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Elementary Student Survey, Grades 3-5

Yes Sometimes No
When I am at school, I feel:
  
1. I am safe.
2. I have fun learning.
3. I like this school.
4. This school is a good place to learn.
5. I have choices in school.
6. My teachers care about me.
7. My principal cares about me.
8. My teachers think I will be successful.
9. My teachers listen to my ideas.
10. My teachers are good teachers.
11. I am recognized for good work.
12. The work I do in class is challenging and makes me
13. The amount of homework I receive is just right.
14. Very good work is expected at my school.
15. Students are respected and treated fairly by teachers.
16. Students are respected and treated fairly by the
17. Students at my school treat each other with respect.
18. Students at my school behave well.
19. Students at my school are friendly.
20. I have friends at school.
21. I have support for learning at home.
22. My family believes I can do well in school.

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