Nautican Army PDF Draft 5 Unofficial Warhammer Army List

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Nautican Army list draft 5.

0 (for play testing)

This army list is completely unofficial and is not endorsed by Games Workshop.
Draft 5.0

Thanks to the Warhammer community for bringing this army to life. In particular, many thanks to :-

My play testing buddy, many of Joel’s ideas and suggestions have now become part of the army list.

Gareth Pannan
The artist who designed the army book cover and nearly all of the artwork.

the proud sculptor of the Laughing Monk range of miniatures and available for freelance work,
contact him here :-

Who kindly painted some miniatures for me including the Siren, Wereshark and Leviathan. Visit Dims
site: contact him for painting commissions:

A great supporter and contributor. Visit his blog here:-

The Battle Reporter Forum

my friends on the forum who provided some great input (esp. Tizz, scurrdi, Zombie, Gurth, Brett, Galeac,
thepowner238, STEAM, sever14, orcy, Son of Khaine, Guardian_A, Goth, BatPadre, Jacen Bell). Also
thanks to 40kenthusiast & LtCraggs (from for their incisive analysis.

The Miniature Suppliers

who kindly gave me permission to use miniature pics / artwork from their websites:- *
* (permission was granted by DragonRune)

My Wife
for coming up with so many ideas when I was lost for inspiration !


This Army list is dedicated to my good friend Mark who died aged 37.
A Hammerer to the very last, I suspect you’re still hewing greenskin heads right now !

The Nautican Army List (custom rules, not images or other peoples intellectual property) are owned by © 2008 – 2010+ (or until Chaos is finally defeated !)
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Draft 5.0

Nautican army allowances & special rules .................................................................................................5
Army Special Equipment .............................................................................................................................8
Aqua Lore (Magic) and Spellcasters .........................................................................................................10

Lord Level Characters ............................................................................................................................. 13

Nautican Lord ............................................................................................................................................13
King of the Seas .........................................................................................................................................14
The Guardian of Time ...............................................................................................................................15
Mermaid ....................................................................................................................................................17

Hero Level Characters ............................................................................................................................ 18

Nautican Prince .........................................................................................................................................18
Chanty Singer ............................................................................................................................................19
Zharc .........................................................................................................................................................20
K' Li Mare ..................................................................................................................................................21
Zheala ........................................................................................................................................................22
Vortex "the Water Shield" .........................................................................................................................23
Zu-Xhi .......................................................................................................................................................25
The Coastal Hermit ....................................................................................................................................26
Nautican Character "Mounts" ...................................................................................................................28

Magic Items ........................................................................................................................................... 30

Magic Weapons.........................................................................................................................................30
Magic Armour ...........................................................................................................................................32
Arcane Items ..............................................................................................................................................34
Talismans ...................................................................................................................................................35
Magic Banners...........................................................................................................................................38

Core Units .............................................................................................................................................. 40

Coral Hunters ............................................................................................................................................40
Crest Riders (“Cresters”) ...........................................................................................................................41
Wave Breakers...........................................................................................................................................42
Sandgangers ..............................................................................................................................................43
Stingrays ....................................................................................................................................................44

Special Units .......................................................................................................................................... 45

Aqualops ....................................................................................................................................................45
Interceptors ...............................................................................................................................................47
Oceanic Trident Guard .............................................................................................................................48
Giant Crabs ................................................................................................................................................49
Lobstrosities ...............................................................................................................................................50
Tripoon Battery..........................................................................................................................................51

Rare Units .............................................................................................................................................. 52

Octobipods ................................................................................................................................................52
The Leviathan ............................................................................................................................................54
Octopus Giganteus ....................................................................................................................................55
Fortunis the Infinity Turtle ........................................................................................................................56


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Draft 5.0

The Nauticans
The deep ocean empire of Nautica was established many
thousands of years ago before the inhospitable surface world was
fully formed. The old Nautican Empire pre-dates the histories of
all the surface dwelling races and the very existence of the oldest
land based creatures. Indeed, the Nauticans have not even been
part of history until now!

The first incursion from the realms of Chaos was almost

cataclysmic for the Nauticans. Terrible underwater wars, for
which the Nauticans were ill prepared, were fought and Chaos
all but destroyed the once proud underwater civilisation. What
remained of the Nautican princes and nobles hid themselves in
deep ocean trenches, protected from the outside world with what
remained of their elemental magics.

As the ages passed the Nauticans established small princedoms

and provinces in secret places on the ocean beds beyond the
minds or imagination of any surface dweller or even the
Daemons of Chaos.

The Nauticans remained a small race, never again to achieve the

greatness of the old ocean empire. As the Chaos incursions ravaged the surface world the Nauticans were
ever vigilant and made every effort to protect the ocean floor and keep their presence in the world a
secret. For millenia the Nauticans were successful in their endeavours and they lived peacefully, learning
to work in alliance with ocean creatures and in unison with the natural ways of the deep. The Nauticans
nurtured a symbiotic relationship with the marine life around them and together they shared the fruits of
the seas and the protection that many .

Long the Nauticans lived in peace but the Chaos Gods had not forgotten the sea dwellers and their first
underwater wars. Lesser daemons and heralds were sent hither and thither and were ever intent on
searching out the hidden people of the ocean world. Thanks to the Mermaids and Sirens who sensed the
turn of evil some of the Nautican leaders were saved before their final underwater enclave was
discovered and the gates of Chaos opened. The tectonic plates parted under the Chaos pressures and the
Nauticans world was torn asunder by submarine quakes, devastating currents and grotesque underwater
daemons intent on reaping their foul God's will.

The deep had become uninhabitable, the Nauticans had no choice but to find safe dwellings in shallower
coastal waters, their survival depended on it. It was inevitable that the Nauticans would come into
contact with the surface dwellers.

The Nautican Form

The Nautican nobility and their people are bipods and are generally similar in stature to humans and
elves although just like other creatures of the deep their appearance is as variable as the oceans they

Typically a Nautican noble will stand slightly bowed but six feet in height when fully upright. Most
Nauticans have black eyes that can see deep into the dark ocean depths, their hands and feet are usually
webbed and they bear residual scales on their necks, wrists and ankles that all help to streamline their
bodies for ocean life.

Some Nauticans bear reptilian like spines on their backs and crests on their heads, these are seen as
marks of knowledge, wisdom and experience that may extend for up to a millenia in man years. The
Nautican's wide jaws host gills that they can use to breathe underwater or to syphon the surface air for
the short hours* they can survive out of water before they need to return for vital salts and nutrients.

The Nautican seers believe their race are the ancestors of the humans and the Elves and that the Nautican
people have some great part to play before the end of times when the seas will once again engulf the

* Nauticans are able to breathe the surface airs for several hours at a time albeit not comfortably. Their
presence on land is helped by the powerful elemental magic that surrounds the Nautican army and keeps
the air moist and cool.
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Draft 5.0

Nautican army allowances & special rules

Character Choices
Army Points Value Total Characters Max. Lords
Less than 2,000 3 0
2,000 or more 4 1
3,000 or more 6 2
4,000 or more 8 3
Each +1,000 +2 +1

Choosing Troops
Army Points Value Core Units Special Units Rare Units
Less than 2,000 2+ 0-3 0-1
2,000 or more 3+ 0-4 0-2
3,000 or more 4+ 0-5 0-3
4,000 or more 5+ 0-6 0-4
Each +1,000 +1 +0-1 +0-1

Army Wide rules:-

 Hate Daemons of Chaos Units

 Aquatic - treat all water features as open ground (Nauticans in water benefit from soft cover,
except for sandgangers that cannot occupy water features)
 All flaming attacks and flaming missiles (whatever their source) reduced by -1 strength
 Before deployment, after table sides have been chosen the Nautican player can place a water
feature (no larger than 6” in diameter anywhere within the Nautican deployment area)
 the army can summon a Sea Storm (see below) if it includes a Chanty singer

Seaborn rules

The Nautican army is a composite mix of a various sea creatures and Nautican peoples. Nauticans share
common characteristics and these are represented by the Seaborn rule which is noted in each unit's
special rules.*

* All units in the Nautican Army have the Seaborn rule except for Sandgangers which come from the
shores and not the seas. Special Characters have the seaborn rule if noted in their profile.

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Draft 5.0

Sea Storms

The Nautican player can declare at the beginning of the game that he is summoning a sea storm (if the
Army includes a Chanty Singer). If the Nautican player summons a Sea Storm then he sacrifices his
chance of going first and the opponent has the option of taking the first turn.*
* if both armies have sacrificed the option to choose who goes first then roll a D6 as normal.
To summon a Sea Storm place a marker on the board at the very beginning of the 1st Nautican turn (the
marker remains immovable for the duration of the storm). All enemy units with one or more models
within 12" of the marker at the beginning of each Nautican turn are affected as follows (while the storm

 All enemy BS -1
 Gunpowder weapons do not work on a D6 roll of 6* (test for each weapon fired).
 Enemy units’ basic move rate is reduced by 1 ** (flyers must pass a strength test to fly if they fail
they can only move at half of their movement rate)
 At the beginning of the battle, the Nautican player can cast a bound (power level 6) lightning
strike spell *** on one enemy unit which inflicts D6 str 4 hits.

* The storm has made the gunpowder wet.

** a roll of 6 is always a fail
*** Lore of Heavens : Forked Lightning

The storm always lasts for the whole of turn 1. Roll a d6 at the beginning of subsequent turns to see if the
storm continues....

Turns 2 & 3 : storm continues on roll of 3+

Turn 4 : storm always ends after turn 3

Sea Creature Origins - special rules

The Nauticans are comprised of Creatures and Nautican peoples from across the oceans, from the deep to
the very shores of their surface dwelling enemies. The sea people unite to protect their common interests,
the creatures are bound by Nautican magic to serve their Nautican masters.

Both creatures and peoples have different origins, these origins affect their natural abilities and translate
into very disparate battlefield abilites.

All Nauticans* are either from the Deep, the Reefs or the Shores.

* The Sea Creature Origin rules do not apply to all Special Characters (see their respective profiles).

Special Rules:-

Creatures of the deep

The Nauticans of the deep oceans live in an extremely inhospitable environment. The They are plagued
by denizens of the deep spawning around chaos vents leaking twisted magic into the seas. These
Nauticans are the most resilient of the Nautican creatures and their bodies have adapted to heal quickly.

Creatures from the Deep have a regeneration save of 5+

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Creatures of the Reefs (or "Reefers")

The Reef dwellers live in symbiotic harmony with the living coral about them. They are at one with the
conditions and they carry with them the magical essence of the coral environment.

On land, the living coral will form around "Reefers" who do not move. This provides some protection
from missile fire and makes "Reefers" move difficult to shift in close combat.

Creatures of the Reef who are not in combat and do not move in the movement phase benefit from soft
cover (-1 to hit for missile fire)

Creatures of the Reef gain +1 to their combat resolution* as coral forms around them and they become
more difficult for the enemy to dislodge.

* This benefit does not apply in the first turn of combat if the Reefer unit charged into combat.

Creatures of the Shores

The shoreline dwellers that reside in coastal inlets and shores are at one with tidal magic. They move
easily and quickly adapting to the changing tides and are ever the most battle ready of all Nautican units.

Creatures of the Shores can deploy 6 inches further into the battlefield (beyond the usual deployment
area for pitced battles)

Sea Creature Origins:-

Reef Shore Deep

Coral Hunters Wave Breakers

Core Units Crest Riders Sandgangers

Giant Crabs Interceptors

Special Units Lobstrosities
Aqualops Trident Guard

Rare Units Giant Octopus

Note: The Tripoon Battery is crewed by Wave Breakers which are Cretures of the Shore but because it is a war machine it does not
benefit from the advanced deployment rules.

Nautican Lords & Princes - Deep
Mermaids & Sirens - Deep

*not including special characters. Sea Creature Rules are noted in the Special Character's profiles where

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Army Special Equipment

Much of the Nautican equipment is unknown to the surface world. While some
weapons have clear equivalents like the Nautican sword or spear other weapons and
armour have special abilities not usually associated with weapons of their kind in the
armouries of the surface world.

The Oceanic Trident The Nautican Speargun

The oceanic diamond tipped trident is an Used primarily for underwater deep sea fishing
extremely rare but fearsome weapon due to it's these weapons adapted well to surface use and
reach and the barbed nature of the three forked were tipped with poison by the Nauticans. Their
diamond tipped spikes which glow white hot range is limited but they remain a versatile
and can never be blunted. This weapon is weapon which can deal with high toughness
imbued with elemental energy and emits a high enemies.
pitched ring when it is brought down into a
defensive position and the haft is driven into the 16 inches, strength 4, poisonous.
ground. It is also a formidable weapon against
both cavalry and armoured foot troops.
The Fisher Speargun
+1 strength, armour piercing, can be used in 2
ranks (except when charging) Designed for fishing in the shallows, the
weapon nonetheless remains effective on land.
The Sea Trident 16 inches, strength 3.
The sea trident is the common weapon of choice Clam Machete
for the Nautican elite warrior. It's reach and
light weight allows it to be used with a shield A specialist tool designed and used solely by the
and in two ranks like it's cousin the oceanic deep divers for prising open giant clams in
trident. This trident is however, in all respects, a search of their rare and precious rainbow
mundane weapon albeit a unique and powerful pearls. This single handed weapon has been
addition to the Nautican armoury adapted into a formidable machete like weapon
capable of tearing apart light armour and
+1 strength, can be used in 2 ranks (except cleaving shields in two. However, the clam
when charging) machete's highly honed edge is soon blunted by
modern metal armour that is designed to absorb

strength +1 and armour piercing in 1st round

of each combat.

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Leviathan Scale Shields Scalemail
The Leviathan was thought to be a mythological This is a light chainmail like armour which is
beast by the surface dwellers found only in sewed together from giant scaled fish that
sailors songs and in tales to frighten children traverse the deep uncharted waters in ocean
away from the water. The Nauticans, from bitter trenches unknown to the surface world. The
years of experience, know this not to be the mail illuminates the deep oceans and wards off
case. predators and attracts other fish which
congregate in giant shoals that can even be seen
The Leviathan was the scourge of the Nautican as small pin pricks of light on the ocean surface.
Empire while it was in it's prime and before
Chaos arrived. Indeed, some of the wise said the The scales and light they emit is so bright on the
emergence of the underwater behemoth was the surface world that any enemy seeking to strike a
first sign that Chaos had forced it's way into the Nautican wearing scalemail suffers -1 to hit.
The mail acts as light armour 6+ save.
The Nauticans defended themselves from "The
Beast" with strong elemental magic that, over
millennia, the Leviathan became resistant to.

Leviathan Scale shields provide a 5+ armour

save* and Magic Resistance (1).

* Leviathan shields do not provide an armour

save against attacks which ignore armour saves.

Clam Shields

Few materials in the known world are harder

than a clam shield. Even the Dwarfs would
wonder at their toughness if they could only
swim and retrieve some of the rare giant clams
from which the shields are harvested.

It is in fact dangerous to strike one of the

nobility's great clam shields because it does not
absorb the full energy of the strike but rebounds
it on the assailant.

Clam Shields* provide a 5+ armour save

* clam shields do not provide an armour save

against attacks which ignore armour saves.

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Aqua Lore (Magic) and Spellcasters

Each Nautican Spell caster can choose a single Note: when you see "Siren" below, please take
Lore from the Lore of Light, Lore of Life, Lore of this to mean Mermaid as well.
Heavens or Aqua Lore.

Aqua Lore
Spell Generation
The Nautican spellcasters are exclusively
female. They are rare and mostly shy but Roll a d6 to randomly generate:-
sometimes venture to the surface waters to sate
their curiosity about the "land beings". Many 1 - Waterblast
stories are told about these beautiful spellcasters 2 - Symbol of the Southern Ocean
which surface dwellers call by the names of 3 - Sea Surge
Muses, Sirens and Mermaids. Many races fear 4 - The Dead Seas of Time
the Sirens saying they deliberately draw their 5 - Summon Water Elemental
ships onto rocks enchanting the sailors with 6 - Tidal Wave
their songs. Others say the Sirens are friendly
and have rescued drowning mariners. Little else
is known about the Sirens on the surface world The Sea Sirens and Mermaids float atop ever
except that powerful elemental magic always present magical waves and join the Nauticans
follows in their wake. in their quest to inhabit the shallows and
colonise coastal bays away from the terrors of
the deep.

1 - Waterblast (Casting Power 5+)

A powerful blast of sea water surges from the

spellcaster's fingertips at astonishing speed to
crash into enemies foolish enough to approach
within range. The power of the water is such
that is hits the enemy like a solid wall. Those
that do not succumb to the sheer force of the
blast are often drowned or incapacitated as the
water fills their lungs.

Target any unit in line of sight within 18". The

unit suffers d6 str2 hits with no armour save

2 - Symbol of the Southern Ocean

(casting power 6+)

Sirens and Mermaids have a close affinity with

all of the creatures of the seas, those within it
and those that live upon and around it. When
the Sirens sing the melody of ocean breeze, the
giant albatross will answer and come to their

This spell can be cast upon any unmounted

friendly Nautican character that is not engaged
in combat, is within 18" of the Siren and has a
starting profile wounds characteristic of 3 or
less. The giant albatross will swoop down and
Spellcaster Special Rules lift the character, moving it anywhere within
20" of it's original position (even directly into
Sea Sirens (levels 1 & 2 magic users) combat, in which case the Nautican counts as
Mermaids (levels 3 & 4 magic users) charging in the following combat phase).

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3 - Sea Surge (casting power 8+)

The crest of a wave is summoned to drive the Nautican army into the fray.

Target any friendly unit with the Seaborn rule within 18" (no line of sight is required). The unit is
immediately moved 2d6 inches directly forward*. If this results in contact with the enemy then resolve
combat in the next phase as though the Nautican unit had charged**, the only allowable enemy charge
reactions are "hold" or "flee."

* no unit can be moved more than once with the Sea Surge spell per Nautican magic phase
** the Nautican unit is not subject to any charge related psychology tests.

4 - The Dead Seas of Time (casting power 8+)

Through song and dance the Siren conjures up images of the dead seas where no being or thing can
survive. A highly corrosive salt covers everything and instantly eats into the enemy's skin, scales, armour
and weapons alike. The salt is not lethal but very painful and distracting

Target any enemy unit within 18" that the caster can see, the unit's armour save, weapon skill and bow
skill are all reduced by -1 for the remainder of the battle. Casting this spell more than once on a unit has
no additional effect.

5 - Summon Water Elemental (casting power : 10+)

In times of dire need and usually only for their own protection a Siren can use great powers to animate
water elementals to do their bidding. The concentration required for such a feat is great and exhausting
and the elemental's existence in this world is a fragile one held in place only by the great will of the
Nautican spellcaster.

A Siren within 18” of a Water feature may summon a water elemental.

The elemental must remain within 8" of the caster at all times, if for
any reason this distance is increased then the elemental waters will
immediately dissipate into the ground and become but a puddle !

Only a single elemental can be controlled at any one time by the

Nautican Army.

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
4 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 8

Base Size : 40 x 40mm

Special : Stubborn, Drown, Elemental Singularity

The Water elemental attacks by attempting to drown it's enemies in a torrent of water and
punches with watery fists as hard as iron that can smash stone and bones alike. Armour is of
small help against a water elemental.

Elemental Singularity:-
A water elemental cannot coexist in the presence of it's equal and opposite fire elemental or any
part of it (even a single ember)

A water elemental will be immediately banished and cease to exist if it is hit (not necessarily
wounded) by any kind of flaming attack whatsoever.

Mermaid & Water Elemental from :-

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6 - Tidal Wave (casting power 13+) The spell is equally effective against the undead
(even though they cannot be drowned) because
the wave is infused with Nautican magic that
cleanses the unnatural sorcery that binds the
undead to the living world. The longer the
undead are held under the waters the more
damage that is done.

The tidal wave emanates from the caster and

affects all enemy units wholly or partly within
18" of the caster whether or not they are
engaged in combat.*

within 6” – d6 str 5 hits

>6” - 12” – d6 str 4 hits
>12” - 18” – d6 str 3 hits

Any low level obstacles such as hedges and

walls are completely destroyed if a tidal wave
hits them.

The most powerful and deadly of all the Siren * Tidal Waves can be cast into combat because
spells. The raw unadulterated power of the seas Nauticans suffer no ill effects from being hit by
is captured in a tidal wave. A power that can a tidal wave, they sense it coming, can breathe
sweep across the battlefield destroying all in it's underwater and are literally in their element !
path. Enemies encumbered by armour or heavy,
scaly skin and cavalry are particularly
vulnerable because they are less able or totally
unable to rise above the wave, they are literally
pinned to the ground and are crushed and
drown where they stand. Likewise, those
inanimate objects which not designed to
function underwater are more readily damaged,
flooded or rendered inoperable.

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Lord Level Characters

Nautican Lord
The Nautican Lords are at the pinnacle of the Nautican civilisation in regards to nobility, honour and
wisdom. The Nautican peoples gladly answer their rallying call in times of war.

Points/model: 105 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Nautican Lord 4 6 5 4 4 3 7 4 9

Equipment: hand weapon

Options: may have a great weapon (+8 pts) or an Oceanic Trident (+8 pts) or a Clam Machete (+6 pts)
or an additional hand weapon (+8 pts)

May have a Nautican speargun (+8 pts)

May wear Scalemail (+12 pts), Leviathan Shield (+35 pts) or Clam Shield (+18 pts)

May ride in a Royal Chariot (+110 pts) or on The Great White Titan (+80 pts)

May choose up to 100 pts or magic items from the Common or Nautican magic items list.

Special Rules: Seaborn

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King of the Seas

Sometimes known as the elemental father, the King of the Seas is the last remaining ocean sentinel. He
despises all land based creatures and denies them all access to his oceanic world. The King stands over 20
feet tall and is the most feared sea dweller. The Nauticans fight for the King of the Seas rather than him
fighting for them.

Points/model: 490 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
King of the Seas 6 7 6 7 5 5 3 4 10

Equipment: The First Trident, Natural Scale Mail

Special Rules: Seaborn (hates all non-Nautican enemies),

Royalty, Causes Terror, Stubborn, Large Target

The First Trident

Forged of ancient elemental wave magic unknown to the
surface world. The First Trident ignores all magic armour
(but not other magic items) which enhances the wearer's
armour save or provide a ward or regeneration save.
Magic armour is therefore treated as mundane armour of
the same type. Additionally, enemies that can regenerate
can only do so on a 5+ (rather than the usual 4+)

Natural Scale Mail:-

The King's lower body is a hard scaled fin that extends well
over 20 feet when fully stretched. The fin and the
underlying muscle is almost impenetrable to many land
based weapons. The King's upperbody has a human like
appearance, deceptively resistant to the land based winds
of magic.

Magic Resistance (2), Armour save 2+, Ward Save 4+

If the King leads an army he is automatically the army
general. The King is of great power and ancient nobility, it
is beneath him to join a unit and he will never join a unit
irrespective of the circumstances facing him.

Image used with permission

The King of the Seas at

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The Guardian of Time

The Guardian of Time is a sea dweller of completely unknown origin and purpose. As far as the
Nauticans are concerned he is timeless and has always dwelt in the deep. The Guardian of time cannot be
killed, when defeated in combat his spirit leaves the battlefield and returns to an earlier time to weave
future events to his liking.

Points/model: 425 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Guardian of Time 6 4 3 6 6 5 5 5 9

Equipment: Huge Anchor Chains, The Anchor of Time

Special Rules: Anchor Bound, Loner, Large Target, Terror

Huge Anchor Chains:-

These chains have been the death of countless enemies, the Guardian uses them in close combat to lash
and throttle his enemies.

1. Lash - the Guardian can stand and shoot using the chains, range 8 inches, d6 str 6 hits.
2. Throttle - the Guardian can forego his usual attacks and attempt to wrap the chains like a noose
around a single enemy model (of any size !) in base to base contact. The Guardian makes his
throttle atempt before combat begins but after impact hits. If the Guardian passes an initiative
test and the enemy fails their initiative test then the enemy is trapped in a chain noose and
immediately suffers d3 str 6 automatic hits.

At the beginning of each subsequent combat phase the entrapped model must pass a strength
test to break free (a roll of 6 is a failed str test) or suffer a d3 str 6 automatic hits. The entrapped
enemy cannot attack the Guardian of Time until it breaks free. An enemy that breaks free can
attack in that combat phase and can be attacked normally by the Guardian.

* while using the throttle attack other enemies automatically hit The Guardian of Time in close

The Anchor of Time (50 x 50mm base):-

This is not a weapon or armour but a unique gigantic immovable relic in

the shape of a ship's anchor that materialises anywhere within the
Nautican's deployment zone and within 6 inches of the Guardian at the
beginning of each battle.

The Anchor is of unfathomable weight and a gravitational protection

surrounds all units within 6 inches. The units cannot be targetted by war
machine weaponry as the rocks, cannon balls, bolts and lead shot is pulled
towards the anchor and absorded into it's mass. Other ranged weaponry
targeted at units within 6 inches of the anchor are at -1 to hit, as though
the units were within soft cover.

The Anchor is utterly indestructable and immovable, it will instantly disappear for the remainder of the
battle if the Guardian of Time is destroyed or moves more than 12" away from it.

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Anchor Bound:-

The Guardian is Stubborn whist within 12" of the Anchor (which remains stationary throughout the

The Anchor's pure size and weight absorbs the residual magical energies on the battlefield like a giant
whirlpool. A Nautican army including the Guardian of Time gains 1 extra power dice and 1 extra dispel
dice (while the Guardian remains alive and within 12" of the Anchor). The power dice can only be used
by a friendly spellcaster within 12 inches of the Anchor.


The Guardian may never join a unit or be the army's general, he has his own mysterious agenda.

For a suitable Guardian of Time miniature try

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Creatures of exquisite, enchanting beauty, Mermaids radiate an aura of unadulterated grace. Few of the
good can bear to look into a Mermaid's eyes and suffer the reflection of their own conscience. Even evil
enemies are left confused and disorientated in a mermaid's presence.

Points/model: 205 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Mermaid 4 3 3 3 4 3 5 1 9

Magic: Level 3 spellcaster, can be upgraded to Level 4 for +35 pts.

Equipment: may choose up to 100pts of magic items for the common or

Nautican list

May ride The Eternal Wave (+100 pts)

Special Rules: Seaborn, Peerless Beauty, Ocean Grace, Sole Legend

Mermaids can choose one of the following lores of magic :-

Aqua Lore, Lore of Light, Lore of Life or Lore of Heavens

Peerless Beauty :-

Enemies can barely bring themselves to attack a Mermaid. Civilized

races find themselves restrained for virtuous reasons, evil creatures for
the fear of the heavenly consequences (unthinking creatures simply do
not see any reason to attack a mermaid, it would be akin to striking a
flower with a mace - pointless)

Mermaids can only be attacked in hand to hand combat if the attacker passes a leadership test -2. * If the
Mermaid is operating independently or has joined a unit and is being selectively targetted by a missile
weapon (a hochland long rifle for example) then the ranged missile unit must take a leadership test -2 to
fire upon her. If the Mermaid has joined a unit the enemy does not have to take a leadership test to fire
upon the unit as a whole (even if, for instance, an area effect template could result in the mermaid being
wounded or killed).

* spellcasters (ie models allowed to take arcane items) and units immune to psychology can see through
the mystical presence of the mermaid to the threat that lies beneath and do not need to take a leadership

Ocean Grace :-

Mermaids are able to manipulate the waves of magic like no others, their only peers on the surface world
are the High Elves and the Slann.

Miscast rule – if a miscast is rolled then roll another dice. The miscast is ignored on a roll of 5 or 6

Sole Legend :-
While Mermaids possess great strength of mind and will they are naturally reclusive and are reluctant to
join most units, preferring to rely on their own wits.
Mermaids only be field alone or in a unit of Trident Guard.

Image from

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Draft 5.0

Hero Level Characters

Nautican Prince
The Nautican Princes are trained and nurtured from early age to turn them into true leaders of their
people. They are honourable, tactically aware and have the admiration of all Nautica.

Points/model: 65 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Nautican Prince 4 5 4 4 4 2 6 3 8

Equipment: hand weapon

Options: may have a great weapon (+5 pts) or an Oceanic Trident (+5 pts) or a Clam Machete (+4 pts)
or an additional hand weapon (+4 pts)

May have a Nautican speargun (+5 pts)

May wear Scalemail (+8 pts), Leviathan Shield (+25 pts) or Clam Shield (+12 pts)

May ride in a Royal Chariot (+110 pts) or on The Great White Titan (+80 pts)

May choose up to 50 pts or magic items from the Common or Nautican magic items list.

Special Rules: Seaborn

Battle Standard Bearer - if the army does not include a Chanty Singer* then one Nautican Prince can
carry the Battle Standard onto the field of combat (for +25 pts). The standard bearer cannot take any
magical items if he chooses a magical standard (which can be of any points cost). The Battle Standard
Bearer cannot be the army's General even if he has the highest leadership.

* a Chanty Singer must be included in the army for the Nauticans to benefit from the Sea Storms rule (see
Nautican Army Special Rules)

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Draft 5.0

Chanty Singer
Nautican Generals often employ Chanty Singer Battle Standard Bearers in their forces. The Chanty singer
is not as adept in close combat as the equivalent Nautican Prince standard bearers but they make up for
this deficit with the rousing mystical chants and their power to bring Sea Storms into battle

Points/model: 85 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Chanty Singer 4 4 3 3 4 2 5 2 8

Equipment: hand weapon

No armour or equipment options.

Special Rules: Seaborn, Sings for Pleasure

Sings for Pleasure:-

A Chanty Singer will uncontrollably chant and sing throughout the course of a battle. These songs cannot
be heard whilst a Sea Storm is in progress but will have the following effects on all friendly units within
12 inches when the storm ceases.

roll a d6 at the beginning of each Nautican Turn:-

 1-2 - tale sorrow, Nautican units with the Seaborn rule suffer -1 to their leadership
 3-4 - fable of the deep, Nautican units with the Seaborn rule add +1 to their leadership
 5-6 - echoes of mighty glories, Nautican units with the Seaborn rule add +1 to their leadership
and re-roll missed hits in combat

* Leadership cannot be raised above 10

Battle Standard Bearer: if a Chanty Singer is taken he automatically becomes the army's battle standard
bearer and cannot take any magic items whatsoever (including magical banners) or any armour or
special weaponry into battle.

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Draft 5.0

Zharc is renowned amongst the Nautican race for his hunting exploits
in the deep, he operates alone in the oceans and is credited with
awesome feats of hunting prowess.

Points/model: 210pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Zharc 5 6 0 6 4 3 5 4 8

Base Size: 40mm x 40mm

Equipment: Great White Shark Tooth armband

Special Rules: Seaborn, Creature of the Deep, Causes Fear, Armour

Piercing Teeth, Scaly Skin (4+), Wereshark Frenzy, Stubborn, Shark

Great White Shark Tooth armband:-

Zharc has lived for hundreds of years and has faced and survived many extremely dangerous, life
threatening encounters in the deep. He fought and killed the mightiest Great White shark that ever swam
the oceans with his bare hands. The encounter lasted three days and Zharc emerged half shark, half
Nautican. The Weresharks are his offspring.

The armband made from the teeth of the Great White Shark fortifies Zharc's nerves and makes him

Wereshark Frenzy

Unable to contain his voracious appetitie, Zharc becomes stronger and more ferocious as he gets a taste
for his opponents blood.

Unlike normal frenzy, Zharc is not granted an automatic additional attack. Instead, he gets an additional
strength 7 attack for every unsaved wound inflicted on his enemy from his normal attacks in each round
of combat.*

Like normal Frenzy, if Zharc is beaten in combat the frenzy is lost for the remainder of the battle.

* If Zharc joins a unit of Weresharks resolve his Wereshark Frenzy separately from the unit's. The unit
does not get any additional attacks from unsaved wounds caused by Zharc and Zharc does not get any
additional attacks from unsaved wounds caused by the Wereshark unit.

Shark Father

Zharc can operate alone or lead a unit of Weresharks (his children) into combat. He will never join a
unit of "non-Weresharks."

A single unit of Weresharks lead into battle by Zharc counts as a special unit choice rather than a rare
unit choice.

miniature from

Painted by (

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Draft 5.0

K' Li Mare
The Nautcians entice K' Li Mare to do their bidding because it is the only Octobipod they are aware of
that possesses any kind of sentient intelligence. The Nauticans believe K'Li Mare is a female octopus
although it's be difficult to tell without getting dangerously close ! "She" appears to be some kind of
matriarch in the Octobipod world with the ability to direct and control others of her kind.

Points: 115 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
K' Li Mare 6 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 7

(* K' Li Mare is a Blue Ring Octopus and

while "she" shares the same profile as an
Octobipod her venom exudes from all her
pores and is more toxic than other
Octobipods. A Blue Ring's poison wounds
automatically on a 'To Hit' roll of 5+)

Base size 40 x 40mm

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Seaborn, Creature of the Reef,

Causes Fear, Poisonous (and immunity to
poison), Grapple, Matriarch, Melanin Cloud,
Slippery When Wet !


Eight tentacles and two arms make an

Octobipod very difficult to attack. Even the
most skilful of enemies will find their striking
and blocking impeded by the flailing tentacles
of an Octobipod that will attempt to wrest Melanin Cloud
shields, weapons and armour from it's foe.
K' Li Mare is permanently shrouded in an inky
Shields are easily clasped, deflected or prised mist that extends several feet in all directions.
away by a creature with 8 tentacles. For the
purposes of close combat, treat any enemy This bestows -1 to hit from missile fire for both
bearing a shield as though they do not have a K' Li Mare and any Octobipod unit she joins.
Slippery When Wet !
Because Octobopids are so difficult to attack
enemies suffer -1 to hit in close combat. Octobipods have three hearts and a lot of arms
that impede even the most expert killers. not
Matriarch only that but Octobipods are extremely
K' Li Mare can operate alone or lead a unit of
Octobipods into battle in which case they can Like other Octobipods and Blue Rings, K' Li
be taken as a Special Unit rather than a Rare Mare is immune to "Killing Blows", such attacks
unit. This is in addition to the special unit of count as normal attacks*
Octobipods that can be taken if the army
includes an Octopus Giganteus. Note however * this does not apply to the Wood Elves' "Killing
that this does not increase the number of special Shot" or any other "Killing Blow" ranged
units that the army is limited to. weapon.

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Draft 5.0

Zheala is homeopathic healer, a female Nautican capable of reviving and rehabilitating other Nauticans.

Points/model: 135 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Zheala 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 8

Equipment: hand weapon

Special Rules: Seaborn, Healer, Nautican Benevolence

Healer :-

Female Nauticans are the healers of the Nautican world.

Zheala is the most adept and accomplished using fast
acting homeopathic treatments to quickly and sometimes
instantly cure ills and battlefield wounds.

 All models with the seaborn rule in a unit

including Zheala have a regeneration save of 4+
(except for models which already have a better
regen save)

 Poisonous attacks have no effect on a Nautican

unit which includes Zheala

 Zheala must be in the front rank for the unit to

benefit from her presence

Nautican Benevolence:-

Zheala is a lover of the common Nautican and and will only join units of Wave Breakers, Tide Watchers
or Trident Guard.

Image from

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Draft 5.0

Vortex "the Water Shield"

Vortex is not of the Nautican race or akin to any of the sentient beings in the world. She may be the last
known Ashray to occupy the deeps and is certainly the only one that can dwell, for short periods, upon
the surface world under the gaze of it's sun.

Vortex is wholly a water entity, she is translucent and those who have seen her up close have even
noticed small fish swimming within her form. Her presence would be barely perceptible to the naked eye
if it were not for the swirling water circling her body reflecting the dangerous light frequencies that
could destroy her.

When at peace and from a distance Vortex appears like a rainbow in the gloom of Nautican mists. When
in battle Vortex summons a whirling mass of water around her and any unit she is with. The waters
accelerate with terrifying speed, digging up the earth and rocks beneath it until it appears as a whirlpool
capable of battering the life (or unlife !) from any enemy coming into contact with it.

No one knows where Vortex comes from or where her purpose lay. The Nauticans believe her fate is
interwoven with their own for good or ill and that is why she will appear, on occassion, to aid the
Nauticans in their time of need.

Points/model: 170 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Vortex "The Fateful" * 1 - 1 1 10 1 - 9

Unit Size: 1 (20x20mm base size)

Saves: Ward Save 5+

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Whirlpool, Water Shield

Vortex must accompany a unit of Wavebreakers or Trident guard, she can never leave the unit she
started the battle with. If the unit fless or is detroyed Vortex instantly vanishes.


The pace of the whirlpool gathers in speed and it's ferocity intensifies as enemies near. The full savagery
of the seas are met upon the enemy's ranks as waters and detritus pound their bodies when they come
into contact with Vortex or her unit.

The whirlpool is incredibly difficult to control, even for Vortex. The waves of magic in the water ebb and
flow in unpredictable ways meaning that a whirlpool that just tore the arm from a Varghulf may seconds
later appear calm before once again smashing into the enemy.

The following rules apply to every combat phase involving Vortex and/or her unit.

After impact hits, at the very beginning of each combat phase (both Nautican and the enemy's),
determine if Vortex is able to control the Whirlpool:-

Roll 2d6...

1) if the result is equal or less than Vortex's remaining wounds then the waters are under control. The
result of this 2d6 dice roll also determines the number of automatic hits the enemy will suffer.

The strength of the hits = the Nautican unit's rank bonus (max 3)

2) if the 2d6 roll is higher than Vortex's remaining wounds then she instantly vanishes, unable to control
the waves of magic any longer. Vortex plays no further part in the battle and Victory Points are awarded
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Draft 5.0

to the enemy as though they had destroyed her with their own hands (or claws !). The unit which Vortex
was a part of no longer benefits from the effect of any of the special abilities associated with Vortex.

Water Shield

The vast torrent of waters circling Vortex and the unit she accompanies not only act as a shield but also
make it dangerous and difficult for enemies to maneuver in combat and take advantage of flank and rear

The weight of enemy rank and file troops may continue to bear down upon the Nautican unit but due to
the torrents of water obscuring their vision of the battlefield they are unaware whether they are
outnumbered or not. As a result, the Nautican unit does not suffer the consequences that knowing they
are outnumbered sometimes proffers.

Enemies gain no combat resolution bonus for flank, rear attacks or outnumbering.

Vortex's unit does not automatically flee when defeated by an enemy it fears that outnumbers it. Test like
a normal break test against a feared enemy that does not outnmuber the Nautican unit.

Vortex and her unit benefit from soft cover for enemy missile fire purposes.

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Draft 5.0

The largest, boldest, most intelligent and leader-like of Sprats found in the Nautican realm. Zu-Xhi is the
only somewhat reliable Sprat that the other Nautican peoples have ever come close to "trusting" (with a
very small "t").

Points/model: 50 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Zu-Xhi 5 3 4 3 3 2 5 3 6

Equipment: Spear, Nautican Speargun (poisonous)

Options: Zu-Xhi can take a single enchanted item into battle which can be either Limpet Mix or the Seeds
of Maze Weed at a cost of 25pts.

Special Rules: Seaborn, "Small Fry", No Safety in Numbers !, A Bigger Fish !

"Small Fry"

Other Nauticans look down on all sprats

(literally), they are seen as being dispensable Zu-Xhi can lead a unit of up to 20 Coral
and almost inconsequential. Nauticans expect Hunters or Crest Riders or can operate alone.
"Sprats" to be easily wiped out or flee from
combat. Units lead by Zu-Xhi can ignore their Anarchic
rule while Zu-Xhi lives.
Nautican units never suffer panic as a result of
the poor performance of "Sprats" on the A "Sprat" unit lead by Zu-Xhi can switch
battlefield. This includes a "Sprat" unit being (reform) between skirmish and normal rank
destroyed, breaking from combat or a unit of and file formation at will at the beginning of a
"Sprats" fleeing through a friendly unit. new Nautican turn*. Reposition the unit into
rank or skirmish formation around the most
No Safety in Numbers ! central sprat in the unit. The unit cannot
otherwise move in the same movement phase
(a unit lead by Zu-Xhi cannot join another unit (unless forced to do so) but the unit can fire in
of "Sprats". If Zu-Xhi leaves the unit or is killed the shooting phase and counts as having moved
then the unit can join others as though it were (ie -1 to hit).
any other ordinary "Sprat" unit. See respective
Coral Hunter / Crest Rider Safety In Number * notes:-
1) if Zu-Xhi leads a unit of Crest Riders they
must be in rank and file formation before being
A Bigger Fish ! able to declare a Breaking Wave Charge (see
Crest Rider rules).
Zu-Xhi is probably the only sprat in history
who could be described as organised, in a very 2) a unit of Crest Riders must start the battle in
disorderly "sprattish" way but organised enough rank and file formation. A unit of Coral Hunters
to be able to muster a unit of coral hunters or can adopt a skirmish formation form the very
crest riders and actually get them to obey his outset of the battle.

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Draft 5.0

The Coastal Hermit

Not a Nautican but a fervent protector of the coastal regions and it's
fauna and flora. The Hermit has formed a mystical alliance with coastal
wildlife and will lend his services to the Nauticans because he
perceives them to be allies in his eternal pursuit to conserve natural

Points/model: 100 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Coastal Hermit 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 8

Equipment: Two handed Staff of Summoning (treat as great weapon)

Special Rules: Loner (cannot join a unit), Impossible to spot (additional

-1 to hit for missile fire)

Staff of Summoning (bound item : casting power 4) :-

In times of great need the hermit can summon help from the wildlife
about him. The hermit can use any of the below bound spells in the
Nautican magic phase, he cannot use the same spell in consecutive
turns. Roll a d6 before using the staff to summon, on a roll of 1 the
power of the staff is not great enough to use that turn.

1. Snatch and Soar - the hermit summons a giant albatross to snatch any enemy model, within 18
inches and in line of sight, from it's unit and remove the enemy model from the battlefield
(presumably to be dunked into the nearest sea or fed to the chicks !).
This spell can only be cast against models with 1 wound on their starting profile. If the targetted
unit has missile weapons it can make a stand and shoot reaction (at the usual -1 to hit) to
attempt to slay the albatross before it plucks a member of their unit. If the albatross is slain then
it cannot be summoned again during the battle.

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Giant Albatross - 3 - - 5 1* - - -

The targetted enemy model can either attempt to kill the albatross by using his normal attack(s) or
can take a strength test on d6+2 to avoid being snatched.

2. Call Gulls - This spell can be cast against any enemy unit within 24 inches and line of sight of
the hermit, the spell can be cast into combat. The Gulls are summoned to harry enemy units and
cannot be killed like an albatross, there are simply too many of them and they are too difficult to
hit. If the spell is not dispelled then the target unit will suffer -1 Ws, -1 Bs and -1 Initiative until
the end of the Nautican player's turn.

3. Coastal Mists (remains in play) - This spell can be cast against any unengaged friendly unit
within 18 inches no line of sight is required. The Mists surround the unit until the beginning of
the next Nautican magic phase. Enemies targeting the unit with missile weapons using their Bs
suffer -1 to hit.* The mist is not dense enough to have any effect for the purposes of close

* does not affect missile weapons that do not use Ballistic Skill

Miniature from (Galladon)

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Draft 5.0

Sirens are similar to Mermaids in form with a fish like tail and Nautican
like upper body largely covered with scales and small fins that allows
them to glide gracefully through the seas. Sirens scour the seas looking
for contact with surface dwellers to sate their curiosity about the air
breathers. These magic users sing medolic enchantments that bewilder
and confuse those that do not understand the bewildering nature of the

Points/model: 115 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Siren 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 8

Magic: Level 1 spellcaster, can be upgraded

to Level 2 for +35 pts.

Equipment: may choose up to 50pts of

magic items for the common or Nautican

May ride The Eternal Wave (+100 pts)

Special Rules: Seaborn, Enchanting Dream

Sirens can choose one of the following lores

of magic :-
Aqua Lore, Lore of Light, Lore of Life or Lore
of Heavens

Enchanting Dream :-

The Siren's songs of sorrow, joy, fear,

heroism, virtue, patience, recklessness and
wrath confuse and bewilder enemies within
ear shot. Conversely, the same songs fill
Nauticans with pride and spur them on to
greater deads of valour.

Sirens can only be attacked (in close

combat) if the attacker passes a leadership
test. *

The siren adds +1 to the combat resolution

of a Nautican unit if she is positioned in the
front rank.

* spellcasters (ie models allowed to take

arcane items) and units immune to
psychology can see through the mystical
presence of the mermaid to the threat that
lies beneath and do not need to take a
leadership test.

Image from

Siren painted by Pascal Rooze (available for commission work :
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Draft 5.0

Nautican Character "Mounts"

The Nauticans do not field conventional cavalry like many other armies. The Nautican commanders do
however recognise the importance of being able to traverse the battlefield at some speed. As such, the
Nautican commanders have fashioned in their own manner magically enhanced means to take the fight
to their enemies and provide support to their "foot soldiers".

Options available for Nautican Lords and Heroes:-

Royal Chariot (110 pts)

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Royal Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - -
Trident Guard Captain 4 4 - 4 - - 5 2 8
Two Hippocamps* 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 -

Armour Save: 4+, Magic Resistance (1)

Scythes, Oceanic Trident & Scalemail for
Trident Guard Captain

Special Rules: Seaborn

*Sea Horses
(resembling normal horses with fish-like

The Great White Titan (80 pts)

A giant Great White shark that was raised by the Nauticans
specifically for the purpose of hunting daemonic denizens of the
deep. The White Titan is a formiddable opponent once it has
tasted it's enemy's blood. The powerful magics of the nautican
council of mermaids and sirens keep the titan suspended in
everlasting ethereal waters allowing it to "swim" across a
battlefield at great speed with it's master mounted on top above the waves.

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
The Great White Titan 7 4 - 5 4 3 2 2 4
Special Rules: Bloody Frenzy, Scaly skin 4+, Causes Fear, Armour Piercing Teeth, MR (1)

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Draft 5.0

Bloody Frenzy

Once the White Titan has caused an unsaved wound on an ememy it becomes Frenzied for the remainder
of the battle. This frenzy is never lost even if the White Titan is beaten in combat.

For every unsaved wound the Great White Titan causes in it's first round of attacks during each combat
phase it may make 2 additional attacks.

"Monstrous Mount"

The Great White Titan follows all the rules for monstrous mounts.

The is only one White Titan so only one can be included in a Nautican Army.

Options available for Mermaids and Sirens

The Eternal Wave (100 pts)

A single mermaid or siren can go into battle on the crest of

The Eternal Wave. This elemental force acts as a monstrous
mount holding the spellcaster some 15 feet above the
battlefield. The wave it totally indestructible only the death of
the Mermaid or Siren will banish the wave.

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
The Eternal Wave 20 - - 4 - - - - -

Special Rules: Flyer, Breaking Wave, Magic Resistance (2), Held Aloft, +1 army dispel dice

If the Mermaid or Siren is part of a unit then
The Wave allows the Mermaid or Siren to move she descends to ground level and is treated like
across the battlefield in the same way as a flyer any other normal character that is part of a
except that it cannot pass over enemy units. unit. If she leaves the unit then the Eternal
Wave immediately swells again and holds her
Breaking Wave aloft.

If the Mermaid or Siren charges into combat the While being held aloft the Mermaid or Siren
wave crashes down into the enemy causing d6 benefits as being in soft cover.
str 4 hits.
"Monstrous Mount"
Held Aloft
The Wave follows the rules for monstrous
While independent from a unit the Mermaid or mounts in relation to distributing hits from
Siren floats several feet above the ground which shooting. If the Mermaid or Siren is slain the
provides her with full line of sight over both wave immediately disappears.
friendly and enemy units. This also means the
mermaid or siren is in line of sight of the enemy *Only one Eternal Wave can be included in a
in the same way as a Large Target (although the Nautican Army
enemy do not gain a +1 to hit for missile fire).

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Draft 5.0

Magic Items

Magic Weapons
Nautimo's Leviathan Vanquisher (75pts) the sword. If the Nautican is killed in the
following combat phase then he/she is
Prince Nautimo was the son of a Nautican King immediately restored to life with d3+1 wounds*
and heir apparent. The Prince was the King's
most accomplished and loved son and he was * this can take him above the number of
entrusted with many of the greater affairs of wounds on his / her starting profile.
state. Prince Nautimo travelled far and wide in
his time as the Kingdom's principal emissary. He ** the sword's power can only be unleashed
ventured ever further abroad for months at a once per battle but counts as a magic weapon
time and ever deeper in search of his kin from for the whole battle.
which his people were sundered during the
catalysmic Daemonic Wars.
Sea Staff (45pts, bound item power level 5)
Nautimo is credited with the greatest
underwater display of individual heroism in A solid magical shaft consisting entirely of sea
Nautican history. He mortally wounded a water held together by elemental water magic.
Leviathan and chased it back to the deep before
perishing from his injuries. While much of his The Sea Staff is a magic weapon which also
great victory is remembered in the Nautican bestows the ability to cast the Waterblast spell.
history books as a result of his valour, his The bearer cannot carry any additional magical
enchanted trident played no small part. items if they carry the staff because the staff is
so sensitive to other magic.
Oceanic Trident (+1 str, armour piercing)
After the staff has been used roll a d6, on a roll
Always hits and wounds on a minimum of 3+* of 1 or 2 the staff's power has been drained and
irrespective of any other modifiers (armour it cannot be used again for the duration of the
saves taken as normal). battle.

Each unsaved wound on any enemy with the

Large Target rule causes not 1 but d3 wounds. Swordfish Broadsword (45 pts)

* or better if the bearer's strength and target's A light and powerful great weapon that moves
toughness would ordinarily give a lower "to and strikes with the same grace, speed and
wound" roll requirement. power of it's ocean namesake.

Great weapon, d3 wounds

Life Saver (50pts, Life Power one use)

A regal Nautican heirloom, the sword was Snake o’ Nine Tails (40 pts)
retrieved from the charred and defiled bed
chambers of a Nautican queen in waiting. A nine thronged lash of venomous sea snake
Realising that the Daemonic hordes had heads. 9 str 2, poisonous attacks*.
breached the Royal quarters and her life was
now forfeit the Princess had thrown herself * replaces bearer's attacks.
onto the blade rather than be carried away and
used as a Daemonic plaything.This sword is
imbued with the spirit of a life cut short and
destiny unfulfilled.

Characterisitcs : +1 strength vs undead.

Life Saver rules :

Once per battle, at the very beginning of any

combat phase, the Nautican wielder can declare
that he's unleashing the power of re-life from
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Draft 5.0

Stinger Whip (25pts)

Red Beard however was quite mad (too much
A whip comprised of long, trailing jelly fish grog !) and not one to take "no" or even a gritty,
tendrils that can strike paralysis into a body sandy "huh ?" for an answer. Red Beard
wounded by the nerve agent stings. separated a part of a sandganger from it's body
before sinking the egg timer into the abyss. He
Attacks strike the enemy at the strength of the then had the sand bound in a rune of
bearer. If the enemy incurs one or more wounds entrapment and a rune of magnification. As a
(that do not kill) then the enemy model loses 1 result the cutlass demonstrates similar
attack. properties to a sandganger's doppleganger
The whip can strike any model in an enemy
unit in base to base contact with the bearer's When the replicator causes a wound (even if
unit and within 6 inches of the bearer. All whip this is saved by armour, ward, regeneration or
attacks must be directed at the same model (if any other means) the weapon attempts to mimic
the model is killed then any additional wounds the properties of the enemy.
caused are not carried over to the rest of the
enemy unit and therefore do not count towards This results in the bearer temporarily gaining
combat resolution). an additional attack for that combat phase using
the enemy's unmodified profile strength and the
The tendrils are so long that the bearer can use bearer's Ws. The attack can be directed against
the whip as a stand and shoot charge reaction any enemy in base contact.
weapon with a range of 6 inches using the
bearer's Ballistic Skill (with the normal -1 to hit
stand and shoot charge reaction)*
Doldrum Sword (25 pts)
* The whip "shoots" with the number of attacks When this weapon cuts an enemy, it spreads the
on the bearer's profile. When used as a stand ancient despair of thousands of lost mariner
and shoot weapon the whip does not cause souls and the enemy is almost overcome with
paralysis (the stinging tendrils do not make the hopelessness of their cause.
enough prolonged contact with the charging
enemy to deliver sufficient nerve agents to When the blade causes an unsaved wound
paralyse them) (whether or not this results in a kill) the enemy
and any unit it is a part of suffers -1 to it's
leadership until the beginning of the next
enemy turn.
The Replicator Cutlass (25 pts)

A mysterious rune encrusted cutlass found by

the Nauticans in Red Beard's sunken Slayer Fin Flail (20 pts)
Pirate wreck.
This weapon infuses the bearer with a maniacal
Red Beard entrapped some sandgangers in a fury. From afar his deadly thrashing appears
huge glass egg timer and threatened to sink the akin to the frantic shark feeding frenzy.
vessel deep into the seas where it would be lost
forever unless the sandgangers revealed the Flail, (+2 strength in 1st round of combat due
secret of their powers. This was, of course, akin to flail rule), wielder is subject to Frenzy.
to asking a terradon how to fly.

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Draft 5.0

Magic Armour
Spirit Shroud of the Seas (45 pts)
The Cystal Crown (65 pts)
A magical embodiment of the power of the Seas.
The Cystal Crown is a royal Nautican artefact of This cloak billlows about the bearer invoking
legendary renown. It is occasionally borne into dreadful visions of a wrathful, veangeful Ocean.
battle by Nautican Princes and Lords as a
symbol of determination because it is said that The shroud wearer Causes Terror.
no army that bears the crown into battle will
ever route from the field.

"The Majesty of the Crown" Lion-Fish Cloak (40 pts)

The Lion-Fish is an extremely venomous spined

 The crown can only be worn by the
army general.
sea creature. Tha Nauticans have become
immune to the poison over many millenia but it
 All units within 18" of the general can remains extremely toxic to nearly all land
use his leadership while the bearer dwellers.
remains alive on the battlefield.*
 The first break test taken by any Any non-weapon bearing attacker* that scores
Nautican unit with the Seaborn rule one or more hits on the cloak wearer during a
that is within 18" of the army general combat phase suffers a single automatic
can be rolled against the general's poisonous hit at a strength equal to the
unmodified leadership. attackers basic profile strength.

* This includes any unit that does not a have

Bejewelled Guantlet (50 pts) "hand weapon" in their equipment profile and
has not paid points for an optional weapon.
Encrusted with rare jewels of enrapturing Most monsters and many other units fall into
beauty and power. The gauntlet is naturally this category. Eg. dragons, drayds, crypt ghouls,
resistant to any magic that might damage it. chaos warhounds, eagles.

The gauntlet confers Magic Resistance (1). The cloak does not confer an armour save but
Magic weapons lose all their magical properties the bearer becomes immune to poisonous
and become mundane weapons of the same attacks.
type* when striking the bejewelled gauntlet

* if for any reason the enenmy's magic weapon Great Clam Shield (40 pts)
does not / cannot have a mundane equivalent
then the attacker is assumed to use a mundane Probably the hardest natural substance known
hand weapon instead. in the world. Few weapons can penetrate the
surface of the great clam shield.

Leviathan Platemail (45 pts) Heavy Armour 4+ save that can never be
reduced below 5.
It's no suprise that this suit of armour is so rare.

Very few Leviathan's have ever been killed !

Heavy plate armour, 3+ armour save*, Magic

Resistance (1)

* cannot be combined with any armour other

than a shield.

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Draft 5.0

Volcanic Helm (30 pts)

Fashoned for the Nauticans by Vulcanis for their help in ridding his volcanic underworld of Daemonic
monstrosities. This helmet brings doom upon an enemy that slays their opponent in the belief that victory
is theirs.

On the wearer's death the helmet explodes like a small underwater volcano causing 2d6 str 4
flaming hits (distributed as shooting hits) on all enemy units in frontal base contact.*

* The helmet was designed to explode in a forward facing direction so most of it's power is focused in
front of the wearer. Friendly and enemy units in base contact to the wearer's side or rear suffer d6 str 3
flaming hits.

Starfish Shield (25 pts)

A shield with protruding starfish shaped "arms". This shield responds to enemy attacks and instantly
grows arms to provide further protection to the bearer.

Shield 6+ armour save (even when no enemy is in base contact)

In close combat the shield provides an armour save in proportion to the enemy threat based on the
number of enemy attacks*

attacks 1 = 5+ armour save

attacks 2 = 4+ armour save
attacks 3 = 3+ armour save
attacks 4+ = 2+ armour save

* use the enemy model in base contact with the most attacks

The armour save applies to all close combat attacks directed at the Nautican shield bearer. The save even
applies if the enemy with the most attacks in base contact with the bearer does not attack the bearer.

The shield can be combined with other armour but cannot improve the bearer's armour save to better
than 2+

Reef Shield (20 pts)

A large square shield not noted for it's power to stop a blow but notable for the danger it presents to the
attacker. This shield will shatter razor sharp coral in the face of the enemy when it is hit.

Shield 6+ armour save. Each successful armour save roll results in a str 3 hit on the enemy.

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Draft 5.0

Arcane Items
Surface Rod of Divination (70 pts) Knowledge of Shoal of Strength (30pts)

In preparation for their emergence into the The Nauticans are all too aware of the benefits
surface world, the Nauticans developed a rod of of acting as one, like a shoal in the sea. Their
divination to seek out and draw power from battlefield tactics resemble, in some ways, the
subterranean "sweet" water. survival instincts of sea creatures. Even
Nautican spellcasters adopt a similar approach.
+2 to all casting attempts.
The wizard with the knowledge of Shoal
Strength can allow any other Nautican
Emerald Eye of the Kraken (40 pts) spellcaster on the battlefield to use his/her
power dice.
The eye of the Kraken embodies the indomitable
will of the giant sea monster.
Coral Amulet (25 pts)
Magic Resistance (1)
Rare Corals sometimes bloom around magical
Any enemy spell cast against the bearer or the underwater vents that channel the waves of
unit they are with will be permanently lost to magic into the Warhammer World. These
the enemy on a roll of 5 or 6 on a d6. corals absorb the magic on it's path into the
oceans. The Coral Amulet is carved from such
Crystal Chime (30 pts, one use)
adds +1 power dice to the army's casting phase
A seemingly innocuous charm to the Nauticans while the bearer lives.
but a great threat to enemy spellcasters. This
trinket lets out a high pitched, piercing sonic
wave across the battlefield before it shatters into Gift of Whale Song (20 pts, one use)
a thousand tiny shards.
Nautican spellcasters have deciphered whale
The Nautican bearer can ring the crystal chime song and adapted it's use to communicate in the
but once during a battle. All enemy spellcasters deep and on land while many leagues apart
must pass a leadership test (at -1 Ld) to be able from one another. With great effort and
to cast any spells during their following magic concentration a Mermaid or Siren can sing a
phase. whale song to communicate with their magical

Muses Harp (30 pts) A spellcaster with the gift can communicate a
(Bound Spell Power Level 4). spell to any other friendly Nautican spellcaster
on the battlefield (no line of sight is required).
An enchanting music emanates from the harp.
It praises the listener's inner desires and Once communicated, the spell is effectively
beguiles them into actions they are scarcely transferred from one caster to another and can
even aware of as they amble around the no longer be used by the original caster for the
battlefield with no purpose but to feed their remainder of the battle. The spell transfer can
own ego. result in the recipient having one more spell
than they would normally begin the battle with.
The bearer can target enemies within 24 inches
and line of sight. If the enemy fails its To communicate a spell the Nautican spell
leadership test then it is enchanted by the music caster transferring the spell must nominate a
and unable to move in it’s following movement recipient spellcaster. The recipient must pass a
phase. leadership test at the very beginning of the
Nautican magic phase to understand the Whale
Does not affect units immune to psychology. Song. If the recipient fails the leadership test
then the spell is not transferred and is lost by
After the Harp is used roll a d6, on a roll of 1 or the transferer for the remainder of the battle.
2 the harp's energy is depleted for the
remainder of the battle.

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Draft 5.0

The vial can be used at the beginning of the

Talismans Nautican turn to instantly heal 1 wound to the
bearer or any other friendly character in base
Glass Orb of Illusions (50 pts) contact. The salt cannot be used to revive a
fallen hero (it's not that good !)
The Seas of Magic are ever changing and
leaking into the surface world and vying with
the winds of magic for control of the mystical Rainbow Pearl (20 pts, one use)
world. Illusions and mirages are common place
in coastal shallows and on small islands where A unique pearl of magnificent, priceless beauty.
this occurs. Many coastal dwellers have been Enemies in sight of the pearl are overcome with
deceived by what they believe they espy from desire to possess the wonderous gem.
afar, only to find nothing on closer inspection.
The Nautican mages have captured this The bearer can target 1 enemy unit within 12"
illusionary energy in an Orb. and line of sight. The targeted unit must pass a
leadership test or move directly towards the
The Nautican army can take one additional bearer at the maximum allowable rate,
illusionary unit of up to 15 Nauticans* into charging if possile.
battle. The unit is but a mirage and whilst it can
be made to move as if it were a real unit, it Units immune to psychology are not affected.
cannot shoot, fight, or cast any magic or count
towards any benefit that a normal unit might
bestow upon an army. The unit acts in a normal Talons of the Father of Sea Eagles (20 pts)
manner with regards to incurring casualties
from missile fire. If the unit is targeted by magic These talons belonged to one of the first and
the illusion is lifted as soon as the spell is mightiest of giant Sea Eagles that preyed on the
successfully cast or the bound item is used and Nautican people when they hunted in shallower
not dispelled. waters. The Eagle was evetually destroyed by
Nautican magic which denied the eagle it's
Once an enemy approachs to within 12 inches natural gift of flight.
the illusion is immediately lifted and the enemy
can see that the unit never existed. These giant talons strike doubt into the minds of
enemy flyers which fear that they might lose
* Only Nauticans with the Seaborn rule. their ability to fly should they come into contact
with the talons.

Ring of Oceanic Rapture (40 pts, one use) Flyers must pass a leadership test to be able to
charge the bearer or the bearer's unit.
The Oceanic Rapture is a mythical event long
held as fact by the Nauticans. They perceive a
time when Chaos will ruin all lands and seas
and the gods will rescue their souls before the Shell Horn (20 pts, one use)
ending of the world.
This horn reverberates around the battlefield
At the start of any Nautican turn, the bearer of with a reassuring sound of the waves that
the ring can increase all of his starting profile brings courage to the Nauticans.
characteristics by +2 until the beginning of the
following Nautican turn at which point his Once per battle, at the start of the Nautican
form and soul disappears from the battlefield. turn, this horn can be sounded to automatically
The Nautican has irrevocably committed his rally all friendly Nautican units within 24
soul to the Gods of the Seas to dwell ever more inches (except for the bearer's unit, the bearer
in the After Deep and the Nautican model is will be too busy running to blow the horn !)
removed as a casualty. This action is
Talisman of the Conger (20 pts)
Enemies gain victory points for as though the
Nautican had been slain by their actions. Famed for their stealth and hunting skills, the
conger is rarely seen or captured.

Vial of Healing Sea Salts (30 pts, one use) The bearer becomes a skirmisher and gains the
special scout rule. If he jons any non-
A small glass vial containing rare exquisite sea skirmishing units he permanently loses these
salts that can be administered to cure anything skills.
but the most mortal of wounds.
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Draft 5.0

Enchanted Items
Book of Malaise (45pts) The Silver Gale Ring (30pts)
(bound spell, power level 4) (bound spell, power level 3)

The words from this tome, when uttered in the This ring seemed to be but a small
strange guttural tongue of the Nauticans, inconsequential Nautican heirloom - a playful
invoke the calming seas of the doldrums in the gift from a Nautican prince to his bride. The
minds of the enemy. The Nautican's foe become ring simply enabled the Nautican princess to
overwhelmed with lethargy as the words sap guide the underwater currents before her. It
their will to fight. was only when the Nauticans made landfall that
they discovered the true power of the ring on
All enemy units with any models within 12" the surface world.
must pass a leadership test at -2 or immediately
have their initiative reduced to 1 and lose any The prince and his bride have long since
frenzy and hatred they are subject to until the disappeared from the underwater world, the
end of the Nautican turn. Nauticans generals now use the ring in battle
for it possesses the power to raise a gale on the
The aura of Malaise which pervades the field surface world!
disturbs the concentration of enemy spellcasters
who suffer -1 to all casting attempts in their Target an enemy unit within 24" and line of
following magic phase if they are within 12" of sight of the bearer. When the bound spell
the book and the bound spell was successfully within the ring is successfully cast and it's
cast in the previous Nautican magic phase. power unleashed the targeted enemy unit is
buffeted by powerful winds and cannot march
After the words are spoken from the Book of move in it's following movement phase.
Malaise roll a d6 on a roll of 1 or 2 the book's
powers are exhausted for the remainder of the After every use of the ring roll a d6, on the roll
battle. of a 1 or 2 it's power has been depleted for the
remainder of the battle and it cannot be reused
and no longer counts as magical.
Dream Staff (40pts, one use)

This staff is usually used by Nautican Lords in Seeds of Maze Weed (25pts, one use)
the quest for precious Kraken eggs to calm any
Kraken they should encounter. With the power Maze weed is grown by Nautican farmers and
to cast an enemy leader into a languid state of eaten with relish by the Nauticans. For other sea
absent-mindedness this artefact is unique and faring races the weeds are a dangerous hazard
powerful in the hands of a wily commander. and have resulted in the loss of countless lives
as boats and even ships become entangled and
Once per battle, the dream staff can target any lost in the endless maze of weeds that can
enemy character within 24 inches and line of extend for countless miles across the ocean.
sight. If the enemy fails it's leadership test-2 Nautican magic has created a virulent weed
then the character appears distracted and that can grow almost instantaneously.
confused. Enemy units cannot use the
character's leadership in any tests until the The bearer can throw the seeds (during the
beginning of the enemy's next turn. magic phase) at any enemy within base contact.
The unit immediately becomes entangled and
Enemy models in base contact attacking the loses it's always strikes first rule (if it had it) for
bearer always strike last* and lose any frenzy or the next round of combat (as they attempt to
hatred they were subject to (for as long as the slash the weeds out of their way).
enemy is in base contact with the bearer of the
dream staff)**. The weeds affect the enemy's movement when
they pursue or flee from the current combat
* If the enemy model has the always strikes first engagement. Units that usually pursue/flee 2d6
rule then models attack in initiative order. inches now move 2d6-2 inches, units that
** The staff counts as a magical weapon with usually move 3d6 inches will move only 3d6-3
the above properties for the duration of the inches. Flyers are unaffected.
battle whether the bound spell is cast
successfully or not.

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Draft 5.0

Limpet Mix (25 pts, one use) Pearl Charm (20pts, one use)

A bag of magically enhanced limpets that stick The Nauticans hold the jewels of the sea in great
to flat surfaces and grow at a remarkable rate. esteem believeing them to be things of mystical
The Nauticans use these to weigh down passing origin that grant fortune to the bearer.
ships that are deemed to be a threat. The limpets
are all but impossible to remove and great The bearer can re-roll one d6 dice per battle for
ocean going vessels have been sunk within an any test the bearer has to make. This could
hour by the weight of these limpets which can include to hit, to wound, armour save, ward
quickly grow to giant proportions. save, initiative test or any other test the bearer
would usually use his/her profile for.*
A Nautican character can throw the limpets at
an enemy unit within 8" in the shooting phase * the pearl charm cannot be used to re-roll any
(roll to hit as normal, no -1 modifier for long test where more than 1 dice is usually used
range). (leadership tests for example)

If the enemy does not pass an initiative test (a 6

always fails) then the following effects apply:-

 Any armour bearing enemy that is hit

will lose -2 from their armour save for
the remainder of the battle as they
remove pieces of armour and drop
shields and helms that have been
overwhelmed by limpets.
 Enemy models with scaly skin cannot
remove the limpets (until the battle is
over and there is time to burn them off
!) and suffer -1 str for the remainder of
the battle but gain +2 armour save
from the presence of the limpets.

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Draft 5.0

Magic Banners
The Tsunami Wave (135pts) be deployed with a frontage of 5 and
either 14, 19, or 24 troops.
Containing the raw unadulterated power of  No one other than "the appointed" may
ocean magic this banner washes the air of the touch the standard so if the battle
winds of magic and cleanses all "unclean" land standard bearer dies the unit loses the
based magic in it's path. banner and their unbreakable quality.
 No other magic standard can be
The unit bearing this banner is totally immune included in a unit bearing the
to all surface world magic including magical standard.
missiles, spells and magical attacks of all kinds.
All enemy Magic items of units in base contact
count as mundane items while the enemy unit
remains in base contact.

Spellcaster within enemy units in contact with The Compass Banner (45 pts)
the banner bearing unit cannot cast spells while
they remain in base contact. The unit bearing this standard moves with a
deliberate direction and pace like no other. The
The unit's attacks count as magical attacks. unit is naturally aware of it's surroundings and
can automatically navigate the quickest route
through any terrain.
The Millenial Fathom (110 pts)
The unit suffers no movement penalties for any
This mysterious bronze relic, believed to be a movement whatsoever on the battlefield. This
standard of the Ancients, was retrieved by includes but is not limited to turning, reforming
Nautuno, Nautica's most famous son and the and movement across difficult terrain.*
most renowned of the Trident Guard elite.
Nautuno discovered the standard in an note however
uncharted abyss a thousand fathoms beneath
the waves. He wrestled the prize from the  the unit cannot move into or over
"unspeakable one", a malicious chaotic spirit impassable terrain.
that scours the blackest waters for souls.  Any enemy magic spells or items that
Nautuno swam deeper and for longer than any would normally affect the unit's
Nautican had ever managed before or since but movement continue to do so.
paid for the withering endeavour... with his life.  The unit continues to be subject to the
normal shoot and move rules.
This standard belongs to the Trident Guard and
the Trident Guard alone. They keep it in
memory of Nautuno who was the greatest of
their kind. The Trident Guard will not suffer
another unit to carry the banner or even a hero
or lord, other than the Army's Battle Standard Creatures from Below (40pts)
Bearer to join their unit while they march into
battle with the Millenial Fathom. Even the bravest Nauticans fear to go to the
deep places of the Ocean, especially those areas
In honour of Nautuno, the Trident guard always tainted by Chaos. This banner is imbued with
leave an empty space in their ranks. the trapped essence of those few who tried and
lived to tell the tale.
 The standard makes the unit Units carrying this banner cause Fear.
 The unit cannot be joined by any
character except for the Battle The Bull Shark Banner (35 pts)
Standard Bearer.
 The banner can only be carried by the Depicting terrible visions of frenzied shark
battle standard bearer (who cannot attacks, this banner imbues it's bearing unit
take another magical item) with a savage blood lust rage that can never be
 In honour of Nautuno, the Trident quelled.
Guard unit that bears the standard will
leave a space in it's ranks at the Unit is Frenzied and never loses Frenzy.
beginning of a battle and will always
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Draft 5.0

The Vemonous Spine (35 pts)

Sea Sponge Standard (25 pts)
Depicting images of the lethal poisonous spined
denizens of the deep. This standard protects a unit against hostile
enemy magic.
The unit bearing this banner make poisonous
attacks and gain a regeneration save of 4+ The first enemy spell each turn that targets a
against poisonous attacks (both missile and unit carrying this standard is absorbed on a roll
close combat) of 5 or 6 and the spell does not affect the unit..

Eversail (30 pts)

Healing Salt Spray (25 pts)
The banner behaves like a huge magical sail
pulling the unit swiftly into combat with The banner rains powerful healing sea slats
enemies of the Nauitcan race. down upon the unit bearing it. These salts
instantly salve cuts and soothe the effects of
concussion and minor blows. The cumuluctive
 +d6 inches charge range
effect is that the unit suffers less in battle than
 +d6 inches pursuit others without the banner.
The unit carrying this standard can never opt to The enemy causes 1 less wound in combat * The
flee as a charge reaction and must always wound is restored before the combat resolution
pursue. calculation.

* This is always a wound incurred by a rank

Protection of the Shoal (25 pts) and file model, never a character.

Invoking the power and protection of ocean Pressure of the Depths (25 pts)
shoals and strength in numbers. The unit
carrying this banner counts as double it's usual Few creatures can withstand the crushing
size for the purpose of psychology tests (such as pressure of the deep ocean. This banner mirrors
losing a combat resolution to a fear causing this crushing pressure in order to protect the
enemy). Nautican army from enemy weapons.
In addition, the unit benefits from +2 to it's Units carrying this banner have a 6+ Ward
combat resolution (rather than the usual +1 for Save against all mundane enemy attacks
a standard bearer) including missiles and close combat. The
banner does not protect against magical attacks
(missiles or close combat)
Scourge of the Sailor (25 pts)

What any surface dweller fears most about the Blistering Sun (10 pts)
seas is thirst. Surrounded by water but not a
drop to drink. This banners brings to the mind This banner shines with the radiance of a
of the enemy a terrible quenchless thirst. blistering summer sun on a cloudless ocean.
The glare is so unforgiving that the enemy is
New enemies in base contact must pass a unable to ready their missile weapons in
toughness test* before their first round of preparation to receive a Nautican charge.
combat against the unit carrying this standard
(characters test separately). Enemies failing the The enemy cannot use the stand and shoot
test suffer -1 strength in the ensuing 1st round charge reaction against a unit bearing this
of combat* a roll of 6 is a fail. banner.

* The banner only affects an enemy unit the first

time it encounters the banner bearing unit. The
enemy soon realises that while the
unquenchable thirst seems to sap their strength,
they must toughen their resolve and fight to
survive - thirst is the least of their worries !
Because this is a toughness test it affects units
usually immune to psychology.

Note: the banner does not affect units with the

undead rule.

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Draft 5.0

Core Units

Coral Hunters
The smallest and most timid of all Nautican creatures (nicknamed "Sprats" by other Nautican units), these
"lower sea beings" group together for safety and hunt quickly in numbers. The greater Nautican Generals
spotted their potential and trained them to wield spearguns and respond to battlefield commands.
Nonetheless, they remain nervous and somewhat unreliable in combat.

Fishers are small, naturally instinctive hunters of underwater caverns and deep faults. They group
together for safety.

Points/model: 3 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Coral Hunter 5 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 5
Sharpshot 5 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 5

Unit Size: 10-25

Equipment: The Fisher Speargun

Special Rules: Seaborn, Anarchic, "Small Fry"

Options: Upgrade a Coral Hunter to a Sharpshot +2 pts

Anarchic "Small Fry"

"Sprats" are extremely protective of their self Other Nauticans look down on Coral Hunters
governance and will not suffer the internal (literally), they are seen as being dispensable
leadership of anybody but another "sprat". Their and almost inconsequential. Nauticans expect
internal disorganised state is in any case a "Sprats" to be easily wiped out or flee from
mystery to the other Nautican peoples who have combat.
long since given up trying to make sense of
"sprat" behaviour. Nautican units never suffer panic as a result of
the poor performance of "Sprats" on the
Units of Coral Hunters cannot be joined by a battlefield. This includes a "Sprat" unit being
character. destroyed, breaking from combat or a "Sprats"
unit fleeing through a friendly Nautican unit.

Note: Coral Hunters do NOT count towards

minimum number of Core Units

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Draft 5.0

Crest Riders (“Cresters”)

The smallest of all Nautican creatures (nicknamed "Crester Sprats" by other Nautican units), these
somewhat skittish, nervous, sea dwellers closely resemble their land based cousins, the skinks, with
which they share similar traits. Unlike the skinks however, they are not comfortable adopting a skirmish
formation and work as close knit units on the battlefield.

Crest Riders are small and light enough to be propelled across the battlefield by magic waves prepared
before battles by the magical elite of the Nauticans.

Points/model: 6 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Crest Rider 5 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 5
Triple Fin 5 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 5

Unit Size: 10-25

Equipment: Spears*, javelins

* +1 str during a Breaking Wave Charge

Special Rules: Seaborn, Wave Magic use bound, Breaker Wave Charge, Anarchic, "Small Fry"

Options: upgrade a Crest Rider to a triple fin +6pts

Wave Magic Bound

The Cresters are magically bound to a nautican
spellcaster before the battle. The most powerful "Crester Sprats" have little to rebel against. They
Siren or Mermaid has embued the unit with the are drawn into service by the Nauticans for
power to summon a magical wave. specialist purposes for which they are richly
rewarded in the form of Nauitcan protection
A Nautican army can only include 1 Crest Rider from the creatures of the deep.
unit per Siren and 2 units per Mermaid.
"Crester Sprats" however remain extremely
Breaking Wave Charge protective of their self governance and will not
suffer the internal leadership of anybody but a
Once per battle a unit* can move 20 inches on "Sprat". Their internal disorganised state is in
the crest of a wave. The wave can be used to any case a mystery to the Nauitcan people.
charge the enemy (in exactly the same way as a
unit which can fly**). Units of Crest Riders cannot be joined by any
character other than Zu-Xhi.
* Crester units with fewer than 10 models do
not have the collective magical energy to "Small Fry"
summon a wave.
Other Nauticans look down on Crest Riders
** The wave can pass over friendly Nautican (literally), they are seen as being dispensable
units but not enemy units. and almost inconsequential. Nauticans expect
Crest Riders to be easily wiped out or flee from
The wave crashes down upon the enemy and combat.
causes d6 str3 impact hits
Other "non-Sprat" Nautican units never suffer
While charging into combat on the crest of a panic as a result of the poor performance of
wave the riders benefit from soft cover from the "Sprats" on the battlefield. This includes a
waves surrounding them. This means that any "Sprat" unit being destroyed, breaking from
eneny unit adopting a stand and shoot charge combat or a "Sprats" unit fleeing through a
reaction suffers a further -1 to hit. friendly Nautican unit.

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Draft 5.0

Wave Breakers
The common rank and file in the Nautican army. These troops are the
backbone of the army and can be found in numbers across all of the
Worlds oceans.

Points/model: 6 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Wave Breaker 4 3 3 4 3 1 4 1 7
Ripcurl 4 3 3 4 3 1 4 2 7

Unit Size: 10+

Equipment: hand weapon

Special Rules: Seaborn

spears +1pt, shields +1pt or clam shields +2pts.
Standard bearer + 10pts, musician + 5pts, promote a Wave Breaker to a Ripcurl +10pts

1 unit may wear scale mail for 2pts per model, 1 unit can carry a magic standard of up to 25pts.

Image (Komodons) from

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Draft 5.0

Silicon based life forms made wholly of sand. These perculiar creatures which the Nauticans appear to
have some control over, try to adopt the form of the enemy they are fighting.

Points/model: 5 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Sandganger * * * * * 1 * * 5
Ignimbrite * * * * * 2 * * 5

Unit Size: 10+

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Dopplegangers, Unbreakable, Immune to poison, Crumble

Options: can upgrade one Sandganger to an Ignimbrite for +5pts


All profile stats are the same as the enemy opponent's stats minus 1 pt so if the enemy has a weapon skill
of 4 then the opposing sandganger has a weapon skill of 3. No stat can be less than 1. Note: the wounds
stat for a sandganger is always 1 and for an Ignimbrite it is always 2. Sandgangers and Ignimbrites do
not have to use their doppleganger power, it is optional at the beginning of each round of combat but the
whole unit must either use the power or not.

The sandgangers and Ignimbrite can only adopt the characteristics of models in base to base contact. At
the beginning of each round of combat each sandganger can choose which model to copy if more than 1
is in base to base contact. They only adopt the profile stats, not any weaponry or armour being carried or
any other special rules that the enemy models benefit from (eg. always strikes first).

There is a limit to how much Sandgangers and Ignimbrites can grow in size. Each sandganger can only
adopt the form of enemies up to a unit strength of 2 (eg cavalry). The doppleganger effect can only
emulate a single type of enemy, therefore when fighting cavalry the sandganger can only adopt the
characteristics of a rider or his mount not both.

Ignimbrites can adopt the form of enemies up to and including Ogre sized enemies (ie an individual
model unit strength of 3).

When not in contact with an enemy model the following profiles apply:-

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Sandganger 4 2 0 2 3 1 2 1 5
Ignimbrite 4 2 0 2 3 2 2 1 5


Units reduced to less than 5 models immediately crumble to dust as the magical power holding the unit
together dissipates.

Note: Ignimbrites are not affected by Sea Storms.

Image from

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These creatures magically glide through the air as gracefully as they traverse the oceans. The Nauticans
use these creatures to quickly get to grips with enemies out of range of other Nautican units.

Points/model: 25 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Stingray 1 3 0 3 3 2 3 2 7

Unit Size: 4+ (40 x 40mm base size )

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Flyer, Poisonous attack,

Barb Charge, Magic Resistance (1),

Barb Charge:-

A vicious poisonous barb extends

infront of the stingray when it swoops
down upon it's foe.

+1 str when charging


Units of Stingrays are rare in the Nautican world because they are the natural prey of other creatures
such as The Leviathan, Octopus Giganteus and Weresharks which are very fond of having Stingrays - for
dinner !

The Nautican commanders are careful to protect a unit of Stingrays for use in battle but they cannot keep
them all safe. The first unit of Stingrays can be taken as a core choice, further units must be taken as
special or rare choices.

Image from Warpstone Flux blog, used with permission.

Models are copyrighted Games Workshop Chaos Screamers of Tzeentch., all rights reserved.

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Special Units

The strange race known to the Nauticans as the Aqualops live deep down in the oceans. They dwell so
deep and are so scare that the Nauticans rarely encounter them because even the bravest Trident Guard
captain would fear swimming under such deep water pressures.

The Aqualops farm sea sprouts for food, these perculiar organisms spawn from spores in laval rock. They
resemble seaweeds but have been given an animate existence by the magical hot underwater vents forced
open by the ceaseless incursions of chaos.

Pts/model: 80 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Aqualops 6 3 3 5 4 2 1 3 7

Base Size: 40x40mm

Unit Size: 1-2

Equipment: One Spore Rock, Claws and bad wind !

Special Rules: Scaly Skin 3+, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn

Spore Rock

These rocks contain the lifeblood of the Aqualop race - sea sprouts or
"Sweadlings" as they are known by the Nauticans. Aqualops eat sea
sprouts, in fact they eat nothing but sea sprouts (hence the repugnant
odour that surrounds them in the low pressures of the surface world).

Each Aqualop carries a single Spore Rock into battle. Their tight grip
keeps enough pressure on the Seaweedling spores to keep them from
exploding forth into the surface world. The Spore Rocks usually sprout
very slowly, just once every few years in the deep ocean chasms but the
low air pressure on land vastly accelerates their growth rate turning
them into living seaweed bombs !

Shooting a Spore Rock

An Aqualops can throw the spore rock during the shooting phase at the
enemy or into open ground (if there are 2 Aqualops in a unit then they must both throw their rocks at
the same time although they may choose different targets).

The Aqualops can throw the spore up to 8 inches, use the small artillery template and roll the artillery
and scatter dice as usual.

Any models hit suffer a str2 hit with no armour save from the exploding spore that sprays blinding acid
and spreads choking toxic fumes.

If the spore rock did not cause a direct hit then move the template in the direction of the scatter dice but
only half of the distance indicated by the artillery dice.

If the artillery dice indicated a misfire then the Aqualops has inadvertently dropped the Rock Spore
causing d6 str 2 hits (on himself only) with no armour save.
An Aqualops cannot use the Spore Rock in a stand and shoot reaction (they are far too dim witted and
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Draft 5.0

slow to be able to think of such a thing !)

If an Aqualops or his unit is engaged in combat before he has thrown his Spore Rock then he will
immediately drop the rock causing d6 str2 hits on himself and d6 str2 hits on the enemy that engaged
him in combat (with no armour save for either the Aqualops or his enemy).

An Aqualops that flees will automatically toss the Spore Rock over his shoulder. This causes no damage to
either him or anyone standing behind him ! He cannot retrieve the Spore Rock later in the game.

Note: an Aqualops only takes one Spore Rock into battle, once it has been thrown or dropped the
Aqualops cannot throw another one.

The Spore Rock Spawning

Spore Rocks explode on impact and instantly unleash the astonishingly fast growing Seaweedlings
"living" within it.

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Seaweedling 4 3 0 2 1 5 3 5 10

Base Size: 40mm (swarm base)

Equipment: none but an annoying habit of getting in the way !

Special Rules: Unbreakable, Entangle, Swarm

The Seaweed "Swarm"

Whenever an Aqualops throws a rock during his shooting phase (not when he drops it when receiving a
charge or fleeing) the spores will spread and instantly turn into Seaweedlings.

Each spore will explode into d3 Seaweedling swarms on impact. If the Spore hit it's target then line the
Seaweedling swarm up against the enemy unit with the maximum number of Seaweedlings in base
contact. Seaweedlings will usually be lined up with the enemy's front rank but if the Spore was thrown
from within the enemy's flank or rear arc then the Seaweedlings should be lined up against the enemy's
flank or rear respectively.

If the Spore missed it's target then line the Seaweedlings' front rank around the centre of the small
template pointing towards the enemy the spore was thrown at (no closer than 1" from it's target)

Seaweedlings erupting from rock spores which hit their target in the shooting phase count as having
charged in the following combat phase.

If the Spore Rocks thrown by two Aqualops in the same unit land in the same place (ie. if the small
templates are touching) then the resulting Seaweedling units can be formed up as a single unit. If the
templates did not touch, then the Seaweedlings count as 2 separate units. A Seaweedling unit does NOT
suffer casualties as a result of being hit by a Spore Rock.


All models in an enemy unit in base contact with a Seaweedling unit lose the always strikes first rule (if
they had it). In addition, all models in the enemy unit suffer -1 to their strength as the "weeds" tug at
their legs and weapons while the suffocating "Sweadling" toxic fumes sap the enemy's strength.


Seaweedlings are swarms. They are therefore unbreakable, have the skirmisher rule and suffer additional
wounds if beaten in combat. The Seaweedling unit suffers an additional wound for every point by which
they lose a combat resolution.

Miniatures of Aqualops and Sea Sprouts (Seaweedlings) :-

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The strongest, toughest and most fearless of all Nautican
units. These Nauticans are recruited from the ranks of the
Trident Guard, they are fearless slayers of the denizens of
the deep at whose hands they have suffered personal woes
through the loss of family and loved ones. Nautican Lords
dispatch the Interceptors to try to fend off Leviathans
approaching the royal Nautican halls while the Trident
Guard prepare the defences.

Interceptors have finely honed their Leviathan fighting

tactics and always enter the battlefield in units of 15. They
fight unencumbered by armour, standards or musical
instruments believing that such unwieldy equipment will
simply slow their reactions and does little to protect against
the power of a Leviathan.

Points/model: 12 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Interceptor 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 8
Destroyer 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 2 8

Unit Size: 15 (25x25mm base size)

Equipment: Spears, Javelins

Special Rules: Seaborn, Stubborn, Skirmishers, Immune to Psychology, Leviathan Charge, Angular Attack,
Hate (all enemies)

Options: promote an Interceptor to a Destroyer +12 pts

Leviathan Charge
Unlike regular skirmishers Interceptors do
The Interceptors are elite warriors who train negate the rank bonus of enemy units they are
solely to protect their realm from the denizens, fighting in the flank or rear.
daemons and monstrous creatures of the deep.
Their arch foes are the mindless, feral Note: this takes precendence over the normal
Leviathans which they despise, infact such is the skirmishing rules that state skirmishers do not
pain in their tourtured souls, Interceptors have negate the enemy's rank bonus. In all other
now learnt to hate all their enemies. respects the normal skirmishing rules apply (eg.
the Interceptors do not receive a combat
The Interceptors have mastered a fast, resolution bonus for flank/rear attacks or unit
overwhelming assault that has sometimes ranks).
proved to be enough to deter the onslaught of a
Leviathan and send it back to the deep.
Note: Interceptors cannot be lead by a character
+1 attack when charging (Lords and Princes have not mastered the
Interceptor ways). Interceptors are the ultimate
in elite Nautican units, only 1 interceptor unit
Angular Attack can be included in a Nautican army per Lord or
Interceptors are not stupid ! They always
attempt to surround any denizen of the deep
that they are sent to attack. They adopt a unique
attack and are adept at positioning themselves
to charge into their opponent’s flank.

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Oceanic Trident Guard

The most skilful, best equipped and disciplined of all rank and file Nautican units. These Nauticans are
the pride of their race.

Points/model: 12 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Trident Guard 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 8
Guard Captain 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 2 8

Unit Size: 10+ (25x25mm base size)

Equipment: Sea Trident*, Leviathan Shields*, Scalemail*

Special Rules: Seaborn, Stubborn (while the army general or battle

standard bearer lives), Bodyguard

Options: standard +12 pts, musician + 6 pts, promote Guard to

Captain +12 pts. One unit may be equipped with the Oceanic Trident
at a cost of 1pt per model.

Any Oceanic Trident Guard unit may carry a magic standard with a
value up to 50pts.

A Guard Captain may carry a Magic Weapon or Magic Armour up to

25pts in value.


The Oceanic Trident Guard are the elite personal bodyguard of Nautican Lords and Princes. It is beneath
them to fight for peace loving mermaids and sirens or non Nautican characters.

Only one Oceanic Trident Guard can be included in the army per Nautican Lord or Prince (not including
Nautican Special Characters)

Image from

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Giant Crabs
These crabs have grown huge over 300 years in the deep. They come as a mating pair and fight for the
Nauticans and for one another. They are extremely difficult to kill but pity the fool who does send one to
a watery grave !

Points/model: 160 pts (for the pair)

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Giant Crab 4 3 0 3 5 3 2 3 7

Unit Size: 2* (50x50mm base size per crab), Unit Strength 6 (3 per crab).
*only one pair can be taken for each 1000pts in the army

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Mating Pair (see below),

Stubborn, Causes Fear

Armour Save 3+

Crab Mating Pair rules:-

In the event that one crab should die the

other will (on a roll of 3-6) gain eternal
hatred (every round of combat) and eternal
frenzy (every round of combat). Or on a roll
of 1 or 2, the surviving crab will bury itself
in the ground to die and will take no further
part in the battle.

Crushing Pincers:-

The pincers of a crab take little heed for shields or even plate mail armour. Once grabbed by a pincer
armour is of little help as the pincer squeezes and crushes the opponent within it's own armoured coffin.

For enemies with an armour save of:-

6, the crab gains +1 str

5, the crab gains +2 str
4, the crab gains +3 str
3 or better the crab gains +4 str

Granite Crush:-

The crabs grip is second to none in the Oceans, once the crab has seized it's quarry death is almost a

In the combat phase the crab can sacrifice it's normal attacks for a single granite crush attack in an
attempt to try to squash it's enemy into a pulp. Roll to hit as normal, a granite crush attack causes a single
str10 hit resulting in D3 wounds. The crush is so traumatic that the enemy cannot use a Regenerate save.
The crush is only effective against single models up to Ogre Size (ie. unit strength 3 or less)

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Half bipod, half lobster - these underwater abberations resemble huge upright, walking insects! The
lobstrosities have long been employed by the Nautican peoples - they are mindless and slow to act but are
very reliable and easily controlled (with fish !)

Points/model: 32 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Lobstrosity 3 3 0 5 4 3 1 2 4
Grandimanus 3 3 0 5 4 3 1 3 4

Unit Size: 2+ (40x40mm base size)

Equipment: one very large pincer and a squid beak jaw

Special Rules: Unbreakable, Killing Blow or Parry*, Carapace

facing, Relentless

Options: Upgrade a Lobstrosity to a Grandimanus + 14 pts.

Parry Special Ability

At the cost of losing one attack per lobstrosity/grandimanus and

the unit's killing blow special ability for that turn, the lobstrosity
unit can use it's pincers to attempt to block enemy blows*.

* an attempt to parry must be declared before the enemy attacks.

The lobstrosity unit rerolls each enemy dice that hit the lobstrosity
unit (a single reroll for each hit). If the roll is equal or higher than
the original enemy hit roll then that hit is discarded.

** note enemies which automatically hit (eg. Magic weapon)

cannot be parried.

Carapace Facing

The lobstrosity is part lobster and part insectoid in appearance. It always moves with it's pincers
protecting it's weak underbelly to protect against ranged weaponry until it enters combat.

To represent this the lobstrosity has a 3+ armour save against missile fire and 4+ save in close combat.


Lobstrosities might not be fast but they simply do not stop, they are always ready to attack and defend

Lobstrosities can march move even if they are within 8 inches of the enemy.
Image used with permission of HydraMiniatures (

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Draft 5.0

Tripoon Battery
Harpoons are used by the
Nauticans to fend off monstrosities
of the deep from their underwater
settlements. Tripoon units consist
of 3 harpoons which operate in
unison targeting the same enemy
each time they fire. The harpoons
resemble their land based
counterpart the bolt thrower with
the exception of the "bolt" itself
which is often tipped with large
barbs and hooks to cause
maximum damage to single
targets. Harpoons are unwieldy
and not as refined for battlefield
purposes as the common bolt

Points/model: 115 pts per battery

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
3 Harpoons - - - - 7 9 - - -
Wave Breaker crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Range Fathomer 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8

Unit Size: 3 harpoons, 9 crew (treated as a single unit. note: the harpoons are separate models but act as
one in that they must all target the same enemy unit)

Equipment: scalemail, clam machete.

Special Rules: Bolt thrower rules for each harpoon (with the below Tripoon rule exceptions)

Options: upgrade a single Wavebreaker to a Range Fathomer + 15pts

Tripoon Battery rules: The effect of wounds against the Tripoon

Tripoon units are trained to fire as one to
ensure that at least one harpoon hits it's quarry The benefit of grouping harpoons into batteries
and does enough to deter large monsters from of three is that all of the tripoon crewmen are in
venturing any closer. The spear from a harpoon close proximity to one another and can help
is designed to cause maximum (hopefully their fellow comrades load and aim the
mortal !) trauma to it's target. harpoons when casualties are suffered. The
death of crewmen therefore has less of an
impact on the operation of a tripoon battery
 Each harpoon in the battery must target the than it would have on three separate bolt
same unit within 36 inches throwers.
 Harpoons do not penetrate ranks.
Wounds inflicted on the harpoon machines:-
 Unsaved wounds from a harpoon cannot be 3 wounds = 1 harpoon destroyed
regenerated. 6 wounds = 2 harpoons destroyed
 If a Range Fathomer is included, one 9 wounds = all 3 harpoons destroyed
harpoon can use his ballistic skill
 Tripoon units are fixed position weapons Crewmen remaining:-
and cannot move except to pivot on the 3 crew = 2 harpoons can fire normally
spot. 2 crew = only 1 harpoon can fire
1 crew = 1 harpoon can fire every other turn

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Draft 5.0

Rare Units

Abominations, alien looking in both sea and land habitats. These creatures are extremely dangerous to
land creatures, possessing neuromuscular paralysing venoms unknown on the surface world. A single
touch can lead to near instant motor paralysis and almost certain death, even their Nautican masters
keep a safe distance from the Octobipods.

Points/model: 48 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Octobipod 6 3 0 4 4 4 4 4 6
Blue Ring* 6 3 0 4 4 4 4 4 6

(* A Blue Ring shares the same profile as an Octobipod

but it's venom exudes from all it's pores and is more toxic
than it's cousin the Octobipod. A Blue Ring's poison
wounds automatically on a 'To Hit' roll of 5+)

Unit Size: 3+ (base size 40 x 40mm)

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Seaborn, Creatures of the Reef, Causes

Fear, Poisonous (and immunity to poison), Grapple,
Slippery When Wet !

Options: A unit of 4 or more Octobipods may upgrade an

Octobipod to a Blue Ring +20pts (Blue Rings are very
rare !)


Eight tentacles and two arms make an Slippery When Wet !

Octobipod very difficult to attack. Even the most
skilful of enemies will find their striking and Octobipods have three hearts and a lot of arms
blocking impeded by the flailing tentacles of an that impede even the most expert killers, there
Octobipod that will attempt to wrest shields, are also very slippery and therefore are not
weapons and armour from it's foe. affected by the "Killing Blow" rule, it counts as a
normal attack*
 Shields are easily clasped, deflected or
prised away by a creature with 8 Octobipods are more prevalent in warmer
tentacles. For the purposes of close waters where the Octopus Giganteus abides.
combat, treat any enemy bearing a
shield as though they do not have a A Nautican army containing an Octopus
shield. Giganteus make take a single unit of Octobipods
 Because Octobopids are so difficult to as a special unit choice (additional units of
attack enemies suffer -1 to hit in close Octobipods count as rare unit choices).
Miniature is “Walktapus” from

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Natural predators of the deep, quick to strike and ever more dangerous as the scent of blood pervades
their senses and the insatiable hunger for fresh meat rages within them.

Points/model: 55 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Wereshark 5 4 0 5 4 3 4 3 7
Tiger Wereshark 5 4 0 5 4 3 4 4 7

Wereshark Frenzy

Unable to contain their voracious appetitie,

weresharks become stronger and more
ferocious as they get a taste for their opponents

Unlike normal frenzy, the unit is not granted an

automatic additional attack. Instead, the unit is
granted an additional strength 5 attack for each
unsaved wound inflicted on their enemy from
their normal attacks in each round of combat.

Like normal Frenzy, if the unit is beaten in

combat the Wereshark frenzy is lost for the
remainder of the battle.

Insatiable Predator

A wereshark's natural prey is the Manta Ray, for

this reason commanders are often wary of
Unit Size: 2+ (base size 40 x 40mm) including both of these creatures in their army.
When they do, all too frequently, a unit of
Equipment: none Manta Rays will "go missing".
Special Rules: Seaborn, Creatures of the Deep,
Causes Fear, Armour Piercing Teeth, Scaly Skin If a unit of Weresharks is included in the army
(5+), Wereshark Frenzy, Insatiable Predator then Manta Rays have to be selected as a rare
unit choice not a special unit choice.
Options: upgrade a Wereshark to a Tiger
Wereshark +15pts Miniature is “Wereshark” from

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Draft 5.0

The Leviathan
On the below results the Leviathan charges the
nearest unit (friend or foe) and does not stop
The scourge of the Nautican people, these attacking until either the unit is destroyed /
ferocious beasts are a match for any creature flees or the Kraken has been destroyed / flees.
ever fielded in battle on the surface world. They (note: the Leviathan always pursues a fleeing
are the world's underwater Dragons. A enemy - see Endless Pursuit rule below)
Leviathan will not fight willingly for the
Nauticans, the few which the army has in it's Turn 1 - under control
service were raised from captured eggs and Turn 2 - roll of 6
carefully nurtured for hundreds of years. Even a Turn 3 - roll of 5+
"trained" Leviathan remains far from tame and Turn 4 - roll of 4+
is extremely dangerous for friend and foe alike. Turn 5 - automatically attacks nearest unit.
Points/model: 380 pts Endless Pursuit:-

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld For thousands of years Leviathans have hunted

in the deep. They eat anything and everything
The but their staple diet is usually whale, orca and
6 6 0 6 6 5 6 6 8
Leviathan giant squid. The Leviathans are devious and
relentless monsters that never, ever give up a
Unit Size: 1 (50 x 50mm base size) chase. Many a killer whale has died of
exhaustion hundreds of miles away from the
Equipment: none original start of the hunt.

Special Rules: A Leviathan always pursues fleeing enemies and

Large Target, Causes Terror, Stubborn, pursues 3d6+2 inches.
Territorial, Instinctive Killer, Endless Pursuit,
Oblivious, Frenzy Oblivious:-

Saves: Leviathan Scales 4+ armour save, Magic The Leviathan is totally oblivious of
Resistance (2) inconsequential goings on around it. It looks
only for threats and killing opportunities.

No army can ever contain more than 1

Leviathan, the creatures are intensely territorial
and would fight each other to the death.

Instinctive Killer:-

Millenia in the deep cruel oceans, where food

has often been scarce and danger ever present,
has programmed the Leviathan to kill and ask
questions later ! Indeed the Leviathan only does
3 things, it kills, it eats and it sleeps.

Until the Leviathan has been engaged in it's 1st

combat it literally does not know who it's enemy
is, as far as the Leviathan is concerned every
creature on the battlefield is a legitimate target.
As the battle progresses a Leviathan becomes The Leviathan does not recognise it's general or
ever more conscious of it's feral need to kill and the battle standard bearer and gets no benefit
eat. from being close to either.

miniature from

Until the Leviathan has been engaged in it's first Painted by
combat, roll a D6 at the beginning of each (
Nautican turn (starting from turn 2)

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Draft 5.0

Octopus Giganteus
A dangerous and cunning predator of the deep - one that the Nauticans have moulded to their will
through patience and mutual benefit.

Points/model: 200 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Octopus Giganteus 6 3 3 5 4 8 3 8 7

Unit Size: 1 (unit strength 5, base size 50 x 50mm)

Equipment: none

Special Rules: Stupidity (see Predator Patience),

Causes Fear, Large Target, Octo Wounds (see
below), treats difficult terrain like open ground *,
Inky Mist (see below), Predator Patience (see

* Mountains, walls, houses, and woods are no

obstacle for a Giant Octopus. It can scale any
height and literally pulls itself through woods by
using the trees.

Octo Wounds Special Rule:-

For each wound the Octupus suffers it loses one

attack (eg. an Octopus with 4 wounds left only While the mist prevails All models fighting the
has 4 attacks) Octopus suffer -1 to Hit and -1 to Initiative and
lose the always strikes first ability (if they
Inky Mist:- possess it). Also, enemies cannot pursue an
Octopus through the mist if it flees.
The Octopus may vacate it's ink glands once per
battle. Either... All shooting at the Octopus is at -1 to hit while
the mist lasts.
1) The Octopus can voluntarily flee from a
combat 2D6 inches and cannot be pursued as Predator Patience:-
the inky mist temporarily blinds it's enemy. The By nature an Octopus is a patient predator
Octopus can attempt to rally from it's next turn waiting for it's prey to come within range
as normal. before launching an attack.

Or... If the Octupus fails it's stupidity test it shuffles

itself into the ground allowing itself to adopt a
2) The Octopus involuntarily expels an inky low profile to lie in wait for the enemy. The
mist from it's glands when it is reduced to 4 Octopus cannot move until the beginning of the
wounds or less. This mist quickly surrounds the new Nautican turn (if it passes it's next stupidity
Octopus, envelopes it and moves with it and any test).
enemy in base contact until the beginning of the
Nautican's next turn. In this position the Octopus no longer counts as
a large target and benefits from soft cover (-1 to
hit for missile weapons).

Image owned by dragonrune minis, used with


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Fortunis the Infinity Turtle

A timeless ever presence in the seas of the Warhammer World. This giant ethereal beast endlessly swims
the deep oceans occupying a space between reality and the netherworlds.

The great turtle has survived for countless millenia, first in it's living form, now in it's translucent ghost
like presence. Many of the greatest Nautican minds have spent a lifetime pondering the creature's
existence and it's purpose. The fact remains that no one can answer any of the many questions.

At times, the Turtle has appeared in the Nauticans darkest hours and in their direst of needs. Whether
this be a time or war, famine or disease, the appearance of the turtle seems to preceed a change for the
better in Nautican fortunes.

Points/model: 170 pts

M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Fortunis 12 1 0 5 5 6 1 0 10

Unit Size 1: (there is only one Fortunis !)

Special Rules: Invulnerable, Unwavering, Righteous Destiny

Base Size: chariot base


It is impossible to kill or otherwise deflect the Turtle from it's course. The best that an enemy can hope for
is to banish the Turtle from the surface world back to it's Ocean realm.

The Turtle has the ethereal rule meaning that it can only be harmed by magic attacks, magic missiles and
spells. In addition, the Turtle is not affected by any magic effects whatsoever other than those which
cause wounds.

As soon as Fortunis is reduced to zero wounds it instantly disappears from the battlefield. At the end of
every phase (eg. magic, shooting, combat) in which Fortunis suffers unsaved wounds it must test against
it's leadership, a failed roll results in Fortunis instantly vanishing from the battlefield.*

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Draft 5.0


Fortunis moves across the battlefield at a steady pace in a dead straight line. The ethereal turtle never
veers to either the left or the right and never slows, passing through any objects in it's path whether they
be animate or inanimate or even if they are attacking it with magical weapons.

While Fortunis exists on the surface world he cannot be stopped by any means other than being 'slain'
and thus dispatched back to his magical underwater world. The Giant Turtle can be engaged in close
combat by those in base contact but is not subject to the normal combat resolution and does not provide
any benefit for the Nautican army in multiple unit combats . The turtle will continue on it's path
irrespective of the attacks against it.

Fortunis begins the battle at the table edge within the Nauticans deployment zone. The Nautican player
places a marker anywhere along the table edge within the enemy's deployment area. Fortunis moves 12"
at the very beginning of each Nautican movement phase directly towards it's destination marker.

Righteous Destiny

The Turtle is ever the bearer of good fortune for the Nauticans and it's presence seems to greatly enhance
the "luck" of nearby Nautican forces while their enemies see the Turtle as a portent of their coming doom.

Any Nautican unit including associated characters that are partly or wholly within 12" of Fortunis benefit
from the following :-

Close combat
Nautican "to hit", "to wound" - dice rolls of 1 can be re-rolled

All Armour Saves

dice rolls of 1 can be re-rolled

Spell casting - dice rolls of 1 can be re-rolled (excluding miscasts)

The presence of Fortunis benefits the army as a whole as it draws in the waves of magic to protect the
Nautican forces. The very first unsaved wound caused during the battle against the Nautican army is
always ignored as though it had been prevented by a ward save.

*note: Fortunis himself cannot re-roll 1's only other Nautican Units !

** don't forget, you can never roll a re-roll ! The above re-rolls are only applicable if a re-roll has not
already been taken.

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Draft 5.0

Quick Ref & Suggested Miniatures (click to see minis online)

M W Bs S T W I A Ld Pts Base Unit Special Rules

Lord Characters
Nautican Lord 4 6 5 4 4 3 7 4 9 105 20mm n/a
King of the Seas 6 7 6 7 5 5 3 4 10 490 40mm n/a Seaborn, Royalty, Hate, Terror, Stubborn, Large Target
Guardian of Time 6 4 3 6 6 5 5 5 9 425 50mm n/a Anchor Bound, Loner, Terror, Large Target
Mermaid 4 3 3 3 4 3 5 1 9 205 20mm n/a Peerless Beauty, Ocean Grace, Sole Legend

Hero Characters

Nautican Prince 4 5 4 4 4 2 6 3 8 65 20mm n/a

Chanty Singer 4 4 3 3 4 2 5 2 8 85 20mm n/a Seaborn, Sings for Pleasure, (Sea Storm)
Seaborn, Creature of the Deep, Fear, Armour Piercing Teeth, Scaly
Zharc 5 6 0 6 4 3 5 4 8 210 40mm n/a
Skin 4+, Wereshark Frenzy, Stubborn, Shark Father
Seaborn, Creature of the Reef, Fear, Poisonous +Immunity,
K' Li Mare 6 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 7 115 40mm n/a
Grapple, Matriarch, Melanin Cloud, Slippery When Wet !
Zheala 4 4 3 3 3 2 4 1 8 135 20mm n/a Seaborn, Healer, Nautican Benevolence
Vortex * 1 0 1 1 10 1 0 9 170 20mm n/a Seaborn, Creature of the Deep, Whirlpool, Watershield
Seaborn, Creature of the Reef, No Safety in Numbers!, A Bigger
Zu-Xhi 5 3 4 3 3 2 5 3 6 50 20mm n/a
Fish !
Coastal Hermit 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 8 100 20mm n/a Impossible to Spot, Loner
Siren 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 1 8 115 20mm n/a Enchanting Dream

* all Nautican units with the exception of Snadgangers have the Seaborn rule. Special “named” Characters have the Seaborn rule when noted above.
** see the Army Wide Special Rules to see Creature Origin Rules which apply to all Nauticans. Special “named” Character’s Creature Origins are noted above.

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M W Bs S T W I A Ld Pts Base Unit Special Rules

Core Units
Coral Hunters 5 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 5 3 20mm 10-25 Anarchic, “Small Fry”
Sharp Shot 5 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 5 5
Crest Riders 5 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 5 6 20mm 10-25 Wave Magic, Breaker Wave Charge, Anarchic, “Small Fry”
Triple Fin 5 2 3 2 2 1 4 2 5 12
Wave Breakers 4 3 3 4 5 1 4 1 7 6 20mm 10+
Ripcurl 4 3 3 4 3 1 4 2 7 15
Sandgangers 4 2 0 2 3 1 2 1 5 5 20mm 10+ Doppleganger, Unbreakable, Immune to Poison
Ignimbrite 4 2 0 2 3 2 2 1 5 10
Stingrays 1 3 0 3 3 2 3 2 7 25 40mm 4+ Flyer, Poison, Barb Charge, MR(1)

Special Units

Aqualops 6 3 3 5 4 2 1 3 7 80 40mm 1-2 Scaly Skin 3+, Immune to Psychology, Stubborn

Seaweedlings 4 3 3 2 1 5 3 5 10 n/a 40mm 3d6 Entange, Swarm
Stubborn, Skirmishers, Immune to Psychology, Leviathan Charge,
Interceptors 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 8 12 25mm 15
Angular Attack, Hate
Destroyer 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 2 8 24
Oceanic Trident Guard 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 8 12 25mm 10+ Stubborn (while the General or BSB is alive), Bodyguard
Guard Captain 4 4 3 4 3 1 5 2 8 24
Giant Crabs (pair) 4 3 0 3 5 3 2 3 7 160 50mm 2 (pair) Stubborn, Fear, Mating Pair, Unit Strength 6,
Lobstrosity 3 3 0 5 4 3 1 2 4 32 40mm 2+ Unbreakable, Killing Blow / Parry, Carapace, Relentless
Grandimanus 3 3 0 5 4 3 1 3 4 14
Tripoon Battery - - - - 7 9 - - - 115 Bolt Thrower rules plus Tripoon exceptions (see profile)
Wave Breaker Crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Range Fathomer 4 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 15

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M W Bs S T W I A Ld Pts Base Unit Special Rules

Rare Units

Octobipods 6 3 0 4 4 4 4 4 6 48 40mm 3+ Fear, Poison + Immunity, Grapple, Slippery When Wet !

Blue Ring Octobipod 6 3 0 4 4 4 4 4 6 68
Wereshark 5 4 0 5 4 3 4 3 7 55 40mm 2+ Fear, Armour Piercing Teeth, Scaly Skin 5+, Wereshark Frenzy,
Insatiable Predator
Tiger Wereshark 5 4 0 5 4 3 4 4 7 70
The Leviathan 6 6 0 6 6 5 6 6 8 380 chariot 1 (max) Terror, Stubborn, Territorial, Instintive Killer, Endlesss Pursuit,
Oblivious, Frenzy, MR(2), Large Target
Octopus Giganteus 6 3 3 5 4 8 3 8 7 200 50mm 1 Stupidity (predator Patience), Fear, Octo Wounds, Inky Mist, Large
Fortunis – Infinity Turtle 12 1 0 5 5 6 1 0 10 170 chariot 1 (max) Invulnerable, Unwavering, Righteous Desinty

* all Nautican units with the exception of Snadgangers have the Seaborn rule. Special “named” Characters have the Seaborn rule when noted above.
** see the Army Wide Special Rules to see Creature Origin Rules which apply to all Nauticans. Special “named” Character’s Creature Origins are noted above.

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(click here for more model pics & links to suppliers & sellers)
use the above link to see most of the “blanked” (copyright protected) images below

Nautican Lord level Characters

Special Characters - King of the Seas, The Guardian of Time (see website)

Mermaid1, Mermaid2 & Elemental

Nautican Hero Level Characters


Heroes continued…

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Draft 5.0

Zheala, Chanty Singer #1, Chanty Singer #2, Vortex

K’ Li Mare, Zharc

Core Units

Crest Riders & Coral Hunters (GW skink skirmishers), Wave Breakers, Stingrays

possible Ignimbrite (sandganger champion) followed by possible sandgangers

(personally, I plan to use GW crypt ghouls "coated" with sand).

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Special Units

Interceptors (Saurus with spears), Oceanic Trident Guard (Lizardmen Temple Guard),
Giant Crabs

Lobstrosity, Aqualops and Seaweedling (spores)

Rare Units

Octobipods, Weresharks, Octopus Giganteus, Leviathan,

Giant Turtle Fortunis (still searching for appropriate miniature) "Pearl" Mermaid painted by Marike Reimer; mermaid painted by

Bemalt von Brenda Gosman; "Lilaea" water sprite painted by Alison Scheirman; water elemental painted by Anne Foerster. Ignimbrite painted by Matt Verzani, Sandgangers
painted by Chris Smith.

Crest Riders & Coral Hunters are Games Workshop Lizardmen skinks. Interceptors and Oceanic Trident Guard
are Games Workshop Lizardmen Saurus and Temple Guard respectively.

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