Artículo Científico Comunicaciones Inalambricas

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Article Scientific Wireless Communication #1

3G Applications in Home Automation in

(August 2010)
Julio C. Jaramillo, Elina P. Pazmiño, Estudents, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral

Abstract— This paper shows the facilities and benefits we would have to use 3G technology in home automation applications,
which in our country are still under development. One of the important aspects of this paper is the use you have in terms of
security, as many cities in this country suffer because of increased insecurity. Control home devices is another issue in which this
technology offers great support still be controlled remotely from a computer or cell through specific applications for each of them.


T he domotic can be defined as the adoption, integration and implementation of new computer and communication
technologies at home [ CITATION Scr10 \l 3082 ]1. Mostly involves the use of electricity, electronics, computer
systems and various telecommunications devices, incorporating mobile and internet. Some of its main features are:
interaction, interface, ease of use, teleoperation or remote operation, reliability, programmability and updating. Its
architecture can be centralized or distributed, although in reality, the benefits of intercommunication and to failures, is used
more decentralized. Beyond the novelty implied home automation are changes that can induce, especially those associated
with the role of housing, remote control or teleoperation, the design of the place and the world and, ultimately, new social
notions of space-time. These changes, are strongly linked to the progress and scientific-technical innovations, especially
those involving greater efficiency when transmitting and storing digital information.
Our project aims to control security and control of various household devices, all with the use of 3G networks.
It consists of a device developed specifically for this application, it will be responsible for monitoring the safety as well as
control the various household devices.
Specific applications will be developed for different types of existing cellular and according to needs, with simple
interfaces that can be used by anyone.
The Figure 1 shows the scheme of communication through a cell phone or a computer are the ones who will control the
devices and the security system in our project.

Fig. 1. Scheme of Communication.


The rapid increase in the demand for data services, primarily IP, has been thrust upon the wireless industry. Over the
years there has been much anticipation of the onslaught of data services, but the radio access platforms have been the

Article Scientific Wireless Communication #1
inhibitor from making this a reality. Third generation (3G) is a term that has received and continues to receive much
attention as the enabler for high-speed data for the wireless mobility market[ CITATION Cli02 \l 3082 ]2. 3G and all it is
meant to be are defined in the ITU specification International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000). IMT-2000 is
a radio and network access specification defining several methods or technology platforms that meet the overall goals of the
specification[ CITATION Wik10 \l 3082 ]3. The IMT-2000 specification is meant to be a unifying specification, enabling
mobile and some fixed highspeed data services to use one or several radio channels with fixed network platforms for
delivering the services envisioned:
 Global standard
 Compatibility of service within IMT-2000 and other fixed networks
 High quality
 Worldwide common frequency band
 Small terminals for worldwide use
 Worldwide roaming capability
 Multimedia application services and terminals
 Improved spectrum efficiency

Fig. 2. Differents Plataforms.

 Flexibility for evolution to the next generation of wireless systems

 High-speed packet data rates
 2 Mbps for fixed environment
 384 Mbps for pedestrian
 144 Kbps for vehicular traffic

Figure 2 shows the linkage between the various platforms that comprise the IMT-2000 specification group.
In our country it is used UMTS technology, voice and high speed data that is part of the third generation wireless
technologies [ CITATION Nec10 \l 3082 ]4. This technology based on Internet Protocol (IP) and supports voice and data at
high speeds reached. It is designed to support intensive applications such as bandwidth, multimedia streaming, large file
transfers and video call. It also can support applications such as Virtual Private Networks (VPN), real-time gaming with
multiple players. Other benefits include high efficiency and support for simultaneous voice and data. UMTS is based on
GSM, which is the most widely used wireless technology in the world, as it has more than 82% of the global wireless
market and is used by more than 2.1 million people around the world.
In the Table I. can see different speeds reached by the different technologies that make 3G speeds indoors, outdoors and
We base our project on 3G technology as in Ecuador which is booming, and will be present for a while Debra other
technologies such as 3.5G or 4G is still in development.

Table I. 3G Rates Characteristics.

Article Scientific Wireless Communication #1


As mentioned earlier the project is aimed primarily at what is controlling a remote device and the safety of any
establishment in which they are willing to use this technology.
Implementation will be through modules able to use 3G wireless networks, these modules will be placed in homes and
connect to it using a variety of sensors capable of detecting movement, fire or other situation that compromises the housing
How to use the module is very easy for people, who do not have much knowledge of technology, as well as for people
with advanced level may send complex orders, so the module can be adapted to customer needs since this project aims
basically just to meet the two requirements above, which can introduce other applications required by the final consumer.
In Figure 3 we can see the picture the device is structured to handle the communication of the house with the wireless
data service to obtain from any supplier of 3G technology.
The interface used for communication with computer or mobile devices is through specific applications for each device
with a user-friendly interface. Shall be used for another type of interface that you add live video to have a higher level of
In this country there are many companies engaged in such projects as the implementation of it would result in an
excellent business opportunity for any enterprising you know about this issue [ CITATION Gui10 \l 3082 ]5.


3G technology gives us the facilities for any type of application automation, thus making life more comfortable.
In Ecuador, this issue is still under development so not very widespread in society that is largely untapped uses that this
application we can provide.
Insecurity is one factor that every day becomes more worrisome, and such applications will help us in a more efficient
way to combat it.


temperature, etc)


Fig. 3. Communications Module Structure of 3G at home

Not only can we use this technology to home appliances such but for other applications to industrial level, for people who
Article Scientific Wireless Communication #1
want to have total control of their companies, thus controlling their employees.
It is recommended that the use of modules to install have the capacity to be upgraded with the new edge technology that
will appear in the near future in our country such as 3.5G and 4G.


[1] (2010, Aug.) Scribd. [Online].

[2] D. C. Clint Smith, 3G Wireless Networks. United States : McGraw-Hill Telecom, 2002.
[3] (2010, Aug.) Wikipedia. [Online].
[4] (2010, Aug.) Necatpace. [Online].
[5] (2010, Aug.) Guia Inmobiliaria del Ecuador. [Online].

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