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NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINE! THIRD YEAR (CIVIL / URBAN / PETROLEUM / MECHANICAL / INDUSTRIAL & MANUFACTURING ‘OMOTIVE / MATERIALS / CHEMICAL / ELECTRICAL / COMPUTER & INFORMATION SYSTEMS / ELECTRONIC / TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING) ERING & TECHNOLOGY, KARACHI UAL EXAMINATION 2009 BATCH 2006-07 Time: 2 hours 45 minutes Dated: 05-10-2009 Marks: 68 iS COMMUNICATION & ETHICS (HS-304) BUSINE Instructions: Answer four questions from this Paper; one question from sections A,B and C. The fourth question can be from any sectio Section A a) Write down th mesa, plans for organizing busine 7) teps of direct, indivect‘and per (®) Which communication channel and medium would you choose in the following situations Discuss the advant s of your choices, [10] i, You want to know if Adinagers in five dif on Friday at9 o'clock’ nt departments can attend a budget meetin You discover unethical/immoral jokes on the washroom wall and suspect of the employees working for you are responsible. i As Assistant to the President, you have received a favourable offer to buy a warehouse yout company has for sale. iv. Either the Presid document, but th nt or the Chief Financial Officer needs to sign the are attending a convention at a large hotel in another city. to-purchase ¥. You have an idea for a new promotion but are not sure how it fits into the market manager's plans, 3 (@) What are the five kinds of audiences? Briefly deseribe them and illustrate your answer with the help of examples using any written or spoken communication situations [10] (b) Write down the dos and don'ts of a job interview [ Section B two y \, 2A (a) An organization, whieh you worked wit ago, Wants to acquire your services necessary details draft this letter: [8] for an upcoming project, A\ ame situation above (Q:4 2). Assu (b) Considering th me that you received his letter and would like to refuse since the terms and conditions they have set for this pape are not to this letter refus feasible for you to undertake the project. Write the response gently, which can keep the door open for future business. Ss 55 You are the President of a youth club that plans to set up branches across the province. You convene a meeting of ail the members to disess (i) plans for 2010 including the present for the year, and (iii) A.O.B. expansion of elub chapters and their activities, (i) prepare a bu (a) Draft the Notice of the meeting with the agenda, (b)Draft the Minutes of the meeti was held to discuss the agenda. Q.6 NED needs 100 new branded newspaper keeping the above condi computers for its labs, Draft a (normal) tender for the y igurations. The supplier is in raind. Assur cific details about the requirements of software/accessories and specifications/con responsible for the installation also. tl jection C BET Read the cases given below and answer the questions that follow a ion # 1:A software engincer, discovers that a colleague has been downloading restricted onally involved nd he fears the colleugue is files that contain trade secrets abou new product that the colleague is not pe 1 problems. planning to sell the secrets or perhaps leave the company and use them in with. He knows the colleague has been having finane setting up his own company. Company policy requires him to inform his supervisor, but the colleague is a close friend. jituation ates another During an investigation of a bridge collapse, Engi and find cer A investig similar bri it to be only marginally safe. He contacts the governmental agency responsible for the bridge and informs them of his ¢ told that the agency is aware of this situation, and has planned to provide ia next year’s budget for its repair, U bridge must remain open to traflie. Without this bridge emergency h as police and fire ap neem for the safety of the structure. He is vehicles su paratus would have to use an alternate route which would increase their respo A is thanked for his concern and asked to say nothing about the condition of the bridge, The agency is confident will be sate, time about twenty minutes. Engine: a) What are the moral dilemmas in these cases? [4] b) WI at ate the options available for solving the dilemma? ia ©) Which option would'you consider as your (nal decision? Support your decision with the ethical theories that justify this decision. (9 8G List down four actions that may be considered as acts of sexual harassment and suggest what complications may arise in the organization: to their presence. [8] savironty towing (b) Differentiate between Bribe and. Gift and illustrate each ftom today’s corp both convepts with two eximples BP] rate ancl organizational settings

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