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Witchcraft Trial Documents

[Below are accounts of the trial of a woman for witchcraft in Salem in 1692, and the response of ministers
to the suspected consequences from acts of witchcraft in Boston in 1688. Both reports were written and
published by Rev. Cotton Mather, one of the leading ministers in New England in the late 17th century, and
grandson of John Cotton and Richard Mather, two of the principal Puritan ministers at the founding of the
Puritan colonies.]
The Trial of Susanna Martin, at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Held by Adjournment at Salem, June 29,

I. Susanna Martin, pleading Not Guilty to the Indictment of Witchcraft brought in against her, there were
produced the evidences of many persons very sensibly and grievously Bewitched; who all complaned of the
prisoner at the Bar, as the person whom they Believed the cause of their Miseries. And now, as well as in
the other Trials, there was an extraordinary endeavour by Witchcrafts, with Cruel and Frequent Fits, to
hinder the poor sufferers from giving in their complaints; which the Court was forced with much patience
to obtain, by much waiting and watching for it.

II. There was now also an Account given, of what passed at her first examination before the Magistrates.
The cast of her eye then striking the Afflicted People to the ground, whether they saw that Cast or no; there
were these among other passages between the Magistrates and the Examinate. . . .

It was then also noted in her, as in others like her, that if the Afflicted went to approach her, they were flung
down to the Ground. And, when she was asked the Reason of it, she said, " I cannot tell; it may be, the
Devil bears me more Malice than another."

III. The Court accounted themselves Alarum'd by these things, to Enquire further into the Conversation of
the Prisoner; and see what there might occur, to render these Accusations further credible. Whereupon,
John Allen, of Salisbury, testify'd, That he refusing, because of the weakness of his Oxen, to Cart some
Staves, at the request of this Martin, she was displeased at it; and said, "It had been as good that he had; for
his Oxen should never do him much more Service." Whereupon this Deponent said, " Dost thou threaten
me, thou old Witch? I'll throw thee into the Brook": Which to avoid, she flew over the Bridge, and escaped.
. . . He then put his Oxen, with many more, upon Salisbury Beach, where Cattle did use to get Flesh. In a
few days, all the Oxen upon the Beach were found by their Tracks, to have run unto the mouth of
Merrimack River, and not returned; but the next day they were found come ashore upon Plum Island. They
that sought them used all imaginable gentleness, but they would still run away with a violence that seemed
wholly Diabolical, till they came near the mouth of Merrimack River; when they ran right into the Sea,
swimming as far as they could be seen. One of them then swam back again, with a swiftness amazing to the
Beholders, who stood ready to receive him, and help up his Tired Carcass: But the Beast ran furiously up
into the Island, and from thence, through the Marshes, up into Newbury Town, and so up into the Woods;
and there after a while found near Amesbury. So that, of Fourteen good Oxen, there was only this saved:
the rest were all cast up, some in one place, and some in another, Drowned.

IV. John Atkinson Testify'd, That he Exchanged a Cow with a Son of Susanna Martins, whereat she
muttered, and was unwilling he should have it. Going to Receive this Cow, tho' he Hamstring'd her, and
Halter'd her, she of a Tame Creature grew so mad, that they could scarce get her along. She broke all the
Ropes that were fastned unto her, and though she were Ty'd fast unto a Tree, yet she made her Escape, and
gave them such further Trouble, as they could ascribe to no )Cause but Witchcraft.

V. Bernard Peache testify'd, That being in Bed on a Lords-day Night, he heard a scrabbling at the Window,
whereat he then saw Susanna Martin come in, and jump down upon the Floor. She took hold of this
Deponents Feet, and drawing his Body up into an Heap, she lay upon him near Two Hours; in all which
time he could neither speak nor stirr. At length, when he could begin to move, he laid hold on her Hand,
and pulling it up to his mouth, he bit three of her Fingers, as he judged, unto the Bone. Whereupon she
went from the Chamber, down the Stairs, out at the Door. This Deponent thereupon called unto the people
of the House, to advise them of what passed; and he himself did follow her. The people saw her not; but
there being a Bucket at the Left-hand of the Door, there was a drop of Blood found on it; and several more
drops of Blood upon the Snow newly fallen abroad. There was likewise the print of her two Feet just
without the Threshold; but no more sign of any Footing further off. . . . The said Peache also testify'd the
Bewitching of Cattle to Death, upon Martin's Discontents.

VI. Robert Downer testifyed, That this Prisoner being some years ago prosecuted at Court for a Witch, he
then said unto her, He believed she was a Witch. Whereat she being dissatisfied, said, That some Shee-
Devil would Shortly fetch him away! Which words were heard by others, as well as himself. The Night
following, as he lay in his Bed, there came in at the Window the likeness of a Cat, which Flew upon him,
took fast hold of his Throat, lay on him a considerable while, and almost killed him. At length he
remembred what Susanna Martin had threatned the Day before; and with much striving he cryed out,
"Avoid, thou Shee-Devil! In the Name of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Avoid! "
Whereupon it left him, leap'd on the Floor, and Flew out at the Window. . . .

VIII. William Brown testify'd, that Heaven having blessed him with a most Pious and prudent wife, this
wife of his one day mett with Susanna Martin; but when she approch'd just unto her, Martin vanished out of
sight, and left her extremely affrighted. After which time, the said Martin often appear'd unto her, giving
her no little trouble; and when she did come, she was visited with Birds that sorely peck't and Prick'd her;
and sometimes a Bunch, like a pullets egg, would Rise in her throat, ready to Choak her, till she cry'd out,
"Witch, you shan't choak me!" While this good Woman was in this Extremity, the Church appointed a Day
of Prayer, on her behalf; whereupon her Trouble ceas'd; she saw not Martin as formerly; and the Church,
instead of their Past, gave Thanks for her Deliverance. But a considerable while after, she being Summoned
to give in some Evidence at the Court, against this Martin, quickly thereupon this Martin came behind her,
while she was milking her Cow, and said unto her, "For thy defaming me at Court, I'l make thee the
miserablest Creature in the World." Soon after which, she fell into a strange kind of Distemper, and became
horribly Frantick, and uncapable of any Reasonable Action; the Physicians declaring, that her Distemper
was preternatural, and that some Devil had certainly Bewitched her; and in that Condition she now
remained. . . .

Note, This Woman was one of the most Impudent, Scurrilous, wicked creatures in the world; and she did
now throughout her whole Trial discover herself to be such an one. Yet when she was asked, what she had
to say for her self? her Cheef Plea was, That she had Led a most virtuous and Holy Life!

[Example of John Goodwin, his wife, and six children, from the south part of Boston in 1688., and the trial
of a woman named Glover for witchcraft.]

Sect. VI. It was a Religious Family that these Afflictions happened unto; and none but a Religious
Contrivance to obtain Releef, would have been welcome to them. Many superstitious proposals were made
unto them . . . but the distressed Parents rejected all such counsils, with a gracious Resolution, to oppose
Devils with no other weapons but Prayers and Tears, . . . Accordingly they requested the four Ministers of
Boston, with the Minister of Charlstown, to keep a Day of Prayer at their thus haunted house; which they
did In the Company of some devout people there. Immediately upon this Day, the youngest of the four
children was delivered, and never felt any trouble as afore. But there was yet a greater Effect of these our
Applications unto our God!

Sect. VII. The Report of the Calamities of the Family for which we were thus concerned, arrived now unto
the ears of the Magistrates, who presently and prudently apply'd themselves, with a just vigour, to enquire
into the story. The Father of the Children complained of his Neighbour, the suspected ill woman, whose
name was Glover; and she being sent for by the Justices, gave such a wretched Account of her self, that
they saw cause to commit her unto the Gaolers [Jailer's] Custody. Goodwin had no proof that could have
done her any Hurt; but the Hag had not power to deny her interest in the Enchantment of the Children; and
when she was asked, Whether she believed there was a God? her Answer was too blasphemous and horrible
for any Pen of mine to mention. An Experiment was made, Whether she could recite the Lords Prayer; and
it was found, that tho clause after clause was most carefully repeated unto her, yet when she said it after
them that prompted her, she could not possibly avoid making Nonsense of it, with some ridiculous
Depravations. This Experiment I had the curiosity since to see made upon two more, and it had the same
Event. Upon the Commitment of this extraordinary Woman, all the Children had some present ease; until
one (related unto her) accidentally meeting one or two he of them, entertain'd them with her Blessing, that
is, Railing; upon which Three of them fell ill again, as they were before.

Sect. VIII. It was not Iong before the Witch thus in the Trap' was brought upon her Tryal; at which, thro' the
Efficacy of a Charm, I suppose, used upon her, by one or some of her Crew, the Court could receive
Answers from her in none but the Irish, which was her Native Language; . . . . It was long before she could
with any direct Answers plead unto her Indictment; and when she did plead, it was with Confession rather
than Denial of her Guilt. Order was given to search the old woman's house, from whence there were
brought into the Court, several small Images, or Puppets, or Babies, made of Raggs, and stuff't with Goat's
hair, and other such Ingredients. When these were produced, the vile Woman acknowledged, that her way
to torment the Objects of her malice, was by wetting of her Finger with her Spittle, and stroaking of those
little Images. The abused Children were then present, and the Woman still kept stooping and shrinking as
one that was almost prest to Death with a mighty Weight upon her. But one of the Images being brought
unto her, immediately she started up after an odd manner, and took it into her hand; but she had no sooner
taken it, than one of the Children fell into sad Fits, before the whole Assembly. This the Judges had their
just Apprehensions at; and carefully causing the Repetition of the Experiment, found again the same event
of it. . . . the night after, she was heard expostulating with a Devil, for his thus deserting her; telling him
that Because he had served her so basely and falsely, she had confessed all. However to make all clear, The
Court appointed five or six Physicians one evening to examine her very strictly, whether she were not
craz'd in her Intellectuals, and had not procured to her self by Folly and Madness the Reputation of a Witch.
Diverse hours did they spend with her; and in all that while no Discourse came from her, but what was
pertinent and agreeable: particularly, when they asked her, What she thought would become of her soul?
she reply'd "You ask me a very solemn Question, and I cannot well tell what to say to it." She own'd her
self a Roman Catholick; and could recite her Pater Noster in Latin very readily; but there was one Clause or
two always too hard for her, whereof she said, "She could not repeat it, if she might have all the world." In
the up-shot, the Doctors returned her Compos Mentis;1 and Sentence of Death was pass'd upon her.

Sect. IX. Diverse dayes were passed between her being Arraigned and Condemned. In this time one of her
Neighbours had been giving in her Testimony . . . concerning her. It seems one Howen about Six years
before, had been cruelly bewitched to Death; but before she died, she called one Hughes unto her, Telling
her that she laid her Death to the charge of Glover; That she had seen Glover sometimes come down her
Chimney; That she should remember this, for within this Six years she might have Occasion to declare it.
This Hughes now preparing her Testimony, immediately one of her children, a fine boy, well grown
towards Youth, was taken ill, just in the same woful and surprising manner that Goodwins children were.
One night particularly, The Boy said he saw a Black thing with a Blue Cap in the Room, Tormenting of
him; and he complained most bitterly of a Hand put into the Bed, to pull out his Bowels. The next day the
mother of the boy went unto Glover, in the Prison, and asked her, Why she tortured her poor lad at such a
wicked rate? This Witch replied, that she did it because of wrong done to her self and her daughter. Hughes
denied (as well she might) that she had done her any wrong. "Well then," says Glover, "Let me see your
child and he shall be well again." Glover went on, and told her of her own accord, " I was at your house last
night." Says Hughes, "In what shape?" Says Glover, "As a black thing with a blue Cap." Says Hughes,
"What did you do there? " Says Glover, " with my hand in the Bed I tryed to pull out the boy's Bowels, but
I could not." They parted; but the next day Hughes appearing at Court, had her Boy with her; and Glover
passing by the Boy, expressed her good wishes for him; tho' I suppose, his Parent had no design of any
mighty Respect unto the Hag, by having him with her there. But the Boy had no more Indispositions after
the Condemnation of the Woman.

Sect. X. While the miserable old Woman was under Condemnation, I did my self twice give a visit unto
her. She never denyed the guilt of the Witchcraft charg'd upon her; but she confessed very little about the
Circumstances of her Confederacies with the Devils; only, she said, That she us'd to be at meetings, which
her Prince and Four more were present at. As for those Four, She told who they were; and for her Prince,
her account plainly was, that he was the Devil. . . .

I Sett before her the Necessity and Equity of her breaking her Covenant with Hell, and giving her self to the
Lord Jesus Christ, by an everlasting Covenant; To which her Answer was, that I spoke a very Reasonable
thing, but she could not do it. I asked her whether she would consent or desire to be pray'd for; To that she
said, If Prayer would do her any good, shee could pray for her self. And when it was again propounded, she
said, She could not unless her spirits (or angels) would give her leave. However, against her will I pray'd
with her, which if it were a Fault it was in excess of Pitty. When I had done, shee thank'd me with many
good Words; but I was no sooner out of her sight, than she took a stone, a long and slender stone, and with
her Finger and Spittle fell to tormenting it; though whom or what she meant, I had the mercy never to

[Source: Cotton Mather, Wonders of the Invisible World (Boston, 1693) and Cotton Mather, , Memorable
Providences, Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions (Boston, 1689), reprinted in George Lincoln Burr, ed.,
Narratives of Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 (New York, 1914), 229-36, 103-106. *Some spelling has been

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