Scavenger Eliminox

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Crete tae eas ON-SITE EXPERT TSB post i QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Oxygen Scavengers Close-up of ‘it" formation — the characteristic oxygen attack mechanism, Oxygen Corrosion 1s oxygen corrosive? Yes. Oxygen is a highly reactive gaseous element. In the presence of steel, the corrosion rate of oxygen doubles for each 30°F rise in temperature. For example, in a boiler system operating at 400 psig, and 444°F, the corrosion rate for oxygen is 256 times more reactive than at room temperature. How does oxygen attack metal surfaces? Oxygen forms localized corrosion areas referred to as “pits.” This distinctive formation is readily distinguishable from acid attack, caustic gouging or chelate corro- sion. (See Figure 1.) Oxygen pits can rapidly “drill” through metal surfaces, leading to metal fatigue and failure. Figure 1 distinctive pit formation Oxygen attack occurs as a ‘What is the oxygen corrosion mechanism? ‘Oxygen corrosion is an electro- chemical process similar to a simple battery. Iron dissolves at the anode and releases electrons which are subsequently consumed by oxygen at the cathode. (See Figure 2.) Pitting is the result of this localized mechanism. Anode: Fe® > Fe + 26° Cathode: 26+ HO +1/ 20H" Where can oxygen corrosion occur in a boiler system? Because oxygen is a gas, it will “flash” into the condensate sys- tem, turbines, and other steam ‘operated equipment. Every metal surface of the boiler system is vulnerable to oxygen attack. Why is oxygen corrosion a serious problem? As oxygen corrodes the boiler etal, it dissolves the iron surface rhis weakens the metal site, but more importantly, sends dissolved iron into the boiler. This dissolved iron can deposit onto boiler tubes, causing overheating and tube failure. Oxygen Scavenging How can oxygen corrosion be ‘minimized? Oxygen control is generally both a mechanical and chemical process. ‘The majority of oxygen in the boiler feedwater is typically reduced to less than 20 parts per billion (ppb) by heating the water to reduce its solubility and releas- ing it out of the system via venting (deaeration). Since even very low levels of oxygen will cause corro- sion, a chemical scavenger is used to supplement mechanical deaera- tion to reduce the level to zero. For more information on mechani- cal deaeration, see Nalco ‘TECHNIFAX® 148. Eroctohie (War) or oy o oie Figure 2— In the basic corrosion cel, iron dissolves atthe anode while oxygen reacts to form hydroxide ions at the cathode Can an oxygen scavenger be used if the plant currently does not deaerate the feedwater? Yes. Oxygen scavengers are effective at high oxygen levels, but ‘mechanical deaeration is more efficient and cost-effective in the Jong run. Oxygen corrosion cannot be completely inhibited by chemicals alone. There is no real substitute for good mechanical deaeration Chemicals are most effective when used only to polish a properly operating system. ‘Should oxygen scavengers be fed with other products? No. Oxygen scavengers should not be mixed with other chemicals because this may result in a complete loss of product activity. ‘The addition of water to aliquid oxygen scavenger may also result ina loss of product activity Dilution water contains oxygen, which is consumed by the scaven- ger and reduces the overall effec tiveness of the product. All liquid oxygen scavengers should be fed neat (undiluted). What Nalco chemicals can be used for oxygen scavenging? * Sodium sulfite based: NALCO*19P_ NALCO# 2549 NALCO? 1720 NALCO? 7408 NALCO* 1722 * Proprietary formulations: NALCO" {700 NALCO"1721 NALCO" 1710. ELIMIN-OX® Table 1 — Oxygen scavenger characteristics ©, Scavengers 0, Scavengers & Passivators 1p 1720 17222497408 —4710~| 1721 1700 ELIMN-OX Fm Dy _Uguid Liquid Dry —‘Lguid Liquid | Dry Liquid nue ax-pressue | 900900 900 9009001800 | a0 2800 United [catalyzed Yes Yes” Yer” Yes”~—=No Yes | Yes Noo Passivates No” No No_No-NoNo | Yes” Yes Yes [Adds sols | You Ves Vou Vos Ves Wace | Yes Trace No [Soraystomporaion | No No No No NoYes | NoYes [Supemeaterlayup | No No” No-No No No No Ne Boier ay-up Yes Yes” Yer” Yes” Yes No | Yes No FOR approved | Yes Yes Yes Yes YesNo| Yes mane USDA approved No. No Yes No “Can be used in boilers which are FDA regulated for pulp and paper mills only Each of these chemicals is a strong reducing agent which quickly removes oxygen from boiler feedwater. (See Table 1.) To determine the maximum recom- mended boiler pressure for each product, see Figure 3 sae | jaicocras aaa) ae Hydrazine ELiMIN-ox 2000 Prossu, si 0 1000 ‘30004000 Figure 3 — Oxygen scavenger pressure limits What types of sodium sulfite are available? Sodium sulfite isa highly effective oxygen scavenger and is available in several forms: Uncatalyzed sulfite —The reac- tion of sulfite with oxygen is very slow at temperatures below 200°R. Without a catalyst, it takes up to ten minutes to reduce the oxygen content of water from the satura- tion point to 70% with sodium sulfite at room temperature. This, type of product is recommended only when the application cannot tolerate the presence of a cobalt catalyst (catalyst beds, food applications, etc.) Catalyzed sulfite — The catalyst, usually a cobalt salt, speeds up the reaction rate of sulfite at low temperatures (<240°F). A fully saturated oxygen solution can be completely deoxygenated in as little as 30 seconds. A potential drawback is that the catalyst can be deactivated or precipitated by improper feed application, such as water dilution oF mixing with caustic, Decharacterized sulfite — This isa term used by the USDA. It refers to specific chemicals which must be removed from sodium sulfite for the product to be USDA and FDA approved. Sulfite which is not decharacterized has the ability to give meat a red or “fresh” appearance. Nalco’s two dechar- acterized products are both catalyzed. What are the disadvantages of using sodium sulfite? Several costly disadvantages are inherent with using sodium sulfite as an oxygen scavenger. These problems occur regardless of whether the sulfite is catalyzed or uncatalyzed. + Adds solids to the boiler — Addi- tional solids to the boiler con tributes to an increased blow- down requirement. Blowdown is literally “money down the drain.” Itisa direct loss of energy and increases water treatment costs Cannot be used for spray attemperation — The solids contribution of sodium sulfite would cause superheater and turbine deposits. Also, since chemical feed must occur after the attemperation water take-off point, all equipment upstream of that point would be subject to oxygen corrosion and costly repairs. * Cannot be used at boiler pressures above 900 psig. Sodium sulfite begins to decompose at approxi- mately 600 psig and is complete at 900 psig, The decomposition products are H.S and $O,, both highly corrosive gases, which can cause catalyst poisoning and severe corrosion on steam operating equipment. What is NALCO 17107 NALCO 1710 is a nonvolatile, organic oxygen scavenger which can be used as a direct replacement for sulfite without the associated dissolved solids contribution. What are the advantages of using NALCO 1710? + Minimal solids added to the boiler — Less boiler solids means lower conductivity levels and lower blowdown rates, thereby saving energy dollars. * No poisoning of catalyst beds — Unlike sulfite, NALCO 1710 not poison hydrogen, ammonia or methanol catalysts with sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide. n * Can be used for spray attemperation — Because it breaks down to volatile components, the unique chemistry of NALCO 1710 permits it to be added upstream Of the spray attemperation take- off point which provides more equipment protection from oxygen attack. * Can be used at boiler pressures up to 1500 psig — Unlike sulfite, which has a pressure limit of 900 psig, NALCO 1710 can be used up to pressures of 1500 psig. The decomposition products of NALCO 1710 are completely volatile and have been proven not to adversely affect steam operated equipment. * Reduced sodium level variation in the boiler feedtoater — Lower variation will reduce the prob- ems in maintaining the proper NaPO, ratio in phosphate-based programs. This enhances boiler corrosion protection and fouling, control by eliminating the control conflict between the oxygen scavenger and internal treatment programs. Can NALCO 1710 actually save money over sulfite? Yes. Since NALCO 1710 does not contribute dissolved solids to the boiler, this product may pay for itself within the first year of treat- ment. For example, in a typical 400 psig boiler using, 500,000 lb/hr of feedwater which is conductivity limited, the savings in energy and water cost can be as high as $200/ day or $70,000 per year! The return ‘on investment (ROD for using a NALCO 1710 program can be over 500% while only slightly raising the cost of chemical treatment. For an estimate of your potential lowdown savings, contact your local Nalco representative. How is a NALCO 1710 program monitored? Iron, copper, and oxygen testing are recommended to monitor the ‘oxygen consumption of the product. Oxygen residual testing provides an extra measure of insurance, especially during, upsets. Your Nalco representative can provide the necessary product monitoring guidelines. How does the performance of Nalco's oxygen scavengers compare? At typical boiler feedwater tem- peratures (>210°F), sulfite, NALCO 1710 and NALCO 1700 provide the fastest oxygen scav- ‘Sutite| NALCO 1710 NALCO 1721 Hydrazine NALCO 1700 ELIMIN-Ox re re er) (Oxygen removal, % Figure 4 — Oxygen scavenger performance (240°F) 100 enging properties, whereas, NALCO 1721, hydrazine, and ELIMIN-OX all provide superior protection from oxygen by also providing metal passivation. (See Figure 4.) Metal Passivation What is metal passivation? ‘Metal passivation has traditionally been considered to be the reduc- tion of hematite to magnetite in iron-based boiler tubes. Actually, it isa process by which bare metal surfaces form a protective oxide film. The passive film is very thin and dense. It is distinguishable from the base metal by the colora- tion. In the case of carbon steel, this protective film is magnetite (Fe,0,) and is black in color Can oxygen scavengers enhance metal passivation? ‘Yes. Hydrazine has traditionally shown passivation properties and Nalco has developed several proprietary products which effec- tively enhance metal passivation What Nalco oxygen scavengers can be used for metal passivation? = NALCO 1700 = NALCO 1721 « ELIMIN-OX Each of these chemicals is an. excellent metal passivator which quickly forms a protective oxide layer on the boiler metal surface. (Gee Table 1.) What are the disadvantages associated with hydrazine? * Generates ammonia — One of the decomposition products of hydrazine is ammonia (NH,). At concentrations above 0.5 ppm, ammonia will attack copper in the presence of oxygen. Suspected carcinogen — Hiydra- Zine is a suspect carcinogen, therefore, handling is a special concern. Precautions, records, and special equipment may be required to avoid inhalation or frequent exposure to hydrazine. Slow reaction rate — At low tem- peratures, hydrazine is slow to react. Slow reaction time means there is always the possibility of oxygen attack, even with hydra- zine in the system, unless very high levels are maintained Can the low temperature reaction of hydrazine be catalyzed to speed it up? ‘Yes. Although a catalyst helps at ambient temperatures, itis of litle value at boiler operating tempera- tures. Even catalyzed hydrazine reacts more slowly than the uncatalyzed form of sulfite at low temperatures, What is NALCO 1700? NALCO 1700 is a highly effective ‘oxygen scavenger that also en- hances metal passivation. NALCO 1700 is nonvolatile and the ingre- dients are listed as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the EDA for use as boiler water addi- tives. NALCO 1700 is also ap- proved for use in USDA regulated meat and poultry applications. NALCO 1700 cannot be used in dairy applications. What are the advantages of NALCO 1700? + Minimal solids added to the boiler — Less boiler solids means lower conductivity levels and lower blowdown rates, thereby saving energy and water treat- ment dollars. * Can be used for spray attemperation — Because it breaks down to volatile components, the unique chemistry of NALCO 1700 permits it to be added upstream of the spray attemperation take- off point which provides more equipment protection from oxygen attack. + Provides metal passivation — Passivation is the extra measure of protection that helps improve system reliability. Less corrosion means less downtime and fewer repairs * Cam be used at boiler pressures up 40 2500 psig — NALCO 1700 begins to decompose at tempera- tures associated with pressures of approximately 1800 psig. The decomposition products of NALCO 1700 are completely volatile and have been proven not to adversely affect steam, operated equipment. + Fast reaction rate — At typical feedwater temperatures (©210°F), NALCO 1700 is nearly (00% faster than hydrazine. Will NALCO 1700 carry over into the steam? No. NALCO 1700, under boiler conditions, is a nonvolatile sub- stance that will not carry over. It acceptable for turbines, evapora- tors, and other steam operated equipment. Will NALCO 1700 adversely affect ‘condensate polisher resin? Unlike some oxygen scavengers which can carry over into the steam, NALCO 1700 cannot foul or adversely affect condensate polisher resin What is NALCO 1721? NALCO 1721 has been specially formulated to provide the scav- enging power of catalyzed sulfite and metal passivation properties, of NALCO 1700. This product offers sulfite users the additional benefits of metal passivation and protection against oxygen attack. What is ELIMIN-OX? ELIMIN-OX is an all-volatile “oxygen scavenger which can be used in all types of boilers, except where FDA or USDA compliance is required, 1s ELIMIN-OX just a catalyzed form of hydrazine? No. ELIMIN-OX oxygen scaven- ger contains carbohydrazide Which reacts directly with oxygen. ‘At temperatures above 300°F, it begins to break down to hydra- zine. ELIMIN-OX is unique in that both the product and its by- products are oxygen scavengers and metal passivation enhancers What are the advantages of using Guito Suite] - aeeeeed INALcd 1710 NALCO 1710 + Mepeiiesantspetes Rep 2 pare important when a boiler comes [Hydrazine [Hydrazine - ] down as while tis on line. When 1 properly used, ELIMIN-OX INALco 1700 [NALCO 1700 | helps prevent oxygen damage __[ELiniN-OX lELnn-ox | and continues to passivate metal Surfaces during wet lay-ip Poor ‘Good Excellent Poor Good Excalent oe ae Figure 5 — Metal passivaton Figure 6 — Metal passivation Once-through boilers — The ee an Leta beronien superior metal passivation ‘properties of ELIMIN-OX make soe ae foronce-« Unlimited boiler pressures — How does the performance of ELIMIN-OX can be used for any Nalco's metal passivators * Ft reaction rate— AX typical boiler open Bressure-The compare? water temperatures jecomposition products (©210°F), ELIMIN-OX is nearly ELIMIN-OX are completely ‘Temperature has an effect on the 15% faster than hydrazine. volatile and have been proven performance of certain metal ae " not to adversely affect steam _passivators. (See Figures 5 and 6.) No handling concerns —Unlike SP crated equipment At typical feedwater temperatures hydrazine, ELIMIN-OX poses no (©210°F), hydrazine has only special handling problems, ‘moderate passivation properties, + No solids added to the boiler Howare NALCO 1700, NALCO Whereas, NALCO 1700, NALCO Zero boiler solids means lower 1724 and ELIMIN-OX programs _—_‘1721.and ELIMIN-OX provide conductivity levels and lower monitored? excellent metal passivation. At lowdown rates, thereby saving, boiler operating conditions energy and water makeup Testing procedures have been (360°), all products provide full dollars developed to monitor residual ___—_‘metal passivation protection. NALCO 1700, NALCO 1721 and ELIMIN-OX has also been shown * Can be used for spray attemperation BLIMIN-OX products present in _to be significantly more effective [Because it breaks downto | the system than DEHA and MEKO asa volatile components, the unique volatile oxygen scavenger in both chemistry of ELIMIN-OX permits it Additional iron, copper, and laband field studies. tobe added upstream of the spray _XYgen testing are recommended attemperation take-off point to aan ‘the Lp proper: which provides more equipment _ ties and oxygen consumption of ; * . which provides more equipment Te reds Oxigenredual | How will know which products testing provides an extra measure best for my plant? * Provides metal passivation — of insurance, especially during Nalco can provide technical service, Passivation is the extra measure upsets, Your Nalco representative ‘Nwicocan provide technical service, of protection that helps improve ean provide the necessary product follercentel of your lant Pao system reliability. Less corrosion monitoring guidelines. ductivity improvement through means hve owned ewer Gecrensed energy loses, retuced P% downtime, and superior corrosion protection are goals that Naleo Shares with your plant. Your local Nalco representative will behappy to conduct a survey of your particu- lar application and recommend a cost-effective program for your use. NALCO CHEMIGAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER © NAPEAVILLE, ILLINOIS 80563-1158 Rages Teadomae ot Nao Comic Cmgany 1869, 200 Nao ChanclConpany At ‘Rahis Rares" Prd HUSA. 1200 Buen 116

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