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Name of drug Classification Indications Contraindication Adverse Nursing Monitoring

& action reaction responsibilities parameters

Generic name: Pharmacologic  Acid  Conteaindicated CNS: headache,  Record  Monitor

class: indigestion in patients with irritability, amount calcium
Calcium carbonate  Calcium ventricular weakness and level,
( CaCO3) Calcium salt supplemen fibrillation or GI: nausea, consistenc especially
Pregnancy risk t hypercalcemia. constipation, y of stools. in patients
Brand name: category C flatulence, rebound Manage with mild
hyperacidity constipatio renal
Amitone  Antacids, n with impairmen
adsorbents, laxatives t
Dosage: & or stool
antiflatulen softener.
500 mg i tab 3 ts
times a day
Action: reduces
total acid load in GI
tract, elevates
gastric pH to reduce
pepsin sctivity,
strengthen gastric
mucosal barrier, &
sphincter tone.

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