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Vision of

the Catholic Charismatic Renewal

The Emmaus, 6 Sept 2008
Yesterday… in the beginning..
Pope John XXIII:

“O Lord, renew your wonders in

our days..
As by a new pentecost”

Vatican II council, 1962-1965

Yesterday… in the beginning..

1967 – Duquesne Weekend

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA

Today… after 40 years…
140 million Catholics and counting…
Today… after 40 years…
A New Springtime for the Church!
A study on human heart…

1) Main functions:
– Pump to O2-rich blood to the whole body
– Collect CO2-rich and pump it to lungs

2) Average heart beat rate: 72 bpm, 24/7

3) Weight: baby (20-30 gr); adult (250-350gr)

4) % of a heart’s weight in comparison to the

body ~0.5%
Still about human heart …

1. It pumps blood to nourish the body

2. It has a distinctive role

3. It functions only within the body

4. It grows with the body

5. It is insignificant in size w.r.t. the

CCR… to be at the Heart of the Church

1. It is to nourish the whole Church

2. It has a distinctive nature and mission,

but must reject any forms of
‘exclusivity’ or ‘elitism’

3. It can only fulfill its function within the

Church – ecclesial communion

4. It must be at the service of the Church

5. It grows as the Church grows

6. It would always be insignificant in

numbers in comparison with the Church
Tomorrow.. What the Lord is saying?

Pope B16,
40th anniversary of CCR:
• Holiness
2) Evangelization
3) Communion

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