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Following are some of the topics that I could think of as of now. You may use the broad topics and decide
on the detailed scope relevant to the topic:

Topics from Finance:

1. Infrastructure Financing

2. Project Finance

3. Micro Finance - Beyond Lending and Savings

4. Financing by way of Public Private Partnership

5. Impact of Behavioral finance on Personal finance

6. Anti Takeover defenses and its effectiveness

7. Valuation of companies of a Particular Sector using Fundamental Analysis

8. Factoring - Current status and Future

9. Interest Rate Derivatives in India – Reasons for failure and suggestions for future

10. Consequences of Full Capital Convertibility

11. Tools used in Technical Analysis and its impact/success

12. Rating of IPO by Credit Rating Agencies and its impact on IPO

13. Portfolio Attribution Analysis – Mutual Funds

14. Synergy in case of Merger - Myth or Reality

15. Diversification by Corporates - Related v/s Unrelated Areas and its impact

16. Real Estate Sector - Should it be Regulated?

17. Study on how exchange rate affects Gold price in India

General Topics:

1. Carbon Credit

2. Gujarat Tourism
Topics from Banking:

1. BASEL's Framework - The missing link

2. Credit Appraisal process in Banks

3. Basel II – Impact on Capital Adequacy requirement of banks

4. Liquidity management in Pvt. Sector banks/ Public Sector banks

If your institute permits you may take up any general topics relevant to your interest area and current
During my academic days, we used to have various feasibility studies as a part of GP. You may also
undertake a feasibility study on some new business model.

Please share it with all those who are looking for GP related topics.


Pavan Shah
Functional Consultant, Government Industry Solutions Unit (ISU)
Tata Consultancy Services
801/1001, Sakar II,Off Ashram Road,
Ellis Bridge,
Ahmedabad - 380006,Gujarat
Ph:- +91 79 6607 1177
Cell:- +91 98799 29777
Experience certainty. IT Services
Business Solutions

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