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(fSSN 0885-8971)





Zero-Phase Filtering for Ligblrling Impulse. Evaluation: A K-factor Filter for the Revision of fEC60060-1 and -2 .

•.......... P. L Lewin. TN. Tran. D. 1. SwafJield. and J. K. Hiillsrrol1l )

Estimatinglnterharmonics by U ing Sliding-Window ESPRIT i. }:·H. Gu and ,\If. H. 1. Bollen I)

A Novel Method for Live Detection of Faulty Direct Current Insulators .

............................ X. J. Slum, X C. liang. }: c. Cheng. and MacAlpine _4

Extraction of Harmonics U ing Compo ite Observers K. Seil'oj)olhi and P. A Ianakiraman 1

Frequency Estimation of Distorted Power Sy tern Signal. ing a Robu (Algorithm ..

................................... Ci-H. Huang. C.-H. Lee. K.-J. Shih, and Y_·l. nang 41


Advanced Coordinarion Method for Overcurrent Protection Relay Using Nonsrandard Tripping Characteristics .

.. .. . . . . .. . . ...... . . ....... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. T. .Keil and 1. lager 52

• ev. AN -Based Aigonliuns for Detecting HlFs in Mulrigrounded 1Vf.V Networks .

. .. . . .. .. .. M. Michalik, M. Ud«:Jwic-:. W Rebi:ant. S. -J. Lee, and S.-H. Kang 58

T ransformer Differeanal Protecti on U ing Principal Component Analy is .

........................................................................ E. Vtizque:::. /. f. Mijares. O. L Chacon; andA. Conde 67

A" level Scheme to Identify S) mmetricaJ Faalts Occurring During Power Swings X. Lin. 1': GM. and P. Liu 3

A Cumutanve Sum-Based Fault Detector for Power System Relaying Application .

.............. S. R. kfahanl)~ A. K. Pradhan; and A. Routroy 9

A , ew Weak Fault Component Reactance Di lance Relay Based on olrage Amplitude Compari on .

... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . T. I engling and C. Chen'

OWT-Based Detection and Tran ient Power Direction-Based Location of High-Impedance Faults Due ((J Leaning Trees

in Unearthed MV Networks....... . f. Elkalaslrv. M. Lehtonen, H. A. Doni-ish. A. -M. 1. Taalob. and M. A. l:;:J.liarab 9.:).

Sen. iti,i!~ Analysis to Operation Margin of Zone 3 'Impedance Relays With Bus Power and Shunt Susceptance .

....... .. . S. U. N. }l7nno. }'14. Ding. and Y. Zokn J 02

Development and implementation of a Synchrophasor Estimator Capable of Measurements Under Dynamic Couditions ..

............... n~ Premerlani. 8. Kas:;tenIlY. arid M. Adflmi.ak 109

Charging Current Compensation for Distance Protection T. Kase. t: Kurosawa, and H. Amo 12-t

[Cements Continued on Page I)



( oments Com inued from Front COI'er J






I 0




On tile ffica _ ing Ground Return in the Broadband Power-Lin Cornmunicati nS-A Tran mi ~.'L'

AI' uSI n- me

nil YIS " " J. Amllory and N. Thieelhqyi

upler Winding Rati ele tion r r Effecli e Narrowband Power-Line C mmunicarion .

.. . : P. A. lanse vall Renslmrg and H. 'C.' p~,~~' i~~

olu J rn f r the" ·11 oi de" Problem in an Automatic Meter Reading ystem sing P war-Line romunieeuons ..

.. . : : , , , Q. Gao. J: Y. Yu. P iii. 1. Chol1g, P. L. So, and E. Gunawan

Cyclic hart-Time Varying. Channel ,E rirnationin OFDM Power-Line Communication .

. . .. . . . . " A. MLI tolino, M. Raugi, (llui M.· T,;~~i

Broadband. Power-Lin Cmmunicati n : Th Channel Capacity Analysis- .

.... .. J. A,l1clIoI'Y. N. The etJrclY i, R. Th ottappi llil, M. M. Ki saka, and N. H. Mvungi

Modeling and nal si of Comrnon-M de Current Pr pagation in Br adband Power-Line ornmunlcatl netw r ..

....................... ' .. , .. , , T. S. Pang. P. L, So, K.)~ ee. arlti A. KI1III.arul

The Influence of oad Impedance, Line Length. and Branche on Underground Cabl Power-Line ommuni .atlon (PL )

Sy terns f. AnalOry. N. Th eli7ayi. R. Thottappillil. M. M. Kissaka, and N. H. M,'lin,i

Expres iens for CurrenrNoltage Di tributlon in Broadband Power-Line Communication Network Involving Bran hes ..

... , , ,. J. AnaIQJ)'. N. Tneethayi, R, Thottappillil, M. M. Kissaka, and N. H. MVIIIIgi


How to Achieve a Rapid Deployment of Mobile Sub rations and to Guarantee Its integrity During Tran pari , .

...................................... ..•. , ....•...• 11 Lopez-Roldan. C. Devriendt. J. Enns. R. Gijs, and P. Guillaum«


umerical In e ti~ation en the Bre ure Wave Ab rption and the Gas C oling Intera ling in a P rou ilter, During an

Internal arc Fault in a Mediurn-Voltage CelJ D. RocluHte, S. Ctain. and F. Gelllils 203

Identification of Capacitor Switching Transient With Consideration f Uncertain Sy tern and Component Pararnei r _.

· , , _ . . . . . .. . .. . . . H. . Zh.ll and . tien 213

Heating Effect of Short-Circuit Current Impulses on Contact ano Conduct r -Part 1 .. , , .

· , , .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. L. Koller, B. ovdk, and G. Tevan 221

Heating Effects of hort-Circuit Current Impulses, n Contact and Ccnductcrs=-Part IT , .

.. , , ' .. ' ., , L. Kailer; B. NnlltfJe. and G. 7111(111 22


An Accurate Current Transformer Model Ba ed on Preisach Theory for [he Analysis of Electromagnetic Transients ....

........ , A. Rezaei-Zare, R. lravani, M. Sanaye-Pasand; H. Mohseni; and . Farhangi _3

Elimination of OVer hooting Effe l and Suppre Ion of Numerical 0 cillation in Transf rrner Transient Calculations ..

.............. , , A. Tokert and 1. UgleJil( 243-

Investigation of Temperature Effect on the Dielectric Re (lon e Measurern nt of Tran fOJ1lHU' Oil-Paper I ulation

y tern .. , , " . . . . .. . .. . .. . T. K. aha and P. Purkalt 252


Multiobjecti e.Muldcon traint Service Re rotation of Electric Po er Di triburion System With Priority Customer •... _

· , , ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. y. 1(II/I1[U; B. Dus, and f. hanna _6 (

Optimal Switch Placement in Distribution Systerns U ing Trinary Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm .. , .

... . . .. , ...•............ " A. Morad; and Ivl. Fotuhi-Firuzabad 171

Detection and la, sification of Power Quality Disturbances Using S-Tmn5fonnand Probabilistic eural etwork ......

..................... , S. Mishra. C. N. Bhende, and B. K. Panigrahi 280

ptimal Number and Location. of Power Quality Monitors Considering System Topology ... Dv-J. Wnn ami .-1. MoriITI 2

Modeling of Positive Leader Speed Under Slow Front Voltages-Parr I: Long Air Gaps.. .. F. A. M. Rir.k and F. idal 296

Detection of Dryband Arcing Proce ses on ADSS Cable Coating B. Florkowska; M. Florkowski. and M. TImler 302

lability nalysis 0 ACIDC ystern With Multirate Di crete-Time HVDC n ert r Model , R. K. Pandey J 11

Characterizing Voltage Fluctuations Caused bya Pair of Interharmonic ..... 1 YOllg, T Tayjasa no 11 I. W II, and C. SUII 319

Appllcari ns of the Fault Decoupling De ice to Improve the Operation of LV Di tribution etwork " ..

· .... .. . .. . . . ..... . . . .. .... . ... . .. ... ... .. .. .. . ....... . .. .. ...... A. Cataliotti. G. Cocchiara, M. G. Ippolito. and O. MoranG 32

~~~~::n~:'I~U~lu:e~d~ft:V:"~I:P~~lg~,e~/)~ ~ __ -=~~~~::~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


d L' - D narnic Analytical M del , I H ~ •••••••••••

ntrolled Re I tor Nonlinear an mear y 1. E. R. A/ves, Jr, L. A. . Pi/otto, and E. H. Walar~Qbe

.. _ , : . - : ~. , .. " -- -; .. : .. Bi~~i~~~' Model, . for Prediction of Voltage Sag in Di tribution Systems .,

IIUll Di~lribution Modeling slOg StochaStIC - _ .. B. Q. Khtlnh. D.-1. Won. and S.-I. Moo»

................ -- , '., .. , , °t:' "i~' ~'I~~I~; Leakage Current Monitoring Syst rn . 0.0 - ..

A New B"roadb!lIlcl Microcurrenl' Tran rducer or , " ,., W Chen., C. Yew, P. Chen, C. Sun. L. Du, (mel R. Liar)

..... " , , .. --.' ;~' .. ~:~~;~OMand SSSC Applications , _ A. G,.iffo and. D. Lauria

Two-Leg Three-Phose Invert r ontro or ' .

E itation Sy t III for Multidouble-Circuit Transmi i n- ines ystern .. ".

C1 rdinated ontrol f PT and . nera.tOl' x J ' I " .. " D. Wan. . Mao, and J, Lu

........ , ' .. -" , . 'R" .. Iatir . - ·w· 'i~g' Statistical Proce Control Methods .

ssessm nt of Feeder voltage eguia Ion ".' N. V. Mago. S. anroso, and M. F. McGraliGgltan

..... : · ···S .. ~;~;~·f~~·Higi~:V~1tage Ov rhead Tran mission Line Ba d on Power-Line CarrierSigl'lal

Real· TII~e ag Momlonng y. . , W. de Villier. , J. s.ctee« M. Wedepohi, and A. Burger

BehaVior " , . P. H W Za iiand C Ji

tudy on the" '~·~;;~i '~f" hunt Active DC Filter for HVDC Sy .terosS·C" ·B"·· . d" .. M· .. · .'1':'" .' laoD,C 's . It'}l. "/lb' 'AClajJO'L)C,e Elimination of "Harmonic Transfer Through Converter" ll1 V - ase .. u tIterm.lnay. ems . y .

. .' ,., , .......................• ,,, , L. T. TClf1g cm(/ B.-T. 00/

Decoupling .... , ....... " ...... "............. . ,

. E" . ( b 'Y rohronous Voltage Component :In Power Systems " " " .

Online sumauon 0 u S I.. . , . . . . . • 1 S L .. .

...... , , .. , .. , ., M. Bongiorno, . lIefisson. and . Angquis!

Eff~~~' of Surface Decay n Remaining Strength of Transmi sion-Li ne Wood Cross-arm 0' ••••••• , ".'.

. _" v. W. K. Ho, M. D. Pand . and S. Bed)

H;~'~ . ~i~ C~~~~ib~;t;;~~ 'E~~i~~;i"~' Witt; th~ H~~~i~ Current Vector Method ....... T. Pfajja r; B. Blatic, and f. Papi ptimal cheduliag f LTC and hunt Capacitors in Large Distorted Di tribu.tion Sy tern Using Evolutionary-Based

lsorithrns A. Uiinuha M. A. S. Masoum. and S. M. islam

Volta~e ags and the Response of a Synchronou Distributed Generator: A Case Study E. R. Collins and 1. Jiang

Gen tically Optimized Fuzzy Placement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Distorted Distribution NetwOJiKS .

• , ' 0 0 .. , •• M. Lodjovardi and M. A. S. MlilStiWm

A Novel Approach for Modeling the Steady-State VSC-Ba ed Multiline FACTS Controllers and Their Operational

Con tralnrs , " ,._, ; .. R. L. M'lsquez-A I'l1:e- and L C. Zanella

Trace of Flicker Source by Using the Quantity of Flick r Power P G. V. Atelberg, M. H.. J. Bollen, and l. Y-H. Gu

Pole Identification for the Universal Line Model Based on Trace Fitting 8. Gustav en and J. Nordstrom

Islanding Detection A1 e sment of Multi-Inverter Sy tern With Active Frequency Drifting Method _ ..

. . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . , - .. , , - . . .. LA. . Lopes and l~ Zhang

Evaluation of LV and MV Arc Parameter 0 ••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• __ " ••••••••••••••••• A. Gaudreau and B. Ko h

C ntr I of an Blectronically-Coupled Di tributed Res ur e Unit Sub equent to an I landing Event .; o. __ •••••••• _ ••••••••• ....... "....... ......... .. ........ .... .. . ..... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .... H Karimi. H. Nlkkhajoei; and R. travani


FDTD Analysis of the Unit Step Response of a Circuit Measuring Chopped Lightning Impulse Voltages _ , ,

A~ .~~: ... i:"'t' ·i" .. · .. ··h···'···················,········ .... , .... Y. Baba; A. Tamano, M. 1 hii, N. Nagaoka, and A. Ametan! U~~ a y irru s tor Syncrapha or Measurements and the lEEE standard .... 0. _, .••••. M. A. Donato and V. A. Centeno

C:l~g ,~he Fault C.utTem Li~i.ter .With Spark Gap to Reduce Short-Circuit Current _ Z. iaoqing and M. u

o ive Sulfur In In ulating 011. : Its Detection and Correlated Power Apparatus Failure , .. _. _ .

................ " ........ '" .. ..... ........ R Scatiggio, V. Tumiatti, R. Maino, M. Tumiatti. M. Pompili, and R. Barrnika

IE E opyright Form

... , , , .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .

338 347 355 361



389 396



419 425

434 442


457 465 472

480 4 7


502 504 506



Fault Distribution M . .

B· . . t M odelmg U smg Stochastic

ivana e odels f P di .

. . . or re iction of Voltage

Sag III DIstribution Systems

Bach QllOC Khanh Don J

' g- un Won, Me111.bel; lEEE, and Seung-Il Moon, Member, lEEE

OgI'l5-89171$2.),OO @ 2007 IEEE


' , I, 1ANUARY 200g

ADSlroct- Tb~ paper pre ent a new metbod regardi f'

lribulion m. odeling for the tochastic p. redictioD s'" d ng rault disdi ib ti ru Y 0 vOltage sagsiD th: .~tn ~bt~ Sy~:":" ~t stochastic models for fault modelingma ~ I. posstlehiohoh aim'. e fau~t performance for the whole

«stem of mte,res , W . en . e p to obtalD not only sag f

'I • aJ I • . . ... pet ormance

01 individu oeanons but also system sag ·perform· nee th

. . d' f] e :: ance rough

S)'st~m In r IC7 \ ';t:a~~ s~g. By using the bivariate normal distribution ror au lstn UtJOD modeling, this paper estimates the

influence of model parameters on sy. stem voltage sag perf 0 .

I d I b H' rmance.

The paper a so eve ops t ,e m?di6ed SARFIx regarding phase

loads. th~t c~ate better estimation for voltage sag performance for !he distnbutioD system.

Index Tenns-Bivariate normal di tribution distribution sy tem, fault distrtbution modeling, phase loads, ~ower quality (PQ)I stochastic predicnon, voltage sag frequency.


AM?N? power-~ua1ity (PQ) phenomena, the volta~e ag dip) IS defined In IEEE1159, 1995 a a decrease 10 rm voltage to between 0.1 and 0.9 of the nominal voltage at the power frequency for the duration of 0.5 cycle to 1 min. There ha been a greater interest in voltage ags recently due to problems caused by the performance of ensitive electronic equipment that is widely used.

Research about the voltage sag is usuaUy related to a basic process known as a 'compatibility assessment" [1], [2] which includes three steps.

Step 1) Obtain the voltage sag performance of the system of interest.

Step 2) Obtain equipment voltage tolerance. . '

Step 3) Compare equipment voltage tolerance with the voltage sag performance and e [imat~ the expected impacts of the voltage ag on the equlpme_nt:

Current research has shown evidence that obtainiug the voltage sag performance still needs more improvement. The

ManUSCript received August 2, 2005; revised December 5',20,06, This wer~ ~IIO SUPPOrted by the KOrea Poundalien for Advanced Studies rnce;atlona ..... holar E~Change Fellowship fer the academic year of 20 4-2005. aper no. I rWRJ)'0045

B Q 6·2005. D rtrnent Faculty €If Elec-

Iri . . Khanl:! is with the Electric power System epa . Vi . (e-mail:

""caillngjneerlng, Hanoi University of Technology, HanOI. retnam

", .. .kbanh-hld@ '1 J d ) . .

{) J mal .hut,e . . E· ring lNHA Umversily.

Ill<:h" , Won i with the Sehool €If. Electn,cal nglnee I ,

S ~n 402-75 I, Korea (e-mail: '0 and ompuler Sci~nc~- S Moon is with the School of ElectrJcal.?E~g'"~:~_;'aiL: moon·sj@plaza. ! 'C()ul National University Seoul J 51·74_. ore.

nu'~~,Iq), .' .. ,

Digital Obje!;:l Identifier IO,II09rTPWRD,2007.905817


information about the voltage sag i mainly obtained b

. , . y

morutonng and stochastic prediction. With recently advanced

computer-aided simulation tools, the stochastic pred.iction of voltage sag becomes the preferable approach that can obtain the results at required accuracy for various. network topolagies and operational conditions, "The method of fault. positions" and "the method of critical di ranee " are known as the 'most widely u ed methods for stocha ti prediction studies.

It is notable- that regardle of which method is used, a stochastic prediction study always has to solve two critical problem : 1 the modeling of causes leading to voltage sags and 2) the imulation of the power ystem for computing voltage sag characteri tic . Among important cau e of voltage sags, shortcircuit faults in the power system account for the largest part and the assessment of the voltage sag performance based en fault distribution modeling is a well-known approach. However, it is very difficult to build. up "accurate" fault modeling because the data of faults can only obtained by monitoring and thus, it has the arne uncertainties a to what the monitoring of voltage sags can generate.

This paper presents a new approach on fault distribution modeling for the tochastic prediction of voltage sags in the di tribution ystem u ing the method of fault positions. The simulation of the distribution y tern and fault distribution modeling are made on MATLAB for computing not only site indlce but also system indices of voltage sags.


Modeling the fault di tribution i to determine the short-circuit fault frequency (i.e., fault rate or the number of short-circuit fault per year) for all fault types at 311 po ible fault position throughout the system ofintere t. It can ists of the selection of fault po ition and fault type and the distribution of fault rate for the selected fault positions and fault types,

Fault positions are generally chosen in a way that a fault po-

ition should represent hart-circuit faults leading to sags with similar characteristics (2). For the distribution system with typical radial network topology, mall line egments, and distribution tran formers along the trunk feed r ,it is possible to apply only one fault po Irion for each di tribution transformer and one fault po ition for each line egment.

Different fault type should be applied to each fault po Irion mainly depending on the number of phase available at the selected fault positions. The fault rate of each fault type is normally referred from the observed historical data.


The fault rare mainly depends 0D fault position, fault type. andfault cause. While two earlier factors have 'been discussed at length in past research, the distribution of the fault rate for the selected fault positions has received less interest The most common assumption that bas been argued so far is that because the fauIt can occur anywhere in the system. stochastically, it is possible to model the fault rare as the uniform distribution [3]., [4J. In this sense.xhe faulr rate at each position is identical. to the component failure rate that is based on component reliability. However, in reality, many factors can lead. to faults, not just the component failure, and fault rates at different positions in the system are rarely the same. Recently, a report [5J proposed some interesting I-D models of fault distribution along individual Iine segments (between two nodes). However. thisresearch could not consider the distribution of transformer faults. Furthermore, by using J-D fault distribution, it is hard to obtain a system index about voltage sag performance since there are plenty of line segments in the distribution system .. The new method of fault distribution modeling proposed by this paper carefully analyzes concerned fault causes and builds up a suitable modelinjl of the fault distribution for the whole system of interest from which system indices can be obtained.


Although there are a variety of causes that result in faults in, distribution systems, it is possible to group them 'Into two parts: namely 1) equipment failures and 2) external causes,

Equipment failure is basically due to defeats that are probably created during manufacture, transportation, and installation, Equipment failure depends on the time of being placed into operation, the aging period, and maintenance conditions. According to the reliability theory, it is often characterized by the component failure rate. There are several distribution functions to model tills parameter but tbe most common one is the exponential distribution which assumes the eomponent failure rate to be constant. This value is equal to the average failure rate during the useful life of the ''bathrub~' curve [61. Therefore, if the same type of equipment is used throughout the system (e.g., the SaJD.e type of distribution transformers used in the distribution system), it is possible to assume that the failure rate of equipment follows the uniform distribution depending on the equipment type although it still may cause some errors (e.g .. , not all equipment is put into operation at the same time or bas the same maintenance conditions),

Besides eqUipment failure, there are many other causes from the ambient environment that also may lead to faults in power s¥stems. This paper cans them the external causes. Some can influence the faiilt perf€lrmanceofthe power system in a large area sueh as severe weather (wind stOTID.s, lightning, etc.). MeanWhile, others mainly have 100a1 impacts, such as trees and animals (birds, mice, etc .. ). Human factors (scheduled interruption, human errors, mischief, and vandalism] can cause faults that o.nly i:nfluence the power system in small parts as well as severe faults for a large power system. All of these causes occur randomly and they can be simulated by stochastic models. I-D stochastic models seem to not be suitable as explained before.


[EBa 1"!tANS\\\-. , "'''1\'1" lQl)s

. I Example of bivariate normal distribution.

FIg ...

This paper proposes the idea of u~in~ 2-~ stochastic rnodel~' in. stead (e.g -e the bivariatenormal distribution model as illUStrated in Fig. 1).

For large power systems, it is hard to obtaina Converged 2-D fault distribution model for various causes in a large area, !:low. ever, for small-to-medium-size networks, such as the section of distribution network fed from a bulk-point distribution SUbsta. tion, of which the monitored historical data of fault performanee shows that faults due to external causes occur concentratively on one location (e.g .. , some lines pass through a small area wbich is at high risk for faults due to industrial pollution Or trunk fall), it is the favorite condition to obtain a converged 2-D fault distribution model.


A. Case Stu.dy Definition

To illustrate the new method of fault distribution modeling in the stochastic prediction of voltage sag in the distribution system, this paper uses the IEEE 123-bus radial distrlbuti0n feeder [7]3.8 ilie test system .. It can be seen as the distribution system is fed from a bulk point. It does not narrow the scope of application of the !itudy With the following assumptions.

• Sinee line segments in the test system come in one, two, and three phases. distribution transformers at load nodes are the single phasetype for separate single-phase loads, For three-phase loads, the connection of the distribution transfenner is 4.16:-kV grounded wye-:Jow-voltage grounded wye.

• Voltage sags are only caused by fauits in the test system.

• If the test system :is supposedly a section of a large disnibution system, only faults occurring in it are considered, The faults in sections fed from other distribution SUOS!lItions €8n be skipped as the transformer impedance in distribution substat.ions. in. reality, is rather high. Similarly, ih~ faults in low-voltage networks are also ignored because (if the large impedance of distribution transformers. This as· sumption only neglects voltage sags caused by fauJtsm ~~ transmiSSIon system. It will be considered if thestochasliC pr~diction of voltage sag in large transmission systems [4J is inchrded,

• In terms of reliability, the test system Is modeled on tWO main componenrs: lines and. distribution transformers. The reliaMlity of any other distribution equipment is supposedly inc]ude~ in the {eliability of these. two coropoflen;~

.. The fault POSitions are selected as mentioned in Par: Il. the transformers, one fault position at each load nod.e (I.e·'.ed. nodes connected with distribution transformers)]S app)J


.•• m l' a .' Il>iO STOCIlAS


r Jines. one fault position is also a I'

Fo . PP led for.

ment. Due to. the short hne segment th..·. each line

seg ition atthe ee- s, IS paper s l

fault pOSltlOO at e end of each li . . . e ects

the . ther 12·· .. JOe segment (For the

st system, ere are 2 .line segments and in 1 .

~.erefDre, 209 fault positions in totaJ are 1. Clad) nOdes.

j.u. . se ected

Gaul! types (single phase to ground phase t .h·

, I· d d th ' 0 p ase two

bases 10 groun , an ree phases to grou d) , .

P .. d' n are apphed

fault posmons ependmg On the numbe f .

(0 . . • r 0 avaIlable

hases. The fault unpedance is assumed to be ·1.' 'b. .

P .. ' . . neg 19l le

The fault rate of a dlstnbution transformer is d .

, . . . .. 1 a ran om

variable depending on the POSItIOn of the load node it is

connected to. The fault rate of a line segment is I

. bI d di a so a

random vana e epen mg on the fault position and the

length of thi line segment.

Based on the previous definitions and assumptions, the cornoration of voltage sags at a11 load nodes on the primary side ~f distribution trans.formersthroughout the test system is per(onned on ~ATI..AB [8J. Th~ voltage sag frequency at each load odeis obtamed when applYlflg the fault rate to each fault posi:on. The fault rates at the fault positions are calculated based on die new fault di tribution modeling presented in Part B. Finally, related voltage sag indices are calculated.

8. Fault-Rate Modeling

Faults are random events and as previously indicated, they em be simulated by stochastic distribution models. According 10!lJe analysis in Section ill, the fault rate of each fault type at Mcb fault position is equal to the sum of equipment failure rate and fault rate due to external causes. The equipment failure rate ~supposed to follow the uniform distribution model. Therefore, forthe fault. position of the transformer i, the failure rate is calculated as follows:


Nt[ans number of transformer faults of the test system;

m, total distribution transformers;

Q q contributory percentage of equipment failure.

Th all sed in the number of

e line failure rate is norm y expres . f

' 1 ) 1 gth However because 0

lau Is per year per foot (or meter en '. .'. al

!he short length of line segments, the line failure rate is c cu-

iated for the whole line segment i as follow :




lIIb total line segments; & )

1 . nt i (in teet .

, length of the line segme . .

... . d to external causes de-

1'he distribution of the fault rate ue. ompliance with the

Pelldi . pposedly In C . '.b

2.n ng On fault positions IS su bivariate normal d,istFl. u-

StOChastic modeL This paper uses

f the test system; number of line faults 0


tion because it is the most common stochastic model which has such critical advantages as it accepts continuous variables andis easy to build up the distribution based on monitored histOrical data. Besides that. it. is also simple to convert to other models using continuous variables.

So the fault rate at each :fault position is as follows, For the transformer i

N ,,-trans(i) =

.Ntrans.W ran.(il·


For the line segment i



contributory percentage of faults due to extern a] causes Cl:eq + Q"ex = 100%;

weighted factors of the fault rates of the transformer i and the line segment

i that follow the bivariate normal distribution model depending on fault positions.

The joint probability density function of bivariate normal distribution is expressed as follows:

f(x,. y) ;:=: 2'ff.lJx.ay~~· exp [- 2.(1 ~ p2)]



z = (:1; _p,,,,)2 _ 2.p.(x - p,,,,).(y - Jky) + (Y: p,y)2 (5)

CTx a",.uy y

means and standard deviations of two variables z, y;

correlation coefficient. If the coordinates of fault positions are independent variables p = O.



Th bability far a fault to occur at the fault position (xo Yi)

it hi e pro AS' _ .6.x . .6.Y' can be calculated as follows:

wit ill an area L.l. 1. - ,. ,

If . - f(Xi,Yi) . .6.s;. . (6)

F{.6.:r;j .6.Yi) = f(x,y)dzdy - 00

1 L f(Xk,Yk).6.Sk

A .• ; ko=l

If 6s· == = const('v'i = 1 m) and m is large enough, then tbe'd.i tribution is normalized as follows:

f(x; Yi).6.S0 = l(x;, Yi) (7)

F(.6.x.;. 6y;) ~ Tn ".m f·CXk, Yk)

L f(Xk Yk) . .6.s0 s:

ko=l k=1

For the distrlbutio'n system, geographically, ~f network nodes are disposed relatively uniform, it, will be possible to apply the


following approximation where Xi and Yi are the coordinates of the fault position i.

• Faults rate for the transformer i

• Fault rate for the line segment i

W. . _ f(X'i'Y'i) lin (tl - m~

L f(,T;k, Yk)


C. Development of Voltage Sag Indices

PQ indices are used to estimate tbe quality of supplied electric energy for the power system, To date, many PQ indices have been proposed for various PQ events, A well-known index of voltage sag is the system average rms voltage variation frequency index for voltage sag down to under X% of the nominal voltage value (SARFlx), It is often used for the PQ of a three-phase power system based on monitored limited segmentation [3]. The assessed system is segmented so that every point in the system is contained within a section monitored by an actual PQ measuring instrument.

In distribution sy terns, because various pha e loads (phase to neutral, phase to phase, three-phase load ) are available, asymmetrical faults, which account for most faults, never result in voltage sags to all single-phase loads (e.g, phase A-to-ground faults may not cause voltage sags to the loads connected between phase B and neutral or phase C and neutral or loads connected between phase B and phase C). Therefore, using SARFlx regardless of the number of phases involved, may not exactly reflect the voltage sag performance of the distribution ystem. From the demand sides, the indices are more intere ring becau e they can estimate the voltage sag performance for phase loads. In order to take the availability of various pha e loads in the distribution system into account, this paper newly develops SARF1x in regard to phase loads as follows:



SARFlx_PN = ...:i~ _



SARFIx_pp = ..:.i:_ _



SARFlx_3P = ...:i~ _


MX-PN(i), MX-PP(i)' MX-3P(i)

number of sag down to under X% that phase-to-neutral (A.B.C), phase-to-phase (A-B, B-C, C-A), or three-phase load i experiences;

number of phase-to-neutral (A,B,C), phase-to-phase (A-B, B-C, C-A), or three-phase customers served from the system of interest.





Fault (ate Faull distribullon

Transformer Line model applied



,---.!:::N~I ~-E:gq~u!.!ip~,-. -+_....:2':::O~O.::::a.!:<L.' _--j __ 200 Cleq Un ifor':;;---

Nl-EJoit', 200ae., 200aex Bivariate No~

Nll.'Equip. -- 25 a... 25 aeg Uniform --..;;;:__

Nl L-Ext. 2Sae.x 25a.., BivariateNo~

N2-Equip, 20t;:!L..-- __ 2Qapu _--.J:!:nif()~

I--':"N:="':2_:.:lE'.:..Joi""t. -'---1---.-2-:-"0 a...t ZOa.... BiV~~

I--.:..N.=.3....;-E:_cq .... u_,iP._. _ - a"q_--.?£tg-c-- . Uniform-

N3-Ext. 5 a ... , Sa", Bivariate Nonn;-



- ... --- .


3000 •• "- ... ~ .- '"


2000 ..• --.


• t lo~d P-N .ll"d p.p .3 [('IndR P·N .1 load peN • load!!P·P

- 3P line .- .. - 2Piine · .. ·····IPline

Fig, 2, Mapping of the IE:EE--123-bus radial distribution test feeder.



A. Procedures of Stochastic Prediction

The proce of tochastic prediction study is performed

through the following teps.

Fir t, the ystem fault rate (the total of faults occurring In the test y tern over a certain period of time) is assumed to be an arbitrary number, say 500 faults. This value is just for calculation and easier graphic demonstration of the results. Besides that, contributory percentages of different fault types are also assumed as follows:

• single phase to ground (N!): 80%;

• two phase to ground (NIl): 10%·

• two phase together (N2): 8%; three phase to ground (N3): 2%

and the component fault rates are upposed to be

• tran former: 50%;

• line: 50%.

The Ii ted percentage shown are in fact based on actual survey data [9]. Ba ed on the aforementioned a sumptions, the system fault rates of transformers and line for different fault types due to different fault causes (equipment failure or external causes) are calculated and shown in columns 2 and 3 of Table 1. paramo eter~ (O!eq, Oie_\:) that are included make it possible to consider the influence of fault cau es due to external factors.

S,econ~,. the fault rate of each fault type is oalculated for ea'.h fault positron using the fault distribution models as stated !II




."JllilII~1 ., - .ING USI'N .

" G S]'O HAS'tJ


90,--------- __


D Q 60-TO 70<10 e;;
I-- f--- f-- r-- t--
'. -- .. - ...... ;if
0-10 I~O ~Ch30 3 - - 12



. CHO ~()60 S0-6a 6iH . MagJUlude in % of nominal VOlln~" lD<JO a0-90


• Phase A a Phase B o PhaseC

- 490

t- t--
r--- r--
Ul __ r- r- '--- 1
-- - -- • Phase B to C

o Phase C 10 A

o 3 phase wye COnnected



11D -c:20 .,30, .. to -c:5D '<1160 cl0 .. eo .Ji;:_Q

Magnitude in % ornomin;,ll vQltage.

pectrum and SARFlx of different phase loads .' . .

- . for the case the mean value IS at node 13 and deviaoon e- - rr - 0 ~ ...

- Vz: - Vy - "~U"'JAX.

TableT. The test system with actual d.imension In' " t i

. . . . . .. .. • . H~e IS mapped

Oul in Fig. 2. The fault POSItions are a signed with d:i'

. . . . .' coor nates.

Third, the voltage sag magmtude and phase shift at all load

D~es. are computed for all selected fault pOsitions. With the applicatIOn off~ult rates to the .selected fault positions, the voltage frequencies corresponding to different characteristics are obtained. The voltage ag frequency is calcu1ated for the foJlowing:

" individual load nodes;

• all po sible phase loads, including phase-to-neutral, phase-to-phase, and three-pha e loads'

.' the whole test system.

· Evaluation of Influences of the Fault Distribution Modeling 011 the Voltage Sag Performance

The fault distribution modeling u es several parameters. In practice, it is possible to adju t these parameter so that the reUl~ng IIlDdel is suitable for the fault performance of the distribuUonsyslem ofintere t. However, the variation of these param~rs al omakes the voltage sag perlorrnance change accordlJ)~y. In modeling fault di tribution, this paper also. can id~rs the fOUowing options of fault distribution for estimating the inHuences of fault distribution on voltage ag performan.ce.

• Change contributory percentages of the fault due to external causes (change Oeq or a:cx). In this paper, three op-

tions Q = orc 50%, and 100% are considered. .

• SWitch the position of the mean value (Il-x, (.Ly) of the biVariate normal distribution. This paper considers four ~p. 51 67 d 85 a In-

tions of the mean value at nodes 13,.. , an

dicated in Fig 2 . .'

• V: • . f b bivariate normaJ distri-

ary the deviations CT~·, (Ty 0 t e . f the devi-

b . id the opnons 0 .

lilIan. This paper also con 1 ers . .

. . d 0 8 of the maXImum

ali on that are 0.2, 0.5, an M' { A,. "~yo 'i ==

~aJ ( A - ax ~x, ~."

lie among deviations ~l\IAX - .

1, ... mb}),

C. Results Analysis

Based o~ aforementioned procedures of stochastic prediction the following are remarkable results.

In Fig. 3, the indices of voltage ag for different phase loads including voltage sag frequency spectrums, correspondin~ SARFlx_p ,SARFIx_P?, and SARFlx_3P for X ranging from 10% to 90% of the nominal voltage are shown. In this ca ~ tudy, (MXl My) == ($13, Y13). CTx = /Xy = 0.5t.MAX. Besides that, SAR 'Ix for the whole test ystem for different. mean values (at nodes 13,. 51, 67, and 85) of the fault distribution models regardless of the Dumber of involved phases are also depicted in Fig. 4. Obviously, there are big differences between ARFIx of different phase loads or between SARFlx of phase loads and SARFlx of the whole system. SARFlx_PN of phases A, B, and C are different because the number of ingle-phase loads on each phase are different. ARFlx_P! are rather Iowa single-phase loads just experience sags due to single-pha e-tc-ground faults on the same phase. Generally, SARFlx_pp are greater because pha e-to-pha e loads are impacted by more faults fault on two pha es) than pbase-to-neutral Ioads (faults on ODe pha e). For phase-to-phase loads, there is a little deep sag frequency; meanwhile, the shallow ag frequency rises greatly becau e 31- most phase-to-ground faults (80% system fault rate) just cause shallow ag to phase-to-pha e loads. S RFlx-3P forthree phases is thegreate I and SARFlx_3P for X ~ 0% is equal to 500 sags per load because three-phase loads will experience voltage sag for any fault type. The aforementioned remarks al 0 explain why SARFlx, defined for phase loads, is for more useful indices for e tirnating the voltage sag performance in the distribution system where many single-pba e loads exist,

Fig. 4 a1 0 show that different position oftbe mean value of fault distribution models result in different spectrums of vol rage sag frequency. 1'1 i notable that if the position of mean value gets

.closer t.oth.e b .. u. lk: P?int of supply.jhe dee? sag frequene. Y Will( inerea e, that is, mainly becau e of the radial network topology

of the distribution system.

.. .-q

3 2

Fig. 4.


o Mean at node 13

o Mean at node 5 I

II Mean 81 nede 67

• Mean at node 85

II c:r, 0=01.dHt'·
• OJ-~a;.-O.5.1,,,,,\. s-,
g- sa 0 c:r.,=a,.=O.84\lA,r ~
" ~
5- ~
~ J:::
: ~o if
'" cr.
20. a


0-10 IO~~O 20·~m '3D-40 4&SD 5~60 60-1,[1 '70.90 :BOo'9D

100 ~-- --,

• a.= 0·=0. lA.,w'
• c:r.,.=0·=O.5 Il'lr
a <10 0 o;·=0;.~0.84'«r
g. .. 0.
;lO 60 ~-------------------------

• a;.=a~=0.54,\, o o;.=a_;."'(J.8<1.,w·

0··10 '0--20 ZO·iC 30-40 4Q-SlJ !iD-60 GO·?O 70-80 80.9..0 Magnilude in % or nom inai voltage

Fig. 5. Voltage sag frequency spectrum of the load-bus 63 00 phase A Jor different deviations. The mean value is at. node 67 (upper) and node J3 (lower),

so. • 0;."'a_;.=0.] 4.m
• aT= 0;.=0 .. 54,(.1.1'
g' 60. 0
... uz=u,.=O.84'£M·
>l:: 40.
~D 60. +---------------------------


O-tD 10-2.0 20-30 30-1,JO 40-50 '50-60 iQ-7D ?-D-BD sa-SQ

.1J 1.50
5_0. "'0 iIIllO ~30 c40 cS:O eGG 470 e:8Q oligO

Magnilude in % of nominal vohage

Fig. 7. voltage ag frequency spectrum and SARFI x for the whole system fOI different deviations for the mean val ue at node 67.

'100 ., ---,

10or---------- ~

.0 • 0;.= 0;,.=0.24\£>,,,
ii' • q,;=",=O. 5 A."L"X
= 60 0
... 0,,~o;,=O.841A.f
I ~o
'Dill! BQ-!lD I!

Magnitude il,l % of nominal

~~" 6. ,*Irage sag .freqll~ncy spectrum for loads on phase A for different de,latIOns. he mean value IS at node 67 (upper) and node 13 (lower.

Figs. 5. and 6 plot the voltage ag frequency for load node 63 (see Fig. 2) on phase A and for all loads on phase A for

aD t----------------------

• ur=0;,=O.24,,~r

• 0;. = 0;. =0.' o 0;.=a_;.=O.8~lIur

'" "



:if 60 tlt----------------------~

0'10 10-20 ;:O·lll lO..QO 'IO~O so-so 60.;-0 ~.o-80 90-90

'" ',so
..: lOll
50 o

-< I,D .. ~O 11 :3Q 'iI 4(1 ~ 50 -"I 60 c 7D ..: 801 41 9_0

P"" Magniludc in % f nominal voltage

d;~e~~nt";l~g~ sag frequency spectrum and. S ARF.Ix fo~ the whole ystem for

eVI3tlons for a mean valueat node 13. .

different deviation values of fault' di trib t' ,( = 0' ~

020508' IS unon 0'7; .. Y

.' , . ': ·D.MAX) 1D the case the mean values are identical to

the coordinates of node 13 and node 67. Similarlt Pi s. 7 and 8 demonstrate the volt y, g An1:'I'

age sag frequency spectrum and ru x



.... .

* 1. .

. ~I'

M."g~l"d. , 71HO% flCm!n.1 Yolt"g.


Fig. 9. Voltage sag frequency distribution for sags Jower than 10% 40% to 50% 60% 1 70% d 70%' 80% _ _ '

oode67. ' ,,0 ,an 10 ,(T~-(T"-O.5fiMAX,aq=50%,meana!

for the whole test system also for different deviation values ru, '" uy == 0.2,0.5, O.86.MAX) and for the mean value at node 13 and node 67. Increasing the deviation values (J" and uy will tum the normal distribution into the uniform distribunon. It causes shape variations to the voltage sag frequency !pectrum. The clear increase of ~he frequency of deep sags is shown in all case of the sag performance demonstration. If ~e mean position of the distribution model is located at node 13, which is very near the bulk point, the frequency of sags relow 10% is even raised by about 50% for the mall deviation fu,::: (ly == O.26M x). That is also explained as the result of ihe1adial network topology of the distribution system.

~e spectrum of the voltage sag frequency for different case lludles (from Figs. 3-8) i quite imilar in which deep sags ac-

COb . , th d'

lri mi. for a large number mainly due to hort feeder~ In ,e ,I -

butJon system, The frequency of 40% to 60% sags IS also high as the network topology consists of one trunk line with many late;~ laps in the middle. That means the point of CO~OIl coui ng of many load nodes i on the rniddl e of the trunk bne: Few :d nodes conneoted to the trunk line ~ear the bulk pomt of fr PJlJy (the distribution ubstation) explain why the shallow sag ! equency is very low. Fig. 9 gives us a closer look a.tthe volta~e w~ frequency distribution for different sag magmtudes. It 1.8,

o l!houl dOUbt, that deep sag frequencies appear at the nO,des n bra h s: nd of the trunk line.

\: lie es connected close to the tar en .'.

Ol~ge sags 40% to 50% are distributed rather umformly ~x-

ctP,IJIIg nOdes . tb b lk point. The shallow sag frequencle

il1a.1nly near e u . h bu lk point of supply-

, occur at everal nodes near t ie .


This paper presented a new method of fault distribution modeling in the tochastic prediction of voltage sag for the distribution system. using 2-D distribution model . When using 2-D distribution models for modeling fault distribution, parameters of the distribution .model should be elected properly to match the monitored historical data of fault performance of the system of intere t. By using the bivariate normal distribution for modeling fault distribution, thi paper al 0 analyzed the influence of its parameters on voltage sag performance, It i notable that the alteration of the deviation value of the di tribution has a much stronger impact on sag performance, especially for the. deep sag frequencies pattern than switching the position of the mean value. The more concentrated occurrence of fault on one location in the distribution system of interest will increase the number of deep ags. The re ult are also evidence that the typical radial network topology of the distribution system Is aI a another important rea on for the high frequency of deep sags.

2-D stochastic models, uch as the bivariate normal distribution used for modeling fault distribution, can provide a good overview of fault performance of the whole ystem of interest. Thu • it is po sible not only to analyze the relation between faults and voltage ags at individual location of the ystem,

uch a a specific load node or a segment of line, but aI 0 to compute system indices of voltage ags, such as SARFlx.

The application of 2-D stochastic models has some limits to the size of the system of intere t. For the section of the dis-


rribution system, of which the size i 0 large as the one supplied fr In a bulk di tribution ub ration, i.t is practical to use this fault distribution modeling. The accuracy will be further improved for the dl tribution systems, of which the topology features the uniform arrangement of components. In addition, the stochastic prediction of the transmission system should be in luded if the influence of fault occurring in the transmission ystem on voltage ag performance in the distribution sy tern of

interest is can idered.

The presence of different phase loads in the distribution system indicated that SARFlx for the whole system without con idering the number of phase of the loads cannot reflect voltage sag performance properly. To have a better assessment of the voltage ag, thi paper develops modified SARFlx regarding phase loads. The results proved that there are big differences between SARFIx_PN, SARFlx_pp, and SARFlx_3P for different phase load and SARFIx for the whole sy tern. Thi modification of SARFlx is more practical from the customer' point of view when power-supply contracts are set up.


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Bach Quoc Khanh received the B.S. and Ph.D. de. grees in power network and systems from Hanoi U . versity of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, in 1994 ~~ 2001, respectively. He received the M.S. degree' system engineering (to. m the Royal Melbourne In m

T) M Sll·

Me of Technology (RMI, elbourne, Australia,i

1997. n

He is currently a Lecturer with the FaCUlty r Electrical Engineering, Electric Power SYSIC:

Department, Hanoi University of Technolog)'. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Power System Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer SCience, Seoul National University, Seoul. Korea. His special fields of interest include power distribution system analysis, DSM. and power quality.

Dong-Jun Won (M'OS) was born in Korea on Jan. uary 1, 1975. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1998,2000, and spectively,

CUrrently, he is a FUll-Time Lecturer with ihe School of Electrical Engineering with lNHA Univer, sity, Incheon, Korea. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Advanced Power Technologies Center, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle. His research interests include power quality, dispersed. generation, renewable energy, and hydrogen economy. Moon (M'93) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul. Korea, in 1985 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus. in 1989 and 1993, respectively.

Currently, he is an Associate Profes or of the

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Seoul National University. His s~ial fields of interest include power quality, flexible ae transmission systems (FACTS), renewable energy,

and dispersed generati on.

"'" .:c, .


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