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GATE - 2002 Electronics and Communication Engineering Time Allowed: 3 Hours SECTION - A (75 Marks) 1. This question consists of TWENTY FIVE sub- questions (1.1 - 1.25) of ONE mark each. For each of these sub-questions, four possible altematives (A,B, Cand D) are given, out of which only one is correct. Indicate the correct answer by darkening the appropriate bubble against the question number 02 the left hand side of the objective Response Sheet (ORS). You may use the answer book provided for any rough work, if needed. 1.1 The dependent current source shown in given figure. (@) delivers 80 W (c) delivers 40 W (B) absorbs 80 W (@) absorbs 40 W 1.2. Ingiven figure 1.2, the switch was closed for a long time before opening at + = 0. The voltage Vx at A na wa Foye (@) 5Y 50 @ -50V @ov 13 Convolution of x(¢ + 5) with impulse function 5tt-7) is equal to {a) x (t-12) (©) x(-2) () x +12) (a) x0#2) Maximum Marks :150 14. Which ofthe following cannot be the Fourier series expansion of a periodie signal ? ( x(0)=2c08¢+3.c0831 (©) x(t)=2cosnt +7cost © x()=cost+05 @ ¥(0)=2c08 1 415 In given figutea silicon diode is carrying aconstant current of 1 mA, When the temperature the diode is 20° C, Vp is found to be 700 mV. If the temperature rises to 40° C, Vp becomes approximately equal to (@) 740 mV (©) 680 mV (8) 660 mV (a) 700 mv 1.6 Ina negative feedback amplifier using voltage-se- rigs (ie. voltage-sampling, series mixing) feedback. (2) R, decreases and R, decreases () R, decreases and R, increases (©) Ry inereases and R,, decreases @) R, increases and R,, increases (Rand R, denote the input and output resistances respectively) 1.7 A74l-type opamp has a gain-bandwidith product of 1 MHz. A non-inverting amplifier using this opamp and having a voltage gain of 20 dB will exhibit a ~ 3-dB bandwidth of (@ 50 kHz © 100 ki 1000 1000, @ op she (Fay koe 15. Tivee identical &C-oupled transistor amplifiers are cascaded. If each of the amplifiers has a Frequeney response as shows in the figure is the overall frequeney response is as given in. 7 Py {fA 3 c) 19 Abit 25 complement representation of a decimal number is 1000. The number is (a) +8 wo or @ 8 110 If the input te the digital circuit the figure, consisting of a cascade of 20 XOR-gates is X, then the output ¥ is equal to 0 wt OX @Xx LAL The number of comparators required in a 3-bit ‘comparator type ADC is @2 @3 7 @s8 1LA2 If the transistor in the figure isin saturation, then, ee © jo (a) is abways equal to Bj ly (8) 1, is always equal © Ics ereater than or equal to Bay (@) Jc is less than or equal t9 Bly 113 Consider a system with the transfer function Ge) = ies Ils damping ratio will be 05 iP 446 when the value of kis (a) 2/6 ole 3 me 1.14 Which of the following points is NOT on the root, locus of a system with the open-loop transfer function GOIHIS) = esas «5 W s2-15 (s2-3 @s=- 15. The phase margin of a system with the open-loop ( transfer function GisyH(o) Ts aor (634° (© 90" @s LAG The transfer function ¥(s)/UNs) of a system described by thestate equations xit) = 2x{4) +2u(t) and yi} = 05x} is @) 08/(5-2 OUG-2) (© 05/6 +2) @1Ns +2) 127 The Fourier tansform FMD} is equal to —L—. Therefore, ote sa} is Gay @ sup (Heh © sup (etup LISA tinear phase choranel with phase delay T, and group delay T, must have ‘ (a) T,=T, ° U1 te fant TF (6) Teconstan andl Tf (al Teehandt ¢faenotes Gequeney! constant 119 A TMHzsinusoidalearrier amplitude modulated bya symmeirieal square wave of period 100 sec Which of the following, ireguencies will NOT be present in the modulated signal? (a) 990 bl le (by LTD kHz, (©) 1020 KH (if) 1030 kite 1.20 Consider a sampled signal y(!) = 5 « 10 x(t) 0 aa.) where sti) = lOcost8n « 104 and T= 100 usec. When v(t) is passed through an ideal lowpass filter with a cut-olf frequency of 5 kz, the outputt ofthe filter is 9) 5x 10% cos(Sr » 105¢ (B) 5x 10S cos(Br = LOY () 5* 10" cost 10% @ 10 cos(8x « 10% 1.21 For a bit-rate of 8 kbps, the best possible values of the transmitted frequencies im a coherent binary FSK system are (a) 16 kHz and 20 kHz (b) 20 kHz and 32 kHz () 20 kHz and 40 KH? (@) 32 kHz and 40 kHz 122 The line-of-sight communication requires the transmit and receiveantersas toface each other. IF the transmit antenna is vertically polarized, for best reception the receive antenna shook! be (0) horizontally polarized (6) vertically polarized {e) at 85° with respect to horizontal polarization, td) at 45° with respect to vertical polarization 123. The VSWR can have any value between {) Gand | (0) =Land +1 (e) Oand * (d) Land © 1.24 In an impedance Smith chart, a clockwise movement along a constant resistance circle ives rise to (@) a decrease in the value of reactance (@) an inercase in the value of reactance (©) no change in the reactance value (@) no change in the impedance value 25 The phase velocity for the TE, -mode in an air-filled Feciangular waveguide is, (a9 less than ¢ (H) equal toe (e) greater thane (a) none of the above (01s the velocity of plane waves in free space) 2. This question consists of TWENTY FIVE suib-questions (2.1 - 2.25) of TWO marks each. For teach of these sub-quiestions, four alternatives (A, 5, C and D} ate given, out of which only one is cortect. [ndheate the correct answer by darkening, the appropriate bubble against the question umber on the left hand side of the Objective Response Sheet (ORS). You may to use the answer book provided for any rough work, if nceded. 2.4 Inthe network ofthe figure isthe maximum power is delivered to & ifits value is w Wwe o 80 (© 602 (200 2.2 If the 3-phase balanced source in the figure is, delivers 1500 W ata leading power factor oF 0.844, then the value of Z, [in chm) is approximately ss r pS (iy 80 2 3248 (90 2-32.40" (a) 90 2 S244? (c) 802-3244" 2.3. The Laplace transform of a continuous-time signal 5- vt xo)= Ey the Fourier tanstorm of this signal exists, then x(9)is a) it) 2) (i) a2 Gt) + ert) (et) = 2etull) ty 2etuc 24 Iitheimpulse response of adlisere 25 26 27 if] =—Sruf-n-1], then the system function F equal to and the system is stable and the system is stable and the system is unstable and the system is unstable Anamplifier using an opamp witha slew-rateSR=1 V/tisec has a gain of 40 dB. If this amplifier has to faithfully amplify sinusoidal signals from de to 20 ktiz without introducing any slew-rate induced distortion, then the input signal level must not exceed. (a) 795 mv tc) 795 mV () 395 mv @ 95mV The circuit in figure employs positive feedback and is intended to generate sinusoidal oscillation. If at sae @ frequency fy, BA = Sy cH = 520°, then to sustain oscillation at this frequency (a) R= 5R, (i) RL=8R, R, R wo R= @) Ree A zener diode regulator in the figure is to be designed to meet the specifications : I, = 10 mA, V, = 10 V and V,, varies from 30 V to 50 V. The zener diode has 10V and I, {knee current) = 1 mA. For satisfactory operation. (a R <1800 ) 2000 2 40000 % 2.8 The voltage gain A, = 9 of the [Ft Mage BRIN A, = ofthe FET ampli shown in the figure is a we Do ~ ese ain BUI eames Tigh, treretagy aan fo) +18 +6 -18 @~6 29 The gates G, and G, in the figure is_have Propagation delays of 10 nsec and 20 nsec respectively. Ifthe input V, makesan abruplcharge from logic 0 to 1 al time # = #,, then the output wave form Vy is Py ; se, Le oo ® © @ yd) Z 2.10 The circuit in the figure is has bo CMOS NOR gales. This cireuit functions as a wey tee ‘SL, Speed (e) Gip-flop © scumitt trigger (©) monostable multivibraior (2) astable multivibrator 1. Consider the following statements in conection aa re eating tate mgs connection ‘The execution of the above program in an 8085 the MOSFETs are of enhancement type and both 4 acrrocestor will result in have a thresh oid voltage of 2V. @ an output of 87H at PORTE Statement 1:7, conducts mien Vi» 2V. (0 an output of 87H at PORT2 Statement 2:7, i aheonys in caturation when Vos OV. {© infinite looping of the program execution with “sy ‘accumulator data remaining at OOF, (4) infinite looping of the program execution with , accumulator data alternating between OOH and p—iP » 87H, 2.4 The system shown in the figuce is cemains stable a ma 1 k = L eh Which of the following is correct? (a) Only statement 1 is TRUE (©) Only statement 2 is TRUE {@) Both the statements are TRUE ‘ @ Both the statements ae FALSE fa) beat W Acket 2A2 if the input Xy XX, Xo to the ROM in the figure cies (eos are 842-1 BCD numbers, then the outputs 25 The teansler function of a ayetem ie YY YiYoare ‘ ©) = yah spay For a unitstep input ine. Gi) = Gey aoay Fora unitstep input to the : : system the approximate settling time for 2% ROM i criterion is @) 100 sec (0) 4sec © 1sec (a) 001 sec 216 The characieristic polynomial of a system is 9(9) =258 +4 4432 + 294+ 25-+ 1. The system is @ stable ( marginally stable ~ (©) unstable @ oscillatory @) gray code numbers 2.7 ‘The system with the open loop transfer function (@) 2-4-2-1 BCD numbers (€) excess-3 code numbers G{S)H(3} = —z-— has a gain margin of (4) none of the above sis ss+]) 213 Consider the following assembly Ianguage (@) -6ab © 0aB ee (©) 3548 ( oaB mov AB 248 An anglemoculte sigs gven by START: JMP NEXT s(t) = cos 2n(2 x 10°" + 30 sin 1508 + 40 £08150. ~ B, OOH ‘The maximum frequency and phase deviations of XRA B s(t)are out Fost @ nope tees HU () SkFHz, 80R rod we re STAKE (© 10.5 kee, 10x rad ouT PORT2 (@) 75 kHe, 100x rad HLT 2.19 Inthe figure m() = 228224 , (2) = cos 200at and w(8) = Sinl222t The output y(t) will be ab Fate =e Sinat ( Sindat . SIAL cosSat 2.20 A signal x(t)= 100 cos(24x x 10") isideally sampled with a sampling period of S0usec and then passed through an ideal lowpass filter with cut-off frequency of 15 kHz. Which of the following, frequencies is/are present at the filter output ? (@) 12kHzonly W8kezonly (()12kHzand9kiiz (di) 12 kHz and 8 KHz 2.21 If the variance a? of d(x) = x(v1) - x(7~ 1) is one- tenth the variance o2 of a stationary zero-mean discrete-time signal x(x), then the normalized autocorrelation function R,()/ 6? at k= 1is (a) 0.95 (090 (© 010 (a) 0.05 222 223 2.24 2.25 Aplane waveiseharacteri by E<(05% + jer 2s This wave is (@) linearly polarized (b) circularly polarized (6) eliptcally polarized () unpolarized Distilled water at 25° C is characterized by "7 10-'ho/mand © = 78, a fequency of 3 Gta. Is loss tangent tand is @) 13x10" (0) 1.3% 10 () 17 «104/78 (d) 1.7 «104/78 €,) (€ = 10°/ (362) F/m) The electric field on the surface of a perfect conductor is2 V/m. The conductor is immersed in water with © = 80 cy, The surface charge density on the conductor is (@) 0C/ae () 2C/m? (©) 18510" C/m? (@) 14x 16° C/m? (69 = 10°/(36R) F/m) ‘A person with a receiver is 5 Km asvay from the transmitter. What is the distance that this person must move further to detect a 3-dB decrease in signal strength ? (a) 942m (©) 4978m (&) 2070 m. (d) 5320 m SECTION - B (75 Marks) ‘This section consists of TWENTY questions (EC3 ~ EC22) of FIVE marks each. Altempt ANY FIFTEEN questions. ‘Answers mus! be given in the answer book provided. “Answer for each quiestion must start on a fresh page and ‘must appear at one place only (Answers to all parts of a question must appear together}. 3, The swilch in the figure is_has been in position 1 for 2 [ong time and is, then moved to position 2 at to, aKa eo LOY G@) Determine Ve(0"} and 1,(0°). (Determine ME ats = (6) Determine Ve(t) for t > 0. 4. Forthe network shown in the figure is, R= 1 KQ, L,=2H,L,=5H,L,=1H,L,-4H and (C=02 uF. The mutual inductances are Mj, = 3H and M,, = 2 H. Determine (@) the equivalent inductance for the combination of Lyand Ly. () the equivalent inductance across the points 4 and Bin the network, (9 theresonant frequency of the network (2) Find its short-circuit admittance parameters. () Find the open-circuit impedance 2p. 6. A tciangular voltage waveform V0) first figure ap- plied at the input to the circuit of second. figure. Assume the diodes to be ideal. vin ny| (@) Determine the output V,(). () Neatly sketch the output waveform superim- posed on the input V,(#) and label the key points. 7. The given figure shows 2-stage amplifier. The transistors Q, and Q, are identical with current gain fh = 100; further Bg = fi, f. The zener diode D, has a break-down voltage V. = 10.7 volt, Assume that D, isin break-down region and its dynamic resistance 1, is zero. The capacitors C, and C, are large and provide negligible impedance at signal frequencies. Vee=* 10 Ve (a) Identify the configuration in each of the amplifier stages (ie. whether CE, CC, CB ete.) (0) Determine the quiescent quantities Io, and Vey. (6) Derive an expression for the voltage goin Ay £0 and determine its value. (Assume Vyp = 0.7 V. ry @ and Thermal voltage Vy +25 mV) 8. Consider the circuit of the figure is. The opamp used is ideal. yy 04 (@) In which mode is the BJT operating (ie. active, saluration or eut off)? Justify your answer. ( Obtain an expression relating the output current [,and the input voltage V, () Determine and Vepif V,=2 volt (V,, output of opamp) (Assume B = 99 and Vye=0.7 V) 9. The inputs to a digital circuit shown in the figure is are the external signals A, B and C. (K, B and © are not available). The 45 V power supply (logic 1) and the ground (logic 0) are also available. The outpul of the circuit. is (@) Write down the output function in its canonical SOP and POS forms, () Implement the circuit using only two 2:1 multiplexers shown in the figure whereSis the data-select line, D, and D, are the input data lines and Y is the output line. The function table for the multiplexer is in given Table. 40. Each transistor in the figure is has de current gain B,. = 50, cut-in voltage Vy = 0.65 V and Vae wy = 075 ¥. The output voltage V, for Tin saturation can be as high as 0.2 V. Assiime 0.7 V drop across a conducting p-n junction. Determine? (@) the minimum value Igy necessary to keep T saturation (#) the maxisnum permissible value for the cesist- ance Ry (© the worst-case high input (logic 1) and the worst-case low input (logic 0) for which T, will be either in saturation or in cut-off. Ti It is required to design a binary mod 5 synch. ous counter using. AB flipflops such that them, Put Q,Q,Q, changes as 000 -» 901 -» 010... and $0 on. The excitation table for the AB flip-flop given in the table Table-11 re [Sop 1 0 1 fo} oa 1 & roo | a roo ° ‘cuock (a) Write down the state table for the mods counter. (8) Obtain simplified SOP expressions for the inputs A,, By, Ay, By, Ay and By in tecms of Q, Q, Q and their complements. (c) Hence, complete the circuit diagram for the mod-5 counter given in the figure using minimum number of input NAND-gate only, 12, An8085 microprocessor operating at 5 MHz clock frequency executes the following routine. START: MOVE AB our SSH Der B STA FEFSH IMP START (@) Determine the total number of machine cycles required to execute this routine till the JMP instruction is executed for the first time. (®) Determine the time interval between two consecutive SZEMW signals. (o) Ifthe external logic controls the READY lineso thal three WAIT states are introduced in the I/ O WRITE machine cycle, determine the time interval between two consecutive MERIT signals 13, A unity feedback system has the plant transfer function G9) = Gayese (a) Determine the frequency at which the plant his a phase lag of 90°. integral controller with transfer lunetion, G{s)= $ is placed in the feediorward path of the feedback system. Find the value of k such that the compensated system has an open-loop. ‘gain margin of 2.5, {c) Determine the steady state errors of the u: compensated system to unit-step and nit ramp inputs, 14, The Nyquist plot of anall-pole second order open- loop system is shown in the figure is, Obtain the transfer funetion of the system, 15, Theblock diagram of a linear time invariant system is given in the figure is us (@) Write down the slate variable equations for the q system in matrix form assuming the state vector robe [2,00 9,00)" (8) Find out the slate transition matrix, (6) Detetmine yit,¢ » 0, When the initial values Of the stale at time ¢ = 0 are x, (0) x, (0)= 1 16. A deterministic signal x(t) = cos 2xt is passed through a diffecentiater as shown in the figure is a0 ao and 49, (©) Determine the autocortelation R,, (T) and the Power spectral density 5, (f, ADSBSC modulated signal s(t) = 10 cos (25 « 10% + HME 3s coreupted by an additive white {Gaualan noe of poses spectal density 10* W/ he message power spectral density S(f) is as shown in the figure and ¢ is uniformly distributed over the range 0 to 2x Sse Jo wate “3K skin”! (2) Express the signal autocorrelation function Res(T) in terms of the message autocorrelation function R(T). Clearly state the necessary assumptions. © Delermine the signal power spectral density S.A. (c) Find the power of the modulated signal and. thernoise power in the transmission bandwidth, ‘A.continous-time signal wilh finite energy, band limited from 3 MHz (0 5 MHz, is ideally sampled, encoded by a fixed length PCM coder and then transmitted over a digital channel of capacity 7 Mbps, The probability density function (pdf) at the output of the sampler is uniform over the range -2V to 4 2V. (a) Determine the minimum sampling rate necessary for perfect reconstruction. (i) Determine the maximuun SNR (in 4B) tha may be achieved A discrete memoryless source generates either 0 or Lata rate of 160 Kips; 0 is generated three times more frequenily than 1. A coherent binary PSK ‘modulator is employed to transmit these bits over ‘noisy channel. The received bits are detected in a correlator fed with the basis function of unit energy’ (ior this binary PSK scheme) as the reference signal. The receiver makes a decision in favour of | ifthe correlator output is positive, else decides in favour a of 0. 140and Tare represented! as ~(6 V2 cos 400 x 10)V and +66 VB €0s 64n x 10}Y respectively, thea (a) determine the transmitted signal energy per bit (0) detecmine the basis function of unit energy for this binary PSK scheme. (©) determine the probability that the receiver makes a decision in favour of | when the channel noise is characterized as aere N, AWGN with power spectral density x 104 W/He Transmission line transformation ofa load 2, to Z is given by Z,sj2aalbl) 5b 75572, 13081) @) Show that the above transformation implies that the impedance Z gets transformed to 21 for real Z. {8) Whatis the importance of the result derived in (a? Consider a parallel plate waveguide with plate separation ¢ as shown in the figure electric and magnetic fields for the TEM-mode are given by E prt ys Bete (a) Determine the surface charge densities pon the plates at x =D and x=. (&) Determine the suriace current densities j on tue same plates. (©) Prove that p, and j satisfy the current continuity condition 22. Consider a linear array of two hall-wave dipoles A and Bas shown in the Figoreis, The dipoles are ~ apart and are excited in such a way that the current onelement 8 legs that on element A by 90? in phase. Sasi ” (a) Obtain the expression for the radiation pattern for E, in the XY plane (ie,0 =90°) where k= nos () Sketch the radiation pattern obtained in (a) ANSWERS LA) 2120 230) LA 15@) Lee) 176) Le@ 19M 110m) LMG) L2G) 113@) 114) 1156) L416 (q) 1.176) 1.1819 1L19{ 1.200) AW L2G 1.2) 1.2) 1250) 216) 2B —-2.3la) 2A lo) SLA) 261) 27) 280) 2.9(4 220@) 211G) 212) 223) 214) 2150) 2A) DIT) 218) 2.190) 220 2AaV{e) 222) 223K) 22M) 2250)

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