After-School NE Heights Spanish For Kids

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Come sing and learn Spanish with doña María after school this year at a NE
Heights location near you! POCOLOCO Spanish, with doña María at the helm,
specializes in teaching español to kids and teens in Albuquerque. Fun-filled,
action-packed and lively classes are taught in a warm, interactive and
supportive learning environment. Doña María teaches her passion - el español
- through jam-packed lesson-plans that include music, songs, games, story-
telling, role-play, cultural presentations and visitors, mini-geography-
lessons, arts & crafts follow-up activities, y mucho mucho más.

¿Quién? Since reading Spanish is not introduced, the class is multi-grade in nature
 1st through 5th graders

¿Dónde? NE Heights Location (Paseo del Norte/Eubank)

¿Cuándo? Weekly 1.5-hour class, Wednesdays (=APS’ short day)

Two sections: 1:30 – 3:00 pm
(Limited enrollment – please reserve a space for your child by registering early)
First class: Sep. 15th

¿Cuánto? Monthly tuition of $70 + NM sales tax

(September is pro-rated due to mid-month class-start)

¿Contacto? María Nilsson-Whitaker (Owner/Instructor; POCOLOCO Spanish)

 teléfono: (505) 797-8980
 e-correo:
 sitio Web:

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