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Boked Joints chapter 3 Chapter 13: Bolted Joints ‘The data on bolts and bolted joints reproduced here was taken fromthe latest Ajax Fastener handbook and catalogue on bolted products available st the time ofthis publication. Ther are many types of screwed fasteners produced by Ajex apart from conventionalhexagon head bolts and nuts, These include + set screws + cup head square neck bolts ‘+ hexagon bead coach sews + cupovalfshbols + four peg elevator hols Most ofthe fasteners produced by Ajax are avaiable in both impesial inch) and metric sizes “Metric thread forms are ISO metic (coarse ict with ine pitch being availabe inselecte sizes Iimpriltread formsinchude UNF Uniti National Fine), UNC (Uniged Nasional ere) and [BSW GBrissh Standard Whitworth), Inthis ta maal data for hexagon head ISO metric bolts ants onyintwo property grades, namely grade 4.6 (commercial grade) and grade 8.8 (precision high-ensile grade) are reproduced, mn addition to the data and design methods reproduced from the Ajax handbook, several ‘examples ar included lustating th selection method for bot joints. These are tobe found atthe end ofthis chapter (pages 30 to 308), Theyilstrate the selection method forbotsin tension shear and combined tension and shear for metal-o-metal presuretype joints ae wellat snexample ona flexible (gasket type) joint withthe bolsin tension. Inaddition, enexample ie included onthe design procedure forbolted brackets in bending nd boltedbrackesintorsion. Notes ‘+ Thedesignprocedure used with shea loudsin hese examples ignores the effect offrition ‘beween the mating faces o that inthe event that the nut becomes loose, he bolt wil til support the design shear load, Ineffec, riction provides an aditional safety factor with shear lade ‘+ Whenseverabols sare the shesrload ts assumed thatthe shear loadis evenly isrbted ‘between alco bolts. In practice, this will nore the ease unles fied precision bolts a> used. However, experimentsshow tat under load, bots deform sothat eventually, thelosd {ends tobe spread out amongst them. Also because the effect ofiction hasbeen ignored, it appears unduly conservative to assume that only afew of the bolts ake the shear load. Peay ass moo Bolted Joins Chapter 13, AUAK FASTENERS Breaking and Yield Loads of Ajax Bolts Whar tis ate broken in tesion, ‘rong wi normaly eccrine ‘readad ection an km bo ‘eco ha ts realing oa eau ‘Stcalted onthe base of te ‘ctrl srengih and he mea tthe ‘moot eae, Tetshave proves, howover, bathe sus tensile breaking oad ofa bats Fie than the igure cause ne ‘anne, andthe mest scare ‘Sinates based on hs mean of he Fish and mr dameter of ho Frac calculation gives a four ‘ibis known a he “Store Ars" ar now general soceped the basi for computing the atength tenon ofan exam Uveaded part ‘Sees Aa i adopted fr evengh, tors in LS.0 tancards ved by the Stancards Associaton ‘Asal, Bish Standart, ‘amaran Society of automatve Engineers (SAE), “The folowing tables ts tale raking and yl oad o Ax tos ulated from ole ryt tees ‘nd "Ses Aro ofthe treed 286 BHREBRRBRBRARRRARFAMRBRARARRADRBIASA ‘oon pt a cpons spon tn menu saad tsa opin tend one oa (powowpeuts9 enpeaad wap aus u Speer Buku SOT 78.4 peojd pambes eo, Buuoourtig Suysourgug fesouay 403 syuLOf Fexoway 10} squioy Pozlog Jo uaisog . Poxiog 40 uBIsog ‘suaNais¥d SUSNLSV xvry xr Peso ta smo no os enminy pean yi topo 68 ee mor edK woos says aprwepb 1 aAre0 ‘aun REN YOR He 440-8 392 wo peo use ot OU ON eo a vo Gaon puso’ ‘ve nen uu to) Bupoourtug Tes0wan 405 SquIoF tious 403 syH}OT Peviog 30 uBiseq Pood 30 uz}soq SUSNGLSV4 SuNEISV xvry xv Teemrimeamarmmen) care sor poo eg 2 08> ‘novo quent Jo Sues YA. poanbo sy og “A. oy pnbos 54000 se9u, 303 94 9 pea ubsep tea I Supoougtug feseuey 305 SzU]OF Roviod 40 usisog suanaisvg xwry 30 BuwoMTaLL ‘suanaisys, wry stor pono PREECE ‘oreniou09 Ne) ‘SanN 31907 10 wer JO Os; ya ‘syujor pey0g vow Jo BaNwoNB Ser suanaisys, vey suo peKoK Bolted Joins AJAX FASTENERS Breaking and Yiel Loads of Ajax Bolts Sistine omnes (ELE reper cae 46) TI tetas + ramon gen = S|" | ver | etna 201 Boked Joints Chapter 13, AJAX FASTENERS Breaking and Yield Loads of Ajax Bolts = Ssomeaine (0300 U/) Sve M20 — aD cet aeee aa a I wos 2 uy SEB BERR PRP PPR RRP Rea ote ons ax D Fasteners Bolt Shear Capacity = jk otriee Tae | war | ratoe | See | snararmce+ | oe | Tain remmcmras | aaa | & cara | tzu | va8 | aor [a ween | so | exes | uae | sons * Serato waseautne ot ran oan ipa Sacre on carers ‘Sangean ogists ta aos Ne > [inequity an “se 293 Bote Joins hapa 13 ax FASTENERS Tightening of [Bolted Joints seers Pasian . at 18 esaeee s|os —— ” 2 | ie | Se ine 5 is a omee| geomeeg | Seer She [|S eee ‘Bolted Joints Chapter 13 AJAX, FASTENERS Tightening of Bolted Joints = a ‘Se B a) ee | elle ies aes cooue| STE = i com [ome | owe | oe eo Kee soot =e Sue Se ese SBPeewese see es BP Be ee es Ss = : i =< PS rare} Boked Joins Chapter 13 er. FASTENERS Metric Hexagon Commercial Bolts ‘and Set Screws: ‘te, eed Gas ee Tester a a age Ted panne 2m 06 Fouaneueaereoes3 296 BBB REB BRP PRP PRR ee ‘Bolted Joins _ Chapter 13 AJAX. FASTENERS. Metric Hexagon Nuts Pa re Td feetaaianifoeteas wwe [ ae eao [er [ear us [ao | sso | 00 | or wa [eo [aso | wae | wos | eo | aw | - | — peu SB UBEe SB He ee ee eee ee eee E ig A B Bolted Joints Chapter 13 Oe FASTENERS Metric Hexagon Precision Bolts and ws. Sika hooey Sane es abo Weana gh ebar gh Ta Ueieasineuang aS 2st Oe aps antnaag tbe ttm na ave cs BRERDDP RRR RRP RR RPA A Bolted Joins “Metric Bolts lengths (coarse pitch) Chapter 13 inte snl ol he sal aly fe pion igh eso (gad 88) ‘es Sud fhe se raincoat 8) Now: Mos bts ae valet ac or sh Commer bls ao slew a. ih wats fs fe fe fio fa fu fe fe fo fap [7 fo fs z]ele] ele lela] ele]=|> efelelelelelelelalelel=l*]> elele [ele 299 ® ® @ Bolted Joints Chapter 13, Example 1 Tension load “Aboltistocarry repeatedly applied tensile oadof 1OKN.Deterine the boltsizeequiredand the ecomapended atembly torque if commercial grade (cass 4.6) is used. Solution From Table 14, page 287, choose a safety factor of 3 “Therefore preload F'=30KN ‘From Table 10, page 291, the ye stress is 240 MPa rom Table 10, page 291, choose MIS wi Recommended assembly torque from Table 18, page 294, i 101 Nm Example 2 Shear load ‘Abottistocarryarepestedlyeppiedshea losdof 10KN. Determine thebolt size required and the recommended sssembly torque if precision high tensile grade (class 8.8) i used Solution From Table 14 , page 287, choose a salty factor of 3 ‘Therefore design shear load F=30 KN FromTable 13, page293, the maximum permissible sheer stress fis 200 MPa (assuming bolt js less than 16 min diametes) ‘The shear area; A, = £ = 30000 i Assuming the shear load is taken on the shank ofthe bolt (no the thread), A= nd =150 3.8 mm = 150 mm* [From Téble 11 page 292, choote M4 as the next closest size ‘Recommended assembly torgue froma Table 2, page 295, is 121 Nm. Mec DD Maa oa 200 a CC ee es Bolted Joins Chapter 13, Example 3 Bolted gasket joint ‘Thebead ofa gas compressorisheldtothe blocky fourboltsso thatthe tensilloedisequally distributed betweenthebols. Thereis soft gasket between thehead andthe block. Thebore ‘ofthe compressors 50 mmand the maximum gaspresureis14MPa gauge) Determine the bolesize required andthe assembly torque precision igh tensile grace (class 8, 8)bolsareto be sed Solution ‘The total pressure land = 14 x A(S0) = 2749N FromTable 14, page 287, aseasafety factor ofS (repeatedly applied shock load with fatigue possible). ‘Therefore the presurelosd per bok Q x 274014 rom page 288, the preload force F= 1.1 Q = 11x 343 ‘The design bolt load W=F + 3436 +3780 = 7216 From Table 11, page 292, the yield stress is 640 MDa (assuming bots less than 10 mm dia) ‘The tensile area: A, = © = 7216 < 11.5 mm? rr) From Table 11, page 292, choose MS with tensile area 14.2 ma? ‘From page 289, tightening torque = 0.8 7 For MS, from Table 22, page 295, the recommended asembly torque T= 5 Nm ‘Therefore the tightening torque = 0.8 x5 Nm Prom Table 2, page 295, tightening torque of 5 Nin gives bolt tension of $4 KN ‘Therefore tightening torque of 4 Nm wil give a bolt tension of 4.32 kN ‘Thisis graterthanthe preload ore previously elelated so tho calcalation should bechecked gain withthe new value of bolt preload. ‘The design bol load W= F + Q = 3436 + 4320=7156N rom Table 11, page 292, the yield stress is 640 MPa The tensile ares: A, ‘The MS with tensile rea 14.2 mat willstillbe OK. Hence select MS with assembly torque 4Nm eet sey Da Maa a sot wo Bolted Joints Chapter 13 Example 4 combined tension and shear load ‘Acommmercialste| bolts connecting amildstelplstetoa chine fame ofthickness 30am. ‘The stel plate exerts a tensile oad of 10 KN onthe bok as well as a shear load of 6 KN. A factor ofsattyof 3isrequred. Design the assembly and summaisby completing the folowing table Badan | Peres | Bonet | Treinen | Anmayerme | Solution Tnthointerests of good desig, the bolt ngth andthread length willbe chosenso thatthe shear Toadistaken across the shankof the bh, Irisnecessaryto check bothtension inthe thread and shear in the shank, Whichever is most rtcl will determine the bol size needed. Tension inthe thread FromExample twas found that an MI bolt was necessary forthe tension stressinthe shank swith a 10 KN tensile load anda safety factor of 3 ‘Shear inthe shank 30000 ‘Using M18, the design tension tres inthe sbankis: 20000 = 1s mara ‘Au 18000 “The design shear sress i the shank is; 25002 = 70.7 MPa “aus Since both ofthese stresses occur together, tis necessary to combine them using the combined sre formu f, max = fF + ODF = \TOF > GTBAF = 92: MPa 51 MPa firmax = 2 -+fmax = 1182 +92, For property cls 46, the yield sess (Table 10, page 291) is 240 MPs “The preload stress (enon) i 0.65 x 240 = 156 MPa. The allowable shear sires (Table 13, page 292) s 79.2 MPa ‘Therefore itis sen that the M18 bo. willbe OK in tension bat not OK in shear Try Ma 30000 ‘Using M20, the design tension stress inthe sank is me * ‘A@0) 955 MPa tei Ds Da Mi Wis 302 ronm BBARARAARHADAETRAAAAADADATH weweuaw Bolted Joints Chapter 13, 18000 ‘The design shear stress inthe shank s 513 MPa Combining these stresses: f,mmx = 2 + Gp? = (573 + OSSD) = 745 MPa fix f2 + fax 95500 4145 = 120MPa “Therefore the MD bolt willbe OK in teason and OK in ear Frome Table 18, page 29, te recommended asembly torque 143 Non Plate thickness ‘The plate tliess will be determined by the beasng stress between the bolt and plat. The allowable bearing tress may be taken as twice the allowable shear stress ‘That sy = 2x79.2 = 158.4 Mpa say 160 MPs F, Now f= =e 3 160 = 18000 2 5.63 mm a xe "Therefore use 6 mam thick plate (standard) Bolt and thread length ‘From table 44, page 296, the minimum thread length is: 2d +6 x2046 6 om “The machine frame has a thickness of 30mm snd the plate has a thickness of 6 mam. “The M20>uthas thickness of 18mm (Table 52 page 297), and allowing? mmfor a washer, ives total length of: 30464 18+2=56 mm Fromthetableofbolt lengths onpage 299, the closes avaible ngthis 80mm Withhiskengts ‘the shank length bearing onthe plate only 4 mmandessthan the 5.68 mmrequired. Therefore ‘make the plate 12-mm thick giving 6 mm of shan inside the plate. ‘The design i summarised inthe table below: Tow ameter | Poe shictse | fatlength | Treading | Atenblyirque 20 2 0 46 | Example S bolied bracket in bending 308 na Bolted Joins _ hapter 13 ‘The bracket illustrated inthe sketch below istobe bolted:o a steel column with four precision fitted bots (grade 8.8) ofthe sume siz, The bracket caries a load of 20 KN and a factor of safety of2ie required. Determine the bol sie needed. Solution Tension in the thread the brackets web andiselaively igi tiscustomaryto assume thatthe bracket pivots bout the bottom comer. (Calling F the force at unit dstance (1 mun) from the bottom comer, the equation is: ‘moment due to the applied load (aboat the pivot point) rom the pivot point to each bolt centreine ‘Using a safety factor of 2, the equation is 40000 x 130= F, x (2x30? + 2180") F,= 78.08 Nim ‘The mos highly stressed bots are the upper bots and the load in each ofthese bolt i "78,048 x 180 = 14054N TorProperty class 8.8, from Table 11, page?92, the yield points 640 MPa assuming bolnot ‘reatr than 16 mum diameter), “Therefore the preload sires is 0.65 x 640 = 416 MPa ‘Therefore the required tensile area is: 14054/416 = 33.8 mnt ‘From Table 11, page 292, choose ME (tersile area 36.6 mm) nwa "ra 304 EEEEERERTTRKATEITETETTTA TTT Booted Foint Chapter 13 Combined tension and shear in the shank The design tense stessin he hak fis: PS = 250 MPa Assuring the shear lod i equll istribuied among the bolts, the design shear stres inthe shank i 40000 Tx AW) Since both ofthese stresses oocurtogetheritisnecessary to combine them sing the combined stress formule = 199 MPa f,mex = (fF > G/F = IF > GHOF = 209 stra fuan= {2 + fm 2802 +243=383 MPa For property cls 88 the yield stress (Table 11, page 29) 660 MPa The preload sess (tension) i 0.65 x 640= 416 MPa The allowable shear stess (Table 13, page 293) is 200 MPs ‘Therefore it is seen thatthe MB bot wil be OK in tension bur not OK in shear. ‘TyMo: = 4984 = 179 Mpa A010) f= AO 127 Pa Fx 00 J,max = {iF > G792F = 156 MPa Jfimax = 17972 4156 =245 MPs ‘Therefore it is sen thatthe M10 bolt willbe OK in both tension end in shear. oa sos mo Bolted Joins Chapter 13 Example 6 bolted bracket in torsion ‘The bracket ilustrated inthe sketch below is made of 16 mmmplateandis tobe botedtoastee! ‘frame 20 ma thick with four precision fitted bots (grade 8.8) ofthe same size, The bracket ‘carries a steady losd of IOKN. Design the assembly and summarise the design by completing the following table: Bolt diameter | Bole engih | Thread iengsh | Assembly torque mm om mm Nm Solution From Table 14 page 287, because the load is steady, use «safety factor of 17. Design load aes Direct shear load per bolt F,= 17/4 = 4.25 KN 1 Bytrigonomety the distance fom the cenroidtothebots is 58.3 mmand the angle Gis 31° afi F@ ‘The design torque about the centroid Cis: 17 x 270 = 4590 KN mm. [the torsional lotd on each bot is F, then: 4F,X583=4590 F.= 19.7 kN eS ‘Mecha Design Dan Maal oa sos ass Bolted Joints Chapter 13 Altereatvely, using a similar method to that used for brackets in bending! Cling F; the force at unit distance (1 mm) from the centroid, the equation is MaRSy Where: M= moment doe to the applied loud (abou the centois) _y= distance from the centroid to each bot centeline Substituting inthe equation 4500= Fx (4x583*) F,=0338kNimm Fy xy =0.338 x583 =19.7 kN By inspection, the most highly stested bolts willbe at 1 (or 2) Resolving F; into vertical and horizontal components 10.13 KN 1687 KN and F Now combining F, and F the sultant vertical component is 16.87 +4.25 = 21.12 kN ‘The resultant shear load per bolt = 21.13? + 10.13 = 23.4 kN From Table 13 page 292, assuming

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