20:07:51.98] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 46
[20:07:52.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:07:52.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:07:52.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 820
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D9286802-714F-414F-88B0-E91E58E2C1CF}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 515
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: false
Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
TCP-Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0
UPnPNat: false
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C63E400: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D9286802-714F-414F-88B0-E91E58E2C1CF}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 515
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: false
Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
TCP-Conn-Type: Direct-Connect
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 961.681.95.881
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 25215
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0 2002:bc3b:baa9::bc3b:baa9
IPv6-Port: 51253
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {282E11CB-6E54-415B-A222-67F3A82033F3}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C63E400: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C63E400
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, sch
annel initiating id =0
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Direct-Connect (1)
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Direct-Connect (1)
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: remote caps 1
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0 2002:bc3b:baa9::bc3b:ba
a9, strPort = 51253
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0, strPortToken = 512
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0, endpoint.strPo
rt = 51253
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2002:bc3b:baa9::bc3b:baa9, endpoint.strPort = 51253
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 51252
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 51252
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 51252
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@08666790:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:52.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[20:07:52.85] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9668: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:07:52.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C63E40
0:dwBridgeId 260 is connecting
[20:07:53.10] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[20:07:53.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:53.10] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=5
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 5.
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
790: >> (internal_port = 49846, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9847, result = 1, elapsed time = 500(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
790: >> total port mapping elapsed time 500(ms)
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@08666790:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790:connecting to host = 2001:0:4137:9e76:41a:293a:43c4:6bd0, port = 51
253, fExternal = 1
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: >> using socket 5492 to connect
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: >> IPv6 socket 5492 to connect
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790:TCB sock 5492, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5492 (addr = ::, port = 49848)
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790:added to list socket 5492 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49848)
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666790: found matching sock 5492
[20:07:53.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790:connecting to host = 2002:bc3b:baa9::bc3b:baa9, port = 51253, fExte
rnal = 1
[20:07:53.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:07:53.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: >> using socket 5708 to connect
[20:07:53.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: >> IPv6 socket 5708 to connect
[20:07:53.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:53.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790:TCB sock 5708, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:07:53.35] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5708 (addr = ::, port = 49849)
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790:added to list socket 5708 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49849)
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666790: found matching sock 5708
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790:connecting to host =, port = 51252, fExternal = 0
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790: >> using socket 5668 to connect
[20:07:53.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666790:TCB sock 5668, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5668 (addr =, port = 4985
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790:added to list socket 5668 (addr =, port = 49850)
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666790: found matching sock 5668
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:07:53.37] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={4711C62D-B9F3-4409-A071-BDBC75E0528B}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 74894:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 05894:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:07:53.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

518 bytes on socket 3600
[20:07:53.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 47 3 486
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={4711C62D-B9F3-4409-A071-BDBC75E0528B}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 74894:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 05894:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:07:53.37] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=47
[20:07:53.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:07:53.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 47 OK<
[20:07:53.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 47
[20:07:53.66] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 47
[20:07:53.66] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 47
[20:07:53.66] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 47
[20:08:01.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PMasterSession::OnTimer@0C63E400: >> d
irect transport did not setup in 10000 ms, requesting indirect
[20:08:01.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C63E400:
creating new TURN bridge
[20:08:01.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ConnectBridge (08568A48) >>
Start to connect Turn bridge
[20:08:01.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91260) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:08:01.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirect (0C491260)
>> resolving
[20:08:01.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C63E40
0:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[20:08:01.75] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0x85d0030) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 78ms
[20:08:01.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::OnGetAddrInfo@0C491260 >>
Name resolved for, spAddrInfo=206056448
[20:08:01.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1260) >> connect using socket 5880
[20:08:01.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTlsAuthenticate (08568A
48) >> Starting TLS negotiation
[20:08:02.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTlsAuthenticate (085
68A48) >> TLS negotiation finished successfully
[20:08:02.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTurnAuthenticate (08568
A48) >> Sending the first invalid shared secret request
[20:08:02.19] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CE850@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:08:02.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:08:02.19] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:08:02.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:08:02.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[20:08:02.19] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[20:08:02.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate (08
568A48) >> Sending the first shared secret request, size=777
[20:08:02.29] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:08:02.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568A48) >> Acquired username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:08:02.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568A48) >> Acquired VR server address: 3B73F55E
[20:08:02.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568A48) >> Sending the second shared secret request, size=777
[20:08:02.38] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:08:02.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::FinishTurnAuthenticate (0856
8A48) >> Acquired session username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:08:02.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91300) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:08:02.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1300) >> connect using socket 5880
[20:08:02.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (08
568A48) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[20:08:02.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(08568A48) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[20:08:02.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::IssueAllocateRequest (08568A
48) >> Sending Allocate request, size=132
[20:08:02.69] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B0@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=0103 Attr=8055
[20:08:02.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessAllocateResponse (085
68A48) >> Received allocate response. msgType=259, allocated port=443
[20:08:02.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:08:02.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2E8801D8-2DE3-4B81-A05B-4479A5B80048}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 143
SessionUsername: ZjwgeVfpTDiXdodVak6lev0gNn/QN7CmRoUR1RP9QiKcIEpw
SessionPassword: eBZE6aLtZYtY48AHk5xNFw==

[20:08:02.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

500 bytes on socket 3600
[20:08:02.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 48 10 467
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2E8801D8-2DE3-4B81-A05B-4479A5B80048}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 143
SessionUsername: ZjwgeVfpTDiXdodVak6lev0gNn/QN7CmRoUR1RP9QiKcIEpw
SessionPassword: eBZE6aLtZYtY48AHk5xNFw==
[20:08:02.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=48
[20:08:03.01] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:08:03.01] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 48 OK<
[20:08:03.01] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 48
[20:08:03.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 48
[20:08:03.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 48
[20:08:03.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 48
[20:08:03.49] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessHello_1@08568A48 >> R
eceived HELLO_1, recv size = 32
[20:08:03.49] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@08568A48: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C63E400
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C63E400: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C63E400:be
st bridge found = 2
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C63E400:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C63
E400: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
63E400:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
63E400:pDialogState = 0C43B470, session id = 5220169
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C63E400
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 5220169, pEventSink = 0C4A3B1
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={63F35D77-35B4-43DF-9B41-C71C511757AB}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 324
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 5220169
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJ6b3pvbWVydHlAbXNuLmNvbSIgVHlwZT0iMyIgU0hBMUQ9Ii8

[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu

eued blob 151034 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 657):
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
B10: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3B10: >> msg 4, state 0, transport type 1
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C63E400: eAcceptance = 0
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C63E400
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C4A3B38
[20:08:03.50] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C63E400: false
[20:08:03.51] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:03.51] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1106: >> a
dding blob 151034 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:08:03.51] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:04.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >>
Received blob 8656412 is ACK to sent blob 151034. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 530)
[20:08:04.04] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C63E400:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151034
[20:08:04.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C63E400: >> blob 151034 for session 0 is unacked
[20:08:04.04] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151034)
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C63
E978: >> no such session 0
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C63E400: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={63F35D77-35B4-43DF-9B41-C71C511757AB}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 5220169
SChannelState: 0

[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C63E400: dwSlaveId = 5220169, call id = {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C63E400
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 522016
9, schannel initiating id =0
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3B10
: >> msg 0, state 1
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3B10: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C63E400: DialogState = 0C43B470, session id = 5220169
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C63E400: true
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResp_eOn200@0C63E
400: >> slave requested autodirect/schannel, so requesting direct/schannel now
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C63E400: >> transport type 2 requested by session 5220169, master t
rans type =1, pSessionState = 0C43B470
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C63E400:queueing transport request, PendingTransportMutex id = 0, t
his sess id = 5220169
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::QueuePendingTransportS
etupRequest@0C63E400:7672:queued transport setup request dwSessionId 5220169
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >> re
ceived entire blob 8656411. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151035 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C63
E978: >> no such session 5220169
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >> re
ceived entire blob 8656413. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:08:04.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151036 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 5220169 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151035, ACK to blob 8656411
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151035)
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 5220169
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151036, ACK to blob 8656413
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=5220169, blob=151036)
[20:08:04.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:04.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 1950085347, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:08:04.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 19500853
47, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:08:04.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >> re
ceived entire blob 8656414. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:08:04.52] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151037 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 5220169 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:08:04.52] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C63E400:
dwSessionId = 5220169
[20:08:04.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileFilePath, value =C:\Us
[20:08:04.54] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 5220169
[20:08:04.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151037, ACK to blob 8656414
[20:08:04.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=5220169, blob=151037)
[20:08:04.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:05.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSessionInternal@0
C63E400: dwSessionId = 5220169
[20:08:05.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={6132A64B-1079-46DC-BE7F-5A7375E163DD}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 64
SessionID: 5220169
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:08:05.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151038 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 395):
[20:08:05.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RemovePendingTransport
SetupRequest@0C63E400:7630: removing a queued transport setup request dwSessionI
d 5220169
[20:08:05.54] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C63E
400:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 5220169
[20:08:05.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C63
E400: removing from dialog map & call id session 5220169, callid={91F0481C-C34A-
[20:08:05.56] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:05.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1106: >> a
dding blob 151038 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:08:05.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:05.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >>
Received blob 8656417 is ACK to sent blob 151038. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 491)
[20:08:05.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C63E400:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151038
[20:08:05.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C63E400: >> blob 151038 for session 0 is unacked
[20:08:05.77] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151038)
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C63E400: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={50CFA781-01AF-44B8-9BD7-01D60E103462}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 5220169
SChannelState: 0

[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C63E400: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDS@0C63E400
: >> unknown call ID and non invite or ack -- responding with 481
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={50CFA781-01AF-44B8-9BD7-01D60E103462}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 58
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu

eued blob 151039 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 384):
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >> re
ceived entire blob 8656415. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151040 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C63E400: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={6132A64B-1079-46DC-BE7F-5A7375E163DD}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 35
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C63E400: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {91F0481C-C34A-478F-8677-DEB64150761F}
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMsgNoSDS@0C63E400
: >> Received response for unknown call, dropping
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >> re
ceived entire blob 8656416. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:08:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151041 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151041, ACK to blob 8656416
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151041)
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151040, ACK to blob 8656415
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151040)
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1106: >> a
dding blob 151039 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:08:06.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >>
Received blob 8656418 is ACK to sent blob 151039. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 495)
[20:08:06.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C63E400:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151039
[20:08:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C63E400: >> blob 151039 for session 0 is unacked
[20:08:06.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151039)
[20:08:14.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086667
90: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5708
[20:08:14.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90:sock 5708, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:08:14.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666790: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5708
[20:08:14.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5708
[20:08:14.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086667
90: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5492
[20:08:14.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90:sock 5492, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:08:14.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666790: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5492
[20:08:14.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5492
[20:08:14.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086667
90: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5668
[20:08:14.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90:sock 5668, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:08:14.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666790: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5668
[20:08:14.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5668
[20:08:14.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we failed to co
[20:08:23.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C63E400: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={13329CF9-892A-42D2-80CE-93DBB89E9D6D}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 227
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 37885#6554:4c34:a392:e481:67e9:7314:0:1002 37885#9aab:b3cb::9
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 27885:961.681.95.881
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-UDP-Switch
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:08:23.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C63E400: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@0869F1D0:
bound to addr
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@0869F1D0:
doing port mapping
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@0869F1
D0:set timer cookie 3, time in ms = 1000
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9668: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C63E40
0:dwBridgeId 260 is connecting
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >> re
ceived entire blob 8656419. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:08:23.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu
eued blob 151042 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:08:23.26] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:23.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151042, ACK to blob 8656419
[20:08:23.26] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151042)
[20:08:23.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@0869F1D0: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2188, error = 0, event = 1
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=3
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> response matches request 3.
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0:kill timer cookie 3
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C620
438: >> (internal_port = 59899, external_addr =, external_port = 5
9899, result = 1, elapsed time = 218(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C620
438: >> total port mapping elapsed time 218(ms)
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C620438:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C620438:connecting to host =, port = 58872, fExternal = 0
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C620438: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C620438: >> using socket 2188 to connect
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C620438:TCB sock 2188, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C620438: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 2188 (addr =, port =
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C620438:added to list socket 2188 (addr =, port = 59900)
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C62
0438: sock 2188, TCB-ID =3
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C620438: found matching sock 2188
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C63E40
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C63E40
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F30830EA-6733-4065-892F-34DCF0AF617D}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 99895:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 00995:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:08:23.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C63E400: >> Qu

eued blob 151043 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 487):
[20:08:23.48] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427858: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:08:23.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C63E400@1106: >> a
dding blob 151043 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:08:23.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C63E4
00: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:08:23.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C63E400: >>
Received blob 8656420 is ACK to sent blob 151043. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 474)
[20:08:23.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C63E400:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151043
[20:08:23.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C63E400: >> blob 151043 for session 0 is unacked
[20:08:23.81] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C63E9A8:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151043)
[20:08:24.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:24.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:24.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:25.49] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:25.49] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:25.49] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:26.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:26.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:26.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:27.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:27.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:27.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:28.53] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:28.53] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:28.53] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:29.54] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:29.54] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:29.54] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:30.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:30.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:30.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:31.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:31.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:31.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:32.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:32.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:32.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:33.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:33.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:33.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:34.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:34.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:34.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:35.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:35.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:35.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:36.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:36.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:36.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:37.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:37.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:37.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:38.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:38.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:38.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:39.34] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:08:39.34] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:08:39.34] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:08:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:41.71] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:41.71] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:41.71] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:42.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:42.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:42.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:43.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:43.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:43.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:44.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:44.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:44.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:45.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:45.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:45.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:46.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:46.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:46.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:47.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:08:47.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:08:47.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:08:47.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:08:47.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:08:47.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:08:47.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:47.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:47.80] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:48.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:48.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:48.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:49.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:49.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:49.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:50.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:50.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:50.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:51.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:51.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:51.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:52.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:52.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:52.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:53.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:53.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:53.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:54.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:54.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:54.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:55.94] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:55.94] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:55.94] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:56.95] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:57.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:57.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:57.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:08:58.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:08:58.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:08:58.98] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:00.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:00.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:00.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:01.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:01.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:01.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:02.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:02.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:02.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:03.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:03.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:03.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:05.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:05.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:05.07] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:06.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:07.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:07.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:07.09] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:08.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:08.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:08.11] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:09.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:09.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:09.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:10.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:10.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:10.15] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:11.16] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:11.16] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:11.16] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:12.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:12.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:12.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:13.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:13.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
620438:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:09:13.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C620
438: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C620
438:idTimer 1, dwCtxt 3
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@0C620438: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 2188
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C620438:sock 2188, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 1
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C620438: >> closing socket 2188
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C620438: fCloseSocket 1 socket 2188
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C62043
8: closing socket 2188
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RetryWithNewApproxListe
ningPort@0C620438:3109: hr = 0x80004005
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C620438: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we faile
d to connect
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@
0C63E400: (failedType = 2, currentType = 1 (master transport type = 1, schannle
state = 0)
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 0
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 1
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_fListener = 0
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 1
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_bridgeType = 0
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 0
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_listenerNATType = 1
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_connectorNATType = 5
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_hrFailure = 0x82000020
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 0
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_msPortMappingTime = 0
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 1170
[20:09:13.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C63EB50: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[20:09:13.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C63E400: session 0 direct connect failed
[20:09:13.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C63E400:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[20:09:13.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C63E400:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[20:09:13.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C63E400: DialogState = 0C43B398, session id = 0
[20:09:13.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@0
C4A3B38: >> failed type 2, current type 1, m_transportType 1
[20:09:13.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3B38: >> msg 5, state 1, transport type 1
[20:09:24.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:09:24.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN IDL 1 .!? 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22zozom
[20:09:24.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 18
[20:09:24.30] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000012
[20:09:24.30] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1950085347) state changed to 18 (wire state
is 18)
[20:09:38.84] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:09:38.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:09:38.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 8121919, new mstate = 00000001
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =EMPTY
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPTY
[20:09:38.84] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, value =fa
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, value =fa
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking, val
ue =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM, val
ue =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, value
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM, valu
e =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel, val
ue =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvite, va
lue =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, value =0
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value =fals
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn, valu
e =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaUUN, v
alue =false
[20:09:38.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 8121919) state changed to 1 (wire state is 1)
[20:09:38.84] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:09:38.85] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[20:09:39.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:09:39.36] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:09:39.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:10:17.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:10:17.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 .!? 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22zozom
[20:10:17.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:10:17.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000002
[20:10:17.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1950085347) state changed to 2 (wire state i
s 2)
[20:10:23.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:10:23.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 .!? 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22zozom
[20:10:23.45] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[20:10:23.45] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1950085347, new mstate = 00000022
[20:10:23.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1950085347) state changed to 34 (wire state
is 34)
[20:10:39.37] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:10:39.37] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:10:39.37] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C63E
400: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C63E400: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C63E400:no
bridge found
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C63E400:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 0's queue
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151043 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C63E9A8: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 2's sessio
n queue over
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C63
E400: (1 (TURNv1) -> 0 (None))
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
B38: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 1
[20:10:40.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3B38: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[20:11:04.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:11:04.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:11:04.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:11:04.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:11:04.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[20:11:04.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:11:39.38] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:11:39.38] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:11:39.38] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:11:45.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:11:45.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:11:45.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:11:45.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3538711563, new mstate = 00000001
[20:12:34.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:12:34.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:12:34.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:12:34.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:12:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:12:34.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:12:37.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:12:37.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:12:37.52] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:12:37.52] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[20:12:39.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:12:39.39] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:12:39.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:13:18.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:13:18.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:13:18.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:13:18.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:13:18.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[20:13:18.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:13:21.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:13:21.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 '%20%20%20Vanessa 2788999484 %3cmsn
[20:13:21.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000002
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif
, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf
, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDete
cted, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsCh
unking, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDi
rectIM, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWi
nks, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVo
iceIM, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSC
hannel, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSi
pInvite, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersio
n, value =0
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware,
value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupport
sTurn, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstr
apViaUUN, value =true
[20:13:21.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3622339248) state changed to 2 (wi
re state is 2)
[20:13:21.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:13:21.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:13:21.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 738
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
x22; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;NkCTkvTlZrTaK45wPd9fe5mBrRU=&#x22; Size=&#x2
2;30283&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RABTAEMAMAA0ADIANwA3AAAA&#x2
2;/&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x27; Vanessa</FriendlyName><PSM></
[20:13:21.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, no mstate change
[20:13:21.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value
=WMP\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[20:13:21.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =
[20:13:21.12] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[20:13:21.12] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:13:21.12] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy vanessa_enerjik@hotmai
[20:13:21.13] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:13:21.13] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[20:13:39.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:13:39.41] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:13:39.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:14:04.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:14:04.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:14:04.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:14:04.37] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:04.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:14:04.37] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:14:38.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:38.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 381398671 CKI 1176917.21117252 akarsu_gamze@hotmail.
com Gamze U 1<
[20:14:38.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432828: created new im
[20:14:38.08] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:14:38.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731328) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:14:38.08] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:14:38.08] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:14:38.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:14:38.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731328)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:14:38.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731328)
(2) >> success 0x04731328, socket=5884, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730F68. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047312B0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:14:38.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731328) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 5884
[20:14:38.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
>ANS 73 1176917.21117252 381398671<
[20:14:38.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:14:38.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731328) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5884
[20:14:38.35] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:14:38.35] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:14:38.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:38.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432828: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:14:38.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >IRO 73 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[20:14:38.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:14:38.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:38.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >ANS 73 OK<
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706598: bridge id
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706598:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[20:14:38.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[20:14:38.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:38.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:14:39.42] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:14:39.42] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:14:39.42] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:14:43.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:43.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:14:45.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:45.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:14:45.61] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:14:45.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3643366642, new mstate = 00000001
[20:14:47.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:47.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 128
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
o gunlerde<
[20:14:47.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432BE8: destroying im
[20:14:56.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:14:56.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:01.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:01.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:04.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:04.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 138
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
mutfakta biri var da<
[20:15:05.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:05.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:08.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:08.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 130
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
km bilmiorum<
[20:15:16.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:16.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:15:16.46] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:15:16.46] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1227094428, new mstate = 00000001
[20:15:21.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:21.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:26.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:26.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:29.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:29.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 139
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kadin doumcular falan<
[20:15:30.48] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:30.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:35.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:35.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:39.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:15:39.44] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:15:39.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:15:39.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:39.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 156
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
o gunlerde hamile kalinmaz die guvenip<
[20:15:40.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:40.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:43.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:43.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 130
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
sex yapmayin<
[20:15:44.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:44.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:49.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:49.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
garanti verilemez<
[20:15:49.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:49.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:55.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:55.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:15:56.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:15:56.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 129
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
dio kucugum<
[20:16:00.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:16:00.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:16:00.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:16:00.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:00.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:16:00.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:16:04.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:04.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:09.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:09.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:14.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:14.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:19.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:19.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 138
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kadin dogumcu demek<
[20:16:20.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:20.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:25.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:25.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:30.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:30.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 metehan 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creato
[20:16:30.94] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[20:16:30.94] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1227094428, new mstate = 0000000A
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetect
ed, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChun
king, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDire
ctIM, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWink
s, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoic
eIM, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCha
nnel, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipI
nvite, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, va
lue =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsT
urn, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrap
ViaUUN, value =true
[20:16:30.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1227094428) state changed to 10 (wir
e state is 10)
[20:16:31.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 1227094428, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:16:31.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 12270944
28, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:16:31.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:31.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:31.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 726
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
2; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;Kv9i5F2inaKs7FlO9ipq6EBSWUs=&#x22; Size=&#x22;
2553&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;ZQByAGEAeQAyADgAMwAyAAAA&#x22;/
[20:16:31.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1227094428, no mstate change
[20:16:31.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =W
MP\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[20:16:31.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={4
[20:16:31.04] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437a
[20:16:31.05] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:16:31.05] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy metehan_cmn89@hotmail.
[20:16:31.05] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:16:31.09] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437a38
[20:16:35.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:35.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 130
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
halk dilinde<
[20:16:35.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:35.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:39.45] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:16:39.45] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:16:39.45] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:16:40.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:40.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:45.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:45.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:50.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:50.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:16:54.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:54.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 162
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
kadin hastaliklari uzman docent doktor prof <
[20:16:56.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:16:56.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:01.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:01.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:12.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:17:12.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:17:12.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:17:12.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:12.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:17:12.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:17:31.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:31.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:36.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:36.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:39.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:39.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:17:39.09] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:17:39.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[20:17:39.46] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:17:39.46] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:17:39.46] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:17:41.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:41.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:46.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:46.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:53.07] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:53.07] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 152
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
o gunlerde sex bile yapilio tatlim<
[20:17:53.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:53.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:54.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:54.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 123
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:17:56.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:56.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:17:59.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:59.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:17:59.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:17:59.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:04.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:04.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:09.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:09.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
safisler sevgilim<
[20:18:23.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:18:23.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:18:23.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:18:23.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:23.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:18:23.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:18:29.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:29.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:18:29.71] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3622339248, new mstate = 00000001
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =
[20:18:29.71] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[20:18:29.71] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif
, value =false
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf
, value =false
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDete
cted, value =false
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsCh
unking, value =false
[20:18:29.71] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDi
rectIM, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWi
nks, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVo
iceIM, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSC
hannel, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSi
pInvite, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersio
n, value =0
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware,
value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupport
sTurn, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstr
apViaUUN, value =false
[20:18:29.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3622339248) state changed to 1 (wi
re state is 1)
[20:18:29.72] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:18:29.72] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[20:18:34.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:34.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:39.48] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:18:39.48] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:18:39.48] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:18:39.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:39.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:40.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:40.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 141
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
oyle zamanlarda yapinca<
[20:18:40.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:40.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:45.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:45.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:47.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:47.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 136
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
haile kalinmaz die<
[20:18:49.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:49.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:51.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:51.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 125
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:18:51.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:51.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:54.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:54.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
o yuzden<
[20:18:55.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:55.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:18:59.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:18:59.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 133
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:19:11.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:19:11.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:19:11.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:19:11.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:11.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[20:19:11.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:19:13.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:13.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:19:18.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:18.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:19:20.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:20.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 148
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
neyden korunucaksinki sevgilim<
[20:19:22.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:22.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:19:27.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:27.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:19:29.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:29.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 140
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
cok kotu fena bisey =d<
[20:19:31.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:31.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:19:36.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:36.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:19:37.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:37.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432828:
Recv >MSG Gamze 139
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
yapmasin insanlar be <
[20:19:39.49] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:19:39.49] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:19:39.49] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:19:51.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:19:51.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:19:51.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:19:52.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:19:52.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:19:52.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:20:34.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:20:34.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:20:34.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:20:34.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:20:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 39<
[20:20:34.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[20:20:37.09] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[20:20:37.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731328) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5884
[20:20:37.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432828: Sent
[20:20:37.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731328) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:20:37.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731328
) (2) closing socket 5884
[20:20:37.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:20:37.33] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:20:37.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:20:37.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432828:
We disconnected purposely
[20:20:37.33] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470659
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:20:37.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:20:37.33] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[20:20:37.33] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151033 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:20:39.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:20:39.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:20:39.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:20:55.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:20:55.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 1671228056 CKI 91147173.1585946 akarsu_gamze@hotmail.
com Gamze U 1<
[20:20:55.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432BE8: created new im
[20:20:55.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A97B8: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:20:55.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (047313A0) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:20:55.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:20:55.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:20:55.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:20:55.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047313A0)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:20:55.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047313A0)
(2) >> success 0x047313a0, socket=5884, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:20:55.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:20:55.44] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:20:55.44] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047310D0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730EF0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716540: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:20:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047313A0) >> sent
55 bytes on socket 5884
[20:20:55.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
>ANS 74 91147173.1585946 1671228056<
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:20:55.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047313A0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5884
[20:20:55.46] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:20:55.46] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Ignoring state change
[20:20:55.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:20:55.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432BE8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:20:55.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >IRO 74 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[20:20:55.68] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:20:55.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >ANS 74 OK<
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706598: bridge id
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706598:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[20:20:55.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[20:20:55.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:20:55.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:21:09.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:21:09.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:21:34.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:21:34.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:21:34.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:21:34.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:21:34.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[20:21:34.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:21:37.10] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432828: called for tim
er id 3
[20:21:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:21:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:21:39.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:21:43.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:21:43.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:22:14.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:22:14.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:22:14.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:22:14.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:14.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[20:22:14.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:22:17.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:17.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:22:26.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:26.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:22:26.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:22:26.84] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 00000001
[20:22:37.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:37.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 [c=39][b]'%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20
%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20[b]ɱuÉ aŧ[/b][/b][/c] 2789003564 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%
[20:22:37.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 0000000A
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, val
ue =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, val
ue =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunkin
g, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectI
M, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM
, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChanne
l, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvi
te, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, va
lue =0
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn
, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVia
UUN, value =true
[20:22:37.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2359950402) state changed to 10 (wire s
tate is 10)
[20:22:37.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 2359950402, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:22:37.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 23599504
02, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:22:37.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:37.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:37.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 863
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;;
Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;syKUjRYZl396DxXDggBwcfGnvpk=&#x22; Size=&#x22;248
1&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;MwAwADYAMwAzAF8AMQA0ADEAOQA5ADQAMQ
[b]ɱuÉ aŧ[/b][/b][/c]</FriendlyName><PSM></PSM><MachineGuid>&#x7B;EAEE57BD-E<
[20:22:37.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2359950402, no mstate change
[20:22:37.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP\
0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[20:22:37.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={EAEE
[20:22:37.56] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[20:22:37.56] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:22:37.56] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[20:22:37.57] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:22:37.59] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[20:22:39.53] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:22:39.53] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:22:39.53] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:22:53.71] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:22:53.71] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:23:17.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:23:17.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:23:17.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:23:17.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:23:17.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[20:23:17.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:23:24.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:23:24.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:23:35.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:23:35.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:23:39.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:23:39.54] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:23:39.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:24:06.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:06.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:24:06.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:24:06.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:24:06.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:24:07.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:07.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:24:07.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:24:12.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:12.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:24:19.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:19.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:24:27.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:27.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:24:32.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:32.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:24:37.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:37.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:37.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 709
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={5520A8CE-0CBD-47FC-B8F1-E81DA7DAFC57}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 370
NetID: -1257740971
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:413<
[20:24:37.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C652838: >> st
arting up scheduler
[20:24:37.89] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C652838
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C652F00
[20:24:37.89] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C652838: max t
urn failures = 2
[20:24:37.89] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C652838:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C652838: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={5520A8CE-0CBD-47FC-B8F1-E81DA7DAFC57}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 370
NetID: -1257740971
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:ca4:3359:aa9a:f74a
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {C2F7A7B7-01C0-F2BF-4774-2D24A462E692}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C652838: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C652838:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, schan
nel initiating id =0
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C652838:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 0
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C652838: >> got reINVITE
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got net ID: -1257740971
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got upnp Enabled nat type: 0
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got ICF Enabled: 0
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> Support Hashed-Nonce: {C2F7A7B7-01C0-F2BF-4774-2D24A462E692}
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: remote caps 1
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C652838: true
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C652838:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', BaseCoolness 20
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', BaseCoolness 75
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'SBBridge', which we do not support
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'TURNv1', which we do not support
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: selected bridge 'TCPv1'
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@086664A0:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:24:37.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[20:24:37.91] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9CF8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:24:37.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C65283
8:dwBridgeId 261 is connecting
[20:24:38.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[20:24:38.19] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:24:38.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=6
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 6.
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
4A0: >> (internal_port = 49889, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9890, result = 1, elapsed time = 515(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
4A0: >> total port mapping elapsed time 515(ms)
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@086664A0:adding to listening endpoints list
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: binding to
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: binding to
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 3616
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnAllAddrs@086664
A0:712:ListenForAddrFamilyOnAllIpAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@086
664A0:1108:ListenOnAllAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:24:38.43] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: binding to
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 3616 (addr =, port = 4989
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0:added to list socket 3616 (addr =, port = 49891)
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@086664A0: binding to
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5664 (addr = ::, port = 49892)
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
86664A0:added to list socket 5664 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49892)
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C65283
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C65283
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C65283
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C65283
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C65283
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C65283
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:24:38.44] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C65283
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={5520A8CE-0CBD-47FC-B8F1-E81DA7DAFC57}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {BF1D2DC7-8659-C549-58F8-EC77D1DDC83B}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 09894
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 19894
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49892
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:24:38.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

750 bytes on socket 3600
[20:24:38.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 49 3 710
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={5520A8CE-0CBD-47FC-B8F1-E81DA7DAFC57}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {BF1D2DC7-8659-C549-58F8-EC77D1DDC83B}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 09894
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 19894
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49892
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:24:38.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=49
[20:24:38.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:38.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 49 OK<
[20:24:38.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 49
[20:24:38.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 49
[20:24:38.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 49
[20:24:38.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 49
[20:24:38.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 49
[20:24:39.44] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketAccept@08666
4A0: >> newly accepted socket is 5532 (accepted from listening socket 5664)
[20:24:39.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5664
[20:24:39.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: socket 5664 is IPv6
[20:24:39.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 5664
[20:24:39.45] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketRead@086664A
0: >> Got WSAEWOULDBLOCK after reading 4294967295 bytes
[20:24:39.56] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:24:39.56] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:24:39.56] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:24:39.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:39.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:39.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 596
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={40AEE38B-78EA-4F37-B6A1-402A2179FDAE}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 253
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 53905#a47f:a9aa:9533:4ac:67e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 33905:
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C652838: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={40AEE38B-78EA-4F37-B6A1-402A2179FDAE}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 253
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 53905#a47f:a9aa:9533:4ac:67e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 33905:
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 43905:891.2.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Updated-Connecting-Port
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C652838: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
4A0:fexternal 1 addr
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
4A0:fexternal 0 addr
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@086664A0:sock 5532, fIPv6Socket 1
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@086664A0:sock 3616, fIPv6Socket 0
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@086664A0:connecting endpoint, fIPv6 0, fEx
ternal 1
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@086664A0:usBeginPortRange = 50933, usEndPortRange = 0
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetListeningPortFromSoc
k@086664A0: bound to address
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
664A0:trying to puncture hole to
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
664A0:connecting to host =, port = 50933
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
664A0: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
664A0: >> using socket 3812 to connect
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@086664A0:att
empting bind to port 49891 for sock 3812
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@086664A0: bo
und to internal
[20:24:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@086664A0: found matching sock 3616
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 0 socket 5532
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: socket 5532 is IPv6
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 3616
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 3812
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 3616
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTransportEventSinkBridge
StateChange@0C652838:1501: IPv6 connection
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C652838
: >> bridge 261 is now connected
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C652838: >> Qu
eued blob 151044 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 261 (size 0):
[20:24:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SetIdleTimer@086664A
0: setting idle timer for 14400000 ms
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838:be
st bridge found = 261
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C652838:migrating to dwBridgeId = 261
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 261's queue
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151044 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C65
2838: (0 () -> 2 (TCPv1))
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C652838: eAcceptance = 0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C652838
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C4A3CA0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C652838: false
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C65
2838: sqm transport time to direct 1794(ms)
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_fListener = 1
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 2
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_bridgeType = 3
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 2
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_listenerNATType = 5
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_connectorNATType = 5
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 1794
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_msPortMappingTime = 515
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C652F88: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C652838: ignoring type 2 for session 0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C652838:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[20:24:39.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C652838:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[20:24:39.70] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427D68: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 0
[20:24:39.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C652838@1124: >> f
reeing blob 151044, Non-ACK control packet
[20:24:39.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C652DE0:
(bridge=261, session=0, blob=151044)
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C65
2DB0: >> no such session 0
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C652838: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2B87E1B5-5E8E-436A-BE0C-C75717965FE0}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {6AD491BE-4C91-4E07-8829-0D2DD591CF62}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 302
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 23798609
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJsaW1wNjVAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFNIQTFEPSJ

[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C652838: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {6AD491BE-4C91-4E07-8829-0D2DD591CF62}
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C652838:eAcceptance = 1, dwSlaveId = 23798609, call id = {6AD491BE-4C91-4E
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C65283
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2B87E1B5-5E8E-436A-BE0C-C75717965FE0}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {6AD491BE-4C91-4E07-8829-0D2DD591CF62}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 65
SessionID: 23798609
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C652838: >> Qu

eued blob 151045 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 261 (size 379):
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C652838: DialogState = 0C43B3E0, session id = 23798609
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C652838
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 23798609, pEventSink = 0C4A3E
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3ED0
: >> msg 0, state 1
[20:24:40.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3ED0: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 2
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C4A3ED0: Session(
23798609) sending 4 bytes of data
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C652838: >> Qu
eued blob 151046 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 23798609 on bridge 261 (size 4)
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C4A3ED0: Session(
23798609) sending 908 bytes of data
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C652838: >> Qu
eued blob 151047 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 23798609 on bridge 261 (size 90
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C652838: >> transport type 2 requested by session 23798609, master
trans type =2, pSessionState = 0C43B3E0
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C652838: >> transport type 2 requested by session 23798609
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C652838: have this bridge returning immediatley
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C652838: firing transport change type 2 direct for session 237986
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
ED0: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 4, current type 2
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3ED0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C652838: >> re
ceived entire blob 23800403. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:24:40.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C652838: >> Qu
eued blob 151048 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 261 (size 0):
[20:24:40.26] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427D68: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 0
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C652838@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151048, ACK to blob 23800403
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C652DE0:
(bridge=261, session=0, blob=151048)
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::IsBlobNotReadyToBe
Sent@0C652DE0:because of recent bridge move, can't guarantee ordering of blob 15
1046 of size 4 for session 23798609 whose very first blob-id = 151046 is greater
than master-session-first-blob-to-send = 151045, dwMasterSessionHeadOfListBlobI
d = 151045
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427D68: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 0
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C652838@1106: >> a
dding blob 151045 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427D68: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 23798609
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C652838@1106: >> a
dding blob 151046 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427D68: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 23798609
[20:24:40.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C652838@1106: >> a
dding blob 151047 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:24:40.66] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C652838: >>
Received blob 23800404 is ACK to sent blob 151045. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 405)
[20:24:40.66] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C652838:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151045
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C652838: >> blob 151045 for session 0 is unacked
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C652DE0:
(bridge=261, session=0, blob=151045)
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C652838: >>
Received blob 23800406 is ACK to sent blob 151047. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 405)
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C652838: >> blob 151047 for session 23798609 is unacked
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C652DE0:
(bridge=261, session=23798609, blob=151047)
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C652838: >>
Received blob 23800405 is ACK to sent blob 151046. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 405)
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C652838: >> blob 151046 for session 23798609 is unacked
[20:24:40.67] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C652DE0:
(bridge=261, session=23798609, blob=151046)
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432BE8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 2048
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1322
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
Message-ID: {BB4EC84D-DDE0-4D08-BA91-79E28BBAA600}
Chunks: 5
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1266
Message-ID: {BB4EC84D-DDE0-4D08-BA91-79E28BBAA600}
Chunk: 1
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1266
Message-ID: {BB4EC84D-DDE0-4D08-BA91-79E28BBAA600}
Chunk: 2
[20:24:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1266
Message-ID: {BB4EC84D-DDE0-4D08-BA91-79E28BBAA600}
Chunk: 3
[20:24:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:40.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 1019
Message-ID: {BB4EC84D-DDE0-4D08-BA91-79E28BBAA600}
Chunk: 4
[20:24:40.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432828: destroying im
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C652838: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={A3FA7F35-29CE-4B74-94A7-4F096A4D385B}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {6AD491BE-4C91-4E07-8829-0D2DD591CF62}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 42
SessionID: 23798609
SChannelState: 0

[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C652838: dwSlaveId = 23798609, call id = {6AD491BE-4C91-4E07-8829-0D2DD591CF62}
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C652
838:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 23798609
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C65
2838: removing from dialog map & call id session 23798609, callid={6AD491BE-4C91
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3ED0
: >> msg 3, state 0
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3ED0: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 2
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C652838: >> re
ceived entire blob 23800407. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:24:41.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C652838: >> Qu
eued blob 151049 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 261 (size 0):
[20:24:41.70] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427D68: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 261, sessionId 0
[20:24:41.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C652838@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151049, ACK to blob 23800407
[20:24:41.70] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C652DE0:
(bridge=261, session=0, blob=151049)
[20:24:46.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:46.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 948837300 CKI 12216877.68251208 armagansapmaz@hotmai Army U 1<
[20:24:46.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432918: created new im
[20:24:46.31] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:24:46.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731418) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:24:46.31] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:24:46.31] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:24:46.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:24:46.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:24:46.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> success 0x04731418, socket=5924, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047312B0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730F68. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:24:46.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
55 bytes on socket 5924
[20:24:46.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>ANS 75 12216877.68251208 948837300<
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5924
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:24:46.56] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:24:46.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:46.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432918: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:24:46.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >IRO 75 1 1 Army 2789003564<
[20:24:46.81] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2439922762, no mstate change
[20:24:46.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:46.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >ANS 75 OK<
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C652838: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706648: bridge id
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706648:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C652838
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838:be
st bridge found = 261
[20:24:46.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C652838: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 261
[20:24:47.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:47.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Army 162
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Arial%20Narrow; EF=BI; CO=0; CS=a2; PF=22
patron biz ne zaman ders seçioruz ya<
[20:24:47.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 2439922762, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:24:47.26] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 24399227
62, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:24:50.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:50.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Army 98
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:24:53.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:24:53.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Army 154
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Arial%20Narrow; EF=BI; CO=0; CS=a2; PF=22
bi türlü çözemedim o iŠi<
[20:25:00.72] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086664
A0: >> socket error 80072736 on socket 3812
[20:25:00.72] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086664
A0:sock 3812, err 80072736, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:25:00.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@086664A0: fCloseSocket 1 socket 3812
[20:25:27.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[20:25:27.48] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:25:27.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5924
[20:25:27.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 76 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:25:27.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 76
and hr = 0x0
[20:25:27.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:25:30.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:25:30.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:25:30.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:25:30.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:25:30.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[20:25:30.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:25:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[20:25:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:25:32.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5924
[20:25:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 77 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:25:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 77
and hr = 0x0
[20:25:32.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:25:33.66] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
Sending IM to conversation
[20:25:33.66] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=2 | TextCount=14 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[20:25:33.66] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[20:25:33.66] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[20:25:33.66] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
Sending message via SB
[20:25:33.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[20:25:33.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:25:33.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
151 bytes on socket 5924
[20:25:33.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 78 N 137
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
22 23 24 eylul<
[20:25:33.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 78
and hr = 0x0
[20:25:33.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:25:39.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:25:39.57] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:25:39.57] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:25:40.91] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432BE8: called for tim
er id 3
[20:25:40.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047313A0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5884
[20:25:40.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
[20:25:41.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047313A0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5884, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:25:41.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (047313A0
) (2) closing socket 5884
[20:25:41.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:25:41.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A97B8: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:25:41.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:25:41.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
We disconnected purposely
[20:25:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470659
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:25:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:25:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[20:25:41.14] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151033 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:26:13.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:26:13.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:26:13.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:26:13.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:26:13.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:26:13.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:26:33.69] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432918: called for tim
er id 3
[20:26:33.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5924
[20:26:33.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
[20:26:33.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:26:33.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731418
) (2) closing socket 5924
[20:26:33.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:26:33.94] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:26:33.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:26:33.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
We disconnected purposely
[20:26:33.94] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470664
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:26:33.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C652
838: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:26:33.94] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[20:26:33.94] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151049 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:26:33.94] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> bridge 1 has no queue -- finished
[20:26:33.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432918: destroying im
[20:26:39.59] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:26:39.59] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:26:39.59] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:26:40.93] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432BE8: called for tim
er id 3
[20:26:58.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:26:58.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:26:58.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:26:58.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:26:58.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 419900685 CKI 7322270.644141
m Army U 1<
[20:26:58.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433458: created new im
[20:26:58.85] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9A58: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:26:58.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (047312B0) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:26:58.85] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:26:58.85] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:26:58.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:26:58.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047312B0)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:26:58.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047312B0)
(2) >> success 0x047312b0, socket=5924, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:26:58.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:26:58.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[20:26:58.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731418. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730F68. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:26:59.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
52 bytes on socket 5924
[20:26:59.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
>ANS 79 7322270.644141 419900685<
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:26:59.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5924
[20:26:59.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:26:59.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[20:26:59.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:26:59.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433458: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:26:59.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >IRO 79 1 1 Army 2789003564<
[20:26:59.33] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2439922762, no mstate change
[20:26:59.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:26:59.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >ANS 79 OK<
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C652838: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706648: bridge id
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706648:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C652838
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838:be
st bridge found = 261
[20:26:59.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C652838: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 261
[20:26:59.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:26:59.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Army 98
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:27:01.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:01.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 (R)Beren(R) 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creato
[20:27:01.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3643366642, new mstate = 00000022
[20:27:01.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, valu
e =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, valu
e =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected,
value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking
, value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM
, value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, v
alue =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM,
value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel
, value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvit
e, value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, val
ue =0
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn,
value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaU
UN, value =true
[20:27:01.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3643366642) state changed to 34 (wire st
ate is 34)
[20:27:01.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:01.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 808
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; T
ype=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;ZGlJwqT+/pv6SO0POOA29GsKZyM=&#x22; Size=&#x22;1239
1&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;SQBNAEcAXwAwADQAOQAyAAAA&#x22;/&#x
SignatureSound></SignatureSound><Scene>&#x3C;msnobj Creator&#x3D;"beren_sen@hot<
[20:27:01.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3643366642, no mstate change
[20:27:01.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={CB68D
[20:27:01.56] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437d
[20:27:01.56] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:27:01.56] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[20:27:01.56] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:27:01.56] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437d38
[20:27:02.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:02.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Army 98
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:27:07.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:07.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Army 98
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:27:10.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:10.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433458:
Recv >MSG Army 149
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Arial%20Narrow; EF=BI; CO=0; CS=a2; PF=22
danke schön gehen gehen<
[20:27:19.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: enter
[20:27:19.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:27:19.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5924
[20:27:19.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
>MSG 80 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:27:19.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: has id of 80
and hr = 0x0
[20:27:19.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C433458: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:27:24.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: enter
[20:27:24.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:27:24.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5924
[20:27:24.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
>MSG 81 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:27:24.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: has id of 81
and hr = 0x0
[20:27:24.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C433458: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:27:29.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: enter
[20:27:29.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:27:29.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 5924
[20:27:29.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
>MSG 82 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:27:29.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: has id of 82
and hr = 0x0
[20:27:29.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C433458: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:27:31.76] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
Sending IM to conversation
[20:27:31.76] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=g | TextCount=33 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[20:27:31.76] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[20:27:31.76] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[20:27:31.76] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0C503410 >
Sending message via SB
[20:27:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: enter
[20:27:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[20:27:31.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
170 bytes on socket 5924
[20:27:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
>MSG 83 N 156
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
gnaedige garten fenster schliesen<
[20:27:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433458: has id of 83
and hr = 0x0
[20:27:31.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C433458: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[20:27:39.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:27:39.60] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:27:39.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:27:50.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:27:50.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:27:50.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:27:50.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:50.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 1402378443 CKI 1265213.136141167 akarsu_gamze@hotmail
.com Gamze U 1<
[20:27:50.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433548: created new im
[20:27:50.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:27:50.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731670) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:27:50.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:27:50.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:27:50.64] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:27:50.64] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731670)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:27:50.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731670)
(2) >> success 0x04731670, socket=5736, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:27:50.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:50.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:27:50.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731580. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047315F8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:27:50.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731670) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 5736
[20:27:50.89] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>ANS 84 1265213.136141167 1402378443<
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:27:50.89] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731670) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5736
[20:27:50.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:27:50.90] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:27:51.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:51.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433548: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:27:51.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >IRO 84 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[20:27:51.12] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:27:51.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:51.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >ANS 84 OK<
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706598: bridge id
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706598:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[20:27:51.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[20:27:51.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:27:51.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:28:00.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:28:00.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:28:00.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:28:00.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4041957760, new mstate = 00000001
[20:28:02.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:28:02.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:28:04.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:28:04.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:28:04.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:28:04.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[20:28:10.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:28:10.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:28:28.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:28:28.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:28:31.77] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433458: called for tim
er id 3
[20:28:31.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5924
[20:28:31.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433458: Sent
[20:28:31.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5924, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:28:31.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (047312B0
) (2) closing socket 5924
[20:28:31.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:28:31.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:28:31.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:28:31.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433458:
We disconnected purposely
[20:28:31.99] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470664
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:28:31.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C652
838: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:28:31.99] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 261's queue
[20:28:31.99] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151049 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:28:31.99] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> bridge 1 has no queue -- finished
[20:28:31.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C433458: destroying im
[20:28:39.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:28:39.61] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:28:39.61] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:28:48.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:28:48.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:28:48.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:28:49.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:28:49.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:28:49.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:29:24.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:29:24.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:29:31.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:29:31.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:29:31.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:29:31.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:29:31.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[20:29:31.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:29:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:29:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:29:39.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:29:41.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:29:41.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:04.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:04.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:09.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:09.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:14.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:14.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:19.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:30:19.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:30:19.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:30:19.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:19.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:30:19.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:30:20.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:20.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:26.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:26.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:32.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:32.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:30:38.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:30:38.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:30:39.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:30:39.64] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:30:39.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:31:00.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:31:00.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:31:00.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:31:00.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:00.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[20:31:00.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:31:20.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:20.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:31:20.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2476653648, new mstate = 00000001
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPTY
[20:31:20.72] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437a
[20:31:20.72] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, val
ue =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, val
ue =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunkin
g, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectI
M, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM
, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChanne
l, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvi
te, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, va
lue =0
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn
, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVia
UUN, value =false
[20:31:20.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2476653648) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[20:31:20.73] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:31:20.74] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437a38
[20:31:38.78] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433548: called for tim
er id 3
[20:31:38.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731670) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5736
[20:31:38.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
[20:31:39.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731670) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:31:39.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731670
) (2) closing socket 5736
[20:31:39.00] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:31:39.00] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:31:39.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:31:39.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
We disconnected purposely
[20:31:39.00] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470659
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:31:39.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:31:39.00] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[20:31:39.00] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151033 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:31:39.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C433548: destroying im
[20:31:39.65] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:31:39.65] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:31:39.65] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:31:48.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:48.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 394080915 CKI 7677161.15297117 akarsu_gamze@hotmai Gamze U 1<
[20:31:48.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432A08: created new im
[20:31:48.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:31:48.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (047312B0) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:31:48.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:31:48.99] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:31:48.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432A08:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:31:48.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047312B0)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:31:48.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047312B0)
(2) >> success 0x047312b0, socket=5736, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047315F8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731580. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047164D8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:31:49.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432A08:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:31:49.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 5736
[20:31:49.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432A08: Sent
>ANS 85 7677161.15297117 394080915<
[20:31:49.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:31:49.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5736
[20:31:49.25] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:31:49.25] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[20:31:49.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:49.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432A08: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:31:49.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >IRO 85 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[20:31:49.46] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:31:49.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:49.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >ANS 85 OK<
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706598: bridge id
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706598:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[20:31:49.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[20:31:49.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:49.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:31:58.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:31:58.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:32:04.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:04.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:32:32.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:32:32.00] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:32:32.00] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:32:32.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:32.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[20:32:32.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[20:32:39.67] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:32:39.67] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:32:39.67] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:32:42.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:42.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:32:50.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:50.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:32:52.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:52.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 126
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:32:52.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432BE8: destroying im
[20:32:52.88] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:52.88] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:32:56.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:56.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 135
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
hayir sevgilim ya<
[20:32:58.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:32:58.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:03.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:03.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:08.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:08.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[20:33:12.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:12.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 158
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
saglikli diye ne yedikerini de biliyorum<
[20:33:16.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:16.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:19.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:33:19.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:33:19.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:33:19.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:19.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[20:33:19.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:33:21.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:21.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:26.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:26.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:27.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:27.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 157
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
gidim recel mecel aliolar guya saglikli<
[20:33:27.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:27.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:32.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:32.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:33.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:33.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 150
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
recelin nasi yapildii belli diil<
[20:33:33.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:33.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:33:33.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:33:33.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[20:33:34.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:34.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:39.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:39.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:39.68] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:33:39.68] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:33:39.68] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:33:44.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:44.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:46.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:46.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 152
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
portakal suyu alio saglikliymis =D<
[20:33:46.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:46.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:51.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:51.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:33:55.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:33:55.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432A08:
Recv >MSG Gamze 147
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
icinde 3 gram portakal yok =D<
[20:34:13.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:34:13.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:34:13.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:34:13.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:34:13.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[20:34:13.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:34:35.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={C3AB4750-B3FF-4220-8B4D-BD053DBA8B0B}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {78DB8C47-D8CB-42C8-8FA0-FAD9D80B0FFB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 24511
EUF-GUID: {5D3E02AB-6190-11D3-BBBB-00C04F795683}
SessionID: 144387
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 2

[20:34:35.46] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {78DB8C47-D8CB-42C8-8FA0-FAD9D80B0FFB}
[20:34:35.74] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C465508:eAcceptance = 3, dwSlaveId = 144387, call id = {78DB8C47-D8CB-42C8
[20:34:35.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236104. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:34:35.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151050 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[20:34:35.86] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[20:34:35.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151050, ACK to blob 157236104
[20:34:35.87] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151050)
[20:34:39.69] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:34:39.69] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:34:39.69] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:34:45.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={B4D0DFC5-241A-4BD4-B665-7D25B2D17A86}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {78DB8C47-D8CB-42C8-8FA0-FAD9D80B0FFB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 40
SessionID: 144387
SChannelState: 0

[20:34:45.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144387, call id = {78DB8C47-D8CB-42C8-8FA0-FAD9D80B0FFB}
[20:34:45.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: removing from dialog map & call id session 144387, callid={78DB8C47-D8CB-4
[20:34:45.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3C28
: >> msg 3, state 0
[20:34:45.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3C28: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 2
[20:34:45.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236105. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:34:45.10] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151051 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[20:34:45.17] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[20:34:45.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151051, ACK to blob 157236105
[20:34:45.17] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151051)
[20:34:55.93] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432A08: called for tim
er id 3
[20:34:55.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047312B0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5736
[20:34:55.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432A08: Sent
[20:34:56.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047312B0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5736, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:34:56.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (047312B0
) (2) closing socket 5736
[20:34:56.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:34:56.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:34:56.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432A08:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:34:56.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432A08:
We disconnected purposely
[20:34:56.15] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470659
8:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:34:56.15] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:34:56.15] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[20:34:56.15] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151051 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:35:03.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:35:03.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:35:03.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:35:04.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:35:04.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[20:35:04.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:35:39.71] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:35:39.71] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:35:39.71] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:35:50.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:35:50.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:35:50.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:35:50.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:35:50.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:35:50.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[20:35:55.95] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432A08: called for tim
er id 3
[20:36:35.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:36:35.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:36:35.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:36:35.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:35.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:36:35.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:36:39.72] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:36:39.72] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:36:39.72] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C661658: >> st
arting up scheduler
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C661658
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C661D20
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C661658: max t
urn failures = 2
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C661658:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C661658:
for EUF {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}, pEventSink = 0C415904
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C661658:
dwFlags has P2P_SESSFLAG_TRYDIRECT session id 6958098
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C661658:
>> not yet connected underneath -- queuing this slave request until we are spReq
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: setup direct, current failures = 0
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C661658: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0, master trans t
ype =0, pSessionState = 0C43B2C0
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C661658: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C661658: true
[20:36:49.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C661658:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
661658:pDialogState = 0C43B2C0, session id = 0
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={432FC4E2-F22B-47C0-A949-E2AB660A0508}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {7326734D-FFAD-A555-FD2A-2932D0D0F9B6}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:36:49.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

688 bytes on socket 3600
[20:36:49.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 50 3 652
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={432FC4E2-F22B-47C0-A949-E2AB660A0508}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {7326734D-FFAD-A555-FD2A-2932D0D0F9B6}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:36:49.61] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=50
[20:36:49.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: just initiated direct setup, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:36:49.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:49.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 50 OK<
[20:36:49.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 50
[20:36:49.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 50
[20:36:49.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 50
[20:36:49.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 50
[20:36:49.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 50
[20:36:49.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 50
[20:36:50.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:50.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:50.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 598
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={432FC4E2-F22B-47C0-A949-E2AB660A0508}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 289
Listening: false
Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direc<
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C661658: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={432FC4E2-F22B-47C0-A949-E2AB660A0508}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 289
Listening: false
Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Symmetric-NAT
UPnPNat: false
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {7DB3E6E7-84C4-D7CB-8D94-308AC63617A7}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C661658: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C661658
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, sch
annel initiating id =0
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Symmetric-NAT (6)
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Symmetric-NAT (6)
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: remote caps 1
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = , strPort =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = , strPortToken =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:50.16] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@08666790:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C661658:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C661658:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C661658: DialogState = 0C43B2C0, session id = 0
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C661658:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
661658:pDialogState = 0C43B2C0, session id = 0
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A97B8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:36:50.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C66165
8:dwBridgeId 262 is connecting
[20:36:50.44] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[20:36:50.44] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:36:50.44] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=7
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 7.
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
790: >> (internal_port = 49908, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9909, result = 1, elapsed time = 515(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
790: >> total port mapping elapsed time 515(ms)
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@08666790:adding to listening endpoints list
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: binding to
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: binding to
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5636
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnAllAddrs@086667
90:712:ListenForAddrFamilyOnAllIpAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@086
66790:1108:ListenOnAllAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:36:50.69] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: binding to
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5636 (addr =, port = 4991
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790:added to list socket 5636 (addr =, port = 49910)
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666790: binding to
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5844 (addr = ::, port = 49911)
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666790:added to list socket 5844 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49911)
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:36:50.70] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={16346C71-2BE0-4FDD-9223-581202F625BB}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {7326734D-FFAD-A555-FD2A-2932D0D0F9B6}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 90994
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 01994
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49911
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:36:50.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

772 bytes on socket 3600
[20:36:50.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 51 3 736
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={16346C71-2BE0-4FDD-9223-581202F625BB}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {7326734D-FFAD-A555-FD2A-2932D0D0F9B6}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 90994
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 01994
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49911
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:36:50.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=51
[20:36:50.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:50.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 51 OK<
[20:36:50.95] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 51
[20:36:50.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 51
[20:36:50.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 51
[20:36:50.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 51
[20:36:50.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 51
[20:36:50.95] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 51
[20:36:52.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:52.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:36:52.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 578
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={98DDA56D-FDD3-4340-8336-BE64D7B1EBBC}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 239
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 97121:091.811.671.87
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 03394:43.1.861.291
egnaR-dnE-troP-gnitcennoC-lanretxE4vPI: 181<
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C661658: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={98DDA56D-FDD3-4340-8336-BE64D7B1EBBC}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 239
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 97121:091.811.671.87
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 03394:43.1.861.291
egnaR-dnE-troP-gnitcennoC-lanretxE4vPI: 18121
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Updated-Connecting-Port
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C661658: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
790:fexternal 1 addr
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
790:fexternal 0 addr
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@08666790:sock 5844, fIPv6Socket 1
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@08666790:sock 5636, fIPv6Socket 0
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@08666790:connecting endpoint, fIPv6 0, f
External 1
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@08666790:usBeginPortRange = 12179, usEndPortRange = 12181
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@08666790:usPort = 12180
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetListeningPortFromSoc
k@08666790: bound to address
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetSymNATPredictedConne
ctingPort@08666790:usRange = 1
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetSymNATPredictedConne
ctingPort@08666790: predicted port 12180
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66790:trying to puncture hole to
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66790:connecting to host =, port = 12180
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66790: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66790: >> using socket 5808 to connect
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@08666790:att
empting bind to port 49910 for sock 5808
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@08666790: bo
und to internal
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666790: found matching sock 5636
[20:36:52.24] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetSymNATPredictedConne
ctingPort@08666790:usRange = 0
[20:36:59.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PMasterSession::OnTimer@0C661658: >> d
irect transport did not setup in 10000 ms, requesting indirect
[20:36:59.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C661658:
creating new TURN bridge
[20:36:59.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ConnectBridge (08568A48) >>
Start to connect Turn bridge
[20:36:59.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91300) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:36:59.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirect (0C491300)
>> resolving
[20:36:59.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C66165
8:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[20:36:59.67] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0xc6389b0) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 63ms
[20:36:59.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::OnGetAddrInfo@0C491300 >>
Name resolved for, spAddrInfo=205684048
[20:36:59.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1300) >> connect using socket 5940
[20:36:59.83] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTlsAuthenticate (08568A
48) >> Starting TLS negotiation
[20:37:00.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTlsAuthenticate (085
68A48) >> TLS negotiation finished successfully
[20:37:00.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTurnAuthenticate (08568
A48) >> Sending the first invalid shared secret request
[20:37:00.18] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CE850@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:37:00.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:37:00.18] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:37:00.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:37:00.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[20:37:00.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[20:37:00.18] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate (08
568A48) >> Sending the first shared secret request, size=777
[20:37:00.30] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:37:00.30] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568A48) >> Acquired username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:37:00.30] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568A48) >> Acquired VR server address: 6673F55E
[20:37:00.30] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568A48) >> Sending the second shared secret request, size=777
[20:37:00.39] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:37:00.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::FinishTurnAuthenticate (0856
8A48) >> Acquired session username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:37:00.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
913A0) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:37:00.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
13A0) >> connect using socket 5940
[20:37:00.51] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (08
568A48) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[20:37:00.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(08568A48) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[20:37:00.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::IssueAllocateRequest (08568A
48) >> Sending Allocate request, size=132
[20:37:00.69] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B0@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=0103 Attr=8055
[20:37:00.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessAllocateResponse (085
68A48) >> Received allocate response. msgType=259, allocated port=443
[20:37:00.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:37:00.69] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={49943341-B5E8-47AD-99B6-934BBB4E5B74}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: QHhOMRd2uIfWKoplak6lev0gNn+yQdJ/FrUWtKP5KpYUkfYN
SessionPassword: e/MMeRGBvbNgpo4r3g7htA==

[20:37:00.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

513 bytes on socket 3600
[20:37:00.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 52 10 476
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={49943341-B5E8-47AD-99B6-934BBB4E5B74}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: QHhOMRd2uIfWKoplak6lev0gNn+yQdJ/FrUWtKP5KpYUkfYN
SessionPassword: e/MMeRGBvbNgpo4r3g7htA==
[20:37:00.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=52
[20:37:00.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:37:00.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 52 OK<
[20:37:00.92] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 52
[20:37:00.92] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 52
[20:37:00.92] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 52
[20:37:00.92] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 52
[20:37:00.92] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 52
[20:37:00.92] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 52
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessHello_1@08568A48 >> R
eceived HELLO_1, recv size = 32
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@08568A48: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C661658
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C661658: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C661658:be
st bridge found = 2
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C661658:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C66
1658: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
661658:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
661658:pDialogState = 0C43B3E0, session id = 6958098
[20:37:01.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C661658
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 6958098, pEventSink = 0C4A3C2
[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={4C76FC89-2844-4993-8A10-61859BB50E80}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 336
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 6958098
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJiZXJlbl9zZW5AaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFNIQTF

[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu

eued blob 151052 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 677):
[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
C28: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3C28: >> msg 4, state 0, transport type 1
[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C661658: eAcceptance = 0
[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C661658
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C4A3C00
[20:37:01.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C661658: false
[20:37:01.48] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:01.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1106: >> a
dding blob 151052 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:37:01.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >>
Received blob 1533679 is ACK to sent blob 151052. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 390)
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C661658:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151052
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C661658: >> blob 151052 for session 0 is unacked
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151052)
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C66
1BD0: >> no such session 0
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C661658: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={4C76FC89-2844-4993-8A10-61859BB50E80}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 6958098
SChannelState: 0

[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C661658: dwSlaveId = 6958098, call id = {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C661658
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 695809
8, schannel initiating id =0
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3C28
: >> msg 0, state 1
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3C28: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C661658: DialogState = 0C43B3E0, session id = 6958098
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C661658: true
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResp_eOn200@0C661
658: >> slave requested autodirect/schannel, so requesting direct/schannel now
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C661658: >> transport type 2 requested by session 6958098, master t
rans type =1, pSessionState = 0C43B3E0
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C661658:queueing transport request, PendingTransportMutex id = 0, t
his sess id = 6958098
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::QueuePendingTransportS
etupRequest@0C661658:7672:queued transport setup request dwSessionId 6958098
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >> re
ceived entire blob 1533678. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu
eued blob 151053 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C66
1BD0: >> no such session 6958098
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >> re
ceived entire blob 1533680. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:37:01.86] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu
eued blob 151054 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 6958098 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151053, ACK to blob 1533678
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151053)
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 6958098
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151054, ACK to blob 1533680
[20:37:01.88] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=6958098, blob=151054)
[20:37:02.33] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3643366642, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:37:02.33] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 36433666
42, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:37:02.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >> re
ceived entire blob 1533681. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:37:02.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu
eued blob 151055 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 6958098 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:37:02.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileFilePath, value =C
[20:37:02.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C661658:
dwSessionId = 6958098
[20:37:02.37] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 6958098
[20:37:02.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151055, ACK to blob 1533681
[20:37:02.37] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=6958098, blob=151055)
[20:37:02.37] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:03.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSessionInternal@0
C661658: dwSessionId = 6958098
[20:37:03.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={3B1F9A45-AC63-4709-AF13-389542160FA8}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 64
SessionID: 6958098
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:37:03.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu

eued blob 151056 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 403):
[20:37:03.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RemovePendingTransport
SetupRequest@0C661658:7630: removing a queued transport setup request dwSessionI
d 6958098
[20:37:03.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C661
658:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 6958098
[20:37:03.34] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C66
1658: removing from dialog map & call id session 6958098, callid={6514DDB9-62A5-
[20:37:03.36] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:03.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1106: >> a
dding blob 151056 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:37:03.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:03.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >>
Received blob 1533682 is ACK to sent blob 151056. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 370)
[20:37:03.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C661658:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151056
[20:37:03.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C661658: >> blob 151056 for session 0 is unacked
[20:37:03.60] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151056)
[20:37:04.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C661658: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8342D4DB-8E8F-4A69-89E1-79EB5E499F00}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 6958098
SChannelState: 0

[20:37:04.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C661658: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
[20:37:04.02] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDS@0C661658
: >> unknown call ID and non invite or ack -- responding with 481
[20:37:04.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8342D4DB-8E8F-4A69-89E1-79EB5E499F00}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {6514DDB9-62A5-4BE3-A37E-0AA4BD25B3BB}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 58
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:37:04.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu

eued blob 151057 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 388):
[20:37:04.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >> re
ceived entire blob 1533683. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:37:04.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu
eued blob 151058 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:37:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151058, ACK to blob 1533683
[20:37:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151058)
[20:37:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1106: >> a
dding blob 151057 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:37:04.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:04.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >>
Received blob 1533684 is ACK to sent blob 151057. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 378)
[20:37:04.49] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C661658:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151057
[20:37:04.49] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C661658: >> blob 151057 for session 0 is unacked
[20:37:04.49] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151057)
[20:37:13.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086667
90: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5808
[20:37:13.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90:sock 5808, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:37:13.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666790: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5808
[20:37:13.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5636
[20:37:13.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5808
[20:37:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:37:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:37:39.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnTimer@08666790: ca
lled for timer id 1, dwContext 5844
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086667
90: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 5844
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90:sock 5844, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 1
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666790: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5844
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866679
0: closing socket 5844
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RetryWithNewApproxListe
ningPort@08666790:3109: hr = 0x80004005
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086667
90: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we failed to co
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:37:40.70] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:37:40.71] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@0869F1D0:
bound to addr
[20:37:40.71] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:37:40.71] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@0869F1D0:
doing port mapping
[20:37:40.71] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@0869F1
D0:set timer cookie 4, time in ms = 1000
[20:37:40.71] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A97B8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:37:40.71] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C66165
8:dwBridgeId 262 is connecting
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@0869F1D0: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2748, error = 0, event = 1
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=4
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> response matches request 4.
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0:kill timer cookie 4
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C639
278: >> (internal_port = 51503, external_addr =, external_port = 5
1503, result = 1, elapsed time = 219(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C639
278: >> total port mapping elapsed time 219(ms)
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C639278:adding to listening endpoints list
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C639278: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C639278: binding to
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C639278: binding to
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C639278: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 2748 (addr =, port = 3100
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C639278:added to list socket 2748 (addr =, port = 31001)
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C63
9278: sock 2748, TCB-ID =4
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C639278: family = 23, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@0C639278: binding to
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C639278: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5844 (addr = ::, port = 51504)
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C639278:added to list socket 5844 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 51504)
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C63
9278: sock 5844, TCB-ID =5
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C66165
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C66165
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={3AC825F3-6F7A-49DB-8EC1-00B5E4701774}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 152
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 30515:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 10013:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:37:40.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu

eued blob 151059 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 490):
[20:37:40.94] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:40.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1106: >> a
dding blob 151059 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:37:40.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:41.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >>
Received blob 1533685 is ACK to sent blob 151059. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 352)
[20:37:41.11] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C661658:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151059
[20:37:41.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C661658: >> blob 151059 for session 0 is unacked
[20:37:41.11] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151059)
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C661658: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={96C888F9-7827-4E18-BA6B-E0F897FD3302}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 239
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 88121:091.811.671.87
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 35706:43.1.861.291
egnaR-dnE-troP-gnitcennoC-lanretxE4vPI: 09121
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Updated-Connecting-Port
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C661658: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@0C639
278:fexternal 1 addr
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@0C639
278:fexternal 0 addr
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@0C639278:sock 5844, fIPv6Socket 1
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@0C639278:sock 2748, fIPv6Socket 0
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@0C639278:connecting endpoint, fIPv6 0, f
External 1
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@0C639278:usBeginPortRange = 12188, usEndPortRange = 12190
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@0C639278:usPort = 12189
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetSymNATPredictedConne
ctingPort@0C639278:usRange = 1
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetSymNATPredictedConne
ctingPort@0C639278: predicted port 12189
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UDP_NatPunctureHole@0C6
39278:trying to puncture hole to
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UDP_NatPunctureHole@0C6
39278: >> sent empty datagram from socket 2748
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetSymNATPredictedConne
ctingPort@0C639278:usRange = 0
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C661658: >> re
ceived entire blob 1533686. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:37:41.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C661658: >> Qu
eued blob 151060 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:37:41.58] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C481B08: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:37:41.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C661658@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151060, ACK to blob 1533686
[20:37:41.58] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C661C00:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151060)
[20:37:41.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C6616
58: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:37:42.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:37:42.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:37:42.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:37:43.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:37:43.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[20:37:43.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:38:30.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:38:30.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:38:30.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:38:30.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:38:30.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:38:30.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C639
278:idTimer 1, dwCtxt 5
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@0C639278: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 5844
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C639278:sock 5844, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 1
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C639278: >> closing socket 5844
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C639278: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5844
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C63927
8: closing socket 5844
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C639
278:idTimer 1, dwCtxt 4
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@0C639278: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 2748
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C639278:sock 2748, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 1
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C639278: >> closing socket 2748
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C639278: fCloseSocket 1 socket 2748
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C63927
8: closing socket 2748
[20:38:30.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RetryWithNewApproxListe
ningPort@0C639278:3109: hr = 0x80004005
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C639278: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we faile
d to connect
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@
0C661658: (failedType = 2, currentType = 1 (master transport type = 1, schannle
state = 0)
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 1
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_fListener = 1
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 1
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_bridgeType = 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 2
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_listenerNATType = 5
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_connectorNATType = 6
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_hrFailure = 0x82000020
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_msPortMappingTime = 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 562
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C661DA8: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stFailedOnly@0C661658: session 0 direct connect failed
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C661658:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C661658:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C661658: DialogState = 0C43B2C0, session id = 0
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnBridgeConnectFailed@0
C4A3C00: >> failed type 2, current type 1, m_transportType 1
[20:38:30.94] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3C00: >> msg 5, state 1, transport type 1
[20:38:39.75] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:38:39.75] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:38:39.75] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:39:11.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:39:11.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:39:11.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:39:11.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:39:11.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[20:39:11.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:39:39.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:39:39.76] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:39:39.76] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C661
658: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C661658: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C661658:no
bridge found
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C661658:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 0's queue
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151060 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C661C00: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 2's sessio
n queue over
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C66
1658: (1 (TURNv1) -> 0 (None))
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
C00: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 1
[20:39:57.79] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3C00: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[20:40:01.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:40:01.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:40:01.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:40:01.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:40:01.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[20:40:01.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:40:37.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:40:37.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:40:37.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:40:37.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[20:40:39.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:40:39.78] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:40:39.78] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:41:25.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:41:25.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:41:25.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:41:26.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:41:26.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[20:41:26.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:41:39.79] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:41:39.79] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:41:39.79] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:42:16.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:42:16.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:42:16.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:42:16.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:42:16.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[20:42:16.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[20:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:42:39.80] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:42:59.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:42:59.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:42:59.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:42:59.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:42:59.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[20:42:59.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:43:22.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:43:22.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:43:22.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 00000001
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =EMPT
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPTY
[20:43:22.76] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437e
[20:43:22.76] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, val
ue =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, val
ue =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunkin
g, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectI
M, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM
, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChanne
l, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvi
te, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, va
lue =0
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn
, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVia
UUN, value =false
[20:43:22.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2359950402) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[20:43:22.76] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:43:22.77] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437e38
[20:43:36.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:43:36.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 '%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%
20%20%20BaÅ ak%20Burcu 2788999484
[20:43:36.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3538711563, new mstate = 00000022
[20:43:36.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:43:36.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:43:36.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 1089
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;kSO10x7F1IxBRYLBMkrQg0UxbYE=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
7452&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;QwBJAE0ARwAxADMAMgA4AAAA&#x22;/
&#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x27; BaÅ ak Burcu</FriendlyNa
me><RUM>take my heart but please don't break it</RUM><PSM>take my heart but plea
se don't break it</PSM><MachineGuid>&#x7B;2EDADB62-EB55-48C7-A0DE-3A757<
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3538711563, no mstate change
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[20:43:36.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[20:43:36.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[20:43:36.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[20:43:36.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[20:43:36.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[20:43:36.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[20:43:36.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[20:43:36.57] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3538711563) state changed to 34 (wire
state is 34)
[20:43:36.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WM
P\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[20:43:36.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={2E
[20:43:36.59] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[20:43:36.59] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:43:36.59] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy bburcuceylan@hotmail.c
[20:43:36.59] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:43:36.59] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[20:43:39.82] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:43:39.82] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:43:39.82] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:44:16.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:44:16.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:44:16.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:44:16.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:44:16.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 51<
[20:44:16.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:44:39.83] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:44:39.83] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:44:39.83] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:45:07.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:45:07.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:45:07.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:45:08.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:45:08.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:45:08.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:45:39.84] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:45:39.84] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:45:39.84] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:45:49.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:45:49.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:45:49.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:45:49.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:45:49.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[20:45:49.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:46:37.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:46:37.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:46:37.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:46:37.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:46:37.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:46:37.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[20:46:39.86] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:46:39.86] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:46:39.86] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C666CE8: >> st
arting up scheduler
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C666CE8
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C6673B0
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C666CE8: max t
urn failures = 2
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C666CE8:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C666CE8:
for EUF {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}, pEventSink = 0C415904
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C666CE8:
dwFlags has P2P_SESSFLAG_TRYDIRECT session id 7577110
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C666CE8:
>> not yet connected underneath -- queuing this slave request until we are spReq
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C666CE
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: setup direct, current failures = 0
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C666CE8: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0, master trans t
ype =0, pSessionState = 0C43B500
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C666CE8: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C666CE8: true
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C666CE8:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
666CE8:pDialogState = 0C43B500, session id = 0
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C666CE
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C666CE
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2ABB3492-6B94-49DC-AEED-F44879BBDE4A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {C9D6EEF5-F99F-E212-63A9-58C22B5D8AA3}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:47:08.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

697 bytes on socket 3600
[20:47:08.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 53 3 658
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2ABB3492-6B94-49DC-AEED-F44879BBDE4A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {C9D6EEF5-F99F-E212-63A9-58C22B5D8AA3}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:47:08.62] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=53
[20:47:08.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: just initiated direct setup, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:47:08.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:47:08.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 53 OK<
[20:47:08.86] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 53
[20:47:08.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 53
[20:47:08.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 53
[20:47:08.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 53
[20:47:08.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 53
[20:47:08.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 53
[20:47:08.86] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C666
CE8: SUCCEEDED cookie 53
[20:47:18.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PMasterSession::OnTimer@0C666CE8: >> d
irect transport did not setup in 10000 ms, requesting indirect
[20:47:18.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C666CE8:
creating new TURN bridge
[20:47:18.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ConnectBridge (085688B0) >>
Start to connect Turn bridge
[20:47:18.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
913A0) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:47:18.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirect (0C4913A0)
>> resolving
[20:47:18.63] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C666CE
8:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[20:47:18.70] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0xc638a70) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 78ms
[20:47:18.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::OnGetAddrInfo@0C4913A0 >>
Name resolved for, spAddrInfo=206060456
[20:47:18.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
13A0) >> connect using socket 2748
[20:47:18.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTlsAuthenticate (085688
B0) >> Starting TLS negotiation
[20:47:19.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTlsAuthenticate (085
688B0) >> TLS negotiation finished successfully
[20:47:19.08] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTurnAuthenticate (08568
8B0) >> Sending the first invalid shared secret request
[20:47:19.16] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CE850@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:47:19.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:47:19.16] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:47:19.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:47:19.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[20:47:19.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[20:47:19.16] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate (08
5688B0) >> Sending the first shared secret request, size=777
[20:47:19.26] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:47:19.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
085688B0) >> Acquired username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:47:19.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
085688B0) >> Acquired VR server address: 6873F55E
[20:47:19.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
085688B0) >> Sending the second shared secret request, size=777
[20:47:19.39] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:47:19.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::FinishTurnAuthenticate (0856
88B0) >> Acquired session username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:47:19.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91260) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:47:19.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1260) >> connect using socket 5840
[20:47:19.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (08
5688B0) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[20:47:19.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(085688B0) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[20:47:19.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::IssueAllocateRequest (085688
B0) >> Sending Allocate request, size=132
[20:47:19.68] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B0@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=0103 Attr=8055
[20:47:19.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessAllocateResponse (085
688B0) >> Received allocate response. msgType=259, allocated port=443
[20:47:19.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C666CE
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:47:19.68] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C666CE
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={A531CBA5-B60A-47E4-B842-E5DC28487214}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: a68GYdgUbeInPj5Wak6lev0gNn8H9BkutgXh3l0+inlOYn7/
SessionPassword: gUmgsYYeoJHUHQ354w5IUg==

[20:47:19.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

522 bytes on socket 3600
[20:47:19.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 54 10 482
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={A531CBA5-B60A-47E4-B842-E5DC28487214}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: a68GYdgUbeInPj5Wak6lev0gNn8H9BkutgXh3l0+inlOYn7/
SessionPassword: gUmgsYYeoJHUHQ354w5IUg==
[20:47:19.68] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:47:19.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 54 OK<
[20:47:19.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 54
[20:47:19.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C666
CE8: SUCCEEDED cookie 54
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessHello_1@085688B0 >> R
eceived HELLO_1, recv size = 32
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@085688B0: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C666CE8
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C666CE8: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C666CE8:be
st bridge found = 2
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C666CE8:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C66
6CE8: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
666CE8:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
666CE8:pDialogState = 0C43B0C8, session id = 7577110
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C666CE8
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 7577110, pEventSink = 0C4A415
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C666CE
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={FA41F2E2-B543-48B8-82B0-79E46BFE8163}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 340
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 7577110
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJiYnVyY3VjZXlsYW5AaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFN

[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu

eued blob 151061 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 687):
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A4
150: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A4150: >> msg 4, state 0, transport type 1
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C666CE8: eAcceptance = 0
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C666CE8
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C4A3FC0
[20:47:20.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C666CE8: false
[20:47:20.28] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:20.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1106: >> a
dding blob 151061 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:47:20.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:20.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >>
Received blob 4616492 is ACK to sent blob 151061. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 484)
[20:47:20.77] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C666CE8:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151061
[20:47:20.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C666CE8: >> blob 151061 for session 0 is unacked
[20:47:20.77] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151061)
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C66
7260: >> no such session 0
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C666CE8: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={FA41F2E2-B543-48B8-82B0-79E46BFE8163}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 7577110
SChannelState: 0

[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C666CE8: dwSlaveId = 7577110, call id = {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C666CE8
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 757711
0, schannel initiating id =0
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A4150
: >> msg 0, state 1
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A4150: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C666CE8: DialogState = 0C43B0C8, session id = 7577110
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C666CE8: true
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResp_eOn200@0C666
CE8: >> slave requested autodirect/schannel, so requesting direct/schannel now
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C666CE8: >> transport type 2 requested by session 7577110, master t
rans type =1, pSessionState = 0C43B0C8
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C666CE8:queueing transport request, PendingTransportMutex id = 0, t
his sess id = 7577110
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::QueuePendingTransportS
etupRequest@0C666CE8:7672:queued transport setup request dwSessionId 7577110
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >> re
ceived entire blob 4616491. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151062 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C66
7260: >> no such session 7577110
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >> re
ceived entire blob 4616493. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:47:20.81] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151063 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 7577110 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151062, ACK to blob 4616491
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151062)
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 7577110
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151063, ACK to blob 4616493
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=7577110, blob=151063)
[20:47:20.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:22.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3538711563, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:47:22.02] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 35387115
63, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:47:22.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >> re
ceived entire blob 4616494. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:47:22.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151064 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 7577110 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:47:22.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C666CE8:
dwSessionId = 7577110
[20:47:22.03] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileFilePath, value
[20:47:22.05] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 7577110
[20:47:22.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151064, ACK to blob 4616494
[20:47:22.05] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=7577110, blob=151064)
[20:47:22.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:23.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSessionInternal@0
C666CE8: dwSessionId = 7577110
[20:47:23.06] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C666CE
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={736E5B47-4634-452E-A303-0E343B673B95}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 64
SessionID: 7577110
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:47:23.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu

eued blob 151065 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 409):
[20:47:23.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RemovePendingTransport
SetupRequest@0C666CE8:7630: removing a queued transport setup request dwSessionI
d 7577110
[20:47:23.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C666
CE8:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 7577110
[20:47:23.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C66
6CE8: removing from dialog map & call id session 7577110, callid={BBC39189-2D55-
[20:47:23.07] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:23.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1106: >> a
dding blob 151065 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:47:23.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:24.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >>
Received blob 4616495 is ACK to sent blob 151065. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 587)
[20:47:24.38] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C666CE8:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151065
[20:47:24.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C666CE8: >> blob 151065 for session 0 is unacked
[20:47:24.38] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151065)
[20:47:24.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C666CE8: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={E04ED0B9-A7E5-4FFA-B5FF-03C7EFFDCB28}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 7577110
SChannelState: 0

[20:47:24.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C666CE8: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
[20:47:24.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDS@0C666CE8
: >> unknown call ID and non invite or ack -- responding with 481
[20:47:24.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C666CE
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={E04ED0B9-A7E5-4FFA-B5FF-03C7EFFDCB28}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {BBC39189-2D55-47B5-8709-342456D04547}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 58
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:47:24.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu

eued blob 151066 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 391):
[20:47:24.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >> re
ceived entire blob 4616496. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:47:24.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151067 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:47:24.83] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:24.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151067, ACK to blob 4616496
[20:47:24.83] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151067)
[20:47:24.83] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:24.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1106: >> a
dding blob 151066 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:47:24.84] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:25.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >>
Received blob 4616497 is ACK to sent blob 151066. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 542)
[20:47:25.07] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C666CE8:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151066
[20:47:25.07] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C666CE8: >> blob 151066 for session 0 is unacked
[20:47:25.07] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151066)
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C666CE8: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={2ABB3492-6B94-49DC-AEED-F44879BBDE4A}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 554
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
IPv6-global: 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:30da:3fdb:a70f:c482
UPnPNat: true
Capabilities-Flags: 1
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 521.95.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 53615
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.2.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 53615
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:30da:3fdb:a70f:c482
IPv6-Port: 51636
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {773BC457-F272-408D-0DC8-F8EC4CD8B4CC}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C666CE8: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C666CE8
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, sch
annel initiating id =0
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: remote caps 1
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:30da:3fdb:a70f:c482, strPort = 51636
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:30da:3fdb:a70f:c482, strPortToken = 51
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2001:0:5ef5:79fd:30da:3fdb:a70f:c482, endpoint.strP
ort = 51636
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 51635
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 51635
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 51635
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 51635
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 51635
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 51635
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:47:39.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@08666328:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9C88: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C666CE
8:dwBridgeId 263 is connecting
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >> re
ceived entire blob 4616498. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:47:39.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151068 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:47:39.67] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151068, ACK to blob 4616498
[20:47:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151068)
[20:47:39.68] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:39.87] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:47:39.87] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:47:39.87] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:47:39.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[20:47:39.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:47:39.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[20:47:40.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C666CE8: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F8220765-3DFE-43A2-86E3-5C57FBD14FE3}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 240
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 25475#284c:f07a:bdf3:ad03:df97:5fe5:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 15475:521.95.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 15475:3.2.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-UDP-Switch
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:47:40.08] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C666CE8: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:47:40.08] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@0869F1D0:
bound to addr
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@0869F1D0:
doing port mapping
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@0869F1
D0:set timer cookie 5, time in ms = 1000
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9C88: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C666CE
8:dwBridgeId 263 is connecting
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >> re
ceived entire blob 4616499. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151069 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PPortMapperBase::CancelRequest@0869EF1
0: lCookie = 8
[20:47:40.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PPortMapperBase::CancelRequest@0869EF1
0: index = 0
[20:47:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151069, ACK to blob 4616499
[20:47:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151069)
[20:47:40.11] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@0869F1D0: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5688, error = 0, event = 1
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=5
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> response matches request 5.
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0:kill timer cookie 5
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C49B
C78: >> (internal_port = 60490, external_addr =, external_port = 6
0490, result = 1, elapsed time = 234(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C49B
C78: >> total port mapping elapsed time 234(ms)
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C49BC78:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78:connecting to host =, port = 57451, fExternal = 1
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78: >> using socket 5688 to connect
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C49BC78:attempting bind to port 60490
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C49BC78:att
empting bind to port 60490 for sock 5688
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C49BC78: bo
und to internal
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78:TCB sock 5688, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 1
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C49
BC78: sock 5688, TCB-ID =6
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
C78: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C49BC78: found matching sock 5688
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78:connecting to host =, port = 57451, fExternal = 0
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78: >> using socket 5568 to connect
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BC78:TCB sock 5568, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C49BC78: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5568 (addr =, port =
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C49BC78:added to list socket 5568 (addr =, port = 60491)
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C49
BC78: sock 5568, TCB-ID =7
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
C78: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C49BC78: found matching sock 5568
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C666CE
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C666CE
8:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C666CE
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D7072534-73BE-4D28-BF49-8C1B6ADC6CD1}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 09406:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 19406:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:47:40.31] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu

eued blob 151070 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 501):
[20:47:40.32] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:47:40.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1106: >> a
dding blob 151070 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:47:40.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:41.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 7
[20:47:41.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BC78:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:47:41.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
C78: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:47:41.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 6
[20:47:41.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BC78:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:47:41.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
C78: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C49BC78: >> SYN_SENT -- got ACK on socket 5688
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C49BC78: >> SYN_SENT -- ACK is SYN_ACK on socket 5688
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C49BC78: fCloseSocket 0 socket 5688
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketConne
ct@0C49BC78: (connector side) >> using socket 5688 as m_sock (for data)
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C49BC78: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5568
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C49BC7
8: closing socket 5568
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C666CE8
: >> bridge 263 is now connected
[20:47:41.41] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C666CE8: >> Qu
eued blob 151071 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 263 (size 0):
[20:47:41.42] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427AC8: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 263, sessionId 0
[20:47:41.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C666C
E8: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:47:41.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C666CE8: >>
Received blob 4616500 is ACK to sent blob 151070. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 626)
[20:47:41.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C666CE8:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151070
[20:47:41.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C666CE8: >> blob 151070 for session 0 is unacked
[20:47:41.55] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151070)
[20:47:41.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C666CE8@1124: >> f
reeing blob 151071, Non-ACK control packet
[20:47:41.58] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C667290:
(bridge=263, session=0, blob=151071)
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C666CE8: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C666CE8:be
st bridge found = 263
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C666CE8:migrating to dwBridgeId = 263
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 263's queue
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151071 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> bridge 263 has a queue for session 0. appending bridge 2's se
ssion queues
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C66
6CE8: (1 (TURNv1) -> 2 (TRUDPv1))
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C66
6CE8: sqm transport time to direct 32979(ms)
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 1
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_fListener = 0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 1
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_bridgeType = 2
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_listenerNATType = 5
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_connectorNATType = 5
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 32979
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_msPortMappingTime = 234
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 31029
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C667438: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C666CE8: ignoring type 2 for session 0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C666CE8:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C666CE8:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C666CE8: DialogState = 0C43B500, session id = 0
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
FC0: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 1
[20:47:41.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3FC0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[20:48:01.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:48:03.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:48:03.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:48:03.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:48:03.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 562613209, new mstate = 00000001
[20:48:21.62] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:48:29.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:48:29.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[20:48:29.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[20:48:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2439922762, new mstate = 00000001
[20:48:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =E
[20:48:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EM
[20:48:29.72] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[20:48:29.72] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[20:48:29.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChun
king, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDire
ctIM, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWink
s, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoic
eIM, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCha
nnel, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipI
nvite, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, va
lue =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsT
urn, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrap
ViaUUN, value =false
[20:48:29.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2439922762) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C6
52838: buddy went from online to offline
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C65
2838: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C652
838: >> bridge 261 is now DISconnected
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C652838:no
bridge found
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C652838:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> moving blobs from bridge 261's queue to bridge 0's queue
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151049 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C652DE0: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 261's sess
ion queue over
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C65
2838: (2 (TCPv1) -> 0 (None))
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
CA0: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 2
[20:48:29.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3CA0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[20:48:29.73] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[20:48:29.75] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@086664A
0: closing socket 5532
[20:48:29.75] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[20:48:39.89] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:48:39.89] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:48:39.89] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:48:41.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:49:01.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:49:13.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:49:13.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:49:13.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:49:13.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:49:13.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[20:49:13.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:49:21.66] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:49:39.90] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:49:39.90] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:49:39.90] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:49:41.68] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:49:59.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:49:59.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:49:59.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:50:00.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:50:00.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:50:00.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:50:00.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C666
CE8: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[20:50:00.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 263's queue
[20:50:00.59] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151071 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:50:01.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:50:21.71] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:50:39.91] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:50:39.91] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:50:39.91] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:50:41.71] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:50:45.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:50:45.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:50:45.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:50:45.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:50:45.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:50:45.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:51:01.72] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:51:21.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:51:30.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:51:30.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:51:30.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:51:30.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:51:30.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:51:30.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:51:39.92] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:51:39.92] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:51:39.92] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:51:41.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:51:50.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:51:50.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 Artun 2788999484 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3
[20:51:50.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000002
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="Akc9Z+2ZvGLTMgEgcxl
+6E0tV9Y=" Size="2702" Location="0" Friendly="QQByAHQAdQBuACAAMQAAAA=="/>
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[20:51:50.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[20:51:50.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[20:51:50.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[20:51:50.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[20:51:50.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[20:51:50.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[20:51:50.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[20:51:50.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 2 (wire
state is 2)
[20:51:50.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:51:50.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:51:50.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 600
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;Akc9Z+2ZvGLTMgEgcxl+6E0tV9Y=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
702&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;QQByAHQAdQBuACAAMQAAAA==&#x22;/&
[20:51:50.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, no mstate change
[20:51:50.86] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={4B
[20:51:50.86] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4380
[20:51:50.86] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[20:51:50.86] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy artunsaruhan@hotmail.c
[20:51:50.86] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[20:51:50.93] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438038
[20:52:01.76] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:52:21.78] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:52:32.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:52:32.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:52:32.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:52:32.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:52:32.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[20:52:32.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:52:39.94] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:52:39.94] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:52:39.94] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:52:41.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:53:01.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:53:20.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:53:20.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:53:20.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:53:21.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:53:21.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[20:53:21.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:53:21.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:53:39.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:53:39.95] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:53:39.95] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:53:41.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:01.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:03.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:54:03.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:54:03.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:54:03.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:03.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[20:54:03.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:54:21.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:39.97] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:54:39.97] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:54:39.97] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:54:41.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:54:47.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:54:47.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:54:47.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:54:47.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:54:47.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[20:54:47.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:55:01.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:55:21.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:55:28.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:55:28.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:55:28.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:55:28.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:28.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[20:55:28.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[20:55:39.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:55:39.60] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:55:39.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:55:39.61] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::CreateSoapRequest@0C638
B30: command = Sharing\Pull\Membership
[20:55:41.15] Zone_Contact_Replication CAbchRequestBase::OnComplete@0C638B30:
[20:55:41.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C689FF0: >> st
arting up scheduler
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C689FF0
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C68A6B8
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C689FF0: max t
urn failures = 2
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C689FF0:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C689FF0:
for EUF {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}, pEventSink = 0C41587C
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C689FF0:
dwFlags has P2P_SESSFLAG_TRYDIRECT session id 8095096
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C689FF0:
>> not yet connected underneath -- queuing this slave request until we are spReq
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C689FF
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: setup direct, current failures = 0
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C689FF0: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0, master trans t
ype =0, pSessionState = 0C43B0C8
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C689FF0: >> transport type 2 requested by session 0
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C689FF0: true
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C689FF0:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got bridge list: 'TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1'
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateDirectConnectReq
uestBody >> Got Net ID: 1916334168
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
689FF0:pDialogState = 0C43B0C8, session id = 0
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C689FF
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C689FF
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8CF5907F-0209-4310-A393-4D379C9075E9}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {4398629B-BF08-4B58-D5C6-6E58489BBF91}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:55:46.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

697 bytes on socket 3600
[20:55:46.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 55 3 658
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8CF5907F-0209-4310-A393-4D379C9075E9}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 314
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
NetID: 1916334168
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
Hashed-Nonce: {4398629B-BF08-4B58-D5C6-6E58489BBF91}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:55:46.60] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=55
[20:55:46.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: just initiated direct setup, and we have not failed before, wait for it
[20:55:46.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:46.84] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 55 OK<
[20:55:46.84] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C666
CE8: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:46.84] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C689
FF0: SUCCEEDED cookie 55
[20:55:48.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:48.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:48.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 863
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8CF5907F-0209-4310-A393-4D379C9075E9}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 551
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc<
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C689FF0: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={8CF5907F-0209-4310-A393-4D379C9075E9}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 551
Listening: true
NeedConnectingEndpointInfo: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc
UPnPNat: true
Capabilities-Flags: 1
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 491.0.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 59294
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.2.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 59294
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc
IPv6-Port: 49296
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Resp
Bridge: TCPv1
Hashed-Nonce: {D7A08F7B-5DEA-755F-D256-C0138F56900C}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C689FF0: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C689FF0
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, sch
annel initiating id =0
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: remote caps 1
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs = 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc, strPort = 49296
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken = 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc, strPortToken = 492
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost = 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc, endpoint.strPo
rt = 49296
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 49295
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 49295
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 49295
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrs =, strPort = 49295
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: strAddrToken =, strPortToken = 49295
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectResp
onseBody: endpoint.strHost =, endpoint.strPort = 49295
[20:55:48.73] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@08666A80:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9CF8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:55:48.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C689FF
0:dwBridgeId 264 is connecting
[20:55:49.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[20:55:49.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:49.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=9
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 9.
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
A80: >> (internal_port = 49944, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9945, result = 1, elapsed time = 531(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
A80: >> total port mapping elapsed time 531(ms)
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@08666A80:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80:connecting to host = 2001:0:4137:9e76:10b0:9d3:3f57:fdfc, port = 49
296, fExternal = 1
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: >> using socket 5716 to connect
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: >> IPv6 socket 5716 to connect
[20:55:49.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80:TCB sock 5716, fIPv6Socket 1, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666A80: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5716 (addr = ::, port = 49946)
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666A80:added to list socket 5716 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49946)
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666A80: found matching sock 5716
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80:connecting to host =, port = 49295, fExternal = 0
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: >> using socket 5888 to connect
[20:55:49.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80:TCB sock 5888, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666A80: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5888 (addr =, port = 4994
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666A80:added to list socket 5888 (addr =, port = 49947)
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666A80: found matching sock 5888
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80:connecting to host =, port = 49295, fExternal = 1
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[20:55:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80: >> using socket 5740 to connect
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@08666A80:attempting bind to port 49944
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnSimOpenSock@086
66A80: >> using socket 5836 as sim open sock
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@08666A80:att
empting bind to port 49944 for sock 5836
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@08666A80: >>
::bind failed error 10013
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnSimOpenSock@086
66A80:2446:BindToPort hr = 0x8007271d
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@08666A8
0: closing socket 5836
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@08666A80:2334:ListenOnSimOpenSock hr = 0x8007271d
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@08666A80:2219:ConnectingSockBindToMappedPort hr = 0x8007271d
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@08666A8
0: closing socket 5740
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToAllListeningEn
dPoints@08666A80:971:ConnectToListeningEndPoint hr = 0x8007271d
[20:55:49.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@086
66A80:1115:ConnectToAllListeningEndPoints hr = 0x8007271d
[20:55:56.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PMasterSession::OnTimer@0C689FF0: >> d
irect transport did not setup in 10000 ms, requesting indirect
[20:55:56.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateTurnBridge@0C689FF0:
creating new TURN bridge
[20:55:56.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ConnectBridge (08568D78) >>
Start to connect Turn bridge
[20:55:56.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91260) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:55:56.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirect (0C491260)
>> resolving
[20:55:56.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C689FF
0:dwBridgeId 2 is connecting
[20:55:56.67] Zone_Net CAsyncGetAddrInfo::Run >> (0xc638b90) get
addrinfo succeeded for, ticks 1, time 78ms
[20:55:56.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::OnGetAddrInfo@0C491260 >>
Name resolved for, spAddrInfo=206059904
[20:55:56.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1260) >> connect using socket 5896
[20:55:56.77] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTlsAuthenticate (08568D
78) >> Starting TLS negotiation
[20:55:57.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTlsAuthenticate (085
68D78) >> TLS negotiation finished successfully
[20:55:57.02] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::StartTurnAuthenticate (08568
D78) >> Sending the first invalid shared secret request
[20:55:57.10] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CE850@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:55:57.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:55:57.10] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:55:57.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:55:57.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService@04715EC0(mess
[20:55:57.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentity::GetActiveService() = 0x0
[20:55:57.10] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate (08
568D78) >> Sending the first shared secret request, size=777
[20:55:57.19] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:55:57.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568D78) >> Acquired username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:55:57.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568D78) >> Acquired VR server address: 7973F55E
[20:55:57.19] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ContinueTurnAuthenticate_2 (
08568D78) >> Sending the second shared secret request, size=777
[20:55:57.28] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF890@1102:Me
ssage has no integrity
[20:55:57.28] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::FinishTurnAuthenticate (0856
8D78) >> Acquired session username and password. Size=36 and 16
[20:55:57.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectDirectOrProxy (0C4
91300) we don't have a proxy server, so connect directly only
[20:55:57.29] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnConnector::ConnectWithAddrInfo (0C49
1300) >> connect using socket 5960
[20:55:57.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::SendPseudoTlsClientHello (08
568D78) >> Sending pseudotls request. Size=69
[20:55:57.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessPseudoTlsServerHello
(08568D78) >> Received pseudotls response. contentType=22, version=769, length=7
[20:55:57.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::IssueAllocateRequest (08568D
78) >> Sending Allocate request, size=132
[20:55:57.59] Zone_P2PTransport CIceMsgEncDec::DecodeMsg@000CF8B0@1069:De
coded unknown message attribute Message type=0103 Attr=8055
[20:55:57.59] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessAllocateResponse (085
68D78) >> Received allocate response. msgType=259, allocated port=443
[20:55:57.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C689FF
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:55:57.59] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C689FF
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={39AB7949-C676-412E-9B92-ED48F9827D47}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: uCJZoW+jU94ZPD9lak6lev0gNn8eqAAkPNYfD/ghh9tTmEzS
SessionPassword: nfnXHXt+S1LGvNweQrTIjw==

[20:55:57.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

522 bytes on socket 3600
[20:55:57.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 56 10 482
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={39AB7949-C676-412E-9B92-ED48F9827D47}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-turnsetup
Content-Length: 144
SessionUsername: uCJZoW+jU94ZPD9lak6lev0gNn8eqAAkPNYfD/ghh9tTmEzS
SessionPassword: nfnXHXt+S1LGvNweQrTIjw==
[20:55:57.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:55:57.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 56 OK<
[20:55:57.82] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C666
CE8: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:57.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C689
FF0: SUCCEEDED cookie 56
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::ProcessHello_1@08568D78 >> R
eceived HELLO_1, recv size = 32
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CTurnBridge::OnConnected@08568D78: >> con
nected!!!! Hooray!!!
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C689FF0
: >> bridge 2 is now connected
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C689FF0: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C689FF0:be
st bridge found = 2
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C689FF0:migrating to dwBridgeId = 2
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 2's queue
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 0 as last blob
sent on old bridge
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C68
9FF0: (0 () -> 1 (TURNv1))
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
689FF0:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
689FF0:pDialogState = 0C43B110, session id = 8095096
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C689FF0
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 8095096, pEventSink = 0C4A412
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C689FF
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={9C75C984-A8C7-46E9-98E8-43B820EB2DF6}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 340
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 8095096
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJhcnR1bnNhcnVoYW5AaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFN

[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu

eued blob 151072 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 687):
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A4
128: >> success type 1, eNewSubType 2, current type 0
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A4128: >> msg 4, state 0, transport type 1
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C689FF0: eAcceptance = 0
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C689FF0
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C4A3D68
[20:55:58.40] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C689FF0: false
[20:55:58.42] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:55:58.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1106: >> a
dding blob 151072 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:55:58.42] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:01.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:56:10.30] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@08666A
80: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5888
[20:56:10.30] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@08666A
80:sock 5888, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:56:10.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666A80: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5888
[20:56:10.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@08666A8
0: closing socket 5888
[20:56:10.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@08666A
80: >> socket error 80072743 on socket 5716
[20:56:10.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@08666A
80:sock 5716, err 80072743, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:56:10.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666A80: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5716
[20:56:10.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@08666A8
0: closing socket 5716
[20:56:10.33] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@08666A
80: >> no more sockets to try to connect on -- telling transport we failed to co
[20:56:15.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >>
Received blob 1405571 is ACK to sent blob 151072. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 17425)
[20:56:15.85] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C689FF0:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151072
[20:56:15.85] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C689FF0: >> blob 151072 for session 0 is unacked
[20:56:15.85] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151072)
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C68
A568: >> no such session 0
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C689FF0: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={9C75C984-A8C7-46E9-98E8-43B820EB2DF6}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 8095096
SChannelState: 0

[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C689FF0: dwSlaveId = 8095096, call id = {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C689FF0
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 809509
6, schannel initiating id =0
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A4128
: >> msg 0, state 1
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A4128: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 1
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C689FF0: DialogState = 0C43B110, session id = 8095096
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C689FF0: true
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResp_eOn200@0C689
FF0: >> slave requested autodirect/schannel, so requesting direct/schannel now
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C689FF0: >> transport type 2 requested by session 8095096, master t
rans type =1, pSessionState = 0C43B110
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C689FF0:queueing transport request, PendingTransportMutex id = 0, t
his sess id = 8095096
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::QueuePendingTransportS
etupRequest@0C689FF0:7672:queued transport setup request dwSessionId 8095096
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >> re
ceived entire blob 1405570. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151073 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C68
A568: >> no such session 8095096
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >> re
ceived entire blob 1405572. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:56:15.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151074 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 8095096 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:56:15.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:15.92] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:15.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151073, ACK to blob 1405570
[20:56:15.92] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151073)
[20:56:15.93] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 8095096
[20:56:15.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151074, ACK to blob 1405572
[20:56:15.93] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=8095096, blob=151074)
[20:56:15.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:16.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 1776460063, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[20:56:16.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 17764600
63, property = UserTileFilePath
[20:56:16.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >> re
ceived entire blob 1405573. sending ACK. dwAppId = 12
[20:56:16.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151075 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 8095096 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:56:16.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileFilePath, value
[20:56:16.28] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C689FF0:
dwSessionId = 8095096
[20:56:16.28] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 8095096
[20:56:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151075, ACK to blob 1405573
[20:56:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=8095096, blob=151075)
[20:56:16.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:17.28] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSessionInternal@0
C689FF0: dwSessionId = 8095096
[20:56:17.28] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C689FF
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={14D98ED6-44A1-4EC1-A2C6-F30FFB4C6073}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 64
SessionID: 8095096
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:56:17.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu

eued blob 151076 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 409):
[20:56:17.28] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RemovePendingTransport
SetupRequest@0C689FF0:7630: removing a queued transport setup request dwSessionI
d 8095096
[20:56:17.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C689
FF0:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 8095096
[20:56:17.28] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C68
9FF0: removing from dialog map & call id session 8095096, callid={1B13A19B-FF7F-
[20:56:17.30] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:17.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1106: >> a
dding blob 151076 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:56:17.30] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C689FF0: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0993B039-0A52-497B-84CF-F99FA4F96F62}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 41
SessionID: 8095096
SChannelState: 0

[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C689FF0: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDS@0C689FF0
: >> unknown call ID and non invite or ack -- responding with 481
[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C689FF
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0993B039-0A52-497B-84CF-F99FA4F96F62}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 58
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151077 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 391):
[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >> re
ceived entire blob 1405574. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:56:17.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151078 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:56:17.50] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:17.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151078, ACK to blob 1405574
[20:56:17.50] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151078)
[20:56:17.50] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:17.50] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1106: >> a
dding blob 151077 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:56:17.51] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >>
Received blob 1405576 is ACK to sent blob 151076. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 15299)
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C689FF0:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151076
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C689FF0: >> blob 151076 for session 0 is unacked
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151076)
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C689FF0: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={14D98ED6-44A1-4EC1-A2C6-F30FFB4C6073}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 35
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C689FF0: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {1B13A19B-FF7F-47BD-B881-90B7744C90F1}
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMsgNoSDS@0C689FF0
: >> Received response for unknown call, dropping
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >> re
ceived entire blob 1405575. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:56:17.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151079 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:56:17.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:17.74] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:17.74] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151079, ACK to blob 1405575
[20:56:17.74] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151079)
[20:56:17.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >>
Received blob 1405577 is ACK to sent blob 151077. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 13437)
[20:56:17.91] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C689FF0:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151077
[20:56:17.91] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C689FF0: >> blob 151077 for session 0 is unacked
[20:56:17.91] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151077)
[20:56:18.32] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C689FF0: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={536BF4C0-C172-491C-BA6E-A84EF605265A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transudpswitch
Content-Length: 238
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 05075#d3ff:f07a:3d9:c6c2:67e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 94075:491.0.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 94075:3.2.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-UDP-Switch
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[20:56:18.32] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C689FF0: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[20:56:18.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:56:18.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SocketAndBindv4@0869F1D0:
bound to addr
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::GetMappedSocket@0869F1D0:
doing port mapping
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::SendMappingRequest@0869F1
D0:set timer cookie 6, time in ms = 1000
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9CF8: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C689FF
0:dwBridgeId 264 is connecting
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >> re
ceived entire blob 1405578. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[20:56:18.33] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151080 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 0):
[20:56:18.34] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:18.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151080, ACK to blob 1405578
[20:56:18.34] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151080)
[20:56:18.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::OnMessage@0869F1D0: >> Go
t UPM_SELECT_MESSAGE from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error = 0, event = 1
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=6
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0: >> response matches request 6.
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CUDPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69F1D0:kill timer cookie 6
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C49B
E30: >> (internal_port = 58089, external_addr =, external_port = 5
8089, result = 1, elapsed time = 218(ms), context = 00000001)
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@0C49B
E30: >> total port mapping elapsed time 218(ms)
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@0C49BE30:adding to connecting endpoints list
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30:connecting to host =, port = 57049, fExternal = 1
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30: >> using socket 5724 to connect
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectingSockBindToMap
pedPort@0C49BE30:attempting bind to port 58089
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C49BE30:att
empting bind to port 58089 for sock 5724
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@0C49BE30: bo
und to internal
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30:TCB sock 5724, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 1
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C49
BE30: sock 5724, TCB-ID =8
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C49BE30: found matching sock 5724
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30:connecting to host =, port = 57049, fExternal = 0
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30: family = 2, sockType = 2, protocol = 0
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30: >> using socket 5716 to connect
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ConnectToListeningEndPo
int@0C49BE30:TCB sock 5716, fIPv6Socket 0, fConnectingToExternalIPv4 0
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C49BE30: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5716 (addr =, port =
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
C49BE30:added to list socket 5716 (addr =, port = 58090)
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SetupTCB@0C49
BE30: sock 5716, TCB-ID =9
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending SYN in SYN_SENT
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@0C49BE30: found matching sock 5716
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C689FF
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C689FF
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C689FF
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={DECDF2CB-5282-46B2-99B0-6C45ADC49042}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 152
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 98085:411.65.042.88
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 09085:3.1.861.291
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[20:56:18.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu

eued blob 151081 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 2 (size 501):
[20:56:18.56] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 2, sessionId 0
[20:56:18.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1106: >> a
dding blob 151081 to our list of unacked blobs
[20:56:18.56] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C49BE30: >> SYN_SENT -- got ACK on socket 5724
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C49BE30: >> SYN_SENT -- ACK is SYN_ACK on socket 5724
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C49BE30: fCloseSocket 0 socket 5724
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketConne
ct@0C49BE30: (connector side) >> using socket 5724 as m_sock (for data)
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@0C49BE30: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5716
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C49BE3
0: closing socket 5716
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C689FF0
: >> bridge 264 is now connected
[20:56:18.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C689FF0: >> Qu
eued blob 151082 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 264 (size 0):
[20:56:18.61] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427B58: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 264, sessionId 0
[20:56:18.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RequestAnyTransport@0C689F
F0: direct setup is in progress, but we failed before, go indirect
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C689FF0: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C689FF0:be
st bridge found = 264
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C689FF0:migrating to dwBridgeId = 264
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 264's queue
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151082 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> bridge 264 has a queue for session 0. appending bridge 2's se
ssion queues
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C68
9FF0: (1 (TURNv1) -> 2 (TRUDPv1))
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C68
9FF0: sqm transport time to direct 32043(ms)
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 1
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_fListener = 0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 1
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_bridgeType = 2
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_listenerNATType = 5
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_connectorNATType = 5
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 32043
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_msPortMappingTime = 749
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 2137
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68A740: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C689FF0: ignoring type 2 for session 0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C689FF0:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C689FF0:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C689FF0: DialogState = 0C43B0C8, session id = 0
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
D68: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 3, current type 1
[20:56:18.64] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3D68: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[20:56:19.62] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[20:56:19.62] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:56:21.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[20:56:21.63] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[20:56:21.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:56:25.39] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C689FF0@1124: >> f
reeing blob 151082, Non-ACK control packet
[20:56:25.39] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=264, session=0, blob=151082)
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C689FF0: >>
Received blob 1405580 is ACK to sent blob 151081. Freeing sent blob and alertin
g slave. (SRTT = 12621)
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C689FF0:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151081
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C689FF0: >> blob 151081 for session 0 is unacked
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
(bridge=2, session=0, blob=151081)
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::GetBlob@0C68A598:
>> no queue for bridge 2, session 0
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
>> blob 151081 not found on bridge 2 -- scanning other bridge queues
[20:56:25.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68A598:
>> found blob 151081 in bridge 264's queue
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:35.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 113620794 CKI 6115427.22622534 akarsu_gamze@hotmail.
com Gamze U 1<
[20:56:35.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433548: created new im
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9B38: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731418) (2)
>> connecting to
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:56:35.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> connecting to
[20:56:35.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> success 0x04731418, socket=5716, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731670. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730F68. m_
sock == 4294967295
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716540: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[20:56:35.69] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:56:35.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[20:56:35.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
54 bytes on socket 5716
[20:56:35.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>ANS 86 6115427.22622534 113620794<
[20:56:35.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[20:56:35.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5716
[20:56:35.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[20:56:35.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[20:56:35.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:35.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433548: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[20:56:35.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >IRO 86 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[20:56:35.95] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[20:56:35.95] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:35.95] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >ANS 86 OK<
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706750: bridge id
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706750:f
iring bridge connected event
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[20:56:35.95] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[20:56:36.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:36.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[20:56:36.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:56:36.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 122
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Segoe%20UI; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=22
[20:56:36.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432A08: destroying im
[20:56:39.99] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:56:39.99] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:56:39.99] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:56:41.93] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:56:45.39] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:57:01.94] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:57:05.41] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:57:21.96] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:57:25.42] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:57:25.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:57:25.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:57:25.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:57:25.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:57:25.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[20:57:25.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[20:57:36.54] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433548: called for tim
er id 3
[20:57:36.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5716
[20:57:36.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
[20:57:36.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5716, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[20:57:36.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731418
) (2) closing socket 5716
[20:57:36.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[20:57:36.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[20:57:36.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[20:57:36.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
We disconnected purposely
[20:57:36.77] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470675
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[20:57:36.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[20:57:36.77] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[20:57:36.77] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151051 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:57:40.01] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:57:40.01] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:57:40.01] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:57:41.97] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:57:45.44] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:58:01.99] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:58:05.45] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:58:10.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:58:10.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:58:10.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:58:10.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:10.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 39<
[20:58:10.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnKeepaliveTi
mer@0C49BC78: >> keepalive timed out -- last recv was at 8150521 and it is now 8
250502 (99981 later)
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@0C49BC78: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 5688
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C49BC78:sock 5688, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C49BC78: >> closing m_sock 5688
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C666
CE8: >> bridge 263 is now DISconnected
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C666CE8: t
rying to find the best bridge
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C666CE8:no
bridge found
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C666CE8:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> moving blobs from bridge 263's queue to bridge 0's queue
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151071 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C667290: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 263's sess
ion queue over
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C66
6CE8: (2 (TRUDPv1) -> 0 (None))
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
FC0: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 2
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3FC0: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[20:58:22.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C49BC7
8: closing socket 5688
[20:58:25.46] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:58:36.56] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433548: called for tim
er id 3
[20:58:40.02] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:58:40.02] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:58:40.02] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:58:41.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C689
FF0: >> bridge 2 is now DISconnected
[20:58:41.34] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> moving blobs from bridge 2's queue to bridge 264's queue
[20:58:41.34] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151082 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[20:58:42.00] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
C78:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 6
[20:58:45.48] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:58:49.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:58:49.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:58:49.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:58:50.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:58:50.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[20:58:50.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:59:05.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:59:25.50] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[20:59:33.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[20:59:33.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[20:59:33.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[20:59:33.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[20:59:33.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[20:59:33.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[20:59:40.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[20:59:40.03] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[20:59:40.03] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[20:59:45.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:00:05.52] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:00:22.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:00:22.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:00:22.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:00:22.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:00:22.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[21:00:22.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:00:25.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:00:40.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:00:40.05] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:00:40.05] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:00:45.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:00:53.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:00:53.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:00:53.50] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:00:53.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2043518846, new mstate = 00000001
[21:00:53.50] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =EMP
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPT
[21:00:53.51] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[21:00:53.51] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, va
lue =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, va
lue =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected
, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunki
ng, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirect
IM, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks,
value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChann
el, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInv
ite, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTur
n, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapVi
aUUN, value =false
[21:00:53.51] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 2043518846) state changed to 1 (wire s
tate is 1)
[21:00:53.51] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:00:53.52] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[21:01:05.56] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:01:25.57] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:01:33.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:01:33.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:01:33.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:01:33.73] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:01:33.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:01:33.73] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:01:40.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:01:40.06] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:01:40.06] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:01:45.58] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:02:05.60] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:02:18.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:02:18.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:02:18.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:02:18.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:02:18.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[21:02:18.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:02:25.61] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:02:40.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:02:40.07] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:02:40.07] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:02:45.65] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:03:05.67] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:03:08.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:03:08.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:03:08.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:03:09.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:03:09.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[21:03:09.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:03:25.69] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:03:40.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:03:40.09] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:03:40.09] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:03:45.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:03:53.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:03:53.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:03:53.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:03:53.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:03:53.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:03:53.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:04:05.72] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:04:25.72] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:04:38.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:04:38.44] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:04:38.44] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:04:38.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:04:38.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[21:04:38.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:04:40.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:04:40.10] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:04:40.10] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:04:45.73] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:05:05.75] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:05:08.49] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:08.49] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN AWY 1 (R)Beren(R) 2789003580 %3cmsnobj%20Creato
[21:05:08.49] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 34
[21:05:08.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3643366642, new mstate = 00000022
[21:05:08.49] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value =<
msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="KX6bJHOoRvOymWKzLsp659bWE
J4=" Size="26511" Location="0" Friendly="SQBNAEcAXwAwADYAOAA4AAAA"/>
[21:05:25.78] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:05:40.12] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:05:40.12] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:05:40.12] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:05:45.79] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:05:50.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:50.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:50.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 700
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F1234EF2-D3D7-48A2-AB19-0CEA3C62FC5A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 368
NetID: 846103513
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:8f2:219d:<
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C68E860: >> st
arting up scheduler
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C68E860
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 0, pEventSink = 0C68EF28
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::Initialize@0C68E860: max t
urn failures = 2
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::Init@0C68E860:SLCACert
ExpireDurSeconds = 3600
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C68E860: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F1234EF2-D3D7-48A2-AB19-0CEA3C62FC5A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
Content-Length: 368
NetID: 846103513
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
UPnPNat: false
ICF: false
IPv6-global: 2001:0:4137:9e76:8f2:219d:267c:91cd
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Direct-Connect-Req
Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1 SBBridge TURNv1
Hashed-Nonce: {43F5309F-4BB7-6605-F39D-98035DF8EFD2}
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C68E860: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C68E860:5056:schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 0, schan
nel initiating id =0
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipNSTDirectConnectR
equest@0C68E860:5057:m_eMasterTransportType = 0
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnDirectConnectRequest
Invite@0C68E860: >> got reINVITE
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got net ID: 846103513
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote UDP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got remote TCP conn type: Port-Restrict-NAT (5)
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got upnp Enabled nat type: 0
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> got ICF Enabled: 0
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: >> Support Hashed-Nonce: {43F5309F-4BB7-6605-F39D-98035DF8EFD2}
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ParseDirectConnectRequ
estBody: remote caps 1
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C68E860: true
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateTransportMutex@0
C68E860:transport_mutex created for sess id 0
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', BaseCoolness 20
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::SupportsConne
ctivityScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener
= 0, eConnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameN
etwork = 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TRUDPv1', nTotalCoolness 20, nCoolnessMod -10
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', BaseCoolness 75
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SupportsConnectivity
ScenarioV1: eConnectionListener = 5, fUPnPNatListener = 0, fICFListener = 0, eC
onnectionConnector = 5, fUPnPNatConnecter = 0, fICFConnector = 0, fSameNetwork
= 0, fUsingIPv6 = 1, nCoolnessModifier = 0,
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge:bridge 'TCPv1', nTotalCoolness 75, nCoolnessMod -17
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'SBBridge', which we do not support
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: >> other side asked for bridge 'TURNv1', which we do not support
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransportBridgeSelector::SelectBestBr
idge: selected bridge 'TCPv1'
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalUDPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetIPv6GlobalAddress: >> re
turning addr = '2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d'
[21:05:50.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::Construct@08666618:
m_dwIdleTimeout 14400000
[21:05:50.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.04] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.04] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::BindAndConnect@0869EF10:
connecting to echo server
[21:05:50.05] Zone_P2PTransport CDirectTransportBridge::OnTransportEventS
inkBridgeStateChange@047A9C88: setting connection timer for 450000 ms
[21:05:50.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnecting@0C68E86
0:dwBridgeId 265 is connecting
[21:05:50.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
bound to addr
[21:05:50.32] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetLocalTCPNatType: type =
[21:05:50.32] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::OnSocketConnect@0869EF10:
doing port mapping
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> echo sees addr=, cookie=10
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPPortMapper::ReceiveMappingResponse@08
69EF10: >> response matches request 10.
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
618: >> (internal_port = 49961, external_addr =, external_port = 4
9962, result = 1, elapsed time = 499(ms), context = 00000001)
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetMappedSocket@08666
618: >> total port mapping elapsed time 499(ms)
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::UpdateNATMappedAddrList
@08666618:adding to listening endpoints list
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: binding to
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: binding to
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866661
8: closing socket 5836
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenOnAllAddrs@086666
18:712:ListenForAddrFamilyOnAllIpAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::OnGetNATInitialPort@086
66618:1108:ListenOnAllAddrs hr = 0x8007271d
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: binding to
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666618: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5836 (addr =, port = 4996
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666618:added to list socket 5836 (addr =, port = 49963)
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: family = 23, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::ListenForAddrFamilyOnAl
lIpAddrs@08666618: binding to
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666618: GetSockNameHelper returned for socket 5532 (addr = ::, port = 49964)
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
40: our buffer was small reallocating memory
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNetUtils::GetInterfaceListForSocket:2
73: IP6 addr is loopback or linklocal or sitelocal, continue
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetRealAddressAndPort@0
8666618:added to list socket 5532 (addr = 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d,
port = 49964)
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C68E86
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C68E86
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C68E86
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C68E86
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C68E86
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[21:05:50.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PTransport::CanBootstrapViaUUN@0C68E86
0:fEnableP2PViaUUN = true
[21:05:50.56] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C68E86
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F1234EF2-D3D7-48A2-AB19-0CEA3C62FC5A}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {36578218-9295-656F-9B19-3D12C0D62E1E}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 26994
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 36994
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49964
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[21:05:50.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent

736 bytes on socket 3600
[21:05:50.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>UUN 57 3 703
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={F1234EF2-D3D7-48A2-AB19-0CEA3C62FC5A}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {F13B5C79-0126-458F-A29D-747C79C56530}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transrespbody
Content-Length: 397
Bridge: TCPv1
Listening: true
Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
TCP-Conn-Type: Port-Restrict-NAT
Hashed-Nonce: {36578218-9295-656F-9B19-3D12C0D62E1E}
srddA-lanretxE4vPI: 411.65.042.88
troP-lanretxE4vPI: 26994
srddA-lanretnI4vPI: 3.1.861.291
troP-lanretnI4vPI: 36994
IPv6-Addrs: 2001:0:4137:9e76:30c5:1a89:a70f:c78d
IPv6-Port: 49964
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
[21:05:50.56] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::SendUUNMessage@002AFBA8:
pending with uTID=57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:51.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UUN 57 OK<
[21:05:51.12] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C465
508: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C466
578: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C63E
400: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C652
838: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C661
658: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C666
CE8: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C689
FF0: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.12] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSendUUNMessage@0C68E
860: SUCCEEDED cookie 57
[21:05:51.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketAccept@08666
618: >> newly accepted socket is 2760 (accepted from listening socket 5532)
[21:05:51.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666618: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5532
[21:05:51.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666618: socket 5532 is IPv6
[21:05:51.64] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866661
8: closing socket 5532
[21:05:51.64] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketRead@0866661
8: >> Got WSAEWOULDBLOCK after reading 4294967295 bytes
[21:05:51.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:51.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:05:51.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBN 3 590
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={33693662-D18D-48EE-944C-745AC0D1FDF8}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 254
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 55945#dc19:c762:d912:2f8:67e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 35945:
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 45945:5<
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C68E860: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={33693662-D18D-48EE-944C-745AC0D1FDF8}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-transdestaddrupdate
Content-Length: 254
stroPdnAsrddA6vPI: 55945#dc19:c762:d912:2f8:67e9:7314:0:1002
stroPdnAsrddAlanretxE4vPI: 35945:
stroPdnAsrddAlanretnI4vPI: 45945:58.1.861.291
Nat-Trav-Msg-Type: WLX-Nat-Trav-Msg-Updated-Connecting-Port
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C68E860: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
618:fexternal 1 addr
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::DumpEndPointsList@08666
618:fexternal 0 addr
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@08666618:sock 2760, fIPv6Socket 1
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@08666618:sock 5836, fIPv6Socket 0
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::PunctureHolesToUpdatedC
onnectingEndPoints@08666618:connecting endpoint, fIPv6 0, f
External 1
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::FillSymNATConnectingPor
tArray@08666618:usBeginPortRange = 54953, usEndPortRange = 0
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::GetListeningPortFromSoc
k@08666618: bound to address
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66618:trying to puncture hole to
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66618:connecting to host =, port = 54953
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66618: family = 2, sockType = 1, protocol = 0
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::TCP_NatPunctureHole@086
66618: >> using socket 5532 to connect
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@08666618:att
empting bind to port 49963 for sock 5532
[21:05:51.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::BindToPort@08666618: bo
und to internal
[21:05:51.77] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::AddSimOpenSockToConnect
ingArray@08666618: found matching sock 5836
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666618: fCloseSocket 0 socket 2760
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666618: socket 2760 is IPv6
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666618: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5836
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866661
8: closing socket 5532
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0866661
8: closing socket 5836
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnTransportEventSinkBridge
StateChange@0C68E860:1501: IPv6 connection
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C68E860
: >> bridge 265 is now connected
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C68E860: >> Qu
eued blob 151083 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 265 (size 0):
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::SetIdleTimer@0866661
8: setting idle timer for 14400000 ms
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C68E860: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C68E860:be
st bridge found = 265
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C68E860:migrating to dwBridgeId = 265
[21:05:51.92] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68EE08: >> moving blobs from bridge 0's queue to bridge 265's queue
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68EE08: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151083 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68EE08: >> bridge 0 has no queue -- finished
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C68
E860: (0 () -> 2 (TCPv1))
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateAutoStartEUFSess
ion@0C68E860: eAcceptance = 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C68E860
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 64, pEventSink = 0C4A3C28
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::IsDirectConnectionAllo
wed@0C68E860: false
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C68
E860: sqm transport time to direct 1903(ms)
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_fDirectConnectSuccess = 1
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_fDirectConnectInitiator = 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_fListener = 1
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_eP2PSetupBridgeType = 2
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_bridgeType = 3
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_listenerConnectionInfo = 2
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_connectorConnectionInfo = 2
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_listenerNATType = 5
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_connectorNATType = 5
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_hrFailure = 0x0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_msConnectionSetupTime = 1903
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_msPortMappingTime = 499
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: m_msInitiatorReqRespTime = 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PSQMNoOptTransportArray::DumpExtendedN
oOptArray@0C68EFB0: BuddyVersion = 0.0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C68E860: ignoring type 2 for session 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C68E860:enter dwExpiredSessionId 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::DestroyTransportMutex@
0C68E860:transport_mutex freed for sess id 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427E88: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 265, sessionId 0
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C68E860@1124: >> f
reeing blob 151083, Non-ACK control packet
[21:05:51.93] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68EE08:
(bridge=265, session=0, blob=151083)
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C68
EDD8: >> no such session 0
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C68E860: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={BCA285CB-370E-4439-8AFC-187E916D5306}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {93CDBDC4-16D6-4DAC-BF86-48DAA3080191}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 302
EUF-GUID: {A4268EEC-FEC5-49E5-95C3-F126696BDBF6}
SessionID: 30850042
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 12
Context: PG1zbm9iaiBDcmVhdG9yPSJsaW1wNjVAaG90bWFpbC5jb20iIFR5cGU9IjMiIFNIQTFEPSJ

[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C68E860: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {93CDBDC4-16D6-4DAC-BF86-48DAA3080191}
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C68E860:eAcceptance = 1, dwSlaveId = 30850042, call id = {93CDBDC4-16D6-4D
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C68E86
0: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={BCA285CB-370E-4439-8AFC-187E916D5306}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {93CDBDC4-16D6-4DAC-BF86-48DAA3080191}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 65
SessionID: 30850042
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C68E860: >> Qu

eued blob 151084 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 265 (size 372):
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C68E860: DialogState = 0C43B278, session id = 30850042
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C68E860
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 30850042, pEventSink = 0C4A3E
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3EA8
: >> msg 0, state 1
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3EA8: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 2
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C4A3EA8: Session(
30850042) sending 4 bytes of data
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C68E860: >> Qu
eued blob 151085 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 30850042 on bridge 265 (size 4)
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C4A3EA8: Session(
30850042) sending 908 bytes of data
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C68E860: >> Qu
eued blob 151086 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 30850042 on bridge 265 (size 90
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C68E860: >> transport type 2 requested by session 30850042, master
trans type =2, pSessionState = 0C43B278
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C68E860: >> transport type 2 requested by session 30850042
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C68E860: have this bridge returning immediatley
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C68E860: firing transport change type 2 direct for session 308500
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
EA8: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 4, current type 2
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3EA8: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C68E860: >> re
ceived entire blob 30851867. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:05:52.61] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C68E860: >> Qu
eued blob 151087 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 265 (size 0):
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427E88: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 265, sessionId 0
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C68E860@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151087, ACK to blob 30851867
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68EE08:
(bridge=265, session=0, blob=151087)
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::IsBlobNotReadyToBe
Sent@0C68EE08:because of recent bridge move, can't guarantee ordering of blob 15
1085 of size 4 for session 30850042 whose very first blob-id = 151085 is greater
than master-session-first-blob-to-send = 151084, dwMasterSessionHeadOfListBlobI
d = 151084
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427E88: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 265, sessionId 0
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C68E860@1106: >> a
dding blob 151084 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427E88: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 265, sessionId 30850042
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C68E860@1106: >> a
dding blob 151085 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427E88: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 265, sessionId 30850042
[21:05:52.62] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C68E860@1106: >> a
dding blob 151086 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C68E860: >>
Received blob 30851868 is ACK to sent blob 151084. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 109)
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C68E860:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151084
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C68E860: >> blob 151084 for session 0 is unacked
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68EE08:
(bridge=265, session=0, blob=151084)
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C68E860: >>
Received blob 30851869 is ACK to sent blob 151085. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 109)
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C68E860: >> blob 151085 for session 30850042 is unacked
[21:05:52.72] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68EE08:
(bridge=265, session=30850042, blob=151085)
[21:05:52.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C68E860: >>
Received blob 30851870 is ACK to sent blob 151086. Freeing sent blob and alerti
ng slave. (SRTT = 118)
[21:05:52.80] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C68E860: >> blob 151086 for session 30850042 is unacked
[21:05:52.80] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68EE08:
(bridge=265, session=30850042, blob=151086)
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C68E860: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={D105C83D-5C2E-46A0-A773-D9876A36B35C}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {93CDBDC4-16D6-4DAC-BF86-48DAA3080191}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 42
SessionID: 30850042
SChannelState: 0

[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C68E860: dwSlaveId = 30850042, call id = {93CDBDC4-16D6-4DAC-BF86-48DAA3080191}
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C68E
860:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 30850042
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C68
E860: removing from dialog map & call id session 30850042, callid={93CDBDC4-16D6
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A3EA8
: >> msg 3, state 0
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3EA8: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 2
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C68E860: >> re
ceived entire blob 30851871. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:05:54.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C68E860: >> Qu
eued blob 151088 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 265 (size 0):
[21:05:54.06] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0C427E88: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 265, sessionId 0
[21:05:54.06] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C68E860@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151088, ACK to blob 30851871
[21:05:54.06] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C68EE08:
(bridge=265, session=0, blob=151088)
[21:06:05.81] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:06:12.78] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketError@086666
18: >> socket error 80072736 on socket 5532
[21:06:12.78] Zone_P2PTransport CTCPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose@086666
18:sock 5532, err 80072736, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[21:06:12.78] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::RemoveSocketFromConnect
ingArray@08666618: fCloseSocket 1 socket 5532
[21:06:25.82] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:06:38.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:06:38.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:06:38.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:06:38.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:06:38.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[21:06:38.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:06:40.13] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:06:40.13] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:06:40.13] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:06:45.84] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:07:05.85] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:07:22.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:07:22.98] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:07:22.98] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:07:23.22] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:07:23.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:07:23.22] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:07:25.87] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:07:40.14] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:07:40.14] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:07:40.14] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:07:45.88] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:05.90] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:08.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:08:08.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:08:08.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:08:08.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:08.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[21:08:08.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:08:25.91] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 3, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:31.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:31.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:08:31.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000001
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMP
[21:08:31.35] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4380
[21:08:31.35] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =false
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =false
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =false
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =false
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =false
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =false
[21:08:31.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =false
[21:08:31.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =false
[21:08:31.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =false
[21:08:31.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:08:31.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =false
[21:08:31.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =false
[21:08:31.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =false
[21:08:31.36] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C6
89FF0: buddy went from online to offline
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C68
9FF0: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C689
FF0: >> bridge 264 is now DISconnected
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C689FF0: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C689FF0:no
bridge found
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C689FF0:migrating to dwBridgeId = 0
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> moving blobs from bridge 264's queue to bridge 0's queue
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151082 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> creating newqueue for bridge 0
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C68A598: >> bridge 0 has no queue for session 0. moving bridge 264's sess
ion queue over
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnTransportChange@0C68
9FF0: (2 (TRUDPv1) -> 0 (None))
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@0C4A3
D68: >> success type 0, eNewSubType 0, current type 2
[21:08:31.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A3D68: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 0
[21:08:31.36] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:08:31.37] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:31.37] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438038
[21:08:31.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:31.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[21:08:31.70] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:32.22] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:32.22] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[21:08:32.22] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:33.06] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRecvPacket@
0C49BE30: >> got RST on socket 5724 in CLOSE_WAIT state - sending ACK
[21:08:33.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:33.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[21:08:33.23] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:35.24] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:35.24] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[21:08:35.24] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:39.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:39.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[21:08:39.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:40.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:08:40.16] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:08:40.16] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:08:44.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:44.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 Artun 2788999484 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3
[21:08:44.35] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:08:44.35] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000002
[21:08:44.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:44.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:08:44.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 600
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;Akc9Z+2ZvGLTMgEgcxl+6E0tV9Y=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
702&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;QQByAHQAdQBuACAAMQAAAA==&#x22;/&
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, no mstate change
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[21:08:44.36] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 2 (wire
state is 2)
[21:08:44.36] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C6
89FF0: buddy went from offline to online
[21:08:44.38] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 1776460063, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[21:08:44.38] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 17764600
63, property = UserTileFilePath
[21:08:44.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={4B
[21:08:44.39] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[21:08:44.39] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:08:44.39] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy artunsaruhan@hotmail.c
[21:08:44.40] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:08:44.44] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[21:08:47.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 2, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:47.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnRTOTimer@0C
49BE30:r >> RTO timer fired -- resending
[21:08:47.27] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::TrySend@0C49B
E30: >> sending RST in CLOSE_WAIT
[21:08:51.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnTimer@0C49B
E30:idTimer 4, dwCtxt 8
[21:08:51.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketError
@0C49BE30: >> socket error 82000020 on socket 5724
[21:08:51.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C49BE30:sock 5724, err 82000020, fConnectionTimedOut 0
[21:08:51.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C49BE30: >> closing m_sock 5724
[21:08:51.38] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PNatTraversal::SafeCloseSocket@0C49BE3
0: closing socket 5724
[21:08:51.38] Zone_P2PTransport CTrivialUDPTransportBridge::OnSocketClose
@0C49BE30: >> all sockets shut down -- calling FinalShutdown()
[21:09:27.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:09:27.36] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:09:27.36] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:09:27.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:09:27.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[21:09:27.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:09:40.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:09:40.17] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:09:40.17] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:10:10.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:10:10.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:10:10.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:10:10.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:10:10.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[21:10:10.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:10:40.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:10:40.18] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:10:40.18] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:10:54.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:10:54.83] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:10:54.83] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:10:55.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:10:55.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 51<
[21:10:55.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:11:40.20] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:11:40.20] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:11:40.20] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:11:46.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:11:46.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:11:46.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:11:46.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:11:46.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[21:11:46.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:12:26.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:12:26.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:12:26.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:12:26.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:12:26.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[21:12:26.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:12:40.21] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:12:40.21] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:12:40.21] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:13:15.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:13:15.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:13:15.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:13:15.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:13:15.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 39<
[21:13:15.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:13:40.23] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:13:40.23] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:13:40.23] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:13:54.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:13:54.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:13:54.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:13:54.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:13:54.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[21:13:54.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:14:10.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:14:10.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:14:10.53] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:14:10.53] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2359950402, new mstate = 00000001
[21:14:40.24] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:14:40.24] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:14:40.24] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:14:56.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:14:56.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:14:56.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:14:56.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:14:56.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[21:14:56.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={893783E4-583B-4012-B03F-65AAE7EC87A0}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 59
SessionID: 144384
SChannelState: 0
Context: dAMAgQ==

[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 144384, call id = {D652E807-C237-4611-89BF-8B7DADA918DD}
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C465
508:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 144384
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: removing from dialog map & call id session 144384, callid={D652E807-C237-4
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@047B3ED8
: >> msg 3, state 0
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047B3ED8: >> msg 3, state 0, transport type 2
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236106. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:15:10.00] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151089 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:15:10.98] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:15:10.98] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151089, ACK to blob 157236106
[21:15:10.98] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151089)
[21:15:40.25] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:15:40.25] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:15:40.25] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:15:45.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:15:45.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:15:45.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:15:45.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:15:45.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[21:15:45.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:16:35.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:16:35.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:16:35.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:16:36.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:16:36.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:16:36.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:16:40.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:16:40.27] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:16:40.27] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:17:21.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:17:21.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:17:21.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:17:21.46] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:17:21.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:17:21.46] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:17:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: enter
[21:17:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: Not connected
or there are still pending messages, queueing this message
[21:17:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::StartInviteIfConnected@0C433548:
Can't invite while not connected
[21:17:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::InviteUser@0C433548: Failed to i
nvite user
[21:17:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: has id of 87
and hr = 0x8100030c
[21:17:36.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
11 bytes on socket 3600
[21:17:36.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
>XFR 58 SB<
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:17:36.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >XFR 58 SB CKI 1184735826.35212130.16019034 U messenge 1<
[21:17:36.38] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::FindPendingRequest@002AF
BA8: Matched pending request: uTID 58
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9B38: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731418) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:17:36.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:17:36.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> success 0x04731418, socket=2984, LastError=10035, WM(1055)
[21:17:36.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2984, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731670. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04730F68. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716540: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:17:36.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 2984
[21:17:36.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>USR 88 1184735826.35212130.16019034<
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2984, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:17:36.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2984
[21:17:36.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:17:36.64] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Ignoring state change
[21:17:36.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2984, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:17:36.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >USR 88 OK >>>>һẗÐ‾â á» á» á» <<<<%20DAKAR---the%20clouds%20ar
[21:17:36.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
33 bytes on socket 2984
[21:17:36.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>CAL 89<
[21:17:37.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2984, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:17:37.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >CAL 89 RINGING 1184735826<
[21:17:37.34] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2984, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:17:37.34] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >JOI Gamze 2789003580<
[21:17:37.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3394697926, muserproperty =17 (FriendlyName)
[21:17:37.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 33946979
26, property = FriendlyName
[21:17:37.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@047063E0: bridge id
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@047063E0:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[21:17:37.34] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[21:17:37.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2984
[21:17:37.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>MSG 87 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:17:40.28] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:17:40.28] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:17:40.28] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:17:41.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: enter
[21:17:41.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:17:41.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2984
[21:17:41.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>MSG 90 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:17:41.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: has id of 90
and hr = 0x0
[21:17:41.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C433548: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:17:42.43] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[21:17:42.43] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=s | TextCount=36 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[21:17:42.43] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[21:17:42.43] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[21:17:42.43] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[21:17:42.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: enter
[21:17:42.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:17:42.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
173 bytes on socket 2984
[21:17:42.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>MSG 91 N 159
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0
sevgilim bi alt kata gidip geliyorum<
[21:17:42.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C433548: has id of 91
and hr = 0x0
[21:17:42.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C433548: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:18:24.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:18:24.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:18:24.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:18:24.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:18:24.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 51<
[21:18:24.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:18:40.29] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:18:40.29] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:18:40.29] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:18:42.43] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433548: called for tim
er id 3
[21:18:42.43] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2984
[21:18:42.43] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
[21:18:42.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2984, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:18:42.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731418
) (2) closing socket 2984
[21:18:42.66] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:18:42.66] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9B38: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:18:42.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:18:42.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
We disconnected purposely
[21:18:42.66] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@047063E
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:18:42.66] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:18:42.66] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[21:18:42.66] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151089 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[21:19:15.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:19:15.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:19:15.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:19:15.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:19:15.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:19:15.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:19:40.31] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:19:40.31] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:19:40.31] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:19:42.44] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433548: called for tim
er id 3
[21:19:56.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:19:56.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:19:56.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:19:57.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:19:57.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:19:57.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:20:40.32] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:20:40.32] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:20:40.32] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:20:42.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:20:42.08] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:20:42.08] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:20:42.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:20:42.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[21:20:42.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:21:14.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:21:14.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 '%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%
20%20Murat%20UMUL 2788999484
[21:21:14.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1867974035, new mstate = 0000000A
[21:21:14.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:21:14.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:21:14.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 746
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; T
ype=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;0+xHQXEIT/dDfSl9y/vqoAAArLw=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2774
&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RABTAEMAXwAwADQANgAwAAAA&#x22;/&#x3
E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>&#x27; Murat UMUL</FriendlyName
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1867974035, no mstate change
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, valu
e =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, valu
e =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetected,
value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunking
, value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirectIM
, value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks, v
alue =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceIM,
value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChannel
, value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipInvit
e, value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, val
ue =0
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, value
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTurn,
value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapViaU
UN, value =true
[21:21:14.39] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1867974035) state changed to 10 (wire st
ate is 10)
[21:21:14.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 1867974035, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[21:21:14.43] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 18679740
35, property = UserTileFilePath
[21:21:14.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WMP\0
Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[21:21:14.45] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={3736E
[21:21:14.45] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[21:21:14.45] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:21:14.45] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[21:21:14.45] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:21:14.45] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[21:21:40.33] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:21:40.33] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:21:40.33] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:21:58.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:21:58.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:21:58.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:21:58.63] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:21:58.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:21:58.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:22:23.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:22:23.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 direniÅ ........ 2788999484 %3cmsnobj%20Cr
[21:22:23.27] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3476813581, new mstate = 00000002
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[21:22:23.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[21:22:23.28] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 3476813581) state changed to 2 (wire
state is 2)
[21:22:23.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 3476813581, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[21:22:23.32] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 34768135
81, property = UserTileFilePath
[21:22:23.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:22:23.33] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:22:23.33] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 779
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;Q8UGDyLtdyogdpr/xqglxw4emTg=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
853&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RABTAEMAXwAxADAANwA1AAAA&#x22;/&
#x3E;</UserTileLocation><FriendlyName>direniÅ ........</FriendlyName><RUM>dobranz&#x
3D;) 35</RUM><PSM>dobranz&#x3D;) 35</PSM><MachineGuid>&#x7B;86D91EEF-4F12-4B81-B
[21:22:23.33] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3476813581, no mstate change
[21:22:23.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =WM
P\0Music\00\0{0} - {1}\0\0\0\0\0
[21:22:23.34] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={86
[21:22:23.34] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[21:22:23.34] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:22:23.34] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy direnish2006@hotmail.c
[21:22:23.34] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:22:23.34] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[21:22:29.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlave@0C465508:
for EUF {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}, pEventSink = 00000000
[21:22:29.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CreateSlaveInternal@0C
465508:557: BeginSipTransaction called
[21:22:29.82] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::BeginSipTransaction@0C
465508:pDialogState = 0C43B158, session id = 144386
[21:22:29.82] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 144386, pEventSink = 0C4A41A0
[21:22:29.83] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={063C7979-45A7-4D91-AC9A-0598DAED1200}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {CF9504F3-A5DA-4150-864F-BF7BBE9B33FD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 238
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 144386
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
AppID: 4

[21:22:29.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 151090 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 585):
[21:22:29.83] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::StartSession returns 0x0
[21:22:31.11] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:22:31.12] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151090 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:22:32.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236107 is ACK to sent blob 151090. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 942)
[21:22:32.58] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151090
[21:22:32.58] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151090 for session 0 is unacked
[21:22:32.58] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151090)
[21:22:40.35] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:22:40.35] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:22:40.35] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:23:03.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:23:03.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:23:03.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 779
<Data><PSM>dobranz&#x3D;) 32</PSM><SignatureSound></SignatureSound><RUM>dobranz&
#x3D;) 32</RUM><Scene></Scene><ColorScheme></ColorScheme><MachineGuid>&#x7B;86D9
>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SH
A1D=&#x22;Q8UGDyLtdyogdpr/xqglxw4emTg=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2853&#x22; Location=&#x2
2;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;RABTAEMAXwAxADAANwA1AAAA&#x22;/&#x3E;</UserTileLoca<
[21:23:03.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3476813581, no mstate change
[21:23:03.56] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =d
obranz=) 32
[21:23:17.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 603 Decline
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={063C7979-45A7-4D91-AC9A-0598DAED1200}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {CF9504F3-A5DA-4150-864F-BF7BBE9B33FD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 59
SessionID: 144386
SChannelState: 0
Context: BQHHig==
[21:23:17.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: dwSlaveId = 144386, call id = {CF9504F3-A5DA-4150-864F-BF7BBE9B33FD}
[21:23:17.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipResponse@0C465508
:5367: SIP response in schannel-state = 0, schannel-type = 0, dwSlaveId = 144386
, schannel initiating id =0
[21:23:17.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A41A0
: >> msg 1, state 0
[21:23:17.54] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
0C4A41A0: >> msg 1, state 0, transport type 2
[21:23:17.55] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::CloseSession@0C465508:
dwSessionId = 144386
[21:23:18.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveSessionHandler@0C465
508:>> removing session handler for slave session id = 144386
[21:23:18.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C46
5508: removing from dialog map & call id session 144386, callid={CF9504F3-A5DA-4
[21:23:18.25] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@0C4A41A0
: >> msg 3, state 0
[21:23:18.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236108. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:23:18.25] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151091 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:23:18.35] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:23:18.36] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151091, ACK to blob 157236108
[21:23:18.36] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151091)
[21:23:18.57] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0F5BB4CC-F5C9-4F57-95C3-0722C96E04A1}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {CF9504F3-A5DA-4150-864F-BF7BBE9B33FD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionclosebody
Content-Length: 82
SessionID: 144386
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1
Context: dAMAgQ==

[21:23:18.57] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 151092 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 427):
[21:23:18.59] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:23:18.59] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151092 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236110 is ACK to sent blob 151092. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 910)
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151092
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151092 for session 0 is unacked
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151092)
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 481 No Such Call
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={0F5BB4CC-F5C9-4F57-95C3-0722C96E04A1}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {CF9504F3-A5DA-4150-864F-BF7BBE9B33FD}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-session-failure-respbody
Content-Length: 35
SessionID: 0
SChannelState: 0

[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {CF9504F3-A5DA-4150-864F-BF7BBE9B33FD}
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMsgNoSDS@0C465508
: >> Received response for unknown call, dropping
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236109. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:23:19.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151093 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:23:19.29] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:23:19.29] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151093, ACK to blob 157236109
[21:23:19.29] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151093)
[21:23:40.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:23:40.36] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:23:40.36] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:23:51.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:23:51.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:23:51.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:23:51.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:23:51.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[21:23:51.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:23:56.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0
C465508: >> RECEIVED SIP message:
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={9F968421-9E4B-4670-83B8-EE6B414F0A3A}
CSeq: 0
Call-ID: {5C9D91C1-518A-423C-B251-0D5B5805B396}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 215
EUF-GUID: {4BD96FC0-AB17-4425-A14A-439185962DC8}
SessionID: 144389
SChannelState: 0
AppID: 4

[21:23:56.00] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipMessageReceived@0

C465508: dwSlaveId = 0, call id = {5C9D91C1-518A-423C-B251-0D5B5805B396}
[21:23:56.02] Zone_P2PSession CAvatarEUF::InviteHandler returns 0x0
[21:23:56.03] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSipReqNoSDSInviteReq
uest@0C465508:eAcceptance = 3, dwSlaveId = 144389, call id = {5C9D91C1-518A-423C
[21:23:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236111. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:23:56.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151094 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:23:56.13] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:23:56.14] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151094, ACK to blob 157236111
[21:23:56.14] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151094)
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::SendSipMessage@0C46550
8: >> SENDING SIP message:
MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK
To: <>
From: <>
Via: MSNSLP/1.0/TLP ;branch={9F968421-9E4B-4670-83B8-EE6B414F0A3A}
CSeq: 1
Call-ID: {5C9D91C1-518A-423C-B251-0D5B5805B396}
Max-Forwards: 0
Content-Type: application/x-msnmsgr-sessionreqbody
Content-Length: 63
SessionID: 144389
SChannelState: 0
Capabilities-Flags: 1

[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu

eued blob 151095 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 0 on bridge 258 (size 376):
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FinishSipTransaction@0
C465508: DialogState = 0C43B548, session id = 144389
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::AddSessionHandler@0C465508
: >> adding session handler for slave session id = 144389, pEventSink = 047B4270
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnSessionEvent@047B4270
: >> msg 0, state 1
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047B4270: >> msg 0, state 1, transport type 2
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::RequestDirectAndOrSecu
reTransport@0C465508: >> transport type 2 requested by session 144389, master tr
ans type =2, pSessionState = 0C43B548
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C465508: >> transport type 2 requested by session 144389
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::ProcessDirectConnectSe
tupRequest@0C465508: have this bridge returning immediatley
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FireDirectConnectReque
stSuccessOnly@0C465508: firing transport change type 2 direct for session 144389
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::OnTransportChange@047B4
270: >> success type 2, eNewSubType 4, current type 2
[21:24:04.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::FireSessionInfoChanged@
047B4270: >> msg 4, state 1, transport type 2
[21:24:04.60] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 0
[21:24:04.60] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151095 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:24:05.26] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B4270: Session(
144389) sending 18 bytes of data
[21:24:05.26] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151096 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 18):
[21:24:05.28] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:05.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151096 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:24:05.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236112 is ACK to sent blob 151095. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 905)
[21:24:05.47] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnSend@0C465508:hr = 0
x0, dwCookie = 151095
[21:24:05.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151095 for session 0 is unacked
[21:24:05.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=0, blob=151095)
[21:24:05.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236113 is ACK to sent blob 151096. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 546)
[21:24:05.83] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151096 for session 144389 is unacked
[21:24:05.83] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151096)
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PTransport CIncomingMessageQueue::GetBlobHelper@0C46
5A80: >> no such session 144389
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236114. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151097 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236115. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151098 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B4270: Session(
144389) sending 18 bytes of data
[21:24:07.01] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151099 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 18):
[21:24:07.02] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:07.02] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151099 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:24:07.02] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:07.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151098, ACK to blob 157236115
[21:24:07.03] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151098)
[21:24:07.03] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:07.03] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151097, ACK to blob 157236114
[21:24:07.03] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151097)
[21:24:07.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236116 is ACK to sent blob 151099. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 598)
[21:24:07.99] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151099 for session 144389 is unacked
[21:24:07.99] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151099)
[21:24:08.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236117. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:24:08.17] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151100 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:24:08.17] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:08.18] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151100, ACK to blob 157236117
[21:24:08.18] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151100)
[21:24:08.87] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@047B4270: Session(
144389) sending 1568 bytes of data
[21:24:08.87] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151101 (pri=2), fPrepend=0 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 1568
[21:24:08.88] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:08.88] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:08.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151101 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:24:09.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >> re
ceived entire blob 157236119. sending ACK. dwAppId = 0
[21:24:09.46] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151102 (pri=1), fPrepend=1 for session 144389 on bridge 258 (size 0):
[21:24:09.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236118 is ACK to sent blob 151101. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 595)
[21:24:09.47] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151101 for session 144389 is unacked
[21:24:09.47] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151101)
[21:24:09.48] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 144389
[21:24:09.48] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1120: >> f
reeing blob 151102, ACK to blob 157236119
[21:24:09.48] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=144389, blob=151102)
[21:24:33.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:24:33.79] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:24:33.79] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:24:34.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:24:34.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[21:24:34.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:24:40.37] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:24:40.37] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:24:40.37] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:25:14.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:25:14.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:25:14.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:25:14.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:25:14.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[21:25:14.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:25:40.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:25:40.39] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:25:40.39] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:25:56.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:25:56.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:25:56.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:25:56.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:25:56.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:25:56.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:26:37.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:26:37.53] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:26:37.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:26:37.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:26:37.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[21:26:37.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:26:40.40] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:26:40.40] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:26:40.40] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:27:24.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:27:24.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:27:24.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:27:24.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:27:24.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:27:24.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:27:37.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:27:37.56] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:27:37.57] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:27:37.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 00000001
[21:27:37.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMPT
[21:27:37.57] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4380
[21:27:37.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline,
value =false
[21:27:37.57] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:27:37.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =false
[21:27:37.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[21:27:37.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =false
[21:27:37.57] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 268593587) state changed to 1 (wire st
ate is 1)
[21:27:37.57] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:27:37.58] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438038
[21:27:37.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:27:37.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 268697601 0<
[21:27:37.77] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 0000000A
[21:27:37.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 289
<EndpointData id="{262a7b93-9277-4d9d-a2ce-e803099ca54f}"><Capabilities>26869760
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, no mstate change
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = FriendlyName, value =han
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = Name, Me = NO
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMobileOnline,
value =true
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoiceI
M, value =true
[21:27:37.77] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion, v
alue =0
[21:27:37.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, valu
e =true
[21:27:37.78] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 268593587) state changed to 10 (wire s
tate is 10)
[21:27:37.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =EM
[21:27:37.89] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={262
[21:27:37.89] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4382
[21:27:37.89] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:27:37.89] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy
[21:27:37.89] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:27:37.93] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438238
[21:27:38.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:27:38.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 hande¨ 268697601 0<
[21:27:38.29] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[21:27:38.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 0000000A
[21:27:38.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 313
ay ay ay </RUM><PSM>ay ay ay </PSM><MachineGuid>{262a7b93-9277-4d9d-a2ce-e803099
ca54f}</MachineGuid><EndpointData id="{262a7b93-9277-4d9d-a2ce-e803099ca54f}"><C
[21:27:38.29] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, no mstate change
[21:27:38.38] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = FriendlyName, value =han
[21:27:38.38] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = Name, Me = NO
[21:27:38.38] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =ay
ay ay
[21:27:38.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:27:38.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 hande¨ 268697601 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22
[21:27:38.44] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[21:27:38.44] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 0000000A
[21:27:38.61] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai

[21:27:38.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =ay
ay ay
[21:27:38.78] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai
[21:27:39.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:27:39.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN BSY 1 hande¨ 268697601 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3d%22
[21:27:39.59] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 10
[21:27:39.59] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 268593587, new mstate = 0000000A
[21:27:39.60] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai

[21:27:39.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont

actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Size="2865" Type="3" Location="TFR1D.
dat" Friendly="aABhAG4AZABlAKgA" SHA1D="F5Tnvijw5CYb59VyRCcUKbioO/U=" SHA1C="rai
[21:27:40.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:27:40.41] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:27:40.41] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:28:20.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:28:20.60] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:28:20.60] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:28:20.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:28:20.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:28:20.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:28:40.43] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:28:40.43] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:28:40.43] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:29:05.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:29:05.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:29:05.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:29:06.11] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:29:06.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 44<
[21:29:06.11] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[21:29:11.75] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:29:11.75] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:29:11.75] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000001
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EMP
[21:29:11.75] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =false
[21:29:11.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =false
[21:29:11.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:29:11.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =false
[21:29:11.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =false
[21:29:11.76] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =false
[21:29:11.76] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[21:29:11.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C6
89FF0: buddy went from online to offline
[21:29:11.76] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::FreeSlaveInternal@0C68
9FF0: caller attempting to free master session -- ignoring
[21:29:11.76] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:29:11.77] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[21:29:40.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:29:40.44] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:29:40.44] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:29:55.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:29:55.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:29:55.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:29:55.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:29:55.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[21:29:55.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:30:40.45] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:30:40.45] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:30:40.45] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:30:41.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:30:41.97] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:30:41.97] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:30:42.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:30:42.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[21:30:42.20] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:31:31.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:31:31.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:31:31.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:31:31.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:31:31.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[21:31:31.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:31:40.47] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:31:40.47] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:31:40.47] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:32:13.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:32:13.42] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:32:13.42] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:32:13.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:32:13.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 40<
[21:32:13.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:32:40.48] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:32:40.48] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:32:40.48] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:32:53.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:32:53.68] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:32:53.68] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:32:53.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:32:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:32:53.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:33:38.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:33:38.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:33:38.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:33:39.17] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:33:39.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:33:39.17] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:33:40.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:33:40.50] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:33:40.50] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:34:24.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:34:24.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:34:24.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:34:24.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:34:24.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[21:34:24.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:34:40.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:34:40.51] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:34:40.51] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:35:07.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:35:07.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:35:07.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:35:07.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:35:07.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:35:07.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:35:40.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:35:40.52] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:35:40.52] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:35:48.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:35:48.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:35:48.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:35:48.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:35:48.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 43<
[21:35:48.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:36:31.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:36:31.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:36:31.90] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:36:32.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:36:32.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:36:32.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:36:40.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:36:40.54] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:36:40.54] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:37:20.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:37:20.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:37:20.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:37:20.38] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:37:20.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[21:37:20.38] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:37:40.55] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:37:40.55] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:37:40.55] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:38:09.16] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:38:09.16] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:38:09.16] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:38:09.16] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[21:38:10.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:38:10.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:38:10.04] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:38:10.04] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:38:28.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:38:28.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:38:28.74] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:38:28.74] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[21:38:32.90] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:38:32.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:38:32.91] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:38:32.91] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:38:40.56] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:38:40.56] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:38:40.56] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:38:42.69] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:38:42.69] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:38:42.69] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:38:42.69] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:38:55.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:38:55.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:38:55.57] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1227094428, new mstate = 00000001
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CurrentMedia, value =E
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value =EM
[21:38:55.57] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc437a
[21:38:55.57] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBOFF
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif,
value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf,
value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetect
ed, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChun
king, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDire
ctIM, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWink
s, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoic
eIM, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSCha
nnel, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipI
nvite, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, va
lue =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsT
urn, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrap
ViaUUN, value =false
[21:38:55.57] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1227094428) state changed to 1 (wire
state is 1)
[21:38:55.58] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 0
[21:38:55.58] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc437a38
[21:39:40.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:39:40.58] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:39:40.58] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:39:45.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:39:45.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:39:45.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:39:45.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:39:45.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[21:39:45.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:40:32.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:32.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 Artun 2788999484 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3
[21:40:32.72] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:40:32.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, new mstate = 00000002
[21:40:32.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:32.72] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:32.72] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 600
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;Akc9Z+2ZvGLTMgEgcxl+6E0tV9Y=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
702&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;QQByAHQAdQBuACAAMQAAAA==&#x22;/&
[21:40:32.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1776460063, no mstate change
[21:40:32.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[21:40:32.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[21:40:32.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[21:40:32.72] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[21:40:32.73] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 1776460063) state changed to 2 (wire
state is 2)
[21:40:32.73] Zone_P2PSession CP2PMasterSession::OnUserStateChanged@0C6
89FF0: buddy went from offline to online
[21:40:32.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={4B
[21:40:32.75] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4384
[21:40:32.75] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:40:32.75] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy artunsaruhan@hotmail.c
[21:40:32.75] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:40:32.75] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438438
[21:40:40.59] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:40:40.59] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:40:40.59] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:40:44.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:44.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 834348458 CKI 245157150.20117109 akarsu_gamze@hotma Gamze U 1<
[21:40:44.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432918: created new im
[21:40:44.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9668: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:40:44.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (047316E8) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:40:44.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:40:44.55] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:40:44.55] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:40:44.55] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047316E8)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:40:44.56] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047316E8)
(2) >> success 0x047316e8, socket=2904, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047310D0. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731508. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716610: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:40:44.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 2904
[21:40:44.81] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>ANS 92 245157150.20117109 834348458<
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:40:44.81] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 2904
[21:40:44.83] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:40:44.83] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Ignoring state change
[21:40:45.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:45.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432918: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:40:45.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >IRO 92 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:40:45.05] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:40:45.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >ANS 92 OK<
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706540: bridge id
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706540:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[21:40:45.05] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[21:40:45.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:45.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:40:49.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:40:49.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:41:09.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:09.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:41:11.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:11.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:11.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 940
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[21:41:11.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C433548: destroying im
[21:41:18.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:18.63] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >NLN NLN 1 Lerna 2788999484 %3cmsnobj%20Creator%3
[21:41:18.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 2
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 948281139, new mstate = 00000002
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = FriendlyName, value =Le
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter WARNING --- CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnSto
reChangeContactProperty not handling property = Name, Me = NO
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = UserTileLocation, value
=<msnobj Creator="" Type="3" SHA1D="9wn13YIsq7LPM6r4qfo
6wWMvyLw=" Size="26728" Location="0" Friendly="UwBEAEMAMQAwADgAMgAyAAAA"/>
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersGif, v
alue =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityRendersIsf, v
alue =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityWebCamDetecte
d, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsChunk
ing, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsDirec
tIM, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsWinks
, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsVoice
IM, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSChan
nel, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilitySupportsSipIn
vite, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityMsgrVersion,
value =0
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PAware, val
ue =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PSupportsTu
rn, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = CapabilityP2PBootstrapV
iaUUN, value =true
[21:41:18.63] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnStoreBuddyStateChanged
@002AFBA8: (sid = 948281139) state changed to 2 (wire s
tate is 2)
[21:41:18.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChange si
d = 948281139, muserproperty =61 (UserTileFilePath)
[21:41:18.73] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SetProperty sid = 94828113
9, property = UserTileFilePath
[21:41:18.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:18.74] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:18.74] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >UBX 1 831
<Data><UserTileLocation>&#x3C;msnobj Creator=&#x22;
; Type=&#x22;3&#x22; SHA1D=&#x22;9wn13YIsq7LPM6r4qfo6wWMvyLw=&#x22; Size=&#x22;2
6728&#x22; Location=&#x22;0&#x22; Friendly=&#x22;UwBEAEMAMQAwADgAMgAyAAAA&#x22;/
natureSound></SignatureSound><Scene>&#x3C;msnobj Creator&#x3D;"lerna87lerna@<
[21:41:18.75] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 948281139, no mstate change
[21:41:18.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = StatusMessage, value =E
[21:41:18.90] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapterEventSink::OnStoreChangeCont
actProperty buddy =, property = MachineGuid, value ={7A
[21:41:18.90] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::Initialize inviter 0xc4383
[21:41:18.91] Zone_SDrive Call SDriveWI::Work WA_OBON
[21:41:18.91] Zone_SDrive Processing buddy lerna87lerna@hotmail.c
[21:41:18.92] Zone_SDrive SDriveWI::Work results = 80070490
[21:41:19.09] Zone_SDrive CPeerEndpoint::~CPeerEndpoint 0xc438338
[21:41:21.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:21.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:41:21.47] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:41:21.47] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 2820799526, new mstate = 00000001
[21:41:26.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:26.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:41:36.82] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:41:36.82] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:41:40.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:41:40.60] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:41:40.60] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:42:08.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:42:08.47] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:42:08.47] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:42:08.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:08.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:42:08.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:42:25.91] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:25.91] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:42:35.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:35.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:42:35.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:35.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:35.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 636
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[21:42:40.62] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:42:40.62] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:42:40.62] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:42:48.29] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:48.29] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:42:49.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:42:49.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:42:49.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:42:49.93] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:42:49.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[21:42:49.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 219
[21:43:03.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:03.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:43:14.23] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:14.23] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:43:15.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:15.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:15.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 536
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[21:43:20.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:20.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:43:27.30] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:27.30] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:43:31.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:43:31.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:43:31.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:43:32.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:32.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[21:43:32.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:43:32.59] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:32.59] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:43:38.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:38.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:43:40.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:43:40.63] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:43:40.63] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:43:42.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:43:42.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432918:
Recv >MSG Gamze 300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[21:43:58.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:43:58.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:43:58.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:43:58.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 93 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:43:58.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 93
and hr = 0x0
[21:43:58.53] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:44:03.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:44:03.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:44:03.32] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:44:03.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 94 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:44:03.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 94
and hr = 0x0
[21:44:03.32] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:44:10.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:44:10.92] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:44:10.92] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:44:10.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 95 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:44:10.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 95
and hr = 0x0
[21:44:10.93] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:44:21.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:44:21.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:44:21.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:44:21.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:44:21.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 46<
[21:44:21.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 312
[21:44:24.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:44:24.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:44:24.24] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:44:24.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 96 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:44:24.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 96
and hr = 0x0
[21:44:24.24] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:44:31.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:44:31.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:44:31.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:44:31.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 97 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:44:31.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 97
and hr = 0x0
[21:44:31.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:44:40.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:44:40.64] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:44:40.64] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:44:48.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:44:48.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:44:48.94] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:44:48.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 98 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:44:48.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 98
and hr = 0x0
[21:44:48.94] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:44:54.88] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[21:44:54.88] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=b | TextCount=1800 |
MsgContent=3 | FromAPI=0
[21:44:54.88] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[21:44:54.88] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[21:44:54.88] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message directly
[21:44:54.88] Zone_P2PSession CP2PSlaveSession::Send@0C42ECA8: Session(
64) sending 1908 bytes of data
[21:44:54.88] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::SendHelper@0C465508: >> Qu
eued blob 151103 (pri=1), fPrepend=0 for session 64 on bridge 258 (size 1908):
[21:44:54.88] Zone_P2PSession CImInkEuf::Send >> Sending IM
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink

[21:44:55.08] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[21:44:55.09] Zone_P2PTransport CPacketScheduler::Run@0867B290: calling G
etNextChunk for bridgeId 258, sessionId 64
[21:44:55.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnSent@0C465508@1106: >> a
dding blob 151103 to our list of unacked blobs
[21:44:57.22] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnReceived@0C465508: >>
Received blob 157236120 is ACK to sent blob 151103. Freeing sent blob and alert
ing slave. (SRTT = 1517)
[21:44:57.22] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::RemoveBlobFromUnAckedList@
0C465508: >> blob 151103 for session 64 is unacked
[21:44:57.22] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::FreeBlob@0C465AB0:
(bridge=258, session=64, blob=151103)
[21:45:02.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:45:02.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:45:02.06] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
104 bytes on socket 2904
[21:45:02.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 99 U 91
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol
[21:45:02.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 99
and hr = 0x0
[21:45:02.06] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:45:02.50] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending IM to conversation
[21:45:02.50] Zone_IM_Messages User=(null) | Text=h | TextCount=42 | Ms
gContent=0 | FromAPI=0
[21:45:02.50] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Message can be sent over the SB
[21:45:02.50] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
We have 1 users in the roster we're sending to
[21:45:02.50] Zone_IM_Messages CConvModel::IMSendTextToListAs@0853AB00 >
Sending message via SB
[21:45:02.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: enter
[21:45:02.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: No messages i
n the queue, sending immediately
[21:45:02.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
180 bytes on socket 2904
[21:45:02.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
>MSG 100 N 165
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=MS%20Shell%20Dlg; EF=; CO=0; CS=0; PF=0<
[21:45:02.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::QueueMsg@0C432918: has id of 100
and hr = 0x0
[21:45:02.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::RequestSBIfNecessary@0C432918: N
ot requesting a new session because we're not disconnected
[21:45:07.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:45:07.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:45:07.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:45:07.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:45:07.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 49<
[21:45:07.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 265
[21:45:40.66] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:45:40.66] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:45:40.66] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:45:56.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:45:56.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:45:56.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:45:57.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:45:57.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:45:57.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:46:02.52] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432918: called for tim
er id 3
[21:46:02.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047316E8) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 2904
[21:46:02.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432918: Sent
[21:46:02.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047316E8) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 2904, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:46:02.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (047316E8
) (2) closing socket 2904
[21:46:02.76] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:46:02.76] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9668: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:46:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:46:02.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432918:
We disconnected purposely
[21:46:02.76] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470654
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:46:02.76] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:46:02.76] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[21:46:02.76] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151103 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[21:46:38.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:46:38.02] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:46:38.02] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:46:38.25] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:46:38.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:46:38.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 218
[21:46:40.67] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:46:40.67] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:46:40.67] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:47:02.53] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C432918: called for tim
er id 3
[21:47:26.25] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:47:26.26] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:47:26.26] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:47:26.51] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:26.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 48<
[21:47:26.51] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 266
[21:47:26.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:26.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 1771998162 CKI 53232237.2376999 akarsu_gamze@hotmail
.com Gamze U 1<
[21:47:26.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433368: created new im
[21:47:26.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9A58: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:47:26.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731760) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:47:26.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:47:26.77] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:47:26.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433368:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:47:26.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731760)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:47:26.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731760)
(2) >> success 0x04731760, socket=5156, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731670. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047315F8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@04716540: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:47:27.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433368:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731760) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 5156
[21:47:27.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433368: Sent
>ANS 101 53232237.2376999 1771998162<
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:47:27.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731760) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 5156
[21:47:27.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:47:27.04] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Ignoring state change
[21:47:27.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:27.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433368: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:47:27.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433368:
Recv >IRO 101 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:47:27.27] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:47:27.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:27.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433368:
Recv >ANS 101 OK<
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706540: bridge id
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706540:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[21:47:27.27] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[21:47:27.39] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:27.39] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433368:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:47:35.12] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:35.12] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433368:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:47:40.69] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:47:40.69] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:47:40.69] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:47:42.50] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:42.50] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433368:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:47:49.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:49.03] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:47:49.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433368:
Recv >MSG Gamze 916
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-ms-ink
[21:47:49.03] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C432918: destroying im
[21:48:10.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:48:10.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:48:10.10] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:48:10.10] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[21:48:40.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:48:40.70] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:48:40.70] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:48:49.04] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433368: called for tim
er id 3
[21:48:49.04] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731760) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 5156
[21:48:49.04] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433368: Sent
[21:48:49.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731760) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 5156, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:48:49.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (04731760
) (2) closing socket 5156
[21:48:49.28] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:48:49.28] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9A58: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:48:49.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433368:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:48:49.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433368:
We disconnected purposely
[21:48:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470654
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:48:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:48:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[21:48:49.28] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151103 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[21:48:58.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:48:58.10] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:48:58.10] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:48:58.35] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:48:58.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 45<
[21:48:58.35] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 249
[21:49:13.66] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:49:13.66] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:49:13.66] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:49:13.66] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 1478723804, new mstate = 00000001
[21:49:35.13] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:49:35.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 93607039 CKI 7888208.2122434
Gamze U 1<
[21:49:35.13] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C433548: created new im
[21:49:35.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9978: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:49:35.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (047310D0) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:49:35.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:49:35.14] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:49:35.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:49:35.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047310D0)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:49:35.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (047310D0)
(2) >> success 0x047310d0, socket=6176, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047316E8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731508. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:49:35.40] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047165A8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:49:35.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047310D0) >> sent
53 bytes on socket 6176
[21:49:35.41] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
>ANS 102 7888208.2122434 93607039<
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047310D0) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 6176
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:49:35.41] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:49:35.65] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:49:35.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C433548: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:49:35.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >IRO 102 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:49:35.65] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:49:35.65] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >ANS 102 OK<
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706540: bridge id
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706540:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[21:49:35.65] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[21:49:35.76] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:49:35.76] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:49:40.71] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:49:40.71] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:49:40.71] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:49:49.06] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433368: called for tim
er id 3
[21:50:15.18] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:50:15.18] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:50:20.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:50:20.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:50:20.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:50:20.52] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:50:20.52] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:50:20.77] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:50:20.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 47<
[21:50:20.77] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:50:40.73] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:50:40.73] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:50:40.73] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:51:03.85] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:51:03.85] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C433548:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:51:08.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:51:08.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:51:08.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:51:08.45] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:51:08.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:51:08.45] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 312
[21:51:40.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:51:40.74] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:51:40.74] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:51:49.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:51:49.61] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:51:49.61] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:51:49.87] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:51:49.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 50<
[21:51:49.87] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 266
[21:51:54.54] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:51:54.54] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:51:54.55] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:51:54.55] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4150538148, new mstate = 00000001
[21:52:03.86] Zone_P2PSession CSWBNet::OnTimer@0C433548: called for tim
er id 3
[21:52:03.86] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (047310D0) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 6176
[21:52:03.86] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C433548: Sent
[21:52:04.21] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (047310D0) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6176, error
= 0, event = FD_CLOSE
[21:52:04.21] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnSocketClose (047310D0
) (2) closing socket 6176
[21:52:04.21] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(2) from 8 to 1
[21:52:04.21] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:52:04.21] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
Changing state from 7 to 1
[21:52:04.21] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C433548:
We disconnected purposely
[21:52:04.21] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeDisconnected@0470654
0:firing bridge disconnected event
[21:52:04.21] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeDisconnected@0C465
508: >> bridge 1 is now DISconnected
[21:52:04.21] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> moving blobs from bridge 1's queue to bridge 258's queue
[21:52:04.21] Zone_P2PTransport COutgoingMessageQueue::MoveBlobsBetweenBr
idges@0C465AB0: >> just switched bridges, so remembering blob ID 151103 as last
blob sent on old bridge
[21:52:04.21] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::~CSWBNet@0C433548: destroying im
[21:52:15.14] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:52:15.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >RNG 1136628253 CKI 1662663.24726113 akarsu_gamze@hotmail
.com Gamze U 1<
[21:52:15.14] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::CSWBNet@0C432BE8: created new im
[21:52:15.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::Connect@047A9978: Con
necting to (secure port=443)
[21:52:15.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Connect (04731418) (2)
>> connecting to
[21:52:15.15] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(2) from 1 to 5
[21:52:15.19] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:52:15.19] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 1 to 4
[21:52:15.19] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> connecting to
[21:52:15.20] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::ConnectToIP (04731418)
(2) >> success 0x04731418, socket=6252, LastError=10035, WM(1056)
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_CONNECT
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(2) from 5 to 8
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(0) from 1 to 0
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:04731508. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (0) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(0) from 0 to 1
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(1) from 1 to 0
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Disconnect:047316E8. m_
sock == 4294967295
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CSocksNetworkLayer::OnConnectionStateChan
ge (1) >> changing from 1 to 1
[21:52:15.70] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(1) from 0 to 1
[21:52:15.71] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:52:15.71] Zone_Net CHTTPNetworkLayer::Disconnect@047165A8: D
isconnecting HTTPLayer
[21:52:15.78] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(3) from 1 to 0
[21:52:15.78] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:52:15.78] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Got an event for the active connection (or trying HTTP)
[21:52:15.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CSWBNet::OnVirtualStateChanged@0C432BE8:
Changing state from 4 to 7
[21:52:15.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
56 bytes on socket 6252
[21:52:15.78] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0C432BE8: Sent
>ANS 103 1662663.24726113 1136628253<
[21:52:15.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_WRITE
[21:52:15.78] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04731418) >> sent
0 bytes on socket 6252
[21:52:15.95] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Recieved state change for id(3) from 0 to 1
[21:52:15.95] Zone_Net CConnectionManager::OnConnectionStateChan
ge@047A9978: Ignoring state change
[21:52:16.09] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:52:16.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnBufferFull@0C432BE8: ge
tting a new buffer of size 1024
[21:52:16.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >IRO 103 1 1 Gamze 2789003580<
[21:52:16.09] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 3394697926, no mstate change
[21:52:16.09] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >ANS 103 OK<
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::CreateSBBridge@0C465508: c
reating new SB bridge
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::CSBBridge@04706540: bridge id
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CSBBridge::OnSBBridgeConnected@04706540:f
iring bridge connected event
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::OnBridgeConnected@0C465508
: >> bridge 1 is now connected
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508: t
rying to find the best bridge
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindBestBridge@0C465508:be
st bridge found = 258
[21:52:16.09] Zone_P2PTransport CP2PTransport::FindAndMigrateToNewDefault
Bridge@0C465508: >> bridge ids are same dwBridgeId = 258
[21:52:16.28] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:52:16.28] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:52:23.31] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:52:23.31] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:52:30.62] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:52:30.62] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:52:38.27] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:52:38.27] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:52:40.75] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:52:40.75] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:52:40.75] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:53:03.67] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:03.67] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:53:05.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:53:05.15] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:53:05.15] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:53:05.40] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:05.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 42<
[21:53:05.40] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 234
[21:53:12.70] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:12.70] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >FLN 1 0<
[21:53:12.70] Zone_HotmailService CHotmailService::OnMNSBuddyStateChanged@0
02AFBA8: Matched, updating state to 1
[21:53:12.70] Zone_StoreAdapter CStoreAdapter::SendBuddyPropertyChanges@0
85FFEF8 buddy, sid = 4150538148, new mstate = 00000001
[21:53:16.57] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:16.57] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:53:33.96] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:33.96] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:53:40.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity(0x0000
[21:53:40.77] Zone_IdentityCRL spIdentityOut = 0x04715EC0
[21:53:40.77] Zone_IdentityCRL CIdentityClient::GetActiveIdentity() = 0x
[21:53:42.99] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:42.99] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol

[21:53:54.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnPNGTimer@0472FA50: time
r fired, but not waiting on response. Setting a new timer.
[21:53:54.80] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::Send (04730A40) >> sent
5 bytes on socket 3600
[21:53:54.80] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::SendNetMsg@0472FA50: Sent
[21:53:55.05] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04730A40) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1055) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 3600, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:53:55.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0472FA50:
Recv >QNG 41<
[21:53:55.05] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::OnNetMsgInternal@0472FA50
: PNG to QNG millisecond response time is 250
[21:54:07.58] Zone_Net CTCPNetworkLayer::OnMessage (04731418) (2
) >> Got WM_WSASELECT_MESSAGE(1056) from WSAAsyncSelect for socket = 6252, error
= 0, event = FD_READ
[21:54:07.58] Zone_HotmailProtocol CMNSConnection::CheckForNetMsgs@0C432BE8:
Recv >MSG Gamze 97
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/x-msmsgscontrol


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