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Aquarius and Pisces

When Aquarius and Pisces join together in a love match, there is much compassion and creation. These
partners are idealistic as individuals as well as they are together. Pisces flows with their dream-like
surroundings, and Aquarius is constantly coming up with new inventions and ways of doing things. This
relationship digs deep for the truth of the matter at hand, and both partners are always looking for
solutions to problems. They both tend to be introspective. Aquarius can often be quick to judge those who
don't share their vision, while Pisces is often too compassionate, even for those who don't necessarily
deserve it.

Aquarius and Pisces make very good friends as well as excellent lovers. Problems are rare, but
sometimes Aquarius can be too intellectual and aloof for Pisces, and Pisces may at times be too self-
sacrificing and gullible for the Aquarian taste. Sometimes different reactions to a situation may cause a
cavern between the two; Aquarius is quick to dismiss those who don't agree with their opinions, and
Pisces takes on others' issues too quickly. On some occasion, the pair will have conflicts, but these
partners can forgive and forget easily.

Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Uranus and Saturn, while Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Uranus
focuses on iconoclastic ideas and innovative practices. Saturn gives this relationship the drive to act on
these ideas and the ability to organize the details that will animate them. Jupiter is about philosophy,
teaching, and understanding, and Neptune focuses on spirituality, so Pisces likes to truly understand new
and exciting things, such as their partner. Whenever Aquarius comes up with a new idea -- as they so
often do -- Pisces is eager to understand it on an intuitive level. This duo creates a complementary
relationship deep in intellectual and emotional resources.

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