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• NOV-04-1998 ~:50

JJ.S. DCDarlment ()t Jurtic:e

FJrug Enforcement Administration
1. File NO. 2. G-OEP identifier
1U-99-0001 WGC3L
3. File TItIa
(Comlnuatlon) BE:LL, Arthur
Page 3 ()t 4
5. Program Code 6. Data Prepared

Officers made entry announcing "Police Search Warrant."

6. BELL was discovered hiding in his bedroom closet. BELL'S sister, Kendra
Bell, and three young children were als~ present. Kendra was searched and
released from the scene along with her children.
7. BELL was handcuffed and read his Miranda Rights and signed a Right's
Waiver Form, prior to any questioninq as administered by Detective Frank
Dascoulias. TFA Crissman witnessed the waiver.

8. Discovered in BELL'S residence was approximately i ounces of cocaine and

a .38 caliber revolver. (For further details, refer to Exhibits paragraph
for location found and discovering officers) •
9. BELL was questioned by TFA's Gambill and Crissman and stated to TFA's
Gambill and Crissman that the cocaine (Exhibit 1) found in his
bedroomcloset was one and a half ounces. TFA Gambill asked BELL if there
was any more cocaine in the residence and BELL stated "no". BELL was asked
how the revolver came into his possession by TFA Crissman. BELL stated
"some guys came to my house to kill me. They didn't get the job done and
they left it (the gun)in the yard so I took it."
10. When Exhibit Two was discovered after the initial questioning, BELL
upon seeing Exhibit Two, lowered his head and began to shake his head as if
saying no. When Lt. Vugrincic inquired to BELL how much cocaine there was
in Exhibit TwO, BELL replied "four" (ounces). While TFA Gambill was
speaking to S/A McCoy on the telephone,. she advised S/A McCoy that more
crack cocaine was found in the basement and that the total amount found in
the house was now eight(8) to nine(9)ounces. Bell then shook his head "no"
and held up four (4) fingers implying that there were only four (4) ounces
of crack cocaine found in the basement. Officers then cleared the scene.

11. BELL was housed in the Trumbull County Jail until 10/15/98 when he was
removed by S/A McCoy and TFA Crissman and was brought before u.s.
Magistrate Thomas regarding the charges of Possession with Intent to
Distribute Cocaine.

Exhibit One is approximately 2.5 ounces of crack cocaine which was

discovered in the oottom of the garbage can. ~xhibit One was discovered by

DEAFonn -6a
21 :snSS.

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