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Rush Tips

For Going Greek

Horror Stories

Best Dorm Room


Awesome College
Football Road Trips

Crazy Classes
You Actually Get Credit For

The Vampire Diaries’

Nina Dobrev

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iHome is a registered trademark of SDI Technologies, Inc. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners. September 2010 saturday night magazine 1
september 2010 table of contents

back to school

08  On Tap
Bored in lecture? We can help. Check out the top 10
ways to keep yourself amused (and your forehead
from hitting the desk). Plus, check out this month’s
“Term of the Month” - “Road Game.”

11 
  Advice From A Celeb
The Dan Band’s Dan Finnerty teaches us how to
kick off higher education right with his number one
tips on making college memorable … if you can
remember anything that is.

14  The Scene
From L.A. and O.C. to S.F., we’ve got this month’s
best bars, lounges, restaurants and hotspots.

24  Politics
Guest columnist Erwin Chemerinsky takes
an in-depth look at the controversial Arizona
immigration law.

36  back to school
We’ve got your go-to guide for the ultimate college
Photo courtesy of UCLA Athletics experience including:

42 College Pranks
44 Roommate Horror Stories
48 Coolest Classes
52 Rush Tips
56 Football Road Trips
politics scene gear

this month 63  stuff we like

On the cover
Check out or roundup of the coolest stuff:

63 Gadgets & Apps

68 Dorm Room Snacks
70 Fashion & Beauty
74 Movies & TV
25  nina dobrev
76 Video Games
Stefan or Damon? Werewolves
versus vampires? Nina Dobrev
shares secrets from the set of
78 Web Sites
The Vampire Diaries.

80  last laugh
Check out this month’s funniest viral pics.

2 saturday night magazine September 2010

and sniff September 2010 saturday night magazine 3

smells like magazine,
doesn’t it?

At participating McDonald’s. ©2010 McDonald’s.

4 saturday night magazine September 2010

I can’t believe you actually did that when you
could be getting a Real Fruit Smoothie from
McDonald’s®. I mean, you did see the delicious
fruit all over that page, right?

real fruit
smoothies September 2010 saturday night magazine 5

LETTER from the publisher

Michael H. Ritter

Managing Editor
Jillian B. Gordon

Associate Editor
Carla Thorpe
Timm Freeman

Design Intern
Marissa Hoffman

Guest Columnist
Erwin Chemerinsky

Contributing Writers
Audrey Pradel, Ivana Wynn,
Chase Darren, Lorraine K. Lee,
Tanya Ghahremani, Jamie Iglesias, Lisa Eberly,
Kiowa Bryan, Amanda Delzell, Mo Masi,
Erika Brickley

Contributing Photographer
Bobby Quillard


Michael H. Ritter

Advertising Sales
SNMag Publisher Michael Ritter with Nina Dobrev Lindsay Feinstein

Welcome back to school. For you freshman out there, welcome to the best four (or five, for some Consultant
of you) years of your life. For sophomores and juniors, you know the ropes, and for those seniors and Larry Steven Londre,
super seniors, take full advantage of your precious last year. Londre Marketing Consultants/USC/CSUN

Advisory Board
Saturday Night Magazine first hit campus in 2004 with Matt Leinart on the cover. At the time, Leinart had Ben Silverman, President of Electus
just lead the University of Southern California to a Rose Bowl victory over Michigan. The following year, Bernt Ullmann, Kellwood
Ira E. Ritter, Chairman, Andela Group Inc.
Leinart won the Heisman and the National Championship. The year after that, Saturday Night Magazine Brian Weitman, CEO, Security Textile Corp.
interviewed Reggie Bush and he went on to win the Heisman. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Ed Goren, President of Fox Sports

Those were the glory days. Since then, the NCAA has found the USC athletic department guilty of major
Photo by Bobby Quillard
infractions, which included the Bush family accepting payments and gifts from a booster. USC’s punish- Location: Hotel Palomar, Westwood
ment included losing 30 scholarships and a two-year post-season ban on the Trojan football team.

Saturday Night Magazine is published by

I’m not here to complain or dispute the findings; this is not a “USC thing.” Someone needs to protect
Andela Publishing LLC.
student athletes. It is just not fair or acceptable how the NCAA dictates their sanctions and rulings. 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 2430,
Los Angeles, CA 90067
As Carroll, Bush and OJ Maya go on to make millions in the pros, young developing athletes have to incur Saturday Night Magazine is distributed free of charge on
the blunt of the punishment. The NCAA preaches that they fund and provide a free education for student college campuses. Saturday Night Magazine is also sold
athletes. At USC, that scholarship is worth up to $180,000. on select newsstands, record stores and in bookstores
for $3.95 throughout California and Arizona. Copying is
prohibited without express written permission from the
So when the NCAA takes away 30 scholarships from the University of Southern California, where does Publisher. For questions or concerns, please contact the
that $5.4 million in student funding go? How is this an effective punishment? The money isnít taken out Publisher. All rights reserved. All writings, images, ideas,
promotional products, demos and samples submitted au-
of Carroll’s, Bush’s, or Mayo’s pockets. They already got paid (in spades, for that matter). The fact they
tomatically become the property of Saturday Night Maga-
got caught is meaningless to them because someone else has to pay for the crime. zine and will not be returned. Saturday Night Magazine
retains the rights to publish any letter or email submitted.
Worse, the NCAA is robbing deserving student athletes of an education. Families now have to stretch,
FOR ADVERTISING CALL: (310) 203-3080
dig, claw, and god forbid, “borrow” money just to make ends meet, as their son or daughter makes mil-
lions for their university and for the NCAA.
There is clearly a disconnect.

Interested in a subscription?
How about a back issue?
Shoot an email over to
Michael H. Ritter
Publisher and we’ll make sure we get
Saturday Night Magazine you what you need!

6 saturday night magazine September 2010

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Ways to Stay Entertained

During a Boring Lecture

Your time is precious, and professors love to waste it with long lectures that – let’s be honest – they probably
get bored halfway through themselves. Take a few notes, answer a few questions, then turn to our list of
ways to keep yourself from dozing off and risking a potential neck injury when your head hits your desk.
By Mo Masi

1I 3I
Learn To Sext In Morse Code Rewatch Doogie Howser,
M.D. On Your Phone
Sexting via phone? How pedestrian. 19th century coding
techniques are way more impressive. “No underwear” That’s right – the entire series of Doogie is on Hulu. HE’S A
spelled out in a series of taps against the desk? Now 16-YEAR-OLD DOCTOR! Just remember to hold back all tears
that’s hot. and joyous outbursts until after class is over to avoid frightening
Photo: Students in Classroom Photo by Marin Conic

those around you. Oh, and invest in some quiet headphones.

2I 4I
Memorize The Lyrics To A Song
No One Knows Bring Back The Art of Note Passing
Knowing all the words to “The End of the World” by REM or “One Don’t we all get a little nostalgic for middle school? Okay,
Week” by Barenaked Ladies will make you a god at parties. What probably not… (I’ll get you back some day, Jeff Allens!) But let’s
better way to utilize your downtime than learning that that line is not allow the note pass to die just yet. Pick a stranger of intrigue
actually “Chickity China the Chinese Chicken.” in your class and pass them a “What’s up,” “How boring is this
class?” or “You wanna learn Morse Code some time?” (see #1).
Smiley faces optional, but not necessarily encouraged.

8 saturday night magazine September 2010

lecture advice

Term of the Month:

road game
By Chase Darren               

The time is 10:07 p.m. Dinner at She chose The Hangover for your
Try To Figure Out The Loteria was flavorful, albeit a tad entertainment. A respectable
Mysteries of LOST spicy, and so far the date has gone choice; a crowd pleaser. Hold on
This will definitely pass some time, but may also bring on feelings of swimmingly. God, did I just say a second, those fish tacos are not
helplessness which can turn into mania. Enlist token nerds in your “swimmingly?” Pull it together sitting well.
class to keep detailed notes and research on your findings. For extra Brad; she just invited you over to her
nerd points, this can also be communicated in Morse Code. place for a movie and unless that In her bathroom. It smells like
movie is Just Friends, I’d say you’re the apricot and coconut had a
cleared for landing, er, takeoff. Brad, threesome with vanilla. Everything
you’re going to get some action. in here appears to be breakable.
Start The Wave

You can’t bring yourself to defile
Not a stand-up-from-your-seat wave – just a mini one. When the The car is in gear, and we’re moving, this sanctuary of a room. Game
professor turns his back, raise your hands maybe a foot from your desk and her legs look really soft to the face, Brad, game face.
with a quick, knowing look at the person next to you. If said person is not touch. Ooh, do one of those moves
incredibly lame, he or she should reciprocate quickly and delightedly where you come to a sudden halt Halfway through the movie and
(because who doesn’t love a good wave?!). Once the whole room catches and put your arm out in front of her you find yourself distracted by all
on, you’ll pretty much be the coolest people of all time. like you’re really protective. Nice. of these framed pictures. Does
she really like this many people
Okay, in her apartment. So while enough to buy all these frames
she has home court advantage it’s for?
Spam An Ex

as though you’ve taken a sweaty,
A boring lecture is the perfect time to fill out seven-hour bus ride into unknown Post movie: In her room, gettin’
a bunch of requests for more information on territory, all for a little road game. down, doing your thang. Help,
the Mormon Church with your ex’s address. But wait, this town ain’t so bad; it there are pillows everywhere and
Postage is usually paid for, you just need to smells like an apricot had sex with every time you roll over her stuffed
put in some leg work. But hey, you’ve got the a coconut. You like it. There are no lamb it very loudly goes, “Baaah,”
time! And sometimes people just need to faux leather recliners and you’re scaring the hell out of your boner.
learn their lesson the hard way. confused as to where to sit. Oh wait,
there’s a really clean-looking couch, 2:13 a.m., back in your car. Kind of
with a chenille blanket casually embarrassed; Came all over her

tossed over one of the arms. God, nice sheets when you saw she had
Send A Message In A bottle she’s really hot. the Star Wars trilogy box set.
You’ll need to sit near a window for this, but it could prove to be
disgustingly entertaining if successful. Just write a message
instructing someone to bring the bottle back to whatever room
you’re in, put it in an empty soda bottle, and drop it out the window.
Hopefully someone will actually return it. And then you can just throw
it back out the window… and someone can bring it back again… Oh,
did I forget to classify this as a stoner activity?
Photos: Laptop Photo by Jacques Rousseau; Scoreboard Photo by Feverpitch

Rename Everyone In Your Class With

A Jersey Shore Nickname

Don’t worry if you don’t know the names of
everyone in your class -- stereotypes and
judgments work well enough for this time-passing
activity. The kid who sleeps all the time? Snoozey.
Skanky girl in the front row? Hepatitis. To take a
page out of The Situation’s book, “Circumstances” or “Predicament” seem
like they might be successful. Then bring in name tags and make one for
each person. Even better if you don’t tell them what the name tag is for, and

just hand it to them with a smile.

Write the Great American Novel

Just kidding. September 2010 saturday night magazine 9

Drop In. Have Fun. Eat Wel
Special Events Catering and Party Packs available.
10 saturday night magazine September 2010
advice from a celeb

You may remember him

as the hysterical wedding
singer in Old School or The
Hangover, but when he’s
not filming, Dan Finnerty
keeps the laughs coming
as the lead singer of The
Dan Band. We caught up
with this Emerson grad,
who counts showering
with an empty keg as one
of his greatest college
memories, to give us some
tips on making the most
of the college experience.

How To Make College Memorable

Advice from
Dan Finnerty
of The Dan Band
By Jillian Gordon
Photos by Collin Stark

“There’s the whole beer pong thing, but I hear

everyone is getting herpes off playing beer pong.”

SNMag: When you’re putting together the SNMag: Best way to win over the ladies? SNMag: Any secret hangover cures?
perfect party playlist, what tunes are crucial? df: Take an acting class and get partnered df: Here’s my hangover cure, and it actually
dan finnerty: I would say, definitely have “Total up with a girl and pick a love scene. That’s works – a fucking cold Yoo-Hoo, and the
Eclipse of the Heart” by The Dan Band, “Candy how I got my girlfriend my junior year. We Original Chicken Sandwich from Burger King.
Shop,” by The Dan Band and then after that, you got partnered up on a love scene. You have to I don’t know what it is, but it works.
could literally play any music and it won’t matter practice – don’t be afraid!
– everyone will just be in a good mood. SNMag: What drinking game should everyone
SNMag: If you could create a major, what would know how to play?
SNMag: We’ve all heard some pretty bad it be? df: There’s a game called “Anchorman.” They
roommate horror stories. In the event that you df: How to Survive a Hangover. It’s important should just call it “Drink.” It’s basically quarters.
do get a horrible roommate, what is the best to learn. When you get the quarter into the pitcher of beer,
way to deal? everyone on your team has to chug the pitcher
df: I had two roommates my freshman year, SNMag: What is the best college prank that of beer. If you don’t get the quarter in, the last
and I think the best advice if you really hate one someone could pull? person has to finish it. So if you don’t like your
of your roommates is to get the other roommate df: When I was in school, we did a horrible “anchorman,” you can basically just take a sip.
to hate that roommate. thing. We didn’t want to take our final exam Then the last person has to drink the whole drink.
and there were bomb threats everyday at our There’s the whole beer pong thing, but I hear
SNMag: What’s the best theme for a party? college during finals week so me and my friend everyone is getting herpes off playing beer pong.
df: I was going to say, “glory hole,” but that’s called one in. But at that point, they were
wrong. I think as long as there’s beer, it will literally just like, “Another bomb threat…” They SNMag: What are your thoughts on spring
write itself. didn’t even cancel class. break?

12 saturday night magazine September 2010

from a celeb

df: I say go on spring break. Do it while

you’re in college, because if you wait and
go on spring break after college, you look
pathetic. I say do what you’re supposed
to do while you’re there. Live it up. Have a
fucking toga party.

SNMag: What are some things that

someone could do during a boring lecture?
df: I think Ecstasy. It works.

SNMag: What is something that no party

can be truly great without?
df: Cups. People get pissed if you run out
of cups. Or people get herpes. Oh, and a
Sharpie to write your name on the cup,
again, for the herpes. Obviously, don’t
run out of alcohol. We had a party at my
apartment when I was a junior in college
and it got so crazy because we ran out of
alcohol that people started going into our
refrigerator just taking things. I called the
cops on my own party because people got so
out of control.

SNMag: Best excuse to give to a professor if

you turn in late homework?
df: “‘I caught herpes at beer pong.”

“I called the cops on my own party

because people got so out of control.” September 2010 saturday night magazine 13

the scene los angeles

Best spots
in Los angeles, orange county
& san francisco
By Amanda Delzell

So school is officially back in session. That doesn’t

mean you can’t have fun! What’s the point of study-
ing so hard if you can’t party on the weekends… or
Tuesday? Here’s this month’s roundup of hotspots
sure to help you get your groove back.

Los Angeles
Café Habana
Ready for a place that’s both social and socially responsible? Visit Café
Habana in Malibu. The Café was first opened in Brooklyn, NY as a place
for all people, regardless of statistics, and has been practicing the
same great business at all its locations. And, the Café is described by
its creator as an “Eco-Eatery,” using sustainable resources like solar
energy and biodegradable sugarcane fiber plates. Worried about prices
for these too-good-to-be-true sustainable goods? Never fear—prices
really aren’t unreasonable at Café Habana. You may even want to apply
for a job at the Café—thanks to the community-based atmosphere, the
girls were given J Brand jeans.

Station Hollywood
Located in the heart of its title city, Station Hollywood is the ultimate
hideaway. It’s an intimate, dim-lit area perfect for enjoying cocktails, closer. You may feel so comfortable with the people in your party that
delicious food, or house music. And don’t hesitate to bring your date to you’ll almost forget that you’re sitting right on Hollywood Boulevard in
Station Hollywood—the cozy atmosphere makes you lean in just a little the upscale and exclusive W Hotel Hollywood.

14 saturday night magazine September 2010


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the scene LA / oC / sF

The Glendon Bar & Kitchen

In Westwood, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut of O’Hara’s and BrewCo.
Fortunately, the new Glendon Bar and Kitchen has opened up for both
lunch and dinner. Their menu boasts the kind of food you’d expect
from a chic restaurant, yet their prices are within reach for collegians
and recent graduates. What’s more, the Glendon Bar & Kitchen holds
two happy hours—three hours in the afternoon, perfect for post-class
or work celebration, and two late-night hours, best for your social
engagements. The service can be under-whelming at times but it’s a
good alternative when you’re over the usual Westwood haunts.

J Restaurant & Lounge

Who says high-class nightlife has to be confined to one space?
J Restaurant & Lounge redefines how you spend your evening, with tens
of thousands of square feet, two floors, and three bars for both indoor
and outdoor socializing. The indoor holds a rich and woody ambiance
for dining, chatting, and even private areas for meetings and exclusive
parties. You might feel like an old veteran exchanging war stories over
scotch in the luxe open smoking area, with first-rate cigars and a host of
whiskeys, cognacs, and other full-bodied drinks. The outdoor is incredibly
unique to J: myriad tables with umbrellas, VIP cabanas, and a grand fire
pit make for a truly unforgettable LA experience.

16 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 17
the scene
Orange County

21 Oceanfront romantic, trendy environment to accompany

Ever dream about eating fresh-caught lobster their incredible, creative dishes. Also, it is
and prime-aged steak while watching the home to Orange County’s #1 wine collection.
sunset from the beach? Well, your dreams So, whether you’re looking for a juicy filet
could come true at 21 Oceanfront, claimed to mignon, melt-in-your-mouth swordfish,
be the best steak house in Newport Beach. or even just a glass of Pinot, there is no
Serving a variety of different steak cuts better way to enjoy Newport Beach than 21
and seafood dishes, 21 Oceanfront offers a Oceanfront.

Sage anything from a romantic date to a business

An absolute gem tucked away in a little lunch. Sage’s dishes range from fresh salads
shopping plaza, Sage Restaurant is one of to fresh fish and lamb, and they boast an
Orange County’s best kept secrets. Offering incredible wine list. Not to mention, many
fresh and creative dishes in a cozy and people go to Sage for their warm, sage-
local atmosphere, Sage is a great place for infused appetizer foccacia bread alone!
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orange county

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Rok Sushi Kitchen

Hermosa Beach’s new Japanese fusion restaurant, ROK Sushi Kitchen,
offers guests traditional sushi with California kitchen cuisine. Its menu
includes grilled fish, chicken, shrimp, and a sushi bar with fresh fish.
Full-service bar taps feature a fresh-squeezed fruits and vegetable
menu created by one of the country’s top mixologists. They also offer 1-888-633-0433
the largest selection of sake by the glass in Los Angeles. ROK is
located in the Hermosa Pier and a beautifully designed mezzanine
offers a great venue for private parties and events of 25 to 40 people.
Chef’s from two of the area’s highest Zagat rated restaurants have
helped design and manage the sushi bar and kitchen to offer guests an
upscale, yet casual atmosphere along with fresh food and drinks.

Escape the hectic stresses of everyday life with a trip to the newest
location of the Eno Wine Tasting Rooms at the Ritz Carlton, Laguna
Niguel. With its quaint California Riviera setting and exquisite blend
of wines, cheeses, and chocolates, Eno provides a tranquil, romantic
way to spend your Saturday night that is unique to traditional wine
club experiences. Indulge your tastebuds and relax in the affluent
atmosphere of the Ritz Carlton’s sophisticated wine club, Eno, for a
luxurious night out you will not soon forget.
the scene san francisco

San Francisco

DOSA Eve Lounge

Never heard of dosa? Then head to DOSA, one of the most-awarded Remember Eve, the ultimate woman of vice? She’s back with apple
restaurants in San Francisco. DOSA serves up over a dozen varieties in hand at Eve Lounge in San Francisco. The lounge is reminiscent
of South Indian dosa, a savory crepe-like dish. If that doesn’t appeal to of a speakeasy to bring out the pinup or the debonair in you,
your palate, DOSA offers soups, salads, and other Indian entrees sure decorated with local artwork and alluring film noirs projected inside.
to please even the most finicky eater. The delicious food is hardly even Everything about the lounge is sensual, from the shapely tables to
the best part—one step into the restaurant and you are immersed into the suggestive feathers and chains draped from the chandeliers.
a funky, colorful, yet sophisticated atmosphere, perfect for anything Stop in for happy hour and you’ll find Eve has a tempting collection of
from a big birthday dinner to an intimate first date. One meal at DOSA 21 unique cocktails designed specifically for the venue by celebrated
and you’ll be booking a flight to the south of India in no time. San Franciscan mixologists Scott Baird and Josh Harris.

Steps of Rome Caffe Amélie

You’ve probably been to an Italian restaurant with live music. But have If you’re a wine connoisseur, look no further than Amélie. The
you ever had the restaurant give you a lap dance? That’s what you can French-inspired wine bar not only serves the drink, but uses it as
expect if you visit Steps of Rome on your birthday, according to locals. décor: wine bottles line the inside of the lounge, creating a striking
Even if it’s not your birthday, Steps of Rome Caffe has phenomenal visual around the lounge’s classic theater seats. If this social setting
Italian food—plenty of antipasti and even more pasta to satisfy your doesn’t suit your desires, move to the lustrous bar, where you can
every craving. And no matter what you may think, no one can resist expect personal service, or to the back of Amélie, where you’ll
the Caffe’s grilled focaccia paninis: warm, fresh, and quite possibly find privacy in a candlelit booth. While you’re there, take a look
the most refined “comfort food” available, these sandwiches are at the menu—we guarantee you won’t be able to resist ordering.
incredible. Plus, Steps of Rome Caffe has a constant stream of Italian Remember, Amélie has a heavy French influence, so the food is
pop music and soccer games playing for your entertainment. decadent, with cheeses, savory breads, and incredible desserts.

20 saturday night magazine September 2010

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Immigration Law
By Erwin Chemerinsky
Dean and Distinguished Professor of Law,
University of California, Irvine, School of Law

Few state laws attract the national atten- Supporters of the law see it as a necessary effort Moreover, opponents point out that there is a
tion or generate the tremendous controversy that by the state to help control illegal immigration in serious cost to having state and local police
accompanied the enactment of Arizona’s new light of the federal government’s failure to do so. enforce federal immigration laws: those not
immigration law. SB 1070, which was passed by Supporters argue that the measure does nothing lawfully in the country will never be able to turn

Photo: Arizona Immigration SB1070 Protest Rally Photo by Scott Griessel

the Arizona legislature and signed by Republican more than authorize state and local police to help to the police when they are victims of crimes or
Governor Jan Brewer, makes the failure to carry enforce federal immigration laws. They maintain witnesses to crimes. Many cities, such as Los
immigration documents a crime and gives the that this law will help catch, detain, and ultimately Angeles, prohibit their police from enforcing
police broad power to detain anyone suspected of deport those who are in the country illegally. immigration laws for just this reason.
being in the country illegally.
But opponents of SB 1070 regard it as a mean- The enormous controversy over the Arizona
spirited measure that will do nothing to stop illegal law reflects the deep emotions surrounding
“Opponents of SB 1070 immigration, but that will cause real harm to immigration issues in the United States. This is
Latinos in the state. Opponents maintain that SB not new; throughout American history there have
regard it as a mean-spirited 1070 will lead to racial profiling, as police will now been sharp disagreements over immigration. The
measure that will do nothing have a basis for stopping those who appear to be
Latino. Although the law was quickly amended to
Arizona law is the latest chapter and a symbol to
both sides in the fight. On the one side, the law
to stop illegal immigration, ban racial profiling, opponents claim that inevitably reflects great frustration with the failure of the
it is those who are Latino or appear to be Latino who federal government to successfully control the
but that will cause real harm will be stopped. It will make it easy for the police borders and prevent illegal immigration. On the
to stop anyone who appears to be Latino for the other side, opponents of the law see it as ignoring
to Latinos in the state.” purpose of checking his or her immigration papers. the reality of the economy’s dependence on

24 saturday night magazine September 2010

Arizona Immigration

“It is likely that litigation over SB 1070 will

last for years and will need to be resolved
in the United States Supreme Court.”

undocumented immigrants and view it as thinly over immigration is exclusively the power of the declared that its government will boycott
disguised racism against Latinos. federal government. Supporters of the Arizona Arizona in reaction to the new law. Other cities
law maintain that it just empowers state and local and private groups are sure to do this as well.
Already lawsuits have been filed in federal court police to enforce federal law. But the Supreme On the other hand, supporters of the Arizona
arguing that SB 1070 is unconstitutional. It is Court has been explicit that states cannot attempt law are attempting to organize “buy-cotts”
expected that the Obama administration will join in to “complement” the federal enforcement efforts. where people will go out of their way to hold
the challenge to have the Arizona law invalidated. conventions in Arizona or buy goods from that
At this point, the challenges to the Arizona law are It is likely that litigation over SB 1070 will last for state to support what Arizona has done.
based on their being preempted by federal law. years and will need to be resolved in the United
The Supreme Court long has held that federal States Supreme Court. Interestingly, one of the It is easy to understand the deep emotions on
immigration law is exclusive and that any efforts by most serious constitutional arguments against it both sides of this deeply divisive issue. But as
Photos: Arizona Immigration SB1070 Protest Rally Photo by Scott Griessel (top) and Immigration March- Juan Bernal (bottom).

states to control immigration are impermissible. is unlikely to be addressed until and unless the a mater of constitutional law, SB 1070 seems
law goes into effect. clearly inconsistent with the many Supreme
If the Supreme Court follows its precedents, SB Court cases, which have held that states cannot
1070 is likely to be struck down. For example, in It is probably not possible to argue that the law attempt to enforce immigration law. That is
1941, in Hines v. Davidowitz, the Supreme Court leads to racial profiling at this time because exclusively the job for the federal government.
invalidated a Pennsylvania law, which among that will require examination of how police
other things required that non-citizens carry actually behave under it. But it means that even Editor’s Note: After the article was written,
papers showing that they are lawfully in the if the Supreme Court were to uphold the law a federal district court judge in Arizona
country and permitted state and local police to as not being preempted by federal law, legal issued a preliminary injunction keeping key
demand to see them. challenges on other grounds would continue. portions of the Arizona law from going into
effect. She concluded that the law is likely
The Supreme Court stressed that control of The political controversy over SB 1070 also unconstitutional for exactly the reasons set
immigration is exclusively the power of the will continue. Los Angeles, for example, has forth in this article.
federal government and that states cannot adopt
even laws which “complement” the federal
enforcement scheme. In language that seems
directly relevant to the Arizona law, the Court
expressed concern over possible discriminatory
enforcement and also of tensions that could
be caused with foreign nations by such state
attempts to control immigration.

In Takahashi v. Fish and Game Commission, in

1948, the Supreme Court struck down a state law,
which denied fishing licenses to aliens who were
not eligible for citizenship. The Supreme Court
once more stressed that control over immigration
is an exclusive power for the federal government
and concluded that, “under the Constitution,
states are granted no such powers.”

Many other cases, too, have said that control September 2010 saturday night magazine 25

26 saturday night magazine September 2010
on the cover nina dobrev

once bitten
Photos by Bobby Quillard Photo assistant: Valentino Shepard Styling by Jenny Ricker for The Wall Group
Hair by Riwana Capri for Solo Artists Makeup by Amy Nadine Location: Hotel Palomar, Westwood September 2010
Dress by saturday Vest
Decollette night magazine
by Plastic Island 27
on the cover

We admit it: we’ve officially been

bitten by the vampire craze and The
CW’s The Vampire Diaries (Thursdays
at 8 p.m.) is our latest fang-filled
obsession. With equal parts teen
angst and blood-sucking goodness,
we are hooked on the Elena, Stefan,
Damon love triangle. Throw sexy vamp
Katherine into the mix and we can’t
wait to find out what happens in the
new season, premiering this month.
We caught up with series star Nina
Dobrev, 21, at Westwood’s Hotel
Palomar for a taste of what we can

SNMag: What initially drew you to the show

and the character of Elena?
nina dobrev: Well, I remember reading
it and just being drawn to the fact that she
was this average girl who was damaged in
many ways and then I did some research and
found out that I would probably end up having
to play Katherine too, who is the complete
opposite. This is one of the rarest, coolest
opportunities in television, to play two people
on the same medium.

SNMag: What can you tell us about Katherine

coming back at the end of the finale last
ND: The only thing I can really tell you is that
she’s back, and if I told you any more I’d have
to kill you or bite you or something. But, yeah,
she is back and you can just imagine now that
she’s back in action things are just going to
get more and more intense. It’s fun to see
what she is going to do because she is just
so spontaneous and crazy, but I’m just as in
the dark as you are because they don’t tell us
anything until we get there.

SNMag: Who do you have more fun playing –

Elena or Katherine?
ND: I think like anything in life, whatever
you’re deprived from or you don’t get to do as
often, you end up enjoying more than anything
else because it’s like a guilty pleasure. So,
whenever I play Katherine, because I do it
seldom, I have the most fun playing her.

28 saturday night magazine September 2010

nina dobrev

“I think like anything in life, whatever you’re

deprived from or you don’t get to do as often,
you end up enjoying more than anything.’”

Tank by Joie Tuxedo jacket by Paul and Joe Sister Jeans by Work Ring by Roseark
Sequin cuff by Vionnet boutique Pink pumps by Brian Atwood September 2010 saturday night magazine 29

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30 saturday night magazine September 2010
on the cover nina dobrev

SNMag: Do you think Damon and

Elena could ever have a good, healthy
ND: “Damon” and “healthy” in the same
sentence? That’s funny! I don’t know, I
mean, with the way the season ended, it
doesn’t seem as though Damon and Elena
are an item in any way because he didn’t
really care for her. He chose Katherine.
Little does he know he is totally falling
in love with Elena but Elena truly doesn’t
feel that way. She sees him as a buddy.
She sees him as her boyfriend’s brother,
and, at times, a pain in the butt. But
their friendship and their chemistry are
definitely growing.

SNMag: If it were up to you, which

brother would you choose?
ND: Well, I would choose the other
brother, definitely – or maybe a mixture
of the two. I think both characters have
different qualities that are very appealing
so it just depends. If you combine them,
they make the perfect man because
Stefan is committed and sweet and
protective and loving, and Damon is
spontaneous and crazy and fun and
exciting. Every woman has to find that
guy who pushes all her buttons, and
Damon and Stefan push different buttons
for Elena.

SNMag: What’s it like shooting in

ND: I like it, I really like it. It took a
second to get used to in the beginning
because, like any city, you have to give it
a shot and explore and find out the little
quirks about the town. But once we did,
I found so many great restaurants and
such amazing food and really great, nice,
fun people and it’s so different from New
York and LA and the big cities. We get an
opportunity to be real, average people
and hang out and go to restaurants and
“Every woman has to find that watch movies and not take ourselves too
guy who pushes all her buttons.” SNMag: Do you guys all hang out off set?
ND: You’d think we’d get sick of each
other by now, but we don’t somehow!
Everyone is so sweet and supportive
and loving and caring for each other. We
can’t wait to get back to Atlanta and start
filming again.

SNMag: Do you ever get to go back to

Canada to visit your family?
ND: Actually, I just went back home to
Toronto and hung out with my mom and
my brother. I don’t get to go as often as
I’d like to because of my work schedule
but when I do it makes the time with them
so much cooler. I’m really close with my
mom so I miss her a lot and she travels a
Tank by Joie Tuxedo jacket by Paul and Joe Sister
Ring by Roseark Sequin cuff by Vionnet boutique
lot. She comes to visit me in Atlanta so I
get to see her often that way.
32 saturday night magazine September 2010
on the cover nina dobrev

SNMag: Since the show has become more popular,

have you had any interesting fan encounters?
ND: Yeah, I’ve had tons of interesting fan encounters!
This one time, I was at yoga with my mom and this girl
came up to me while I was basically half-naked in a
dressing room and she was asking me about the show
and asked for an autograph and a picture with me
while I’m sitting there, like I said, half-naked!

SNMag: We’ve heard that you’re a very big coffee and

chocolate connoisseur - any specific preferences?
ND: Well, if we’re going to talk about coffee we’re
going to have to talk about Starbucks and Coffee Bean!
I change it up a lot, I love chai lattes and caramel
macchiatos and double chocolate chip frappucinos
with whipped cream…the sweeter the better, basically!
When I have chai, I have dirty chai lattes with
chocolate espresso in it. It’s a good pick me up. When
it comes to just chocolate, lava cake is my absolute
favorite. Hot, molten lava cake!

SNMag: What’s your feeling on this whole vampire

craze? Do you keep up with shows like True Blood or
the Twilight series?
ND: We’re all aware and supportive of each other’s
shows and I have a lot of friends in them. I just finished
shooting a movie with Kellan [Lutz], actually, a
couple days ago. Vampires are hot. They’re sexy and
mysterious and dangerous.

SNMag: Can we expect any werewolves on the show

next season? Could you give us any hints?
ND: I can’t tell you about that. Maybe, maybe not, but
I’m not allowed to talk about it. Sorry!

SNMag: When you’re not filming, how do you spend

your free time?
ND: To be honest, whenever I have free time I just
sleep. I chill and keep everything low-key. I’m a very
low-key person because the rest of my life is so fast-
paced and exciting. I like to just relax.

SNMag: Are there any spots in Los Angeles that you

especially enjoy when you’re here?
ND: I hang out in Santa Monica a lot. If I can, I love
to be by the water. And I love 25 Degrees, they have
the best burgers and so does 8 Oz.! I go shopping on
Melrose. I go to the Melrose flea market on Sundays
if I can.

SNMag: You mentioned the movie with Kellan Lutz,

Death Games, what can you share about it?
ND: The reason it appealed to me was that I always
wanted to do an action movie. Also, I wanted to play a
character that was a little older. I play a young girl in her
20s who Kellan marries. I’m his wife! So that was pretty
fun. I’m pregnant in it too, I get to have a baby belly.

SNMag: When you’re not filming, what’s your favorite

thing to do on a Saturday night when you’re not working?
ND: Two things: Either go out for an amazing steak
dinner and just indulge in yummy food and then just
watch a movie and hang out, or I’ll go out with the girls
and go to a cool, dive bar. I like intimate settings where
you can really talk and hang out with your friends and
cool people.

By Jillian Gordon September 2010 saturday night magazine 33
on the cover nina dobrev

“Vampires are hot. They’re sexy

and mysterious and dangerous.”

Blouse by Vionnet Boutique Skirt by Mcginn Booties by Pour La Victoire Cuff by Arcade 

34 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 35
back to school

20 By Tanya Ghahremani
Things I Wish I Knew
Before I Went To College
College is often considered one of the best times of a person’s life, but it can be a little
difficult to navigate your first year as a freshman. From assignments to professors to
parties and roommates, your first year can either be the time of your life or your worst
nightmare. Here’s a little cheat sheet to help you stay one step ahead.

6 Read the syllabus

It sounds so high school, but it’s
important to understand what is expected of you
– professors tend to put a lot of information on
the syllabus, and you don’t want to get on the
wrong foot by asking them something that’s
literally right in front of you.

7 Find the good coffee

place on campus
Often times, finding a good cup of java on
campus is not as easy as it sounds. Save yourself
the hassle of trying to drink a cup of coffee that’ll
literally put hair on your chest and discover the
better places on campus early.

8 Internships are
You don’t know how many people graduate
with little to no experience in their field of choice.
Beat the crowd and get all the experience while
you can now, so that when you’re applying for
the same jobs as everyone else, you’ll have a
chance of standing out. A high GPA is great, but

real world experience is even better.

Partying is important things…like beer…or rent… it kind of depends
Try staying up partying all night and still on your priorities. It may sound surprising, but Get to know your
making it to your 8 a.m. class when you’re college is more about figuring out what you have professors
forty. Now is the time to have fun. When you look to read to make the grade rather than what you Afraid of becoming a teacher’s pet? Don’t
back on school, it’s the fun memories that last have to retain. worry, this is college. No one cares. Showing a

,not just the hours spent in the library. little interest in the course as well as talking to

A degree doesn’t your professor after class could really help your
Studying sucks but it equal your dream job grade. Some professors cut the students they
has to be done Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but have gotten to know some slack if they don’t do
Even if you’re not looking to make the having a degree today is pretty standard. Make as well on a particular assignment or have to
dean’s list, at least try to earn decent enough sure to use your time in school making some miss class a few times – but this will only work if
grades to keep your parents happy while you important connections that will help you out in you actually put in the face time.

perfect your keg stand. the future.

3 5
Learn how to
Don’t buy all the Your roommate will write a paper
books. You don’t NOT be your best And by this, we don’t mean ordering
need them friend it off the Internet. That’s bad. Effectively utilizing
Photo courtesy of 575 Productions

Try asking your friends who have taken the It could happen that you and your new roomie what little time you have to churn out that ten-
course before if it’s crucial to have the book and hit it off, but most likely, if you’re living with page paper due tomorrow morning can be a
a little scouring the Internet doesn’t hurt either. a stranger, he or she might be, well, a little lifesaver. If you’re not the best writer, take an
Sometimes, you can even find the book online. strange. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. intro to writing course. After all, solid writing
With some research, you could save yourself Check out our roommate horror stories on skills are perhaps the most useful BS-ing tool
a pretty penny that can go to more important page 58. in the book.

36 saturday night magazine September 2010

20 things to know

18 Know the words

to your school’s
fight song
Don’t look stupid at the football games when
everyone is singing the words to your school’s
fight song, and you don’t know the words.

11 Join a study group

Haven’t done the reading? No
problem. Just join a study group!
Chances are somebody has put in the time for
the class and will probably help bring you up to
15 Learn your party
Stoplight party, anything but
clothes, Rubik’s cube – get to know your college
party themes so you can impress your new
speed if you make the effort of showing up to a friends with your creative costume ideas.
Photo courtesy of Benjamin S. Brown, USC Archives ; Photo courtesy of Lisa Eberly ; Photo courtesy of 575 Productions

study session. Plus, you’ll meet new people.

12 Find the cool

From a class entirely devoted to
scrabble to a class all about the ethics of Star
Trek, you can get credit for the most inane
subject matters out there (for some ideas, check
out our list of cool classes on page 25!).

13 Find out your

school’s perks
Some schools open the student
union all-night during finals week and offer free

massages, food, contests, prizes – the works.
Other schools offer reduced rates for public Don’t buy the
transportation or have special promotions with cheap alcohol

restaurants and venues in the area just for Do yourself a huge favor, and dish
students. Do a little research and find out what Join an obscure out a bit of extra cash for the good stuff. Your
your school offers for its students, and then reap club on campus future-self – the one without a giant hangover
the benefits. Clubs are a great way to be social from the cheap booze – will thank you.

14 20
in a unique way. Ultimate Frisbee? Bollywood
Study abroad Dance? The more random, the better! Two words:

If you’ve got the money to fund Priority
it, this is definitely something Learn the Greek registration
everyone should do. Studying abroad is a alphabet Some schools offer early registration to certain
rewarding experience that will surely introduce It’s not that hard, we promise, and students based on individual needs. If you can
you to many new experiences… and the drinking it will save you the embarrassment of butchering figure out how to get it, do it. You’ll never have to
age in most countries is 18! a house’s name at your first frat party. worry about waiting lists again. September 2010 saturday night magazine 37

back to school

The College Freshman

Survival Dictionary
By Lisa Eberly

A standing on top of each other. Don’t be alarmed, for the game until everyone walks to the stadium
All-nighter: No one said a Rush only lasts a few days and so do the stacks! together and cheers till the victory brings a night of
full schedule of classes, a full game day parties!
schedule of partying and a full E
schedule of friends would include Exchange: An exchange is an exclusive party for H
a full schedule of sleep! With so one sorority and one fraternity at an off-campus Happy hour: With tuition, book expenses, and
much to do, a cozy bed and some venue. A time to drink, dance, flirt, and forget that that new outfit for Saturday night, who can pay
shut eye will often be replaced with test you had last week! Though they are a blast for the overpriced drinks at the college bar?
library cubicles and a venti coffee, and can last almost all night, they are usually Two-for-one drinks are practically a necessary
especially during finals week. accompanied by a serious hangover and fines from commodity!
venue damages!
Bidnight: Bidnight is one of the most memorable F Invite: Nostalgic for high school? This is the
nights in a fraternity boy or sorority girl’s life. It’s Fifteen minute rule: Not prom of college. A fraternity or sorority holds a
the night you’re finally done with Rush and become in the mood to show up few invites every year. These are formal events

Photos: Disposable cup Photo by Michael Flippo; Photo: ASU media relations
a pledge. Little do you know that after a fun night to class on time? Neither where the members can bring a date of their
of bonding and acceptance, it is really just the was your professor! If he choice to dance the night away with them,
beginning of months of pledge torture! or she doesn’t show up 15 minus all the high school drama of prom king
minutes after class starts, and queen!
C you can go home and get
Clapout: Ah, the famous clapout! If a girl ends up that nap you were going to J
spending the night at a frat house after a crazy take in class anyway! Jungle juice: Ever wonder
party, it would only be fair for the boys to give her where the leftover
a proper goodbye: the clapout. The cordial frat G alcohol from last week’s
boys all stand in the hall clapping as the lucky girl Game day: Some of party went? Well, it
stumbles out of a boy’s room in her party outfit. the best days of your was all mixed together
Just a tip: all frat houses have a back door! Use it! college experience and thrown into a bowl
will be game with some Kool Aid
D days. The campus for this week’s party!
Door stacks: During Rush, sororities sing from is packed with Drinkers beware…this
their doors and scare the entire row in what are people tailgating drink requires a 24-hour
Photo courtesy of Lisa Eberly
called door stacks. They flip their hair and yell all and getting ready recuperation time!

38 saturday night magazine September 2010

freshman a – z
Photos courtesy of Lisa Eberly ; Photos courtesy of 575 Productions; Couch Photo by Margojh; Condom Photo by Roberto Pirola; Hot Dog Photo by 4kodiak; Bottles of Beer by Graça Victoria

know frat boys at the after party!

King’s Cup: College is a place to stimulate your Noob: Freshman. Beginner. Noobie. Welcome to Q
mind…to create fun drinking games! King’s Cup college! Quarters: The most important
is an overly complicated drinking game with currency a college student can
ridiculous rules that requires a deck of cards, Solo O have. Used for laundry and
cups, and a group of college students ready to start Office hours: The best place to kiss your professor’s bouncing into beer.
the night off right! you-know-what. Visiting your professor during
their office hours is a great way to great free R
L tutoring and make sure that when it comes time Rush: The most stressful week of your life! If
Lounge: A beautiful and relaxing room in every for grades, they’ll be able to put a friendly face to you’re rushing a fraternity or sorority, expect to be
dorm, stocked with old 70s furniture that has your borderline grade! under the pressure of a week-long job interview
been thrown up on one too many times, old beer during your first week of classes!
cans, a broken table, and a wretched smell that
will probably never go away. BYOL: Bring your S
own Lysol. Sexiled: Ahh…the famous
sexile. Victims can be found
sitting in the hall while their
roommate is getting lucky with
a rubber band on the doorknob.
Who cares if you have a midterm
tomorrow and it’s been 5 hours, the opportunity
to sexile doesn’t come around often! Be advised,
common courtesy only allows two sexiles
M per semester!
Moratorium: The first week
of the semester, when P T
the fraternities are dry. Pinning: The way to prove that your boyfriend Tailgate: Need an excuse to
Everyone celebrates the end is really committed! A pinning occurs when start drinking and eating burgers
of moratorium by throwing a fraternity boy puts his girlfriend above his at 9 a.m.? On every game day,
parties big enough to make fraternity, giving her his pin. Pinnings are always pregames are spent at tailgates, when frat houses
up for a week of no drinking! really sweet, not to mention a great way to get to and even the quad are filled with students decked September 2010 saturday night magazine 39

back to school
freshman survival

Pink High Heels Photo by Kacey56; Allergy Pills Photo by Barbara Petrick; Photo courtesy of Lisa Eberly; Photos courtesy of 575 Productions
out in spirit and just wanting to have a good time! can also be a he-man warrior! something different!

Used Books: Your new best friend. Textbooks can Walk of Shame: Every Z-Pak: College is an
be so overpriced, and you hardly use them anyway! girl’s worst nightmare… amazing place; you
Used books are much cheaper and they even come to be seen walking down can stay up all night,
with free highlighting and notes! the row in her outfit from party all day, and
the night before at 8 a.m. have the time of your
V after shacking with a boy… life. However, this
Viking Week: A week many frat boys do not holding her heels with humiliation! If you expect to do recipe usually leads
remember…and wish they could forget. Filled with this more than once per semester, you may want to to being sick. A quick Z-pack will knock whatever
Francia, fountain runs, beer bongs in the library, consider bringing a change of clothes and flip flops it is you have right out of you, so you can get back
and Viking hats, Viking Week proves that a frat boy out with you at night! to partying and get sick again next week!

Xbox: No college boy’s dorm room
is complete without a full Xbox 360
setup! If you can accomplish this,
your room will become the place to
be for your entire hall!

Yelp!: Bored of the frat parties and college bars? is a great place to look for new, fun places
to go with your friends when you’re in the mood for

40 saturday night magazine September 2010

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back to school pranks

To p
College Pranks
By Jamie Iglesias and Erika Brickley

1I 6I

Photo courtesy of MIT student archives

The Rose Bowl Hoax (1961) The Great Droid (1999)
CALTECH: Students at Caltech altered Washington MIT: During finals week, two days before the release of Star
flip-cards during a Washington Huskies vs. Minnesota Golden Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace, hackers transformed
Gophers. Washington fans were then asked to turn around their The Great Dome into R2-D2 using colored fabric panels
flip-cards, which revealed “CALTECH.” decorated with paint and burlap.

2I 7I
The Statue of Liberty Prank The Balloon Hack of ’82 (1982)
on Lake Mendota (1979) MIT: Students inflated a huge balloon on the 46-yard line
Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison: The Statue during the Harvard-Yale game. The Balloon had MIT written all
of Liberty appeared to be under water during this prank, over it and eventually exploded in a burst of powder.

which was lead by the infamous group of students called
the Pail and Shovel Party.
fire engine on the roof of MIT
Arm the Homeless (1993) Building (1994)

Ohio State: Students from Ohio State created a charity MIT: MIT students placed a campus fire vehicle on the top of
the 15 story high MIT dome. (pictured)
to benefit the homeless. Instead of giving the homeless

food and shelter, the program provided them with guns and
ammunition. It was called the “Arm the Homeless Coalition.”
Press releases were sent out about the charity, stating, “The
Theft of the Sacred Cod (1933)
Arm the Homeless Coalition will be collecting donations to Harvard: The staff of the Harvard Lampoon, an
provide firearms for the homeless of Columbus.” undergraduate humor publication, successfully “codnapped”

the five-foot long codfish carved out of pine that hangs
suspended above the entrance to the chamber of the House of
Pink Flamingos on Bascom Representatives in the Massachusetts State House.
Hill (1979)
Univ. of Washington-Madison: 1,008 fake George Burdell (1926)

plastic flamingos were placed on the front lawn and has since
become a school tradition. Georgia Tech: This prank began when a
student received two enrollment forms. The student

sent in both, one with his real name and one as
Burdell. For the next four years, the student did all
Release the Crickets (1989) of his class work twice, earning Burdell a BA in 1930
USC: USC students took their long time prank rivalry with and a a masters degree a couple years later. Students
UCLA to an all time high point when they released hundreds of continue to hack course enrollment, adding Burdell’s
crickets in the main UCLA library during finals week. name to class rosters.

42 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 43
back to school dorm life

Horror Stories
By Lisa Eberly

My roommate came home hammered one night and started throwing up next My freshman college roommate decided to grow dreadlocks (although he was
to his bed, so then he got up and went into the bathroom for about 30 minutes a white, Jewish guy from Encino).  He didn’t wash his hair all second semester
until all of a sudden I started to hear snoring! When I went to check on him, he and would put honey and stuff in it. Disgusting.
was passed out, so I screamed and hit him and he still didn’t move. I grabbed
a cup of water and poured it on him. After he got up, I told him to go to bed,
Kevin, UC Berkeley
and he replied, “No, dude, I have to change my underwear. I’ve been wearing
these all day, they’re gross!” The boy was covered in puke. I don’t think his I had a roommate who would sleepwalk and talk. One night, I woke up and my
dirty underwear was very significant to his cleanliness. roomie was sitting on my bed staring at me – totally asleep, but her eyes were
open and she was just staring at me. Needless to say, I moved out.
Kyle, University of Oregon
Jessica, UC Berkeley
My roommate was a big stoner. His typical day would involve waking up around
2 p.m., getting high to the point where he could hardly speak and then giving
us money to go buy him and ourselves some food. His typical request (just for
him) would be HotPockets, a BOX (about 8 packets) of Kit-Kats, two bottles
of apple juice, some chips and a bag of some gummy stuff. He would put on
a movie and systematically devour ALL OF IT in one sitting. Sometimes he
would eat it all so fast he would just puke it back up. In the end, he put on
roughly 50 pounds in just freshman year. He was pretty gross.

Mike, USC

One night, I woke up because the girls down the hall were bringing my
roommate back to our room... she had been doing somersaults in the hall
while completely naked. When she got back to the room, she realized she had
peed all over her bed. She proceeded to lift up her whole mattress-pad and
hurl it off of our third floor balcony yelling, “I don’t want a pee-pee bed!”

Anonymous, USC

One night I walked in soberly at 12:30 a.m. to find my roommate sitting naked on
her bed next to her passed out, fully clothed best friend from home, with a fully
clothed man sitting at her desk. The next morning she just said, “Oh, college...”

Amanda, UCLA

My roommate was a DJ (or thought he was). He would do LSD a few times a

week to come up with that “sick new track.” I came home and he had a blond
wig on, no shirt, and toilet paper hanging out of his ears.  I eventually had to
kick him out because he tried to solicit a prostitute on Craigslist and the deal
went bad. Real bad.
Image courtesy of

Jake, UCLA

My roommate’s boyfriend, “R-Pain,” used to pound on the door and scream

for me to let him in when they’d have a fight. When that didn’t work he’d tell
me he had a gun and I had to let him in. Oh, you have a gun? Ok, come right
in, Mr. Pain.
Kristin, LMU

44 saturday night magazine September 2010

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back to school college recreation centers

5 College Recreation

Centers From climbing walls to pilates studios, students at these

schools have zero excuses when it comes to fending off the

Photo courtesy of Mizzourec ; Photo courtesy of Ohio University Media Relations; Photo courtesy of Gerald Ratner Athletic Center; Photo courtesy of University of Texas Athletic Dept.; Photo courtesy of NYU Media Relations
freshman fifteen and looking fierce this fall.

University of Missouri – Columbia
The MizzouRec • 35-foot climbing wall • Cardio equipment
with CD and DVD players • Free weights and weight machines • 5
sports courts • 3 performance studios • 50-meter competitive pool •
Outdoor leisure pool with underwater sound system and televisions •

Indoor beach pool with lazy river, palm trees, and a waterfall
University of Texas
The Gregory Gym • Courts for racquetball, badminton,
handball, volleyball, squash, and morett • Table tennist •
7 basketball courtst • Game room with billiardst • Aquatic
complex indoor lap pool and leisure pool, and outdoor heated
lap pool and leisure poolt • Steam roomst • Weight roomt •
Separate locker rooms for students and staff

Ohio State University
Recreation and Physical Activity Center
• 50,000 square feet • 3 gymnasiums • 10 glass-backed racquetball
courts • 4-lane track • 6-lane lap pool • Leisure pool with a slide and
bubble bench • 25-person spa • 2 dry saunas • Cardio equipment
• Free weights and weight machines • Indoor basketball courts •
Indoor tennis courts • A climbing wall • Bouldering walls • 2 indoor
turf fields • Ping pong tables

University of Chicago

Gerald Ratner Athletic
Center • Olympic-sized swimming New York University
pool with 2 diving boards • 1,600-seat Jerome S. Coles Sports Center • Multi-purpose
competition gymnasium • Practice courts • Racquetball courts • Wrestling room • 1,000-square-
gymnasium • Cardio equipment • Free foot bouldering wall • Fencing salle for swashbuckling • 6-lane
weights and weight machines • Multi- recreational pool with 2 diving boards • Sauna • Jogging track •
purpose exercise studio 6 tennis courts • 2 batting cages

By Lisa Eberly

46 saturday night magazine September 2010

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back to school

College is a time for learning, a time for growing and, of course, a
time to take all those cool classes you couldn’t take in high school
because some stuffy board member says it’s not important for your

Photo by Dundanim; Photo courtesy of; TV studio / camera Photo by Gabivali; Photo courtesy of; Abbey Road photo by Iain Macmillan
education. Having trouble getting units? We scoured the course
catalogs of numerous colleges and selected the courses we think
are least likely to put you to sleep during lecture.

By Tanya Ghahremani

ANTH 385m Men and

USC: Okay, so this class might
actually be better for the women to
take, if not only to gain perspective
on men and their…well, manliness.
If you really want to know the origins
of men becoming “men,” this class
will give you some background on FSEM 100 I Love College: Popular Culture
the testosterone-enhanced subject. and the University
USC: If you saw any of those classic college movies – Van Wilder,
Accepted, Animal House, Old School, etc. – you should know that the real
FSEM 100 The Art college life is nothing like that. For one, Tara Reid probably doesn’t
of the Comic Book: attend your school. Anyway, this class is pretty much about how college is
Graphic Narratives portrayed in pop culture…and you take it while you’re actually in college.
from Maus to Manga Trippy right?
USC: If you’re a big Batman or
Spider-Man fan, this one is all about
comic books, so you’ll actually have a
viable excuse for spending all your free
time reading them. Plus, comic books
are trendier than ever now – geek chic?

CTCS 467 Television

USC: It’s almost every college
student’s dream to watch their
favorite shows for class credit.
At USC, that dream has become
a reality – complete with the MUSC 422 The Beatles: Their Music
opportunity to sit in on interviews and Their Times
with directors, writers, and USC: With well-known hits like “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and “Hey
performers from a variety of well- Jude,” The Beatles is one of the most influential bands in history –
known shows (past guests include undoubtedly recognizing this, USC offers a class dedicated to their impact
The Queen herself, Helen Mirren!) on society. Ever wonder what the social ramifications of “All You Need Is
There is a $50 fee for taking the Love” are? Or, what instrument was used in the opening of “Strawberry
class, but the perks seem well Fields Forever” (and, on that note, what the spoken words at the end of that
worth it. song are)? Students of this class learn that and more!

48 saturday night magazine September 2010

interesting courses
Photo courtesy of Tdmartin ; Photo by Anna Parciak ; Photo courtesy of National Geographic Media Relations ; Photo by Djembe ; Photo courtesy of Discovery Channel Communications ; Cosmopolitan Magazine, July 2009 ; Photo: ; Photo by Cammeraydave

C10 Physics for

Future Presidents
CAL: So, we can’t guarantee
that you’ll be a future president if
you take this class, but at least the
course title will look cool on your
schedule. While your friends are all
slaving away in regular Physics, you
can perfect your campaign strategy.

SOC 123: Sex and

Love in Modern
stanford: Covering
everything from hookups to the
sexual revolution, this class GES 7a An Introduction to
examines social influences on Wilderness Skills
private intimate relations involving stanford: Ever wish your professor would hold class outside so you
romantic love and sexuality – that’s can take in the fresh air while concurrently learning? Stanford University has
right, you actually get credit for taken that philosophy and turned it into an actual course, where students can
discussing other people’s sex lives. learn the fundamentals for surviving in the wilderness. There is a $200 fee
to take the course, but that covers food and transportation for the mandated
field trips the class offers. The course, which is taught by a medley of
ENGLISH 86N: undergraduates, grad students and community members with a vast amount
American Hauntings of experience in the wilderness, is sure to be one of the most useful classes
stanford : Who doesn’t that a student can take. You know those people who say that the “world is their
love a good ghost story? You get classroom”? This is the literal interpretation of that!
credit for studying them in this
class. Just try to refrain from
starting a campfire in the middle
of the classroom and pulling out COM HLT 19 Cosmo
your flashlight. Says You’re Fat?
I Ain’t Down with
That: Nutrition
PHIL 25SI: The Animal- and Body Image Life
Human Relationship: Skills
Interdisciplinary ucla: Though we all should
Perspectives know those images of flawless,
stanford: Dogs are man’s perfect women in the magazines are
best friend, sure, but this class goes mostly airbrushed, it’s still hard to
beyond that – it focuses on animals remember that when presented with
in relation to humans, covering the image. Luckily, this class is here
everything from their emotions to to keep you grounded – and come on
how eating meat affects society. – the name rhymes.
Dirty minds need not apply.

PHIL 71H – Wants to Live to
Philosophy and 100? Aging in 21st
the Real World Century
stanford: Classic ucla: This class explains aging
college philosophy class in depth, examining the different
questions like, “If a tree falls aspects of how the body reacts to
in an empty forest and no one aging and how to deal with it in a
is around to hear it, does it healthy and effective way (ie – don’t
still make a sound?” have left do what Heidi Montag did, and you’ll
students confused for centuries. be fine).
Luckily, Philosophy and the Real
World at Stanford is a refreshing
alternative for students who PSYCH 124F Thinking
can’t tell if the chair is really ucla: Put on your thinking caps.
there or not (for the record: What In this class, you’ll learn the reasons
chair?) The class focuses on why people think the way they do
philosophical ideas that shape and also different methods by which
how people live their daily lives. people think. Beware: You might
actually have to think for this class. September 2010 saturday night magazine 49

back to school

Photo courtesy of Discovery Channel Communications; Photo by Inga Ivanova; Photo by Dmitri Shironosov; Photo by Misty Pfeil; Photo courtesy of Fox Media Relations; Photo courtesy of Nintendo Public Relations
COMM ST 127 Animal Communication
ucla: Who else thought of Doctor Dolittle when they read this class
title? This class isn’t exactly about how to communicate with animals – it’s
about how animals communicate with one another. So don’t enroll in this CTSJ 180 Stupidity
class expecting to learn how to talk to birds or something… that’s just weird. Occidental college: Stupidity has always been a topic of
conversation amongst people, so it’s only logical that there be a course about
it. The class, which is offered at Occidental College, draws upon the works
MATH 261 of esteemed philosophers and psychologists, and examines what stupidity
Mathematics: really is and how it’s present in the world – from politics to the media.
Contributions by
LMU: Students in the class study ASTR 310
up on the great female presences Astrobiology and
in math, from as far back as the the Search for
first century to the more recent Extraterrestrial
twentieth. This LMU class offers a Life
refreshing concept, seeing as men SDSU: The existence of
are generally the more discussed extraterrestrial life in the galaxy has
mathematicians in courses. Just been a subject of debate for as long
don’t incite a riot that ends with as many can remember. This SDSU
bra-burning – save that for Women class addresses the issue from a
Studies, please. scientific standpoint, examining our
and other solar systems in space
and the living environments which
COMM ST 117 they carry. It may not cover of the
Negotiation most famous Hollywood aliens, E.T.,
ucla: Have trouble convincing but it does promise stimulating
people to do things your way? Have discussions and a new outlook on
a burning desire to get what you the universe itself.
want all the time, but aren’t sure
how? If the answer is yes to either
of these questions, a class in good FTVS 518 Analysis
old-fashioned negotiation may just of Video Games
be what the doctor (or the school LMU: While many may not
counselor) ordered! The class focuses assume that Mario Kart 64 has
on the art of negotiating, varying from any sort of deeper purpose, this
different techniques to even conflict LMU class could prove the masses
resolution should a meeting go awry. wrong. It breaks video games down
Now when your roommate wants to to their core and examines the key
paint the walls of your dorm some factors that make them so popular
outrageous color, you’ll at least be in today’s society, as well as their
able to compromise on the color. relations to other forms of media.

50 saturday night magazine September 2010

interesting courses

AMST 407 American Wine Studies- How

Humor Sweet is Too Sweet?
CSUF: Do you ever wish you UC Irvine: Finally a class
could take a class where you could that includes wine tasting! In
laugh and learn? In this class, this course, students learn about
students will be able to learn the sweetness of dessert wines.
about amusement in American Through trial and error, students
culture. The class will help students will discover which sweets pair best
analyze the cultural significance of with each particular dessert wine.
American humor and the way humor Remember you have to be 21 or over
reinforces and changes culture. to enroll.
Laughter in class is encouraged…
Photo courtesy of PBS Press ; Photo by Paul Topp ; Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox Media Relations ; Photo by Electrochris ; Photo by Rachel Coe Photo courtesy of Mariner Books

KNES 112A  Beginning Surfing

CSUF: Ride a wave and earn credit at the same time! This one
hour performance course at Cal State Fullerton teaches students the
fundamentals of surfing and helps students reach advanced levels of
performance. Learn a new sport and enjoy what the Cali coast has to offer.

MGMT X497.17 Dealing

Tactfully with PSYC 138 Sensory Exotica: The Secret
Difficult People Perceptual Skills of Animals and Humans
UC Irvine: Dealing with UC Riverside: This course surveys the lesser-known sensory
difficult people sucks, but we do mechanisms and perceptual abilities of both animals and humans to explain
have to learn how to deal with larger biological questions. Some of the topics covered include bionavigation
them. This UC Irvine class teaches in birds, electroreception in fish and even pheromone sensitivity in humans.
students insightful methods when
dealing with various types of people
in different contexts while learning
to maintain self-confidence. Just
think how much easier your life will CRWT 044 Ghosts,
get with these newfound skills. Gods, and Monsters:
Literature for
ART HIS X401.61 (1.5) Writers
Turning Gold and UC Riverside: Let your
Silver into “Green” inner five-year old spirit emerge
UC Irvine: For those who in this creative writing course.
want to learn about the economic This class is a survey of children’s
and manufacturing aspects of gold, literature and offers several
this is the class for you. Find out the techniques for beginning writers.
monetary value of various types of Students will learn how to write for
gold and silver. Students will decipher children, but overall they will have
silver and gold marks, identify the fun tapping into their creativity.
smells of a variety of gold and silver
and even explore the way gold and
silver are manufactured. September 2010 saturday night magazine 51

back to school

College can be scary, but if you’re rushing a sorority or fraternity,

it can be even scarier. Not to fear, here are your must-know tips By Lisa Eberly

on rushing the house of your dreams.

For the Sorority Girls… Don’t be shy!

The whole point of Rush is to get to know the sorority girls, and you can’t
exactly do that mumbling and staring into space! Never answer a question
Eat the food! with just a few words, you want to make sure you keep talking. Try to answer
This isn’t a first date! The girls don’t want you to be anorexic, and if they their questions with a funny story, another question, anything to keep the
do, you shouldn’t want to be in their house anyway! You are supposed to conversation fresh! The worst response to any question during Rush is “good”
feel comfortable in the houses, and that means that you can relax and eat! or “yes” or anything else that leads to an awkward nod, silence, and no
Everyone there knows that it’s been a long day and all of the girls rushing are invitation back!
stressed and starving. Don’t take this the wrong way and be a human cupcake
vacuum, but try to eat one thing at every house you visit. Try to ignore stereotypes and rumors!
As cheesy as this sounds, it’s true. You want to be happy in whatever
Don’t wear heels! house you choose because you’re going to be in it for life. Who cares if it’s
If you aren’t comfortable running a marathon in heels, it is highly recommended the top house? Who cares if there are a couple bad rumors about them?
Photo courtesy of 575 Productions

that you do not rush in heels! Each day of Rush includes a lot of walking, There are cool girls in every house and there are not-so-cool girls in every
whether it be down sorority row or in the sororities themselves. It makes it house. Every house has a stereotype and every house has rumors. The
much harder to get to know the girls if you are about to collapse from your most important thing is that you are happy in that house forever. House
4-inchers! The last day of Rush, when you make your final decision and only go reputations change and maybe your pledge class will be the one to turn
to a couple of houses is an acceptable day to wear your high heels. your house around!

52 saturday night magazine September 2010

rush tips

Don’t talk about controversial things!

Though you might feel a comfortable closeness with a girl during Rush, you still
don’t truly know her well enough to bring up controversial topics! Throughout
your life you will learn many important life lessons, and this is your first one
as a college student. There are three things that you should never discuss
with close friends: politics, religion, and ethics. So, it’s probably not the best
idea to discuss your personal opinion about abortion with an almost-stranger
because, really, you have no clue how she feels about it and that might make
or break her decision about you.

Don’t talk about other houses!

Sorority girls do not want to hear how you feel about the other sororities you’ve
been to. Not only do they not want to know, they’re not allowed to know! Rush
rules are strict, and they include an important rule about the discussion of other
sororities! So, please do not try to sound cool by making fun of another house to a
girl during Rush because, frankly, she’s just going to think you’re a bitch.

Don’t be afraid of the hair flipping!

Matching outfits, synchronized songs, automatic smiles, door stacks, and hair
flipping…who wouldn’t want to run and hide? Rush can be very intimidating
and, at times, scary. Don’t let these things turn you away from a sorority, they
are just old traditions! Trust me, you couldn’t pay most sorority girls to do a
hair flip song in the middle of the year!

It’s like a job interview…be yourself,

but your best self!
I doubt you would go to a job interview hungover in your pajamas! At a job interview,
you want to make sure that the boss likes you, but you also want to make sure that
the boss knows what he is getting. During Rush, you don’t want to be fake or
anything other than yourself, but, just like a job interview, you want to be your best
self. You want the girls can see the real you, your personality and style included.
But, because rush goes by so fast, your first impression is important, so you want
to make sure you look and act your best.

For the Frat Boys…

Photo courtesy of 575 Productions; Photo courtesy of Maya Parmer; Photo courtesy of Extreme Greeks

Visit all the houses the first day!

Just like that tattoo you got after too much to drink that night, once you make
a decision, you’re stuck with it for life. Luckily, if you visit every house on the
first day you can make a much more informed decision about which frat you’ll
be happiest in. You’re in it for life, just like that tattoo; now don’t make that
mistake twice!

Be available during rush week—don’t Get to know as many guys as possible!

The more guys you meet, the more votes you get; the more votes you get, the
make other plans! more chances you have for one of those guys to really like you and want you in
The worst thing that could happen during Rush is ending up in the wrong their house. If you only meet one guy, and he hardly remembers you, they’ll spend
house for you. That’s why it is so important to make sure you can see every their rush meeting trying to figure out who you are! If you meet tons of guys, once
house enough to make an informed decision. You want to make sure that you your name comes up they’ll talk about how cool and social you are!
are completely free during Rush to make sure you get to see every house.
Don’t blow off your future sisters for a hot date!
Be available during rush week—don’t
make other plans!
Don’t ask too many questions! Just as important it is to visit all the houses on the first day, it is important to
Rush is not about knowing what percentage of house dues go to their be available throughout Rush. If the guys ask you to come by on short notice,
philanthropy or social calendars! Rush is about getting to know girls on a it’s probably a good thing and you want to be able to make it! You also want
personal level, and asking a bunch of questions is not going to build a lifelong to spend as much time as possible at the different frats making sure that you
friendship! Yes, it is important to know some of the answers to the questions know where you want to be for the next four years. Don’t blow off your future
you might have, but keep it to just a few questions, not an interrogation! brothers for a dorm party! September 2010 saturday night magazine 53

back to school rush tips

Enjoy it! You only get to do it once!

Rush is supposed to be fun! It’s really just hanging out at a frat house
with some cool guys, getting to know each other! It shouldn’t be too
stressful or unpleasant. You should really enjoy Rush because you
only get to rush and pledge once, after that you have to be on the
other end of it!

Try to talk to the exec board! Be genuinely happy to be there!

The most influential people in a fraternity house are the members of the Just like your girlfriend can tell when you don’t genuinely care about her new
executive board. If you get a chance, try to meet some members of exec and dress, frat guys can tell when you don’t genuinely care about their house. When
get to know them. If one of them remembers and likes you, your chances you’re visiting the frats, try to be truly happy to be at each one, even if you liked the
of being invited back to that house improve significantly! Also, they are the one before it better. You want to make sure to be friendly to every brother you meet
people that run the fraternity, so their decisions will ultimately affect you if you because you never know who might make or break your decision.
choose to pledge that fraternity.
Introduce yourself to every brother!
Don’t try to impress anyone! Every guy likes a girl who is confident enough to make the first move and every
Fraternities don’t care how much you know about frat life. They don’t want frat guy likes a rushee who is confident enough to do the same. Try not to be
to hear you brag about yourself or sound impressive. Only if you have real shy; make an effort to be confident and comfortable among the brothers of
questions about fraternity life or the frat itself, ask them! Trust me, you don’t every house. If you’re wandering around the house alone, you’re just going to
want to sound like an ignorant tool, they will just make fun of you for it once look like a loser and no one will even remember you were there. But, if you’re
you leave! Ignore the cheesiness but, be real, be cool, be you! making the first move and introducing yourself left and right, the brothers will
Photo courtesy of 575 Productions

have just as much confidence in you as you do yourself.

Take every opportunity to get to
know a brother! Have cute girls stop by!
Try to truly get to know as many guys as possible. Even before rush starts, you The fraternity wants you to feel welcome and comfortable during Rush. If you’re
should be trying to meet frat guys on campus, at the bars, or anywhere else comfortable enough to text a buddy to bring over some cute girls, that probably
you can. Try to make your name known by the time rush starts (hopefully not means that the house is the right choice for you. Be advised though, without
in a bad light)! If a brother asks you to come by the house, go by the house! invitation or initiation, you are not welcome in their house for non-Rush events.
Only do this if you’ve already been asked back to a house toward the end of Rush.

54 saturday night magazine September 2010


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back to school road trips

Photos: Map of Los Angeles Photo by Shelly Greer; Photo courtesy of UCLA Athletic
Best College Football
Road Trips
Football season is finally here and you’re out there every Saturday sporting your team colors. Why
not really prove your team spirit and cheer them on to victory at a road game? We’ve compiled a go-
to guide to help you in your adventure - where to go pre and post game, where to stay, and what to do
in your down time. Just be sure to put on your warpaint - you’ll be in enemy territory now.

By Kiowa Bryan

LOS ANGELES Where to stay

The new it spot in Pasadena is Bodega Winebar. Get
The Standard Downtown will always be the “it” spot, a delish bite in this casual yet upscale atmosphere,
but with LA Live booming you might want to check while learning a thing or two about wine from
out the LA Live Marriott or Ritz-Carlton - both still around the globe. In Westwood, the scene is all at
so new you can probably smell the wet paint on the W Hotel.
them. Most hotels offer shuttles on game day. 
Night: Night and day, Old Town has something for everyone
The Crocker Club on 5th and Spring is a popular ages 8-98. With shopping, spas, local breweries,
weekend hangout. Crafted out of a former cafes, the day will fly by. For a sports oriented scene
bank, the underground rooms are made of old check out Yard House and Barney’s Beanery. Next
bank vaults, just make sure you’re dressed to stop, Lucky Baldwins for some authentic English ale
impress - they don’t play around with the dress and grub or Bar Celona for some nice Spanish wine
code. While you’re in your «weekend best», and Tapas.
check out Seven Grand (on 7th and Grand) or
Games the ever-popular Edison.

Sept. 11 Stan @ UCLA Day:

There’s only one place to pre-game - and that
Oct. 2 WSU @ UCLA is on campus. On the off-day, take the Metro
             Wash @ USC Train up to Hollywood and Highland and do the
tourist bit for the day. Come on, you know you
Oct. 16 Cal @ USC want to take a picture with that Edward Cullen
Oct. 30 ASU @ USC
               OSU @ UCLA
Where to Stay
Nov. 27 Notre Dame @ USC (UCLA/Pasadena):
Unless you HAVE to stay by the UCLA campus,
Dec. 4  USC @ UCLA you’re better off camping out in Pasadena.
There’s so much to do in Old Town and the cross
town commute from Westwood is less than a
How to get around: cakewalk. The Westin and the Marriott are both
Having a car in LA is definitely a plus, but the metro amicable choices and offer shuttles to the Rose
bus/rail system isn’t half bad either. Check out Bowl. If you must stay in Westwood, the W Hotel is to plan out your route. the way to go.

56 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 57
back to school road trips

SAN FRANCISCO How to get there:

There’s no better excuse for a road-trip than to
You are in San Fransisco! Or course you must
take the PCH up to San Francisco. The BART is ride the Trolley, visit Chinatown, get a bowl of
great for getting around the city and to Berkeley - Clam Chowder at Fisherman’s Wharf, and walk
but getting to Stanford is a little more tricky. If you or bike over the Golden Gate Bridge. On gameday,
do opt to fly, you may want to think about renting Stanford offers free parking, shaded areas,
a car to make the trip south. and manicured lawns - all which contribute to
a wonderful pre-gaming experience. Cal fans
Where to stay: might want to nix tailgating as the parking area
Whether you’re in town rooting for the Golden at Berkeley is minuscule and instead head over to
Bears or the Cardinals, you will want to stay in Bear’s Lair Pub on campus.
Frisco - preferably somewhere not too far from
Mission, as you will probably end up spending the Night:
mast of your nights in this colorful neighborhood. The Mission is where it’s at. For more of a “divey”
Games scene, check out Mission Bar, Elixir, or Bus Stop
- one of the oldest bars in Frisco. If you’re looking
Sept. 18 Wake Forest @ Stan for a more refined experience and some good
Italian food, try Beretta. While you’re all dressed
Oct. 9 UCLA @ Cal up, head up to Union Square and see who’s
             USC @ Stan spinning at Ruby Skye, where some of the world’s
top DJs spin regularly.
Oct. 23 ASU @ Cal
              WSU @ Stan

Nov. 6 UA @ Stan

Nov. 13 Oregon @ Cal

Nov. 27 Wash @ Cal

               OSU @ Stan

Dec. 4 Stan @ Cal  

How to get there: Day:

arizona Flights are usually budget-friendly and take the blink The tailgating situation at U of A is not be missed

Photo by Michael Pimentel,; Photo courtesy of U of A Athletic Dept.; Photo courtesy of ASU Media Relations
of an eye. You better have some good road games if but if it’s not game day, check out these two Irish
you plan on driving for 7 hours through flat desert. oldies but goodies: O’Malley’s and Maloney’s. If
you’re catching an ASU game, tailgating might
Where to stay: just be a little bit too fun - you’ll be lucky if you
For U of A in Tucson, you’ll want to stay on 4th St. even make it to the game.
Not only is it right off campus but 4th St. is the only
place you’ll want to be. The Marriott University Park Night:
or the Four Points University Plaza are closest. For U of A games, Cactus Moon is THE college
For ASU games in Tempe, you have two options: hot spot - especially on Wednesday nights. Ladies
Scottsdale or Tempe. Scottsdale has an insane get 25 cent drinks from 8-10 p.m. and $1.50
nightlife and Tempe is right by campus. drinks from 10-close. If you’re at ASU, the best
college scene is Old Town Scottsdale, where a pub
crawl usually ensues.

Sept. 25 OREGON @ ASU 
Oct. 2 Cal @ U 0f A
Oct. 9 OSU @ U 0f A
Oct. 30 Wash @ ASU
Nov. 13 Stan @ ASU
Nov. 26 UCLA @ ASU
Nov. 13 USC @ U 0f A
Dec. 2 ASU @ U 0f A  

58 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 59
back to school

Best Season Match-Ups!

Sept. 25
Oregon State
at Boise State
Sept. 4
Bronco Stadium - Boise, ID
at BYU
LaVell Edwards Stadium - Provo, UT

Sept. 18
Wake Forest
at Stanford
stanford stadium - stanford, ca Sept. 4
Kansas State
Bill Snyder Family Stadium - Manhattan, KS

Sept. 4
Oregon State
Sept. 17 at TCU
California Dallas Cowboys Stadium - Arlington, TX

at Nevada
Mackay Stadium - Reno, NV

Nov. 27
Notre Dame
at USC
L.a. Coliseum - Los angeles, CA

Sept. 18
Iowa at Arizona
Arizona Stadium - Tucson, AZ

Oct. 9
Arkansas at
3D Map of the USA Illustration by Jezper

Texas A&M
Jordan-Hare Stadium - Auburn, AL

60 saturday night magazine September 2010

road trips

Sept. 11 Oct. 2
Miami Notre Dame
at Ohio State at Boston College
Ohio Stadium - Columbus, OH Alumni Stadium - Chestnut Hill, MA

Sept. 6
Boise State
at Virginia Tech
Sept. 11 FedExField - Landover, MD
at Notre Dame
Spartan Stadium -East Lansing, MI

Sept. 11
Florida State
at Oklahoma
Memorial Stadium - Norman, OK
Sept. 4
LSU vs.
N. Carolina
Georgia Dome - Atlanta, GA

Sept. 25
at Cincinnati
Paul Brown Stadium - Cincinnati, OH Sept. 11
at Tennessee
Sept. 11 Neyland Stadium-Knoxville, TN

Penn State
at Alabama
Bryant Denny Stadium - Tuscaloosa, AL Sept. 18
BYU at
Florida State
Doak Campbell Stadium - Tallahassee, FL

Sept. 18
at Auburn
Jordan Hare Stadium - Auburn, AL

Sept. 25
W. Virginia
at LSU
Tiger Stadium - Baton Rouge, LA
Nov. 27
Florida at
Florida State
Sept. 18
Doak Campbell Stadium - Tallahassee, FL
UCLA at Texas
DKR Memorial Stadium - Austin, TX September 2010 saturday night magazine 61

The perfect party guest ™

Watch movies you Play your music Charge your iPad

buy or rent from or listen to streaming View slide shows or iPhone
iTunes on your TV internet radio

Play games on
your TV with up
to four players

Invite Griffin's PartyDock to your next get-together. teams or players. Play the four included
It's the only media dock that plays games and games or download more from the iTunes
movies from your iPhone or iPad on your App Store. Easy to set up and fun to play,
TV. What kind of games? Trivia, dice PartyDock is the perfect guest at any party.
game, games of skill and more for up to four If only your friends were always as considerate.
contents gadgets

like Speck Fitted iPhone Case
iPhone cases traditionally come in an array of different colors to allow the owner to

61 
coordinate them with their outfits should they choose, but solid colors don’t always match
Gadgets well. These nifty iPhone 4 cases, on the other hand, have actual fabric prints laid over the
back panel, ranging from simple plaid to argyle or houndstooth. The iPhone 4 might have

64 
its troubles, but at least it’ll look pretty! Speck also offers a nice range of cases for your
apps iPad, Blackberry, iPod Touch, Kindle or laptop.
>> $30 /

66  Snacks

68  Fashion

70  Beauty

72  Movies

74  TV
hp photosmart c4680 All-in-one printer
The perfect printer for students, the HP Photosmart C4680 combines a printer, copier and
scanner all into one compact machine so it won’t take up too much precious space in your dorm

76 
room. This newer version also includes the latest HP TouchSmart technology, which will allow
Video Games you to print photos without a PC. Save paper by using the Smart Web printing feature that will
combine multiple Web pages onto one page. Green students will appreciate this eco-friendly

78 
printer, which uses less than 1 watt of energy in off mode. HP 60 print cartridges contain at least
Websites 50% recycled plastic. >> $70 /

iRobot ROOMBA 400

iRobot Roomba will do your vacuuming for
you! Its compact shape allows it to vacuum
beneath beds and other difficult places while
the spinning side brush removes accumulated
dirt around edges and corners. Roomba
automatically transitions from one surface
to the next, including carpets, rugs, tile and
hardwood floors. It detects dirtier areas and
responds by increasing its vacuuming intensity
to ensure deeper cleaning in that area. Roomba
automatically locates and returns to its home
base to dock and recharge between cleaning
cycles and when the battery is running low.
>> $160 / September 2010 saturday night magazine 63

stuff we like

A watch says a lot about a person and so strapping this
timepiece to your wrist will have you looking and feeling as
cool as the dark charcoal titanium it’s made from. The A9
features some neat bells and whistles - water resistance,
anti-reflective coating, free lifetime battery replacement
- but, best of all, boasts the LUM-TEC MDV technology,
which basically means the dial glows in the dark. Perfect
for sneaking out of that sorority girl’s bedroom at 5am.
>> $455 /

seagate free agent go

These portable hard drives are the
thinnest available and come in a wide
range of shiny colors, from spring green v-moda crossfade lp headphones
to solar orange. Back up your photos, V-Moda’s headphones give you multifunctionality, whether
music and other documents quickly using you want to use them for gaming, listening to music from
a USB cable or choose an optional dock your mp3 player, or talking on the phone. Memory foam in
to forego the cable. Pick a size capacity the ear cushions and a memory headband provide comfort
from 250 GB to 1 TB. while wearing them. The Crossfade LP has a unique metal V
>> $90 for 250 GB / design. It has universal compatibility with any device, a high-
fidelity microphone and detachable cables. Best of all, these
headphones were designed in collaboration with some of the
world’s top DJs and musicians to deliver deep bass, mid-range
and clarity. Available in three sleek colors: gunmetal black,
phantom chrome and white pearl. >> $250 /

Klipsch iGroove SXT

iPod Speaker
What’s an iPod without speakers? Share your
bluelounge refresh Charging station
music by plugging your iPod or iPhone into the
Keep all your electronics organized while charging them in your dorm room
sleek iGroove SXT speaker system. The speaker
with Bluelounge’s Refresh charging station. Refresh provides you with two
fits flawlessly into the smallest of spaces,
built-in iPod connectors, a micro and mini USB connection and two extra USB
making it a great companion in dorm rooms
connections for other devices. A black rubber tray hides the mess of cables
and first apartments. But don’t be fooled by its
underneath and provides a sleek look. Refresh is available in three colors: jet
compactness: the speaker delivers big, clear,
black, polar white or fresh pink. >> $90 /
distortion-free sound, all while recharging your
device. >> $150 /

64 saturday night magazine September 2010


Expo neon board

A must-have accessory for your dorm room, the Expo Neon Board is an
8.5 x 11” black dry erase board with an aluminum frame that won’t take
iaPEEL INKJET PRINTABLE SKINS up too much space on your wall. Use the three neon marker combo pack
To make sure you never get bored with your iPad cover to make cool drawings on the board for decoration or write a to-do list to
style, iaPeel offers printable skins made of durable vinyl start off the school year organized. >> $15 /
for scratch protection. The best part? You can design
and customize the skin with your favorite photo, logo or
artwork, and print it at home. Each pack comes with five Jabra Clipper
skins, so get designing! >> $30 / Unlike other bulky Bluetooth headsets that attach directly to your ear, the Jabra
Clipper is a nifty device that can be clipped to your clothing and have headphones
attached to it ­– so those are worn rather than a headset. What makes the Clipper so
unique, however, is not the appearance. It’s actually a wireless stereo music player
that, when paired with a Bluetooth-enabled phone, can switch between music and calls
effortlessly. The device fits any standard headphones, so there’s no need to give up
your favorite pair. >> $60 /

marshmallow mforcer
If your first impression of this device that shoots
marshmallows is “why would someone need this,”
you’re doing it wrong. Allow us to correct you – “why
wouldn’t someone need this?” There you go, all better. All
joking aside, this item is great for making hot chocolate
awesome. >> $40 /

eyetv hd wavebox portable microwave

EyeTV is a DVR that records from your cable or satellite receiver and connects With your dorm space as limited as a tiny closet, there’s
directly to your Mac computer for streaming of your favorite TV shows and not much room for heavy-duty objects, even the most
movies. Featuring a dual-format capture mode, the EyeTV can record in iPad necessary of them. Luckily, the Wavebox Portable
and iPhone formats simultaneously. Easily export recordings to iTunes for Microwave is small and lightweight, meaning that you
quick syncing to your iPhone or iPad. An optional EyeTV app allows you to can pretty much put it anywhere and carry it around
stream live or recorded TV to your iPhone. when you like. >> $250 /
>> $200 / September 2010 saturday night magazine 65

stuff we like gadgets / APPS

there’s an app for that!

orgasmo clock
Waking up to the sound of a woman having an orgasm
pretty much tops every guy’s list. Experience this
Top 5 iPhone Apps
by Tanya Ghahremani
every morning with the Orgasmo alarm clock. Since
it is practically guaranteed to wake you up, you won’t > 1112 Episode 2 <
have to worry about being late to class. Finally, an
alarm clock that doesn’t make you want to press 1112 is a visually stunning first-person
snooze! >> $12 / game that puts you in the center of a giant
mystery unraveling in New York City. The
highly anticipated Episode 2 brings even
more surprises and plot twists as our
hero Louis Everett (who looks suspiciously
like Johnny Depp) finds himself in a very
curious circumstance, unsure of how he
Alienware netbook portfolio got there. [$4.99]
To ensure the shiny new electronics
purchased for the new school year don’t > textrace <
suffer an unfortunate fate once the semester
begins, protection is crucial. For your
netbook, the Alienware Netbook Portfolio is Texting on an iPhone is tough without
great for just that. It’s light, which means you practice. Hey, even with sufficient
should have no trouble carrying it around practice, it’s still pretty hard. But rest
campus, and best of all it’s durable. assured…there’s an app for that. The
>> $40 / game offers you sentences that you have
to type – accurately, of course – before
the clock runs out. There’s even a world
record you can challenge. [free]

> Here, File File! <

Lugging around an iPhone is easier than

lugging around a whole computer – even
if it is a laptop. With this app, you’re pretty
much lugging around both, minus the
weight! If you have a Mac computer, just
canon powershot sd1200
sync this app with it and all of your files
Available in a rainbow of colors, this 10 megapixel fashionable camera has all
will be available to be accessed on your
you need for crisp and clear photographs of your college memories. A large
iPhone. [$9.99]
2.4 inch PureColor LCD screen allows you to view photos easily. The intelligent
AUTO function automatically adjusts settings for the specific moment using 18
predefined shooting situations. The DIGIC 4 Image Processor tracks faces to
> Jersify <
focus in on them, preventing blurry pictures. Its contrast correction feature
will brighten dark areas while keeping bright areas the same. If you’re as addicted to the trainwreck of
>> $180 / a reality show, Jersey Shore, as we are,
you’ve probably wondered more than
once how you’d look if you were as stylin’
as The Situation or Snooki. With this app,
all your questions will be answered. It
basically takes your photo and lets you
turn it into whatever you want, Jersey-
Kensington powerbolt micro style. [$0.99]
car charger
Easily charge an Apple device, from iPod
Nanos to iPhone and even the iPad, with > Tap Fish <
Kensington’s compact car charger. Easily
detach the USB cable from the charger any
Since having an aquarium in the dorms
time. The simple design will blend into any
is pretty much impossible, Tap Fish is
car’s interior. Kensington provides you with a
a great alternative. The game basically
two year warranty.
allows you to manage your own aquarium
>> $25 / (buy, care for and even breed your very
own fish) and has tons of exotic fish to
choose from – even sharks all on the
“fishbucks” system. [FREE]

66 saturday night magazine September 2010

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saturday night magazine 67
stuff we like Healthy Dorm Room Snacks

By Lisa Eberly

Terra Chips
Regular potato chips are
just dull compared to
these exotic vegetable

Kind Bars
KIND bars are a delicious, healthy snack
made from wholesome ingredients that
you can see and pronounce!
>> $1.50 per bar/

If black is the new pink,
then Emergen-C is the new
coffee; with no crash to
follow. Emergen-C not only
gives you a burst of energy,
but an immune system
boost as well!

Multigrain Pringles
The same great taste of Pringles
that you grew up eating, but now
with a healthy, multigrain twist!

Popchips found a way to keep all of the flavor of Sweet Leaf Tea
potato chips in, while keeping most of the fat out! Sweet Leaf Tea’s premium
>> iced teas with creative
flavors such as Mint &
Honey Green Tea are the
next Snapple!

Kashi TLC Oatmeal

Dark Chocolate
Chewy Cookies
Low in sugar and fat
but not in taste, these
cookies are the perfect
craving fix for chocolate
Synergy Kombucha
lovers who want to avoid
Kombucha has been used around
the freshman 15.
the world for hundreds of years to
>> help restore balance and vitality, so
it’s no wonder it’s the perfect drink
for fending off dorm floor plagues.

68 saturday night magazine September 2010

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7 For All Mankind

Low-rise Bootcut Jeans
>> $165/ 7

Blessed & Cursed

Dark Indigo Wash Jeans
>> $198 /

Current / Elliot
The Straight Leg Jeans
>> $290 / Rogan
Slim Cut Svelte Jeans
>> $196 /

Emma Legging
>> $128 /

Level 99
Slimboot Sasha Jeans
>> $98 /

>> $158 /

Divine Rights of Denim

Vamp “Lust” – Twisted Seam Skinny Jeans
>> $68 /

Adriano Goldschmied
The Premiere in 7 Year Jeans
>> $235 /

70 saturday night magazine September 2010

It’s in the jeans

Slim Jeans
>> $132 /

Paul Smith
Distressed Jeans
>> $184 /

Jermaine Lean Jeans
>> $220 /

LVC: Levi’s Vintage Clothing

1955 501 Jeans
>> $250 /

Blue Notch >> $119 /
Straight Leg Jeans
>> $140 /

Earnest Sewn
Ace Jeans
>> $195 /

Washed Creased Jeans
>> $186 /

Jean Shop
Skinny Raw Denim Jeans
>> $286 / September 2010 saturday night magazine 71


Graffiti Slant Tweezer
A special edition tweezer with
Keratin Complex hand-filed precision tips.
Available in three colors.
Travel Mini Flat Iron >> $25 /
The perfect on-the-go tool with ¾ inch plates
and a thermal heat-proof travel pouch.
>> $59 /

Ole Henriksen
On The Go Cleanser
A soothing, non-drying
gel cleanser packed with
antioxidants and vitamin C.
>> $21 / EOS
Lemon Drop Lip Balm
A smooth sphere with SPF 15, shea butter
and vitamin E for pampering protection.
>> $3 / TIGI Rockaholic
Born to Rock
Detangle, defrizz and de-stress your locks
with this protective leave-in conditioner.
>> $36 /

Calvin Klein
Eternity Summer 2010
A new fragrance with a zesty,
summer blend of kumquat,
pineapple and bamboo.
Billy Jealousy >> $54 (3.4 fl oz) /

Bar None Face Wash

Stay fresh-faced with this
effective, salicylic face wash
for oily or acne-prone skin.
>> $18 /
Disposable, mini toothbrush
with liquid-filled bead. Minty
fresh anytime, anywhere!
>> $2 /
The Body Shop
White Musk Hair Every Man Jack
& Body Wash Fiber Cream
Save time with this 2-in-1, Adds thickness and texture
cleansing and conditioning wash to your style with a strong,
with a woodsy scent. pliable hold and matte finish.
>> $14 / >> $8 /

72 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 73
on the box What to watch this month
by Carla Thorpe

Premieres Wednesday, September 22 at 8 p.m. on NBC

Hot off of, well, every show he’s ever made (Lost, Alias, Fringe, Felicity) writer/
producer/director/genius J.J. Abrams returns with a one-hour spy drama
that plays like a TV version of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The pilot kicks off with
boring married couple Steven and Samantha Bloom being reinstated to
their former jobs as two of the best spies in the CIA. Not only are they thrust
back into the action-packed world of espionage, secret identities, gunplay
and hand-to-hand combat but they have to do it all while trying to keep their
marriage intact. Look for this to be a fun combo of snappy dialogue and
action scenes; no doubt a breakout hit of the new season.

The Big C Running Wilde Hellcats Nikita

Airs Mondays at 10.30 p.m Premieres Tuesday, September 21 Premieres Wednesday September Premieres Thursday September 9
on Showtime at 9.30 p.m. on FOX 8 at 9 p.m. on The CW at 9 p.m. on The CW
Showtime has really hit its stride Calling all Arrested Development The teen savvy folks at The CW First, cheerleaders and now spies!
with dark comedies like Weeds, fans! This new romantic comedy have finally figured out what Well played, CW. This reboot of La
Nurse Jackie and United States series is not only produced by they’ve been missing this whole Femme Nikita sees sexy action-
of Tara and now they’re adding AD creator Mitch Hurwitz but time: cheerleaders. Like a college- film star Maggie Q step into the
another to the stable. The always stars funnyman Will Arnett set Bring It On, Hellcats focuses title role as a secret agent and
brilliant Laura Linney stars as a as an immature Beverly Hills on a young pre-law student (Aly assassin who is going all Jason
suburban teacher, wife and mother playboy who is trying to win (or Michalka) who loses her scholarship Bourne on the organization who
who gets a new lease on life when buy) the heart of an uber-liberal and is forced to join the college’s created her. If they can stretch the
she’s diagnosed with cancer. humanitarian (Keri Russell). Don’t cheer squad. Cue drama, team budget for some bad-ass action
Gabourey Sidibe (Precious) rocks expect it to hit the comedic genius politics, hot dance routines, lots of scenes and keep the storylines as
a recurring role as one of Linney’s heights of AD right off the bat, but Ashley Tisdale and (we hope) some tight as Maggie Q’s martial arts
high school students. still, definitely worth a look. spirit-fingered bitch slaps. skills, this should be a big hit.

Before the new season starts, we’re giving you the chance to
catch up on some of the best shows on television by giving away
“TV on DVD” bundles to five lucky readers. To enter to win, email with your answer to this question:

Q: What is the name of the high school in Glee?

Each DVD bundle includes:

Dexter: The Fourth Season (8/17 - CBS Home Entertainment)
Glee: Season One (9/14 - Fox Home Entertainment)
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Season Five (9/14 - Fox Home Entertainment)
How I Met Your Mother: Season Five (9/21 - Fox Home Entertainment)   
Modern Family: Season One (9/21 - Fox Home Entertainment)

74 saturday night magazine September 2010

movies what to watch

Piranha 3D August 27 Machete September 3

 Dimension Films  Twentieth Century Fox Film

Adam Scott
Cast: Elisabeth Shue, Adam Scott
Story: The townsfolk of Lake Victoria become
Cast: Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez
Story: A former Federale is double-crossed
Piranha 3D
walking fish food when a tremor releases a by the organization who hired him and goes
school of prehistoric piranhas. It’s up to the on a knife-wielding killing spree to exact his With an impressive list of TV and film credits
local sheriff (Shue) to save the day… Buzz: revenge. Buzz: Director Robert Rodriguez ranging from Parks & Recreation and Knocked Up to
A welcome return to some campy, B-movie has thrown a whole world of kitschy coolness his leading role in the brilliantly funny Party Down,
horror with a brilliantly random cast including into this action flick, including pitch-perfect you’ve no doubt seen Adam Scott’s deadpan comedic
Christopher Lloyd and Gossip Girl’s Jessica turns from Lindsay Lohan, Steven Seagal and delivery in action. This month he stars in campy
Szohr. Let the 3D gorefest commence! Robert DeNiro. horror flick, Piranha 3D and sat down with us to get
serious about man-eating fish…
Resident Evil: Afterlife September 10 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Sept. 24
SNMag: Tell us about your character in Piranha 3D –
 Screen Gems  Twentieth Century Fox Film
he’s a scientist, is that right?
Adam scott: Yes. A scientist who hates Piranhas
but loves plaid shirts.

SNMag: The movie is jam-packed with awesome

actors – Christopher Lloyd, Elisabeth Shue, Richard
Dreyfuss – was there anyone in particular you were
excited to meet and work with?
as: Back To The Future, Karate Kid, Jaws. Yes. I was
shitting my pants.

Cast: Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Michael Douglas SNMag: What’s one of the gnarliest death scenes in
Story: Alice (Jovovich) continues on her mission Story: Gordon Gekko is finally released from the movie?
to find and protect survivors of the zombifying jail and soon teams up with a young Wall Street as: I believe someone gets their penis forcibly
T-Virus and heads to the rumored “safe haven” wiz kid, who is on the trail of an impending global removed by a piranha using its teeth and mouth. Is
in Los Angeles. Buzz: It might be the fourth financial disaster. Buzz: It will be tough to top that what you mean by gnarly?
installment of the franchise but we’re still happy the 1987 classic but this sequel should be worth
to hand over our box office dollar to see Jovovich a look thanks to the combo of director Oliver SNMag: Did you have fun shooting at Lake Havasu?
and Ali Larter shoot four colors of gore out of Stone, Michael Douglas and hot young things Shia as: Yes. I was almost date raped by a drunk frat guy
zombie nation. And in 3D! LaBeouf and Carey Mulligan. decked out in Ed Hardy on my first day and thought
to myself, “I’m home.”

DVD Giveaway!
You Again September 24
 Touchstone Pictures SNMag: Was it tough having to imagine a lot of CGI
fish everywhere? Were there any fish stand-ins to
help you on set?
as: Yes. One of them was named Jerry O’Connell.

SNMag: What was your approach to the movie’s

balance of camp humor and horror?
as: I don’t know what you’re talking about, but yes,
we will be eligible for the Oscars.

SNMag: Not that we need persuading but how would

If you want to rewatch the original Wall Street you pitch the movie to college kids?
Cast: Kristen Bell, Odette Yustman before the sequel releases this month, or have as: It’s easier than reading about people getting torn
Story: A young woman realizes her brother never seen it (shame on you!), we’re giving away apart by pissed off prehistoric fish.
is marrying the girl who tormented her in high five copies of Wall Street: Insider Trading Edition
school and sets out to expose the fiancée’s bitchy on DVD. To enter to win, email us at giveaway@ SNMag: What are some of your favorite movies?
true nature. Buzz: So the story is fairly run- with the answer to this question: as: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Jerk, Midnight Run.
of-the-mill but we’re predicting awesomeness
thanks to the stellar list of actresses here, What was the name of Charlie Sheen’s [ Visit to read our extended
including Kristen Bell, Sigourney Weaver, Kristen character in Wall Street? interview with Adam ]
Chenowith and…Betty White!

by Carla Thorpe September 2010 saturday night magazine 75
video games What We’re Playing This Month
[Never putting it down ] [Awesome ] [Pretty Good ] [Blah ] [Unplayable ]

Transformers: War of Cybertron Sin and Punishment: Star Successor

Activision Nintendo
Available on Xbox 360, PlayStation3, Wii and Nintendo DS Available on Wii

Since we have to wait another year for the next movie, get your A long-awaited sequel to the Japanese Nintendo 64 cult-classic, this
Transformers fix with this new installment of the game franchise. For the arcade shooter game delivers an intense thrill ride that pushes the
first time, you can engage in action-packed multiplayer battles online, boundaries of the genre. Play as Isa or Kachi and take to the skies with
fully customize the look and weaponry of your own Autobot or Deceptacon a jetpack or hovering skateboard as you blast away at a host of post-
and compete in head-to-head story missions with friends around the apocalyptic enemies. The precision of the Wii-mote makes shooting
world in drop-in/drop-out online co-operative play. We call dibs on bad guys a snap and you can check your high score against the online
Optimus Prime!  international leaderboard. 

Front Mission Evolved Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Square Enix EIDOS
Available on PlayStation3, Xbox 360 and PC Available on Xbox 360, PlayStation3 and PC

Set in a futuristic world, this high-octane third-person shooter puts Badass criminals Kane and Lynch are back for more brutal action as
you in control of a massive, humanoid war machine called the “wanzer.” they find themselves wanted by the entire Shanghai underworld. It’s a
Customize your wanzer with dozens of weapons (shoulder-mounted crime shooter like no other with new game mechanics that add to the
rocket launchers!) and parts for various terrains including cityscapes adrenaline-fuelled realism and a variety of modes including single player,
and Antarctic wastelands. Once you’ve mastered single-player mode, multiplayer, online co-op, arcade mode and the critically acclaimed
enter the online battlefield – solo or in a team – and engage in multiplayer Fragile Alliance mode which lets players choose between teamwork and
destruction!  greed. Watch your back! 

100 Classic Books Dead Rising 2

Nintendo Capcom
Available on Nintendo DS Available on Xbox 360, PlayStation3 and PC

Literature on a gaming system? Yep, you can now zip through a This sequel sees our hero Chuck Greene competing in a gruesome game
compilation of some of the greatest works of classic literature (on a show where contestants must survive zombie-filled environments. On
pocket sized game card) for only $19.99, with more available to download. top of that, Chuck must also find the Zombrex drug his daughter needs to
Authors include Austen, Dickens, Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Twain, all prevent her from turning into one of the living dead. So what we’re saying
the usual suspects. Settings include larger fonts and virtual bookmarks is, you have to kill a shit ton of zombies. Cool features include being able
to help readers mark a page. Each book includes a plot synopsis and a to combine everyday objects to create weapons and 2-player co-op so you
biography of the author.  can take on the zombies tag-team style! 

76 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 77
interwebs sites of the month

 Crowd Rise There, I Fixed It

Social fundraising Epic kludge photos

Ever find yourself asking, “How can I make an impact?” The answer is For the uninitiated, a “kludge” is a workaround, a quick-and-dirty solu-
just a click away! is an innovative platform that takes tion to a problem. The kind folks at have gathered
the concept of fundraising to a viral level where users can start by cre- up photos of masterful kludges, wacky inventions and makeshift FAILS
ating a profile, initiate a project, ask for donations, invite supporters from around the world and posted them all for your viewing pleasure.
to the project, share stories and ultimately create change. And if you It’s the perfect site to scroll through if you’re bored at school or work
don’t have the time to start your own project or money to donate, you and need to entertain yourself for a couple of hours. As if that weren’t
can always find a cool charity where you can volunteer to help make a enough, you can upload your own photos and read some of the bril-
difference. liantly snarky user comments.

 Prezi  Trolling Jesus

Cool online presentations Jesus is my homeboy

Powerpoint slides are all well and good but if you want to add some Disclaimer: If you’re deeply religious or easily offended, perhaps give
extra wow to your presentations, check out The site is super this one a miss. If, on the other hand, you have an awesome sense of
user-friendly and will guide you through all the steps necessary to humor, then we insist that you get yourself to a computer asap and
create a fully customized presentation. Since the presentations are visit Basically, what you get is a blog
all online, users have the opportunity to view other people’s work and of captioned, pencil-drawn illustrations, all featuring JC hilariously
share their comments. Let your imagination go crazy! Current pre- interacting with people who are just trying to go about their everyday
sentation subjects range from “Walmart – Good or Bad?” to “The Arab lives. Sounds weird but trust us, it is genius and will have you LOLing
Israeli Conflict.” all over the place.

 DormCo.  MyNines
Dorm room decor Online sample sales

Running from store to store before moving into your dorm is tough, but If you’re a fashionista on a budget, you should definitely swing by
with you can find everything you need, even that alarm to check out their exclusive designer sample sales. This
clock to wake you up on your first day of class. This one-stop shop web- free service requires users to sign up for membership, which then
site has all of its items organized from bedding and cookware to rugs gives you access to dozens of sample sale sites across categories like
and posters. There’s also the DormCo Lounge for tips and resources to fashion, travel, beauty and wines. Sales last between 24 to 72 hours
help students prepare for that crucial first year of school. Our favorite and soon you’ll even be able to set up customized email alerts for
items include the S’Mores Maker and Flying Alarm Clock. whenever your favorite designers go on sale.

78 saturday night magazine September 2010 September 2010 saturday night magazine 79
last laugh best of the web

WTF? Divine marketing. a-hole in one!

early version of “pinhead” from hellraiser. guess what I learned at school today, mom!

lookout for the klingons near uranus. Fail

The brochure said there was a Jacuzzi. hey there... wanna hook up after?
Photos from:

...on account of the gravitational pull... now that’s what I call service! what a deal!

80 saturday night magazine September 2010

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