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Organising My Time

How to organise my time

around my SHAPE and Life
“Live life with a due sense of
responsibility, not as those
who do not know the meaning
of life but as those who do.
Make the best use of your
Ephesians 5:15-16 (Ph)
How to make the best use of my
By organising it around my life
organising My Time
1. Devise my goals around my
“I run straight to the goal with
purpose in every step.”
1 Corinthians 9:29 (LB)
“Our goal is to measure up to
God’s plan for us…”
2 Corinthians 10:13 (LB)
Set Up Goals in These Areas:
• To Know and love God
• To become like Christ
• To use my SHAPE to help others
• To share my Life Message
organising My Time
1. Devise my goals around my
2. Organise my activities around the
improvement of people’s lives
Improvers of Lives
1. Yourself
“Jesus increased in wisdom and
stature, in favour with God and
Luke 2:52
Personal Development
• He grew in wisdom
• He grew in stature
• He grew in favour with God
spiritual development
• He grew in favour with man
social development
Improvers of Lives
1. Yourself
2. Family
“If anyone does not provide for
his relatives, and especially for
his immediate family, he has
denied the faith.”
I Timothy 5:8
Improvers of Lives
1. Yourself
2. Family
3. Other Christians
“Under his direction, the whole
body is fitted together
perfectly. As each part does its
own special work, it helps the
other parts grow, so that the
whole body is healthy and
growing and full of love.”
Ephesians 4:16 (NLT)
Improvers of Lives
1. Yourself
2. Family
3. Other Christians
4. In Your Place of Work
“Learn to earn what you need
by honest work and so be self-
Titus 3:14
Improvers of Lives
1. Yourself
2. Family
3. Other Christians
4. In Your Place of Work
5. Community
Organising My Time
1. Devise my goals around my
2. Organise my activities around
3. Harmonise my schedule around my
“Teach us to number our days
and recognize how few they
are; help us to spend them as
we should.”
Psalm 90:12
“Reverence for the Lord adds
hours to each day.”
Proverbs 10:27

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