Frequency Modulation and Demodulation

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Frequency modulation and demodulation

Frequency Modulation
In angle modulation, the amplitude of the signal is held constant
and the phase is being varied with the message. An angle
modulated signal is of the form:

The instantaneous phase of xc(t) is given by


and the instantaneous frequency is given by


Using this approach, if the message is proportional to φ(t), which

is the phase deviation, then we have phase modulation. If the
message is proportional to , which is the frequency deviation,
then we have frequency modulation.
In order to have phase modulation,

where kp is known as the deviation constant. For frequency

where kf is known as the frequency deviation constant.
Consequently, an FM modulated signal is of the form

An FM signal is shown in Figure 1

Figure 1: Frequency modulation

Frequency Demodulation
There are several ways to demodulate an FM signal. The simplest
way is to use a differentiator followed by an AM detector do
demodulate and FM signal as shown in Figure 2

Figure 2: Frequency discriminator

In order to implement the above the frequency discriminator, we
need to design a differentiator.
Circuit diagram:
Experimental results:

Carrier Modulating FM signal Demodulat

signal signal ed
1.6 3.6 1.55 1.2
Peak to
de (V)
24.39 KHz 625 Hz 1.846 KHz

Wave forms seen in Oscilloscope:

1. FM technique is more reliable than AM technique as, FM
signal is noise immune.
2. As the signal power of FM signal is low, this signal cannot be
transmitted to large distances.

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