Pa 6 Pa66

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PA 6and PA 66 Features: Polyamide6, Polyamide 66 and compounds fame retardant Used in automotive indutnggleciMaind industries. Internatio = Exellent strength and impac ~ ChemicalResistance = Good flowability ~ Good electrical propertio ~ Good thermal resistance = Paintable PAcrade sH200 sae sa2ns s12n0 sama shansy sams saz20 smo sH2n0WH i200 2025 6FR sH2s00H ere Product Doserpton Fostuce mor Low'icosty Highlmoac faye, ‘ced elongaton aaa Mediumvicoity Hihstrength "gh impact Sh Glas NoereinbreaPAS —_—_HeatstabiRed, Coed srengh 206 Ges fberninfoendPAS ‘Heat snbiled. Good arencth 29% Glasser renoxcedPAS Heat sled Good arengeh 0 Ge Ser infrend PAS Hest abitved ood srenghh WV sation PEE TEREEE tomaecneesseis Sa neeen) em sunnier wiforedPhe Hest sublized, Geodimpact ag) Pestsubize, Sood pactard thes, 20% hineafler elton ‘Uraataed| Or MineifiereiforedPAS Hest sable, Gondimpact 10% Gass Rterrences Heat stbiized,Goed srenath WAGhesfiterreinfoced Hey atin, oodstength@mnpaC. Tsun ed FAS ae Yow chsshterertored® ——— Hateribzed,Gocd stench 158 Ghsefter enforced & SEER x wines led TAS is FlameRetardane PAS Flume etadan Heat sabilzed 204 las fide relnerced Flame Retardane Xs 25 gn Nerd Flu teat. Hest aid Goce seth ‘Good stength 29% Mice leg mM fed Flume cada, Hest sabiand ont tabard Hh impact eine, Se tngect odd Uva high ough: ee ec ey ea ee Seevie pare Furr Toe ‘Aoplarce components utemathe gars, Compound, ‘See port utr Tos IrdutralSppitene ‘Automate pars Becca pars,Furture Inasteal Appaions Autemative parts, Geel pas, urine ‘pophance Automate pats Ecc pas, ‘Fart, dust AppatonsFstenes ous oplancecompenent tomate ts Electica pats i ttn es ecrconmanet erative erage ae om Anemone pars, Becta pars, -Aemothe par Becwal pars, Friture Industral Appleatons Ascot pars Becta par Frit Indust Aypeatons ‘Autemotne pars, Becta! pars, Future Indus ‘opleatonsEngeenng pars ‘AopicationsEngeenering Farts ‘Aoplarces Connectors, Hectic pars, Switches ‘Aoplarces Comectons Hecial pans, wees ‘Aoplarces, Connectors, lear pars, Switches ‘Aeplerce, Connection, Heccal pr, Swches Astemotne parts Becca pars Fura nus Apples Eiocenerng pons eis ene

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