P Value

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Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Number of Children .173 1509 .000 .879 1509 .000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

As we know that if sample size is greater than 50 than we will use kolmogrov.As p-value or
significance is 0.00 which quite smaller than 0.5 which is our bench mark or ALFA so we can
say that distribution is not normal.
And p-value is smaller than 0.5 so we will reject null hypothesis and we will accept alternate
hypothesis which tells that distribution is not normal.

Now we can confirm it by the PP PLOTS & QQ PLOTS.

As number of children is quantitative variable so we will use QQ PLOTS


this QQ PLOT of expected normal position tells us the +VE aspect which means distribution is
not symmetrical
this graph shows us that how much our distribution is away from he normal distribution as we
can see values are increasing so it is deviating from normal.

Statistic Std. Error

Number of Children Mean 1.90 .045

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 1.81

Mean Upper Bound 1.99
5% Trimmed Mean 1.75
Median 2.00
Variance 3.114
Std. Deviation 1.765
Minimum 0
Maximum 8
Range 8
Interquartile Range 3
Skewness 1.034 .063
Kurtosis 1.060 .126

Descriptives of variable also shows that mean is 1.9 and variance from mean is 3.114 which is
very high.Skewness of 1.034 show that distribution is positively skewed.and kurtosis of 1.06
tells that distribution doesn’t have very high peak.
Histogram also shows that thid distribution is positively skewed So from above information we
can confirm that distribution is not normal.

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