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One of the causes of stress; is the ongoing conflicts. These are
perennial or eternal!

If we introspect; then we find that; we go on vacillating between

values which we cherish and values which we hate. Thus we get
try to cling to the values we cherish but time and again we get
dragged after the values which we hate. This is what leads to
enormous stress.

Thus we get engrossed in petty selfishness though we aspire for

the noble heartedness.

We crave for petty material profits (even at the cost of others)

even as we “cry” for justice!

We indulge in fights for mean gains and “long” for unity!

We indulge in indiscriminate violence and earnestly respect the

hooligans; though we also fancy being nonviolent.

We appoint child labor and never bother to promote productive

education to billions; even as we feel sad about child labor.
We adore the hollow glamour, glitter and voluptuousness but
also seek peace and solace from the saints and hence prostate
and worship them.

We are obviously far from being holistically healthy, but we

enjoy participating in the cacophony about health.

We stoop in front material power and escape from the challenges

in life but we feel that we are spiritual.

We are closed to generosity, blind to enlightenment, paralyzed

and moribund to rise against injustice, dumb to assert our innate
and selfless wisdom and yet we feel or pretend to be self

What to do about these stressful conflicts? How to conquer


The only solution for conquering the eternal stressful conflicts; is

to study and practice Total Stress Management (the core of
which is NAMASMARAN), and realize and manifest our innate,
holistic and benevolent; feelings, thoughts, perspectives, plans,
policies and actions; even as the subdued conflicts; recurrently
erupt and bother us from time to time!

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