Pagalawang NCP

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cues nursing diagnosis Scientific planning intervention rationale evaluation

Subjective: Acute pain related Acute pain is After 4 hours of Monitor and For baseline data The patient will be
to disease described as an nursing record vital signs able to verbalize
condition AEB by unpleasant intervention the minimizes of
pain scale of 9/10. sensory or patient will be Monitor lab To know if there is controlled of
Objective: emotional able to verbalize results infection and feeling of pain.
experience minimize of other problems in
Facial grimace associated with controlled of the blood
actual or potential feeling of pain chemistry.
Guarding behavior damage or injury.
Pain is due to the Instructed to Engaging in to
Pain scale of 8/10 irritation of the avoid weight much pressure
nerves on the bearing or any can aggravate the
periosteum. strenuous activity condition.

Encourage to have Promotes healing

enough rest and from baseline
sleep. metabolic rate
and allowing
nutrients to be
absorbed easily by
the tissues.
Intake of pain NSAIDS activity
reliever as per includes
doctor orders modulation of T-
cell which inhibit

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