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Dear Parents,

Our first unit of inquiry is, Who We Are. This unit is about recognizing and understanding different
relationships and how this affects our interactions with others.

Central idea:
 Relationships differ depending on the connections we have with each other.
Lines of Inquiry:
 Different peer relationships
 Friendship
 Form: What is it like?
 Connection: How is it connected to other things?
The students will develop an understanding of themselves and the similarities and differences that exist
within relationships. They will look into what connects us to the people in our lives and how language plays a
big part in connecting us. Students will be inquiring into how to build and maintain positive relationships with
others. They will also apply and reflect upon strategies that help them solve problems (conflict resolution). By
the end of the unit students will have to identify people in photographs and talk about who they are and
what the connection is between them.

Language Arts
Form: Every language has a form and a structure that makes it unique. Form may vary according to
whether language is written or spoken.
Connection: Language is a major connecting system within, between and among people.

Maths: Pattern and Function

Form: The recognition and description of patterns.
Connection: Identifying the relationship within and between different parts of a pattern.

Home Help
We would like your help in explaining (in simple words) the ideas and vocabulary listed below to your child in
their mother tongue. Once they understand the ideas and words in their mother tongue please help them to
learn the English vocabulary they need to share their ideas with their teacher and classmates.

Ideas being discussed at school

 Who are the people in our lives?
 What is the relationship they have with these people?
 What connects them to these people?
Useful Vocabulary
 Feelings – e.g. happy, sad, jealous, angry, hurt, shy, embarrassed, excited
 Friend
 Mum, dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, granddad, coach and teacher
 Responsibility
 Tolerance
 Caring
 Considerate
 Cooperate
 Compromise
 Same and different

Thank you for your help and support with this unit. If you have any questions, no matter how big or small,
please come and talk to us.

Kind regards
The Year 1 Team

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