Ptu Fcpit Dec09

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Roll No.

Total No. of Questions : 091 [Total No. of Pages: 02

B.Tech. (Sem. - lstlznd)

SUBJECTCODE : CS - rcl QK4 & on wards)
PaperID : [AOf18]
[Note:'Pleasefill subjectcodeand paperID on OMR]

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

Instruetionto Candidates:
1) Section- A is Cernpmlsony'.
2) " Attemptany Five questionsfrom B & C.
3) Selectatleasttwo questions fromB & C. " .\'a.d
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Section- A
(Marks : 2 each)

a) Write the full form of : (i) OBR, (ii) MICR. Give one application of

b) Describe the structureof program in C++.

c) Write the full form ofASCII. What is its application?

d) Explain the term "online help".

e) Discuss Goto and Find command in MS word (pull down menu of

Edit command).

0 What are different types of constantsin C++.

g) Statetwo differencesin LAN and WAN.

h) Discussif-else statementin C+-r.

i) What are relational operatorsin C++?

) What are main differencesin while and do-while loop?

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Section- B
(Marks: geach)

Q2) (a) Discuss functions of ALU in computer.

(b) Write shortnote on : (i) HDD, (ii) RAM.

Q3) Discuss:
(a) Format paragraph.
(b) Format font in MS word

Q4) Discusscontrol panelin windows and explainhow it helpsto :

(l) Add hardware.
(b) Add software.
(c) Date and time setting of computer.

QS) (a) What are the differencesbetween.DOC and .TEX file?

(b) What do you meanby ping. Stateits applications?

Section - C
(Marks : 8 each)

Q6) (a) What are three main componentsof a function definition?

(b) What do you understandby operator overloading?

Q7) (a) Discusswith examplehow breakkey word'functionsin C++ program.

(b) What arethe fundamentalrules ofnaming identifiers in C++?

Q8) Take an array of 10 numbers. Write a program to reversethis array of


Q9) Differentiatebetween: (i) void ram(int,taco,int, ntaco)and (ii) void

rdm(int, *taco. int*ntaco).What happensif variablenamein (i) is
modified?What about(ii) and why this happens?


J-1070 2

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