Avatar The Last d20 Supplement (MAIN SOURCE)

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The Last d20 Supplement

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This free fan supplement is based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS® game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkinson, as well as the AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER®
television show created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and all related rules are copyright and trademark 2000 – 2008 WIZARDS OF THE COAST® . AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER® and all related
information, art and characters are copyright and trademark 2005-2008 NICKELODEON®.
Base Classes......................................4 Hurricane Breath (Template)...........30 Healing Water (Seed)........................49
Levitation (Seed)................................30 Golem (Seed)......................................49
What You Need To Play....................4 Puppet (Seed).....................................31 Ice Shards (Seed)................................50
A Quick Primer on Bending.............5 Shockwave (Seed)..............................31 Illusionary Mist (Seed)......................50
Airbender...........................................6 Somersault (Seed)..............................31 Move Water (Fundamental Seed)....50
Soundbending (Seed)........................32 Phase Change (Fundamental Seed) 51
Making An Airbender.......................6
Twister (Seed).....................................32 Precipitate (Seed)...............................52
Class Features.....................................6 Wind Barrier (Seed)...........................32 Puppet (Seed).....................................52
Earthbender.......................................9 Wind Burst (Seed)..............................33 Riptide (Seed).....................................53
Making An Earthbender...................9 Earthbending....................................33 Shape Water (Fundamental Seed)...53
Armor (Seed)......................................33 Spout (Seed).......................................54
Class Features...................................10
Boulder Toss (Seed)...........................33 Steady Stance (Seed).........................54
Firebender........................................12 Tentacle (Seed)...................................55
Catapult (Seed)..................................34
Making A Firebender.......................12 Density (Seed)....................................34 Water Blast (Fundamental Seed).....56
Class Features...................................12 Dirt Spray (Seed)...............................34 Water Shield (Seed)...........................56
Dust Cloud (Seed).............................35 Water Whip (Seed)............................56
Earth Blast (Fundamental Seed)......35 Wave (Seed)........................................57
Making A Waterbender...................14 Earth Wall (Seed)...............................36 Golem, Bender................................58
Class Features...................................15 Earth Wave (Seed).............................36
Other Classes...................................17 Earthsight (Seed)...............................37
Construct Traits..................................58
Earthwalker (Seed)............................37
Martial Classes.................................17 Special Abilities..................................58
Golem (Seed)......................................37
Skill Classes......................................17 Master's Traits....................................58
Headcracker (Seed)...........................37
Magic Classes...................................18 Imprison (Seed)..................................38
Creating a Bender Golem................58
Metalbend (Template).......................38 Bender Golem Menu A.....................58
Bending Overview........................19 Bender Golem Menu B......................59
Move Earth (Fundamental Seed)....38
Bending Forms.................................20 Puppet (Seed).....................................38 Bender Golem Menu C.....................60
Components.......................................20 Quake (Seed)......................................39 Skills, Feats, Items.........................62
Augmentation....................................20 Rubble Wave (Seed)..........................39
Combining Seed Forms....................20 Shape Earth (Fundamental Seed)....40 New Skill Uses.................................62
Concentration.....................................21 Spike (Seed)........................................40 Bending Skill (Wis; Special).............62
Bender Level and Bender Skill........21 Tectonic (Seed)...................................40 Martial Lore (Int; Trained Only)......62
Form Failure.......................................21 Firebending......................................41 New Feats.........................................63
Overbending......................................22 Breath of the Dragon (Seed).............41 Dexterous Combatant.......................63
Cooperative Bending........................22 Burning Edge (Seed).........................42 Eternal Flame.....................................63
Contested Bending............................22 Claw of the Phoenix (Seed)..............42 Extra Form..........................................63
Form Descriptions...........................23 Cold Fire (Template).........................42 Haymaker...........................................63
Name...................................................23 Combustion (Seed)............................42 Form Specialization...........................63
Difficulty Class...................................23 Explosion (Template)........................43 Intuitive Attack..................................63
Components.......................................23 Fire Blast (Fundamental Seed).........43 Intuitive Reflexes...............................63
Bending Time.....................................23 Fire Spin (Seed)..................................43 Open-Minded.....................................63
Maintenance Action..........................23 Flamethrower (Seed).........................43 Rock Smash........................................64
Range...................................................23 Heat Control (Seed)...........................44 Superior Reflexes...............................64
Aiming a Form...................................23 Heatwave (Template)........................44 Whirling Circle...................................64
Duration..............................................25 Inner Flames (Seed)...........................44 Windfall..............................................64
Saving Throws...................................26 Lifebend (Seed)..................................44 New Equipment...............................65
Descriptive Text.................................26 Move Flames (Fundamental Seed)..45 Bending Scrolls..................................65
List of Basic Forms.........................27 Puppet (Seed).....................................45 Channeling Gauntlets.......................65
Pyrotechnics (Template)...................46 Spirit Oasis Water..............................65
Redirect (Seed)...................................46
Agitate Dust (Seed)...........................27
Air Blast (Fundamental Seed)..........27
Soaring Flames (Seed).......................46
Sweeping Flames (Template)...........47
Air Scooter (Seed)..............................28
Wall of Flames (Seed)........................47 Benders and Monk Feats...............................8
Breathstealer (Seed)...........................28
Control Winds (Seed)........................28 Waterbending...................................48 Money & Magic............................................18
Flowing Air Strike (Seed).................29 Bend Plants (Template).....................48
Funnel (Seed).....................................29 Bloodbend (Template)......................48
Blue Fire........................................................42
Hand of Wind (Fundamental Seed)30 Capture (Seed)...................................48
Feel the Flow (Seed)..........................49 Supernatural Feats.......................................64
is simply beyond the ken of mere mortals. Yet, the concept
BASE CLASSES of those who obtain supernatural powers from a balance
of the two has never been adequately represented. So-
called "Gish" – spellcasters at the front lines – do not
represent their own tradition of steel and spell; they throw
a fireball sometimes, they swing a sword other times, as
the situation requires.
ong ago, the Four Nations
lived together in harmony. So of course, when Avatar: The Last Airbender – a show
Then, everything changed with an entire nation of people who threw fireballs while
when the Fire Nation attacked. they swung swords – became wildly popular, many fans
Only the Avatar, master of all felt that their favorite roleplaying system should have
four elements could stop them. been able to do a better representation than it did. And
But when the world needed him most, he vanished. thus entered the Giant in the Playground Forum
The Dungeons and Dragons game supports a number
of concepts from all around in genre fantasy. Not the least
of these are spellcasters – wizards and sorcerers, warlocks WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY
and druids and clerics, women and men who have seen
the great beyond and delved its depths for knowledge. To gain the most out of the bending system, you'll only
Tome of Battle introduced to us crusaders, warblades and need the three core rulebooks or the System Resource
swordsages – mighty warriors who have trained their Document, which is available for free online. Bending is a
bodies to the uttermost extremes, performing that which completely unique and new power source for characters,
and thus has standalone rules. Those wishing to play
martial or skill-based characters in the Avatar world are
advised to pick up Tome of Battle, Complete Adventurer, and
Complete Scoundrel, but these books are not necessary.


This book describes a unique system of magic based on
the Avatar: The Last Airbender television show, known as
'bending'. Here's a quick list of terms and ideas you'll find
helpful to understanding the system.
Bender: A character with knowledge of one or more
forms is a bender.
Form: A distinct kind of magic for benders, which
emphasizes manipulating an already present element
(water, earth, air, heat) rather than creating something
from scratch. In order to use a form, you must know it and
make the form's difficulty class with your bending skill.
Forms are considerably more modular than standard
magic, similar to the epic spell system described in the
Epic Level Handbook, only we actually playtested things
instead of inadvertently making Leadership the most
important feat ever in the history of munchkins. Forms
can be altered on the fly, and DM-PC cooperation on
effects not clearly stated is very necessary. We have
attempted to make the abilities available with each form
very explicit, but it is impossible to cover everything.
There are three general classes of form, and some
subclasses of forms. A Seed Form is a basic effect ability,
similar to a spell, maneuver or power. Each bender starts
out with a small number of mandatory "Fundamental
Seed Forms." A Template Form is a specific augment to
certain Seed Forms, and does nothing on its own. These
two types are also referred to as "Basic Forms," as
combining two Seed Forms or a Seed Form and a
Template Form creates an "Advanced Form."
Bending Skill: A special skill available to anyone who
has at least one level in a Bending Class. This skill does
not require skill points to advance, and is otherwise not a
normal skill (it is not a valid subject for Skill Focus, for
example). The Bending Overview section contains more
information on Bending Skills.
Bender Level: Some forms have effects that vary with
the level of the character using them. Bender Level
functions exactly as Initiator Level, and similarly to
Manifester or Caster level.
an Airbending Master will take a young student under his
AIRBENDER wing and help the student on an individual level.
Races: All airbenders (with the exception of the Avatar,
who is able to master all four elements) are members of
"Wait. We can't just leave him here."
the group known as the Air Nomads. In other settings,
"Sure we can. Let's go."
their diversity of approach, graceful detachment and
"No. If we leave him, he'll die."
enjoyment of life as it comes fit well with the gnomes, and
- An Airbender, discussing a foe's fate
to a lesser extent the elves. Any air genasi will consider
this path at least once in their life, and raptorans may
MAKING AN AIRBENDER consider airbending to be just another facet of their pact
with the sky gods.
Agility, grace, speed and detachment. Freedom from the
ground, freedom from the world, freedom from their own Other Classes: Airbenders are masters of defense and
minds. These define an airbender, a member of a small evasion. They work well with almost all other classes;
group of individuals blessed with the ability to though they find the confrontational style of earthbenders,
manipulate the air. Airbenders can hurl blasts of wind at barbarians, warmages and warblades difficult to
their foes, create shields of swirling air, and even slice understand and deal with, most will make an honest
objects to pieces with compressed air blasts. attempt to cooperate. Their emphasis on non-violence and
defense can sometimes be frustrating for more
Adventures: Craving freedom above all else, many
aggressively-minded individuals, but is just as much
airbenders are simply itinerant monks, whose traveling
appreciated by thoughtful monks and paladins, while
lifestyle invites adventure. Others adventure on behalf of
their mental agility is something almost any bard, marshal
their communities, to visit and assist friends living far
or rogue can appreciate.
away, or to help those in need.
Abilities: A high Wisdom score is essential to an
Characteristics: Airbenders are able to manipulate the
airbender as it determines the Save DCs for many of his
air in many ways. Some chose to focus on mobility and
best forms and abilities, also allowing him to intuitively
can become the most agile of fighters. Others learn to
dodge attacks. A high Dexterity is also important, as it
capture their foes in swirling tornadoes, incapacitating
affects many of an airbender's best skills, improves
their enemies. Still others seek to destroy the machinery of
his accuracy with his ranged attacks, and provides
destruction, using compressed air
additional AC. An airbender will often spend time
to slice through metal, stone, and
on the frontlines, so Constitution
wood. All airbenders, however, are agile fighters
allows them to survive longer
who can knock their enemies away and soar
as they try to talk their opponent down.
through the skies.
Alignment: Any (Usually good)
Alignment: While an airbender can be of any
alignment, their national emphasis on ahimsa Starting Gold: 4d4x10 (100 gp).
(nonviolence) tends to attract more good than evil. Starting Age: As Rogue.
However, the airbender's philosophical quest is one
for ultimate liberation, and anyone who completes the
training can become an airbender. CLASS FEATURES
Religion: Airbenders have a decidedly philosophical
Most airbenders believe in spiritual liberation, leading to
focus. They seek liberation from the bonds of the world,
their philosophy being centered around respecting life.
and their discipline and dedication to this goal are shown
However, the reality is that an airbender will often be
in their simple lifestyles. Few airbenders worship any of
called upon to protect himself or others. Therefore, the Air
the spirits, though nothing prevents them from doing so.
Monks have developed a tradition that focuses around
Background: Airbenders are trained at monasteries movement and defense. Ideally, the airbender slowly
under the tutelage of senior monks. When they achieve exhausts their opponent into surrender, all the while
the status of Airbending Master, they receive arrow playing keepaway.
tattoos on their heads, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Often,
In a party, the airbender's role is that of a harasser. While
Base Fort Ref Will Deflect Forms Dodge
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Attack Known Bonus
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Air Blast 1d6, Fundamental Seed Forms 0 1 +0
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Deflect Attack, AC Bonus -6 2 +1
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Improved Unarmed Strike, Advanced Bending +2 -6 2 +1
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Evasion -8 3 +1
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Wind Dancer (5 ft, 1/encounter) -8 3 +2
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 Kinetic Grace (Move) -8 4 +2
7 +5 +2 +5 +5 Air Blast 2d6, Advanced Bending +2 -8 4 +3
8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Defensive Roll -10 5 +3
9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Wind Dancer (10 ft) -10 5 +3
10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Kinetic Grace (1 Round) -10 6 +4
11 +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Advanced Bending +2 -10 6 +4
12 +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Improved Evasion -12 7 +5
13 +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Air Blast 3d6, Wind Dancer (2/encounter) -12 7 +5
14 +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Kinetic Grace (2 Rounds) -12 8 +5
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Advanced Bending +2 -12 8 +6
16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Evasive Roll -14 9 +6
17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Wind Dancer (15 ft) -14 9 +7
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Kinetic Grace (Endless) -14 10 +7
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Advanced Bending +2 -14 10 +7
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Air Blast 4d6, Wind Dancer (Endless) -16 11 +8
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1 level): Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist,
Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Local, Geography, History, Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride,
Spot, Swim, Tumble.

he cannot stun like a monk, he can knock the opponent To learn a Seed Form, you must have a Bending skill
away from his allies and friends, blind them, deafen them, modifier equal to the form's bending Difficulty Class - 10.
section off areas of the battlefield, and in general infuriate Forms with a variable base Difficulty Class use their
a foe sufficiently to keep them chasing him, away from his lowest listed DC for purposes of learning the form. To
allies. An airbender functions equally well at short or close learn a Template Form, you must have a Bending skill
range, able to use his Somersault form against a melee modifier equal to the form's bending Difficulty Class + 10.
attacker, or Deflect Attack to stop ranged attacks. The saving throw Difficulty Class against your forms is 10
+ ½ your level in all bending classes + ¼ your level in all
An Airbender may be interested in grabbing the
other classes + your Wisdom modifier. You must maintain
Stunning Fist feat to assist him as a harasser if he is
a bonus for at least 24 hours before you gain a level for it
fighting primarily humanoid foes; larger, monstrous
to count towards learning a form.
opponents will resist it.
You learn additional forms as you gain additional levels;
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As an airbender, you
you learn another at second level, and then one more
are proficient with all simple weapons, but not with any
every two levels after that.
armor or shields.
A form is considered to be a supernatural ability unless
Forms: You bend forms from the Airbender form list,
otherwise noted in its description. Your forms are not
able to use any form you know spontaneously, as the
affected by spell resistance, and you do not necessarily
opportunity presents itself. You begin your career with
provoke attacks of opportunity for using one. For more
knowledge of all airbending "Fundamental Seed Forms",
information, read the "Bending Overview" section.
as well as one additional seed chosen from the forms you
are capable of bending at your level. Air Blast (Su): One of your basic attack seed forms. A
single-classed airbender's Air Blast increases in damage at some of the fruits of your focused and intense training.
the rate listed in Table 1-1: The Airbender, but for more You gain a +2 bonus to your Bending Skill; this bonus
information, check the section "List of Basic Forms." applies towards learning forms as well as bending them.
You gain an additional +2 bonus every four levels in the
AC Bonus: As a 2nd level airbender, you can add your
airbender class as indicated in Table 1-1: The Airbender.
Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Armor Class, so long as
you wear no armor, are unencumbered, and do not use a Evasion (Ex): An airbender can avoid even magical and
shield. You also gain the listed miscellaneous bonus to unusual attacks with great agility. Upon attaining 4th level,
your armor class as you take additional levels in this class, if you make a successful Reflex saving throw against an
beginning at 2nd level. These bonuses to AC apply even attack that normally deals half damage on a successful
against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. save, you instead take no damage. Evasion can be used
However, you lose this bonus when you are immobilized only if you are not wearing armor. A helpless airbender
or helpless. does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Wind Dancer (Ex): Upon achieving 5th level, you can
become a whirling tornado in melee once an encounter. As
BENDERS AND MONK a free action at the start of your turn, you can initiate a
wind dance that lasts until the end of your turn. While in
FEATS the wind dance, you can take a full attack action (for
melee attacks only) and move up to the listed distance
The bender classes, much like the monk class, owe a lot of between each attack. (5 feet initially; 10 feet at 9th level,
their origin to the East. They are extremely agile martial
and 15 feet at 17th level). However, you must move a
artists, able to achieve superhuman feats through sheer,
extensive training of their body. For the most part, they minimum of 5 feet between each attack when using this
eschew armor and things like armor, and they all learn to ability, and you cannot return to a square you just exited
fight with just their fists. (though you may return to that square later during your
For these thematic reasons and others, you may wish to full attack). You are subject to attacks of opportunity while
consider allowing benders to quality for feats and dancing, but may tumble normally as part of your move.
equipment designed for the monk as though they were
one, or with lighter prerequisites. For example, the If you are prevented from completing your move, you are
Stunning Fist feat is rarely taken due to its stringent also prevented from finishing your full attack. You may
requirements. It would not be unreasonable to allow a not make a normal 5-foot step in the same round that you
bender to qualify to learn the feat as soon as level 3
(when they gain Improved Unarmed Strike). Improved Trip, use a wind dance.
Grapple, and Disarm are other good candidates for this
At 13th level, you may perform a wind dance twice per
encounter. At 20th level, you may perform wind dances as
Additionally, the Deflect Attack class feature should
often as you like.
qualify as Deflect Arrows for the purposes of feats and
classes that require it. Kinetic Grace (Ex): Upon attaining 6th level, an
However, classes (such as the Shadow Sun Ninja) and airbender has managed such perfect balance and grace
feats that grant progression of many monk abilities should while moving, even gravity and physics must give pause.
not be affected similarly. The bending system inherently
limits multiclassing penalization, and hybrid prestige You can traverse a wall or even a liquid surface as long as
classes intended for a monk may be abused by benders. you begin and end your move action on a solid, horizontal
surface. The height you can achieve on a wall is limited
only by this movement restriction. If you do not end your
Deflect Attack (Su): As an airbender, you learn early on move on a solid, horizontal surface, you fall prone (or into
to block or deflect attacks directed at you. At 2nd level, as the liquid), taking falling damage as appropriate, if any. If
an immediate action, you can attempt to negate a single you run over a hazardous surface such as lava, you take
ranged or ranged touch attack made against you, after you normal exposure damage for that round.
have discovered the results of the attack roll but before the
damage has been determined. The attack takes a -6 Treat the wall or liquid as a normal floor for the purpose
penalty. This penalty increases as you level, raising by -2 of measuring your movement. Passing from floor to wall
every four levels that you take in the airbender class. or water costs no movement; you can change surfaces
freely. You provoke attacks of opportunity as normal for
Improved Unarmed Strike: At 3rd level, you gain all movement.
Improved Unarmed Strike as a free bonus feat, reflecting
your extensive training with your body. As you gain in experience, this ability improves. By 10th
level, you need only begin and end your turn (rather than
Advanced Bending: At 3rd level, you begin to display
a single move action) on a solid horizontal surface, as long
as you move at least 30 feet in that round. At 14th level you
can remain on a vertical or liquid surface for two
consecutive rounds before falling, as long as you move at
least 30 feet the first round. At 18th level, you can use this
ability indefinitely, as long as you move at least 30 feet a "There's no 'different angle,' no clever solution, no trickety-
round. trick that's gonna move that rock! You’ve got to face it head on.
And when I say head on, I mean like this!"
Defensive Roll (Ex): An airbender can roll with a - The Blind Bandit, shortly before headbutting a rock
potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than
she otherwise would. After reaching 8th level, once per
encounter when you would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit MAKING AN EARTHBENDER
points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other
Strong and steady, earthbenders are a persevering group
blow, not a spell or special ability), you can attempt to roll
with the ability to manipulate stone, soil, crystal, and
with the damage. To use this ability, you must attempt a
other earth-based substances. They can move offensively
Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save
with hurled boulders and raging sandstorms, or they can
succeeds, you take only half damage from the blow; if it
be bastions of defense behind walls of stone and giant
fails, you take full damage. You must be aware of the
attack and able to react to it in order to execute your
defensive roll—if you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Adventures: Many earthbenders are attached to Earth
AC, you can't use this ability. Since this effect would not Kingdom military units and adventure at the command of
normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half their superior officers. Others wander for personal reasons
damage, your Evasion ability does not apply to the including acquisition of wealth and power, to fight in
Defensive Roll. earthbending tournaments, and to find an earthbending
master to help them improve their skills.
Improved Evasion (Ex): Beginning at 12th level, you gain
the Improved Evasion ability. This ability works like Characteristics: Of all the bending arts, earthbending is
Evasion, except that while you still take no damage on a perhaps the most balanced, strong in both offense and
successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, henceforth defense. On the offense, earthbenders can hurl large
you take only half damage on a failed save. boulders at their enemies, trap their enemies in cages of
stone and soil, immerse their enemies in earth, or throw
Evasive Roll (Ex): Upon reaching 16th level, your ability
them off balance with localized earthquakes. On the
to avoid even the most deadly of attacks improves. You
defensive, they can raise stone walls out of the ground,
may use your Evasion and Improved Evasion abilities with
encase their bodies in earthen armor, and hurl their
your Defensive Roll class feature.
enemies away with quickly-rising columns of stone.
Other Benders: Like a member of any other class, an
Alignment: An earthbender's training and lifestyle is
airbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass
one of rigidity and endurance. As such, they tend to be
airbenders face a special restriction. An airbender may
lawful. However, earthbending lacks any dominant moral
never take a level in a different base bending class; this
imperative and earthbenders fall all over the good-evil
does not, however, mean that it is impossible for an
airbender to learn the other arts. See the Skills & Feats
chapter for more details. Religion: Earthbenders are incredibly self-sufficient and,
as a group, show little predilection for religion. Some
revere the Earth King as a minor deity, but many do not.
Background: Many earthbenders have a military
background, employing their formidable powers for the
benefit of the Earth Kingdom. Others learn in
earthbending schools as children. Still others have private
Races: All earthbenders (with the exception of the
Avatar, who is able to master all four elements) are
members of the group known as the Earth Kingdom. In
other settings, dwarves, goliaths, deep gnomes, orcs and
earth genasi are all natural and obvious choices for this Bending skill modifier equal to the form's bending
class. A few warforged have demonstrated unusual Difficulty Class - 10. Forms with a variable base Difficulty
powers along this line. The earthbending philosophy of Class use their lowest listed DC for purposes of learning
waiting and listening appeals well to changelings. the form. To learn a Template Form, you must have a
Bending skill modifier equal to the form's bending
Other Classes: Earthbenders find the evasive style of
Difficulty Class + 10. The saving throw Difficulty Class
airbenders, scouts and monks difficult to deal with, and
against your forms is 10 + ½ your level in all bending
prefer to stand their ground and fight than dodge attacks.
classes + ¼ your level in all other classes + your Wisdom
Their comfort in the familiar is often challenged by arcane
modifier. You must maintain a bonus for at least 24 hours
spellcasters, who seem to violate the order of things. They
before you gain a level for it to count towards learning a
work well with almost all other kinds of classes, where
their balance of aggression and passivity makes them a
useful contribution to any fight. You learn additional forms as you gain additional levels;
you learn another at second level, and then one more
Abilities: A high Wisdom score is essential to an
every two levels after that.
earthbender as it determines the Save DCs for many of her
best forms and abilities, also allowing her to intuitively A form is considered to be a supernatural ability unless
dodge attacks. Earthbenders generally spend a lot of their otherwise noted in its description. Your forms are not
time on the frontlines, so Constitution is one of their most affected by spell resistance, and you do not necessarily
important abilities, allowing them to take hits and keep provoke attacks of opportunity for using one. For more
moving. information, read the "Bending Overview" section.
Alignment: Any (Sometimes lawful) Earth Blast (Su): One of your basic attack seed forms. A
single-classed earthbender's Earth Blast increases in
Starting Gold: 6d4x10 (150 gp).
damage at the rate listed in Table 1-2: The Earthbender,
Starting Age: As Rogue. but for more information, check the section "List of Basic

CLASS FEATURES AC Bonus: As a 2nd level earthbender, you can add your
Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Armor Class, so long as
Earthbenders tend to fight at close range whenever you wear no or light armor, are unencumbered, and do
feasible. Unafraid of a fight, it allows them to protect their not use a shield. These bonuses to AC apply even against
allies and keep the enemy off-balance and uncomfortable. touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. However, you
Front-line controllers, they will reshape the battlefield to lose this bonus when you are immobilized or helpless.
fit their desires and mix it up on their terms.
Deflect Attack (Su): As an earthbender, you learn early
It is alternatively possible for an earthbender to take a on to block or deflect attacks directed at you. At 2nd level,
more passive stance towards the back, slowing and as an immediate action, you can attempt to negate a single
hindering the enemy's attempts to reach them as they hurl ranged or ranged touch attack made against you, after you
gigantic boulders. From their position in the rear, they are have discovered the results of the attack roll but before the
limited on their ability to intervene in a fight, but can damage has been determined. The attack takes a -6
greatly discourage attempts to leave the central arena. penalty. This penalty increases as you level, raising by -2
every four levels that you take in the earthbender class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As an
earthbender, you are proficient with all simple Improved Unarmed Strike: At 3rd level,
and martial weapons, as well as light armor, but not you gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a free
shields. bonus feat, reflecting your extensive training
with your body.
Forms: You bend forms from the earthbender form
list, able to use any form you know spontaneously, as Advanced Bending: At 3rd level, you begin to
the opportunity presents itself. You begin your display some of the fruits of your focused and
career with knowledge of all earthbending intense training. You gain a +2 bonus to your
"Fundamental Seed Forms", as well as one Bending Skill; this bonus applies towards
additional seed chosen from the forms you learning forms as well as bending them.
are capable of bending at your level. You gain an additional +2 bonus every
four levels in the earthbender class as
To learn a Seed Form, you must have a
indicated in Table 1-2: The Earthbender.
Base Fort Ref Will Deflect Forms
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Attack Known
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Earth Blast 1d6, Fundamental Seed Forms 0 1
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Deflect Attack, AC Bonus -6 2
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Improved Unarmed Strike, Advanced Bending +2 -6 2
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Rock Steady +2 -8 3
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Earth Blast 2d6, Climb (20 ft.) -8 3
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 Mettle -8 4
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 Advanced Bending +2 -8 4
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Rock Steady +4 -10 5
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Climb (30 ft.) -10 5
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Earth Blast 3d6, Head-On Defense -10 6
11 +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 Advanced Bending +2 -10 6
12 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Rock Steady +8 -12 7
13 +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 Climb (40 ft.) -12 7
14 +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 -12 8
15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 Earth Blast 4d6, Advanced Bending +2 -12 8
16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Rock Steady +16 -14 9
17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Climb (50 ft.) -14 9
18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 -14 10
19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Advanced Bending +2 -14 10
20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Earth Blast 5d6, Climb (60 ft.) -16 11
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1 level): Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information,
Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot

Rock Steady (Su): Earthbenders are hard to move when instead negate the effect. You do not gain the benefit of
they do not wish to; you are no exception. Upon attaining mettle when you are unconscious or sleeping.
4th level, whenever you are in contact with the ground and
Head-on Defense (Ex): Beginning at 10th level, you add
have not moved more than 5 feet in your last round, you
your Constitution modifier as a bonus to your Reflex
gain a +2 bonus to your reactive Grapple, Trip, Disarm
saves. This represents your ability as an Earthbender to
and Bull Rush rolls. This bonus doubles every four levels,
tackle even the most daunting attack with fortitude and
to a maximum of +16 at 16th level.
resilience more than mere agility.
Climb (Su): By bending hand and footholds into a stone
Other Benders: Like a member of any other class, an
or earthen surface, an earthbender can climb even sheer
earthbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass
surfaces easily. When attempting to scale any bendable
earthbenders face a special restriction. An earthbender
surface, a 5th level or higher earthbender gains a climb
may never take a level in a different base bending class;
speed as indicated on the above table, as well as a +8
this does not, however, mean that it is impossible for an
competence bonus on Climb checks. This ability only
earthbender to learn the other arts. See the Skills & Feats
works on substances that you can earthbend.
chapter for more details.
Mettle (Ex): You can withstand even magical and
unusual attacks with great resolve. Upon attaining 6th
level, by drawing on your inner strength and dedication,
you can shrug off effects that would hinder even the
toughest warrior. If you succeed on a Fortitude or Will
save against an attack that would normally produce a
lesser effect on a successful save (such as a spell with a
saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), you
training through the military, becoming soldiers in the
FIREBENDER Fire Nation army. Others seek out individual masters or
train at temples dedicated to the art.
Races: All firebenders (with the exception of the Avatar,
"I don't need luck... I don't want it. I've always had to struggle
who is able to master all four elements) are members of
and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am."
the groups known as the Fire Nation or the Sun Warriors.
- The Fire Prince
In other settings, their disciplined yet passionate ways are
favored by races as diverse as the kalashtar, dwarves,
MAKING A FIREBENDER kobolds and half-orcs. Many fire genasi and phoelarchs
pursue the path of fire.
Quick, chaotic, and energetic, firebending is a difficult art
that only the most dedicated are able to master through Other Classes: Of all the bending disciplines,
much inner discipline. Firebenders are almost always on firebenders are the most individualistic and aggressive,
the offensive, overwhelming their foes with barrage after often causing conflicts with those who differ in approach
barrage of fiery kicks, jabs, and sweeps. or look for less martial solutions, such as clerics, druids,
and bards. The more spiritual among them may realize
Adventures: Often, firebenders serve as part of military
that difference is not always dissonance, but harmony.
detachments and adventure under the orders of their
These firebenders espouse the views of a number of
superior officers or on their own initiative, seeking to
different companions, especially those of like disciplined
advance the interests of the Fire Nation. Alternatively,
passion, such as martial adepts.
they may travel on more personal quests, seeking to
regain lost honor or improve their standing within the Abilities: A high Wisdom score is essential to an
Fire Nation political hierarchy. Still others adventure to firebender as it determines the Save DCs for many of his
prove and increase their power and command of their best forms and abilities, also allowing him to intuitively
destructive art. dodge attacks. A firebender will have to choose between
his Strength and his Dexterity as well. Some firebenders
Characteristics: Firebenders are fast, powerful, and
prefer fighting at range, thus needing the accuracy and
aggressive. Lacking the potent defensive moves of the
agility that Dexterity affords them; others need the
other bending disciplines, firebenders seek to strike quick
additional damage and speed granted them by Strength.
and hard, defeating their opponent before defense is
Constitution is important to any class for the sake of
necessary. They use a variety of attacks to project their fire,
with quick hand jabs and punches resulting in short
bursts of fire while sweeping kicks create arcs of flame. Alignment: Any (Sometimes evil, rarely neutral)
Some of the most powerful firebenders are able to create Starting Gold: 6d4x10 (150 gp).
walls of fire, or generate blue fire or electricity, the most
powerful forms of the firebending art. Starting Age: As Rogue.

Alignment: Master firebenders, like all other benders,

show high discipline and self-control, though like their CLASS FEATURES
unpredictable medium, they can lose control of their
emotions. Chaotic and Lawful firebenders are in equal Firebenders are the most aggressive and immediately
numbers. The art of fire is obviously (though not solely) dangerous of all benders, and will directly hurt their
destructive, lending a slight preference towards Evil – but opponent the most. That is a defining feature of their
energy is as much the domain of Good. fighting style. But the clever realize that direct
damage is not the only way to harm an
Religion: While the extent of firebender
opponent – after all, what use is a
spirituality is unknown, it is commonly
gigantic fireball if the person you
thought that firebenders revere the sun
want to use it on is in the next city?
as the source of their powers. It is also
thought that some firebenders revere Firebenders thus often take the role
past Avatars from the Fire Nation. of a frontline destroyer and rear
Many firebenders are stubbornly harasser, forcing the enemy to make
individualistic and do not profess any tough choices in moving safely.
religious beliefs. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As a
Background: Many firebenders receive their firebender, you are proficient with all simple and
martial weapons, as well as light armor, but not shields. otherwise noted in its description. Your forms are not
affected by spell resistance, and you do not necessarily
Forms: You bend forms from the Firebender form list,
provoke attacks of opportunity for using one. For more
able to use any form you know spontaneously, as the
information, read the "Bending Overview" section.
opportunity presents itself. You begin your career with
Forms", as well as one additional seed chosen from the Fire Blast (Su): One of your basic attack seed forms. A
forms you are capable of bending at your level. You must single-classed firebender's Fire Blast increases in damage
maintain a bonus for at least 24 hours before you gain a at the rate listed in Table 1-3: The Firebender, but for more
level for it to count towards learning a form. information, read the section "List of Basic Forms."
To learn a Seed Form, you must have a Bending skill AC Bonus: As a 2nd level firebender, you can add your
modifier equal to the form's bending Difficulty Class - 10. Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Armor Class, so long as
Forms with a variable base Difficulty Class use their you wear no or light armor, are unencumbered, and do
lowest listed DC for purposes of learning the form. To not use a shield. These bonuses to AC apply even against
learn a Template Form, you must have a Bending skill touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. However, you
modifier equal to the form's bending Difficulty Class + 10. lose this bonus when you are immobilized or helpless.
The saving throw Difficulty Class against your forms is 10
Firestorm (Ex): When unarmored or lightly armored,
+ ½ your level in all bending classes + ¼ your level in all
you may strike with a firestorm at the expense of accuracy.
other classes + your Wisdom modifier.
You may make one extra attack in a round at your highest
You learn additional forms as you gain additional levels; base attack bonus, but all attacks made that round take a -
you learn another at second level, and then one more 2 penalty. It also affects attacks of opportunity you might
every two levels after that. make before your next action. When you reach 5th level,
the penalty lessens to -1, and at 9th level it disappears. You
A form is considered to be a supernatural ability unless
must use a full attack action to strike with a firestorm.


Base Fort Ref Will Firestorm Deflect Forms
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Attack Bonus Attack Known
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Fire Blast 1d6, Fundamentals, Firestorm -2/-2 0 1
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Deflect Attack -1/-1 -6 2
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Imp. Unarmed Strike, Advanced Bending +2 +0/+0 -6 2
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Fire Blast 2d6 +1/+1 -8 3
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Burning Rush (10 ft.) +2/+2 -8 3
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 Fire Resistance 5 +3/+3 -8 4
7 +5 +2 +5 +5 Advanced Bending +2 +4/+4 -8 4
8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Fire Blast 3d6 +5/+5/+0 -10 5
9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Burning Rush (20 ft.) +6/+6/+1 -10 5
10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Cold Resistance 5 +7/+7/+2 -10 6
11 +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Advanced Bending +2, Greater Firestorm +8/+8/+8/+3 -10 6
12 +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Fire Blast 4d6 +9/+9/+9/+4 -12 7
13 +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Burning Rush (30 ft.) +9/+9/+9/+4 -12 7
14 +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Fire Resistance 10 +10/+10/+10/+5 -12 8
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Advanced Bending +2 +11/+11/+11/+6/+1 -12 8
16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Fire Blast 5d6 +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 -14 9
17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Burning Rush (40 ft.) +12/+12/+12/+7/+2 -14 9
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Cold Resistance 10 +13/+13/+13/+8/+3 -14 10
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Advanced Bending +2 +14/+14/+14/+9/+4 -14 10
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Fire Blast 6d6, Burning Rush (50 ft.) +15/+15/+15/+10/+5 -16 11
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1 level): Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Concentration, Craft, Hide, Intimidate, Jump,
Knowledge (History), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot
When using firestorm, you may attack with unarmed
strikes, your Fire Blast attack, or any light, one-handed or
double melee weapon you have proficiency in. You may
attack with any of the above interchangeably as desired.
Firestorm cannot be used simultaneously with feats and "I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me."
class abilities such as Rapid Shot or Flurry of Blows that - Southern Waterbending Master
also grant extra attacks, though a Haste effect is fine.
Greater Firestorm: When you reach 11th level, in addition
to the standard extra attack you get from firestorm, you
get a second extra attack at your full base attack bonus. Change. Not making it, but experiencing it and doing
something with it. The seas are inconstant as the moon,
Deflect Attack (Su): As a firebender, you learn early on
and in that, waterbenders have found solidity. A swaying
to block or deflect attacks directed at you. At 2nd level, as
balance that moves the world.
an immediate action, you can attempt to negate a single
ranged or ranged touch attack made against you, after you Adventures: Waterbenders adventure most frequently to
have discovered the results of the attack roll but before the aid the tribe, be it to defend against an enemy, gain access
damage has been determined. The attack takes a -6 to a crucial resource, or provide aid to an ally of the tribe.
penalty. This penalty increases as you level, raising by -2 Also, waterbenders in small communities may adventure
every four levels that you take in the firebender class. to seek out a master to instruct them.
Improved Unarmed Strike: At 3rd level, you gain Characteristics: Waterbenders are able to manipulate
Improved Unarmed Strike as a free bonus feat, reflecting water, giving it shape, moving it with great speed and
your extensive training with your body. power, or changing its phase from water to ice or vapor
(and vice versa). They focus on a fluid defense, turning
Advanced Bending: At 3rd level, you begin to display
their opponent's blows against them. Waterbenders can
some of the fruits of your focused, intense training. You
also heal wounds, using water as a medium through
gain a +2 bonus to your Bending Skill; this bonus applies
which to align the chi and promote healing.
towards learning forms and bending them. You gain an
additional +2 bonus every four levels in the firebender Alignment: Waterbenders emphasize defense – but an
class as indicated in Table 1-3: The Firebender. active one that reflects the opponent's own offense, and
can be roused to anger. Thus, waterbenders tend toward
Burning Rush (Su): Upon attaining 5th level, you can use
neither good nor evil. In the harsh arctic environment
your firebending to greatly amplify your speed for short
which spawns most waterbenders, strict adherence to law
amounts of time. As a free action, once per encounter you
or reckless abandonment of duties can mean death for all
can activate Burning Rush. For the next three rounds, you
involved; overall, a waterbender understands the need for
gain the listed speed as a circumstance bonus to all your
flexibility, and thus tends towards neutrality.
movement speeds. Particularly powerful firebenders may
have this manifest as jets of flame exploding from their Religion: Waterbenders draw their power from the
feet. Moon and venerate the Moon Spirit above all others. Their
power waxes in the moonlight and wanes during the day.
Energy Resistance (Su): At 6th level, you gain Fire
Also, many members of the Water Tribe revere the Ocean
Resistance 5, able to reactively bend away minor
Spirit as the source of life for their people.
temperature fluctuations. As you gain additional levels in
the firebender class, you gain Cold Resistance as well, Background: Most waterbenders train under a master.
and both resistances increase to 10. In the Northern Water Tribe, there are large
group lessons under the tutelage of a
Other Benders: Like a member of any other class, a
single master. In the Southern and
firebender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass
Foggy Swamp Water Tribes where
firebenders face a special restriction. A firebender may
waterbenders are fewer in
never take a level in a different base bending class; this
number, waterbenders
does not, however, mean that it is impossible for a
tend to learn one-on-one
firebender to learn the other arts. See the Skills & Feats
from a single master.
chapter for more details.
Races: All
waterbenders (with the exception of the Avatar, who is Forms: You bend forms from the Waterbender form list,
able to master all four elements) are members of the group able to use any form you know spontaneously, as the
known as the Water Tribe, located at the north and south opportunity presents itself. You begin your career with
poles and in the Foggy Swamp. In other settings, the need knowledge of all waterbending "Fundamental Seed
for strength in flexibility is a trait that halflings and Forms", as well as one additional seed chosen from the
humans alike hold in high regard. Any water genasi will forms you are capable of bending at your level.
consider this path at least once in their life, and some
To learn a Seed Form, you must have a Bending skill
shifters that venerate the depths have found themselves
modifier equal to the form's bending Difficulty Class - 10.
contemplating waterbending.
Forms with a variable base Difficulty Class use their
Other Classes: Waterbenders, with their emphasis on lowest listed DC for purposes of learning the form. To
fluid, but reactive, fighting will often find much in learn a Template Form, you must have a Bending skill
common with frontline defenders accustomed to taking modifier equal to the form's bending Difficulty Class + 10.
abuse for their comrades, and their control and healing The saving throw Difficulty Class against your forms is 10
abilities are likewise appreciated by such. The precision + ½ your level in all bending classes + ¼ your level in all
that such a defense gives them over their offensive output other classes + your Wisdom modifier. You must maintain
is something that peace-minded monks, clerics and some a bonus for at least 24 hours before you gain a level for it
paladins are sure to appreciate. to count towards learning a form.
Abilities: A high Wisdom score is essential to a You learn additional forms as you gain additional levels;
Waterbender as it determines the Save DCs for many of you learn another at second level, and then one more
her best forms and abilities, also allowing her to every two levels after that.
intuitively dodge attacks. A high Dexterity is also
A form is considered to be a supernatural ability unless
important, as it allows the waterbender more
otherwise noted in its description. Your forms are not
opportunities to strike and control incautious opponents.
affected by spell resistance, and you do not necessarily
A waterbender's typical position at the rear of the fight
provoke attacks of opportunity for using one. For more
gives them many opportunities to observe the battle and
information, read the "Bending Overview" section.
support their allies, so a high Intelligence could be of
benefit; a more active and confrontational waterbender Water Blast (Su): One of your basic attack seed forms. A
may favor Constitution instead. single-classed waterbender's Water Blast increases in
damage at the rate listed in Table 1-4: The Waterbender,
Alignment: Any (Usually neutral)
but for more information, check the section "List of Basic
Starting Gold: 3d4x10 (75 gp). Forms."
Starting Age: As Rogue. AC Bonus: As a 2nd level waterbender, you can add your
Wisdom modifier as a bonus to Armor Class, so long as
you wear no armor, are unencumbered, and do not use a
CLASS FEATURES shield. You also gain the listed miscellaneous bonus to
your armor class as you take additional levels in this class,
While a firebender will stay upfront and hurt people
beginning at 2nd level. These bonuses to AC apply even
while hoping to not get hurt himself, a waterbender often
against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed.
finds herself doing the exact opposite – staying in the
However, you lose this bonus when you are immobilized
back, actively twisting attacks made against her into
or helpless.
painful ripostes, daring anyone to try and get near, past
her swarms of Tentacles and her Water Whip. Deflect Attack (Su): As an waterbender, you learn early
on to block or deflect attacks directed at you. At 2nd level,
And then half of those who do end up getting close are
as an immediate action, you can attempt to negate a single
simply swept out to sea by gigantic waves. The
ranged or ranged touch attack made against you, after you
waterbender can't take many hits, but misses against her
have discovered the results of the attack roll but before the
will prove costly. At her most effective when being
damage has been determined. The attack takes a -6
targeted, opponents will have to weigh the relative worth
penalty. This penalty increases as you level, raising by -2
of attacking her first or last – if they get to at all.
every four levels that you take in the waterbender class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As an waterbender,
Improved Unarmed Strike: At 3rd level, you gain
you are proficient with all simple weapons, but not with
Improved Unarmed Strike as a free bonus feat, reflecting
any armor or shields.
your extensive training with your body.
Base Fort Ref Will Deflect Forms Dodge
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Attack Known Bonus
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Water Blast 1d6, Fundamental Seed Forms 0 1 +0
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Deflect Attack, AC Bonus -6 2 +0
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Improved Unarmed Strike, Advanced Bending +2 -6 2 +0
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Water Conservation 25% -8 3 +0
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Water Blast 2d6, Ski (20 ft.) -8 3 +1
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 -8 4 +1
7 +5 +2 +5 +5 Advanced Bending +2 -8 4 +1
8 +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Water Conservation 50%, Circular Attack -4 -10 5 +1
9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Ski (30 ft.) -10 5 +1
10 +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Water Blast 3d6 -10 6 +2
11 +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Advanced Bending +2 -10 6 +2
12 +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Water Conservation 75% -12 7 +2
13 +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Ski (40 ft.) -12 7 +2
14 +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Circular Attack -2 -12 8 +2
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Water Blast 4d6, Advanced Bending +2 -12 8 +3
16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Water Conservation 100% -14 9 +3
17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Ski (50 ft.) -14 9 +3
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 -14 10 +3
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Advanced Bending +2 -14 10 +3
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Water Blast 5d6, Circular Attack +0, Ski (60 ft.) -16 11 +4
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, x4 at 1 level): Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal,
Knowledge (History, Local, Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, and Use Rope.

Advanced Bending: At 3rd level, you begin to display while skiing, provided that she skis in a straight line.
some of the fruits of your focused and intense training.
Circular Attack (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, you can
You gain a +2 bonus to your Bending Skill; this bonus
redirect your enemies' attacks, using their own energy to
applies towards learning forms as well as bending them.
retaliate against them. When you successfully dodge an
You gain an additional +2 bonus every four levels in the
attack roll for whatever reason, you may make an attack
waterbender class as indicated in Table 1-4: The
of opportunity against your attacker; this attack of
opportunity may either be performed with a melee
Water Conservation (Su): As you advance in your career weapon as normal, or with your Water Blast, at your
as a waterbender, you quickly realize your limitations option. This attack roll takes a -4 penalty when you first
when not next to a body of water. Through much practice, learn the ability, though this penalty gradually disappears
you learn to compensate for this. Upon completion of a over time, as listed on Table 1-4: The Waterbender.
form that normally states that its water component is not
Other Benders: Like a member of any other class, a
immediately recoverable, you retain the listed percentage
waterbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass
of water from the form. Your next form within the next
waterbenders face a special restriction. A waterbender
round that requires water can use your conservation pool
may never take a level in a different base bending class;
as a component, even if the water conserved is not within
this does not, however, mean that it is impossible for a
10 feet of you.
waterbender to learn the other arts. See the Skills & Feats
Ski (Su): Beginning at 5th level, you learn to move over chapter for more details.
the surface of water as naturally as if on land, or even
more so. You can move on the surface of water, ice, or
snow at the speed indicated on Table 1-4: The
Waterbender. The waterbender can use the run action
Paladin: Interestingly, while the Crusader has some issue
OTHER CLASSES fitting, the Paladin could be reflavored as a martially-
focused Waterbender who only mastered the ability to
heal. However, you would have to very carefully choose
"We can take 'em. Three on three." your spell selection. The Paladin's special mount would
"Actually, there's four of us." very certainly not be able to be magically summoned from
"Oh, sorry. Didn't count you, you know, no bending and all." Celestia; however, it could be a creature from the Spirit
"I can still fight!" World which you have long befriended that knows how to
"Okay, three on three plus Sokka." cross the barriers between the two worlds.
- Toph and Sokka
Ranger: Much as the Paladin, careful selection of Ranger
spells to things with less overt effects – such as Jump,
MARTIAL CLASSES Speak with Animals, Snare and many of the spells
introduced in the Spell Compendium will let the Ranger
As any fan of the Avatar: The Lost Airbender show knows,
slide into the Avatar world without making a big splash.
the cast is not made up solely of benders, and while only a
However, the spell-less Ranger from Complete Warrior or
bender might be able to stop a raging volcano or
the Scout class will probably be an easier fit.
earthquake, in a fight a good warrior can be a serious
threat. Swordsage: The Swordsage, like the Monk, draws a bit on
Eastern influences and this allows it some freedom in its
Barbarian: While the episode The Great Divide shows us a
supernatural qualities. Still, you may wish to avoid
mass of people who can be considered Barbarians, we
explicitly supernatural disciplines, such as Shadow Hand
don't actually get many examples of monstrous physical
and Desert Spirit. (Though Desert Spirit pairs well with a
strength in the Avatar World. The class shouldn't
multi-classed firebender, and Stone Dragon synergizes
detract from the feel of a close-to-canon setting show,
with earthbending.)
Warblade: A Fighter by any other name would still
Crusader: The Crusader, with its paladin-like
fit as snug.
religious zeal directly powering its abilities, as
well as its iconic martial discipline Devoted
Spirit containing large, in-combat only healing
capability that is not remotely tied to water, may
find itself out of place in the Avatar World. Bard: The Bard gains much of its
abilities explicitly from Arcane
Fighter: The prototypical warrior class, there are
Magic, which makes its spells
few settings that the Fighter is not at home in.
hard to fit in. Bardic Music itself
This is no exception.
can be simply made to be an
Hexblade: As a class which focuses on extraordinary ability, as it is morale
magic, the Hexblade is certainly out of based. Substituting the Bard's spell list
setting. However, the idea of hexing for a Warblade's maneuver list and
someone with bad luck is not exclusive increasing their hit die to d8 could
to the West, and with some doctoring, the Hexblade work, though.
will not be a large intrusion.
Ninja: The Rogue version of the monk. As with the monk,
Monk: The Monk has always been an Eastern-inspired the explicitly supernatural things should probably be
class, and Avatar draws primarily on Chinese and Hindu toned down into improbably natural elements. Invisibility
influences. We never explicitly see a character with monk is just an exceptionally good, fast, leap into stealth or a
abilities, especially not Abundant Step, but Guru Pathik, cloak dance.
and to a lesser extent Ty Lee, suggest the idea of non-
Rogue: The prototypical scoundrel class, there are few
benders able to achieve some measure of supernatural
settings that the Rogue is not at home in. This is no
power. You can go either way with this class. The most
overt effects you may simply wish to alter mechanically in
small ways – turning Abundant Step into extremely quick, Scout: Take one part Rogue, one part Ranger, and ditch
stealthy, high-leaping movement has virtually the same the spellcasting – it's a recipe for success. The Scout is at
gameplay effect in most cases as actual teleportation, and home in nearly any D&D setting.
Jeong-Jeong performs a similar trick in The Deserter.
Artificer: For the most part, Artificers – like the rest of the MONEY & MAGIC
spellcasting, manifesting crew – simply do not fit.
However, an artificer stripped of most of its later class
This supplement is intended to be of equal use to people
features, while unbalanced, weak and boring, would serve
who want to play an Avatar World campaign, and people
well as an NPC smith to get a source of magic equipment, who just want to bend things in Eberron or Greyhawk. The
especially as virtually all the other caster classes do not problem, though, is that the Avatar World doesn't take
even remotely fit. well to the "Christmas Tree effect," a phenomenon in
standard 3rd Edition D&D that results in every Fighter
Binders & Spirit Shaman: Much like the Hexblade, these carrying a golf club bag full of different weapons,
omnipresent bags of holding, and everyone flying by level
two are inarguably beyond the bounds of the canonical
15. There are no magic items at all, after all! You might
setting. However, dealings with the Spirit World beyond want to ban them all entirely.
the Avatar are poorly understood. The Binder could fill But in reality, the martial D&D classes are balanced
that spot, making pacts with various spirits that have around having equipment, and ignoring that can cause
become unruly and angered, disturbing the land; serious problems. If you find that for whatever reason,
alternatively, a Spirit Shaman with a Swordsage maneuver your PCs are not adapting well to a no-magic item setting,
you may wish to reintroduce them- slyly.
progression in place of its spellcasting could be a priest
To use this variant, restrict any magic item gains to those
who has learned to chastise the spirits.
items which enhance already present abilities, like
straight enhancement bonuses to weapons, or things that
are feasible non-magically, like Fortification to Armor.
Magic items that improve ability scores can be thought of
in new ways. Gloves of Strength might really just improve
your grip and balance to provide a functional improvement
to strength without actually making you Hercules. The
Carrying and Encumbrance rules rarely come into play
Make good use of the one-use permanent bonus magic
items, like the Manual of Gainful Exercise. To prevent
everyone from just reading the book and magically getting
stronger, attaching 'sidequest' adventures for PCs to train
and gain the most out of their newly found pamphlet gurus
can be a fun diversion, especially during downtime.
Players should not be walking around with large amounts
of money under this rule set, and will honestly be lucky to
have more than a couple pieces of gold as spending money
most of the time. They can find, craft, or barter for new
equipment, and even if they want to sell things, truly fine
weaponry is well beyond the purse limits of the average
citizen. The oft-neglected chapter on services and
equipment in the Player's Handbook might even see use
this way.
Of course, in such a no magic, low technology setting,
having more than a handful of money isn't as large a
benefit to anyone interested in adventuring, so if a PC in a
campaign with this variant wants you to play up her
massive inheritance from the Bei Fong family, you may
wish to play along. The additional resources can be quite
game-changing in the hands of clever PCs, but rarely will
they be game-breaking, especially with regards to intra-
party balance.
You and your players will, of course, know that they
really are using magic item rules, but it's not like it'll
matter. Last I checked, there's no Anti-Magicbender.
BENDING OVERVIEW Although bending is amazing and defies the laws of
physics, it is not magic as one commonly thinks of it.
Nothing is created, only manipulated. Therefore, bending
is never subject to spell resistance, and though it cannot be
performed in an Anti-Magic Field, bending that begins
outside of an Anti-Magic Field can continue into one via
momentum. All bending arts are considered to be a set of
Supernatural (Su) abilities, though the wide variety of
ater. Earth. Fire. Air. These techniques in bending means that not all normal rules for
four elements are the basis Supernatural abilities apply.
of all life according to those
A normal bending effect is referred to as a Seed Form
who call themselves
or Stance Form. Even these basics, when wielded by
'benders'. Using the unique
masters, can unleash amazing destructive or constructive
combination of mortality and spirituality, they are able to
powers, but Advanced Forms – created by the
bend these elements to their will and shape their world.
combination of two Seed Forms or any Form added with a
Bending is an ultimately spiritual, martial discipline Template Form – are a sight to behold.
– neither arcane or divine, but something in-between. In
many ways, it is weaker than magic, since benders cannot
create what is not there. So unlike magic, it is limited by
the endurance of its wielder and the suitability of its
environment, but in return has considerably more
BENDING FORMS bending check result.
● Quickening augments are the most common, and
are described below. Quickening augments
Components actually increase the base difficulty class of a form
for purposes of determining the augment pool
Forms with the Somatic component require precise,
and the strength of any exceed augments. You
coordinated motion. Bending checks made to bend a form
must decide whether to attempt to quicken a form
with a somatic component incur double the usual armor
before rolling your bending check for it.
check penalty as a result, unless you have proficiency in
the armor. If you are proficient with the armor you wear, ● Templates are a special kind of augmentation.
light armor incurs no armor check penalty, and medium Template Forms are forms that exist purely to
or heavy armor incur half the armor check penalty. If you alter the effects of other forms, and must be
do not at least have two limbs free, grappling, are prone, learned as any Seed Form would. Template Forms
or otherwise hindered in a significant way, you must take are therefore specific to each type of bending.
a -10 penalty on your bending check in order to bend a Applying a Template Form creates an Advanced
form with a somatic component. Attempting to bend a Form, and can change many characteristics of the
form with the Somatic component while you are Seed Form, such as its duration or Bending Time.
completely helpless, pinned, or otherwise immobile is Template augments actually increase the base
impossible even for the most skilled benders. difficulty class of a form for purposes of
determining the augment pool and the strength of
Activating or maintaining forms with the Meditation
any exceed augments. You must decide whether
component provokes an attack of opportunity unless done
to attempt to apply a template to a form before
as a swift or free action. Getting struck in the midst of
rolling your bending check for it.
activating or while maintaining a bending form with a
Meditation component and then subsequently failing your Augments can be added or removed while you maintain
Concentration check causes you to lose the form, just like a form; however, you must add +4 to the difficulty class
a spell. that round in order to sustain your mental and physical
balance while adjusting to a change. Certain forms may
Certain forms (particularly those of water, air, and earth)
specify restrictions on when that form can be augmented.
have a material component of their corresponding
element, either to fuel the form or as an integral part of the Quickening: Most forms with a Bending Time of Full-
form's effects. It is impossible to bend a form if you do not Round or shorter can be quickened. For every ten points
have a sufficient quantity of the appropriate element you increase the difficulty class of a form, you can reduce
within 10 feet of you. the bending time and maintenance time of any such form
to the next smaller action, to a minimum of Swift. A full-
round action becomes a standard action becomes a move
Augmentation action becomes a swift action. However, some forms have
Augmentation: Most forms have variable effects based their own rules on quickening, either allowing you to
on your bending skill. Specific augments are listed in the quicken them at less of a cost, or sometimes not at all.
description of each form; at the DM's option, others may These special rules will be contained in their description.
become available based on the situation. There are four Forms with a Maintenance Action require you to spend
types of Augments: at least that much effort a round focusing on the form to
● Increase augments are fairly common. Subtract the keep it from ending. Maintenance Actions can be
base difficulty class of the form from your quickened unless the form's description states otherwise,
bending check result. This is the size of your as you must make another bending check each time a
augment pool. You must use or spend points form calls for a Maintenance Action.
from your augment pool on Increase augments in
order to gain their benefits. You must decide how Combining Seed Forms
to increase augment a form prior to rolling your
bending check for it. You may combine various Seed Forms; creative use of the
element is important to the application of bending. Using
● Exceed augments are rare; to determine the
a single Seed Form is often very useful or powerful in its
strength of an Exceed augment, simply subtract
own right, and can continue to be so at later levels by
the base difficulty class of the form from your
advancing the seed's effects. However, in situations when
two of your known Seed Forms are compatible with each Vigorous Motion: If you are riding on a moving mount,
other, they can be executed in conjunction with the your taking a bouncy ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rough
other abilities, creating an Advanced Form. Doing so uses water, belowdecks in a storm-tossed ship, or simply being
the longer bending time of the two Seed Forms, and has a jostled in a similar fashion, you must make a
difficulty class equal to the two base forms added Concentration check (DC 10 + ¼ the DC of the form) or
together, minus four. Only one of the two forms involved lose the form.
may be augmented. Templates may be added as normal.
Violent Motion: If you are on a galloping horse, taking a
The intention of Advanced Forms is to replicate effects very rough ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rapids or in
that are logically feasible for a bender of an appropriate a storm, on deck in a storm-tossed ship, or being tossed
skill level to perform, but simply are not modeled in the roughly about in a similar fashion, you must make a
Seed Forms, either due to creator oversight or because the Concentration check (DC 15 + ¼ the DC of the form) or
technique was dubbed to be a combination. It should lose the form. Extremely severe conditions, like being in a
therefore be stressed that players and DMs are intended to tornado or earthquake, can increase the DC further.
cooperate to determine what combinations of bending
Violent Weather: If you are in a high wind carrying
seeds are appropriate in a given game. Many
blinding rain or sleet, the DC is 5 + ¼ the DC of the form.
combinations are possible, so be creative!
If you are in wind-driven hail, dust, or debris, the DC is 10
+ ¼ the DC of the form. In either case, you lose the form if
Concentration you fail the Concentration check.

To bend some forms, you must concentrate. If something Bending Forms on the Defensive: If you want to bend a
threatens to interrupt your concentration while you're form without provoking attacks of opportunity, you need
bending a form, you must succeed on a Concentration to dodge and weave. You must make a Concentration
check or lose the form. The more distracting the check (DC 15 + ¼ the DC of the form) to succeed. If you
interruption and the higher the level of the form that you fail, you do not lose the form, but you are subject to
are trying to bend, the higher the DC. (Higher-level attacks of opportunity which may disrupt the form.
meditation forms require more mental effort.) The
following rules only apply to forms with a Meditation Bender Level and Bender Skill
The variables of a form's effect sometimes depend on its
Injury: Getting hurt or being affected by hostile effects
bender level, which is equal to your total bender class
while trying to bend a form can break your concentration
levels + ½ your levels in all other classes, and can never
and ruin a form. If you take damage while trying to bend
exceed your character level.
a form, you must make a Concentration check (DC 10 +
points of damage taken + ¼ the DC of the form). The More often, your bender skill is used. The bender skill
interrupting event strikes during activation if it occurs roll has a basic modifier equal to your total bender class
between when you start and when you complete bending levels + ½ your levels in all other classes + your Wisdom
a form (for a form with a bending time of 1 round or modifier, and there are many methods available to
longer) or if it comes in response to your bending the form improve your bender skill. Bender Skill is not a normal
(such as an attack of opportunity provoked by the skill (it is not a valid subject for Skill Focus, for example).
bending of the form or a contingent attack from a readied You may choose to take 10 on bending checks to execute
action). a form, unless you are being threatened in combat when
If you are taking continuous damage half the damage is using a Meditation component form. You may also choose
considered to take place while you are bending a form. to take 20 on a single bending check by taking ten times
You must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + ½ the the usual (non-quickened) amount of time to perform the
damage that the continuous source last dealt + ¼ the DC check. Standard, move, and swift actions are considered to
of the form). If the last damage dealt was the last damage be three seconds long for this purpose. You can never take
that the effect could deal then the damage is over, and it 20 on a maintenance check.
does not distract you.
Repeated damage does not count as continuous damage. Form Failure
Grappling or Pinned: To bend a form while grappling If you try to bend a form in conditions where the
or pinned, you must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + characteristics of the form (range, area, and so on) cannot
¼ the DC of the form) or lose the form.
be made to conform, the activation fails. Forms also fail if cannot be quickened.
your concentration is broken (see Concentration, above) or
Check and Benefit: Each secondary bender who meets
if you cannot make the difficulty class.
or exceed the form's base DC grants the primary bender a
+3 bonus to her Bending Skill check and a +1 bonus to her
Overbending Effective Bender Level for the purposes of this check. Then
the primary bender must succeed on the Bending Skill
Upon failing a bending check, you have a choice to go check to perform the combined form. Failure means the
ahead and do the action for which your rolled anyway. form does not activate. You can take 10 or 20 on a
This is known as overbending and can range from Cooperative Bending attempt as long as you meet the
strenuous to lethal, depending on the scope of what you usual requirements.
are trying to do, as shown on the table below. All effects
stack with those of lower level effects. Benders of multiple disciplines can bend cooperatively
together, but only if the substance to be manipulated
Failed By Effect
contains bendable material for all participants. For
example, a waterbender and an earthbender can work
1-5 1 Constitution Damage, Fatigue together to bend mud (containing both water and earth).
6-9 1 Constitution Damage (2 total), Exhaustion
10-14 2 Constitution Damage (4 total) Contested Bending
15-19 4 Constitution Damage (8 total), Unconsciousness
If you attempt to take control of a mass of an element
+5 x2 Constitution Damage
already under another bender's control, you must make
an opposed bending skill check. As the challenger, you
You can only overbend a number of points equal to your take a -5 penalty to your bending skill check. In order to
bender level. gain control of the element, you must beat your
opponent's bending skill check. In the case of a tie, the
If you are rendered unconscious by overbending, you
challenger loses. You can never take 10 or 20 on a
may make a DC 20 Will save to wake up after four hours,
Contested Bending attempt.
with an additional attempt every hour thereafter. After
eight hours, you automatically wake up, but are Benders of multiple disciplines can contest against each
exhausted. other, but only if the substance to be manipulated contains
bendable material for both participants. For example, a
Creatures immune to fatigue, exhaustion or Constitution
firebender and an airbender can vie against each other to
damage cannot overbend. If this immunity is granted by a
take control of a firestorm.
dismissable, harmless effect, they may dismiss this
immunity as a free action in order to overbend. If you wish to take control of an element under a
spellcaster or manifester's control, the spellcaster
substitutes a check to overcome spell resistance in place of
Cooperative Bending a bending skill check, even if the spell does not ordinarily
In certain circumstances, multiple benders can work allow spell resistance.
together to accomplish larger and more powerful feats of
Organization and Action: In any cooperative bending
attempt, one bender (usually the highest-level bender, but
any bender can be selected) acts as the primary bender for
the attempt. All benders involved must know at least one
of the seed forms in the form being attempted.
Up to five benders can assist in the cooperative bending
attempt. In order to participate in a cooperative bending
attempt, all secondary benders must be within 30 feet of
the primary bender and must use consecutive full-round
actions to assist the primary bender until the form's
bending time has been completed. A form takes at least
one round to execute when cooperative bending; this
FORM DESCRIPTIONS quickening, it is considered to be a standard action.

The description of each form is presented in a standard

Maintenance Action
format. Each category of information is explained and
defined below. The amount of effort and time required to maintain a form
after the initial activation.

The first line of every form description gives the name by
which the form is generally known. A form may be known A form's range indicates how far from you it can reach, as
by other names in some locales, and specific benders may defined in the Range entry of the form description. A
have names of their own for their forms. The wording in form's range is the maximum distance from you that the
parentheses indicates what type of form it is. form's effect can occur, as well as the maximum distance
at which you can designate the form's point of origin. If
any portion of the area would extend beyond the range,
Difficulty Class that area is wasted. Standard ranges include the following.
Beneath the form name is a line giving the difficulty class
of the form, unaugmented and unaltered. Benders may Personal: The form affects only you.
choose to take 10 on any bending check, unless being
threatened in combat with a Meditation component form. Touch: You must touch a creature or object to affect it. A
touch form that deals damage can score a critical hit just
as a weapon can. A touch form threatens a critical hit on a
Components natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a successful
critical hit. Some touch forms allow you to touch multiple
This line describes the basic components of the bending
targets. You can touch as many willing targets as you can
form. More about components is explained under
reach, but all targets of the form must be touched in the
"Bending Overview."
same round that you bend the form.

Bending Time Melee: The form is initiated with a melee attack, either
an unarmed strike or a weapon.
The amount of effort and time required to bend a form.
Most forms have a bending time of a full-round action or
Range Expressed in Feet: Exactly what it says.
less. A form that takes 1 round to bend requires a full-
round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning
of your turn in the round after you began bending the Aiming a Form
form. You then act normally after the form is completed.
You must make some choice about whom the form is to
A form that takes 1 minute to bend comes into effect just affect or where the form's effect is to originate, depending
before your turn 1 minute later (and for each of those 10 on the type of power. The next entry in a form description
rounds, you are bending a form as a full-round action, as defines the form's target (or targets), its effect, or its area
noted above for 1-round bending times). These actions as appropriate.
must be consecutive and uninterrupted, or the form fails.
When you use a form that takes 1 round or longer to Target or targets: Some forms have a target or targets.
bend and has the Meditation component, you must You bend these forms on creatures or objects, as defined
continue the concentration from the current round to just by the form itself. You must be able to see or touch the
before your turn in the next round (at least). If you lose target, and you must specifically choose that target.
concentration before the bending time is complete, the However, you do not have to select your target until you
form fails. finish bending the form.
A form with a bending time of "Ranged Attack" or
"Melee Attack" means that the form can be substituted for If you bend a targeted form on the wrong type of target
a normal Ranged or Melee attack, even in special cases the form has no effect. If the target of a form is yourself
like an Attack of Opportunity (but not a Martial (the form description has a line that reads "Target: You"),
Maneuver, Spell, or Bending Form.) For purposes of you do not receive a saving throw. The Saving Throw line
is omitted from such forms. (S) Shapeable: If an Effect line ends with "(S)" you can
shape the form. A shaped effect can have no dimension
Some forms can be bended only on willing targets. smaller than 10 feet.
Declaring yourself as a willing target is something that
can be done at any time (even if you're flat-footed or it Area: Some forms affect an area. Sometimes a form
isn't your turn). Unconscious creatures are automatically description specifies a specially defined area, but usually
considered willing, but a character who is conscious but an area falls into one of the categories defined below.
immobile or helpless (such as one who is bound,
cowering, grappling, paralyzed, pinned, or stunned) is not Regardless of the shape of the area, you select the point
automatically willing. The Saving Throw line is usually where the form originates, but otherwise you usually
omitted from such forms, since only willing subjects can don't control which creatures or objects the form affects.
be targeted. The point of origin of a form that affects an area is always
a grid intersection. When determining whether a given
Effect: Some forms create things rather than affect things creature is within the area of a form, count out the
that are already present. Unless otherwise noted in the distance from the point of origin in squares just as you do
form description, you must designate the location where when moving a character or when determining the range
these things are to appear, either by seeing it or defining for a ranged attack. The only difference is that instead of
it. Range determines how far away an effect can appear, counting from the center of one square to the center of the
but if the effect is mobile, it can move regardless of the next, you count from intersection to intersection.
form's range once created.
You can count diagonally across a square, but every
Ray: Some effects are rays. You aim a ray as if using a second diagonal counts as 2 squares of distance. If the far
ranged weapon, though typically you make a ranged edge of a square is within the form's area, anything within
touch attack rather than a normal ranged attack. As with a that square is within the form's area. If the form's area
ranged weapon, you can fire into the dark or at an touches only the near edge of a square, however, anything
invisible creature and hope you hit something. You don't within that square is unaffected by the form.
have to see the creature you're trying to hit, as you do
with a targeted form. Intervening creatures and obstacles, Burst, Emanation, or Spread: Most forms that affect an
however, can block your line of sight or provide cover for area function as a burst, an emanation, or a spread. In
the creature you're aiming at. each case, you select the form's point of origin and
measure its effect from that point. A burst form affects
If a ray form has a duration, it's the duration of the effect whatever it catches in its area, even including creatures
that the ray causes, not the length of time the ray itself that you can't see. It can't affect creatures with total cover
persists. from its point of origin (in other words, its effects don't
extend around corners). The default shape for a burst
If a ray form deals damage, you can score a critical hit effect is a sphere, but some burst forms are specifically
just as if it were a weapon. A ray form threatens a critical described as cone-shaped.
hit on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a
successful critical hit. A burst's area defines how far from the point of origin
the form's effect extends.
Spread: Some effects spread out from a point of origin
(which may be a grid intersection, or may be the bender) An emanation form functions like a burst form, except
to a distance described in the form. The effect can extend that the effect continues to radiate from the point of origin
around corners and into areas that you can't see. Figure for the duration of the form.
distance by actual distance traveled, taking into account
turns the effect may take. When determining distance for A spread form spreads out like a burst but can turn
spread effects, count around walls, not through them. As corners. You select the point of origin, and the form
with movement, do not trace diagonals across corners. spreads out a given distance in all directions. Figure the
You must designate the point of origin for such an effect area the form effect fills by taking into account any turns
(unless the effect is centered on you), but you need not the effect takes.
have line of effect (see below) to all portions of the effect.
Cone, Line, or Sphere: Most forms that affect an area have
a particular shape, such as a cone, line, or sphere. A cone-
shaped form shoots away from you in a quarter-circle in
the direction you designate. It starts from any corner of Permanent: The energy remains as long as the effect
your square and widens out as it goes. Most cones are does. This means the form is vulnerable to dispel magic.
either bursts or emanations (see above), and thus won't go This is exceptionally rare in bending.
around corners.
Concentration: The form lasts as long as you concentrate
A line-shaped form shoots away from you in a line in the on it. Concentrating to maintain a form has an action
direction you designate. It starts from any corner of your defined per each form, and provokes an attack of
square and extends to the limit of its range or until it opportunity if it has the Meditation component. Anything
strikes a barrier that blocks line of effect. A line-shaped that could break your concentration when bending a form
form affects all creatures in squares that the line passes can also break your concentration while you're
through or touches. maintaining one, causing the form to end. You can bend a
form while concentrating on another one; your
A sphere-shaped form expands from its point of origin concentration is limited only by the number of actions
to fill a spherical area. Spheres may be bursts, emanations, available to you in a round. Some forms may last for a
or spreads. short time after you cease concentrating. In such a case,
the form keeps going for the given length of time after you
Other: A form can have a unique area, as defined in its stop concentrating, but no longer. Otherwise, you must
description. concentrate to maintain the form, but you can't maintain it
for more than a stated duration in any event. If a target
Line of Effect: A line of effect is a straight, unblocked moves out of range, the form reacts as if your
path that indicates what a form can affect. A solid barrier concentration had been broken.
cancels a line of effect, but it is not blocked by fog,
darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight. You Subjects, Effects, and Areas: If the form affects creatures
must have a clear line of effect to any target that you bend directly the result travels with the subjects for the form's
a form on or to any space in which you wish to create an duration. If the form creates an effect, the effect lasts for
effect. You must have a clear line of effect to the point of the duration. The effect might move or remain still. Such
origin of any form you bend. an effect can be destroyed prior to when its duration ends.
If the form affects an area then the form stays with that
A burst, cone, or emanation form affects only an area, area for its duration. Creatures become subject to the form
creatures, or objects to which it has line of effect from its when they enter the area and are no longer subject to it
origin (a spherical burst's center point, a cone-shaped when they leave.
burst's starting point, or an emanation's point of origin).
An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 square Touch Forms and Holding the Charge: Unlike spells,
foot through it does not block a form's line of effect. Such you typically cannot hold a Touch Form's charge. You can
an opening means that the 5-foot length of wall containing touch one friend (or yourself) as a standard action or as
the hole is no longer considered a barrier for the purpose many as six friends within range as a full round action.
of determining a form's line of effect.
Discharge: Occasionally a form lasts for a set duration or
until triggered or discharged.
A form's Duration line tells you how long the form lasts. (D) Dismissible: If the Duration line ends with "(D),"
Form durations are usually Instantaneous or you can dismiss the form at will. You must be within
Concentration, due to the manipulative rather than range of the form's effect and must mentally will the
creative nature of bending. dismissal, which causes the same display as when you
first bended the form. Dismissing a form is a standard
Timed Durations: When the time is up, the spiritual action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A
energy sustaining the effect fades, and the form ends. If a form that depends on concentration is dismissable by its
form's duration is variable it is rolled secretly. very nature, and dismissing it does not take an action,
since all you have to do to end the form is to stop
Instantaneous: The form's energy comes and goes the concentrating on your turn.
instant the form is bended, though the consequences
might be long-lasting.
Saving Throws Automatic Failures and Successes: A natural 1 (the d20
comes up 1) on a saving throw is always a failure, and the
Often a harmful form allows a target to make a saving form may deal damage to exposed items (see Items
throw to avoid some or all of the effect. The Saving Throw Surviving after a Saving Throw, below). A natural 20 (the
line in a form description defines which type of saving d20 comes up 20) is always a success.
throw the form allows and describes how saving throws
against the form work. If no saving throw is allowed, no Voluntarily Giving up a Saving Throw: A creature can
line is listed. voluntarily forego a saving throw and willingly accept a
form's result.
Negates: The form has no effect on a subject that makes
a successful saving throw. Items Surviving after a Saving Throw: Unless the
descriptive text for the form specifies otherwise, all items
Partial: The form causes an effect on its subject, such as carried or worn by a creature are assumed to survive a
death. A successful saving throw means that some lesser bending attack. If a creature rolls a natural 1 on its saving
effect occurs (such as being dealt damage rather than throw against the effect, however, an exposed item is
being killed). harmed (if the attack can harm objects). Refer to the below
Half: The form deals damage, and a successful saving
throw halves the damage taken (round down). Determine which four objects carried or worn by the
creature are most likely to be affected and roll randomly
(object): The form can be bended on objects, which among them. The randomly determined item must make a
receive saving throws only if they attended (held, worn, saving throw against the attack form or take whatever
grasped, or the like) by a creature resisting the form, in damage the attack deals.
which case the object uses the creature's saving throw
bonus unless its own bonus is greater. (This notation does
Order* Item
not mean that a form can be bended only on objects. Some
forms of this sort can be bended on creatures or objects.) 1st Shield
2nd Armor
(harmless): The form is usually beneficial, not harmful,
3rd Magic helmet
but a targeted creature can attempt a saving throw if it
desires. 4th Item in hand
5th Magic cloak
Saving Throw Difficulty Class: A saving throw against 6th Stowed weapon
your form has a difficulty class of (10+½Bender 7th Magic bracers
Level+Wisdom Modifier).
8th Magic clothing

Succeeding on a Saving Throw: A creature that 9th Magic jewelry

successfully saves against a form that has no obvious 10th Anything else
physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot * In order of likeliness to be affected

deduce the exact nature of the attack. Likewise, if a

creature's saving throw succeeds against a targeted form
you sense that the form has failed. You do not sense when Descriptive Text
creatures succeed on saves against effect and area forms. This portion of a form description details what the form
does and how it works. If one of the previous lines in the
Failing a Saving Throw against Mind-Affecting forms: description included "see text," this is where the
If you fail your save, you are unaware that you have been explanation is found. If the form you're reading about is
affected by a form. based on another form you might have to refer to a
different form for the "see text" information.
concentration; a severe wind prevents the cloud from
LIST OF BASIC FORMS forming. You cannot use this ability underwater.

Earth Required: A quarter-inch coating of sand or dirt over

AIRBENDING the area to be affected, or five gallons per five-foot radius.

Air is the element of freedom, advanced by those who Augment:

seek liberty. Airbenders are almost never without their - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
element, like Earthbenders, but the transparent nature of you can increase the height of the cylinder by five feet.
air requires their sense of perception, leading Airbenders - For every four points you use from your augment pool,
to consider a problem from many different angles. After you can increase the width of the cylinder by five feet.
all, if the essential element which they control and benefit
from is impossible to see, what else could be missed? Dirt Spray: By aiming a spray of sand or dust at an
Undisciplined airbenders often turn this mental agility opponent's eyes, you can try to temporarily blind the
into mental evasiveness. Looking at a problem from too creature. A creature who fails their Reflex save becomes
many different angles can sometimes be an excuse to not blind for the next round. Creatures with completely
examine it at all. This problem sometimes extends to their enclosed helmets or eyes and those without normal sight
fighting style as well. The most kinetic of benders, along are unaffected by this form.
with Fire, Air is an actively defensive art. Where Water
seeks to turn the opponent's energy against itself, Fire Earth Required: A handful of sand or loosely packed dirt.
makes opportunities to strike, and Earth waits to make a
move, Air attempts to trick and deceive the opponent into Augment:
leading to their own demise. - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
you can increase the duration of Blind by one round.
- For every five points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Agitate Dust (Seed) you deal 1d6 slashing damage with a successful attack.
Difficulty Class: 15 Reflex negates.
Components: Somatic
Bending Time: Full-round action Air Blast (Fundamental Seed)
Maintenance Action: Move action (Darken) Difficulty Class: 5
Range: 30 ft. Components: Somatic
Area: 20-ft wide, 5-ft high cylinder spread (Darken) Bending Time: Ranged attack.
Target: One creature (Dirt Spray) Range: 60 ft.
Duration: See text. Effect: Ray
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (Dirt Spray) Duration: Instantaneous

This stance initiates two different forms. The first offensive ability you learn as an airbender.
Whenever you would be granted a ranged attack, you
Darken: Using your airbending, you agitate the loose may use an Air Blast instead, including as part of a full
particles of dirt on the ground. You disperse copious attack action, or feats like Shot on the Run. This attack
amounts of sand or loosely packed dirt into the air or deals 1d6 damage, increasing by an additional 1d6
water. The cloud obscures all sight, including darkvision, damage for every six Bender Levels that you have. This
beyond 5 feet - creatures with a radar-like blindsense damage may either be non-lethal bludgeoning damage, or
(such as Touchsight) are no better off, though other forms lethal sonic damage, at your option.
of blindsense and tremorsense work as normal.
An affected creature within 5 feet of an attacker has - By using five points of your augment pool, you can
concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance); creatures perform this form as part of a standard melee attack on
farther away gain total concealment (50% miss chance, the same target.
and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target). - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
you gain a +2 bonus to your bull rush attempt.
This cloud normally lasts for one round after you cease
- By using five points of your augment pool, you can Breathstealer (Seed)
initiate bull rush attacks with successful Air Blast strikes. Difficulty Class: 30
Anyone struck by the attack (or who fails their save, if this Bending Time: Full-round action
ability is made to require a save instead) is subject to a Range: 30 ft.
bull rush attempt by the attack, using your scores and Target: One breathing creature
modifiers (although not limited by your movement). You Duration: See text
gain a bonus to this bull rush check equal to half your Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
Bender Level. If you fail the attempt, you are not subject to
any reactive rolls or effects. You reach inside the subject's body through an opening
and rip out their store of oxygen or other vital gas. If the
Air Scooter (Seed) target succeeds on a Fort save when the form is activated,
Difficulty Class: 10 it is unaffected; if it fails, it can still continue to breathe by
Components: Meditation taking a standard action in each round to gasp for air.
Bending Time: Move action After two rounds in which it takes a standard action to
Maintenance Action: Move action breathe, the creature regains normal breath.
Range: Personal
Effect: Balancing orb of wind beneath your feet An affected creature can attempt to take actions normally
Duration: Concentration instead, but each round it does so, beginning in the round
when it failed its initial save, the subject risks blacking out
You create a tumultuous, spinning orb of air to ride. By from lack of oxygen. It must succeed on another Fortitude
balancing on the ball of air, you attain great speed and save at the end of any of its turns in which it did not
maneuverability. It has a land speed equal of 60 ft, and the consciously take a breath. The DC of this save increases by
ball floats a few inches above the surface. While riding the 1 in every consecutive round after the first one that goes
Air Scooter, you may ignore any movement penalties for by without a breath; the DC drops back to its original
difficult terrain. Even walls and pools of lava are no value if the subject spends an action to take a breath.
impediment - the Air Scooter can climb up vertical surfaces
as long as it moves at least 30 ft per round. If a subject fails one of the subsequent (not the initial)
saves, it is rendered unconscious for the next 1d10
The Air Scooter can also traverse normally impossible minutes, or until healed or given first aid, and the form
surfaces, such as water, lava, or thin ice at no penalty. It ends. They are not injured in any way otherwise, although
has a flight speed equal to its land speed with a perfect a helpless target who fails their subsequent saves against
maneuverability, but can only fly or hover for three this form is immediately killed.
consecutive rounds.
If struck, you must make a DC 10+(½Damage) Balance - For every three points you use from your augment pool,
check or be knocked off. While riding the Air Scooter, you the saving throw DC for this form increases by one.
are considered to be mounted for all purposes, though - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
you do not have to make a Concentration check to bend the target must gasp for an air an additional round before
while using this form. If you dismount for any reason, it the form ends.
immediately dissipates. - For every ten points you use from your augment pool,
you can perform this form on an additional target.
- By using twenty points of your augment pool, you can
maintain this form as a free action. Control Winds (Seed)
- For every five points that you use from your augment Difficulty Class: See Text
pool, the Air Scooter has an additional 5 feet of movement Components: Meditation
speed. Bending Time: One round
- For every three points that you exceed the difficulty Maintenance Action: Full-round action
class, you gain a +1 bonus to your Balance check while Range: 60 ft.
riding the Air Scooter. Area: Cone-shaped spread of wind
Duration: Concentration + one round
You begin to change the wind speed in a 60-ft. cone in Area: Cylindrical burst (5-ft radius, 20 ft. long) originating
front of you. (See Table: Wind Effects in the Dungeon within 20 feet.
Master's Guide.) You may choose to make these winds as Effect: Horizontal or vertical line of rushing winds.
strong - or as gentle - as you are capable of controlling. If Duration: Concentration
the winds already present in the area are stronger than Saving Throw: Reflex negates
you can control, this form fails.
Target a single square within 20 feet (including your own.)
Wind Strength Base DC You shoot huge amounts of wind originating from that
Light 0 square. Creatures caught in Funnel are allowed a Reflex
save to move to an adjacent space safely. If they do not
Moderate 5
have sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent clear
Strong 10
space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the terrain in
Severe 20 the space is difficult to pass through) but make their save,
Windstorm 35 they end up prone in the adjacent space.
Hurricane 55
Tornado 80
When fired and while maintained, Funnel initiates a bull
rush with every creature in its area; it is considered to be a
creature of Medium size. You gain a bonus to this bull
One round after you cease to focus on the winds, they
rush check equal to your Bender Level. You gain a +2
begin returning to their natural state.
synergy bonus and an additional attempt for every
additional funnel simultaneously trying to push the
subject in that direction. If they are knocked back at least
- By using ten points of your augment pool, you can
ten feet, they are knocked prone.
change this form's area to a 20-ft radius centered on you.

Subjects affected take 4d6 non-lethal bludgeoning or lethal

Flowing Air Strike (Seed) piercing damage (your option) every round that they
Difficulty Class: 10 remain in the funnel, and are considered checked (unable
Components: Somatic to move forward) against movement in that direction. If
Bending Time: Swift action trapped against a wall or other solid surface by Funnel,
Maintenance Action: Swift action they are considered to be checked against movement in all
Range: Personal directions. If suspended in mid-air by Funnel, subjects do
Target: Self not take on-going damage. Every round, the subjects are
Duration: Concentration granted a new Reflex save to escape to an adjacent space.

You improve your combat rhythm and timing, allowing As a free action, you may instead opt for Funnel to fire at
you to strike harder and faster. For the duration of this lower pressure; in this case, it deals no damage and
form, you gain a +1 bonus to your melee attacks and creatures in the funnel's path are gently pushed to the end
damage with light or one-handed weapons for every three of the line's effect. If you originate this attack from your
Bender Levels you possess. square and shoot upwards, for example, you can propel
yourself upwards twenty feet.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool, You can only move or bull rush a creature if at least half of
your melee attacks with light or one-handed weapons the squares they occupy on one face are covered by air
ignore 10% miss chance due to concealment or other funnels. Attacking through a funnel in either direction
effects. grants total concealment.

Funnel (Seed) Augment:

Difficulty Class: 20 - For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Components: Somatic, Meditation you deal an additional 1d6 damage with one cylinder.
Bending Time: Standard action - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
Maintenance Action: Move action the length of your cylinders increase by 10 ft.
Range: 60 ft. - For every fourteen points you use from your augment
pool, you can create and maintain an additional cylinder.
Target: Self
Hand of Wind (Fundamental Seed) Duration: Instantaneous (Cloudwalker); Concentration
Difficulty Class: 5 (Windrunner)
Components: Somatic, Meditation This stance initiates two different forms.
Bending Time: Standard action
Maintenance Action: Standard action Cloudwalker: As a full-round action, make a Jump check.
Range: 60 ft. Add your Bending check to the result. You are always
Target: Object or creature up to 5 lbs per Bender Level. considered to be running for this jump. The distance you
Duration: Concentration jump in a round is not limited by your movement.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Windrunner: When you use the charge, run or double
You move a single object as long as it is within the weight move action, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus to your
limit. You can take a maintenance action to suspend an land and air movement speed. For every consecutive run
object in mid-air between rounds. You move the targeted or double move thereafter, you gain an additional +5
object up to 30 ft in a round. Subjects can be hurled bonus, to a maximum of +20.
outside of the range of the form, due to momentum,
though you lose control over them. Augment:
- For every point you exceed the base difficulty class, your
A number of small objects within the same square can be maximum speed increases by 5 feet.
moved as one, provided they fit in the weight category.
They deal damage as a single large object. Hurricane Breath (Template)
Difficulty Class: 15
When hurled, you must succeed on a single attack roll to Components: Not Somatic
hit the target with the weight, using your base attack Bending Time: Move action at least; can be quickened.
bonus + your Wisdom modifier. When thrusting, you do Range: Personal
not have specific control over the way an object is thrown, Target: Self
so its inherent lethality doesn't come into play. Hard, Duration: See text.
dense objects deal 1d6 points of damage per 10 lbs. Other
objects may deal as little as 1 point per 10 lbs. This template can be applied to any airbending form. You
breathe air, and thus, it can be used to airbend in new
Creatures who fall within the weight capacity of the form ways. You take a deep breath to inhale and center your
can be hurled, but they are allowed Fortitude saves to thoughts. Your airbending form gains your Constitution
negate the effect, as are those whose held possessions are modifier as a bonus to the bending check and is
targeted by the form. A hurled creature takes damage and performed with no somatic components, issuing from
deals damage to its target; an unarmored human may deal your mouth instead.
and take only 1d3 damage per 10 lbs. One in spiked armor
may deal and take up to 1d6 damage per 10 lbs. Even if you are not surrounded by air (such as if you are
in a vacuum, or underwater), Hurricane Breath grants you
You may not target yourself with this form. enough air to perform a targeted airbending attack,
though you will need to breathe within the next round.
- For every two points you use from your augment pool, Levitation (Seed)
you can move an additional 5 pounds of weight. Difficulty Class: 15
- For every two points you use from your augment pool, Components: Somatic
you can move objects 5 feet farther. Bending Time: Standard action
Maintenance Action: Free action
Heavenly Stride (Seed) Range: Personal
Difficulty Class: 20 Target: Self
Components: Somatic Duration: Concentration
Bending Time: Varies; see text. This stance initiates two forms.
Maintenance Action: Swift action (Windrunner)
Range: Personal
Hover: You create rushing winds around your entire body, Armor Class from its Dexterity, but it does gain a bonus to
slowly lifting you into the air. You gain a flight speed of 0 its AC equal to your Wisdom bonus.
ft, with perfect maneuverability. (Allowing you to move 5
feet as a full-round action.) Although the subject's body is under your control, the
subject's mind is not. Creatures capable of taking purely
Flying with this form while attacking makes you unstable; mental actions (such as manifesting powers, or bending
the first attack has a -1 penalty on attack rolls, the second - without Somatic components) can do so.
2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of -5. A full round
spent stabilizing allows you to begin again at -1. Every round past the first that you maintain this seed, you
take a cumulative -1 penalty to all bending checks.
- For every three points you use from your augment pool, Augment:
you gain an additional five feet of movement speed. - For every four points you use from your augment pool,
- By exceeding the difficulty class by fifteen points, you no you can affect one creature one size category larger.
longer take a penalty to attack rolls while using this form. - For every eight points you use from your augment pool,
you can control an additional creature at once.
Twinkletoes: By pushing the air currents around you to
support your weight, you become light on your feet. You Shockwave (Seed)
weigh half as much as usual, gain concealment against Difficulty Class: 15
tremorsense, and a bonus to Balance, Jump, Move Silently Components: Somatic, Meditation
and Tumble checks equal to half your Bender Level. Bending Time: Standard action
Range: 15 ft.
Augment: Area: 15-ft cone burst originating from you
- By using twelve points of your augment pool, you gain Duration: Instantaneous
total concealment against ground-based tremorsense. Saving Throw: Reflex half, Fortitude negates (see text)

Puppet (Seed) You slice with your hands or your weapon, creating a
Difficulty Class: 20 brutally quick shockwave before you. Subjects inside the
Components: Somatic, Meditation area must make a Reflex save or take 1d4 sonic damage
Bending Time: One round per Bender Level. On a successful save, they only take half
Maintenance Action: Full-round action of this damage.
Range: 30 ft.
Target: One Medium or smaller Air creature. Those who fail their Reflex save are subject to a Fortitude
Duration: Concentration save. Failure means they are pushed back five feet.
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
You can attempt to control a pre-existing creature with the - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
[Air] subtype that is within range and to which you have the cone becomes five feet longer.
line of sight. You can force the subject to stand up, sit - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
down, walk, turn around, and so on, but operating the you knockback subjects an additional five feet, to a
vocal cords is too difficult. You can also hold the subject maximum of Shockwave's range.
immobile, rendering it helpless. You cannot force the - For every seven points you use from your augment pool,
subject to manifest powers, cast spells, bend, or use any the saving throw DC of this form increases by one.
special ability that is not a function of just its body - For every seven points that you exceed the base difficulty
movements. If you lose line of sight to the subject, the class, the size of the damage dice increases by one.
effect of this power ends.
Somersault (Seed)
If you force the subject to engage in combat, its attack Difficulty Class: 20
bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your Wisdom Components: Somatic
bonus, and its bonus on damage rolls is equal to your Bending Time: Immediate action
Wisdom bonus. A subject of this power cannot make Range: Personal
attacks of opportunity. The subject gains no benefit to Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous Bending Time: One round
Maintenance Action: Full-round action
You may make a DC 16 Tumble check. If you succeed, you Range: 90 ft.
somersault over an adjacent medium-sized creature or Area: 5-ft. wide, 60-ft. high cylindrical spread
object's head to an empty square adjacent to them that is Duration: Concentration
within 15 feet of you. You are also granted an attack of Saving Throw: Reflex negates
opportunity against them. For every size category that the
creature exceeds Medium, the Tumble DC increases by 4. By manipulating air currents into a tight spiral, you
summon a focused windstorm. This form creates a
Augment: cylinder of wind anywhere within range, which can be
- For every four points that you exceed the base difficulty moved 40 feet per round. It immediately ceases movement
class, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack roll. for the round after successfully striking a target.
- By using ten points from your augment pool, you deal an
extra 1d3 points of damage per Bender Level if the attack Creatures sharing a space with the twister must make a
succeeds. Reflex save to move to an adjacent space and escape the
twister. If they do not have sufficient movement to make it
Soundbending (Seed) to an adjacent clear space (such as if their move speed is 0
Difficulty Class: 15 ft, or the terrain is difficult to pass through) but make their
Components: Somatic, Meditation save, they end up prone in the adjacent space.
Bending Time: Standard action
Maintenance Action: Swift action (Wind Whisper) Those who fail are flung out from the top of the cylinder
Range: 60 ft. 60 feet away in a direction of your choosing, taking 1d8
Area: 10-ft. radius damage per Bender Level, as well as falling damage if
Duration: Concentration applicable. If the subject strikes a wall, they take falling
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (Thundercrack) damage as though from 60 feet, and also deal that damage
This stance initiates two different forms. to the wall. Huge or larger creatures are not thrown by the
Twister, but are incapable of moving for the round.
Thundercrack: A gigantic peal of thunder echoes through
the area, dealing 1d4 sonic damage, no save. Affected Attacking through a twister is impossible – it is effectively
creatures must make a Fortitude save or be deafened for a solid barrier.
1d4 rounds.
If the area the twister is summoned in is not at least 120
Augment: feet high and 400 feet wide, this form fails due to
- For every three points you use from your augment pool, insufficient air.
you do an extra 2d4 damage with this attack.
Wind Whisper: By manipulating the air currents, you can - For every ten points that you use from your augment
shape and alter existing sounds. Target one area. Noise pool, the twister doubles in width, allowing it to throw
within a ten foot radius of the area is either muffled or creatures one size category larger.
magnified, granting a +4 circumstance penalty or bonus
(respectively) on Listen checks for those sounds. You can Wind Barrier (Seed)
move the area at will. Difficulty Class: 30
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Augment: Bending Time: Standard action
- For every point you use from your augment pool, the Maintenance Action: Swift action
penalty or bonus increases by another point. Range: 30 ft.
- By using ten points from your augment pool, the Effect: 10-ft.-radius sphere
maintenance action for this form becomes a free action. Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Twister (Seed)
Difficulty Class: 35 You create a whirling, rushing barrier of wind around
Components: Somatic, Meditation yourself or another creature, provided that the subject is
small enough to fit within the diameter of the sphere. This
sphere has no hardness, and has 10 Hit Points per Bender

Level. It has Fast Healing equal to its HP, meaning that it
must take its HP worth of damage in one round to
dissipate. The wind barrier does not halve any damage
Earth is the element of substance, used by those who are
type used against it.
persistent and enduring. Earthbenders are the most
visibly surrounded by their element, and the quickest to
Subjects in the area get a Reflex save to move to an
be bewildered when without it, though those who have
adjacent clear space (including adjacent spaces directly
learned to wait and listen properly know that they have
above and below them). If they do not have sufficient
far from lost. Patience and speed in equal parts are key.
movement to make it to an adjacent clear space (such as if
their move speed is 0 ft, or the terrain in the space is Most Earthbenders are unable to bend metal and often
difficult to pass through) but make their save, they end up have difficulty with either sand or solid rock, depending
prone in the adjacent space. on their training environment when first starting out.
Their stances depend on being deeply rooted to the
When centered on you, the barrier moves with you. ground, and though they move when necessary, most
prefer doing so in straight lines and on the ground.
- For every two points you use from your augment pool,
the wall increases by an additional five-foot square. Armor (Seed)
- By using five points of your augment pool,, you can Difficulty Class: 15
make a weaker sphere in your space or an ally's space Components: Somatic, Meditation
within range as an immediate Action. This sphere grants Bending Time: Full-round action
the target total concealment against all area attacks for one Maintenance Action: Free action
round, but is too weak to deflect a direct attack. Range: Personal
Target: Self
Wind Burst (Seed) Duration: Concentration
Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic Small bits of rubble or sand rise up and affix themselves to
Bending Time: Standard action you, completely covering you. This armor moves with you
Range: 5 ft. and shields you from harm, granting you a +4 bonus to
Area: 5-ft radius burst centered on you your Natural Armor, but affects you as though you were
Duration: Instantaneous wearing Medium Armor. The bonus to Natural Armor
Saving Throw: Reflex half increases by one point every 4 Bender Levels. You cannot
use this ability while wearing Medium or heavier armor.
The air around you explodes in a circular burst. Creatures
within the area must make a Reflex save or take 1d4 Augment:
bludgeoning damage. Subjects that fail their save are - For every point you use from your augment pool, you
subject to a bull rush attempt by the attack, using your gain 1 point of Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity resistance.
scores and modifiers (although not limited by your - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
movement). Use your Wisdom score in place of your you gain 1/- Damage Reduction. This stacks with any
Strength score for this attempt. If you fail the attempt, you existing /- Damage Reduction you possess.
are not subject to any reactive rolls or effects.
Boulder Toss (Seed)
Augment: Difficulty Class: 30
- For every two points you use from your augment pool, Components: Somatic, Meditation
you deal an additional 1d4 damage. Bending Time: Standard action
- For every four points you use from your augment pool, Range: 30 ft.
the radius increases by 5 feet. Effect: Ray
- For every two points that you exceed the base difficulty Duration: Instantaneous
class, you gain a +1 bonus to your Bull Rush attempt with You hurl a gigantic boulder at the target. Make a ranged
this form. attack roll, ignoring all miss chance effects. If you hit, you
deal 1d8 damage per Bender Level and the target is
subjected to a bull rush attack. If you fail, you are not
subject to any reactive rolls or effects. You gain a bonus on Initial Condition
this bull rush attempt equal to your Bender Level. Quicksand, dust
Sand; Loose dirt
This ability cannot be quickened to a Swift Action.
Packed dirt

Earth Required: At least 200 lbs. of solid rock or crystal. Soft rock
Augment: Dense rock
- For every six points you use from your augment pool,
you can simultaneously attack an adjacent target to the Steps Changed At Once Base Difficulty Class
first. This can be accomplished by 'bouncing' the boulder,
1 Step 10
splitting it in two, firing two at once, or other ways.
2 Steps 30

Catapult (Seed) 3 Steps 50

Difficulty Class: 15 4 Steps 70
Components: Somatic 5 Steps 90
Bending Time: Standard action
Range: 20 ft. While altering the condition of the earth one step at a time
Area: One 5-ft square atop packed earth, crystal or rock. is easy, a flash density change can be extremely difficult.
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
If you attempt to surround a creature in rock or disperse
You violently thrust up the earth beneath someone's feet, the ground beneath them, they are allowed a Reflex save
sending them flying into another square of your choice up to move to an adjacent clear space (including adjacent
to 10 feet away in any direction (including up). The spaces directly above and below them). If they do not
targeted square becomes difficult terrain. Affected subjects have sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent clear
take falling damage as normal. space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the terrain in
the space is difficult to pass through) but make their save,
Augment: they end up prone in the adjacent space.
- For every three points you use from your augment pool,
you can move the target 5 feet farther. For every 10 feet A creature surrounded totally in rock is completely
added in this fashion, you deal 1d6 damage to the target. helpless and unable to breath, but has full cover against all
- For every four points you use from your augment pool, attacks.
you can target an additional adjacent five-foot square.
Earthen creatures and objects such as elementals can be
Density (Seed) altered with use of this form. Creatures are allowed a
Difficulty Class: Varies; see text Fortitude Save against this effect. Affected creatures and
Components: Somatic, Meditation rigid objects (such as a clay house) take 1d8 damage per
Bending Time: Full-round action step altered in this way.
Range: 20 ft.
Area: One 5-ft cube of earthen materials. Augment:
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object), Reflex negates - For every point you use from your augment pool, you
may affect an additional square. This may be adjacent to
You focus on a segment of earth, attempting to alter its another square you placed (even if the new square is out
density and properties to suit your needs. of your range), or anywhere else within your range.
- By using ten points of your augment pool, you may
perform Density on or in a cube of earth which you are
standing inside without the use of Somatic components;
this is accomplished via mental exertion.

Dirt Spray (Seed)

Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic
Bending Time: Standard action radius. Not immediately recoverable.
Range: 30 ft. (Blind)
Target: One creature Augment:
Duration: 1 round - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
Saving Throw: Reflex negates you can increase the height of the cylinder by five feet.
- For every four points you use from your augment pool,
By aiming a spray of sand or dust at an opponent's eyes, you can increase the width of the cylinder by five feet.
you can try to temporarily blind the creature. A creature
who fails their Reflex save becomes blind for the next Sandswallow (DC 25): This application functions like
round. Creatures with completely enclosed eyes and those Darken, but in addition to obscuring sight, the roiling sand
without normal sight are unaffected by this form. and grit become thick and painful to move through.
Creatures and objects inside can only move 10 feet a
Earth Required: A handful of sand or loosely packed dirt. round at most, or take 2d6 damage for every additional 5
Not immediately recoverable. feet they moved. Sand also flies into their eyes, completely
blinding them for a round. A successful Fortitude save
Augment: negates the blinding effect and halves the damage.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
you can increase the duration by one round. A severe wind or water current disperses the cloud 4
- For every five points that you exceed the difficulty class, rounds after you cease concentration, windstorms and
you deal 1d6 slashing damage with a successful attack. rapids disperse the cloud in 1 round after you cease
Reflex negates. concentration, and hurricanes and riptides prevent the
cloud from even forming.
Dust Cloud (Seed)
Difficulty Class: See text Earth Required: An inch coating of sand or loose dirt over
Components: Somatic the area to be affected, or twenty gallons per five-foot
Bending Time: Full-round action radius. Not immediately recoverable.
Maintenance Action: Move action
Range: 30 ft. Augment:
Area: 20-ft wide, 5-ft high cylinder spread - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
Duration: Concentration + one minute you can increase the height of the cylinder by five feet.
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (objects; Sandswallow) - For every four points you use from your augment pool,
This stance initiates two different forms. you can increase the width of the cylinder by five feet.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
Darken (DC 15): You disperse copious amounts of sand or you deal an additional 1d6 damage with Sandswallow.
loosely packed dirt into the air or water. The cloud - By using ten points of your augment pool,, you can
obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet - restrict safe movement to five feet a round.
even creatures with a radar-like blindsense (such as that
created by Touchsight) are no better off, though other Earth Blast (Fundamental Seed)
forms of blindsense and tremorsense work as normal. Difficulty Class: 5
Components: Somatic
An affected creature within 5 feet of an attacker has Bending Time: Ranged attack
concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance); creatures Range: 60 ft.
farther away gain total concealment (50% miss chance, Effect: Ray
and the attacker can't use sight to locate the target).
The first offensive ability you learn as an earthbender.
A moderate wind or water current disperses the cloud 4 Whenever you would be granted a ranged attack, you
rounds after you cease concentration, a strong wind or may use an Earth Blast instead, including as part of a full
water current disperses the cloud in 1 round after you attack action, or feats like Shot on the Run. Each Earth
cease concentration, and a severe wind or water current Blast deals 1d6 piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage
prevents the cloud from even forming. at your option, depending on the exact shape and
composition of the earth used. This attack deals 1d6
Earth Required: A quarter-inch coating of sand or loose dirt damage, increasing by an additional 1d6 damage for
over the area to be affected, or five gallons per five-foot every five Bender Levels that you have.
Earth Required: 1 pint, approximately equivalent to a single - For every point you use from your augment pool, the
rock. Not immediately recoverable. You may choose to use wall increases by an additional five-foot square.
giant boulders instead, which move slower. - By using fifteen points of your augment pool, you can
make a single five foot segment in your square as an
Augment: Immediate Action. You must use this ability before your
- By using five points of your augment pool, you do not opponent declares what attack they are using; they must
provoke attacks of opportunity for using this ranged only state that they have targeted you. The wall
ability in a threatened square. immediately crumbles after blocking one attack.
- By using five points of your augment pool, you can
perform this form as part of a standard melee attack on Earth Wave (Seed)
the same target, provided you have a quantity of earth in
Difficulty Class: 15
your hands, such as with a rock or the Armor form.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Full-round action
Earth Wall (Seed) Range: 60 ft.
Difficulty Class: 10 Area: Eight adjacent 5-ft cubes of sand or loose earthen
Components: Somatic material.
Bending Time: Full-round action Duration: 1 round
Range: 30 ft.
Area: Wall of four 5-ft square areas. You create a giant, fast-moving tidal wave by augmenting
Effect: Wall of earthen material natural fluctuations. You pick any mass of sand within
Duration: Instantaneous range and send it crashing forward 5 feet per Bender
Saving Throw: Reflex negates Level; even if the wave extends past your control or enters
an anti-magic field, it keeps going due to momentum.
You cause a small wall of earth to shoot out of any earthen Earth Wave can make two 45° turns, but no more.
surface. No matter how long the wall becomes, all of the
pieces bended with one use must be adjacent to one Earth Wave initiates a bull rush with every creature it runs
another. This wall is one inch thick per Bender Level, and into, using your Wisdom score in place of a Strength
its values vary depend on the material it is made out of. score, and is considered to be a large creature; if the wave
fails the bull rush and the target creature is smaller than it,
Material Hardness HP/Inch-Thick it is considered to have overrun the creature instead. If the
Sand, loose dirt 0 8* targeted creature was the same size category as the wave
Packed earth 3 5* or larger, the wave stops there. You gain a bonus to this
bull rush check equal to half your Bender Level.
Soft stone, worked earth 10 5
Hard stone 15 8
If Earth Wave runs into a friendly creature (including you),
Crystal 30 1 you may opt to let them ride the wave at its crest until the
* This material is twice as thick wave ends, where they will be gently set down.

If you fire the wall into a square occupied by a creature, All creatures and objects hit by the wave take 1d6 points
you decide which side the creature ends up on. The of bludgeoning damage.
subject can make a Reflex save to choose for themselves.
Earth Required: 900 Gallons per 5-ft cube, not immediately
It is possible, but difficult, to trap mobile opponents recoverable.
within or under a wall, provided the wall is shaped so it
can hold the creatures. Creatures are allowed a Reflex Augment:
save to move to an adjacent clear space (including - For every three points you use from your augment pool,
adjacent spaces directly above and below them). If they do you grant the wave a +1 bonus to its bull rush modifier.
not have sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent - For every six points that you exceed the difficulty class,
clear space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the you deal an additional 1d6 damage.
terrain in the space is difficult to pass through) but make - For every ten points you use from your augment pool,
their save, they end up prone in the adjacent space. you can increase the wave's size category by 1, moving
eight times as many cubes of earth. This increases its Duration: Concentration
Strength by four points and gives it an additional four
points to its Bull Rush modifier, for an overall increase of You create a giant construct of earth. It appears where you
six points. designate and acts at your direction. The round that you
- By using ten points of your augment pool,, you can use cease maintenance, it collapses to the ground in a heap.
this ability with solid earth.
Golems are not summoned, but made and are not subject
Earthsight (Seed) to effects that hedge out or otherwise target outsiders.
Difficulty Class: 25
Earth Required:
Components: Meditation
Size Category Weight
Bending Time: Move action
Maintenance Action: Move action Medium or smaller 150 lbs.
Target: Self Large 600 lbs.
Effect: Tremorsense Huge 2400 lbs.
Duration: Concentration + 1 round.
Gargantuan 9600 lbs.
Colossal 38400 lbs.
You gain Tremorsense (30 ft.) as long as you stand on a
solid material. Loose material, such as sand, halves your This earth is not immediately recoverable.
tremorsense distance.
Augment: - For every point that you exceed the difficulty class, your
- For every two points you use from your augment pool, bender golem has an additional 3 hit points.
you gain another five feet of range to your tremorsense. - For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
- By using ten points of your augment pool,, you can the level of the Golem increases by one.
maintain this ability as a free action.
Headcracker (Seed)
Earthwalker (Seed) Difficulty Class: 15
Difficulty Class: 15 Components: Somatic
Components: Somatic Bending Time: Standard action
Bending Time: Full-round action Range: Melee
Range: 0 ft. Target: One earth-containing creature or object
Target: Self and one adjacent creature.
Duration: Instantaneous You find the bits of earth in the target - maybe a man or
Saving Throw: Reflex negates demon's calcified bones, or maybe a Tarrasque's mineral
rich exoskeleton. Then you strike, ignoring barriers. Make
You burrow up to 30 feet through the earth as though you an attack roll with your melee weapon. If you hit, your
had the Earth Glide special ability. You can bring along one attack ignores damage reduction and hardness, and deals
adjacent creature of your size or smaller. +1d6 damage.

Augment: Creatures and objects without significant blocks of

- For every five points you use from your augment pool, earthen components, such as oozes, plants, wood, Iron
you can move another five feet. Golems or fire elementals, are immune to this attack.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool, (Though metal creatures and components can be affected
you can bring along another adjacent creature. with the Metalbend template.)

If you are playing a non-canon setting, plants and oozes

Golem (Seed) actually have a lot of minerals in them, so consider
Difficulty Class: 15 broadening the targets.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: One round Augment:
Maintenance Action: Full-round action - For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Range: 30 ft.
Effect: Create an earthen creature
you deal an additional +1d6 damage with this attack. Range: 60 ft.
Area: 25 pounds of rock, crystal or tightly packed dirt
Imprison (Seed) Duration: Concentration
Difficulty Class: 25 Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object), see text.
Components: Somatic
Bending Time: Full-round action You shunt each controlled cube of earth up to ten feet in
Range: 60 ft. any horizontal direction. Double this distance when
Target: One Medium or smaller creature or object moving downwards, and halve it when moving upwards.
Duration: Instantaneous At the end of your action, you can release the earth, letting
Saving Throw: Reflex negates it fall, or you can hold it in place. Holding the earth in
place requires a maintenance action. Appropriately
With a gesture, the earth itself rises up to swallow your weighted earth creatures such as elementals can be moved
opponent as tendrils of clay wrap around their limbs. The with use of this seed.
subject takes 1d6 damage for every five Bender Levels you

The target must make a Reflex save before the bonds SANDBENDING
solidify, or be trapped in a nearly unbreakable prison of In the show, we see examples of sandbenders, whose
earth. An imprisoned target is helpless, but also has total movements resemble those of airbenders. Toph is quite
cover against all attacks. They can attempt a DC 25 uncomfortable in the sandy desert, finding it much harder
to work with than her familiar solid earth. Yet, by the end
Strength or Escape Artist check as a full-round action in of the third season, she seems to have utterly mastered
order to escape their bonds. While imprisoned, a subject sand as though she had always bent with it.
has five rounds worth of air before he begins to suffocate For simplicity's sake, we have chosen to represent these
(as rules for drowning.) qualities by making certain seeds much more useful for
either a sand-dweller or normal earthbender to use, and
certain seeds have an affinity for one type of material or
Earth Required: 100 pounds.
To go a step further, an (N)PC used to sandbending
instead of rockbending might have an easier time using
- For every four points that you exceed the base difficulty Move Earth and Shape Earth with sand than rock, rather
class, you can affect creatures one size larger. This requires than the default assumption that it's the other way
quadruple the amount of earth for each size increase. around. The +5 DC increase is drastic for a low-level
bender, and almost negligible for a grandmaster – as it
- For every five points you use from your augment pool, should be. Toph almost certainly gained levels from Season
the skill DC to escape the sphere increases by two. 2 to Season 3.

Metalbend (Template)
Taking earth out of elementals or primarily earthen objects
Difficulty Class: +10
deals 1d8 damage per 25 pounds of earth you extract.
Target: Metal objects and creatures
Dropping rocks or throwing them at someone deals
falling object damage as though from ten feet.
You can apply this template to any seed which requires or
You can attempt to wrest earthen items out of someone
targets earth, such as Headcracker, Earthwalker, and Move
else's control; the subject gets a Reflex save to hold on to
Earth. You may control Iron, Steel, Adamantine, Mithral,
their item.
Cold Iron, Quicksilver and all other standard metals in
addition. In most seeds, metal typically adds 5 hardness
and damage reduction compared to stone, though follow
- For every three points that you exceed the base difficulty
each metal's standard qualities for abilities like Shape
class, the distance you shunt earth increases by five feet.
Earth and Earth Wall.
- By using five points of your augment pool,, you can
move sand and loosely packed dirt instead.
Move Earth (Fundamental Seed) - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
Difficulty Class: 5 you can move an additional 25 pounds of earth.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Standard action
Puppet (Seed)
Maintenance Action: Standard action
Difficulty Class: 20
Components: Somatic, Meditation ways. Creatures in the affected squares must make a
Bending Time: One round Reflex save or be knocked prone, taking 1d6 piercing
Maintenance Action: Full-round action damage from the sharp stones. Additionally, the chosen
Range: 30 ft. squares become difficult terrain. People who pass through
Target: One Medium or smaller Earth creature. the square use four squares of movement to avoid
Duration: Concentration stepping on the spikes and taking 1d4 piercing damage.
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates Those unconcerned by the spikes still use two squares of
movement to make it through.
You can attempt to control a pre-existing creature with the
[Earth] subtype that is within range and to which you Subjects can make a Balance check to move at half speed
have line of sight. You can force the subject to stand up, sit (DC 22), or full speed (DC 27) without taking damage. A
down, walk, turn around, and so on, but operating the failure by 4 or less means they can't move any further for
vocal cords is too difficult. You can also hold the subject the round. A failure by 5 or more means they fall prone.
immobile, rendering it helpless. You cannot force the
subject to manifest powers, cast spells, bend, or use any Anyone damaged by Quake loses speed as though they
special ability that is not a function of just its body had stepped on a caltrop.
movements. If you lose line of sight to the subject, the
effect of this power ends. Using Quake on loosely packed earth or sand has normal
effects, but the spikes do not remain for subsequent
If you force the subject to engage in combat, its attack rounds.
bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your Wisdom
bonus, and its bonus on damage rolls is equal to your Augment:
Wisdom bonus. A subject of this power cannot make - For every three points you use from your augment pool,
attacks of opportunity. The subject gains no benefit to you can affect an additional square.
Armor Class from its Dexterity, but it does gain a bonus to - For every three points that you exceed the difficulty
its AC equal to your Wisdom bonus. class, the Balance DC increases by one point.

Although the subject's body is under your control, the Rubble Wave (Seed)
subject's mind is not. Creatures capable of taking purely Difficulty Class: 20
mental actions (such as manifesting powers, or bending Components: Somatic, Meditation
without Somatic components) can do so. Bending Time: Standard action
Range: 15 ft.
Every round past the first that you maintain this seed, you Area: 15-ft cone burst originating from you
take a cumulative -1 penalty to all bending checks. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half, Fortitude negates (see text)
- For every four points you use from your augment pool, You gather up a mass of small, loose rocks, dust particles
you can affect one creature one size category larger. and sand, firing them in a wide swarm. Subjects inside the
- For every eight points you use from your augment pool, area must make a Reflex save or take 1d4 bludgeoning,
you can control an additional creature at once. slashing and piercing damage per Bender Level. On a
successful save, they only take half of this damage.
Quake (Seed)
Difficulty Class: 20 Those who fail their Reflex save are also subjected to a
Components: Somatic Fortitude save. Failure means that they are pushed back
Bending Time: Full-round action five feet. This ability is often used by Sandbenders to
Maintenance Action: Full-round action propel their Sand Skiffs.
Range: 20 ft.
Area: Four 5-ft squares on packed earth, crystal or rock (S) Earth Required: 25 pounds of loose debris or rubble.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates Augment:
- For every two points you use from your augment pool,
You strike the ground and it breaks and twists in multiple the cone becomes five feet longer and requires 5 more
pounds of debris.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool, Target: 5-ft square atop packed earth, crystal or rock.
you knockback subjects an additional five feet, to a Duration: Instantaneous
maximum of Rubble Wave's range. Saving Throw: Reflex negates

Shape Earth (Fundamental Seed) Target a single square of earth within range (including
Difficulty Class: 5 your own.) You fire a giant spike originating from that
Components: Somatic, Meditation square. Creatures caught in Spike are allowed a Reflex
Bending Time: See text. save to move to an adjacent space safely. If they do not
Maintenance Action: Move action (see text) have sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent clear
Range: 30 ft. space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the terrain in
Area: A 5-ft cube of rock, crystal or tightly packed dirt. the space is difficult to pass through) but make their save,
Duration: Instantaneous or Concentration (see text) they end up prone in the adjacent space.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (Object, harmless)
Anyone who fails their save against the spike is knocked
You manipulate the basic shape of packed earth, crystal or back to the edge of the form's range as though bull
rock to look like something else (such as a sculpture), rushed.
though specific detail is very hard. The Craft skill
determines the exact quality of the object created. Simple A spike is an inch thick per Bender Level, and has 10
sculpture that can be created with a Craft check of 10 or Hardness and 20 Hit Points per inch of thickness.
less can be made with a full-round action; however, for
every 5 points the Craft DC increases, this form requires The business end of Spike may be flat or pointed at your
one additional round to activate. option; subjects affected take 4d6 bludgeoning or piercing
damage respectively. If trapped against a wall or other
Sculpted rock has 10 Hardness and 20 Hit Points per inch solid surface by Spike, they must make a DC 15 Strength or
of thickness. Sculpted clay has 5 Hardness and 35 Hit Escape Artist check as a full-round action to escape.
Points per inch.
You may instead opt for Spike to grow more slowly; in this
Craft (Weaponsmithing) can be used with Shape Earth to case, it deals no damage and creatures in the path are
make weaponry and ammunition out of rock. This gently pushed to the end of the line's effect. If you
weaponry functions precisely as the base item, and can originate this attack from your square and shoot upwards,
even be enchanted; one 5-ft cube creates material for eight for example, you can propel yourself upwards twenty feet.
medium-sized weapons, or up to four hundred pieces of
ammunition. You can only move or bull rush a creature if at least half of
the squares they occupy on one face are covered by spikes.
Appropriately sized earth creatures such as elementals
can be altered with use of this seed, though it does not Augment:
hinder them in any way: - For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
you deal an additional 1d6 damage with one cylinder.
Augment: - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
- For every five points that you exceed the base difficulty the length of your cylinders increase by 10 ft.
class (including all modifiers), you can shape one - For every fourteen points you use from your augment
additional cube. pool, you can create an additional cylinder.
- By using five points of your augment pool,, you can
shape sand and loosely packed dirt. The duration changes Tectonic (Seed)
to Concentration. Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic
Spike (Seed) Bending Time: Full-round action
Difficulty Class: 25 Range: 20 ft.
Components: Somatic, Meditation Area: Three 5-ft squares atop deeply packed earth, crystal
Bending Time: Full-round action or rock. (S)
Range: 20 ft. Duration: Instantaneous
Area: Cylinder Burst (5-ft radius, 20 ft. long) Saving Throw: Reflex negates
With a foot stomp or ground punch, you cause the ground

to rise or sink sharply by five feet. Subjects within the
affected area must make a Reflex save or fall prone in the
space. (You can suppress this effect at will.) Those who
Fire is the element of power, and those who use it are pas-
make their save may move to an adjacent space safely. If
sionate, of desire and will. A firebender is more apparent-
they do not have sufficient movement to make it to an
ly detached from his element than the other benders, due
adjacent clear space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or
to their seeming ability to create fire from nothing – but in
the terrain in the space is difficult to pass through) but
reality, fire comes from the firebender's own personal
make their save, they end up prone in the adjacent space.
energy and breath. Along with air, fire is the most kinetic
bending form, using every part of their body as a weapon.
If you drop the ground ten feet or more from underneath
Defense is just a means of better angling your next attack.
someone, they are granted a Climb check (DC 35) to catch
the ledge. The DC to climb the mounds or trenches A firebender surrounded by a non-flammable substance
created by this ability is 20 for the highest 5-ft segment, or whose body has begun to succumb to an arctic environ-
and 25 for the remainder. This DC increases by 5 points ment is unable to firebend for the most part, although
for especially slippery walls, like those made of sand and there are exceptions. Fire in water or other non-flammable
crystal. Subjects who fall because of this form take falling substances may be a stream of hot bubbles or the like.
damage as normal.
Firebenders are powered by the sun. During the day,
they gain a +2 bonus to all firebending checks. A solar
A mound segment is five feet, or sixty inches, thick.
eclipse robs them of power for the duration, and major
solar phenomena (such as a near comet or a nova phase)
Material Hardness HP/Inch-Thick can boost their power multiplicatively. This variation is
Sand, loose dirt 0 8 not present on planes which completely lack a sun.
Packed earth 3 5
If you are playing in a campaign which does not
Soft stone, worked earth 10 5 significantly alter the time of most adventures (e.g. 95% of
Hard stone 15 8 the adventuring is done at day or night), the Sun/Moon
Crystal 30 1 synergy for Fire and Waterbenders can prove unbalancing
at low levels. Try to mix it up, or consider ignoring this.
- For every three points you use from your augment pool,
you may affect an additional square. This may be adjacent Breath of the Dragon (Seed)
to another square you placed (even if the new square is Difficulty Class: 15
out of your range), or anywhere else within your range. Bending Time: Full-round action
- For every six points you use from your augment pool, Range: Personal
you may raise or lower the ground by another five feet. Target: Self
Duration: Five minutes (D); see text

Firebending is all about breath control. You take a deep

breath to inhale and center your thoughts. For the
duration of the form, you do not need to breathe. Upon
ending this form, you are no longer considered to be
fatigued. (Exhaustion, however, continues as normal.) The
form must last for its full normal length for this effect to

You may choose to end this form's duration prematurely.

If you do so, your next firebending form within the next
round alternatively gains either your Constitution
modifier as a bonus to the bending check, or it may be
performed with no somatic components, issuing from
your mouth instead.
This form can be used regardless of outside temperature
or surroundings. Augment:
- By using ten points of your augment pool, you can use
Augment: this ability as a ranged attack with a range of 30 feet.
- By exceeding the difficulty class by ten points, you can - For every five points that you use from your augment
also remove exhaustion with this form. pool, you ignore an additional 10% miss chance.
- For every ten points that you use from your augment - For every ten points that you exceed the base difficulty
pool, you restore one point of physical (Strength, class, you deal an extra 1d6 damage per bender level.
Dexterity or Constitution) ability damage when you end
the fatigue condition. Cold Fire (Template)
Difficulty Class: +10
Burning Edge (Seed) Bending Time: Full-round at least; can be quickened.
Difficulty Class: 10 Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text.
Components: Somatic
Bending Time: Move action This template can be applied to any firebending form that
Maintenance Action: Free action involves projecting or controlling external flames. Increase
Range: 0 ft. any damage dice involved by one size. The form deals or
Effect: Blade-like flames resists electrical damage instead. In addition to any other
Duration: Concentration saves, anyone damaged must make a Fortitude save or be
left paralyzed and helpless for one round. You may only
You create a long, narrow tongue of fire in your hand. You attempt the paralysis effect once a round.
can use this cohesive flame as a weapon, and are
considered to be proficient with it. The Burning Edge has
all the features of a normal longsword for your size
category except that half of the damage that it deals is fire BLUE FIRE
damage. This does not ignite the opponent.
Something introduced with Azula (and her sole domain,
regardless of how the other firebenders advance
The Burning Edge has 0 hardness, HP equal to twice your throughout the show) is her blue fire. Extremely potent
bending level, and is immune to all damage except for and focused, it completely overwhelms Zuko in their first
encounter, and is Azula's major thematic.
cold damage. It lasts as long as you concentrate or until it
is destroyed or you let go of it. We do not have any method for modeling this.
Blue fire is an ability of a prodigy, one who is talented
Augment: and inherently powerful. It cannot be easily modeled
under any scheme to be balanced, since most attempts to
- For every five points you use from your augment pool, balance it would really render it useless – it's just a more
the longsword gains 5' reach. powerful version of what players already have. Therefore,
I propose a simpler solution: Let your players decide what
color their fire is. Prodigal talent should be demonstrated
Claw of the Phoenix (Seed) via a higher level or higher relevant ability scores, which,
Difficulty Class: 20 again, you cannot balance simply.
Components: Somatic
Bending Time: Full-round action
Range: Melee
Duration: Instantaneous Combustion (Seed)
Difficulty Class: 35
The most damaging basic technique in a firebender's Components: Meditation
repertoire, your fist or foot burns as you drive it into the Bending Time: One round
target with exceptional speed. Make a melee attack roll. If Range: 90 ft.
you hit, you deal 1d6 fire damage per Bender Level. This Effect: Ray
attack cannot set subjects on fire but it does ignore 20% of Duration: Instantaneous
miss chance from any source. Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (object)

This ability cannot be quickened to a Swift Action. You focus your energy into the distance, firing a narrow
beam from your mind's eye. As the beam strikes its target,
it seems to spontaneously explode in intense heat.
Bending Time: Ranged attack.
Make a ranged touch attack against the target. If you hit, Range: 60 ft.
they take 2d6 damage per Bender Level, are set on fire and Effect: Ray
are subject to a bull rush in a random direction. If you fail Duration: Instantaneous
the attempt, you are not subject to any reactive rolls or
effects. You gain a bonus on this bull rush attempt equal The first offensive ability you learn as a firebender.
to your Bender Level. A successful Fortitude save reduces Whenever you would be granted a ranged attack, you
the damage to half, does not catch the target on fire and may use a Fire Blast instead, including as part of a full
negates the bull rush effect. This damage is not fire attack action, or feats like Shot on the Run. This attack
damage, but a disintegration effect. deals 1d6 fire damage, increasing by an additional 1d6
damage for every four Bender Levels that you have.
When used against an object, the ray simply vaporizes as Subjects struck do not catch on fire.
much as one 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. Thus, the
form destroys only part of any very large object or Augment:
structure targeted. The ray does not affects objects - By using five points of your augment pool, you can
constructed entirely of force, but will destroy those made perform this form as part of a standard melee attack on
out of pure elemental energy (such as a Wall of Fire, or the same target.
Energy Wall [Electric]). - By using five points of your augment pool, you do not
provoke attacks of opportunity for using this ranged
Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this form ability in a threatened square.
is entirely vaporized, leaving behind only a trace of fine
dust. A vaporized creature's equipment is likewise Fire Spin (Seed)
destroyed. Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic
Only the first creature or object struck can be affected; that Bending Time: Standard action
is, the ray affects only one target per bend. Range: 5 ft.
Area: 5-ft radius burst centered on you
Explosion (Template) Duration: Instantaneous
Difficulty Class: +5 Saving Throw: Reflex partial
Bending Time: Standard action at least; see text
You twirl fire around you, exploding in a circular burst.
This template can be applied to any firebending form that Creatures within the area must make a Reflex save or take
involves external flames. Anyone struck by the attack (in 1d6 fire damage. Subjects that fail their save catch on fire;
the case of an attack roll) or who failed their save against those that succeed take half damage and do not ignite.
damage is subject to a bull rush attempt by the attack, This does not affect friendly creatures of your choice.
using your scores and modifiers (although not limited by
your movement). Use your Wisdom score in the place of Augment:
your Strength score for this bull rush. You gain a bonus to - For every two points you use from your augment pool,
this bull rush check equal to half your Bender Level. If you you deal an additional 1d6 damage.
fail the attempt, you are not subject to any reactive rolls or - For every five points you use from your augment pool,
effects. the radius increases by 5 feet.

Explosive fire deals normal (rather than half) damage to Flamethrower (Seed)
objects. Difficulty Class: 20
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Augment: Bending Time: Full-round action
- By using ten points of your augment pool, you can use Maintenance Action: Full-round action
Explosion without increasing the bending time. Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30-ft long, 5-ft wide cylinder originating from you.
Fire Blast (Fundamental Seed) Duration: Concentration (minimum one round)
Difficulty Class: 5 Saving Throw: Reflex half
Components: Somatic
You issue forth a long wave of flame that burns anything Heatwave (Template)
in its path. Flamethrower deals 1d6 fire damage per Bender Difficulty Class: +5
Level to all creatures in its area (half on a successful save). Bending Time: Standard action at least; see text
Subjects who fail their saves catch on fire. The affected Duration: One round
squares are ignited as well, if flammable. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates

Augment: Your attack is intentionally unfocused, more meant for the

- For every two points you use from your augment pool, environment than your target. The damage dice used in
you may increase the length by five feet. the attack decrease by one size, but any square where you
- For every ten points you use from your augment pool, make an attack (even if you fail to hit anyone) becomes
you may increase the width by five feet. intensely and overpoweringly hot. Anyone who ends their
- For every three points you use from your augment pool, turn in such a square (or passes through the square, if
you can make one 45° bend in the attack. applied to a standing fire) becomes sickened for the
duration of the encounter if they fail their Fortitude save.
Heat Control (Seed)
Difficulty Class: 10 Augment:
Components: Meditation - By using ten points of your augment pool,, you can use
Bending Time: Standard action Heatwave without increasing the seed form's bending time.
Range: 30 ft.
Target: A construct, elemental or object up to a 5-ft cube. Inner Flames (Seed)
Duration: Instantaneous Difficulty Class: 15
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (object); see text Components: Meditation
This stance initiates two different forms. Bending Time: Standard action
Maintenance Action: Swift action
Incandescence: You focus on an object, construct or Range: Personal
elemental within range, superheating it. The subject takes Target: Self
1d4 fire damage; this damage is not halved. If anyone is Duration: Concentration
touching the subject, they themselves take 1d4 fire
damage as well. A successful Fortitude save halves the You gather the inner fires of your body and extend them
damage that touching creatures take; they may opt to in a surge of adrenaline. You glow with a bright light.
make a Reflex save instead to negate the damage by While this form is active, you gain 1 temporary hit point.
letting go of the object. These temporary hit points are refreshed every round that
you maintain concentration. While using this form, you
If the subject has a relatively low melting point (like ice), it are immune to non-lethal cold damage. This form can be
takes double damage and touching objects take no used regardless of outside surroundings, and allows you
damage. to use other firebending forms in the cold.

Augment: Augment:
- For every three points you increase the difficulty class, - For every three points you use from your augment pool,
the damage increases by 1d4 points. you gain 2 additional temporary hit points.
- For every four points that you exceed the base difficulty
Vent: You focus on an already hot object, construct or class, you gain a +1 bonus to your Fortitude saves to resist
elemental within range, cooling it down by venting the fatigue and non-lethal damage.
heat off in a different direction. The object drops in
temperature by 10º F, to a minimum of 80º F. This ability Lifebend (Seed)
deals 1d4 cold damage to subjects which have heat as an
Difficulty Class: 30
intrinsic part of their nature, such as a flame.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Standard action
Range: 20 ft.
- For every three points you increase the difficulty class,
Target: One living, deathless or undead creature
the temperature drop improves by 10º F and damage
Duration: One minute
increases by 1d4 points.
Saving Throw: Will partial (harmless)
bending save DC. No save to prevent the increased heat;
You focus on a nearby creature's inner soul and grant only the usual Reflex save every round to remove the fire.
them renewed vigor. A living or fire creature gains a
temporary level: they gain one effective hit dice (d10, or If you target a creature made up primarily of fire, such as
+5.5), the commensurate number of temporary hit points a Fire Elemental, and try to quench its flames you deal
(including Constitution modifier), an additional level for damage based on the above table.
the purpose of all level-based effects, and a +1 bonus to
attack rolls, saves and skill checks. Undead and deathless Move Flames (Fundamental Seed)
characters instead take a negative level for the duration. Difficulty Class: 5
Components: Somatic, Meditation
These temporary or negative levels do not stack from Bending Time: Standard action
multiple uses, even from different benders. Maintenance Action: Standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Augment: Area: One 5-ft cube of nonmagical flame
- For every seven points you use from your augment pool, Duration: Concentration
you bestow an additional temporary level. Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text.

Magnify Flames (Seed) You create or control a single 5-ft cube of flame anywhere
Difficulty Class: Varies; see text. within range.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Full-round action You can move your flame up to ten feet in any direction.
Range: 60 ft. At the end of your action, you can release the fire or you
Area: One 5-ft cube of flame per Bender Level (S) can hold it in place. Holding the fire in place requires a
Saving Throw: Reflex or Fortitude negates; see text. maintenance action, and when done can cause a fire to
burn even on improbable substances, like stone or ice;
You greatly intensify or quench a flame within range. You however, a fire completely submerged in a non-flammable
may choose to make this flame as strong - or as gentle - as material, like water or stone, is still extinguished.
you are capable of controlling. If the fire in the cube is
stronger than you can control, this form fails. The As the fire moves, it ignites everything in its path. If you
difficulty class of this form is found on the table below, move or place the flame in an occupied square, the
next to the entry for either the strength that you want to creature gets a Reflex save to avoid the fire. The fire deals
magnify a fire to, or the strength that the fire is. damage as standard for its type; 1d6 for most fires. If the
(Whichever is higher.) creature fails their save, they catch on fire.

Fire Strength DC Example Damage Spread Augment:

Light 0 Torch 1d3 0% - For every point that you exceed the base difficulty class,
the distance you move fire increases by five feet.
Moderate 5 Creature on fire 1d6 0%
- For every three points you use from your augment pool,
Strong 10 Bonfire 2d6 10%
you can move an additional 5-ft cube of flame.
Severe 20 Burning hut 3d6 20%
Intense 35 Burning inn 6d6 30% Puppet (Seed)
Extreme 55 Forest fire 12d6 40% Difficulty Class: 20
Inferno* 80 Firestorm 24d6 50% Components: Somatic, Meditation
*An inferno comprised of at least 64 cubes acts as a tornado that also Bending Time: One round
deals the listed damage every round Maintenance Action: Full-round action
Range: 30 ft.
Flames greater than Moderate have a chance every round Target: One Medium or smaller Fire creature.
(as listed above) of spreading to each adjacent square Duration: Concentration
containing flammable materials and creatures. Creatures Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
and attended objects get a Reflex save to avoid taking the
flame. If you target a creature set on fire, the damage they You can attempt to control a pre-existing creature with the
take every round and the save DC necessary to put the fire [Fire] subtype that is within range and to which you have
out changes to the corresponding fire and your standard
line of sight. You can force the subject to stand up, sit automatically breaks the effect. A fascinated creature's ally
down, walk, turn around, and so on, but operating the may shake it free of the effect as a standard action.
vocal cords is too difficult. You can also hold the subject
immobile, rendering it helpless. You cannot force the This latter usage is a mind-affecting ability.
subject to manifest powers, cast spells, bend, or use any
special ability that is not a function of just its body Redirect (Seed)
movements. If you lose line of sight to the subject, the Difficulty Class: 25
effect of this power ends. Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Immediate action; see text.
If you force the subject to engage in combat, its attack Range: Personal
bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your Wisdom Target: Self
bonus, and its bonus on damage rolls is equal to your Duration: Instantaneous
Wisdom bonus. A subject of this power cannot make
attacks of opportunity. The subject gains no benefit to A rare ability among firebenders due to its defensive
Armor Class from its Dexterity, but it does gain a bonus to nature. In order to perform a Redirect, you must not only
its AC equal to your Wisdom bonus. use an immediate action, but you must use up one of your
attacks of opportunity for the round.
Although the subject's body is under your control, the
subject's mind is not. Creatures capable of taking purely You anticipate a coming attack of flame and redirect it. If
mental actions (such as manifesting powers, or bending the attack specified targets, you may immediately fire it at
without Somatic components) can do so. another target within range as though you were the attack
originator. If the attack was an area burst, you may turn
Every round past the first that you maintain this seed, you the attack any direction you wish for the remainder of its
take a cumulative -1 penalty to all bending checks. area. If it was a spread, you are simply left immune for
this round. This ability may not function against attacks
Augment: made by creatures exceptionally more powerful than you,
- For every four points you use from your augment pool, such as an epic creature or deity. This ability does not
you can affect one creature one size category larger. require a Contested Bending attempt.
- For every eight points you use from your augment pool,
you can control an additional creature at once. When combined with Cold Fire, you may redirect lightning
instead. This does not change the required bending time.
Pyrotechnics (Template)
Difficulty Class: +10 Augment:
Bending Time: Standard action at least; can be quickened - For every seven points you use from your augment pool,
Duration: One round or as flame; see text. you can redirect one additional attack this round.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, Will negates; see text
You create an exceptionally bright and dazzling flame. All Soaring Flames (Seed)
those who can see the flame within 60 feet are dazzled (no Difficulty Class: Varies; see text
save) for one round or as long as they look at the flame, Components: Somatic
and those subjects struck (or those that fail their save Bending Time: Varies; see text
against damage, if this ability requires one) - must make a Maintenance Action: Free action (Rising Phoenix)
Fortitude save or be blinded for one round. Range: Personal
Target: Self
If used in a non-threatening context, Pyrotechnics Duration: See text
produces a fascinate effect on all creatures within 60 feet
who fail their Will saves. This fascinate effect lasts as long This stance initiates three different forms.
as the flame does. Fascinated creatures take a -4 penalty
on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot Hurdle (DC 15): Once per round, when you are allowed a
checks. Any potential threat, such as a hostile creature 5-ft step for whatever reason (such as during your turn, or
approaching, allows the fascinated creature a new saving reactively to certain attacks), you may make a 5-ft leap
throw against the fascinating effect. Any obvious threat, that ignores rough terrain.
such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or
aiming a ranged weapon at the fascinated creature,
square occupied by a creature, you decide which side of
Augment: the wall the creature ends up on. The subject can make a
- For every ten points you use from your augment pool, Reflex save to choose for themselves.
the distance you leap increases by 5 feet.
It is possible, but difficult, to trap mobile opponents
Rising Dawn (DC 20): As a full-round action, make a within or under a wall, provided the wall is shaped so it
Jump check. You may add your Bending check to the can hold the creatures. Creatures are allowed a Reflex
result. You are always considered to be running for this save to move to an adjacent clear space (including
jump. The distance you jump in a round is not limited by adjacent spaces directly above and below them). If they do
your movement. not have sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent
clear space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the
Rising Phoenix (DC 40): As a swift action, you gain a terrain in the space is difficult to pass through) but make
flight speed of 60 feet, with a maneuverability of Clumsy. their save, they end up prone in the adjacent space.
You may hover as though you had the Hover feat. This
form can be maintained as a free action. Augment:
- For every two points you use from your augment pool,
Augment: the wall increases by an additional five-foot square.
- For every two points you use from your augment pool, - By using five points of your augment pool, you can make
you gain an additional five feet of movement speed. a single five-foot segment in your square for one round as
- For every ten points you exceed the base difficulty class, an Immediate Action. The wall immediately extinguishes
you improve maneuverability by one step. after successfully blocking one attack.
- For every ten points that you use from your augment
Sweeping Flames (Template) pool, the wall lasts for one round after you cease
Difficulty Class: +5 concentration.
Range: 15 ft.
Area: 15-ft cone burst originating from you.
Saving Throw: Reflex half.

This template can be applied to any firebending form that

is typically a targeted attack. It requires no attack roll, and
any damage dice involved decrease by one size, taking on
the above area. Subjects who fail their saves catch on fire.
The affected squares are ignited as well unless on
exceptionally non-flammable material such as steel or ice.

Wall of Flames (Seed)

Difficulty Class: 25
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Standard action
Maintenance Action: Swift action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: Wall of two 5-ft square areas.
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Reflex half or negates; see text.

You create a barrier of semi-solid flames. No matter how

long the wall becomes, all of the pieces bended with one
use must be adjacent to one another. This wall provides
total concealment, and creatures and objects passing
through take damage as though moving through a
standing fire (Reflex half.) Creatures who fail their saving
throw catch on fire if flammable. If you fire the wall into a
Living plants used in the place of water have Hardness,
WATERBENDING Fire and Electricity Resistance equal to half your Bender
Level, but only half the Fast Healing.
Water is the element of change, and those who use it are
reactive, calm in most circumstances but fiercely defensive Plants grant total concealment where water would only
when provoked. They will experience much in their lives. grant concealment.
Waterbenders have a seeming weakness in the fact that
most civilized life lives on the earth, often far away from If the seed affects water creatures, it can now affect plant
the shore and sea. But the perceptive note that without creatures instead. Frozen plants have the same statistics as
water, there is no life. Ice.
Balance and precision grace are integral to a
waterbender; they believe in flowing while remaining in Bloodbend (Template)
one spot, letting enemies waste their energy moving. A Difficulty Class: +15
waterbender is unable to use their feet for most abilities as Target: Living creatures
a result, though there are some exceptions.
Waterbenders are powered by the moon. During the You can apply this template to any seed which requires or
nighttime, they gain a +2 bonus to all waterbending targets water of a non-specific form. Forms which require
checks. This doubles to +4 during a full moon, and is not an intrinsic quality of free water, such as the Wave,
present during a new moon. A lunar eclipse robs them of Healing Water or Illusionary Mist forms, cannot utilize
all of their powers for the duration, and significant lunar this template. You may control, freeze, boil or drain any
phenomena (such as a blue moon) can boost their power creature of the appropriate size instead. Creatures contain
multiplicatively. This variation is not present on planes a sixteenth of the water that an appropriate number of 5-ft
which completely lack a moon. cubes their size would contain, and are moved at a quarter
speed compared to free water. The amount of volume you
If you are playing in a campaign which does not
can affect is reduced to an eighth of normal, rounded
significantly alter the time of most adventures (e.g. 95% of
down. (If, for example, you could affect five 5-ft cubes of
the adventuring is done at day or night), the Sun/Moon
water, you cannot affect any cubes of creature mass.)
synergy for Fire and Waterbenders can prove unbalancing
at low levels. Try to mix it up, or consider ignoring this
Exceptionally dry creatures may be unaffected.

Capture (Seed)
Bend Plants (Template) Difficulty Class: 30
Difficulty Class: +5 Components: Meditation
Target: Living plants Bending Time: Swift action
Maintenance Action: Swift action
You can apply this template to any seed which requires or Range: 60 ft.
targets water of a non-specific form. Forms which require Effect: 5-ft sphere swirling ball of water
an intrinsic quality of free water, such as the Wave, Duration: Concentration
Healing Water or Illusionary Mist forms, cannot utilize Saving Throw: Reflex negates
this template. You may control, freeze, boil or drain water-
rich plants of the appropriate size instead. Plants contain You may attempt to engulf a target you have just struck
water as water vapor of the same size (an eighth that of a with a Waterbending form, assuming they fit in the
cube of water) and are moved at half speed compared to diameter of the sphere. The target must make their save or
free water. The amount of volume you can affect is be trapped in spinning water. The sphere has 0 hardness,
reduced to a quarter, rounded down. (If, for example, you 15 HP per Bender Level, and has fast healing equal to your
could target four 5-ft cubes of water, you instead target Bender Level. It is impossible to strike the creature inside
one 5-ft cube of plants.) Surrounding someone with plants without also damaging the sphere. The creature cannot
and maintaining the plants via Move Water produces an breathe while captured, and takes 1d6 damage per 3
Entangle effect. Bender Levels every round that it is trapped, no save.

Water Required: 900 gallons. The water you used in the

attack which initiated this one can count towards this of two points of ability damage and one point of ability
value. This water is not immediately recoverable. drain, and relieve them of the fatigue and exhaustion
conditions. This form only works on a target once per
Augment: hour.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
you increase the reflex save difficulty class by one. Water Required: 2 Pints, immediately recoverable.
- For every four points that you exceed the base difficulty
class, you can affect creatures one size larger. This requires Augment:
quadruple the amount of water for each size category - For every six points you use from your augment pool,
increase. you heal the target of two additional points of ability
damage and one additional point of ability drain.
Feel the Flow (Seed) - By using ten points of your augment pool, you heal the
Difficulty Class: 20 target of one negative level.
Components: Meditation - For every additional six points you use from your
Bending Time: Move action augment pool, you heal the target of one additional
Maintenance Action: Move action negative level.
Target: Self
Effect: Tremorsense Golem (Seed)
Duration: Concentration + 1 round. Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic, Meditation
You gain Tremorsense (30 ft.) in water. Creatures Bending Time: One round
attempting to hide from you can make a Swim check Maintenance Action: Full-round action
opposed by your Bending check. Range: 30 ft.
Effect: Create an aqueous creature
Augment: Duration: Concentration
- For every two points you use from your augment pool,
you gain another five feet of range to your tremorsense. You create a giant construct of water. It appears where you
- By using ten points of your augment pool,, you can designate and acts at your direction. The round that you
maintain this ability as a free action. cease maintenance, it collapses to the ground in a splash.

Healing Water (Seed) Golem statistics are listed in an appendix following this
Difficulty Class: Varies; see text chapter.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Full-round action Golems are not summoned, but made. They are not
Range: Touch subject to effects that hedge out or otherwise target
Target: Creature touched outsiders; they are constructs.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will half (harmless); see text. Water Required:
Size Category Volume in 5-ft cubes
This stance initiates two different forms. Medium or smaller 1
Large 4
Healing Wounds (DC 10): You lay your hands upon a
Huge 16
living creature and channel positive energy to them via
Gargantuan 64
water. You heal them of 1d6 points of damage, plus 1
point per Bender Level. A healed subject is relieved of the Colossal 256
fatigue and exhaustion conditions. This water is not immediately recoverable.

Water Required: 2 Pints, immediately recoverable. Augment:

- For every point that you exceed the difficulty class, your
Restore Body (DC 25): You lay your hands upon a living bender golem has an additional 3 hit points.
creature and channel positive energy to them via water, - For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
directing it to where it is needed most. You heal the target the level of the Golem increases by one.
Anyone damaged by Orca's Maw loses speed as though
Ice Shards (Seed) they had stepped on a caltrop.
Difficulty Class: 10
Components: Somatic, Meditation
- For every three points you use from your augment pool,
Bending Time: Standard action
you may affect one additional square with this activation.
Range: 60 ft.
- For every three points that you exceed the difficulty
Area: Four 5-ft. squares of ice (S)(Orca's Maw)
class, the Balance DC increases by one point.
Target: One creature (Crystal Rain)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (Orca's Maw)
Illusionary Mist (Seed)
This stance initiates two different forms. Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Crystal Rain: You strike at long range, creating a precise Bending Time: Standard action
cloud of shards which outline your target and pin them to Range: 60 ft.
a nearby surface. The target must be within five feet of a Area: 20-ft sphere of Fog, Thick Steam, or Mist
tree or other surface in which a thrown weapon could Duration: One hour, or until weather clears
stick, and must be wearing loose clothes or accessories. Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Make a ranged attack against the target and then win an
opposed grapple check (size modifiers apply; feats like The mist, fog or steam turns clumpier and hazier, taking
Improved Grapple do not. If you have the Ranged Pin shapes. The suggestible see what they want to see.
feat, you gain a +4 bonus on this check). To break free, the
victim must make a DC 15 Strength or Escape Artist check Creatures inside the affected area must make a Will Save
as a standard action. In temperate climes, ice melts on activation, and another every minute, or see creatures
sufficiently in 10 minutes. and objects that resemble whatever troubles them most or
they most desire at the moment. These illusions are purely
Water Required: Four Pints. This water is not immediately visual, and cannot mimic color, sound, smell, touch or
recoverable. taste - however, ambient noise and other environmental
clues may be mistaken for unclear versions of these
Augment: sensations, and unusually high levels of distress or
- For every five points you use from your augment pool, emotion may cause the affected to receive more coherent
you gain a +2 bonus to the grapple check and the Strength 'visions' or 'dreams'. All of these figments of imagination
and Escape Artist DC. are at least as far away as is necessary to have
concealment, and no further than the edge of total
Orca's Maw: Ice is a powerful weapon for you, and concealment. You have no control over what they see, and
anyone standing on an icy surface stands on your turf. you yourself are subject to the Illusionary Mist's effects if
With a motion, you can cause powerful spikes to erupt you are inside.
through the surface. You fill four five-foot squares of ice
with protruding spikes - anyone standing in the square Creatures who are aware they are in such a mist gain a +4
gets a Reflex save to avoid the attack. The square also to their Will Save, and creatures who see with other senses
becomes difficult terrain. People who pass through the are not fooled.
square use four squares of movement to avoid stepping
on the spikes and taking 1d4 piercing damage. Those Move Water (Fundamental Seed)
unconcerned by the spikes use two squares of movement
Difficulty Class: 5
to make it through.
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Move action
Subjects can make a Balance check to move at half speed
Maintenance Action: Move action
(DC 20), or full speed (DC 25) without taking damage. A
Range: 60 ft.
failure by 4 or less means they can't move any further for
Area: A 5-ft cube of water, ice, or a 10-ft cube of water
the round. A failure by 5 or more means they fall prone.
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (Object) or Reflex Initial Condition Temperature
negates. Glacial Ice -20° F
Ice 0° F
A 10-ft cube of water vapor can be broken up into or
Cold Water 30° F
recombined from eight 5-ft cubes at will and contains as
much water as a single 5-ft cube of liquid water. You shunt Water 90° F
each controlled cube of water up to ten feet in any Hot Water 140° F Water Vapor 80° F
direction. At the end of your action, you can release the Boiling Water 200° F Thin Mist 60° F
water, letting it fall or disperse, or you can hold it in place. Thick Steam 220° F Fog 50° F
Holding the water in place requires maintenance action.

With precise focus and gestures, you suddenly cause a

Size Category Volume in 5-ft cubes
spike or fall in water temperature and pressure, with the
Medium or smaller 1 appropriate results.
Large 8
Huge 64 Steps Changed At Once Base Difficulty Class
Gargantuan 512 1 Step 10
Colossal 4096 2 Steps 30
3 Steps 50
Appropriately sized water creatures such as elementals 4 Steps 70
can be moved with use of this seed. 5 Steps 90
6 Steps 110
Taking water out of elementals or primarily water objects
deals 1d6 damage per 5-ft cube of water you extract.
While altering the condition of the water one step at a
A 5-ft cube of water or 10-ft cube of vapor holds time is easy, a flash temperature change can be extremely
approximately 900 gallons and deals 1 damage when difficult.
dropped on someone, which requires a ranged attack roll.
The water disperses unevenly, preventing it from applying Normal air, except on very humid days, does not contain
its full pressure of its weight to a target. sufficient water to be affected. A 5-ft cube of liquid or solid
water changes into a 10-ft cube of gaseous water, and vice-
Augment: versa.
- For every two points that you increase the base difficulty
class, you can move one additional cube. If you attempt to freeze a creature, surround a creature in
- For every three points that you exceed the base difficulty boiling water or thick steam, or melt the ice out from
class, the distance you can move the water increases by underneath someone, they are allowed a Reflex save to
five feet. move to an adjacent clear space (including adjacent spaces
directly above and below them). If they do not have
sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent clear space
Phase Change (Fundamental Seed) (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the terrain in the
Difficulty Class: See Text space is difficult to pass through) but make their save,
Components: Somatic, Meditation they end up prone in the adjacent space.
Bending Time: Full-round action
Range: 30 ft. Boiling water or thick steam that completely surrounds a
Target: One 5-ft cube of water, ice, or a 10-ft cube of water creature deals 1d6 fire damage on the first round,
vapor per five bender levels (minimum 1). increasing by 1d6 a round to a maximum of 10d6.
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Reflex or Fortitude negates (object) Frozen creatures are considered helpless, take 1d4 non-
lethal cold damage a round and can break out to an
adjacent square with a DC 25 Strength or Escape Artist
check as a full-round action in normal ice, or a DC 35
Strength or Escape Artist check in glacial ice.
Quickly created ice is exceptionally frail. Ice has hardness
5 and 10 HP per cube. Glacial Ice has hardness 10 and 50 Water Required: 30 gallons per minute, not immediately
HP. It is impossible to attack someone frozen in ice recoverable. This water may already be present in the air
without destroying the ice around them. as vapor on a humid day, and does not need to be
extracted and condensed first.
Thin mist obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond
120 feet. A creature from 60 to 120 feet away has Augment:
concealment; any farther and they have total concealment. - For every five points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Fog and thick steam obscure all sight, including you can increase the radius by 5-ft.
darkvision, beyond 30 feet. A creature from 15 to 30 feet - By using ten points of your augment pool, you may
away has concealment; any farther and they have total create Hail instead of Heavy Snow. This hail deals 1d3
concealment. bludgeoning damage per round.

Water phases that are inappropriate to the environment Ice Storm: Great hailstones pound down, dealing 3d6
(such as hot steam or ice in a temperate area) return to points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of cold
normal. Every ten minutes, the water progresses one step damage to every creature in the area. A -4 penalty applies
back towards normal. A moderate wind (11+ mph) to each Listen check made within the ice storm's effect,
disperses vapor, mist and fog in 4 rounds; a strong wind and all land movement within its area is at half speed. The
disperses them in 1 round. snow remains on the ground until it melts normally,
requiring a DC 15 Balance check to move through.
Creatures are allowed a Fortitude save against this effect.
Affected creatures and rigid objects (such as a water tank) Water Required: 60 gallons per round, not immediately
take 1d8 damage per step altered in this way. recoverable.

Augment: Puppet (Seed)

- By using ten points of your augment pool, you may Difficulty Class: 20
perform Phase Change on or in a cube of water, ice or vapor Components: Somatic, Meditation
which you are standing inside without the use of Somatic Bending Time: One round
components; this is accomplished via breath control. Maintenance Action: Full-round action
- By using twenty points of your augment pool, you can Range: 30 ft.
instead target 20-ft cubes of normal, dry air, treating them Target: One Medium or smaller Water creature.
as 10-ft cubes of water vapor. Exceptionally arid air, such Duration: Concentration
as that in a desert, is unaffected. Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates

Precipitate (Seed) You can attempt to control a pre-existing creature with the
Difficulty Class: 30 [Water] subtype that is within range and to which you
Components: Somatic, Meditation have line of sight. You can force the subject to stand up, sit
Bending Time: Ten minutes (Weather Dance), one round down, walk, turn around, and so on, but operating the
(Ice Storm) vocal cords is too difficult. You can also hold the subject
Maintenance Action: Full-round action immobile, rendering it helpless. You cannot force the
Area: Cylinder emanation (90-ft. radius, 40 ft. high) subject to manifest powers, cast spells, bend, or use any
Effect: Heavy Precipitation and Hail centered above you special ability that is not a function of just its body
Duration: Concentration + one round movements. If you lose line of sight to the subject, the
effect of this power ends.
This stance initiates two different forms.
If you force the subject to engage in combat, its attack
Weather Dance: You bring down a curtain of water in the bonus is equal to your base attack bonus + your Wisdom
area. If the water temperature is 40° F or higher, you get bonus, and its bonus on damage rolls is equal to your
rain. If it is already raining, or the temperature is colder, Wisdom bonus. A subject of this power cannot make
you may instead create sleet or snow. After ten minutes of attacks of opportunity. The subject gains no benefit to
snow, the heavy snow effect comes into play. (See the Armor Class from its Dexterity, but it does gain a bonus to
Dungeon Master's Guide, 'Rain, Snow, Sleet and Hail'). its AC equal to your Wisdom bonus.
Although the subject's body is under your control, the Watercraft Size Speed Retention
subject's mind is not. Creatures capable of taking purely Large or smaller 100%
mental actions (such as manifesting powers, or bending
Huge 50%
without Somatic components) can do so.
Gargantuan 25%

Every round past the first that you maintain this seed, you Colossal 15%
take a cumulative -1 penalty to all bending checks.
One round after you cease to focus on the currents, they
Augment: begin returning to their natural state as the environment
- For every four points you use from your augment pool, dictates.
you can affect one creature one size category larger.
- For every eight points you use from your augment pool, Augment:
you can control an additional creature at once. - By using five points of your augment pool,, you can
generate a surfboard made out of ice to ride on while you
use this form. The surfboard counts as a watercraft of your
Riptide (Seed)
size category. While riding the surfboard, you may make a
Difficulty Class: See Text
Balance check every round to stay on your surfboard
Components: Meditation
according to the current's DC; you gain a bonus to this
Bending Time: One round
check equal to your bending modifier. If successful, you
Maintenance Action: Full-round action
ride the current at full speed.
Range: 60 ft.
- By using ten points of your augment pool, you can
Area: Cone-shaped spread of water
change this form's area to a 20-ft radius centered on you.
Duration: Concentration + one round
You cannot propel yourself with this usage.
You begin to change the currents in a 60-ft. cone in front of
you. These currents act like wind of the corresponding Shape Water (Fundamental Seed)
strength, at half speed. (Table: Wind Effects in the Difficulty Class: 5
Dungeon Master's Guide.) You may choose to make these Components: Somatic, Meditation
currents as strong - or as gentle - as you are capable of Bending Time: See text.
controlling. If the currents already present in the area are Maintenance Action: Move action
stronger than you can control, this form fails. Range: 30 ft.
Target: A 5-ft cube of water or ice
Water Strength Base DC Movement/Round Duration: Concentration (Water), Instantaneous (Ice)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object, harmless)
Light 0 20 ft.
Moderate 5 45 ft. You manipulate the basic shape of water or ice to look like
Strong 10 70 ft. something else (such as a sculpture), though specific detail
Severe 20 110 ft. is very hard. The Craft skill determines the exact quality
Rapids 35 165 ft. of the object created. Simple sculpture that can be created
with a Craft check of 10 or less can be made with a full-
Riptide 55 380 ft.
round action; however, for every 5 points the Craft DC
Whirlpool 80 -
increases, this form requires one additional round to
You can let the reaction force from these strong currents
push you backwards, though you must make a Swim When you stop concentrating on liquid water, it returns to
check equal to the bending difficulty class to stay afloat. its natural shape.
You also must make Concentration checks at the current's
DC in order to not lose the form. Waterbenders often use Sculpted ice has 15 Hardness and 5 Hit Points per inch of
this ability more comfortably from boat or ship decks to thickness.
propel the craft along, or to calm the currents ahead.
Watercraft receive a certain percentage of the speed Craft (Weaponsmithing) and Craft (Fletching) can be used
increase based on their size. with Shape Water to make weaponry and ammunition out
of ice. This weaponry deals damage as a normal weapon
of its kind, +1d4 cold damage, but is extremely brittle.
Weaponry made out of ice has 10 Hardness and 1 HP. subject in that direction. If they are knocked back at least
Ammunition and thrown weapons made of ice always ten feet, they are knocked prone.
break upon usage. Unless the ambient temperature is
below freezing, the weaponry becomes useless in ten Subjects affected take 4d6 bludgeoning or piercing
minutes, faster in hot conditions. damage (your option) every round that they remain in the
stream, and are considered checked (unable to move
One 5-ft cube creates material for eight medium-sized forward) against movement in that direction. If trapped
weapons, or up to four hundred pieces of ammunition. against a wall or other solid surface by Spout, they are
considered to be checked against movement in all
Appropriately sized water creatures such as elementals directions. If suspended in mid-air by Spout, subjects do
can be altered with use of this seed, though it does not not take on-going damage. Every round, the subjects are
hinder them in any way: granted a new Reflex save to escape to an adjacent space.

Size Category Volume in 5-ft cubes As a free action, you may instead opt for Spout to fire at
Medium or smaller 1 lower pressure; in this case, it deals no damage and
creatures in the spout's path are gently pushed to the end
Large 8
of the line's effect. If you originate this attack from your
Huge 64
square and shoot upwards, for example, you can propel
Gargantuan 512 yourself upwards twenty feet.
Colossal 4096
You can only move or bull rush a creature if at least half of
Augment: the squares they occupy on one face are covered by water
- For every point that you exceed the base difficulty class, spouts. Attacking through a spout in either direction
you can shape one additional cube. grants total concealment.

Water Required: 450 Gallons per 5 ft. segment. Not

Spout (Seed)
immediately recoverable.
Difficulty Class: 20
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Standard action
- For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Maintenance Action: Move action
you deal an additional 1d6 damage with one cylinder.
Range: 60 ft.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
Area: Cylindrical burst (5-ft radius, 20 ft. long) originating
the length of your cylinders increase by 10 ft.
within 20 feet.
- For every fourteen points you use from your augment
Effect: Horizontal or vertical line of rushing water.
pool, you can create and maintain an additional cylinder.
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Steady Stance (Seed)
Target a single square within 20 feet (including your own.) Difficulty Class: 10
You shoot huge amounts of water originating from that Components: Somatic, Meditation
square. Creatures caught in Spout are allowed a Reflex Bending Time: Standard action
save to move to an adjacent space safely. If they do not Range: 20 ft.
have sufficient movement to make it to an adjacent clear Target: A creature standing on the ground.
space (such as if their move speed is 0 ft, or the terrain in Effect: Encase creatures' feet in solid ice.
the space is difficult to pass through) but make their save, Duration: Instantaneous
they end up prone in the adjacent space. Saving Throw: Reflex negates

When fired and while maintained, Spout initiates a bull You coat the creature's feet in solid ice, simultaneously
rush with every creature in its area; it is considered to be a stabilizing and trapping them. The target creature gains a
creature of Medium size. You gain a bonus to this bull +2 bonus to their reactive Balance, Trip, Bull Rush and
rush check equal to your Bender Level. You gain a +2 Grapple checks, but must make a Strength or Escape
synergy bonus and an additional attempt for every Artist check (DC 15) to break free as a standard action.
additional Spout simultaneously trying to push the Alternatively, they may attack the ice with a melee
weapon as a full-round action. The ice has an AC of 5, - For every four points you use from your augment pool,
hardness of 10, and hit points equal to your twice your you can make and control another tentacle.
bender level. Waterbenders affected by this seed may - For every four points you use from your augment pool,
simply dismiss the ice as a move action. you can increase the damage done by all tentacles as
though they had improved one size category.
Water Required: 2 Gallons per Small or Medium leg. This - For every six points you use from your augment pool,
water is immediately recoverable if it is in your space. you can make each tentacle a single size larger, granting it
an additional +5 ft. reach, +8 Strength, and improved
Augment: damage, reduced attack and Armor Class and all other
- For every point that you exceed the difficulty class, the appropriate changes in qualities due to size. This octuples
ice has an additional 2 hit points. (multiplies by a factor of eight) the water required.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
the creature gains an additional +2 bonus on those checks, Octopus (DC 15): You create three tentacles around
and the Strength and Escape Artist DC increase by +1. yourself, occupying your own square. Each of these
tentacles grant you a Slam attack as a natural weapon.
Tentacle (Seed) These Slam attacks have reach equal to your natural reach
plus 5 feet. They deal 1d8 damage and you add your
Difficulty Class: See Text
Wisdom modifier as a bonus to attack rolls with these
Components: Somatic, Meditation
weapons. The tentacles can attack, trip or disarm, but not
Bending Time: Full-round action
grapple or sunder.
Maintenance Action: Standard action
Range: 60 ft. (Tentacle), 0 ft. (Octopus)
When making a tentacle full-attack, you may opt to forego
Area: One or more 5-ft squares (Tentacle)
one or more Slam attacks; for each such attack you avoid
Effect: Create one or more 5-ft long tentacles
using, you gain the ability to block two attacks as though
Duration: Three rounds + concentration.
you had the Deflect Attack class feature, with the addition
that you are able to deflect both Ranged and Melee
This stance initiates two different forms, and can be
attacks. The attack to be deflected can be one made
performed with the feet if necessary.
against you or any allied creature in your threat range. If
you already possess Deflect Attack, the two sources stack
Tentacle (DC 10): You create a five-foot-long tentacle of
for Deflect attempts. Only your first Deflect attempt of the
water in the targeted square. This tentacle is a Medium-
round requires an immediate action.
sized object with 0 hardness, HP equal to twice your
Bender Level, and has fast healing equal to your Bender
Maintaining the form and directing tentacles to attack is a
standard action. For every round past the third that you
maintain this form, you take a cumulative -1 penalty to all
The tentacle has a single Slam attack that deals 1d8
bending checks.
damage, with a Strength score equal to your Wisdom
score, and with a base attack bonus equal to your Bender
Water Required: 4 Gallons per tentacle. This water is not
Level. It has no other ability scores. It has no move speed,
immediately recoverable.
and uses your saves when necessary. It also can make trip
and disarm attacks, gaining the benefit of any related feats
you possess.
- For every three points you use from your augment pool,
you can make and control another tentacle when you
Maintaining the form and directing tentacles to attack is a
activate this form.
full-round action. For every round past the third that you
- For every six points you use from your augment pool,
maintain this form, you take a -1 cumulative penalty to all
you can make all tentacles stronger and longer when you
bending checks as the water becomes more and more
activate this form, granting them an additional +5 ft. reach
difficult to maneuver.
and +8 Strength. This octuples (multiplies by a factor of
eight) the water required.
Water Required: 4 Gallons per tentacle. This water is not
- By using ten points of your augment pool, your tentacles
immediately recoverable.
are able to initiate grapple attacks, and you gain the
Improved Grab special attack with your tentacles; when one
strikes a creature one or more size categories smaller than
the tentacle, it may immediately initiate a grapple attack
as a free action. Augment:
- For every five points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Water Blast (Fundamental Seed) the shield bonus to Armor Class increases by 1.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
Difficulty Class: 5
you can create an additional shield for an ally within
Components: Somatic
Bending Time: Ranged attack
Range: 60 ft.
Aqua Shell (DC 25): You create a 10-ft.-radius dome or
Effect: Ray
sphere of water around your body, allowing for 360°
Duration: Instantaneous
protection. Attacks going through the water from either
Saving Throw: None
direction suffer from concealment due to the shifting,
spinning water, and the water acts as a curtain for
The first offensive ability you learn as a waterbender.
purposes of blocking line of effect. However, any creature
Whenever you would be granted a ranged attack, you
can simply push through the water and enter.
may use a Water Blast instead, including as part of a full
attack action, or feats like Shot on the Run. Each Water
Water Required: 60 Gallons. This water is not immediately
Blast deals 1d6 piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage
at your option, depending on the composition of the
water. This attack deals 1d6 damage, increasing by an
additional 1d6 damage for every five Bender Levels that
- By using five points of your augment pool, you can
you have.
increase the radius by five feet.
- For every four points that you exceed the difficulty class,
Water Required: 1 Pint, not immediately recoverable.
the miss chance due to concealment increases by 5%, to a
maximum of 50%.
- For every ten points that you exceed the base difficulty
class, this attack can make one 90° turn to reach its target, Water Whip (Seed)
though this does not grant you the ability to see around Difficulty Class: 10
walls or other obstructions. Components: Somatic
- By using five points of your augment pool, you can Bending Time: Move action
perform this form as part of a standard melee attack on Maintenance Action: Free action
the same target, provided you have a quantity of water in Range: 0 ft.
your hands, such as with a block of ice or a Water Whip. Effect: Whip-like tendril of water.
Duration: Concentration
Water Shield (Seed)
Difficulty Class: Varies; see text. You create a thick tendril of water that wraps itself around
Components: Somatic your arm and into your hand. You can use this water as a
Bending Time: Standard action weapon, and are considered to be proficient with it. The
Maintenance Action: Move action Water Whip has all the features of a normal whip for your
Range: 30 ft. size category except that it deals lethal damage on a
Target: You successful hit regardless of a target's armor, only has a 10-
Effect: 10-ft.-radius sphere centered on you (Aqua Shell) ft reach, is a light weapon, and threatens its area.
Duration: Concentration
The Water Whip has 0 hardness, HP equal to twice your
This stance initiates two different forms. bending level, and has fast healing equal to your Bender
Level. It lasts until it is destroyed or you let go of it.
Disk (DC 10): You create a thin but sturdy, tower shield-
sized mobile disk of water in front of you. This disk grants Water Required: One gallon, or eight pints. This water is
you a +4 shield bonus to Armor Class, and does not immediately recoverable.
impose an armor check penalty.
Water Required: 3 Gallons, immediately recoverable.
- For every four points that you exceed the base difficulty
class, you gain an additional +2 bonus to trip or disarm
attempts made with the whip.
- For every five points you use from your augment pool,
the whip gains an additional 5' reach.

Wave (Seed)
Difficulty Class: 15
Components: Somatic, Meditation
Bending Time: Full-round action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: Eight adjacent 5-ft cubes of liquid water.
Duration: 1 round

You create a giant, fast-moving tidal wave by augmenting

natural fluctuations. You pick any mass of water within
range and send it crashing forward 5 feet per Bender
Level; even if the wave extends past your control or enters
an anti-magic field, it keeps going due to momentum.
Wave can make two 45° turns, but no more.

Wave initiates a bull rush with every creature it runs into,

using your Wisdom score in place of a Strength score, and
is considered to be a large creature; if the wave fails the
bull rush and the target creature is smaller than it, it is
considered to have overrun the creature instead. You gain
a bonus to this bull rush check equal to your Bender Level.
If the targeted creature was the same size category as the
wave or larger, the wave stops there.

If Wave runs into a friendly creature (including you), you

may opt to let them ride the wave at its crest until the
wave ends, where they will be gently set down.

All creatures and objects hit by the wave take 1d6 points
of bludgeoning damage.

Water Required: 900 Gallons per 5-ft cube, not immediately


- For every six points that you exceed the difficulty class,
you deal an additional 1d6 damage.
- For every three points you use from your augment pool,
you grant the wave a +1 bonus to its bull rush modifier.
- For every ten points you use from your augment pool,
you can increase the wave's size category by 1, moving
eight times as many cubes of water. This increases its
Strength by four points and gives it an additional four
points to its Bull Rush modifier, for an overall increase of
six points.
Saves and cannot see on its own – the master must be able
GOLEM, BENDER to see what the golem is fighting, or the golem is
Bender golems are not independent creatures – they are considered to be blind. Its ability scores are based on the
constructs made and directed by a waterbender or creator's, and it gains a Base Attack Bonus equal to a
earthbender, formed out of the elements of life. The skill Fighter of the bender's level. Unlike most creatures, the
of the water or earthbender determines the general power bender golem can use its extra attacks from high Base
of the Bender golem. Attack Bonus with its Slam Attack.
Due to this link, a bender golem that ever strays out of
COMBAT range from its master (usually 60 ft) immediately
Bender golems act only as directed by their creators, and
do not appear independently of them.
A bender golem looks like a giant, vaguely humanoid CREATING A BENDER GOLEM
creature made of water, snow, ice, rock, lava, metal or When activating the Golem form, the bender assembles
sand (as appropriate to the bender), but the bender can the desired creature from a menu of choices, as specified
twist or carve one into a specific shape or design in the golem's statistics block. A bender can always
according to his or her whim. The quality of this sculpture substitute two choices from a lesser menu for one of its
is determined by a Craft (Sculpture) check. given abilities. Multiple selections of the same menu
A result of 10 to 19 creates a creature that is recognizably choice do not stack unless the ability specifically notes
similar to the desired creature shape; a result of 20 to 29 that stacking is allowed.
creates a golem that looks like an accurate portrayal of A bender golem does not need to meet the prerequisites
that creature type; a result of 30 or higher creates a golem for a feat granted by a menu choice.
that looks like a specific individual. No matter how high
the check result, though, a bender golem's appearance
can't hide the fact that it's a giant mass of elements. Bender Golem Menu A
A bender creating a 1st-level, 2nd-level, or 3rd-level
Construct Traits bender golem can only choose special abilities from this
A bender golem has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind- Buff (Ex): The bender golem gains an extra 5 hit points.
affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, This trait may be selected more than once.
patterns, and morale effects), and any effect that requires a Celerity (Ex): The bender golem’s land speed is
Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is increased by 10 feet. This trait may be selected more than
harmless. It is not subject to critical hits, nonlethal once.
damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion,
Cleave (Ex): The bender golem gains the Cleave feat.
or energy drain. It cannot heal damage, but it can be
repaired by magic. Combat Reflexes (Ex): The bender golem gains the
Combat Reflexes feat.

Special Abilities Deflection (Ex): The bender golem gains a +1 deflection

bonus to Armor Class. This trait may be selected more
When the bender begins to activate the Golem form, he or than once.
she chooses one or more special abilities from a menu of
abilities appropriate to that level of aquatic golem. He Improved Bull Rush (Ex): The bender golem gains the
may choose a number of Menu A traits equal to the Improved Bull Rush feat.
Golem's level plus one. Improved Size (Ex): The bender golem increases to
Medium Size. This improves its slam damage, may grant
it reach, and adds the appropriate modifiers to Armor
Master's Traits Class, Disarm, Trip, Bull Rush and Attack and as a
Most of a bender golem's traits mimic its controllers'. It construct it also gains bonus health due to size (+10 Small,
shares the same value for Hit Dice, HP, Initiative, and +20 Medium, +30 Large, +40 Huge).
Improved Slam Attack (Ex): The bender golem gains the Fast Healing (Ex): The bender golem heals 2 hit points
Improved Natural Attack feat. (1d4 → 1d6 → 1d8 → 2d6 → each round as long as it remains in contact with its related
3d6) element. It is still immediately destroyed when it reaches 0
hit points. This trait may be selected more than once,
Mobility (Ex): The bender golem gains the Mobility feat.
increasing the fast healing value by 2 each time.
Power Attack (Ex): The bender golem gains the Power
Greater Size (Ex): The bender golem increases to Large
Attack feat.
Size. This improves its slam damage, may grant it reach,
Resistance (Ex): Choose one of the following energy and adds the appropriate modifiers to Armor Class,
types: fire, cold, acid, electricity, or sonic. The bender Disarm, Trip, Bull Rush and Attack and as a construct it
golem gains resistance 5 against that energy type. This also gains bonus health due to size (+10 Small, +20
trait may be selected more than once, but for a different Medium, +30 Large, +40 Huge).
type each time.
Heavy Deflection (Ex): The bender golem gains a +4
Stand Still (Ex): The bender golem gains the Stand Still deflection bonus to Armor Class. Only bender golems
feat. Only earthbenders' golems can have this trait. made out of water, snow or sand may have this trait. This
Swim (Ex): The bender golem is streamlined and shark- trait may be selected more than once.
like, and gains a swim speed of 30 feet. Only Improved Buff (Ex): The bender golem gains an extra 20
waterbenders' golems can have this trait. hit points. This trait may be selected more than once.
Trip (Ex): If the bender golem hits with a slam attack, it Improved Critical (Ex): The bender golem gains the
can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without Improved Critical feat with its slam attacks.
making a touch attack or provoking attacks of
Improved Damage Reduction (Ex): The bender golem’s
opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react
surface forms a hard carapace and provides damage
to trip the bender golem.
reduction 3/-. Only bender golems made out of ice, metal
or rock may have this trait.
Bender Golem Menu B Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the construct
A bender creating a 4th-level, 5th-level, or 6th-level must hit with its slam attack. A construct can use this
bender golem can choose special abilities from this menu. ability only on a target that is at least one size smaller than
They are purchased at twice the rate of Menu A abilities. itself. Only waterbenders' golems can have this trait.

Burning Touch (Ex): The golem's fists end in molten Improved Swim: The bender golem is streamlined and
rock, hot sand, or boiling steam, allowing it to deal an shark-like, and gains a swim speed of 60 feet. Only
extra 1d8 points of fire damage with a successful Slam waterbenders' golems can have this trait.
attack. Muscle (Ex): The bender golem gains a +4 bonus to its
Extra Attack (Ex): The bender golem gains an additional Strength score. This trait may be selected more than once.
slam attack at its highest base attack bonus when it makes Pounce (Ex): If the bender golem charges a foe, it can
a full attack. make a full attack.
Earth Glide (Ex): The bender golem can move through Smite (Su): Once per encounter the bender can declare
any sort of unworked earth at its land speed. Only an any one bender golem attack to be a smite, which deals
earthbender's golem may have this trait. extra damage equal to its Hit Dice. This trait may be
selected more than once, granting an additional smite per
Trample (Ex): As a standard action during its turn each
round, a bender golem can literally run over an opponent
at least one size smaller than itself. It merely has to move
over the opponent to deal bludgeoning damage equal to
1d8 + its Strength modifier. The target can attempt a
Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ bender golem’s Hit Dice + bender
golem’s Strength modifier) to negate the damage, or it can
instead choose to make an attack of opportunity at a -4
Bender Golem Menu C Bender Golem
Size/Type Small Construct [Water or Earth]
A bender creating a 7th-level or stronger bender golem
Hit Dice/HP As Bender's+10
can choose special abilities from this menu. They are
purchased at twice the rate of Menu B abilities. Initiative As Bender's
Speed 30 ft. (6)
Constrict (Ex): The bender golem has the improved grab Swim (15 ft) (if Water)
ability with its slam attack. In addition, on a successful Climb (20 ft) (if Earth)
grapple check, the bender golem deals damage equal to its Burrow (15 ft) (if Earth)
slam damage. Only a waterbender's golem may have this Armor Class +5 Natural Armor
trait. +1 Size
Base Attack See above
Extra Buff (Ex): The bender golem gains an extra 60 hit
points. This trait may be selected more than once. Attack Slam (1d4)
Space/Reach 5 ft.
Extreme Damage Reduction (Ex): The bender golem’s
surface forms hard, armor-like plates and provides an Special Qualities See above
additional 6/- points of damage reduction. Only bender Saves As Bender's
golems made out of ice, metal or rock may have this trait. Abilities Str: Bender's Wis
This trait may be selected more than once. Dex: Bender's Int
Con: Ø
Extreme Deflection (Ex): The bender golem gains a +10 Int: Ø
deflection bonus to Armor Class. Only bender golems Wis: 10
Cha: 10
made out of water, snow or sand may have this trait. This
trait may be selected more than once.
Extreme Size (Ex): The bender golem increases to Huge
size. This improves its slam damage, may grant it reach,
and adds the appropriate modifiers to Armor Class,
Disarm, Trip, Bull Rush and Attack, and as a construct it
also gains bonus health due to size (+10 Small, +20
Medium, +30 Large, +40 Huge).
Rend (Ex): The bender golem makes claw attacks instead
of slam attacks (it deals the same amount of damage as it
would with its slam damage, but does slashing damage
instead of bludgeoning damage). A bender golem that hits
the same opponent with two claw attacks in the same
round rends its foe, which deals extra damage equal to
2d6 + 1½ times its Strength modifier. Only an
earthbender's golem may have this trait.
Spring Attack (Ex): The bender golem gains the Spring
Attack feat.
Tremorsense (Ex): The bender golem has tremorsense
out to 60 feet and the bender can see through it. If a
waterbender's golem has this trait, the tremorsense only
functions in water.
Whirlwind Attack (Ex): The bender golem gains the
Whirlwind Attack feat.
Bending Skill (Wis; Special)
Check: You can teach others how to bend forms
unfamiliar to them, accelerating their growth.

DC Task

Form's Bending DC + 10 Instruct a bender in the use of this

form, granting them a +3 insight
he forms available to a bonus to their bending check to
bender largely, but do not learn it when they are next able to
solely define who they are acquire a new form (such as via a
feat, or by level in a bender class).
as both people and combat
This bonus lasts for one week.
entities. This chapter looks at feats, skills and items that
benders can utilize to enhance their abilities.
Action: Four hours of uninterrupted practice.

NEW SKILL USES Try Again: Once per day. Multiple successes (even from
multiple instructors) do not stack.

Below is one additional use for the Bending skill

introduced in this supplement, as well as two new usages Martial Lore (Int; Trained Only)
for the Martial Lore skill (introduced in Tome of Battle) to Check: You can identify forms and disciplines used by a
adapt it for use in a Bending campaign. combatant, or scribe forms you have learned to perform.
You do not have to make this check for forms that you
yourself have learned; you recognize them automatically.
DC Task

Bending DC Identify a form being performed by NEW FEATS

someone you can see. No action
required. No retry.

Bending DC Scribe a form you know into a

Bending Scroll. (See Equipment
chapter). One try per day per form. Dexterous Combatant
Requires one hour.
Your fighting style emphasizes grace and agility to
20+Target's Bender Level Identify all forms known by a confuse and weaken your foe.
particular creature by watching it
for one minute. No action required. Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+, Weapon Finesse
Retry every ten minutes.
Benefit: You may substitute your Dexterity modifier for
Action: Varies, as noted above. your Strength modifier on trip, grapple and disarm
Try Again: Varies, as noted above.

Eternal Flame
Your inner fire seems to never die.
Prerequisites: Burning Rush class feature, Inner Flames.
Benefit: Your Burning Rush ability lasts an additional
two rounds. If you bend the Inner Flame form before it
ends, the speed increase lasts until you cease maintaining
Inner Flame.

Extra Form
Through much training, you have managed to learn an
additional form.
Benefit: When you first take this feat, you gain Martial
Lore as a class skill for all your classes (current and
Select any form from any discipline which you currently
have access to. (Unless you have taken the Open-Minded
feat, you only have access to one discipline.) Provided
your bending skill is high enough, you learn the form.
Your first forms learned of any discipline must be the
fundamental forms of that path; all of a discipline's
fundamental forms count as a single seed for the purposes
of learning them.
If you have not taken a level of any bending classes prior
to taking this feat for the first time, you are considered to
be a member of the class associated with the form's
discipline for purposes of determining discipline access.
Special: You may take this feat three times. Each time, it
applies to a different form.
Special: A Fighter may select this feat as a bonus feat.
Haymaker Benefit: Whenever you are able to learn new bending
forms, you may learn them from any of the four
Your unarmed style emphasizes double-hand strikes, disciplines. Your first forms learned of a discipline must
cross chops and lunging kicks. When you hit, you hurt be the fundamental forms of that path; all of a discipline's
things. fundamental forms count as a single seed for the purposes
Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike, of learning them. You may take this feat even if you
Power Attack cannot yet bend.

Benefit: You may treat any of your unarmed strikes as a Special: Characters with the Avatar template start out
two-handed weapon whenever it is advantageous to; they with this feat for free. In most circumstances, you need a
still are considered light weapons for the purpose of two- teacher to help you start the path of another discipline.
weapon fighting. Special: In a canon setting, this feat should be highly
Special: A Fighter may select this feat as one of his restricted.
bonus feats.

Form Specialization
After extensive practice, you have learned to master a
particular form and use it with more ease than most.
Benefit: Pick a form that you currently know. You gain a As mentioned briefly in the Bending Overview, all Bending
Forms are considered to be sets of Supernatural Abilities.
+4 bonus to all skill checks relevant to that form.
This means that feats which improve Supernatural
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each Abilities are considered to affect them. You can find a
number of these feats in the book Tome of Magic.
time, it applies to a different form.
For the purposes of the Ability Focus feat in the
Monster Manual as well as the Weapon Focus feat tree,
Intuitive Attack each bending discipline counts as a single special attack.

Seeing with your mind's eye you know where to strike at

any given moment.
Benefit: You may use your Wisdom modifier in place of
Rock Smash
your Strength modifier on attack rolls with melee Watching and waiting for your opportunity to strike, you
weapons. know exactly when the opponent is at their most brittle –
when they're about to act.

Intuitive Reflexes Prerequisites: Rock Steady class feature, Headcracker.

You do not just react quickly, but intuitively. Benefit: When you ready an action to damage an
opponent under a specific condition, you gain a bonus on
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13+, Combat Reflexes your attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier, and a
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks bonus to your damage equal to your character level.
of opportunity equal to your Wisdom bonus.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as a bonus feat. A Superior Reflexes
monk may select this feat as her 2nd level bonus feat in
place of Combat Reflexes, even if she does not meet the You have mastered the art of reaction.
prerequisites. Prerequisites: Wisdom 15+, Dexterity 15+, Intuitive
Benefit: You may make as many attacks of opportunity
Open-Minded in a round as your opponents provoke from you.

You have opened your mind to all the possibilities that the
world contains. You do not merely accept or tolerate ideas Whirling Circle
different from your own, you merge them into your When you circle back your opponent's energy, you twist
consciousness and they become part of you. unpredictably and erratically. The resulting attack sends
them off-kilter and leaves you ready to fire more.
Prerequisites: Circular Attack class feature, Combat NEW EQUIPMENT
Benefit: If your Circular Attack is a critical threat and
hits, the critical is always confirmed.
Bending Scrolls
Windfall Ancient scrolls transcribed by masters long past, bending
scrolls contain the secrets of their arts. Finding a bending
Press your luck when you're in dire straits. No better time
scroll is a great boon to player characters; after a character
to do it.
has studied it for at least four hours, it adds a +2 insight
Prerequisites: Defensive Roll class feature, Improved bonus to their bending check for the purposes of learning
Trip. the form inscribed on the scroll. (Effectively allowing
Benefit: When you successfully use your Defensive Roll, them to learn a form two levels before they normally
you may immediately make a trip attempt Attack of could.)
Opportunity against your attacker. The target may not While a bending scroll is highly valuable to some
make a reactive attempt against you if you fail. benders, those that have a competent master find them to
Special: If you have the Evasive Reflexes feat, you may be mere curiosities at best. Nothing replaces hands-on
take a 5-foot step instead of an attack of opportunity. instruction. And of course, non-benders simply can't make
any use of them. As a result, they have no set value.
Price: - (One scroll)

Channeling Gauntlets
These simple but elegant gauntlets are made of fine lion
turtle leather and plated on the back for defense. A single
crystal colored appropriate to an element rests between
the knuckles on the back of each hand.
A long gone artifact of the time the spirits first crossed
over into our world, it greatly improves one's ability to
fight with basic bending abilities, and caused the
overhunting of the lion turtles. When worn by a bender of
the appropriate element, it grants an enhancement bonus
of +2 to +8 on attack (but not damage) rolls with unarmed
attacks and bending attacks, including attack rolls made
by objects created by the bender. This object should not be
used in a canon Avatar World campaign.
Faint evocation; CL or ML 5th; Craft Wondrous/Universal to its spiritual link, but only a trained waterbender can
Item, true strike/offensive precognition, resist energy/energy utilize it. When a pint is used as part of the Healing Waters
ray, creator's caster or manifester level must be at least form, lost limbs are restored and scars are healed. It can
three times the gauntlets' bonus, requires dragonhide or even restore the dead to life; when used on a character
equivalent leather. that has died within the last hour, she begins a long
process of resurrection.
Price: 3,700 gp (+2), 12,700 gp (+4), 27,700 gp (+6), 48,700
gp (+8).
As long as she is attended to daily (as long-term care
Weight: 1 lb. with the Heal skill) for the next 1d4 weeks, she will return
to life with all limbs restored, and no lost or negative
levels. Spirit Oasis Water cannot resurrect someone whose
Spirit Oasis Water body has been disintegrated or otherwise destroyed
Water blessed by the spirits, distilled in the freezing ice beyond recognition.
caps. This water has a number of curative properties due
Price: 5,000 gp. (One pint.)

Benders and Monk Feats..............................................................................................................................................................................................8
Money & Magic...........................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Blue Fire.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................42
Supernatural Feats......................................................................................................................................................................................................64

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