Australian Pine Tree

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c The Australian pine tree is an invasive tree in Florida.

Its scientific name is

 . This species was introduced in the late 1800s to provide shade,

wood, and for ditch and canal stabilization. The geographical origin of the Australian

pine is Australia, South Pacific Islands, and Southeast Asia.

Its thick blanket of leaves causes a dense shade over other trees making them

weak and will eventually die without the sunlight. It encourages beach erosion and

interferes with the nesting of animals, like sea turtles and American crocodiles. Last but

not least, the Australian pine tree destroys the habitat for native insects and other wild


One of Florida¶s most damage causing invasive species is the fire ant. The

scientific name for it is   , but they are most commonly known as red

imported fire ants. This species is native to South America. It was first spotted in the late

1930s, when a cargo ship from South America arrived at a port in Alabama. They slowly

spread through the southeastern U.S.

The fire ants are very aggressive; they attack, kill, and eat many nestlings of birds,

lizards, and other small animals. In some areas they caused the extinction of 40% of the

insect species. They eat seeds, and move them out of their native habitat, destroying

crops and changing the ecosystem. Southern U.S. has to spend more than a million

dollars a year in public health and repairing all the damage they have caused.
u   c

£Fire ants.(Naughty? Nice? or Neutral?)". ¦   . 01 Mar 1997: 22(1).
  . Web. 22 Jan 2010
FPL. "Fire ants." 
  . Florida Power Light. Web. 22 Jan. 2010.
Lockley, Timothy C. "Imported Fire Ants."   . 2 Dec. 2009. Web. 22 Dec. 2010.
Swearingen, J. 2009. WeedUS Database of Plants Invading Natural Areas in the United
States: Australian Pine (6    

"Australian-pine."  6 . Web. 22 Jan. 2010.


Gilman, Edward F., and Dennis G. Watson. "Casuarina spp.: Australian-Pine."  .
University of Florida. Web. 22 Jan. 2010. <>

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