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Snatch theft

snatch theft -is a criminal act of forcefully stealing from a pedestrian's person
while employing rob-and-run tactics. It is typical for two thieves to work together
and ride a moped to make theft and escape easier. A person steers the vehicle while
another does the act of theft itself. However, some snatch thieves work alone or do
not use a motorcycle to rob.-


1. Unemployment
2. Ppls awareness


1 .a public awareness campaign


Tips 1: When dining at a hotel, restaurants or

any eatery, do not leave your handbag or
laptop on the table or hanging on the
side of a chair.

If you are going to the buffet table, make

sure someone is looking after your things;
otherwise take them with you.

Do not assume that all other customers

are honorable.

Tips 2: Do not attract attention by wearing

expensive jewellery. You never know if there is
a thief among your fellow travellers. Travel
'light' and preferably, leave jewellery in a
safety deposit box in the bank or at home.
After all, you are on holiday-it is time to relax
and wear casual clothes.

Tips 3: Do not leave your prized possessions in the

hotel room while you go out.

There have been many occasions when jewellery,

mobile phones, camera etc have gone missing.

Either leave them in the hotel safe or take

them with you.

Tips 4: Always carry out your passport and identity

card with you.

Tips 5: Never go off the beaten track alone. If

you are venturing out somewhere unknown,
go in a group. There is safety in numbers.

Tips 6: Never keep all your cash in one place.

That way, if you lose your wallet or handbag,
you will still have money.

4. By law- taking severe action against the snatch thief

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